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Mindfulness: Una guía increíble para comprender tu propia mente.

by Paula F. Colella

La atención plena es uno de los mejores métodos disponibles para lograr una sensación de completa conciencia de tu mundo y, lo que es más importante, de tu yo interior. Espero poder brindarte los puntos de partida correctos para lo que será tu propio camino. Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderás: •Conociendo el Mindfulness •Los fundamentos de la atención plena •Actitudes saludables de atención plena •Meditación formal de atención plena •Mindfulness en la vida cotidiana ¡Y más! Hay muchos libros como este en el mercado, ¡así que gracias de nuevo por elegir este! Hice todo lo posible para garantizar que esté lleno de tanta información útil como sea posible. ¡Por favor, disfruta!

Mindfulness: Optimizando la salud y haciendo del mundo un lugar mejor

by Daisy K. Dover

Nuestros cerebros son herramientas muy poderosas, pero el único problema es que si no sabes cómo manejar tu cerebro, a veces puede tomar una mente propia, ¡literalmente! Esto hace que sea muy importante que entendamos cómo observar y manejar los pensamientos, sentimientos y emociones que naturalmente entran y salen de nuestra mente en el día a día. Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderás ... •.¿Qué es la atención plena y cómo puedes beneficiarte de ella? •.Cómo meditar para la atención plena y domar tu mente •.Conciencia plena, tolerancia al estrés y cómo aliviarlo •.Conciencia plena y vivir en el momento presente •.Gana inteligencia emocional al comprender cómo observar tus emociones. •.Técnicas de respiración para desarrollar una mayor conciencia plena •.Consejos para practicar la atención plena todos los días en la vida cotidiana ¡Y mucho mucho mas! ¿Has estado pensando en introducirte al budismo, la atención plena y la meditación? ¿O simplemente buscas una manera de aliviar todo el estrés y la ansiedad de tu vida? Bueno, este es el libro para ti. Es una parte aceptada de la vida que todos enfrentamos problemas, generalmente a diario.

Mindfulness: Meditación mediante una vida en el presente

by Lela R. Smith

Este libro contiene información útil sobre la meditación del mindfulness, y además para llevar un diario para entender mejor tus emociones y pensamientos. Recomendamos este libro si necesitas una guía al practicar mindfulness y aplicarlo a determinados aspectos de tu vida, especialmente si se trata de las emociones. Además, incluye consejos para practicar mejor el minfulness. Consejos y ejercicios prácticos para: •- Técnicas de respiración para mantenerte en calma •- Distintos estilos de meditación para practicar •- Yoga de la atención plena para el cuerpo y el alma •- Desarrollar la consciencia en los cinco sentidos •- Meditación caminando •- La importancia de la nutrición diaria •- Mindfulness y yoga, ideal para los niños Y mucho más... Entonces, si estás buscando una forma de elevar tu estilo de vida y aprender sobre el mindfulness y la meditación; o si quieres encontrar una introducción a la filosofía budista y a cómo ellos practicaban el mindfulness y la meditación, este es el libro que estás buscando, completo e integral.

Mindfulness: Una guía para principiantes sobre el uso de la atención plena

by Heather R. Snelling

Después de completar este libro, comprenderá el marco de la atención plena y cómo mejorará su vida una vez que lo incorpore a su rutina. En Mindfulness, le enseño cómo crear felicidad, ordenar su mente y nutrir la conciencia espiritual para convertirse en la versión más poderosa de usted mismo. ¡No más estrés, ansiedad y confusión que lo agobien! Solo las técnicas claras y enfocadas que se ofrecen aquí. Ejercicios para principiantes: •Alimentación consiente •Meditación de respiración consciente. •Meditación de movimiento consciente. •Meditación de exploración corporal •Escucha de Atención plena. •Atención plena a los pensamientos y sentimientos •Conciencia sin elección. •Caminata de Atención plena •Escaneo corporal caminando. •Caminata feliz •Meditación de bondad amorosa Después de completar este libro, comprenderá el marco de la atención plena y cómo mejorará su vida una vez que lo incorpore a su rutina. Si esta práctica ha faltado en su vida y está listo para cambiar eso, no espere más. Aprenda a estar presente y a vivir con un propósito.

Mindfulness: Navegue por la vida diaria utilizando la nueva ciencia de la salud y la felicidad

by Nick G. Church

A lo largo del día, ¿se siente atraído por cientos de direcciones diferentes a la vez? Acostado en la cama por la noche, ¿Repite los acontecimientos del día, preocupándose por las cosas que debería o no debería haber dicho o hecho? Si esto le resulta familiar, no está solo. En este libro aprenderá - La ciencia que hay detrás del mindfulness - Cómo establecer intenciones para su práctica - Cómo dejar de juzgarse a sí mismo y a los demás - El "ego" humano y nuestra necesidad de tener razón - Cómo aceptar a los demás tal y como son - Cómo procesar las emociones de forma eficaz - Consejos para la autoaceptación - Cómo dejar de preocuparse y utilizar la imaginación de forma eficaz - Cómo conectar con su cuerpo - Cómo utilizar la gratitud como herramienta para aumentar la felicidad

Mindfulness: Usando la nueva ciencia de la salud y la felicidad

by Lindsey D. Vincent

Cuando se trata de libros fáciles de seguir sobre meditación y atención plena para principiantes, estas en el lugar correcto; esa es exactamente la razón por la que esta guía de meditación incluye un capítulo especial sobre la incorporación de la meditación de conciencia plena en tu agitada vida diaria. A través de este libro aprenderás: -Cómo el Mindfulness puede ayudarte a reducir el estrés -La naturaleza de tu verdadera mente -Cómo hackear tu mente -Los desafíos y beneficios de ser consciente -Entrenamiento formal e informal en Mindfulness ¡Y mucho más! Esta guía te mostrará cómo integrar la meditación Mindfulness en las actividades cotidianas para que se convierta en más que una práctica, que se vuelva tu vida. Ellos se oponen diametralmente a la única cosa que puede ayudarte a domesticar al mono parlanchín en tu cerebro: la meditación Mindfulness.

Mindfulness: Relax, De-Stress, and Focus Your Mind for a Healthier, Happier You (Conscious Care Guides)

by Lani Muelrath Domyo Sater Burk

Be present in the here and now and cultivate inner peace by living in the moment with mindfulnessAre you struggling to be present in the moment with wandering thoughts? This book will help you discover powerful tools to gain deeper understanding, calmness, and clarity through meditation practices in your daily life.This self-help book will teach you simple mindfulness meditations and exercises that will help you be more consciously aware. It includes: • An overview of mindfulness, how it works, and how to practice it daily • Guidance on alleviating anxiety, depression, anger, and addiction • Tips on getting over your emotional hurdles by improving mental clarity and discipline • Advice on improving communication in your relationships with mindfulness • Advanced meditation methods to maximize the benefits of mindfulness Did you know you have the ability to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity and calm your body and mind using mindfulness? Mindfulness expert, Domyo Sater Burk will show you how to be consciously present and aware, in a specific moment and your life in general. Explore proven meditation techniques that will allow you to reclaim your life, relieve stress, and improve your wellbeing. With regular practice, use the mindfulness meditations in this guidebook to learn to be more conscious of and attentive to your body, feelings, and patterns of thought. Doing so will lead to greater knowledge and understanding of yourself. Better yet, the positive effects of regular mindfulness are easy to achieve!

Mindfulness Activities for Kids with ADHD: Engaging Stories and Exercises to Help You Learn And Thrive

by Sharon Grand

A storybook to help kids with ADHD practice mindfulness—for ages 4 to 8 Give kids the tools to stay mindful and in control with this unique choice in ADHD books for kids. Featuring three different tales, it follows a group of animal friends who experience some of the signs of ADHD on their adventures and explains the mindfulness activities they practice to stay confident and positive. This standout among ADHD books for kids includes: Questions and activities—Every story presents strategies for kids to try, like writing down their feelings, using their "puppy breath" when they're feeling anxious, and how to "wiggle and freeze" when their body is full of excitement. Kids and parents—Whether kids can read this book by themselves or prefer it read aloud, grown-ups can get involved by encouraging kids to practice the mindfulness activities they learn. Familiar friends—Kids will see themselves in these smart and talented animal characters who encounter challenges with socializing, staying focused, and understanding their feelings. Go beyond other ADHD books for kids with an interactive story that explores how mindfulness can help them thrive.

Mindfulness as Sustainability: Lessons from the World's Religions (SUNY series on Religion and the Environment)

by Maria Jaoudi

The inundation of terrifying environmental news in recent years has left many people exhausted and in despair about our planet's future. In Mindfulness as Sustainability, Maria Jaoudi addresses the need to take care of ourselves intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally during the current global climate crisis. Drawing on specific teachings, stories, and explorations of consciousness and reality from Buddhist, Christian, Daoist, Hindu, Indigenous, Islamic, and Jewish traditions, Jaoudi demonstrates that mindfulness is sustainability, and that mindfulness practice, applied both personally and politically, can help mitigate global climate change and rectify environmental injustice. Through illuminating discussions of primary scriptures, key spiritual figures, discoveries of modern science, and moments of social transformation, she offers practical ways to live our lives mindfully, ethically, and sustainably. Written for students and lay readers, the book makes the case that we can sustain our planet if we maintain our strength, increase our knowledge, and remain sensitive to the beauty and the sentience that is both within us and around us.

Mindfulness: del sufrimiento al bien-estar

by Javier Candarle

En este nuevo libro Javier Cándarle, psicólogo, instructor y formador de instructores de MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) muestra cómo la práctica de la atención plena puede mejorar cada área de nuestras vidas y cómo sus beneficios irradian más allá de nosotros para impactar a los demás y al mundo en general. En el mundo vertiginoso e hiperconectado de hoy, vivimos muchas situaciones que nos abruman, nos tensan y nos agotan. Una tempestad de estresores y situaciones con impacto emocional amenaza con hundirnos en nuestra vida cotidiana. Acelerados y estresados buscamos refugio en satisfacciones inmediatas y evadimos cualquier experiencia desagradable. Pero eso nos dura muy poco tiempo, amplificando nuestra insatisfacción, malestar y sufrimiento. Giramos sobre nosotros mismos, como perros que se muerden la cola o huimos hacia adelante en una carrera alocada que pierde sus frenos. En este libro, Javier Cándarle, psicólogo, instructor y formador de instructores de MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), explora los orígenes de nuestro sufrimiento y comparte sabios consejos y caminos imprescindibles para acompañarnos en la liberación de estos sentimientos y acciones negativas ayudándonos a encontrar refugio verdadero en la paz y el bien-estar que tanto anhelamos.

Mindfulness: felicidad duradera, para principiantes hasta el poder de Mindfulness avanzado

by April C. Roland

En Mindfulness, te enseño cómo crear felicidad, ordenar tu mente y nutrir la conciencia espiritual para convertirte en la versión más poderosa de ti mismo. ¡No más estrés, ansiedad y confusión que lo agobien! Solo la claridad limpia y enfocada que ofrecen estas increíbles técnicas. Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderá ... Conceptos básicos de la filosofía budista .Meditación de conciencia plena .Diferentes formas de práctica de meditación .Meditación de conciencia plena en la vida cotidiana ¡Y mucho, mucho más! Este libro presenta mi punto de vista sobre cómo preparar su mente y cuerpo para lidiar con la ansiedad, el estrés y la pérdida personal y cómo mejorar su salud mental a través de los beneficios de la meditación de atención plena. El objetivo de este libro es ayudarlo a crear su paz interior y mejorar su vida.

Mindfulness for Young Adults: Tools to Thrive in School and Life

by Linda Yaron Weston

Mindfulness for Young Adults: Tools to Thrive in School and Life is an interactive experience designed to enhance mindful awareness and to aid in teaching and learning the principles and practice of mindfulness. Blending theory, research, and practice to offer a comprehensive program for young adults to build well-being tools, each of the book’s five modules includes engaging information, strategies, meditations, and activities designed to deepen understanding and application of mindfulness. It includes practical techniques to cope with emotions, work with thoughts, navigate stress, build resilience, make aligned choices, and be more present in life and relationships. In addition to the reflection and meditation activities found at the end of each module, the text also features a "resources" section complete with a mock exam, tips for course design, and resources for further study. Designed for both students and instructors, this workbook can be used independently or in the classroom as either a textbook to an introductory mindfulness course or as a supplement for teaching well-being practices in any discipline.

A Mindfulness Guide for Survival

by Ruby Wax

Dear Reader,I have written this workbook for you to use as a guide on how to drop anchor when life, and the world around you, gets too daunting. It's filled with exercises and information for when you're suddenly forced to confront the hard truths or as I like to call them the BIG SIX realities – difficult emotions, uncertainty, loneliness, change, dissatisfaction and death.It isn't just about how to get through a pandemic... Or the post-pandemic fall-out. It is a WAKE UP call. One that will increase your awareness of every moment through mindfulness.So SCRIBBLE in it. DOODLE in it. Take it EVERYWHERE. No one is going to see what's inside but you. This is not just another self-help book. Think of it as an evolve-yourself book.I do hope it helps you hold the rudder straight, no matter how turbulent the waves, and that you come out the other end buoyant, with a new appreciation for the privilege of life.Love RUBY x

A Mindfulness Guide for Survival

by Ruby Wax

Dear Reader,I have written this workbook for you to use as a guide on how to drop anchor when life, and the world around you, gets too daunting. It's filled with exercises and information for when you're suddenly forced to confront the hard truths or as I like to call them the BIG SIX realities – difficult emotions, uncertainty, loneliness, change, dissatisfaction and death.It isn't just about how to get through a pandemic... Or the post-pandemic fall-out. It is a WAKE UP call. One that will increase your awareness of every moment through mindfulness.So SCRIBBLE in it. DOODLE in it. Take it EVERYWHERE. No one is going to see what's inside but you. This is not just another self-help book. Think of it as an evolve-yourself book.I do hope it helps you hold the rudder straight, no matter how turbulent the waves, and that you come out the other end buoyant, with a new appreciation for the privilege of life.Love RUBY x

Mindfulness in Your Pocket: Tips and Advice for a More Mindful You

by Anna Barnes

Take a little mindfulness with you wherever you goFilled with practical tips, tranquil statements and helpful suggestions for soothing activities, this beautiful pocket-sized book will provide you with everything you need to fill your days with gratitude and peace.

Mindfulness: Meditación y respiración para calmar tu mente mediante el mindfulness

by Judy J. Steffens

Ya sea que quieras calmar una mente sobreestresada con meditación, calmar el nervio vago para revolucionar tu salud, este paquete te ayuda a recuperar tu vida y seguir tus pasiones. ¿Estas buscando empezar una vida consciente? ¡Este libro es para tí! Este libro comienza con información básica sobre el Mindfulness. Esto es un poco de lo que descubrirás en el interior: -Descubriendo el camino de un Esencialista - Lo que significa practicar el Hygge -Pasos importantes para crear el estado mental de un Esencialista -Cómo integrar el Hygge a tu vida, trabajo, casa y relaciones -Por qué la meditación es algo que Ser y no algo que Hacer -Ejercicios meditativos simples pero altamente efectivos para tranquilizar tu mente -Cómo desarrollar mejores hábitos de sueño, dejar de sentirte estresado y disfrutar de un sueño más profundo -Formas sencillas de calibrar tu nervio vago y comprobar su estado de salud -Estrategias probadas para activar y curar tu nervio vago ¡Y mucho más! ¿Buscas comenzar una vida consciente? ¡Este libro es para ti! Comienza con información básica sobre el mindfulness. Después de eso, el libro pasa al mindful básico y más eficaz. Se proporcionan instrucciones detalladas para realizar cada ejercicio.

Mindfulness Moments for Kids: Hot Cocoa Calm (Mindfulness Moments for Kids)

by Kira Willey

Part of the Mindfulness Moments for Kids series, this mindful breathing moment teaches kids to find peace and calm.With Hot Cocoa Calm, kids learn to how to take control of their emotions and breathe their way to calm. The perfect soothing read for bedtime before the winter holidays, this board book celebrates the peacefulness of the season. Best of all, it can be performed anywhere: in the backseat of a car, at home, or even at a child's desk at school. Mindfulness Moments for Kids offer easy-to-follow exercises that kids can use to manage their bodies, breathing, and emotions.

Mindfulness: Para el manejo del estrés (Mindfulness para principiantes)

by Maureen C. Johnson

Esta es una guia que nos brinda el autor para poder saciar esos pensamientos que nos cuesta trabajo relajar y tener un mayor control sobre tus pensamientos y emociones

Mindfulness without the Bells and Beads: Unlocking Exceptional Performance, Leadership, and Well-being for Working Professionals

by Clif Smith

Use mindfulness to unleash your potential - without adopting spiritual beliefsMindfulness Without the Bells and Beads: Unlocking Exceptional Performance, Leadership, and Wellbeing for Working Professionals strips away the bells, beads, and hyperbole associated with mindfulness, and explains how you can take your performance and leadership to the next level in just eight weeks, without adopting any spiritual or new age beliefs. Author Clif Smith, a US Army veteran, former diplomat, and CIA-trained former intelligence officer, serves as EY's Americas Mindfulness Leader and Global Mindfulness Network Leader and is internationally recognized for bringing mindfulness to tens of thousands of corporate and government leaders across the globe. In this book, Clif shares teachings and insights to help achieve the tangible benefits of practicing mindfulness as a fundamental part of our professional and personal lives. You'll discover how to: Enhance mental focus, resilience, and decision-making under pressure Increase the impact of your communication and leadership Transcend limiting beliefs, fear, and other psychological barriers to success Connect, understand, and interact with others more effectively Effectively incorporate self-care into a high-performance life Demystify the practice of mindfulness to make it ideal for a corporate setting Perfect for corporate leaders, managers, and executives, and any working professional in a high-pressure or high-performance environment, Mindfulness Without the Bells and Beads also belongs on the bookshelves of anyone who works in a stressful environment and wants to achieve a higher level of success and a better quality of life.

Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Anxiety: Engaging Mindfulness Exercises to Manage Your Worries and Find Relief

by Sally Annjanece Stevens

Help your teen say goodbye to their worries with the power of mindfulness Between friends, relationships, and school, teens have a lot weighing on their minds. The Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Anxiety teaches teens the skills they need to handle their anxiety, cut down on stress, and live in the moment. They will discover how practicing mindfulness can help them overcome challenges and grow into confident, capable adults. This easy-to-use anxiety workbook for teens includes: Tools to stop anxiety—Teens will learn how being more mindful will help them manage their worries, appreciate the little things, and have a more positive outlook on life. Exercises that don't feel like homework—This workbook takes the stress out of learning stress-relief skills with an engaging mix of quizzes, prompts, meditations, and more. Stories of teen success—Your teen will be able to see how mindfulness practices have helped teens just like them overcome anxiety and be their best selves. Help the teen in your life develop the tools they need to overcome anxiety.

Minfulness: Técnicas Prácticas para Mejorar la Salud Mental y Física

by Erin B. Wilson

El verdadero objetivo de la meditación, para poder traer relajación, es el estar consciente. De eso es de lo que se trata la meditación minfulness y es lo que aprenderás de este libro. sin embargo, las técnicas de mindfulness van más allá de sólo meditar. En éste libro aprenderás: •- De qué trata la meditación mindfulness •- La diferencia entre mindfulness y meditación •- Cómo meditar para una consciencia mindful •- Prácticas mindful que te benefician mental, física y socialmente •- Diferencias entre acercamientos tradicionales orientales y modernos occidentales •- Practicar cada día los consejos para entrenarte en mindfulness •- Y mucho más.. Antes de ver cómo el midfulness puede ayudarte, es importante detenerse y entender que es el mindfulness. quiero decir, probablemente has escuchado mucho sobre ello, pero ¿realmente sabes qué es? Si no sabes qué es ¿Cómo esperas saber si lograste?

Mini Habits for Teens: Small Changes to Help You Navigate Life's Challenges

by Kate Gladdin

Small steps to help teens build a foundation for success There's no action too small when it comes to creating better habits. For teens looking to boost their grades, make a new friend, or save money for something special, forming healthy habits is the key to success both right now and in the future. Mini Habits for Teens shows them how to build good habits that stick, with easy advice for practicing little, everyday changes that help them work toward their goals one step at a time. What is a habit?—Learn the science behind what mini habits are and the three steps for turning positive behavior into something that's easy to do consistently. Home, school, and beyond—Discover how different habits can affect all areas of life, including health, relationships, social skills, and academic achievement. How habits can help—Experience the ways that mini habits like a regular sleep schedule or an organized studying style can make every day feel easier and more rewarding. Develop the little skills that create a sense of confidence and achievement with Mini Habits for Teens.

Minute Meditations: Quick Practices for 5, 10 or 20 Minutes

by Madonna Gauding

From the author of the bestselling classic The Meditation Bible.Meditation has the potential to help you create a better state of mind. But with the time constraints of everyday modern life, it isn't always easy to find an opportunity to be alone with your thoughts.With Minute Meditations it can be.Divided into three handy sections - 5, 10 and 20 minute practices - this book is perfect for busy lives. No matter how much time you have in your day, it will allow you to reap the benefits of daily meditation, creating calm and balance in the busyness of everyday life. Incorporating short practices into your daily life also benefits those who engage in longer practices by training the mind to enter a meditative space more easily.You'll find 5, 10 and 20 minute meditations specially designed to help in every aspect of your life, including meditations for:- Calming and Centring Yourself- Healing your Body, Mind and Spirit- Promoting Love and Compassion for Yourself and Others- Living More Mindfully- Problem Solving- Manifesting your Dreams and Connecting to the Divine Take some 'you' time wherever you are to recharge, de-stress and connect with your spiritual self. Discover what even 5 minutes can do for your inner peace.

Minute Meditations: Quick Practices for 5, 10 or 20 Minutes

by Madonna Gauding

From the author of the bestselling classic The Meditation Bible.Meditation has the potential to help you create a better state of mind. But with the time constraints of everyday modern life, it isn't always easy to find an opportunity to be alone with your thoughts.With Minute Meditations it can be.Divided into three handy sections - 5, 10 and 20 minute practices - this book is perfect for busy lives. No matter how much time you have in your day, it will allow you to reap the benefits of daily meditation, creating calm and balance in the busyness of everyday life. Incorporating short practices into your daily life also benefits those who engage in longer practices by training the mind to enter a meditative space more easily.You'll find 5, 10 and 20 minute meditations specially designed to help in every aspect of your life, including meditations for:- Calming and Centring Yourself- Healing your Body, Mind and Spirit- Promoting Love and Compassion for Yourself and Others- Living More Mindfully- Problem Solving- Manifesting your Dreams and Connecting to the Divine Take some 'you' time wherever you are to recharge, de-stress and connect with your spiritual self. Discover what even 5 minutes can do for your inner peace.

Miracles and Other Realities: The Paranormal Adventures of Thomaz Green Morton, the Most Powerful Psychic in the World

by Lee Pulos Gary Richman

Once in a generation, a person of extraordinary psychic powers comes along. Miracles and Other Realities tells the true story of Thomaz Green Morton, a gifted psychic from the Minas Gerais region of Brazil.Originally published in 1990 and now rereleased for a modern audience, Miracles and Other Realities recounts the fascinating story of Thomaz Green Morton and his powerful psychic abilities. This book will turn the heads of scientists, whose traditional acceptance of reality has been limited to that which can be measured objectively, and will introduce to a wider audience the power of mind over matter. Thomaz&’s story begins when he is struck by lightning on his twelfth birthday. This electrical insult to his body detonated a dazzling range of paranormal abilities. (Severe electric shock is, incidentally, common to the childhood experience of every major psychic.) Thomaz has since been called the most powerful psychic in the world. Driven by his mind to the farther reaches of reality to produce psychic phenomena such as metal-bending, spiritual healing, and transmutations of matter, Thomaz&’s feats are well-documented by the authors. The story is all the more captivating because Thomaz is graced with a childlike emotional temperament, making him intent on living life to its fullest. Coauthors Lee Pulos and Gary Richman explore through Thomaz the ways in which magic, or miracles, challenges the conventional view of reality, thereby shaking up rational belief systems that inhibit the experience of new realms of possibility. Readers will find Thomaz&’s story compelling, not only as a real-life example of human potential but as a metaphor for unleashing other realities and levels of consciousness to tap into the potential within themselves.

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