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Obstetricks: Mayo Clinic Tips and Tricks for Pregnancy, Birth and More

by Julie A. Lamppa Kerry Schwalbach

Giving birth can be — and should be — an exciting, positive experience. While every labor and delivery has unique challenges, you can help to make it the best possible experience through a combination of comfort techniques, education and an understanding of options. This concise guide to pregnancy and childbirth brings you the expertise of a certified nurse-midwife at Mayo Clinic and a certified doula. It&’s packed with information based on the most current evidence, yet rooted in long-trusted natural methods of caring for laboring women. With a unique spiral-bound flipbook format, the book&’s 100+ bite-sized topics can be perused one page at a time while lying in bed, eating breakfast or riding a stationary bike. The front pages offer the most important information for setting up a satisfying childbirth experience, while the back pages add more empowering details, tricks and medical information. Inside you&’ll find tips for: • Creating healthy habits during pregnancy • Recognizing what&’s normal as baby grows • Planning and preparing for the birth — mentally and practically • Managing labor pain, including natural techniques and medical options • Providing crucial support as a labor partner • Keeping focused on the ultimate goal: a healthy mom and baby You&’ll also get the messy truth of what to expect postpartum, advice for enjoying the early days with a newborn and more. Obstetricks equips parents with confidence and an expert toolkit as they prepare for the main event — welcoming baby to the world.

Occult Botany: Sédir’s Concise Guide to Magical Plants

by Paul Sédir

• Includes a dictionary of nearly 300 magical plants with descriptions of each plant&’s scientific name, common names, elemental qualities, ruling planets, and zodiacal signatures, with commentary on medico-magical properties and uses • Explores methods of phytotherapy and plant magic, including the Paracelsian &“transplantation of diseases,&” ritual pacts with trees, the secret ingredients of witches&’ ointments, and the composition of magical philters • Explains the occult secrets of phytogenesis, plant physiology, and plant physiognomy (classification of plants according to the doctrine of signatures) Merging the scientific discipline of botany with ancient, medieval, and Renaissance traditions of occult herbalism, this seminal guide was first published in French in 1902 as a textbook for students of Papus&’s École hermétique and sparked a revival in the study of magical herbalism in early twentieth-century France. Author Paul Sédir, pseudonym of Yvon Le Loup (1871-1926), explains the occult secrets of phytogenesis (the esoteric origin and evolutionary development of the plant kingdom), plant physiology (the occult anatomy of plants), and plant physiognomy (classification of plants according to the doctrine of signatures). Unveiling the mysteries behind planetary and zodiacal attributions, he provides readers with the keys to make their own informed determinations of the astral properties of plants. Moving from theory into practice, Sédir explores various methods of phytotherapy and plant magic, including the Paracelsian &“transplantation of diseases,&” the secret ingredients of witches&’ ointments, and the composition of magical philters. In the third section of the book, Sédir offers a dictionary of magical plants that covers nearly 300 plant species with descriptions of their astral signatures, occult properties, and medico-magical uses. Compiled from an array of rare sources and esoterica, this classic text includes a wealth of additional materials and supplemental charts and diagrams drawn from Sédir&’s occult colleagues, all of whom adopted and expanded upon Sédir&’s pioneering system of plant correspondences.

Un océano ilimitado de la conciencia: Respuestas sencillas a las grandes preguntas de la vida

by Dr. Tony Nader

Figura central de las fundaciones David Lynch y Maharishi, neurocientífico graduado en Harvard, reconocido erudito védico y referente mundial de la Meditación Trascendental™, el Dr. Tony Nader formula en este libro una serie de preguntas existenciales fundamentales (¿cuál es nuestro propósito en la vida?, ¿tenemos verdadero control sobre nuestros destinos?) y, a través del estudio de la Conciencia, nos acerca respuestas con beneficios prácticos que aspiran a darnos esclarecimiento, paz y plenitud. «En este libro histórico, el Dr. Tony Nader presenta ideas que pueden cambiar el mundo. Propone soluciones profundas a preguntas que han fascinado e intrigado durante mucho tiempo a filósofos y científicos. ¿Qué es la Conciencia, tenemos libertad? ¿Cómo sacar lo mejor de la vida, cumplir los deseos y crear paz y armonía entre los pueblos y las naciones? Ofrece estas soluciones, basadas en un paradigma subyacente simple, que unifica la mente, el cuerpo y el medio ambiente en un océano de Ser puro, Conciencia Pura. Una lectura obligada para cualquier buscador de respuestas a los misterios de la vida, a la verdad absoluta y última.» David Lynch «Quiero que todos sepan qué es la Conciencia y cómo desarrollarla para disfrutar de todo el potencial de la vida individual y social.» DR. Tony Nader ¿Hay algún propósito oculto en la vida, un diseño secreto, una lógica significativa, un objetivo que alcanzar? ¿De dónde venimos y adónde vamos después de irnos? ¿Por qué deberíamos estar luchando? ¿Podemos elegir? ¿Somos libres o esclavos del destino, de las leyes de la naturaleza o de Dios? Como seres conscientes que desean tomar el control de sus vidas, estas preguntas son fundamentales; y todos terminan haciendo suposiciones o suscribiéndose firmemente a las creencias sobre muchas de ellas. Esas convicciones se convierten en nuestra subyacente "visión del mundo" que influye en todo lo que hacemos. Me volqué al estudio de la medicina, la psiquiatría y la neurología para comprender por qué, si bien somos tan similares, podemos ser tan diferentes en nuestras opiniones, mentalidad y puntos de vista. Pero las respuestas a mis preguntas fundamentales eran demasiado complejas y abstractas para la investigación científica. Fue la Meditación Trascendental™ lo que me permitió explorarlas a través de la experiencia directa, en lugar del análisis y la deducción. Este libro está dedicado a todos los buscadores de conocimiento, científicos, filósofos, maestros, líderes sabios y guías que investigan los secretos del funcionamiento de la naturaleza y el esfuerzo por mejorar la vida en la Tierra.

The Official Guide to Randonautica: Everything You Need to Know about Creating Your Random Adventure Story

by Joshua Lengfelder Auburn Salcedo

Break free from your usual routine and find adventure in your own neighborhood with this official field guide to the popular Randonautica app.Randonauts everywhere are exploring the world outside of their usual daily routes and expanding their previous understandings of the mind-matter connection. They are finding that once they arrive, there is often an eerily spot-on connection to the intention they set before generating the coordinates. Or they simply discover a place they haven&’t been before. In The Official Guide to Randonautica, the creators of the popular app explain how the intentions from the user translate to randomly generated coordinates, and all the theories about why users&’ set intentions can be so closely related to what they find at the given location. This book gives you the opportunity to log your experiences so you can make the most of what you discover on these journeys. Whether you&’re a new randonaut or a seasoned expert, this book is the perfect field guide for your next adventure.

Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant!: The Ultimate Guide to Black Pregnancy & Motherhood

by Shanicia Boswell

What to Expect When Black, Pregnant, and Expecting“This book stands as the modern-day guide to birthing while Black.” ―Angelina Ruffin-Alexander, certified nurse midwife2021 International Book Awards finalist in Health: Women’s Health#1 New Release in Pregnancy & Childbirth and Minority Demographic Studies, Medical Ethics, and Women's Health NursingWritten with lighthearted humor and cultural context, Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant! discusses the stages of pregnancy, labor, and motherhood as they pertain to pregnant Black women today.Tailored to today’s pregnant Black woman. In the age of social media, how do pregnant women communicate their big announcement? What are the best protective hairstyles for labor? Most importantly, how many pregnancy guides focus on issues like Black maternal birth rates and what it really looks like to be Black, pregnant, and single today? Written for the modern pregnant Black woman, Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant! is the essential what to expect when you're expecting guide to understanding pregnancy from a millennial Black mom’s point of view.Interviews, stories, and advice for pregnant women. Written by Black Moms Blog founder, the book tackles hard topics in a way that truly resonate with modern Black moms. With stories from her experiences through pregnancy, labor, and motherhood, and lessons learned as a mother at twenty-two, Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant! focuses on the common knowledge Black pregnant mothers should consider when having their first baby. It also shares topics beneficial to pregnant Black women on their second, third, or fourth born.Find answers to questions:Do I financially plan for my birth?Can I maintain my relationship and friendships during motherhood?Will I self-advocate for my rights in a world that already views me as less than?If you enjoyed books like Medical Apartheid, 50 Things To Do Before You Deliver, The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy, or Birthing Justice, then you’ll love Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant!

Óleo de CBD para Alívio da Dor: Compreendendo Os Benefícios Da Cannabis Sativa Medicinal Para A Saúde E O Bem-estar

by Jack Baker

Você está procurando tratar a dor com segurança, aliviar o estresse e aprender a ciência por trás do CBD? Você tem dificuldade em entender a diferença entre CBD e THC? Você tem dores no corpo e está procurando maneiras naturais de tratar suas doenças sem usar medicamentos controlados? Você está curioso(a) para saber o que é o CBD e como ele pode lhe ajudar no seu dia a dia? Você está procurando um guia de recursos para ajudá-lo(a) a entender como aliviar a dor de forma segura e natural? Se isso lhe parece interessante, continue lendo! O CBD, também conhecido como óleo de canabidiol, é o novo produto para o tratamento de doenças. Após a legalização da maconha medicinal, agora você pode adicionar esse óleo a diversas receitas, usá-lo nas áreas de dor e até mesmo adicioná-lo aos seus produtos para cuidados com a pele. O uso do CBD o(a) ajudará a tratar muitas doenças comuns, não importa quão grandes ou pequenas sejam. Independentemente de quem você seja e do que deseja realizar, o básico do CBD é o mesmo para todos. Este livro irá ajudá-lo(a) a entender tudo que você precisa saber sobre o CBD, incluindo os benefícios e desafios que ele traz, e eu irei fornecer a você um processo passo a passo para alcançar um nível mais alto de bem-estar, juntamente com algumas dicas e receitas práticas que você pode usar para fortalecê-lo. Nunca antes houve um livro tão gentil em sua abordagem, tão eficaz e capaz de ajudar as pessoas a mudarem suas vidas para melhor. Nestas páginas, você descobrirá: • O Que é CBD? • Tipos de CBD • Como Este Óleo Funciona Para a Dor? • Quem Deve Usar o Óleo de CBD e Quem Deve Evitá-lo? • Diversas Doenças Que Podem Ser Tratadas Com o CBD • Dosagem do Óleo de CBD • Tratamento da Dor Crônica Com o Óleo de CBD • Efeitos Colaterais Comuns • 42 Rece

Olio Di CBD Per Alleviare Il Dolore: Comprendere i Benefici della Cannabis e della Marijuana Medica per la Salute e il Benessere

by Jack Baker

Stai cercando di trattare il dolore in modo sicuro, alleviare lo stress e conoscere la scienza alla base del CBD? Ti è difficile capire la differenza tra CBD e THC? Hai dolori diffusi e dolori muscolari e stai cercando modi naturali per curare i tuoi disturbi senza usare farmaci tradizionali? Vuoi sapere cos'è il CBD e ti chiedi come ti può aiutare nel quotidiano? Cerchi una guida di riferimento che ti aiuti a capire come alleviare il dolore in modo sicuro e naturale? Se questo è il tuo caso, continua a leggere! Il CBD, altrimenti noto come olio di cannabidiolo, è l'ultima novità nel trattamento di vari disturbi. Dopo la legalizzazione della marijuana medica (Negli USA, N.d.T.), ora puoi aggiungere questo olio a diverse ricette, usarlo sulle aree doloranti del tuo corpo e persino aggiungerlo ai tuoi prodotti per la cura della pelle. L'utilizzo del CBD ti aiuterà a trattare molti disturbi comuni, non importa la loro gravità. Indipendentemente da chi sei e da cosa vuoi ottenere, le basi del CBD sono le stesse per tutti. Questo libro ti aiuterà a capire tutto ciò che devi sapere sul CBD, compresi i benefici e le sfide che comporta. Ti fornirà un modello semplice di procedimento per raggiungere un livello di benessere il più elevato possibile insieme ad alcuni consigli pratici e ricette che puoi utilizzare per migliorarlo. Mai prima d'ora è esistito un libro con un approccio così gentile e così efficace, aiutando le persone a cambiare in meglio la propria vita. All'interno di queste pagine scoprirai: • Cos’è il CBD? • Tipi di olio di CBD • Come funziona questo olio per il dolore? • Chi dovrebbe usare l'olio di CBD e chi deve evitarlo? • Diversi disturbi che possono essere trattati usando il CBD • Dosaggio dell'olio di CBD • Trattare il dolore cronico con l'olio di CBD • Effetti collaterali comuni • Oltre 42

The Olive Oil & Sea Salt Companion: Recipes And Remedies From The Pantry (Countryman Pantry #0)

by Suzy Scherr

Stay home, save money, savor your food, and support a healthy lifestyle—all with these two pantry powerhouses! Olive oil and sea salt are staples in most homes. They’re the key to simple pastas, luscious cakes, and savory preserves. But their benefits don’t stop there! Did you know that this pair is packed with healthy potential? They can support digestion, help maintain healthy heart function, and help regulate weight. What’s more, they’re among the best ingredients for natural home remedies. As she did with ginger and turmeric, Suzy Scherr now unveils the secrets of olive oil and sea salt. From easy recipes to personal wellbeing, Scherr gives readers the tools they need to support the lifestyle they want. Combine the two to preserve foods and stock the shelves for self-sufficiency, mix up recipes for sunburn soothers and lip balm, or get cleaning with natural shoe polish and countertop scrubs. Whether readers want to use the oil and salt together or separately, this newest edition to the Countryman Pantry series helps them achieve a greener, healthier lifestyle.

OMG It's Twins!: Get Your Twins to Their First Birthday Without Losing Your Mind

by Alison Perry

You’re having twins – don’t panic!There’s little that will prepare you for the moment you hear the words: “You’re having twins!” You might feel shocked, delighted, scared, horrified, amused – or a mixture of all of the above. As a twin mum herself, award-winning parenting blogger and podcaster Alison Perry has first-hand experience with the emotional rollercoaster of having two babies at once. This warm, reassuring book will guide you from the moment you find out, through the pregnancy, birth and beyond. Combining expert advice from midwives, psychotherapists, nutritionists, parenting experts and breastfeeding specialists and more with Alison’s own experiences, as well as relatable anecdotes from other twin mums, it addresses topics including accepting your changing body, the logistics of feeding two babies, and wondering whether you will ever sleep again (answer: yes, you will!).Filled with gorgeous illustrations and easy to digest chapters, this is the perfect gift for anyone who is expecting, or has just welcomed, two little bundles of joy.

On Becoming a Healer: The Journey from Patient Care to Caring about Your Patients

by Saul J. Weiner

An invaluable guide to becoming a competent and compassionate physician.Medical students and physicians-in-training embark on a long journey that, although steeped in scientific learning and technical skill building, includes little guidance on the emotional and interpersonal dimensions of becoming a healer. Written for anyone in the health care community who hopes to grow emotionally and cognitively in the way they interact with patients, On Becoming a Healer explains how to foster doctor-patient relationships that are mutually nourishing. Dr. Saul J. Weiner, a physician-educator, argues that joy in medicine requires more than idealistic aspirations—it demands a capacity to see past the "otherness" that separates the well from the sick, the professional in a white coat from the disheveled patient in a hospital gown. Weiner scrutinizes the medical school indoctrination process and explains how it molds the physician's mindset into that of a task completer rather than a thoughtful professional. Taking a personal approach, Weiner describes his own journey to becoming an internist and pediatrician while offering concrete advice on how to take stock of your current development as a physician, how to openly and fully engage with patients, and how to establish clear boundaries that help defuse emotionally charged situations. Readers will learn how to counter judgmentalism, how to make medical decisions that take into account the whole patient, and how to incorporate the organizing principle of healing into their practice. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection and discussion to help personalize the lessons for individual learners.

Once Upon a Chef: 70 Quick-Fix Weeknight Dinners + 30 Luscious Weekend Recipes: A Cookbook

by Jennifer Segal

70 quick-fix weeknight dinners and 30 luscious weekend recipes that make every day taste extra special, no matter how much ​time you have to spend in the kitchen—from the beloved bestselling author of Once Upon a Chef.&“Jennifer&’s recipes are healthy, approachable, and creative. I literally want to make everything from this cookbook!&”—Gina Homolka, author of The Skinnytaste CookbookJennifer Segal, author of the blog and bestselling cookbook Once Upon a Chef, is known for her foolproof, updated spins on everyday classics. Meticulously tested and crafted with an eye toward both flavor and practicality, Jenn&’s recipes hone in on exactly what you feel like making.Here she devotes whole chapters to fan favorites, from Marvelous Meatballs to Chicken Winners, and Breakfast for Dinner to Family Feasts. Whether you decide on sticky-sweet Barbecued Soy and Ginger Chicken Thighs; an enlightened and healthy-ish take on Turkey, Spinach & Cheese Meatballs; Chorizo-Style Burgers; or Brownie Pudding that comes together in under thirty minutes, Jenn has you covered.

One unbounded ocean of consciousness: Simple answers to the big questions in life

by Dr. Tony Nader

World renowned leader at the core of the Maharishi Foundations, a Harvard graduate neuroscientist, renowned Vedic scholar and world reference in Transcendental Meditation, Dr.Tony Nader formulates in this book a series of fundamental existential questions (what is our purpose in life, do we have true control over our destinies?) and, through the study of Consciousness, brings us answers with practical benefits that aim to give us enlightenment, peace and fulfillment. «In this landmark book, Dr. Tony Nader presents ideas that can change the world. He proposes profound solutions to questions that have long fascinated and intrigued philosophers and scientists. What is Consciousness, do we have freedom? How to get the best out of life, fulfill wishes and create peace and harmony among peoples and nations? He offers these solutions, based on a simple underlying paradigm, that unifies mind, body, and environment into an ocean of pure Being, Pure Consciousness. A must read for any seeker of answers to the mysteries of life, the absolute and ultimate truth».David Lynch «I want everyone to know what Consciousness is and how to develop it to enjoy the full potential of individual and social life».Dr. Tony Nader Is there some hidden purpose in life, a secret design, a meaningful logic, a goal to be achieved? Where do we come from and where do we go after we leave? Why should we be fighting? Can we choose? Are we free or slaves of destiny, of the laws of nature or of God? As sentient beings who wish to take control of their lives, these questions are fundamental, and everyone ends up making assumptions or strongly subscribing to beliefs about many of them. Those convictions become our underlying "cosmovision" that influences everything we do. I turned to the study of medicine, psychiatry, and neurology to understand why, although we are so similar, we can be so different in our opinions, mentality, and points of view. But the answers to my fundamental questions were too complex and abstract for scientific investigation. It was Transcendental Meditation TM that allowed me to explore them through direct experience, rather than analysis and deduction. This book is dedicated to all seekers of knowledge, scientists, philosophers, teachers, wise leaders, and guides who investigate the secrets of how nature works and the effort to improve life on Earth.

Only My Dog Knows I Pick My Nose

by Lauren Tarshis

A hilarious and tender picture book perfect for fans of No, David that insightfully explores the inner world of a child. The picture book debut from the New York Times bestselling author of I Survived, Lauren Tarshis!To the outside world, it might look like you do everything right: eat your broccoli, share your toys, and behave in the bath. But what about the moments when no one is looking, and your messier, mushier, scared-ier self is revealed? The only one who knows is... the loyal dog friend who sees it all and still loves you just the way you are.This celebration of friendship, loyalty, and unconditional love with man's -- and child's -- best friend is sure to delight and entertain readers of all ages. Laugh along with recognition and delight in this ode to being true to yourself. With tender, humorous text from New York Times bestselling author Lauren Tarshis, and joyful, expressive watercolors from artist Lisa Mezoff, this sweet book presents a validating message of confidence, empowerment, and unconditional love.


by Asma Elferkouss

Fate fatica ad attribuire a voi stessi il giusto valore? Non vi sentite in grado di poter andare avanti? Vi manca il coraggio per realizzare i vostri sogni e obiettivi? Credere in sé stessi è la chiave della propria felicità! Osare: un libro che vi fa bene, un invito alla speranza e un appello all'audacia

Ota parannuksesi vastaan

by Gabriel Agbo

Tämä kirja kertoo pyhästä parantumisesta. Voiko Jumala edelleen parantaa? Kyllä! Voimmeko elää hyvää ja tervettä elämää? Kyllä! Jumalamme on sama eilen, tänään ja ikuisesti. Odota parannustasi lukiessasi. Tästä kirjasta luet uskomattomia todistuksia, jotka heti lisäävät uskoasi Jumalaan, Hänen rajattomiin kykyihinsä ja haluunsa auttaa jopa huonoimmissa tilanteissa. Esimerkiksi, Jumala parantaa edelleen parantumattomia ja kuolemaan johtavia sairauksia. Hän herättää ihmisiä edelleen kuolleista. Oletko lukenut miehestä, joka heräsi kuolleista oltuaan kaksi päivää ruumishuoneella? Jos Jumala pystyy tekemään näin, miksi luulet, ettei mitään voida tehdä sinun tilanteellesi? Tässä kirjassa on mukana monia muita uskomattomia todistuksia. Tässä kirjassa on kymmenen voimakasta ja valaisevaa kappaletta: Kaikki asiat ovat mahdollisia, Parannus on oikeutesi, Sairauden alkuperä, Jumalan sana, Jeesuksen nimi, Pyhä Henki, Uskon voima, Parannuksesi pitäminen. Opit myös, mitä rooleja on rukouksella, voiteluöljyllä, kättenpäällepanemisella, myötätunnolla (rakkaudella), tottelulla, enkeleillä, ylistyksellä ja palvonnalla, jne. on tehtävässäsi saada ja pitää parannuksesi. Tämän kirjan tarkoituksena on antaa sinulle parannusta lukiessasi, ja se on hyvin käytännöllinen.

Other Lives: Mind and World in Indian Buddhism

by Sonam Kachru

Human experience is not confined to waking life. Do experiences in dreams matter? Humans are not the only living beings who have experiences. Does nonhuman experience matter? The Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu, writing during the late fourth and early fifth centuries C.E., argues in his work The Twenty Verses that these alternative contexts ought to inform our understanding of mind and world. Vasubandhu invites readers to explore experiences in dreams and to inhabit the experiences of nonhuman beings—animals, hungry ghosts, and beings in hell.Other Lives offers a deep engagement with Vasubandhu’s account of mind in a global philosophical perspective. Sonam Kachru takes up Vasubandhu’s challenge to think with perspective-diversifying contexts, showing how his novel theory draws together action and perception, minds and worlds. Kachru pieces together the conceptual system in which Vasubandhu thought to show the deep originality of the argument. He reconstructs Vasubandhu’s ecological concept of mind, in which mindedness is meaningful only in a nexus with life and world, to explore its ongoing philosophical significance. Engaging with a vast range of classical, modern, and contemporary Asian and Western thought, Other Lives is both a groundbreaking work in Buddhist studies and a model of truly global philosophy. The book also includes an accessible new translation of The Twenty Verses, providing a fresh introduction to one of the most influential works of Buddhist thought.

Other Me: A autoscopy about the reality of lide and the conception of the self.

by Antonio Almas

And then it came the time for silence; it had to come one day, because too many words disorders the mind, too much talking exhausts your head, overwhelm your senses and strays you from what's essential. I know that I attempted to run, that I couldn't accept loneliness and the absence of noise. I struggled to keep myself among others, to be like them, to have lots of friends, to go to lots of parties and feel lots of joy, but that was not who I was. I was a tiny, quiet person, who always wanted to be on their own, shut into their own world, in silence, hidden inside their own brain. I never had the hang for being public, even though I had such ability for argumentation. When I first started in the political arts, I felt uncomfortable with all the lies, the need for constantly being under the sight of the people, under the scrutiny of others; I was never into being scrutinized. Not sure if it's for fear, although, yes, I've always been afraid of everything, of being wimpy, of not being as good as the others. I always use others in a comparative way, after all, that's the way it is, we're always pointing out differences between ones and others, fighting to surpass the others instead of helping each other. In sum, a young one with inferiority complexes can only grow into an adult filled with insecurity, who, besides their obstinacy for an independent life and paying your own bills, has left behind a few fragilities which, apparently, weren't so evident though equally serious; as serious as those of who could not be in charge of building a solid, stable life.

The Other Mothers: Two Women's Journey to Find the Family That Was Always Theirs

by Jennifer Berney

A story of fertility, feminism, and familyJenn Berney was one of those people who knew she was destined for motherhood—it wasn't a question of if, but when. So when she and her wife Kelly decided to start building their family, they took the next logical step: they went to a fertility clinic. But they soon found themselves entrenched in a medical establishment that didn't know what to do with people like them. With no man factoring into their relationship, doctors were at best embarrassed and at worst disparaging of the couple.Soon Jenn found herself stepping outside of the system determined to disregard her. Looking into the history of fertility and the LGBTQ+ community, she saw echoes of her own struggle. For decades queer people have defied the patriarchy and redefined the nuclear family—and Jenn was walking in their footsteps.Through the ups-and-downs of her own journey, Jenn reflects on a turbulent past that has led her to this point and a bright future worth fighting for. With clarity, determination, and hope, The Other Mothers gives us a wonderful glimpse into the many ways we can become family.

Our Eternal Relationship: 10 Contemplations for a Connected Life

by Joseph V. McCarthy

Many years ago, Joseph V. McCarthy dreamed a revelation that shattered his world-view and altered his life direction forever. After nine years as a correctional officer in the prison system, Joe left for a monastic life at Tarrawarra Abbey in Victoria, Australia. He lived as a monk for six years, immersed in a life of spiritual contemplation. During this time, he was introduced to “A Course in Miracles”. It’s message of divinity as a tangible force in the world prompted Joe to reflect on its presence in the wider community beyond the cloister. Joe left the monastery and eventually became a training officer for emergency services in a rural/tourist area. While engaged in lost person searches; flood, cliff and car crash rescues; and more, he witnessed tragic misfortune and miraculous survival. His eyes were opened to the fragility of this precious life. In his role as a spiritual director, and later as pastoral carer in a hospital, Joe realised the deep longing in all human hearts for spiritual meaning and peace. He was inspired to write ‘Our Eternal Relationship’, which shares the key insights and contemplations that were so transformative in his journey. From prison officer to monk to emergency rescuer to pastoral carer for the sick and dying, Joseph V. McCarthy has not flinched from witnessing life’s darkest pits of despair. He believes, “There is not a person in this world who does not deserve our sympathy,” and he offers simple steps towards a life of spiritual integrity and contribution, free of religious dogma.

Our Spiritual DNA: Twelve Ascended Masters and the Evidence for Our Divine Ancestry

by Carmel Niland

• Investigates the roles, energies, and essence of 12 Ascended Masters and how each of them holds a strand of our spiritual DNA • Traces the reincarnations of Ascended Masters Mother Mary and St. Germain through history, depicting the positive and shadow aspects of their archetypal energies • Offers charts that allow you to find out which Ascended Master you relate to and thus discover your own direct connection to the Divine DO YOU KNOW what Imhotep, Homer, and Nikola Tesla have in common? All three are said to be influential incarnations of Ascended Master St. Germain. How can we tell? Guided by renowned mystics, Carmel Niland suggests that, just as we carry physical DNA that shapes us across generations, we also carry an energetic code or spiritual DNA that links us back to the very source of our origins -- God -- a divine ancestry that throughout the centuries conveys itself in patterns of behavior, character traits, and life purpose, connecting each individual to a specific Ascended Master. The God essence expresses itself through archetypal energies in us, represented by 12 Ascended Masters who hold the 12 strands of our spiritual DNA. Thus, every person on this earth, no matter how ordinary or extraordinary, is an aspect of one of these Masters. Focusing on Mother Mary and St. Germain, Our Spiritual DNA explores the role, energies, and essence of these 12 Masters by examining some of history&’s most important figures who have been instrumental in shaping our world. Hitherto unknown details about the lives of personalities like Queen Nefertiti, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Merlin, Isabelle of Castile, and Dante emerge in channeled conversations with the author&’s spiritual guide, The Gatekeeper. Revolutionizing the Western view of reincarnation, this astounding book allows you to trace your own spiritual DNA through the reincarnations of the Ascended Masters, understand your spiritual and genetic connection to God, and realize that we are all divinely connected across gender, race, and time.

Out of the Cave: A Natural Philosophy of Mind and Knowing

by Mark L. Johnson Don M. Tucker

From a philosopher and a neuropsychologist, a radical rethinking of certain traditional views about human cognition and behavior.Plato's Allegory of the Cave trapped us in the illusion that mind is separate from body and from the natural and physical world. Knowledge had to be eternal and absolute. Recent scientific advances, however, show that our bodies shape mind, thought, and language in a deep and pervasive way. In Out of the Cave, Mark Johnson and Don Tucker--a philosopher and a neuropsychologist--propose a radical rethinking of certain traditional views about human cognition and behavior. They argue for a theory of knowing as embodied, embedded, enactive, and emotionally based. Knowing is an ongoing process--shaped by our deepest biological and cultural values. Johnson and Tucker describe a natural philosophy of mind that is emerging through the convergence of biology, psychology, computer science, and philosophy, and they explain recent research showing that all of our higher-level cognitive activities are rooted in our bodies through processes of perception, motive control of action, and feeling. This developing natural philosophy of mind offers a psychological, philosophical, and neuroscientific account that is at once scientifically valid and subjectively meaningful--allowing us to know both ourselves and the world.

Out of the Shadows: Six Visionary Victorian Women in Search of a Public Voice

by Emily Midorikawa

Queen Victoria's reign was an era of breathtaking social change, but it did little to create a platform for women to express themselves. But not so within the social sphere of the séance--a mysterious, lamp-lit world on both sides of the Atlantic, in which women who craved a public voice could hold their own.Out of the Shadows tells the stories of the enterprising women whose supposedly clairvoyant gifts granted them fame, fortune, and most important, influence as they crossed rigid boundaries of gender and class as easily as they passed between the realms of the living and the dead. The Fox sisters inspired some of the era&’s best-known political activists and set off a transatlantic séance craze. While in the throes of a trance, Emma Hardinge Britten delivered powerful speeches to crowds of thousands. Victoria Woodhull claimed guidance from the spirit world as she took on the millionaires of Wall Street before becoming America&’s first female presidential candidate. And Georgina Weldon narrowly escaped the asylum before becoming a celebrity campaigner against archaic lunacy laws. Drawing on diaries, letters, and rarely seen memoirs and texts, Emily Midorikawa illuminates a radical history of female influence that has been confined to the dark until now.

Outdoor School: The Definitive Interactive Nature Guide (Outdoor School)

by Jennifer Pharr Davis Haley Blevins

Rewild your life! With metal corners and 448 full-color, highly illustrated pages, OUTDOOR SCHOOL: HIKING AND CAMPING is an indispensable tool for young explorers and nature lovers.Make every day an adventure with the included:- Immersive activities to get you exploring- Write-in sections to journal about experiences- Next-level adventures to challenge even seasoned nature loversNo experience is required—only curiosity and courage. This interactive field guide to hiking and camping includes:- Planning your next adventure- Essential outdoor gear- First aid & survival- Navigation- How to handle extreme weather- Crossing dangerous terrain- Setting up camp- Building a fire in rain or shine- Games for the trail- Finding and filtering water- Animal tracks, calls, and sounds- Bird watching- Plant spotting- Rock hunting- What to do if you’re lostAnd so much more!

Outside, Inside

by LeUyen Pham

From Caldecott honoree LeUyen Pham, Outside, Inside is a moving picture book that captures the unforgettable moment during the pandemic when people all over the world came together. It celebrates the essential workers, frontline workers, and communities that worked with each other to protect our loved ones.Something strange happened on an unremarkable day just before the season changed.Everybody who was outside . . .. . . went inside.Outside, it was quieter, wilder, and different. Inside, we laughed, we cried, and we grew.We remembered to protect the ones we love and love the ones who protect us.While the world changed outside, we became stronger on the inside and believed that someday soon spring would come again.A Chicago Public Library Best of the Best Book of 2021Evanston Public Library 101 Great Books for Kids List of 2021A Shelf Awareness Best Children's Book of 2021A 2022 Notable Children's Books in the Language Arts List

Outsmart Your Pain: Mindfulness And Self-compassion To Help You Leave Chronic Pain Behind

by Christiane Wolf

“Mindfulness and compassion practices should be in everybody’s toolbox for a happier and healthier life. [This] book is essential reading for providers who treat chronic illnesses and for those suffering from them.”—Arianna Huffington Pain can be a big, unwieldy box that we struggle to carry all day. But what if we could put down this box, unpack it, and tackle the contents one by one? Outsmart Your Pain is Dr. Christiane Wolf’s radically clear, evidence-based guide to relieving chronic pain with mindfulness, complete with twenty easy guided meditations and self-compassion practices, including: rewriting the “pain story” you tell yourself practicing loving acceptance of your body as it is mindfully working through negative emotions strengthening your inner and outer support systems. By separating your pain from the stressful thoughts and troubled feelings that come with it, you can lay down your burden and live with joy.

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