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Una inspiración para cada día

by Robin Sharma

En Una inspiración para cada día, Robin Sharma destila los conceptos más reveladores y significativos de su best seller El monje que vendió su Ferrari y de los títulos que siguieron a este éxito internacional, y los reúne en un calendario perpetuo de fácil lectura, diseñado para convertir en extraordinario cada uno de los días de nuestra vida.Un obra que se convertirá en un compañero vitalicio en tu camino hacia la excelencia.

Lecciones sobre la vida del monje que vendió su Ferrari

by Robin Sharma

«Cuando naciste, llorabas mientras el mundo se regocijaba. Vive la vida de manera que cuando mueras el mundo llore mientras tú te regocijas.»Antiguo proverbio sánscrito¿Ha removido algo en su interior esa perla de sabiduría? ¿Siente que la vida se le escapa tan deprisa que nunca tendrá la oportunidad de vivir con la intensidad, la felicidad y la alegría que usted sabe que merece? ¿Cree que ha dilapidado su vida corriendo en pos del éxito en vez de llenarla de significados profundos? Si es así, esta especialísima obra del gurú del liderazgo Robin Sharma,cuya serie de El monje que vendió su Ferrari ha transformado la vida de miles de personas, será la luz que le abrirá las puertas deuna nueva manera de vivir. En este manual, ameno y lleno de sabiduría, Robin Sharma ofrece 101 sencillas soluciones a los problemas más complejos de la vida, desde un poco conocido método para combatir el estrés y la preocupación hasta un modo eficacísimo de disfrutar de la vida, al tiempo que se crea un legado perdurable. «Honra tu pasado», «Empieza bien el día», «Ve tus problemas como bendiciones» y «Descubre tu vocación» son otros ejemplos de cómo Sharma aborda la necesidad del cambio.

Manifest per als herois de cada dia: Activa el positivisme, maximitza la productivitat, serveix el món

by Robin Sharma

ARA ÉS EL TEU MOMENT / AQUESTA ÉS LA TEVA GUIA Durant més de vint-i-cinc anys, Robin Sharma, el llegendari expert en lideratge i en excel·lència, ha ensenyat discretament a titans dels negocis, a colossos de l'esport professional i a superestrelles del món de l'espectacle un sistema revolucionari que els ha ajudat a convertir les seves màximes aspiracions en resultats diaris palpables. Ara, a Manifest pels herois de cada dia -la seva obra mestra-, l'innovador Robin Sharma ha destil·lat els principis fonamentals, els protocols i les tàctiques del seu mètode de mentoring per crear una obra de gran valor que és, alhora, un compendi d'estratègies per assolir una productivitat inesgotable, un manual per portar una vida incomparable i una guia universal per arribar a ser un líder espiritual capaç de portar el món a remolc teu. Al llarg de les pàgines d'aquest llibre absolutament únic hi descobriràs: -Pautes reals de com les persones més creatives, productives i pròsperes del planeta adquireixen hàbits insuperables, controlen la rutina diària i s'organitzen la vida en les esferes més elevades. -Pràctiques poderoses per millorar l'energia, augmentar la vitalitat i prolongar la longevitat per tal de donar forma al geni que portes dins. -Un model demostrat per dur a terme feines excepcionals de lideratge en el teu sector que il·luminin les generacions futures. -Tècniques basades en la neurociència per convertir els problemes en triomfs, els temors en esperons i els patiments del passat en heroisme quotidià. -Una saviesa inusual (adquirida amb esforç) per millorar la vivacitat, per incubar una serenor sublim i per dignificar la llibertat espiritual que crea una vida joiosa. Ressenyes:«L'estrella del rock del lideratge.»The Globe and Mail «Malgrat que Robin rebutgi l'etiqueta de guru, resulta difícil no referir-s'hi amb aquest terme.»Publishers Weekly «Rivalitza en seguidors amb el Dalai Lama.»The Times of India

Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día: Activa tu positivismo, maximiza tu productividad, sirve al mundo

by Robin Sharma

AHORA ES TU MOMENTO / ESTA ES TU GUÍA Durante más de veinticinco años, Robin Sharma, el legendario experto en liderazgo y en excelencia, ha enseñado discretamente a titanes de los negocios, a grandes del deporte profesional y a superestrellas del mundo del espectáculo un revolucionario sistema que los ha ayudado a convertir sus máximas aspiraciones en resultados palpables a diario. Ahora, en Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día -su obra maestra-, el innovador Robin Sharma ha destilado los principios fundamentales, los protocolos y las tácticas de su método de mentoring y ha creado una obra valiosísima que es al mismo tiempo un compendio de estrategias para alcanzar una productividad inagotable, un manual para llevar una vida incomparable, y una guía universal para llegar a ser un líder espiritual capaz de cargar con el mundo sobre los hombros. En las páginas de este libro absolutamente único descubrirás: - Pautas reales sobre cómo las personas más creativas, productivas y prósperas del planeta adquieren hábitos insuperables, controlan sus días y organizan su vida al más alto nivel. - Prácticas poderosas para mejorar la energía, aumentar la vitalidad y prolongar la longevidad a fin de dar forma al genio que eres. - Un modelo demostrado para realizar trabajos excepcionales que lideren tu sector e iluminen a futuras generaciones. - Técnicas basadas en la neurociencia para convertir problemas en triunfos, temores en acicates y sufrimientos del pasado en heroísmo cotidiano. - Una sabiduría inusual (y alcanzada con esfuerzo) para mejorar tu vivacidad, incubar una serenidad sublime y dignificar la libertad espiritual que crea una vida hermosa. Reseñas:«La estrella del rock del liderazgo.»The Globe and Mail «A pesar de que Robin Sharma rechace la etiqueta de gurú, resulta difícil no referirse a él con ese término.»Publishers Weekly «Rivaliza en seguidores con el Dalai Lama.»The Times of India

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams and Reaching Your Destiny

by Robin Sharma

Inspiring tale provides a step-by-step approach to living with greater courage, balance, abundance and joy.

MegaLiving - 30 Days to a Perfect Life

by Robin S. Sharma

We all have the potential to achieve great things and live a life filled with joy, accomplishment and pure bliss. The most noble of pursuits is to ignite this fire for personal mastery and life excellence. This book is the only tool you will ever need to do this.

The Future Ancestor: A Guide and Journey to Oneness

by Annabelle Sharman

An empowering book to help readers connect with Mother Earth and their ancestors through insightful practices, inspiring stories, and healing wisdom.Connect with Mother Earth and your Ancestors through inspiring stories and healing wisdom, and discover how to come home to yourself.We are all Future Ancestors, and we have a responsibility to nurture, protect and restore the balance to our Mother (Earth). We are of her. She owns us. This book honours her and honours us.I am Annabelle Sharman. I am a proud Aboriginal Bush woman of the Mutti Mutti tribe grown in the Australian Mallee among the gum trees, the Murray River and red dirt running through me. In this lifetime, I am (have become) the Spirit Weaver, living Self, Spirit and Mother Earth. I have become the Master of my own healing journey, having learned my lessons through life. I am a survivor and now I am Home, I am whole and I am Oneness.Throughout this book, I hold a space for you to see and feel through your Ancestor eyes, heart and Spirit, and to dance through the pages of this book. You will be guided to uncover and unravel a piece of who you truly are.I am an Ancestor of the future. Here I am, I have arrived. I am here, I heard you. I honour you, I honour me.

The Mythic Tarot Workbook

by Juliet Sharman-Burke

Delve deeper into the wisdom of the Tarot with this one-of-a-kind, hands-on guide The perfect companion to any Tarot deck, "The Mythic Tarot Workbook" offers a variety of card spreads and creative exercises to help readers learn more about the imagery and symbolism of each card in the deck. Understanding the nature of each card brings a deeper sense of knowledge and insight to every Tarot reading, and with this workbook as a guide, every Tarot enthusiast -- whether beginning or advanced -- can become a ...

Tarot Book: Learn How to Read the Cards (Bookinabox Ser.)

by Juliet Sharman-Burke

Based on the best-selling Book-in-a-Box kits, The Tarot Book provides the perfect introduction to tarot reading.The book introduces each card, and demonstrates how their meaning in a spread can be interpreted to answer your question.

The Mindful Glow Cookbook: Radiant Recipes for Being the Healthiest, Happiest You

by Abbey Sharp

Cheeky registered dietitian, food lover, and YouTube star Abbey Sharp is often described as "Nigella Lawson in a lab coat." In her debut cookbook she shares fun, satisfying, and unbelievably healthy recipes that will ignite your love affair with food.In over 100 recipes, Abbey shows us how she eats: healthy and nourishing meals that are packed with flavour like PB & J Protein Pancakes, Autumn Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese, Stuffed Hawaiian Burgers, Chicken, Sweet Potato and Curry Cauliflower, Chocolate Stout Veggie Chili, Chewy Crackle Almond Apple Cookies, and Ultimate Mini Sticky Toffee Puddings. Many of her recipes are plant-centric and free of dairy, gluten, and nuts. Others contain some protein-rich, lean beef, poultry, eggs, and dairy, so there are plenty of delicious recipes for every one and every occasion. Featuring gorgeous photography throughout, The Mindful Glow Cookbook is perfect for anyone looking to fully nourish their body, satisfy food cravings, and enjoy every snack, meal, and decadent dessert in blissful enjoyment.

The Astral Geographic: The Watkins Guide to the Occult World

by Andy Sharp

EXPLORE THE LANDSCAPES OF THE OCCULT – EXPAND THE HORIZONS OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESSThis ground-breaking new approach to the history of magic explores the occult through geography, inviting you to embark on ten astral travel journeys that span centuries and continents. Each itinerary comes complete with a route map, postcards of the sites, artworks of magical artefacts and an essay exploring a key occult theme, from necromancy and alchemy to standing stones and drowned cities. Follow in the hoof steps of the Devil from ancient Egypt to London&’s Hellfire Club to the black magic venues of 1960s San Francisco; invoke angels and demons in the Algerian desert; meet witches in the Mediterranean temples of Hekate and Circe and the ancient cemeteries of Scandinavia; practise cloud divination in druidic Ireland then travel to the English countryside in search of hidden hexes … and much more! Finally, try practising magic for yourself using the Grimorium Terra, a manual that teaches how to use geography as a magical tool. Discover how to perform rituals in different terrains, use your surroundings to catalyze altered states of consciousness, explore astral travel and seed your own lucid dreams!

The English Heretic Collection: Ritual Histories, Magickal Geography

by Andy Sharp

From its inaugural Black Plaque in honour of Witchfinder General director Michael Reeves, this unique collection follows a veridical trajectory to the frontiers of belief. Reeves' film becomes a conspiratorial cauldron drawing in a host of tragic players in the end game of the Sixties. The Cornwall of Du Maurier's The Birds is ploughed to reveal the hidden psychic codes of our Blitz spirit. In a powerfully relevant occult rendering of a bruised Island, the myth of Churchill is dissected and re-animalised. New maps of hell are drawn by colliding the forensic vision of JG Ballard and Lovecraftian magic. Actors, witches and psychopaths maraud across a nightmare terrain of murderous henges and abandoned military bases; conflating creative research into a surreal documentary, history as hallucination. Geography becomes an alchemical alembic, a vale of soul-making distilled by the lysergic psychobiology of Stanislav Grof, the alcoholic lyricism of Malcolm Lowry, and the convulsive travelogues of the Marquis de Sade. If history is revealed as paranoid ritual, how do we escape its time traps to wild new imaginative geographies? The English Heretic collection is a darkly comical, urgently lyrical, mental escape hatch from the hells of our own making.

Mindfulness for Beginners: 4 Weeks to Peace, Gratitude, and Focus

by Ashley Sharp

A 4-week plan to feel more balanced, joyful, and at peace In our busy world, it can be challenging to slow down, focus, and experience gratitude for the present moment. Mindfulness for Beginners is a 4-week guide to mindfulness, with simple advice and accessible meditations to help you learn more about the practice—and put it into action. Find reflection, relaxation, and appreciation for your wild and wonderful life, and learn to bring awareness to your body, your home, your work, and the world around you. Explore mindfulness for beginners with: Easy to get started—These exercises are designed to be easy. The short time frame makes it simple and manageable to jump-start a lifelong mindfulness habit. More than mindful—Discover the additional benefits of mindfulness for beginners, like improved focus, less stress, expanded creativity, and deeper compassion. A richer, more present life—Explore a mindfulness plan that is effective and straightforward, along with foundational information about how mindfulness works. Discover inner calm and greater purpose in 4 weeks with Mindfulness for Beginners.

Learning Astrology: An Astrology Book For Beginners

by Damian Sharp

"Astrology is both a science and an art. It is a symbolic representation of all of the elements- religious, spiritual, emotional, mental and physical, visible and invisible- that exist in the universe and come together in various and diverse combinations to account for individual human beings and the forces that shape and act upon them." While there are numerous astrology books available, many are decades old and require you to wade through a morass of technical details just to get to the basics. <P><P> In Learning Astrology, Damian Sharp provides a fun, fresh approach to understanding this ancient art, making it easily accessible to those who are completely new to the subject and/or put off by older, more complicated books. In clear, concise language and an easy-to-follow order, he provides insight into sun signs and planets, houses and aspects and shows us how to actually read an astrological chart, simply and accurately. And if you want the more technical details, Sharp provides those, too. By the end of the book, you’ll be discussing conjunctions, sextiles, squares, and trines like a pro. Learn astrology from Damian Sharp and become your own astrologer.

Simple Chinese Astrology: A Simple Wisdom Book (Simple Wisdom Ser.)

by Damian Sharp

An ancient science tells what to expect--in life, career, and romance--in the coming years. Published to coincide with the Millennium Year of the Dragon, this guide makes this exacting science and art of divination and personal analysis accessible to Western readers. Illustrations & tables.

Divining Your Dreams

by Jonathan Sharp Edward Hoffman

Your Dreams Can Show You the Way We all know that our dreams mean something, but do you realize that your dreams can actually help you? In the Kabbalistic tradition, dreams are prized as the key that unlocks the spiritual door leading to a path of greater wisdom. In this rich and unique guide you will learn how simple and practical steps can help you use the messages in your dreams to unleash healing, creativity, and personal fulfillment. Kabbalistic experts Jonathan Sharp and Dr. Edward Hoffman clearly explain how the Kabbalah works, along with its varied, mysterious, and fascinating components. These include the Tree of Life, the Tarot deck, the hundred most important symbols from Zohar (the ancient text on which the Kabbalah is based), and the numerology of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Following is a comprehensive list of more than eight hundred and fifty dream images with interpretations, evaluations, and unique prescriptions to help bring energy and inspiration to your spiritual journey. Each dream entry includes: Meaning: An overview of the image's significance as well as a numerological evaluation and interpretation Tree of Life: What the dream tells the dreamer about where she is on her life path, specifically in terms of spiritual development and emotional relationships The Journey: Practical advice on what steps to take so that you can use your dream to take you where you want to go -- solve problems, explore possibilities, find the inspiration to live more deeply, and much more Rich, comprehensive, and full of beauty and mystery, Divining Your Dreams will be a bedside companion for years to come.

Smokeless Tobacco: Not a Safe Alternative

by Katie John Sharp

For years now we've all heard the dangers of smoking cigarettes. To avoid those health risks, many people have turned to "chew," "plug," "chaw"-smokeless tobacco. No smoke, no danger. Right?

The Black Lace Book of Women's Sexual Fantasies (Black Lace Book Of Women Sexual Fantasies #3)

by Kerri Sharp

The Black Lace Book of Women's Sexual Fantasies reveals the most private thoughts of hundreds of women. Here are sexual fantasies which on first sight appear shocking or bizarre - such as the bank clerk who wants to be a vampire and the nanny with a passion for Darth Vader.Kerri Sharp investigates the recurrent themes in female fantasies and the cultural influences that have determined them: from fairy stories to cult TV; from fetish fashion to historical novels.

Minimalismo: Técnicas para uma vida simples e significativa

by Markus Sharp

Uma vida simplificada é o segredo para alcançar a paz interior e a realização intencional. Você pode escolher viver uma vida descomplicada ou sobrecarregada. Isso pode ser seu a partir de hoje quando implementar o que irá aprender nesse livro. Incluso nesse livro estão informações que o ajudarão a compreender os fundamentos de uma vida organizada. Esse livro não irá só ajudar a livrar-se da bagunça física – também ajudará a limpar sua mente e ser mais organizado em muitos aspectos da sua vida; tanto em sua casa quanto em seu escritório. Você será apresentado aos valores de uma vida minimalista e em como incorporá-la. Escrevi esse livro com o objetivo de ajudar as pessoas que querem ter uma vida livre de desordem e assim poder gerenciar melhor seu tempo tornando-se mais produtivos e aproveitando a vida sem bagunça. Se você está pronto para entrar em ação e mudar sua vida para melhor, esse livro definitivamente te guiará na direção correta!

The 5-Day Real Food Detox: A simple, delicious plan for fast weight loss, banished cravings, and glowing skin

by Nikki Sharp

Discover the safe, effective, delicious cleanse that took Instagram by storm! This 5-day detox program allows you to eat whole, nutrient-rich foods--and feel satisfied and energized while dropping pounds! As a professional model, Nikki Sharp traveled constantly, barely slept, skipped meals, and relied on quick fixes to stay skinny, all of which took a toll on her physical and emotional health. Realizing she needed to make a serious change, she began to study integrative nutrition--and learned that the key to weight loss, radiant skin, and overall well-being is not starving yourself but eating. That's right: eating! Sharp created her detox plan based on the knowledge that in the right combinations, real whole foods--grains, vegetables, fruits, and spices--can aid digestion, burn body fat, flush out toxins, reduce bloating, banish fatigue, and clear up acne. Unlike other cleanses, The 5-Day Real Food Detox allows you to eat five times a day--and shed a pound a day--with meals and snacks developed by Sharp (and backed by a nutritionist and a registered dietician). Even better, the recipes, including Love Pancakes, Spinach & Chickpea Hummus, Black Bean Burgers, Cauliflower Mash, and Taco Bowl, have been taste-tested by Sharp's many of 300,000-plus Instagram followers, who have done the plan and seen amazing results. In The 5-Day Real Food Detox, you'll discover * nutrient-dense foods that encourage detoxification and weight loss * the facts on juice, smoothie, tea, and raw food cleanses * yummy foods to substitute when you crave unhealthy ones * ingredients to avoid and how to decode food labels * the secret to great-tasting meals--use spices instead of salt * strategies for lowering stress and combating insomnia * troubleshooting for food allergies, mood swings, bloating, and other detox issues Complete with gorgeous full-color photos, success stories, shopping lists, and meal plans, The 5-Day Real Food Detox lays the groundwork for eating well and feeling wonderful for the rest of your life!Advance praise for The 5-Day Real Food Detox "Nikki is an amazing inspiration. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, paleo, or just trying to get healthy, this book is a must-read!"--Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, founder of the FullyRaw brand and author of The Fully Raw Diet "Nikki Sharp's plant-based detox is a holistic approach to long-term wellness. Not only will it help get you lean in a short amount of time, it will keep you there, and feeling energized the whole way through."--Brendan Brazier, author of the Thrive book series"The real power of this book is that it just may transform how you think about your food, your body, and the way your choices shape every aspect of your life."--Adam Rosante, author of The 30-Second Body "I love that Nikki Sharp's program is full of real, satisfying foods that won't leave you starving--so you can build healthy habits that will last long after the five days are over!"--Megan Gilmore, author of Everyday Detox"Nikki Sharp's style is fun, approachable, and innovative, and embodies the new way we should be eating. The wellness world is fortunate to now include her brilliant new book."--Matthew Kenney, author of Cooked Raw: How One Celebrity Chef Risked Everything to Change the Way We Eat "A must have for everyone who wants to look gorgeous and healthy like Nikki!"--Ani Phyo, author of Ani's 15-Day Fat Blast and Ani's Raw Food EssentialsFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Meal Prep Your Way to Weight Loss: 28 Days to a Fitter, Healthier You

by Nikki Sharp

A 28-day program for eating clean, featuring more than 100 healthy recipes with time-saving advance-prep methods, from the author of The 5-Day Real Food Detox “An effective guide to help you achieve a healthier life and stop dieting once and for all.”—Mark Hyman, M.D., #1 New York Times bestselling author of Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? LOSE WEIGHT IN JUST FOUR WEEKS Any successful goal starts with a plan. And diet and fitness guru Nikki Sharp knows all about planning. The former model, Instagram star, and author of The 5-Day Real Food Detox discovered that the best way to drop pounds and feel great is through meal prep: making portion-controlled dishes in advance that can be enjoyed all week. Now Sharp shares her secrets and shortcuts for creating a week’s worth of healthy, plant-based food designed to help you lose the weight and keep it off. Meal Prep Your Way to Weight Loss breaks it down for you in three easy parts: First, you’ll learn the life-changing, health-altering meal-prep system. Second, you’ll discover “super meals” that infuse ultra-nutrition into every bite. Finally, you’ll receive Sharp’s 28-day guide to meal prepping your weekly breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks with ease. As a meal prep master, you’ll enjoy ● steady, satisfying weight loss—up to five pounds each week ● automatic portion control without counting calories, fat grams, or carbohydrates ● an escape from emotional eating and bingeing ● tips and tricks for easy-to-freeze preps ● stress-free cooking, eating—and an overall healthly lifestyle Loaded with photos, grocery shopping lists, and such delicious recipes as Noodles and Cashew Cream, Summer Spring Rolls, Orange Dreamsicle Bliss Balls, and Paleo Bread, Meal Prep Your Way to Weight Loss will save you time and money—and help you eat clean and sustainably for the rest of your life!“This book is a must-read for anyone trying to lose weight, get healthy, or change his or her life. Meal prepping is the key to sustainable habits, and Nikki breaks it down to help you succeed.”—David Zinczenko, #1 New York Times bestselling author and NBC News health and wellness contributor

Tiki Drinks: Tropical Cocktails for the Modern Bar

by Robert Sharp Nicole Weston

Try a tiki--a sweet, fruity blast from the past, updated for modern tastes Tiki cocktails are a tasty mid-twentieth-century American classic, but their popularity suffered when syrupy drink mixes hit the scene. Now it's time to welcome them back: Food blogger Nicole Weston and mixologist Robert Sharp have brought back the fresh taste of tiki drinks, banishing the artificial syrupy sweetness of mixes for fresh fruit juices, high-quality spirits, and homemade syrups. They offer a taste of the past with traditional recipes that honor the flavors of the Caribbean, South Pacific, and the Hawaiian Islands that first inspired the tiki cocktail. Including original recipes inspired by Asian and South American flavors, Tiki Drinks is a hybrid of the old and the new; the concept may be vintage but the drinks are fresh. Drinks include delicious updates of Jamaican Milk punch using fresh cream of coconut, Siren's Elixir with fresh-squeezed lemon and guava juice, and a Hawaiian Queen Bee with locally sourced honey and garnished with juicy, fresh-cut pineapple. Of course, what's a tiki drink book without a little Hawaiian lore and style? Tiki Drinks has that, and much more.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Functional Training Illustrated

by Frances Sharpe Justin Price

Lengthen spine, tuck pelvis under, bend knees . . . and shovel that driveway! The goal of functional training is getting the various muscle groups to work together for real-life activities, such as snow shoveling. The guide includes:• A functional fitness self-assessment• More than 120 exercises for different levels, using either props or one's own body weight• More than 300 photographs demonstrating proper movements• Warm-up and cool-down exercises• Sample workout plans for personalized results. • An appealing, practical approach to exercise, with more than 120 highly–illustrated exercises.

Far From You

by Tess Sharpe

By the author of THE GIRLS I'VE BEEN, soon to be a Netflix film starring Millie Bobby Brown.Nine months. Two weeks. Six days. That's how long recovering addict Sophie's been drug-free. Four months ago her best friend Mina died in what everyone believes was a drug deal gone wrong - a deal they think Sophie set up. Only Sophie knows the truth. She and Mina shared a secret, but there was no drug deal. Mina was deliberately murdered. Forced into rehab for a drug addiction she'd already beaten, Sophie's finally out and on the trail of the killer. But can she track them down before they come for her?

Meditation and Relaxation in Plain English

by Bob Sharples

Odds are that you or someone you know could truly benefit from Meditation and Relaxation in Plain English. After all, who wouldn't like to have less stress - and more enjoyment - from life? Meditation and Relaxation in Plain English teaches us how to achieve just that, with potent tools that are easy to learn, enjoy, and keep doing. And these practices do so much more than more than allow us freedom from anxiety and stress: they allow us to be a better friend to ourselves, and to the people around us.

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