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The Affordable Housing Reader

by Elizabeth J. Mueller J. Rosie Tighe

This second edition of The Affordable Housing Reader provides context for current discussions surrounding housing policy, emphasizing the values and assumptions underlying debates over strategies for ameliorating housing problems experienced by low-income residents and communities of color. The authors highlighted in this updated volume address themes central to housing as an area of social policy and to understanding its particular meaning in the United States. These include the long history of racial exclusion and the role that public policy has played in racializing access to decent housing and well-serviced neighborhoods; the tension between the economic and social goals of housing policy; and the role that housing plays in various aspects of the lives of low- and moderate-income residents. Scholarship and the COVID-19 pandemic are raising awareness of the link between access to adequate housing and other rights and opportunities. This timely reader focuses attention on the results of past efforts and on the urgency of reframing the conversation. It is both an exciting time to teach students about the evolution of United States’ housing policy and a challenging time to discuss what policymakers or practitioners can do to effect positive change. This reader is aimed at students, professors, researchers, and professionals of housing policy, public policy, and city planning.

Somatic Embryogenesis in Ornamentals and Its Applications

by A. Mujib

Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a unique process by means of which a vegetative/somatic plant cell transforms into an embryo. This in vitro embryogeny has immense fundamental and practical applications. The SE process is complex and is controlled by a variety of external and internal triggers. This book compiles the latest advances in embryogenesis research on ornamentals and discusses the importance of embryogenic cultures/tissues in raising transgenic crops. The technique of cryopreservation in the protection of ornamental genetic resources is discussed using embryogenic culture/embryo as the tissue of choice, and the respective roles of the genotype, plant growth regulator, environment and other regulating factors in embryogenesis are discussed. The book also focuses on comparative biochemical and physiological differences during the acquisition and development of embryos. The importance of plant proteome and functional genomics as a source of markers is highlighted, and special attention is paid to genes / gene homologues (SERC) in characterizing embryogenesis. Lastly, the book examines the involvement of auxin polar transport and other molecular networks regulating gene expression.

Human Factors in Tourism: A Layperson's Approach (Design Science and Innovation)

by Prabir Mukhopadhyay

The textbook covers the application of human factors in different facets of tourism and hospitality industry. It talks about appropriate ambience creation for guests, so they can enjoy their stay. This book enumerates different human factors aspects of dealing with tourists, conducting guided tours, or ensuring that tourists are completely satisfied from the tour in detail but in a layperson’s language. This book discusses details of the application of human factors in the tourism sector. This book aims to fill the gap between the literature available on tourism that deals with people and human factors that deals with the interaction among people, space, and products. This book aids the students and instructors in understanding and teaching different human factors issues in this sector. Further, this book will help professionals in the industry in providing quality services to their clients.

Home Sweet Neighborhood: Transforming Cities One Block at a Time (Orca Footprints #15)

by Michelle Mulder

Picture a busy avenue. Now plant trees along the boulevard, paint a mural by the empty lot, and add a community garden. Set up benches along the sidewalks and make space for kids' chalk drawings, and you've set the scene for a thriving community. Placemaking—personalizing public and semi-private spaces like front yards—is a growing trend in cities and suburbs around the world, drawing people out of their homes and into conversation with one another. Kids are natural placemakers, building tree forts, drawing on sidewalks and setting up lemonade stands, but people of all ages can enjoy creative placemaking activities. From Dutch families who drag couches and tables onto sidewalks for outdoor suppers to Canadians who build little lending libraries to share books with neighbors, people can do things that make life more fun and strengthen neighborhoods. Home Sweet Neighborhood combines upbeat text, fun facts and colorful photos to intrigue and inspire readers.

One Little Lot: The 1-2-3s of an Urban Garden

by Diane C. Mullen

In a bustling, urban neighborhood, count the ways one little lot becomes a beautiful community vegetable garden.Count all the ways (one to ten) an urban community unites to clean up an abandoned lot. From building planter boxes to pulling weeds to planting seeds, everyone works together to transform the lot into a bountiful vegetable garden. As the garden grows, strangers become friends, eventually sharing in a special feast with the harvest they grew.

Architecture and Its Sculpture in Viceregal Mexico

by Mullen Robert J.

This book grew out of the author's twenty-five-year exploration of Mexico's architectural and sculptural heritage. Combining an enthusiast's love for the subject with a scholar's care for accuracy, it is the perfect introduction to the full range of Mexico's colonial architecture.

Ecology and the Architectural Imagination

by Brook Muller

By including ecological concerns in the design process from the outset, architecture can enhance life. Author Brook Muller understands how a designer’s predispositions and poetic judgement in dealing with complex and dynamic ecological systems impact the "greenness" of built outcomes. Ecology and the Architectural Imagination offers a series of speculations on architectural possibility when ecology is embedded from conceptual phases onward, how notions of function and structure of ecosystems can inspire ideas of architectural space making and order, and how the architect’s role and contribution can shift through this engagement. As an ecological architect working in increasingly dense urban environments, you can create diverse spaces of inhabitation and connect project scale living systems with those at the neighborhood and region scales. Equipped with ecological literacy, critical thinking and collaboration skills, you are empowered to play important roles in the remaking of our cities.

How to Buy a Home in Ireland: A Guide to Navigating the Irish Property Market

by Ciarán Mulqueen

When it comes to buying a property, do you get frustrated by the confusing jargon and lack of transparency? Unsure of how much of a deposit you need? Or at a loss when it comes to mortgage rates? Here, in How to Buy a Home in Ireland, Ciarán Mulqueen, creator of the hugely successful social media account Crazy House Prices, answers all the questions and queries you have and brings together the tips and insights you need to know to begin - and complete - your purchasing journey.Drawing from the thousands of conversations he's had with home-buyers through Crazy House Prices, along with advice from industry experts, Ciarán gives the lowdown on everything from mortgage applications, to the property-viewing checklist, tips on bidding, and what happens after you go sale-agreed, making How to Buy a Home in Ireland the essential, not-to-be-missed guide to securing your dream home - today.

How to Buy a Home in Ireland: A Guide to Navigating the Irish Property Market

by Ciarán Mulqueen

When it comes to buying a property, do you get frustrated by the confusing jargon and lack of transparency? Unsure of how much of a deposit you need? Or at a loss when it comes to mortgage rates? Here, in How to Buy a Home in Ireland, Ciarán Mulqueen, creator of the hugely successful social media account Crazy House Prices, answers all the questions and queries you have and brings together the tips and insights you need to know to begin - and complete - your purchasing journey.Drawing from the thousands of conversations he's had with home-buyers through Crazy House Prices, along with advice from industry experts, Ciarán gives the lowdown on everything from mortgage applications, to the property-viewing checklist, tips on bidding, and what happens after you go sale-agreed, making How to Buy a Home in Ireland the essential, not-to-be-missed guide to securing your dream home - today.

Basic Appraisal Principles

by Mark A. Munizzo Lisa Virruso Musial

This 30-hour text is designed to be used with Basic Appraisal Procedures to meet the suggested first 60 hours of core content for appraisal trainees under the 2008 AQB Criteria.

Basic Appraisal Procedures

by Mark A. Munizzo Lisa Virruso Musial

Procedures used in appraising residential and commercial real estate.

25 proyectos en madera para hacer en una tarde

by Joaquín Vilargunter Muñoz

* La mayoría de las veces, cuando se piensa en construcciones en madera, se idean proyectos grandes, costosos e inacabables que acaban minando la paciencia de los aficionados; pero esto no tiene por qué ser así. * Los objetos que se proponen en este libro requieren muy pocos medios y tiempo, pues se pueden realizar incluso en una tarde; son objetos útiles y cotidianos que nos llenarán de satisfacción e impregnarán nuestro hogar de la calidez, elegancia y belleza de un material tan noble como la madera. * Los 25 proyectos son fáciles de hacer, y cuentan con explicaciones detalladas e ilustraciones que le guían paso a paso para realizar fácilmente cada proyecto. * La obra incluye también la información básica necesaria para familiarizarse con los materiales, los utensilios y las técnicas para trabajar la madera. Joaquim Vilargunter Muñoz es arquitecto técnico, técnico especialista en ebanistería y modelista. Actualmente es profesor numerario de tecnología de la madera en el IES «Escola del Treball», de Barcelona. Ha publicado diversas obras en Editorial De Vecchi, entre las que destacan: Haga usted mismo 25 modelos de sillas, Haga usted mismo 25 modelos de estanterías y 25 proyectos para hacer en un fin de semana, entre otras.

Haga usted mismo 25 nuevos modelos de estanterías

by Joaquín Vilargunter Muñoz

* Las estanterías son indispensables en una casa. Las hay de muchas clases y pueden encontrarse kits de fácil montaje. * Sin embargo, a veces no se avienen demasiado con el ambiente que usted querría conseguir. * Otras veces no encuentra ningún modelo que se avenga con los muebles de la estancia donde desea colocar una estantería ni que tampoco sea de las medidas que usted necesita. * ¿Y por qué en lugar de perder el tiempo buscando el modelo idóneo no lo construye usted mismo? ¿Quién mejor que usted para saber lo que necesita? * Con este libro aprenderá todo cuanto debe saber acerca de la construcción de las estanterías gracias a sus precisas indicaciones y a sus numerosas ilustraciones. * Además, podrá elegir entre 25 modelos diferentes descritos con todo detalle, indicando las herramientas necesarias, las dimensiones exactas de cada pieza y el proceso de montaje. Joaquim Vilargunter Muñoz es arquitecto técnico; técnico especialista en ebanistería y modelista de fundición. Actualmente es profesor numerario de Tecnología de la madera en el IES «Escola del Treball» de Barcelona. En Editorial De Vecchi ha publicado los libros Haga usted mismo 25 modelos de sillas, Haga usted mismo 25 nuevos modelos de sillas y Haga usted mismo 25 modelos de estanterías.

Haga usted mismo 25 nuevos modelos de sillas

by Joaquín Vilargunter Muñoz

* Una silla es un elemento indispensable en cualquier casa. En más de una ocasión, al remodelar una habitación o estancia, se habrá visto en la necesidad de adquirir un juego de sillas acorde con la nueva decoración. * Sin embargo, a veces los muebles prefabricados son demasiado este- reotipados, faltos de carácter, y no se avienen demasiado con el ambiente que usted querría conseguir. * Otras veces, a pesar de la extensa gama que ofrece el mercado, no encuentra una silla que se ajuste perfectamente a sus medidas y que le permita permanecer durante muchas horas sentado. * ¿Por qué en lugar de comprar una silla no la construye usted mismo? ¿Quién mejor que usted para saber lo que necesita? * En este libro se presentan detalladamente diversas técnicas avanzadas que le permitirán obtener patas apuntadas y cabriolé, tapizar asientos, construir sillas de tijera, etc. * Además, podrá elegir entre 25 modelos diferentes descritos con todo detalle, indicando las herramientas necesarias, las dimensiones exactas de cada pieza y el proceso de montaje. En poco tiempo podrá construir sillas de interior y de exterior, auxiliares, de brazos y de cocina. Joaquim Vilargunter Muñoz es arquitecto técnico, técnico especialista en ebanistería y modelista de fundición. Actualmente es profesor numerario de Tecnología de la madera en el IES «Escola del Treball» de Barcelona. En Editorial De Vecchi ha publicado los libros Haga usted mismo 25 modelos de sillas, Haga usted mismo 25 modelos de estanterías y 25 proyectos en madera para hacer en una tarde, entre otros.

House Planted: Choosing, Growing, and Styling the Perfect Plants for Your Space

by Lisa Muñoz

Green up your living space with this bright, fresh, stylish introduction to choosing, caring for, and designing with houseplants.Get ready to transform your humble abode! Whether you have a funky bohemian den, a chic minimalist loft, or a closet-sized rental, indoor plants will bring a whole new level of warmth, comfort, and style into your home. In House Planted, interior plant designer Lisa Muñoz guides you step by step and room by room through picking the perfect plant for the perfect spot and incorporating plants into your indoor decor. You'll find info on plants that are hard to kill, hanging plants, succulents, air plants, and more. There are creative ideas for displaying plants, tips on caring for your new leafy friends, and primers on potting and troubleshooting. Casual and easy-going, with attainable styles and simple instructions, this short and sweet book of inspiration has everything you need, and nothing you don't, to start you off on an adventure in better--and greener--living.

¿Qué pasaría si...?: Respuestas serias y científicas a todo tipo de preguntas absurdas

by Randall Munroe

Un libro en el que el humor y la ciencia se unen para dar explicación a todo tipo de preguntas curiosas. ¡Ey! Gracias por fijarte en mi libro. Si estás pensando en comprarlo hay dos cosas que no tendrías por qué saber pero que quiero contarte por si finalmente no te gusta y decides darle otro uso: - Los humanos no podemos digerir el papel de celulosa, pero en caso de que pudiéramos, si decidieras comerte este libro engordarías 2.300 calorías -¡incluida la cubierta, claro! - Si tienes un buen brazo, podrías lanzar este libro a más de 13 metros. Con práctica es posible llegar a lanzar un libro cada 800 milisegundos, lo que significa que si un agresor te estuviera persiguiendo, podrías tener tres o cuatro oportunidades de golpearlo antes de que te alcanzara. Si en cambio el ataque fuera por parte de un coyote que corre a la máxima velocidad que puede, solo tendrías una oportunidad. ¡Apunta bien! ¿Qué pasaría si...? es un libro de divulgación científica en el que se recopilan algunos de los mejores posts así como otros nuevos elaborados a partir de las preguntas del blog de Randall Munroe, en el que responde a los lectores haciendo uso de sus conocimientos científicos y matemáticos. Munroe fue físico en la NASA antes de crear la web www.xkcd, que ha recibido más de un millón de visitas. Este es un libro original, inteligente y con mucho humor. * Nº1 en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times durante meses. * Mejor libro de 2014 según la revista People. * Entre los 10 mejores libros de no ficción según la revista Time. Reseñas: «Munroe piensa que analizar una broma es como diseccionar una rana, puede hacerse pero la rana acaba por morir». The New York Times «Trata de analizar la clase de maravillas y de fantasías hipotéticas que podrían surgir en una conversación de bar». The Atlantic «Este libro es una buena combinación de diversión y una clase magistral de tal razonamiento. Como en todas las buenas lecciones, solo te das cuenta de que has aprendido algo una vez que se ha terminado». The Economist «Munroe se ha convertido en algo así como un héroe de culto». The New York Times

Japanese Ikebana for Every Season

by Noboru Murata Yuji Ueno Rie Imai

The true meaning of Ikebana-the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement-is the ability to take a few beautiful flowers and plans and tastefully present them in very simple containers to decorate your home. Whether for Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, or a special birthday or anniversary-Japanese Ikebana for Every Season simplifies and demystifies this ancient art by presenting 53 elegantly simple arrangements that anyone can create at anytime at home.The key to good Ikebana arrangements is to understand a few very simple principles-like the idea of mitate-seeing old things with new eyes, as well as learning a few very easy techniques of flower stabilization and how to support plants and flowers inside a vase or container. Using simple, common flowers and plants from your garden, from a nearby field or forest, or from your local florist-you can easily create these lovely Ikebana in just a few minutes if you know how.Authors Rie Imai and Yuji Ueno explain how to select the flowers and the containers by simply using things that are already around you-and then they show you how to turn them into something special. The basic instructions in the book cover a wide range of styles that encourage readers to use their own creativity rather than copying traditional and highly technical Ikebana design concepts.No matter what time of year it is and regardless of your taste or budget-the arrangements in this book will lend a touch of Japanese elegance to your home!

The Housing Question: Tensions, Continuities, and Contingencies in the Modern City (Global Urban Studies)

by Edward Murphy Najib B. Hourani

In the wake of the Great Recession, housing and its financing suddenly re-emerged as questions of significant public concern. Yet both public and academic debates about housing have remained constricted, tending not to explore how the evolution of housing simultaneously entails basic forms of socio-spatial reproduction and underlying tensions in the political order. Drawing on cutting edge perspectives from urban studies, this book grants renewed, interdisciplinary energy to the housing question. It explores how housing raises a series of vexing issues surrounding rights, identity, and justice in the modern city. Through finely detailed studies that illuminate national and regional particularities- ranging from analyses of urban planning in the Soviet Union, the post-Katrina reconstruction of New Orleans, to squatting in contemporary Lima - the volume underscores how housing questions matter in a wide range of contexts. It draws attention to ruptures and continuities between high modernist and neoliberal forms of urbanism, demonstrating how housing and the dilemmas surrounding it are central to governance and the production of space in a rapidly urbanizing world.

Building Soil: Natural Solutions for Better Gardens and Yards

by Elizabeth Murphy

This is your down-to-earth, complete manual for achieving great gardening results with your own rich, organic soil.How do you recognize healthy soil? How much can your existing soil be improved? What are the best amendments to use for your soil? Let Building Soil answer your questions and be your guide on gardening from the ground up. Fertilizing, tilling, weed management, and irrigation all affect the quality of your soil. Using author Elizabeth Murphy’s detailed instructions, anyone can become a successful soil-based gardener, whether you want to start a garden from scratch or improve an existing garden.If you want methods that won’t break your back, are good for the environment, and create high-yielding and beautiful gardens of all shapes and sizes, this is the book for you! Create classic landscape gardens, grow a high-yielding orchard, nurture naturally beautiful lawns, raise your household veggies, or run a profitable farm.A soil-based approach allows you to see not just the plants, but the living system that grows them. Soil-building practices promote more ecologically friendly gardening by: ·Reducing fertilizer and pesticide use ·Sequestering greenhouse gases ·Increasing overall garden productivityWith a detailed discussion and comparison tables on a range of organic fertilizer choices, Building Soil is a simple book full of practical, up-to-date information about building healthy soils. Simple methods perfect for the home gardener’s use put healthy, organic soil within everyone’s reach. You don’t need a degree in soil management to understand this book; you only need a yard or garden and the desire to improve it at the most basic level.

Grow Now: How We Can Save Our Health, Communities, and Planet—One Garden at a Time

by Emily Murphy

&“Grow Now is an earth manual that applies to everyone, everywhere. Regenerating life begins with our hands, the soil, and our heart. Take this book and go outside, stay outside, and transform.&” —Paul Hawken, author of Drawdown and Regeneration Did you know you can have a garden that&’s equal parts food source and wildlife haven? In Grow Now, Emily Murphy shares easy-to-follow principles for regenerative gardening that foster biodiversity and improve soil health. She also shows how every single yard mirrors and connects to the greater ecosystem around us. No-dig growing, composting and mulching smartly, and planting a variety of edible perennials that attract bees and butterflies are all commonsense techniques everyone can use to grow positive change. You'll also find detailed advice on increasing your nature quotient, choosing plants that cycle more carbon back into the soil, selecting a broader variety of vegetables and fruits to improve overall soil fertility, rethinking space devoted to lawns, and adding companion plants for pollinators to rewild any plot of land. Exquisitely photographed and filled with helpful lists and sidebars, Grow Now is an actionable, hopeful, and joyful roadmap for growing our way to individual climate contributions. Gardening is climate activism!

Landscape Architecture Theory: An Ecological Approach

by Michael Murphy

For decades, landscape architecture was driven solely by artistic sensibilities. But in these times of global change, the opportunity to reshape the world comes with a responsibility to consider how it can be resilient, fostering health and vitality for humans and nature. Landscape Architecture Theory re-examines the fundamentals of the field, offering a new approach to landscape design.Drawing on his extensive career in teaching and practice, Michael Murphy begins with an examination of influences on landscape architecture: social context, contemporary values, and the practicalities of working as a professional landscape architect. He then delves into systems and procedural theory, while making connections to ecosystem factors, human factors, utility, aesthetics, and the design process. He concludes by showing how a strong theoretical understanding can be applied to practical, every-day decision making and design work to create more holistic, sustainable, and creative landscapes.Students will take away a foundational understanding of the underpinnings of landscape architecture theory, as well as how it can be applied to real-world designs; working professionals will find stimulating insights to infuse their projects with a greater sense of purpose.

Landscape Architecture Theory: An Ecological Approach

by Michael Murphy

For decades, landscape architecture was driven solely by artistic sensibilities. But in these times of global change, the opportunity to reshape the world comes with a responsibility to consider how it can be resilient, fostering health and vitality for humans and nature. Landscape Architecture Theory re-examines the fundamentals of the field, offering a new approach to landscape design.Drawing on his extensive career in teaching and practice, Michael Murphy begins with an examination of influences on landscape architecture: social context, contemporary values, and the practicalities of working as a professional landscape architect. He then delves into systems and procedural theory, while making connections to ecosystem factors, human factors, utility, aesthetics, and the design process. He concludes by showing how a strong theoretical understanding can be applied to practical, every-day decision making and design work to create more holistic, sustainable, and creative landscapes.Students will take away a foundational understanding of the underpinnings of landscape architecture theory, as well as how it can be applied to real-world designs; working professionals will find stimulating insights to infuse their projects with a greater sense of purpose.

The Green Witch's Garden: Your Complete Guide to Creating and Cultivating a Magical Garden Space

by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Create your own enchanting witch&’s garden and draw energy from the earth with this guide to cultivating your very own magical ingredients.A green witch embraces the power of nature, draws energy from the earth and the universe, and relies on stones, plants, flowers, and herbs for healing. In The Green Witch&’s Garden, you will learn how to create your own magical space to enhance your witchcraft practice. With information on how to plan and design your sacred garden and tips and tricks to growing and harvesting magical ingredients, this book will allow you to take control of your practice and more deeply connect with the earth. Let experienced witch and author of The Green Witch Arin Hiscock-Murphy guide you on your path to creating your personal piece of nature.

Mindfulness in the Garden: Zen Tools for Digging in the Dirt

by Zachiah Murray

Mindfulness in the Garden offers simple mindfulness verses (gathas) composed to connect the mind and body and to bring the reader/gardener's awareness to the details of the present moment as they work in the garden. These gathas are signposts leading to nature, to the present, and ultimately to one's self through the love and understanding they evoke. The gathas offered with each gardening activity serves to water the seeds of mindfulness within us, and softening and preparing the ground for our ability to be present.Mindfulness in the Garden values weeds as important messengers seeking to bring into close communion our spiritual nature with that of the environment. It likens spiritual practice to cultivating a garden and inspires each person to accept themselves and start where they are, weeds and all. Through the practice of mindful gardening, we invite not only the thriving of the natural world but also the flowering and beauty of the pure land of our true self to emerge.Features black and white botanical illustrations throughout.Introduction by Thich Nhat Hanh, author of Present Moment Wonderful MomentForeword by Wendy Johnson,author of Gardening at the Dragon's Gate

Home - Lived Experiences: Philosophical Reflections

by John Murungi Linda Ardito

This book explores the lived experience of being at home as well as being homeless. Being at home or not is typically a matter of being at a place or not, where such a place is carved out of space and designated as such. It is a place that is both empirical and trans-empirical. When one is at home or not at home, one typically has in mind an inhabited place. To inhabit or not to inhabit it is to find oneself in a place that has an affective presence or absence. In either case, affectivity points to a lived place where lived experience is constituted and displayed. Thus, in this context, affectivity becomes more than the subject of empirical psychology. If psychology were to have access, it would be in the context of phenomenological or existential psychology – a psychology that has its roots in the sensible world and, hence, a psychology that expresses an aesthetic dimension. Each of the contributors in this book extends an invitation to the readers to participate in constituting, extending, and sharing with others the sense of either being at home or of being homeless. This book appeals to students, researchers as well as general interest readers.

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