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Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America (Seventh Edition)

by William L. Yarber Barbara J. Sayad Bryan Strong

Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America presents a forward thinking, open approach to Human Sexuality for today's student. The new lead authors, Bill Yarber and Barbara Sayad, continue to bring their research experience to the book while maintaining the engaging writing style that original author Bryan Strong brought to this best-selling text for years. The first text to achieve a full integration of cutting-edge research with a contemporary"sex-positive"approach, it also strives to represent the modern, diverse world that students encounter outside the classroom. Both within the text itself and throughout the exemplary art and photo program, the focus is on inclusion. Human Sexuality has been lauded by students and instructors alike for providing the most integrated and non-judgmental view of sexual orientation available. The seventh edition maintains these themes while adding a new contemporary design, streamlined format and significant content and feature revisions and updates.

Human Sexuality: Diversity In Contemporary Society

by William L Yarber Barbara W. Sayad

Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary Society continues to be a pioneering text in many ways. The sexual affirmation approach encourages students to become proactive in and about their own sexual well-being and includes an emphasis on the importance of embracing intimacy, pleasuring, and mutual satisfaction in sexual expression. It also strives to represent the contemporary, diverse society that students encounter inside and outside the classroom. <P><p>And with McGraw-Hill Education Connect for Human Sexuality, students embark on a personalized digital learning program, which allows them to study more effectively and efficiently. Each chapter contains multiple Think About It features that prompt students to think critically about topics in sexuality such as am I normal, the science of love, hooking up, what behaviors constitute having had sex, orgasm and pleasure, and how college students indicate and interpret consent to have sex. The Practically Speaking feature asks students to examine their own values and the ways they express their sexuality. Topics include sexual communication, effective condom use, having sex again after sexual assault, and a glossary on sex, gender, and gender variation terms. These features help students apply the concepts presented in the book to their own lives.

Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America (8th Edition)

by William Yarber Barbara Sayad Bryan Strong

Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America presents a forward thinking, open approach to Human Sexuality for today's student. The new lead authors, Bill Yarber and Barbara Sayad, continue to bring their research experience to the book while maintaining the engaging writing style that original author Bryan Strong brought to this best-selling text for years. The first text to achieve a full integration of cutting-edge research with a contemporary "sex-positive" approach, it also strives to represent the modern, diverse world that students encounter outside the classroom. Both within the text itself and throughout the exemplary art and photo program, the focus is on inclusion. Human Sexuality has been lauded by students and instructors alike for providing the most integrated and non-judgmental view of sexual orientation available. The eighth edition maintains these themes while adding a new contemporary design, streamlined format and significant content and feature revisions and updates.

Cancers in People with HIV and AIDS: Progress and Challenges

by Robert Yarchoan

The association between AIDS and cancer was recognized from the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, when the appearance of Kaposi sarcoma in a cluster of young men was one of the first signs of this new disease. It was soon recognized that AIDS was caused by infection with a novel virus (HIV) and that AIDS patients are prone to develop a number of "AIDS-defining" cancers: Kaposi sarcoma, lymphoma, and cervical cancer. The development of effective combination anti-HIV therapy starting around 1996 converted AIDS from a death sentence to a manageable disease and led to dramatic shifts in the epidemic. As this therapy was able to improve immune function in patients, the incidence of most "AIDS-defining" cancers decreased. There is a misconception, however, that AIDS has gone away. In fact, as AIDS patients are living longer, the number of AIDS patients has more than doubled in the United States since 1996, and the AIDS population overall has increased in age. Also, as AIDS patients are less likely to die of other complications, cancer is coming to the forefront as one of the most common causes of death in regions where AIDS drugs are widely available. Moreover, the three "AIDS-defining" cancers are now taking a back seat to a number of other HIV-associated cancers, such as Hodgkin lymphoma, lung cancer, and anal cancer. In the developing world, AIDS-associated cancers are a major public health problem, and in some regions of sub-Saharan Africa, Kaposi sarcoma is the most common tumor in men. In recent years, there has been a vast increase in our understanding of HIV-associated cancers. We now know, for example, that most are caused by other viruses and that the main role of HIV and immunodeficiency is to provide a supportive environment for the viruses to multiply and for the cancers to develop. But there remain a number of unanswered questions and a need for improved prevention and therapy. In the 28 chapters of this book, written by some of the most renowned experts in this field, we present up-to-date information on the cancers associated with HIV infection The chapters cover the epidemiology of these cancers, their pathogenesis, their clinical presentation, and their treatment. The book will be of value to physicians, other medical professionals, students, and researchers with an interest in AIDS, viral-associated cancers, or HIV-associated malignancies. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. HIV-associated Cancers: Overview Robert Yarchoan, Thomas Uldrick, Mark Polizotto 2. Epidemiology of AIDS-defining Malignancies William A. Blattner and Rebecca G. Nowak 3. Epidemiology of non-AIDS Defining Malignancies Andrew E. Grulich 4. HIV Cancers in Resource-Limited Regions Sam M. Mbulaiteye 5. Kaposi''s Sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) Blossom Damania and Dirk P. Dittmer 6. Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Lindsey Hutt-Fletcher 7. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Zhi-Ming Zheng 8. Merkel Cell Polymavirus (MCV) Nicole Fischer and Adam Grundhoff 9. Presentation and Pathogenesis of Kaposi''s Sarcoma Corey Casper 10. Management of Kaposi''s Sarcoma Susan E. Krown 11. Presentation and Pathogenesis of HIV Lymphomas Richard F. Little, Stefania Pittaluga, Kieron Dunleavy 12. Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Neel K. Gupta and Lawrence D. Kaplan 13. Burkitt and Burkitt-Like Lymphoma Kishor Bhatia and Sam M. Mbulaiteye 14. Primary Effusion Lymphoma Giovanna Tosato 15. AIDS-related Central Nervous System Lymphoma Jan Davidson-Moncada and Thomas Uldrick 16. Plasmablastic and Other Lymphomas Huan-You Wang, Ida Wong-Sefidan, Erin Reid 17. Hodkin Lymphoma Michele Spina, Rosanna Ciancia, Accursio Augello 18. Multicentric Castelman Disease Mark N. Polizzotto, Thomas S. Uldrick, Robert Yarchoan 19. Cervical Cancer Elizabeth A. Stier 20. Anal Cancer Joel Palefsky 21. Other HPV-Associated Cancers Kristina R. Dahlstrom and Erich M. Sturgis 22. Lung Cancer in HIV Infection Deepthi Mani and David M. Aboulafia 23. Hepattocellular Carcinoma in HIV-positive Patients Massimiliano Berretta, Paolo De Paoli, Umberto Tirelli, Bruno Cacop...

The Good Living Guide to Natural and Herbal Remedies: Simple Salves, Teas, Tinctures, and More

by Katolen Yardley

This back-to-nature reference guide details effective herbal medicines and natural remedies for digestive complaints, sore muscles, wound healing, teenage acne, allergic reactions, and much more. This book is packed with herbal wisdom, traditional use, and just the right amount of science. Gain confidence and understand how to use plant medicine in your home. Dive into the alchemy and art of herbal medicine preparations, receive safety tips, and perfect the techniques to create your own elixirs at home using the numerous recipes provided for delicious foods, herbal teas, tinctures, poultices, liniments, fomentations, herbal vinegars, salves, and oils. Scattered throughout are reflections on how bodies heal and the natural world's role in facilitating healing through connection to spirit and building community.Author Katolen Yardley has more than twenty years of experience as a Medical Herbalist and teaches courses in herbal medicine and naturopathy. Here she offers a simple, straightforward, and beautiful guide to natural remedies that will help you take charge of your health using nature’s own medicine.

The Easy Sugar Detox Cookbook: 125 Recipes for a Sugar-Free Lifestyle

by Kristen Yarker

Sugar is sweet. Life without it can be even sweeter Imagine a sugar-free life—better health, better mood, and more. By kicking your sugar addiction and eliminating it from your diet with The Easy Sugar Detox Cookbook, living as your best, healthy self becomes a reality. Welcome to your new life—it's going to be sweeter than ever. The "easy" in the title isn't an exaggeration. The 125 recipes listed for a sugar detox are accompanied by step-by-step instructions, require minimal preparation, and include supermarket-available ingredients. And because none of them contain refined sugars, your energy levels will be steady with no crashing. Inside The Easy Sugar Detox Cookbook you'll find: Bring on the health benefits—Cutting sugar loose will help prevent complications like heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Switch to whole foods—Whole foods that naturally contain sugar like whole grains and fruits can be used as delicious additions to your sugar detox meals. Kickstart your sugar detox meal plan—If you're not sure how to get started, no problem. Use the 14-day jumpstart meal plan to begin this journey. The Easy Sugar Detox Cookbook is your go-to guide for living a sugar-free lifestyle. What are you waiting for?

Glorious One-Pot Meals: A Revolutionary New Quick and Healthy Approach to Dutch-Oven Cooking

by Elizabeth Yarnell

A totally new patented way to cook quick and easy one-pot meals, while keeping ingredients intact and full of flavor.Elizabeth Yarnell developed her revolutionary infusion-cooking method to avoid often mushy slow-cooker results and to make cooking and cleaning up after dinner a breeze. Now anyone with too many tasks and not enough time can use her technique to get dinner on the table in an hour or less, with no more than twenty minutes of hands-on prep work--and just one pot to clean. All it takes is a Dutch oven and a few basic fresh or even frozen ingredients layered--never stirred. Glorious One-Pot Meals provides the most convenient method yet of serving highly nutritious, satisfying suppers every night of the week.

Super Baby Food: Absolutely Everything You Should Know about Feeding Your Baby and Toddler from Starting Solid Foods to Age Three Years

by Ruth Yaron

You want the best of everything for your new baby, including the most nutritious food possible. The best food for your baby comes out of your kitchen, not from an industrial food plant. Making your own baby food gives you the power to insure that only healthy, whole foods are used as ingredients. Homemade food is more natural, more tasteful, and much more economical.

The New Science of Perfect Skin

by Daniel B. Yarosh

This book is about the New Skin-Care Revolution. The good news is that today there are products that really work. The bad news is that there’s never been more confusion and uncertainty about which products get results and which are a waste of money and time. Consumers are bombarded by enticing ads featuring models and celebrities with creamy, flawless skin; salesclerks spouting pseudoscience at cosmetics counters; and countless articles in women’s magazines puffing up the Very Best New Thing each month. So how do you know what really works? I’m going to tell you. Because I understand skin-care products from the inside out, I can separate fact from myth, help from hype, and gems from junk and let you know what has been overpraised and overlooked. I’ll be naming names and telling tales of products that deliver and those that are little more than a puff of smoke and a funhouse mirror. I’ll explain the true breakthroughs in today’s skin-care science and the techniques that can truly rejuvenate skin. Ultimately, instead of succumbing to the “inevitable” aging process, you’ll find yourself with a fresh, natural beauty that continues to unfold with time. So welcome to the New Skin-Care Revolution! Let’s get started. —Daniel Yarosh, Ph. D. , inThe New Science of Perfect Skin Finally—the ultimate beauty bible that gives you everything you need to navigate the dizzying array of claims made by cosmetic companies, and to create your own personalized regimen for perfect skin. We all want glowing, radiant skin no matter what our age, but with all the skin-care options on the market today, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by choices. Do you really need a cleanseranda toner? Do designer brands from Hollywood doctors really work? Are antioxidants the next true anti-aging breakthrough, and is there a Botox-free way to make wrinkles actually disappear? And, most important, how can you know which products are really worth your money and your time? As a thirty-year veteran of the beauty world, with experience developing and testing products for brands like Estée Lauder and L’Oreal, Daniel Yarosh, Ph. D. , understands your skin from the inside out. And he knows how to separate the help from the hype. Today there are plenty of true skin-care miracles that can deliver amazing results, and inThe New Science of Perfect Skin, Yarosh gives you everything you need to identify and choose the best, most-effective products—without blowing your beauty budget. You will learn how to: Decode product labels and spot marketing hype Know which highly touted ingredients really work—and which don’t Use the latest, proven innovations—including DNA repair—to see remarkable changes in just a few weeks’ time Streamline your skin-care routine by using “smart” products that contain multiple active ingredients Avoid paying more for high-end brands when drugstore brands have bigger benefits Bringing a scientist’s eye to the cosmetics industry, Yarosh delivers the inside scoop that will help you achieve flawless skin. No woman can afford to go to the drugstore, cosmetics counter, or spa without this eye-opening, must-have guide.

Birth Control: The Insidious Power of Men Over Motherhood

by Allison Yarrow

"Supported by ample data and suffused with anger,&” an award-winning journalist &“convincingly recasts this country&’s maternal health care system as needlessly dehumanizing&” (New York Times Book Review). Modern medicine should make pregnancy and childbirth safer for all. But in Birth Control, award-winning journalist Allison Yarrow reveals how women are controlled, traumatized, injured, and even killed because of the traditionalist practices of medical professionals and hospitals. Ever since doctors stole control of birth from midwives in the 19th century, women have been steamrolled by a male-dominated medical establishment that has everyone convinced that birthing bodies are inherently flawed and that every pregnancy is a crisis that it alone can &“solve.&” Common medical practices and procedures violate human rights and the law, yet take place daily. Misogyny and racism, not scientific evidence and support, shape the overwhelming majority of America&’s four million annual births. Drawing on extensive reporting, expert interviews, an original survey of 1,300 mothers, and her own personal experiences, Yarrow documents how modern maternal health care is insidiously, purposefully designed to take power from women to the detriment of their physical and mental health—not just during labor, but for years after. She then shows a better way, exploring solutions both cutting-edge and ancient to—finally—return power and control to birthing people. Full of urgent insights and heartfelt emotion, Birth Control is an explosive call to action.

Viral BS: Medical Myths and Why We Fall for Them

by Seema Yasmin

Dissecting the biggest medical myths and pseudoscience, Viral BS explores how misinformation can spread faster than microbes.Can your zip code predict when you will die? Should you space out childhood vaccines? Does talcum powder cause cancer? Why do some doctors recommend e-cigarettes while other doctors recommend you stay away from them? Health information—and misinformation—is all around us, and it can be hard to separate the two. A long history of unethical medical experiments and medical mistakes, along with a host of celebrities spewing anti-science beliefs, has left many wary of science and the scientists who say they should be trusted. How do we stay sane while unraveling the knots of fact and fiction to find out what we should really be concerned about, and what we can laugh off? In Viral BS, journalist, doctor, professor, and CDC-trained disease detective Seema Yasmin, driven by a need to set the record straight, dissects some of the most widely circulating medical myths and pseudoscience. Exploring how epidemics of misinformation can spread faster than microbes, Dr. Yasmin asks why bad science is sometimes more believable and contagious than the facts. Each easy-to-read chapter covers a specific myth, whether it has endured for many years or hit the headlines more recently. Dr. Yasmin explores such pressing questions as• Do cell phones, Nutella, or bacon cause cancer?• Are we running out of antibiotics?• Does playing football cause brain disease?• Is the CDC banned from studying guns?• Do patients cared for by female doctors live longer? • Is trauma inherited?• Is suicide contagious?and much more.Taking a deep dive into the health and science questions you have always wanted answered, this authoritative and entertaining book empowers readers to reach their own conclusions. Viral BS even comes with Dr. Yasmin's handy Bulls*%t Detection Kit.

Australian Native Plants: Cultivation and Uses in the Health and Food Industries (Traditional Herbal Medicines for Modern Times)

by Yasmina Sultanbawa and Fazal Sultanbawa

Australian Native Plants: Cultivation and Uses in the Health and Food Industries provides a comprehensive overview of native food crops commercially grown in Australia that possess nutritional and health properties largely unknown on a global basis. These native foods have been consumed traditionally, have a unique flavor diversity, offer significant health promoting effects, and contain useful functional properties. Australian native plant foods have also been identified for their promising antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that have considerable commercial potential. This book is divided into three parts: The first part reviews the cultivation and production of many Australian native plants (ANP), including Anise Myrtle, Bush Tomato, Desert Raisin, Davidson’s Plum, Desert Limes, Australian Finger Lime, Kakadu Plum, Lemon Aspen, Lemon Myrtle, Muntries, Native Pepper, Quandong, Riberry, and Wattle Seed. It then examines the food and health applications of ANP and discusses alternative medicines based on aboriginal traditional knowledge and culture, nutritional characteristics, and bioactive compounds in ANP. In addition, it reviews the anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties of ANP and discusses food preservation, antimicrobial activity of ANP, and unique flavors from Australian native plants. The third section covers the commercial applications of ANP. It focuses on native Australian plant extracts and cosmetic applications, processing of native plant foods and ingredients, quality changes during packaging, and storage of Australian native herbs. The final few chapters look into the importance of value chains that connect producers and consumers of native plant foods, new market opportunities for Australian indigenous food plants, and the safety of using native foods as ingredients in the health and food sectors.

The Pain Cure Rx: The Yass Method For Diagnosing And Resolving Chronic Pain

by Mitchell Yass

Are you struggling with chronic pain? You’re not alone: an estimated one billion of us across the globe suffer chronic pain every day. And what Dr. Mitchell Yass has found over his 20-year career is that many of us suffer needlessly. While the current medical model for treating pain isn’t helping, there is hope. The Pain Cure Rx presents an alternative model of treatment – the Yass Method – that can resolve pain quickly and effectively without surgery or medication.In the medical community today, most chronic pain is attributed to a structural problem, such as a herniated disc, a meniscal tear, or arthritis. But Dr. Yass has found that in about 90 percent of cases, the cause is actually a muscular weakness or imbalance – a condition that’s easy to treat on your own. The Yass Method, developed through his work with more than 14,000 patients, focuses on finding the true source of the pain and then using simple exercises to find lifelong relief.Dr. Yass looks at the most common areas where people experience pain; lays out simple tests that examine things like range of motion, walking patterns, and posture; and teaches you to use this information, rather than invalid diagnostic tests, to determine whether your pain is muscular or structural. If it is structural, you can choose surgery, knowing that the outcome will likely be good. But if the pain is muscular, you can use the easy, step-by-step exercises and routines Dr. Yass offers to get the pain resolution you’re searching for.Many of the people Dr. Yass has treated came to him as a last resort before surgery or as a follow-up after surgery that didn’t resolve their pain. Many of them had been told that they would have to manage their pain with drugs for the rest of their lives, or, worse, that there was nothing left to try; they would simply have to live with the pain. This revolutionary book shows that, in most cases, this simply isn’t true – and empowers you to create a pain-free life.

The Yass Method For Pain-Free Movement: A Guide to Easing through Your Day without Aches and Pains

by Mitchell Yass

Chronic pain has become an international epidemic —an estimated one billion people across the world suffer every day. Dr. Mitchell Yass, author of The Pain Cure Rx, presents an alternative model of treatment that can resolve pain quickly and effectively without surgery or medication. In his more than 25 years of clinical experience, Dr. Yass has found that about 90 percent of chronic pain that is attributed to structural problems (e.g., herniated disc, stenosis, or arthritis) is actually caused by a muscular weakness or imbalance —all of which stems from the muscles’ inability to respond to the forces created while performing everyday functional tasks.In The Yass Method for Pain-Free Movement, Dr. Yass focuses on enabling you to perform necessary and normal functional tasks without pain or discomfort. From daily life at home to work to play to travel to sleep, Dr. Yass identifies and provides easy-to-do stretches and exercises for the muscles that you need to strengthen and keep balanced for a satisfying, pain-free life.

Parental Care and the Best Interests of the Child in Muslim Countries

by Nadjma Yassari Lena-Maria Möller Imen Gallala-Arndt

This book is the first analysis of parental care regimes in Muslim jurisdictions, both in a comparative and country-specific sense. It contains the proceedings of a workshop on Parental Care and the Best Interests of the Child in Muslim Countries that the Max Planck Research Group "Changes in God's Law: An Inner-Islamic Comparison of Family and Succession Law" hosted in Rabat, Morocco in April 2015. This workshop saw a total of 15 country reports presented on questions of custody, guardianship and their development within different Muslim jurisdictions (ranging from Indonesia to Morocco), a number of which are included in full in the book. Each of these country reports contains a historical perspective on the evolution of domestic rules regarding custody and guardianship, and on the introduction and development of the notion of the best interests of the child. Most importantly, the prevailing legal norms, both substantive and procedural, are explored and particular attention is given to legal practice and the role of the judiciary. In addition to a selection of country reports from the workshop, the volume includes two comparative analyses on questions of parental care in both public and private international law. With a high practical relevance for legal practitioners working in the area of cross-border custody disputes and the most up-to-date assessment of parental care regimes beyond a pure analysis of statutory law, this book combines a number of country reports authored by experts who have worked or are still based in the respective countries they are reporting on and thus contains in-depth discussions of legal practice and custody law in action. Nadjma Yassari is Director of the Research Group "Changes in God's Law: An Inner-Islamic Comparison of Family and Succession Law" while Lena- Maria M#65533;ller and Imen Gallala-Arndt are Senior Research Fellows at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle respectively.

Runner's World Race Everything: How to Conquer Any Race at Any Distance in Any Environment and Have Fun Doing It (Runner's World)

by Bart Yasso Erin Strout

How to be prepared no matter where running might take youMillions of runners around the US are interested in special experiences, whether it means running a bucket-list event like the Boston Marathon, or competing in beautiful and challenging locales such as Rome or Death Valley. Whatever race you choose, there is no one better to guide you on your journey than Bart Yasso, chief running officer at Runner’s World magazine. Over the past 40 years, Yasso has run more than 1,000 races, across all seven continents, at every conceivable distance, from local 5Ks to grueling ultramarathons and Ironman triathlons. He’s truly done it all, and in Race Everything, he shares the secrets of how he trained, the particularities of each course, and the specific insights he has gleaned to help you run your best no matter the distance.This book offers tried-and-true advice on how to train and what to do on race day to make the best use of your training. It provides everything you need to know to succeed at the most popular race distances, including general training principles, targeted training plans for beginners and experienced runners alike, and insider tips based on Yasso’s own experiences and those of other top runners he has known and run with. The goal is to inform and inspire runners eager to challenge themselves by tackling the world’s signature races. You will also learn Yasso’s methods for winning the greatest race of all, longevity, so that you can remain healthy, fit, and able to race for decades to come.Whether your goal is to complete a 5K or 10K race in your hometown or conquer the Antarctica Marathon, Runner's World Race Everything will be your guide.

Open Your Mouth!: How the Right Conversation with Your Dentist Can Change Your Life

by Dr. Christian Yaste Dr. Joe Hufanda

Your smile and oral health are all about how your teeth look and the way everything in your mouth fits together, whether it’s a crown, a bridge, dental implants, veneers, or fillings. All of this adds up to how your mouth makes you feel about yourself—your self-image. All too often people are not informed enough going in and don’t know the right questions to ask their dentist to ensure a treatment plan is optimal for their needs, wants, and wallet. No two dental patients are alike, and with enormous strides in the nature of dental practices, technology, and materials, settling for one-size-fits-all dentistry is not necessary today. Open Your Mouth: How the Right Conversation With Your Dentist Can Change Your Life is geared toward members of the Baby Boom generation and their unique dental needs and desires, showing them how to navigate the world of dentistry.

Lieutenant-Colonel John Haughton Commandant of the 36th Sikhs A Hero of Tirah: A Memoir

by A. C. Yate

Biography of esteemed, but little known, British officer Lt.-Col. John Haughton who found glory in the hard fought campaigns on the frontiers of India at the time of Queen Victoria and the British Raj. In the main, the book focusses on Haughton’s time as the officer in charge of the gallant 36th Sikhs engaged on the Tirah expedition. He survived the vicious, often guerrilla combat, with the Afridi, Chamkani and Orakzai tribesmen but fell during the difficult retreat back from the Dargai heights.

Optimum Health the Paleo Way: A 28-Day Plan to Adopt the Paleo Lifestyle With A Diet Designed to Help You Get Healthy and Feel Great

by Claire Yates

Eating the Paleo way is not about becoming a caveman! Instead, its all about listening to your body, getting back to a more natural, seasonal way of eating, nourishing your body with tasty whole foods, and living a more balanced lifestyle. Along the way, youll automatically consume far less sugar, avoid preservatives and processed foods, and throw away the calorie counter.In Optimum Health the Paleo Way, Paleo nutritionist Claire Yates explains clearly why unhealthiness is on the increase and how the Paleo lifestyle (not diet) can help. Claire sets out the key aspects of the Paleo lifestyle, including the importance of food as medicine, and the truth about fats, carbs, protein, and fiber. She then takes you through the 28-day reset meal plan before including more than 100 delicious Paleo recipes that will get you feeling great while eating some of the tastiest food of your life!Optimum Health the Paleo Way will help you:Boost your energy.Eliminate sugar cravings.Reduce your use of processed foods.Find your ideal weight.Develop an eating plan that works for you.Sleep better and feel great!

Initiated: Memoir of a Witch

by Amanda Yates Garcia

An initiation signals a beginning: a door opens and you step throughAmanda Yates Garcia's mother initiated her into the goddess-worshipping practice of witchcraft when she was thirteen years old, but Amanda's true life as a witch only began when she underwent a series of spontaneous initiations of her own.Descending into the underworlds of poverty, sex work and misogyny, Initiated describes Amanda's journey to return to her body, harness her natural power, and finally reclaim her witchcraft to create the magical world she envisioned. Peppered with mythology, tales of the goddesses and magical women throughout history, Initiated stands squarely at the intersection of witchcraft and feminism. Amanda shows that practising magic is about more than spells and potions; magic is nothing less than claiming power for oneself and taking back our planet in the name of Love. Initiated is both memoir and manifesto, calling the magical people of the world to take up their wands, be brave, and create the enchanted world they long to live in.'Godesses, ecstasies, fairy tales: Initiated is full of my favourite things, told with savage grace. This book will change your life.' FRANCESCA LIA BLOCK

Initiated: Memoir of a Witch

by Amanda Yates Garcia

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes meets Women Who Run With The Wolves in this "gorgeously written, fierce, political, personal, and deeply inspiring" (Michelle Tea) memoir about finding meaning, beauty, and power through a life in witchcraft. An initiation signals a beginning: a door opens and you step through. Traditional Wiccan initiates are usually brought into the craft through a ceremony with a High Priestess. But even though Amanda Yates Garcia's mother, a practicing witch herself, initiated her into the earth-centered practice of witchcraft when she was 13 years old, Amanda's real life as a witch only began when she underwent a series of spontaneous initiations of her own.Descending into the underworlds of poverty, sex work, and misogyny, Initiated describes Amanda's journey to return to her body, harness her power, and create the magical world she longed for through witchcraft. Hailed by crows, seduced by magicians, and haunted by ancestors broken beneath the wheels of patriarchy, Amanda's quest for self-discovery and empowerment is a deep exploration of a modern witch's trials - healing ancient wounds, chafing against cultural expectations, creating intimacy - all while on a mission to re-enchant the world. Peppered with mythology, tales of the goddesses and magical women throughout history, Initiated stands squarely at the intersection of witchcraft and feminism. With generosity and heart, this book speaks to the question: is it possible to live a life of beauty and integrity in a world that feels like it's dying?Declaring oneself a witch and practicing magic has everything to do with claiming authority and power for oneself, of taking back our planet in the name of Love. Initiated is both memoir and manifesto calling the magical people of the world to take up their wands: stand up, be brave, describe the world they want, then create it like a witch.

Meditação : Aprenda A Meditar (Técnicas De Relaxamento E Meditação Zen)

by Joel Yates

Você é capaz de desfrutar de prazeres simples e tornar-se mais consciente quando você pratica a meditação da atenção plena em uma situação grave e a melhor coisa disso é que você não precisa necessariamente dedicar-se à meditação de atenção plena. Você pode fazê-lo enquanto estiver comendo ou trabalhando em seu escritório ou mesmo ao mesmo tempo em sua cama antes de dormir, você pode aplicar as técnicas de meditação e relembrar as melhores delas. A meditação se tornou um estilo de vida agora. Para muitas pessoas, tornou-se um ritual diário que as ajuda a sobreviver. A razão pela qual as pessoas se tornam tão obcecadas com a meditação e com a cultura a ela associada é por causa de como a meditação abre sua mente. Naturalmente, a meditação é sobre relaxar e encontrar a felicidade, mas é principalmente sobre como mudar sua visão em relação ao mundo. Se você quer começar a meditação, você tem que perceber que não é apenas uma atividade que você realiza e tudo vai embora. Não espere mais para descobrir SUA ENTRADA para uma vida nova e melhor.

Meditación: Aprender A Meditar Técnicas De Relajación Y Meditación Zen

by Joel Yates

Tiene la capacidad de evitar los placeres simples de la persona que vive y la persona que lo conoce se vuelve más consciente de lo que sucede cuando usted se dedica a la meditación de la conciencia plena en un lugar en el que se encuentra la persona que lo hace, por ejemplo. Puede hacerlo mientras se come su comida o piensa en su oficina o incluso mientras está acostado en su lugar, por ejemplo, antes de dormir, puede tomar el control de su plan en el que está escrito. La meditación se ha convertido en un estilo de vida ahora. Para muchas personas, se ha convertido en un ritual diario que les ayuda a sobrevivir. La razón por la que las personas se obsesionan tanto con la meditación y con la cultura asociada con ella es por cómo la meditación abre tu mente. Por supuesto, la meditación se trata de relajarse y encontrar la felicidad, pero se trata principalmente de cambiar tu perspectiva hacia el mundo. Si quieres comenzar a meditar, debes darte cuenta de que no es solo una actividad que realizas y todo desaparece

The Mind Illuminated: A Complete Meditation Guide Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science for Greater Mindfulness

by John Yates Matthew Immergut Jeremy Graves

A revolutionary, science-based approach to meditation from a neuroscientist turned meditation master.The Mind Illuminated is the first how-to meditation guide from a neuroscientist who is also an acclaimed meditation master. This innovative book offers a 10-stage program that is both deeply grounded in ancient spiritual teachings about mindfulness and holistic health, and also draws from the latest brain science to provide a roadmap for anyone interested in achieving the benefits of mindfulness. Dr. John Yates offers a new and fascinating model of how the mind works, including steps to overcome mind wandering and dullness, extending your attention span while meditating, and subduing subtle distractions.This groundbreaking manual provides illustrations and charts to help you work through each stage of the process, offering tools that work across all types of meditation practices. The Mind Illuminated is an essential read, whether you are a beginner wanting to establish your practice or a seasoned veteran ready to master the deepest state of peace and mindfulness.“This book brings the path of meditation to life.” —Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Happiness“At once comprehensive and also very easy to read and follow in practice.” —Daniel Ingram, M.D., author of Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha

Dieta Vegana : Dieta Vegana Para Iniciantes Com Receitas Simples (Saudável E Magra)

by Francisco Yatsyk

Seguir uma dieta vegana significa que você não come nenhum produto de origem animal incluindo laticínios. Erradicar o que é insumo para a maioria das típicas refeições americanas pode ser realmente avassalador. Minha primeira sugestão é fazer a transição por etapas e não tudo de uam vez. Comece devagar. O café da manhã é a refeição mais importante do dia. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Ter um pequeno-almoço nutritivo irá fornecer toda a energia que você precisa durante o dia. No mundo super corrido que vivemos hoje, uma xícara de café, um bagel tostado ou cereais açucarados são opções comuns para sair comendo. Esses alimentos não só deficientes em nutrientes, mas também não são saudáveis. E se você pudesse preparar um delicioso café da manhã sem origem animal em poucos minutos? Então esse livro vai ajudá-lo nessa tarefa. Esse livro vai fazer sua vida mais simples. Todas as receitas mencionadas nesse livro são veganas e não tomam muito tempo para prepara-las. Basta seguir as instruções dadas e, em pouco tempo, você poderá cozinhar alimentos veganos deliciosos e saudáveis. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é reunir todos os ingredientes necessários e armazena-los na sua despensa. Se você está pronto para entrar em ação e mudar sua vida para melhor, esse livro definitivamente guiá-lo na direção certa.

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