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Yoga fuer Beginner

by Dean Sanders

Warum Yoga praktizieren? Wir leben in einer Weise, in der unser Geist und unser Nervensystem ständig stimuliert werden. Das Praktizieren von Yoga bietet uns den Raum, unseren Geist zu verlangsamen und unser Gleichgewicht wieder herzustellen. Yoga Alliance und Yoga Journal führten 2016 eine Studie mit dem Namen Yoga in Amerika durch. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass sich ungefähr 36,7 Millionen Menschen mit Yoga befasst haben. Dies entspricht einer Steigerung von etwa 50% gegenüber 2012. Es ist ungewiss, was das boomende Wachstum und die zunehmende Beliebtheit von Yoga verursacht, wir vermuten wegen der Vorteile, die Yoga zu bieten hat. Yoga hilft Ihrem Körper Der bekannteste Vorteil ist physisch. Die Körperhaltung kann sich verbessern: Flexibilität Mobilität Kraft Gleichgewicht Sportler praktizieren aus diesen Gründen Yoga regelmäßig als effektiven Teil Ihres Trainingsplans. Beim Praktizieren von Yoga durchläuft Ihr Körper eine Vielzahl von Bewegungen und Bewegungsabläufen, die Schmerzen und Beschwerden entgegenwirken können, die mit schlechten Haltungsgewohnheiten oder Verspannungen verbunden sind. Yoga hilft Ihnen nicht nur, es macht Sie auf Ihren Körper aufmerksam und lässt Sie Ihre Unausgewogenheiten beheben. Yoga hilft bei Entspannung und Stress Ein weiterer großer Vorteil ist, dass es uns bei Stress hilft. Wenn sich Stress ansammelt, kann es dazu führen, dass Ihr Nervensystem ständig überlastet wird, es fällt schwer sich zu konzentrieren, sich zu entspannen und zu schlafen. Das Atmen, das Sie beim Yoga praktizieren, kann helfen, die Herzfrequenz zu senken und unser Nervensystem in einen entspannteren Zustand zu versetzen. Es verbessert Konzentration und Schlaf. Für Menschen mit mehr spirituellem Hintergrund sind die Auswirkungen von Yoga jenseits der Matte und des physischen Körpers. Es trägt dazu bei, eine tiefere Verbindung zu Ihrer Bedeutung und Ihrem Bewusstsein für das Leben in der Gegen

Yoga für alle

by Cristiano Pugno Pia-Felicitas Hawle

Dieses Yogabuch vermittelt, anschaulich mit Bild und Text, 10 Yogastellungen. Dem Anfänger werden die einzelnen Stellungen verständlich erklärt. Die 10 ausgewählten Stellungen sind klassische Yogaübungen. Sie wurden aufgrund ihrer gesundheitsförderlichen Wirkung ausgewählt und eignen sich für einen Einstieg in den Yogasport.

Yoga für Anfänger

by Pauline Lawson

Wer möchte nicht gesünder leben, sich wohler fühlen, weniger Angst haben, besser schlafen und Depressionen überwinden? Schon seit langem werden Yoga-Techniken zur Behandlung von einer ganzen Reihe von Krankheiten eingesetzt, damit du ein glücklicheres und gesünderes Leben führen kannst! Die Verwendung von Yoga-Techniken hilft auch bei chronischen Krankheiten und Entzündungen – Sie stärken das Immunsystem, erhöhen deine Energie, Konzentration, das allgemeine Wohlbefinden und noch viel mehr! Erlebe mehr positive Emotionen und weniger Depressionen. Eine Einführung in die Geheimnisse, mit denen sich Yoga-Profis gesünder fühlen als je zuvor! Mit jahrzehntelang getesteten Strategien zeigt dir dieses E-Book den schnellsten und effektivsten Weg, Yoga für dein vollkommenes Wohlbefinden einzusetzen! In diesem Handbuch lernst du bewährte Techniken ohne die Verwendung teurer Hilfsmittel oder Kurse. - Für Anfänger. - Fitter werden. - Abnehmen. - Flexibler werden. - Depressionen lindern. - Stress überwinden. - Angst reduzieren und beseitigen. - Mehr Energie. - Besser schlafen. - Achtsamkeit. - Beschwerden lindern. + VIELES MEHR!

Yoga für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Georg Feuerstein Larry Payne

Sie suchen körperliche Entspannung und geistige Ruhe im hektischen Alltag? Sie wollen gleichzeitig Ihre allgemeine Fitness, Beweglichkeit und Kraft verbessern? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie. Georg Feuerstein und Larry Payne erläutern Ihnen die Kraft des Yoga als Weg zu mehr geistiger und körperlicher Gesundheit. Als Anfänger erlernen Sie in illustrierten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen die Grundübungen und erfahren, wie Sie aus den vielen verschiedenen Yoga-Richtungen die passende für sich finden. Fortgeschrittene erfahren, wie sie ihr persönliches Yoga-Programm zusammenstellen und perfekt in ihren Alltag integrieren. Kindern, Schwangeren und Senioren ist jeweils ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. So findet jeder seinen Weg zu mehr Ausgeglichenheit, Gesundheit und innerer Ruhe.

Yoga Games for Kids: 30 Fun Activities to Encourage Mindfulness, Build Strength, and Create Calm

by Lani Rosen-Gallagher

Introduce children to the benefits of yoga through play Yoga is loved the world over for how it can build physical strength, promote mindfulness, and inspire calm. With a variety of engaging exercises, guided poses, and stimulating games, this yoga book for kids teaches young yogis the virtues of yoga through play while helping them build physical strength, flexibility, and balance. Make yoga for kids fun and easy with: Kid-friendly instructions—Simple guidance and illustrations show kids all the techniques they need to master different poses and have a blast doing it. Lessons in independence—Discover methods of solo play and meditation that will help build skills in mindfulness and self-confidence. A regular routine—Give kids the foundation to create a regular yoga practice with poses perfect for starting the day, sustaining energy, and winding down for a restful night's sleep. Help kids develop strength, reduce stress, and find calm—all while having fun—with this kids' yoga book.

Yoga Girl: Finding Happiness, Cultivating Balance and Living with Your Heart Wide Open

by Rachel Brathen

The beautiful full-colour New York Times bestselling book, filled with stunning photography, written by the yoga instructor who inspires more than two million followers on Instagram every single day.Part self-help and part memoir, Yoga Girl is an inspirational look at the adventure that took writer and yoga teacher Rachel Brathen from her hometown in Sweden to the jungles of Costa Rica and finally to a paradise island in the Caribbean that she now calls home. With more than two million followers on Instagram, Brathen shares positive snippets of her life every day. In Yoga Girl, she gives readers an in-depth look at her journey from her self-destructive teenage years to the happy and inspiring life she's built through yoga, mindfulness and meditation. Featuring spectacular photos of Rachel practising yoga in idyllic locations, along with step-by-step yoga sequences and simple recipes for a healthy, happy, and fearless lifestyle, Yoga Girl is all you need to inspire your own yoga journey.'An international force in the world of yoga.' Allure

Yoga Girl: Finding Happiness, Cultivating Balance And Living With Your Heart Wide Open

by Rachel Brathen

By the yoga instructor who inspires more than one million followers on Instagram every day.Whether she's practicing handstands on her stand-up paddleboard or teaching Downward-Facing Dog to the masses, Rachel Brathen--Instagram's @Yoga_Girl--has made it her mission to share inspirational messages with people from all corners of the world. In Yoga Girl, Brathen takes readers beyond her Instagram feed and shares her journey like never before--from her self-destructive teenage years in her hometown in Sweden to her adventures in the jungles of Costa Rica, and finally to the beautiful and bohemian life she's built through yoga and meditation in Aruba today. Featuring spectacular photos of Brathen practicing yoga with breathtaking tropical backdrops, along with step-by-step yoga sequences and simple recipes for a healthy, happy, and fearless lifestyle--Yoga Girl is like an armchair vacation to a Caribbean spa.

Yoga Heart

by Leza Lowitz Akiko Tanimoto

"Yoga Heart is a tiny treasure to hold and to behold. Even the typography and colors are food for contemplation...highly recommended for people who will not only read the lines for enjoyment, but also use them for contemplation and right action in life." -New York Journal of BooksThese sixty poems on the Buddha's six "perfections," or qualities for a meaningful life-generosity, kindness, patience, joy, stillness, wisdom-were written over years of yoga and meditation practice, inspired by Tibetan Heart Yoga, nature, Buddhism, Osho, Tantra, ancient Japanese and Chinese poetry, Rumi, Kabir, haiku, love, and life. They seek to capture a journey from the physical body to the subtle body to the light body, until the heart bursts open into the beautiful radiance of divine energy in the world.Leza Lowitz is an award-winning author and editor. She owns Sun and Moon Yoga Studio in Tokyo and has written for Yoga Journal and Shambhala Sun.All author proceeds from the sale of this book go to relief efforts for people and animals affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011

Yoga in Modern India: The Body between Science and Philosophy

by Joseph S. Alter

Yoga has come to be an icon of Indian culture and civilization, and it is widely regarded as being timeless and unchanging. Based on extensive ethnographic research and an analysis of both ancient and modern texts, Yoga in Modern India challenges this popular view by examining the history of yoga, focusing on its emergence in modern India and its dramatically changing form and significance in the twentieth century. Joseph Alter argues that yoga's transformation into a popular activity idolized for its health value is based on modern ideas about science and medicine.Alter centers his analysis on an interpretation of the seminal work of Swami Kuvalayananda, one of the chief architects of the Yoga Renaissance in the early twentieth century. From this point of orientation he explores current interpretations of yoga and considers how practitioners of yogic medicine and fitness combine the ideas of biology, physiology, and anatomy with those of metaphysics, transcendence, and magical power.The first serious ethnographic history of modern yoga in India, this fluently written book is must reading not only for students and scholars but also practitioners who seek a deeper understanding of how yoga developed over time into the exceedingly popular phenomenon it is today.

Yoga in Practice (Princeton Readings in Religions #34)

by David Gordon White

Primary texts in yoga, from ancient times to todayYoga is a body of practice that spans two millennia and transcends the boundaries of any single religion, geographic region, or teaching lineage. In fact, over the centuries there have been many "yogas"—yogas of battlefield warriors, of itinerant minstrels and beggars, of religious reformers, and of course, the yogas of mind and body so popular today. Yoga in Practice is an anthology of primary texts drawn from the diverse yoga traditions of India, greater Asia, and the West. This one-of-a-kind sourcebook features elegant translations of Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and even Islamic yogic writings, many of them being made available in English for the very first time. Collected here are ancient, colonial, and modern texts reflecting a broad range of genres, from an early medical treatise in Sanskrit to Upanishadic verses on sacred sounds; from a Tibetan catechetical dialogue to funerary and devotional songs still sung in India today; and from a 1930s instructional guide by the grandfather of contemporary yoga to the private papers of a pioneer of tantric yoga in America.Emphasizing the lived experiences to be found in the many worlds of yoga, Yoga in Practice includes David Gordon White's informative general introduction as well as concise introductions to each reading by the book's contributors.

Yoga in the Black Community: Healing Practices and Principles

by Charlene Marie Muhammad Marilyn Peppers-Citizen

As the practice of yoga continues to flourish within Western Black and Brown communities, this transformative, Black culturally centered toolkit highlights the barriers that hinder access to yoga. It takes core aspects of yoga philosophy and contextualizes it within Black cultural norms, religious taboos, and historical healing practices, and teaches readers how to foster a safe haven for their clients and communities.Based on decades' worth of experience and expertise, this dynamic author duo discusses important topics such as health disparities, complementary healthcare, and the rich heritage and resilience of Black communities. This is an invaluable and practical resource that offers practices and actionable guidance and supports practitioners to explore a Black culturally centered approach to yoga whilst facilitating better health and wellbeing for Black people.

Yoga Inicial: Pasos fáciles para encontrar tu paz interior, reducir el estrés, y aumentar la felicidad

by Pauline Lawson

¿Le gustaría ser capaz de eliminar la incomodidad, ser menos ansioso, dormir mejor con la mente clara, y vencer la depresión? Por muchísimo tiempo las técnicas de yoga han sido utilizadas para tratar un número de dolencias, ¡permitiéndote vivir una vida más saludable y feliz! Usar las técnicas del yoga también ayudará con enfermedades crónicas, inflamaciones, tu sistema inmunológico, niveles de energía, concentración, gran felicidad, y ¡mucho más! Experimenta emociones más positivas y menos depresión. ¡Presentamos los secretos que los profesionales del yoga utilizan para sentirse mejor que nunca! Con décadas de estrategias probadas, este eBook te mostrará la forma más rápida y efectiva de usar el yoga para beneficiar tu bienestar. Esta guía te enseña técnicas probadas sin el uso de cursos o suplementos caros. Qué incluye: Para principiantes Ponerse en forma Perder peso Volverse más flexible Vencer la depresión Vencer el estrés Reducir y eliminar la ansiedad Tener más energía Dormir mejor Atención plena Superar dolencias ¡y mucho más! Si quieres estar más saludable, curar dolencias, o mejorar la concentración y bienestar entonces ¡esta guía es para ti! --Sube a lo alto de la página y selecciona añadir al carrito para comprar al instante--

Yoga Inversions: Your Guide to Going Upside Down

by Kat Heagberg Rebar

An approachable, user-friendly guide to inversions of all kinds for anyone who wants to try going upside down, featuring 85 practices that explore the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of yoga.Learn to hop into a handstand, do a forearm stand with blocks⁠—and even appreciate legs up the wall in new ways with this comprehensive and accessible guide to inversions in yoga.Kat Heagberg Rebar offers an easy-to-follow guide with 175 beautiful color photos. For each pose Kat offers adaptations, challenging variations, and everything in between. She also shares options to prepare safely and practices to build strength. In addition to teaching the physical practice of inversions, Rebar addresses the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of this often-challenging practice. Yoga Inversions offers a progressive, biomechanically sound, inclusive, step-by-step approach to anyone who wants to try being upside down, and includes: Downward dog and dolphin variations to set you up for successInnovative prop tipsHandstand preps and drills Tips for stepping, jumping, hopping, and pressing into handstand Handstand against the wall and away from the wallForearm stand, headstand, and shoulderstand variations Customizable practices to help you reach your goalsAnd much more

Yoga The Iyengar Way

by Silva Mehta Mira Mehta Shyam Mehta

A book based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. The poses are explained in an easy-to-understand way to help the readers.

Yoga Journal Presents Restorative Yoga for Life

by Gail Boorstein Grossman

Restorative yoga poses for healing your mind and body! Written by instructor Gail Boorstein Grossman, E-RYT 500, CYKT, and published in partnership with Yoga Journal, Restorative Yoga for Life teaches you how to practice restorative yoga--a form of yoga that focuses on physical and mental relaxation through poses aided by props. It's a gentle yet empowering style that helps you de-stress and re-energize. While restorative yoga is beneficial for your entire body, Gail also shows you how to treat more than twenty ailments, such as headaches, digestive issues, and anxiety, through specific yoga poses and sequences. Guided by step-by-step instructions and beautiful photographs, you will gently ease your way into inner calm and better health with powerful yoga sequences. Whether you're having trouble sleeping, suffering from backaches, or just want to unwind after a busy day, you will find balance throughout your body, soul, and mind with Restorative Yoga for Life.

Yoga Journal Presents Restorative Yoga for Life: A Relaxing Way to De-stress, Re-energize, and Find Balance

by Gail Boorstein Grossman

Restorative yoga poses for healing your mind and body!Written by instructor Gail Boorstein Grossman, E-RYT 500, CYKT, and published in partnership with Yoga Journal, Restorative Yoga for Life teaches you how to practice restorative yoga--a form of yoga that focuses on physical and mental relaxation through poses aided by props. It's a gentle yet empowering style that helps you de-stress and re-energize. While restorative yoga is beneficial for your entire body, Gail also shows you how to treat more than twenty ailments, such as headaches, digestive issues, and anxiety, through specific yoga poses and sequences. Guided by step-by-step instructions and beautiful photographs, you will gently ease your way into inner calm and better health with powerful yoga sequences.Whether you're having trouble sleeping, suffering from backaches, or just want to unwind after a busy day, you will find balance throughout your body, soul, and mind with Restorative Yoga for Life.

Yoga Journal Presents Your Guide to Reflexology

by Yoga Journal

Discover the healing art of reflexology!The healing art of reflexology uses specific thumb and finger techniques to teach the body to redirect and release the blocked energy that causes pain and illness. In Yoga Journal Presents: Your Guide to Reflexology, you'll find expert information on this therapeutic method of pressure-point massage to relieve pain, reduce stress, and heal a variety of ailments. This accessible and comprehensive guide teaches you how to:Locate the healing zones of the feet that correspond to specific organs, systems, and body partsUse thumb-walking, knuckle presses, clapping, and other techniques to balance energy flowUse reflexology to improve immunity, treat illnesses, and reduce painIntegrate reflexology into your daily routine for a healthier, happier, more fulfilling lifeWith this informative and inspiring guide, you'll be able to use the healing power of touch to bring relief and comfort to yourself and others, while restoring balance throughout the body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga Journal Presents Your Guide to Reflexology: Relieve Pain, Reduce Stress, and Bring Balance to Your Life

by Journal Yoga

Discover the healing art of reflexology!The healing art of reflexology uses specific thumb and finger techniques to teach the body to redirect and release the blocked energy that causes pain and illness. In Yoga Journal Presents: Your Guide to Reflexology, you'll find expert information on this therapeutic method of pressure-point massage to relieve pain, reduce stress, and heal a variety of ailments. This accessible and comprehensive guide teaches you how to:Locate the healing zones of the feet that correspond to specific organs, systems, and body partsUse thumb-walking, knuckle presses, clapping, and other techniques to balance energy flowUse reflexology to improve immunity, treat illnesses, and reduce painIntegrate reflexology into your daily routine for a healthier, happier, more fulfilling lifeWith this informative and inspiring guide, you'll be able to use the healing power of touch to bring relief and comfort to yourself and others, while restoring balance throughout the body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga Journal Presents Your Guide to Reflexology: Relieve Pain, Reduce Stress, and Bring Balance to Your Life

by Journal Yoga

Discover the healing art of reflexology!The healing art of reflexology uses specific thumb and finger techniques to teach the body to redirect and release the blocked energy that causes pain and illness. In Yoga Journal Presents: Your Guide to Reflexology, you'll find expert information on this therapeutic method of pressure-point massage to relieve pain, reduce stress, and heal a variety of ailments. This accessible and comprehensive guide teaches you how to:Locate the healing zones of the feet that correspond to specific organs, systems, and body partsUse thumb-walking, knuckle presses, clapping, and other techniques to balance energy flowUse reflexology to improve immunity, treat illnesses, and reduce painIntegrate reflexology into your daily routine for a healthier, happier, more fulfilling lifeWith this informative and inspiring guide, you'll be able to use the healing power of touch to bring relief and comfort to yourself and others, while restoring balance throughout the body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga Journal Presents Your Guide to Reiki

by Yoga Journal

Discover the healing art of Reiki!The Japanese healing art of Reiki enhances balance and amplifies energy while reducing stress, promoting healing, and significantly improving your quality of life. In Yoga Journal Presents: Your Guide to Reiki, you'll find expert information on the popular hands-on holistic therapy that encourages relaxation and eases pain by transmitting energy between the practitioner and recipient. This accessible and comprehensive guide teaches you how to:Identify where energy enters and leaves the body and encourage the flow of this energy where it is neededConnect with the Universal Life Force through a Reiki attunementEstablish your personal Reiki routine for self-treatment and healing othersBalance energy flow throughout the bodyParticipate in Reiki sharesCreate a Reiki-centered spiritual lifestyleWhether you're new to Reiki or already a practitioner, this guide will help you deepen your practice and restore balance throughout the body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga Journal Presents Your Guide to Reiki: Use This Powerful Healing Energy to Restore Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

by Journal Yoga

Discover the healing art of Reiki!The Japanese healing art of Reiki enhances balance and amplifies energy while reducing stress, promoting healing, and significantly improving your quality of life. In Yoga Journal Presents: Your Guide to Reiki, you'll find expert information on the popular hands-on holistic therapy that encourages relaxation and eases pain by transmitting energy between the practitioner and recipient. This accessible and comprehensive guide teaches you how to:Identify where energy enters and leaves the body and encourage the flow of this energy where it is neededConnect with the Universal Life Force through a Reiki attunementEstablish your personal Reiki routine for self-treatment and healing othersBalance energy flow throughout the bodyParticipate in Reiki sharesCreate a Reiki-centered spiritual lifestyleWhether you're new to Reiki or already a practitioner, this guide will help you deepen your practice and restore balance throughout the body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga, Karma, and Rebirth: A Brief History and Philosophy

by Stephen Phillips

For serious yoga practitioners curious to know the ancient origins of the art, Stephen Phillips, a professional philosopher and sanskritist with a long-standing personal practice, lays out the philosophies of action, knowledge, and devotion as well as the processes of meditation, reasoning, and self-analysis that formed the basis of yoga in ancient and classical India and continue to shape it today. In discussing yoga's fundamental commitments, Phillips explores traditional teachings of hatha yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and tantra, and shows how such core concepts as self-monitoring consciousness, karma, nonharmfulness (ahimsa), reincarnation, and the powers of consciousness relate to modern practice. He outlines values implicit in bhakti yoga and the tantric yoga of beauty and art and explains the occult psychologies of koshas, skandhas, and chakras. His book incorporates original translations from the early Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutra (the entire text), the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and seminal tantric writings of the tenth-century Kashmiri Shaivite, Abhinava Gupta. A glossary defining more than three hundred technical terms and an extensive bibliography offer further help to nonscholars. A remarkable exploration of yoga's conceptual legacy, Yoga, Karma, and Rebirth crystallizes ideas about self and reality that unite the many incarnations of yoga.

Yoga Life: Habits, Poses, and Breathwork to Channel Joy Amidst the Chaos

by Brett Larkin

&“Brett translates the magic of ancient yoga for those who need it most.&” —James Nestor, New York Times bestselling author of BreathOverwhelmed? Overscheduled? Want to access the benefits of yoga, but can&’t seem to make it to the mat? Beat stress with a yoga ritual that works for you in 20-minutes or less. Featuring adaptations for anxiety, weight loss, injury, and prenatal yoga, this "playful and real" (Elena Brower) guide is a must-read for beginners and seasoned yoga teachers alike. We all know that yoga can calm your mind and heal your body, but let&’s be real: It can be hard to cram one more thing into your messy, stressful, time-crunched life. Good news! If you're not making it to the mat, the problem isn&’t you—it&’s the yoga you&’re practicing. Award-winning instructor and Uplifted Yoga founder Brett Larkin is here to help you design an adaptable, personalized practice, and cut to the chase with quick yoga habits that soothe your soul. With the support of quizzes and thirty book-exclusive companion videos you&’ll learn: A five-step method to design a personal practice that works for your schedule. How to adapt your practice to meet your physical, mental, and emotional needs. More than a dozen yoga habits that will help you calm your mind and body, even if you never manage to make it to the mat. Grounded in the wisdom of yoga&’s original texts, Brett reminds us that yoga was always meant to fit easily into our everyday lives. Whether you&’re a beginner or a life-long practitioner, Yoga Life is your new go-to for a personal, transformative, joyful at-home practice to strengthen your mind, body, and spirit.

Yoga Meditation

by Stephen Sturgess

"All yoga practices are preparation for focusing the mind during meditation," notes renowned yogi Stephen Sturgess. In his new book, Sturgess demonstrates how to use a wide range of yoga meditation practices as a portal to higher consciousness. Initial chapters explain what yoga meditation is and why it is so useful in our busy, modern lives. Here, Sturgess gives insight into the Eight Limbs of Yoga (an established approach to the successive stages of yoga) and enlightens us on the workings of our internal energy system - all of which lay the foundation for a deeper understanding of the practices to come. Sturgess then guides us through the key seated meditation postures and a range of helpful mudras (hand gestures) and bandhas (energetic seals) before going on to offer clear, step-by-step guidance on a wide choice of the most effective yoga postures, purification practices, breathing exercises and meditation techniques to still the mind and awaken the inner spirit. In the final chapter he recommends how to put these practices together in the form of nourishing daily routines to suit your individual needs, as well as giving advice on how to establish an overall healthy lifestyle, based on ancient Indian health traditions. Beautifully illustrated, highly practical and deeply inspirational, this is the ideal guide to establishing a regular holistic health program. It will allow you to connect with your true divine Inner Self, realize your fullest potential for creative thought and action, and establish balance, harmony and happiness in every aspect of your life.

Yoga Meditation

by Stephen Sturgess

"All yoga practices are preparation for focusing the mind during meditation," notes renowned yogi Stephen Sturgess. In his new book, Sturgess demonstrates how to use a wide range of yoga meditation practices as a portal to higher consciousness. Initial chapters explain what yoga meditation is and why it is so useful in our busy, modern lives. Here, Sturgess gives insight into the Eight Limbs of Yoga (an established approach to the successive stages of yoga) and enlightens us on the workings of our internal energy system - all of which lay the foundation for a deeper understanding of the practices to come. Sturgess then guides us through the key seated meditation postures and a range of helpful mudras (hand gestures) and bandhas (energetic seals) before going on to offer clear, step-by-step guidance on a wide choice of the most effective yoga postures, purification practices, breathing exercises and meditation techniques to still the mind and awaken the inner spirit. In the final chapter he recommends how to put these practices together in the form of nourishing daily routines to suit your individual needs, as well as giving advice on how to establish an overall healthy lifestyle, based on ancient Indian health traditions. Beautifully illustrated, highly practical and deeply inspirational, this is the ideal guide to establishing a regular holistic health program. It will allow you to connect with your true divine Inner Self, realize your fullest potential for creative thought and action, and establish balance, harmony and happiness in every aspect of your life.

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