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Yoga para luces y sombras

by Antonella Orsini

Un libro biográfico y técnico sobre el poder sanador del yoga. A temprana edad, Antonella tenía todo lo que aparentemente podía soñar una joven aspirante a actriz: actuaba en televisión y gozaba de una independencia financiera. Sin embargo, lentamente comenzó a sentir vacíos e inconformidades que no lograba apaciguar. Y fue así como apareció el yoga en su vida para sanar sus inquietudes y renacer espiritualmente. Con sutileza y emotividad, Antonella se anima a narrar este camino de sanación: el tránsito desde la tristeza hasta la luminosa experiencia de conocer el yoga, estudiar la disciplina y convertirse en profesora. En este libro, de paso, se comparten ejercicios para enfrentar el estrés, el insomnio, la ansiedad y la migraña. Yoga para luces y sombras es un libro de mensajes radiantes y perdurables. Una invitación a abrir la consciencia y crecer llenos de amor y autoconocimiento.

Yoga para principiantes: Para aliviar el estrés, mejorar la relajación y tener un estiramiento satisfactorio

by Sonia Byrd

¡COMIENZA HOY TU VIAJE DE YOGA DE POR VIDA AQUÍ! En primer lugar, vamos a dejar una cosa en claro. No tienes que ser perfecto para practicar cualquier tipo de yoga. El yoga es un equilibrio de la mente y el cuerpo. Todos tenemos tipos de cuerpo muy singulares. Nadie está hecho de la misma manera. Tu práctica de yoga es exactamente eso: una práctica adaptada a las necesidades de tu mente y tu cuerpo. Puede que te sientas con sobrepeso, demasiado alto, demasiado bajo, poco flexible, demasiado delgado, etc. Intenta dejar de lado cualquier inhibición que te impida lanzarte a tu primera rutina. Mucha gente asocia inmediatamente la palabra yoga con posturas de cabeza y de pretzel. Aunque esas actividades avanzadas son ciertamente una pieza del rompecabezas del yoga, no definen el yoga. En "¡YOGA MÁGICO!" Aprenderás: ✓ 50 posturas de yoga para principiantes para ti ✓ Los diferentes tipos de yoga: Hatha, Iyengar, Bikram, Ashtanga ✓ Más Tipos de Yoga: Vinyasa, Yin, Restaurativo ✓ Tipos de Posturas: Meditación, Postura del Árbol Reclinada, Postura del Ángulo Reclinada ✓ Torsión Reclinada, Pez Apoyado, Flexión Lateral Reclinada, Langosta ✓ Torsión prona, Postura del niño, Pliegue hacia delante - Piernas anchas, Apoyar una pierna ✓ Más posturas: Cara de Vaca, Piernas Arriba/Savasana ✓ Postura del gato y la vaca, Postura del árbol, Postura de la paloma doble, Postura del cuervo ✓ Perro mirando hacia abajo, Postura de la plancha, Postura de la cabeza ✓ Postura del Pez, Postura de la Cobra, Postura del Perro de Arriba ✓ Aprovecha tu poder empático Y mucho más. ¡Obtén tu copia del libro ahora mismo haciendo clic en el botón COMPRAR AHORA en la parte superior de esta página!

Yoga para Principiantes: Aprender Yoga desde Casa para Mejorar la Salud y Perder Peso

by Dean Sanders

¿Te gustaría estar mejor contigo mismo, reducir la ansiedad, dormir mejor y combatir la depresión? Durante mucho tiempo, se ha utilizado el yoga como tratamiento para muchas enfermedades y para tener una vida más feliz y más sana. Hacer yoga también ayuda en casos de enfermedades crónicas e inflamación, y puede mejorar el sistema inmunitario, los niveles de energía, la concentración y el estado de ánimo, entre otras muchas cosas. Permite que experimentemos más emociones positivas y dejemos de lado los pensamientos negativos. Aquí encontrarás los secretos de los especialistas en yoga para tener una vida mucho más sana. Tras décadas de estudios sobre este método, en este ebook se expone la forma más rápida y efectiva de hacer del yoga una verdadera fuente de bienestar. En este manual encontrarás las técnicas que funcionan de verdad sin necesidad de gastar mucho dinero en cursos y suplementos. Este ebook incluye: - Para Principiantes - Ponerse en Forma - Perder Peso - Ganar Flexibilidad - Combatir la Depresión - Combatir el Estrés - Reducir y Eliminar la Ansiedad - Tener más Energía - Dormir Mejor - Mindfulness - Hacer Frente a Enfermedades + ¡Y MUCHO MÁS! Si quieres llevar una vida más sana, curar enfermedades o mejorar la concentración y el bienestar, este manual es para ti. -->Desliza hacia arriba y haz click en "añadir al carrito" para comprar ahora Aviso legal: El autor y/o el/los titular/es de los derechos no se responsabilizan de ningún modo de la exactitud, completitud o adecuación del contenido del presente libro, y quedan exentos de cualesquiera responsabilidades derivadas de errores u omisiones que pudieren existir en el presente. Este producto ha de entenderse como referencia exclusivamente. Se ruega consultar a un profesional antes de tomar acciones legales

Yoga Para Todos

by Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo Cristiano Pugno

Un manual que contiene las diez principales posiciones para iniciar a practicar la disciplina del yoga, una base para acercarse a esta filosofía de vida e iniciar a disfrutar de los beneficios inmediatamente.

Yoga para todos

by Cristiano Pugno Donaldo Leal de Andrade

Manual para iniciar a prática do yoga, as dez principais posições para começar.

Yoga para una vida saludable: Con Pasos Fáciles De Seguir Y Sus Beneficios

by Swapnil M Krishna S

El yoga es una práctica antigua que se basa en un método de desarrollo que equilibra el cuerpo, la mente y el alma. El yoga es una filosofía, una pasión y una forma de vida para las personas que lo practican. Actualmente, el yoga se practica ampliamente en centros recreativos, gimnasios, escuelas, hospitales y consultorios. la mente. La línea básica es que debes aprender a prestar atención. Afinas tu enfoque, primero con el cuerpo y progresando hacia el intelecto. A medida que avance en su práctica, verá ventajas mentales y espirituales. Yoga para una vida saludable es un libro para principiantes que están realmente interesados ​​en aprender y practicar yoga.

Yoga - Philosophy for Everyone: Bending Mind and Body (Philosophy for Everyone #41)

by Liz Stillwaggon Swan

Stimulates thoughts and expands awareness of the philosophical dimensions of yoga in its many forms and practices Yoga — Philosophy for Everyone presents a wide array of perspectives by people whose lives have been touched by yoga. Addressing myriad aspects of yoga's divergent paths, topics include body image for men and women; the religious and spiritual aspects of yoga; and issues relating to ethics, personal growth, and the teaching of yoga. Written by philosophers and non-philosophers alike, with contributions from professional yoga instructors, lifelong practitioners, and first-timers, Yoga — Philosophy for Everyone offers a wealth of material for both enjoyment and deep reflection.

Yoga Poems

by Leza Lowitz Anja Borgstrom

The sixty poems in this book are windows into the mind/body/spirit experiences that come about through yoga practice. Each poem is named for a posture or breath exercise and is inspired by the physical properties of the pose or some aspect of breathing that led the poet to deeper understanding. Listening to these poems read aloud, or contemplating them on one's own, will help yoga students understand their own struggles and inspire them on the way to personal transformation.

Yoga Pour Débutants: comment apprendre le yoga chez soi pour être en meilleure santé et perdre du poids

by Dean Sanders

Aimeriez-vous pouvoir ressentir moins de malaises, diminuer votre anxiété, mieux dormir, garder un esprit clair et vaincre la dépression? Les techniques de yoga servent depuis longtemps à traiter un certain nombre de maux, permettant ainsi d’être plus heureux et en meilleure santé! Les techniques de yoga vous aideront également à prendre en charge des maladies chroniques, soigner des inflammations, renforcir votre système immunitaire, augmenter votre degré d'énergie, améliorer votre concentration, favoriser votre mieux-être, et bien plus encore! Ressentez plus d'émotions positives et moins de dépression. Voici les secrets des professionnels du yoga pour vous sentir en meilleure santé que jamais auparavant! Prenant appui sur des décennies de stratégies éprouvées, ce livre électronique vous enseigne la façon la plus rapide et la plus efficace d’adopter le yoga, afin de vous sentir mieux! Ce guide vous permet d’apprendre des techniques éprouvées sans dépenser une fortune pour suivre des cours ou prendre des suppléments. Bienfaits : - Pour débutants - Mise en forme - Perte de poids - Augmentation de la flexibilité - Lutte contre la dépression - Diminution du stress - Réduction et élimination de l’anxiété - Augmentation de l’énergie - Amélioration du sommeil - Pleine conscience - Soulagement des malaises + PLUS ENCORE! Si vous voulez être en meilleure santé, guérir vos malaises ou améliorer votre concentration et votre bien-être, ce guide vous conviendra. --> Retournez en haut de la page et cliquez sur « Ajouter au panier » pour acheter ce livre instantanément Clause de non-responsabilité : Ni cet auteur, ni le ou les titulaires des droits d’auteur ne revendiquent, promettent ou garantissent l'exactitude, l'exhaustivité ou la pertinence de l'information contenue dans cet ouvrage. Ces derniers déclinent expressémen

Yoga, Power, and Spirit: Patanjali The Shaman

by Alberto Villoldo

The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali is the classic text on the spiritual practice of yoga. Written more than 2,000 years ago, this work is a map to the fast track to enlightenment. They derive from an ancient oral tradition, when Devi, the Divine feminine, was worshiped. Yet, today, the Yoga Sutra is taught by priests and scholars from a masculine Hindu tradition that obscures the simple wisdom in it. Yoga, Power, and Spirit shows us that the Sutra is pre-Hindu, and that the power of Devi and enlightenment are available to us at all times, without guru, temple, or decades of study.

Yoga Radicals: A Curated Set of Inspiring Stories from Pioneers in the Field

by Allie Middleton

Consisting of curated interviews with yoga pioneers including Gail Parker, Heather Mason and Neil Pearson, this book shows the transformational benefits of personal yoga practice and uncovers a collective deepening, resulting from accumulated practice and conscious application at scale. These interviews were collected with the 'presencing approach', used by the author in the dialogue and the interview process itself.The yoga narratives that form the heart of the book are inspirational stories from elders who have created transformational change in their own lives, or incorporated yoga into a bigger vision to benefit society and the planet. The book also presents a toolkit of actionable steps for readers to create social action and/or change.A unique example of moving from the 'me' consciousness to the 'we' consciousness, Yoga Radicals invites readers to join pioneers on a path of social action through personal transformation.

Yoga Recovery: A Mind-Body-Spirit Journey to Wellness

by Carrie Schell

Thank you! Thank you for having the strength and courage to open this book. The last 38 years of my life have been shaped by alcoholism and addiction. The fact that you are here, on this journey, signals hope and love! It is my intention that Mind, Body, Spirit be a light in your day, a light that will shine on your true Self, that source of love and goodness. Be kind to yourself. Never lose sight of the truth that you are here, at this moment, reading this with every intention of living a life of clarity and purpose. You may stumble and lose your way, but please do not give up. You are worthy of all of the love and goodness divinely present! I am sending you love and blessings through Mind, Body, Spirit to help carry you. Thank you for being you! Thank you for being present and having the courage to continue your journey. You have my deepest admiration and respect. Namaste! I promise you, that when you let the light in, miracles will happen! You will experience forgiveness and love. You will see the true you once again, and fall in love with you! You are perfection! Past all that you perceive are your failings and shortcomings is you, that radiates love to others when you allow the true Self to shine.

Yoga/Relaxation Bundle

by Frank Montagna Cindy Luu Darrin Zeer Michael Klein

A quarter of a million readers have relaxed in the workplace thanks to author Darrin Zeer and now it's your turn. This three-book bundle includes Office Yoga, Travel Yoga, and Everyday Calm and it contains all the strategies and stretches you need to reclaim your workplace calm. Office Yoga brings the ancient Indian art to the modern-day office with a fully illustrated, easy-to-use guide offering 75 stress-relieving stretches perfect for the cube environment. Travel Yoga has more than 50 techniques to help travelers relieve muscle tension, master the art of waiting, create hotel room harmony, blow off steam, and arrive revived. Everyday Calm offers over 50 fun and simple ideas for daily stress relief no matter where you are. Each book in the bundle contains charming and instructive illustrations to help you take a step back, calm your thoughts, and breathe.

Yoga Rx: A Step-by-Step Program to Promote Health, Wellness, and Healing for Common Ailments

by Larry Payne Richard Usatine

East meets West as an assistant dean at the UCLA School of Medicine and a celebrity Yoga instructor show how to use ancient Yoga postures for treating dozens of common ailments. Yoga has never been hotter in America, and now its benefits are being recognized far beyond the arenas of enlightenment and body sculpting. Yoga RX distills an array of postures into an easy-to-use regimen for anyone seeking relief for anything from back pain to the common cold. Written by a highly respected professor of medicine and a renowned Yoga teacher and Yoga therapist whose clients include Warren Beatty, Ted Danson, and Dolly Parton, Yoga RX offers a holistic program based on the authors' research into the science of Yoga. Helping readers enhance their chances of disease prevention through increased circulation, strength, flexibility, and concentration, this accessible handbook also covers specific Yoga therapies for treating illnesses such as: *Arthritis *Headaches *PMS *Insomnia *Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In the tradition of The Pilates Body, this step-by-step, illustrated handbook is the ultimate prescription for healing body, mind, and soul.

Yoga Saved My Life

by Sasha Bates

Why do you feel so much better after a yoga class?What is it that takes yoga beyond being merely a way to physically exercise the body, and instead renders it a tool for effectuating deep and lasting emotional change?In Yoga Saved My Life psychotherapist and yoga teacher Sasha Bates demystifies both yoga and psychotherapy, exploring the links between them and showing how each can be transformational. This sits alongside personal stories from members of the Fierce Calm yoga community - people who have experienced all manner of difficulties, whether due to neglect, addiction, abuse, anxiety, depression, stress or any of the other myriad ways in which we all struggle with modern life. Here they tell their stories of finding yoga, and thereby discovering a path through the beliefs and behaviours that had been holding them back and keeping them miserable.If you've ever wondered why you feel so much better after a yoga class, then the explanations of how any why yoga works will enlighten you. Written using down to earth language and in a warm conversational tone, you will come to see how yoga is doing what psychotherapy does: providing a safe, containing, reflective space in which you can access your unconscious, develop self-awareness and find ways to relate to yourself better. This new relationship with your self offers new ways to work with the automatic habits you do without thinking, but which hold you back, practically and emotionally. 'Yoga Saved My Life shows us gently and persuasively that healing the mind is as important as healing the body, and yoga is a great way of doing this' - Vex King, author of Good Vibes, Good Life and Healing is the New High

Yoga Saved My Life

by Sasha Bates

Why do you feel so much better after a yoga class?What is it that takes yoga beyond being merely a way to physically exercise the body, and instead renders it a tool for effectuating deep and lasting emotional change?In Yoga Saved My Life psychotherapist and yoga teacher Sasha Bates demystifies both yoga and psychotherapy, exploring the links between them and showing how each can be transformational. This sits alongside personal stories from members of the Fierce Calm yoga community - people who have experienced all manner of difficulties, whether due to neglect, addiction, abuse, anxiety, depression, stress or any of the other myriad ways in which we all struggle with modern life. Here they tell their stories of finding yoga, and thereby discovering a path through the beliefs and behaviours that had been holding them back and keeping them miserable.If you've ever wondered why you feel so much better after a yoga class, then the explanations of how any why yoga works will enlighten you. Written using down to earth language and in a warm conversational tone, you will come to see how yoga is doing what psychotherapy does: providing a safe, containing, reflective space in which you can access your unconscious, develop self-awareness and find ways to relate to yourself better. This new relationship with your self offers new ways to work with the automatic habits you do without thinking, but which hold you back, practically and emotionally. 'Yoga Saved My Life shows us gently and persuasively that healing the mind is as important as healing the body, and yoga is a great way of doing this' - Vex King, author of Good Vibes, Good Life and Healing is the New High

Yoga Saved My Life

by Sasha Bates

A ground-breaking book that explores the therapeutic power and transformative effects of yoga for health and wellbeing, with astonishing real-life stories by people for whom yoga has played a large part in helping them heal.Why do you feel so much better after a yoga class?What is it that takes yoga beyond being merely a way to physically exercise the body, and instead renders it a tool for effectuating deep and lasting emotional change?In Yoga Saved My Life psychotherapist and yoga teacher Sasha Bates demystifies both yoga and psychotherapy, exploring the links between them and showing how each can be transformational. This sits alongside personal stories from members of the Fierce Calm yoga community - people who have experienced all manner of difficulties, whether due to neglect, addiction, abuse, anxiety, depression, stress or any of the other myriad ways in which we all struggle with modern life. Here they tell their stories of finding yoga, and thereby discovering a path through the beliefs and behaviours that had been holding them back and keeping them miserable.If you've ever wondered why you feel so much better after a yoga class, then the explanations of how any why yoga works will enlighten you. Written using down to earth language and in a warm conversational tone, you will come to see how yoga is doing what psychotherapy does: providing a safe, containing, reflective space in which you can access your unconscious, develop self-awareness and find ways to relate to yourself better. This new relationship with your self offers new ways to work with the automatic habits you do without thinking, but which hold you back, practically and emotionally. (P)2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Yoga Sequencing

by Mark Stephens

Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transformative Yoga Classes presents the essential principles and methods for planning and sequencing yoga classes. Addressing one of the most popular topics in the yoga profession, this book offers sixty-seven model sequences of yoga poses (asanas) that cover the broad range of yoga student experience, including multiple sequences for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students; yoga for kids, teens, women across the life cycle, and seniors; classes to relieve depression and anxiety; and sequences for each of the major chakras and ayurvedic constitutions. Each sequence provides guidance for teaching the different breathing (pranayama) and meditation techniques that give yoga its transformative power. Enhanced with over 2,000 instructional photos and an elaborate guide to the constituent elements of over 150 yoga asanas, the book draws equally from ancient yoga philosophy and contemporary insights into functional anatomy, biomechanics, and kinesiology. The nuanced interrelationships among asanas within and between the seven asana families are explored and the anatomy of opening and stabilizing each pose is explained for sequences designed around specific needs and intentions. A comprehensive appendix includes a glossary of yoga-related terms, an alphabetical asana index with thumbnail photographs of each asana, a class planning worksheet, representative sequences from several popular styles of hatha yoga, and a list of resources for further exploring sequencing and the larger practice of teaching yoga.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Yoga Skills for Therapists: Effective Practices for Mood Management

by Amy Weintraub

A toolkit of "no mat" yoga strategies for you and your clients. Drawing on her study of multiple traditions and lineages--from ancient yoga practices to current neuroscientific research on yoga benefits and contraindications--Weintraub presents a compendium of guided breathing exercises, meditations, self-inquiry practices, relaxation exercises, and simple postural adjustments that can readily accompany and complement psychotherapy--no mat or difficult postures required! Therapists learn exactly how to introduce these simple practices into a session, all within the comfort of their therapy room, no prior yoga training or experience necessary. Weintraub shows therapists how to introduce and apply a full range of yogic approaches: targeted breathing practices called pranayama that meet the present mood and bring it into balance; healing hand gestures called mudras; special sounds and tones called mantras; guided imagery and affirmation; yogic self-inquiry, and much more. Clinical stories and anecdotes explore how these yoga-based interventions, rooted in a firm, evidence-based foundation, can be used as effective treatments for a particular mood or mental state. With over 50 photographs that clearly illustrate the practices and gestures, detailed, step-by-step instructions, and scripts for guided relaxation and meditations, Yoga Skills for Therapists is a practical, hands-on guide that teaches the power of basic yoga techniques to bring great self-awareness, balance, and lasting well-being to you and your clients.

Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness

by Erich Schiffmann

Discover the path to inner peace with this guidebook that combines hatha yoga and meditation strategies from world-renowned yoga master Erich Shiffmann.World-renowned yoga master Erich Schiffmann offers an easy-to-follow, exciting new techniques—the first to combine hatha yoga and meditation—to all who are seeking healthful beauty and inner peace.

Yoga Student Handbook: Develop Your Knowledge of Yoga Principles and Practice

by Graham Burns Andrew McGonigle Tarik Dervish Philip Xerri Korinna Pilafidis-Williams Scott Johnson Mimi Kuo-Deemer Catherine Annis Norman Blair Heidi Sormaz Alison Leighton Wendy Teasdill

An accessible guide on the history, anatomy and philosophy behind yoga, showing how yoga students can develop and grow their personal practice. By offering students and teacher trainees guidance on how to move on to the next stage in their learning, this practical companion helps to deepen their understanding of holistic yoga practice.Including insights from renowned yoga professionals, including Lizzie Lasater, Andrew McGonigle, Graham Burns, Tarik Dervish and more, this book offers practical ways to hone yoga skills and knowledge. Covering everything from how to use your breath and the different styles of yoga, to what to expect from yoga teacher training, this is an essential handbook for all students and trainee teachers of yoga.

The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali: A New Translation with Commentary

by Chip Hartranft

In just 196 short aphorisms, this classic work of Indian philosophy spells out succinctly how the mind works, and how it is possible to use the mind to attain liberation. Compiled in the second or third century CE, the Yoga-Sutra is a road map of human consciousness--and a particularly helpful guide to the mind states one encounters in meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices. It expresses the truths of the human condition with great eloquence: how we know what we know, why we suffer, and how we can discover the way out of suffering. Chip Hartranft's fresh translation and extensive, lucid commentary bring the text beautifully to life. He also provides useful auxiliary materials, including an afterword on the legacy of the Yoga-Sutra and its relevance for us today.

The Yoga-sutra of Patañjali: A New Translation with Commentary

by Chip Hartranft Patañjali

In just 196 short aphorisms, this classic work of Indian philosophy spells out succinctly how the mind works, and how it is possible to use the mind to attain liberation. Compiled in the second or third century CE, the Yoga-Sutra is a road map of human consciousness--and a particularly helpful guide to the mind states one encounters in meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices. It expresses the truths of the human condition with great eloquence: how we know what we know, why we suffer, and how we can discover the way out of suffering. Chip Hartranft's fresh translation and extensive, lucid commentary bring the text beautifully to life. He also provides useful auxiliary materials, including an afterword on the legacy of the Yoga-Sutra and its relevance for us today.

The Yoga Sutras: A New Translation and Study Guide

by Nicholas Sutton

This short course sets out a detailed study of the text, philosophy, and significance of the millennia-old yoga system defined in the Yogasutras. The popular practice of yoga finds its origin in one of the most venerated wisdom books of India: the Yogasutras. Comprised of 196 short statements on the essential teachings of yoga, Patanjali&’s Yogasutras holds the position of being the seminal work that defines the yoga system. Over the centuries many important commentaries have been written that seek to explain and extrapolate the full meaning of the sutras, and to this day, the text continues to be appreciated for the profound wisdom contained within it. While the Yogasutras were originally written in Sanskrit, this short course offers an accessible translation and commentary without sacrificing any of its profound wisdom. This edition will allow the reader to study and dive into the meaning and philosophy of this ancient text with its significant contemporary relevance. Yoga students, practitioners, and scholars alike will appreciate the way in which this short course guides the reader through the text.

The Yoga Sutras for Children

by Roopa Pai

What are the Yoga Sutras? Instructions for bearded rishis who lived in the forests of ancient India? Or the complete manual of asanas? Neither! In fact, the text may well have been called 'Maharishi P's Ultimate Handbook of Mind Control', for it is really a set of techniques to help us - all of us - awaken and harness the explosive power of our minds, through our actions, our attitudes and our awareness. And not through asanas? That too, but not in the way you imagined it. In this surprising, sparkling book, Roopa Pai unravels the secrets of Patanjali's compact 2,000-year-old text in ways both fun and accessible. Walk down the well-marked paths into a dazzling world where a whole new version of yourself - self-assured, fearless and free - awaits you. Go on, then - what are you waiting for?

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