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Showing 2,051 through 2,075 of 7,326 results

Gibbs' Book of Architecture: An Eighteenth-Century Classic

by James Gibbs

One of England's most respected and influential architects, James Gibbs was born in Scotland, studied in Rome, and left a legacy of design the world will treasure forever. His legendary 1728 folio, a sprawling gallery of Gibbs's magnificent drawings, perspectives, and blueprints, is a brilliant testimony to his remarkable talent. Profusely illustrated, the volume features such notable commissions as London's St. Martin in the Fields -- the inspiration for many steeple churches of the colonial period in America; St. Mary le Strand, his first public building; Marybone Chapel; The Church of Allhallows in Derby; plus Gibbs's first commission, an addition for King's College at Cambridge. His most outstanding accomplishment may be the circular Radcliffe Library at Oxford, for which he received a Master of Arts. Also included here are detailed floor plans, plus fine drawings of decorative marble cisterns, ornamental iron gates, stately funeral monuments, and much more. Essential for an understanding of classic architecture, this stunning edition should grace the bookshelf of every architect, as well as architectural students, teachers, and historians.

Dresser's Victorian Ornamentation

by Christopher Dresser

Borders in the style of medieval manuscripts, patterns based on Greek and Persian pottery, designs adapted from Venetian lace--this unique sourcebook abounds in splendid original ornaments. Its gorgeous black-and-white drawings include such diverse influences as German Gothic, Japanese, Arabic, Indian, Celtic, and ancient Roman art.A pioneer of modern design, Christopher Dresser (1834-1904) was one of the Victorian era's most important and influential stylists, whose works are eagerly sought by artists and craftspeople. A botanist by training, Dresser was particularly skilled in the execution of floral motifs. This versatile collection of his designs can be easily adapted to art and craft projects, textiles, interior decoration, wall hangings, lacework, carvings, and much more.

Turn-of-the-Century House Designs: With Floor Plans, Elevations and Interior Details of 24 Residences

by William T. Comstock

This inexpensive archive of handsome turn-of-the-century designs reprinted directly from a rare late Victorian volume contains plans for a variety of suburban and country homes that are both aesthetically appealing and moderate in cost. Included are plans for 24 cottages and houses in a wide range of styles, among them Queen Anne, Eastlake, and Colonial. Over 130 illustrations — floor plans, elevations, perspective views, and more — enhance the text, which is further supplemented by two informative and useful articles: "Suggestions on House Building," by A. W. Cobb, describes the process of building a home, from the first sketches offered by the architect to his client, to property selection, scale drawings, and details of construction. “How to Plumb a Suburban House,” by Leonard D. Hosford, provided the late Victorian era homeowner with valuable advice about sewage disposal.Restorers of old houses, preservationists, and students of American architectural history will welcome this treasury of authentic century-old plans and details. Students of social history will also find it an excellent reference.

Easy Carpentry Projects for Children (Dover Children's Activity Books)

by Jerome E. Leavitt

"All projects have been pretested for school use and are suitable for youngsters." — Bulletin of National Association of Secondary School Principals.What better way to learn than by doing? This thoughtfully conceived woodworking primer by educator Jerome E. Leavitt makes learning basic carpentry skills enjoyable and rewarding for boys and girls ages 8 and up. With special sections on basic hand tools, squaring a block of wood, and wood finishing, this unique how-to book presents step-by-step instructions for making 15 popular wooden items — all scaled to the beginner's capabilities: Sailboat, Clock Shelf, Bird Feeder, Candlesticks, Hot Dish Coaster, Towel Holder, Steamboat, Cart, Toy Sled , Birdhouse for a Wren, Book Rack, Shoeshine Kit, Table Lamp, Flower Box, and Tie Rack. Carefully planned to appeal to young woodworkers, each project includes clear, simple directions, enhanced by clean, accurate diagrams and attractive line drawings. New carpenters will beam with pride and accomplishment at having constructed useful, tangible objects to keep or to give as presents to parents or friends.

Easy-to-Make Arts and Crafts Lamps and Shades

by John D. Adams

Fashionable in the early twentieth century, Arts and Crafts-style lamps are popular again in the twenty-first century. The elegant simplicity of these useful furnishings will inspire craftworkers to try their hand at the handsome projects described in this instructive manual.First published nearly a century ago, this step-by-step guide--with measurements for sixteen projects--shows how to turn simple, inexpensive materials into a wide range of beautiful and functional Arts and Crafts projects, among them portable table lamps, reading and piano lamps, a dining room dome, a lantern, a shade for a droplight, and wall-hanging lamps, as well as a newel post lamp, and an electric candle sconce.Antique collectors, historians of American style, and lovers of vintage furnishings will also find invaluable information in this collection of now-rare lighting fixtures.

The House in Good Taste: Design Advice from America's First Interior Decorator (Dover Architecture)

by Elsie De Wolfe

"Good taste can be developed in anyone, just as surely as good manners are possible to anyone. And good taste is as necessary as good manners," declared Elsie de Wolfe, the "first lady" of American interior design. Although de Wolfe decorated the homes of wealthy, socially prominent clients, she always maintained that her vision of elegant but comfortable living is attainable to all. This timeless 1913 book, written in a friendly, conversational tone, explains how to design, furnish, and decorate a house in order to make it a beautiful, useful, and livable home.De Wolfe pioneered the concept of the home as a representation of the owner's identity, and this book defines her decorating methods, philosophy, and approach to creating spaces for gracious entertaining. Part step-by-step manual and part aesthetic treatise, this volume advocates for simpler yet more refined decor. In contrast to the Victorian penchant for dark furniture, bric-a-brac, and heavy draperies, de Wolfe advised her readers to let in natural light, to replace gaudy colors with beige and ivory, and to abandon clutter. Her practical suggestions, illustrated by period photographs, illuminate the attitudes of a century ago while retaining their resonance for modern-day interior designers.

The House Servant's Directory: An African American Butler's 1827 Guide (American Antiquarian Cookbook Collection)

by Robert Roberts

"In order to get through your work in proper time, you should make it your chief study to rise early in the morning; for an hour before the family rises is worth more to you than two after they are up."So begins Robert Roberts' The House Servant's Directory, first published in 1827 and the standard for household management for decades afterward. A classic survey of work, home life, and race relations in early America, the book was the result of many years of Roberts' personal and professional experiences. One of the first books written by an African-American and published by a commercial press, this manual for butlers and waiters offers keen insight into the social milieu, hierarchy, and maintenance of the antebellum manor.As a servant to a prominent New England family, Roberts provided valuable insights into what was expected of domestic servants. His book contains an abundance of instructions for successfully completing household chores as well as suggestions for properly cleaning furniture and clothing; and for buying, preparing, and serving food and drink for dinner parties of all sizes (much of which is still useful information today). The text also contains suggestions for arranging servants' work routines, and advice to heads of families on how best to manage their domestic help -- extraordinary recommendations for master-servant relationships and highly unusual for the time.Among the most famous of etiquette books to provide instruction on proper behavior for domestic servants in the early nineteenth century, Roberts' Directory remains a critical primary source in sociology and African-American history.

Art Deco: Decorative Patterns in Full Color

by Christian Stoll

Derived from various avant-garde painting styles of the early twentieth century, the Art Deco movement comprised a mix of Cubism, abstraction, distortion, and simplification. Geometric shapes and vibrant colors were popular elements of this sophisticated style of ornamentation that found expression in architecture and the applied arts.This collection of sensuous, bold and exotic motifs, reprinted from a rare 1910 portfolio, contains a wealth of arresting Art Deco wallpaper patterns. 160 striking, royalty-free designs--a must-have collection for designers and craftworkers--depict a breathtaking array of florals, geometrics, and abstract designs, all stunning in their presentation and elegant in their simplicity.

Art Deco Design and Ornament

by Henri Rapin

A major design movement of the 1920s and 1930s, Art Deco drew its strength from architecture, modern art, primitivism, and industry. It gave us the Chrysler Building and Soviet post art -- and also gave us a legacy that continues to pulse with energy and excitement even today.In this rich collection of 349 images, the Art Deco style is evident in every draping vine, languid curve, bulging muscle, and geometric figure. It will leap out at you from friezes, plaques, sculpture, vases, doorways, tiles, furniture, arches, and more.It's a splendid book for anyone interested in the arts -- and for artists and craftsmen, a genuine wellspring of artistic ideas.

Art Deco: Design Fantasies

by E. H. Raskin

Derived from a rare French publication of the 1920s, Fantaisies Oceanographiques, these beguiling images pulse with the flowing grace of aquatic life. The 30 full-color plates feature 56 abstract and figurative patterns in authentic Art Deco style. Whether simply browsed for pleasure or as a source of ideas for design or decorative projects, these playful images of marine plants and animals offer a wealth of inspiration.

Art Nouveau Design Fantasies in Full Color

by J. Habert-Dys

Elegant and distinctive, these eye-catching motifs combine a refined naturalism with the sophistication of Art Nouveau. Created during the early years of Art Nouveau, they reflect the late nineteenth century interest in Japanese art, as well as the fresh excitement of a blossoming movement that's remained fashionable for well over a century.Sixty-six full-color images feature luxurious patterns and ornaments designed for ceramics, furniture, textiles, walls, and ceilings. Superbly reproduced from a rare folio, these decorations were formerly available only in high-priced antiquarian editions. This inexpensive compilation makes them readily accessible and royalty-free to graphic artists, crafters, and designers.

Engraving Glass: A Beginner's Guide

by Boyd Graham

"Lucidly written and illustrated." — The Glass EngraverIf you've ever admired the exquisite beauty and craftsmanship of Steuben, Tiffany, Orrefors, or other fine engraved glass and wished you could engrave glass yourself, this book is for you. It provides step-by-step instructions for diamond-bur engraving, from making the first cut to displaying the finished work.The author, a prize-winning engraver, provides a detailed summary of tools and equipment you will need and suggestions for setting up your workshop, along with easy-to-follow practice exercises to give you a feel for working with glass and glass-engraving equipment. Mr. Graham then guides students through four complete projects, ranging from a simple tree design to a more complex flower engraving.Here are other practical features that make this book ideal for the novice: a useful discussion of design considerations and applications, review of supplemental tools and advanced techniques, expert advice on choosing glass, suggestions for the arrangement and lighting of finished pieces, and more. Over 100 helpful illustrations enhance the text.With this inexpensive book as your guide, you'll find learning the fundamentals of glass engraving far easier than you might have imagined. Simply written and easy to understand, Engraving Glass: A Beginner's Guide is your personal invitation to enjoy the challenges and satisfactions of this rewarding craft.

Hidroponia: O Guia Completo de Hidroponia para Iniciantes

by Nancy Ross

O livro nos mostra as vantagens do uso dos sistemas hidrôponicos como alternativa ao sistema tradicional de cultivo em solo. Apresenta de forma clara algumas técnicas e manejos, incluindo as ferramentas, criação de espaços, iluminação e cores apropriados para a obtenção dos melhores resultados nos cultivos.

A Alquimia das Ervas: Um Guia para Iniciantes - Conhecendo, cultivando e aplicando ervas medicinais.

by Rodrigo Brandani Adidas Wilson

Ao selecionar ervas que consigam se desenvolver excepcionalmente bem, seja em ambientes abertos ou fechados, seja em vasos ou no solo, você deverá ter em mente o que você deseja obter de seu cultivo de ervas e vegetais. Se o espaço destinado ao seu cultivo recebe menos do que cinco horas diárias de luz solar talvez seja melhor plantar suas ervas em um ambiente fechado, e para agua-las e para colhê-las quando for cozinhar usando elas. Aliás, plantar em um ambiente fechado ainda lhe ajudará a ficar livre de ervas daninhas, pragas e variações de temperatura. Sementes são baratas, porém, demoram muito tempo para crescer demandam muitos recursos para fazê-lo. Por outro lado, existem as mudas, que crescem mais rapidamente, porém, geralmente encontram-se disponíveis somente na primavera e no verão. Muitas ferramentas são necessárias para se fazer o trabalho na sua plantação, dentre elas temos: pás, enxadas, luvas, vasos, enfim, tudo o que for necessário para fazer o serviço. Lembre-se de que solo fértil também é um elemento importante, pode-se prepara-lo naturalmente ou compra-lo pronto em lojas especializadas. Caso opte por fazer seu cultivo em um espaço fechado utilizando vasos você pode comprar misturas de adubos prontos, feitos especialmente para este tipo de cultivo, assim não terá problemas para plantar suas ervas, e, além de facilitar seu trabalho, estes adubos prontos também previnem que pragas destruam suas plantas.

Giardinaggio per principianti: Collana 3 in 1

by Domenico Di Noi Nancy Ross

VUOI IMPARARE TUTTI I SEGRETI DEL GIARDINAGGIO PER I PRINCIPIANTI? Ecco Un'Anteprima Di Quello che Imparerai Riguardo Al Giardinaggio In Vaso... Acquistare i Vasi per il Tuo Giardino Creare l’Ambiente Adatto alle tue Piante in Vaso Scegliere il Periodo Adatto per Piantare Le Migliori Piante da Coltivare in Vaso Consigli per far Crescere Rigogliose le tue Piante Molto, molto ancora!

Guia para Jardinagem e Flores

by Beatriz dos Santos Maranho Agatha Albright

Guia de Jardinagem: Cultivar, Plantar, Crescer, e Manter Lindos Espaços Externos Durante Todas as Estações Agatha Albright te ensinará a planejar um maravilhoso jardim de flores para todas as estações do ano. - Prepare, cultive, colha e organize lindos arranjos florais para deixar seu gramado deslumbrante! - Prepare o espaços ideal para o cultivo de suas flores. - Cultive durante todas as estações do ano. - Cultive em todos os tipos de espaços. - Aprenda sobre os tipos mais impressionates de plantas. - Passo a passo

Como Organizar Sua Casa e Mente: A Arte de Arrumar, Limpar e Remover Bagunças de Sua Vida

by Beatriz dos Santos Maranho Mary Albrich

Voce sente como se seus esforcos para manter sua casa ou espacos pessoais organizados sao ineficazes? Mary eleva os parametros de limpeza e organizacao com sue novo livro. Este guia detalhado é um método rápido, fácil e eficiente para limpar sua casa ou espaços pessoais. Esses passos permitirão que você remova a desordem interminável da sua vida, limpe sua mente e torne-se mais eficiente, sentindo-se menos estressado e mais feliz!

Authentic Color Schemes for Victorian Houses: Comstock's Modern House Painting, 1883

by E. K. Rossiter F. A. Wright

When the authors, a pair of respected architects, first published this beautiful book in the late Victorian era, they meant it as a wakeup call to the forward-looking homeowners of the time — inviting them to eschew "the old puritanical hatred of color, which found its natural outcome in white houses with green blinds" and join in the revolutionary trend toward "advanced notions, in which the more positive colors find a chance of expression." The book helped homeowners to attain this goal through its presentation of full-color illustrations of attractive, up-to-date color schemes for houses, with special attention given to the refined lines of Queen Anne-style homes.The heart of the book is the section of 20 exquisite color plates — each reproducing a flawlessly executed architectural drawing that shows the color possibilities for a specific house, and each accompanied by an extensive written description of the colors to be used for exterior walls and trim. An informative introductory section gives a clear explanation of how to mix primary and secondary colors to achieve such popular, mellow tones of the period as olive, russet, citrine, buff, plum, and sage. This authentic source of inspiration and suggestions will be prized by restorationists, architects, home-builders, and lovers of Victoriana.

Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties: The Classic Guide to Building Wilderness Shelters

by D. C. Beard

This excellent hands-on guide by one of the founders of the Boy Scouts of America contains a wealth of practical instruction and advice on how to build everything from a bark teepee and a tree-top house to a log cabin and a sod house. No professional architects are needed here; and knowing how to use an axe is more important than possessing carpentry skills. More than 300 of the author's own illustrations and a clear, easy-to-follow text enable campers to create such lodgings as half-cave shelters, beaver mat huts, birch bark shacks, over-water camps, a Navajo hogan, and a pole house. <p><p> Additional chapters provide information on how to use an axe, split and notch logs, make a fireplace, and even build appropriate gateways to log houses, game preserves, ranches, and other open areas. An invaluable book for scouts, campers, hikers, and hunters of all ages, this guide and its fascinating collection of outdoor lore "still has intrinsic value," said Whole Earth Magazine, and will be of keen interest to any modern homesteader.

Small Houses of the Forties: With Illustrations and Floor Plans

by Harold E. Group

Designed for the 1940s family with a "limited budget but unlimited good taste," this fascinating volume presents 56 floor plans and elevations of lovely small homes that originally cost less than $15,000 to build. Each home, bearing the honorable designation of House-of-the-Month by the era's Monthly Small House Club, Inc., was designed to give prospective homeowners an exceptionally well-planned house that was also a sound investment. From Cape Cods to Colonials, Small Houses of the Forties offers an eden of illustrations of cozy, charming domiciles, complete with color combinations, charts, and diagrams. This complete republication of a now-rare volume is also filled with vintage dollars-and-sense information for the postwar homebuyer, including mortgage guidance, amortization schedules, valuations, and construction costs of the times. <p><p> A nostalgic flashback to a simpler American dream of white picket fences, this entertaining and valuable reference will delight architecture enthusiasts, plan collectors, restorers, and historians alike.

Small Brick Houses of the Twenties

by Ralph P. Stoddard

Once affordable only among the wealthy, brick homes became more easily available to the average American in the early years of the twentieth century. This book, originally published in 1920 by a member of The Common Brick Manufacturers' Association, served as a practical guide for prospective homeowners from working class families. Many soon found that attractive, durable, and comfortable homes--made from nature's own building material--were easily within their financial reach. <p><p> Thirty-five sets of floor plans, elevations, and specifications in this excellent reproduction of that now-rare volume depict a wide variety of brick houses, bungalows, cottages, garages, and multi-dwelling buildings--from the four-bedroom Pocatello to the handsome Saratoga, featuring a wraparound porch and two bathrooms. This practical guide will appeal to anyone wanting to buy or renovate an existing home of the period. It will also serve as a how-to manual for all desiring to build their own homes today with authentic materials and techniques. For those who love fine, old buildings, Small Brick Houses of the Twenties offers a charming view of American homes from that era.

Victorian Architectural Details: Designs for Over 700 Stairs, Mantels, Doors, Windows, Cornices, Porches, and Other Decorative Elements

by A. J. Bicknell Co.

Hundreds of rare illustrations depict wide range of design alternatives for prospective homeowners and other customers of the late 19th century. While the collection includes elevations and floor plans for a variety of handsome, private residences and commercial structures, the emphasis is on architectural details — from dormer windows to balconies.

Victorian City and Country Houses: Plans and Details

by Geo E. Woodward

The widespread interest in constructing and restoring Victorian homes makes this a must-have volume for today's builders, homeowners, architects, and preservationists. It offers an abundance of authentic, finely detailed plans and designs for a variety of Victorian residences.Included are 100 front and side elevations, floor plans, and original designs -- all to working scale -- for a block of five city houses, a country house with a French roof, a summer house, various styles of cottages, a tool house, and other buildings. The plates also depict a wealth of details: roof and dormer windows, balustrades, iron fences and gates, finials, crestings, gables, brackets, paneling, mantels, front doors, an oriel window, chimneys, and many other elements.Republished directly from a rare 1877 edition, the book offers a wonderfully authentic look back to the distinctive building styles of the Victorian period. It will not only delight builders and restorationists, but any student or lover of period architecture.

Victorian Domestic Architectural Plans and Details: 734 Scale Drawings of Doorways, Windows, Staircases, Moldings, Cornices, and Other Elements (Dover Architecture)

by William T. Comstock

Victorian architecture, with its quirky diversity, eclectic origins, and exuberant ornamentation, continues to exert a strong attraction on today's architects, builders, and homeowners. For those interested in restoring, preserving, or even re-creating Victorian homes, authentic plans and designs are invaluable. This volume, meticulously reproduced from a rare nineteenth-century publication, offers an exceptionally rich pictorial record of actual mid- to late-Victorian designs.Extremely clear and detailed engravings — drawn to scale — present elevations, floor plans, perspectives, and other drawings (in some cases, complete framing plans) for country houses and cottages in a variety of styles: Queen Anne, Eastlake, Elizabethan, Colonial, Jacobean, Southern, Californian, and more. There are even designs for several store and office fronts, with counters, shelving, etc.Supplementing the large number of complete designs are nearly 700 large-scale drawings of virtually every architectural detail, many embodying the unique "gingerbread" that characterizes Victorian buildings. Included are clear, precise renderings of balusters, brackets, dormers, fireplaces, finials, gables, mantels, moldings, newels, porches, rafters, rosettes, staircases, transoms, verandahs, wainscoting, windows, and hundreds of other features.Restorers of old houses, preservationists, students of American architectural history, admirers of Victoriana, and anyone interested in the Victorian Gothic styles that dominated American domestic architecture in the late 1800s will want to have this inexpensive treasury of authentic century-old plans and details.

A Victorian Housebuilder's Guide: Woodward's National Architect of 1869 (Dover Architecture)

by Edward G. Thompson George E. Woodward

Here are detailed drawings, floor plans, elevations, specifications, and vintage cost estimates for twenty distinctive Victorian structures, ranging from a humble cottage to an ornate brick villa. They have been reproduced from a rare 1869 publication of Woodward's National Architect, a publication directed to builders, carpenters, and masons of the Victorian era.Each of these highly individual and appealing structures has been meticulously rendered in a landscaped perspective view along with front and side elevations, first- and second-floor plans, and close-up sections. With more than 580 black-and-white illustrations, the text provides directions for finishing trim, baseboards, and wainscoting; completing brick and plaster work; constructing chimneys, cesspools, and cisterns; and much more. With its wealth of authentic detail, A Victorian Housebuilder's Guide is a valuable resource for restorers, preservationists, builders, and anyone interested in the era's architecture.

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