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La casa bajo el puente

by Iain Rob Wright

¿Es posible infectar a un lugar con maldad? ¿Existen atrocidades tan terribles que provocan que la misma tierra se contamine? ¿Qué pasaría si te encontraras atrapado en un lugar así? Lo que comienza con un accidente automovilístico en un antiguo puente termina con el sacrificio definitivo. Sigue a los supervivientes de este horrible accidente mientras intentan comprender su destino y encontrar a alguien que los rescate. Un rescate que ya se debería haber efectuado. Tom y Sophie Sumner han estado casados por diez años, pero no llegarán a los once. La infidelidad y el abandono han desgarrado su relación y llegó el momento de separarse. Sophie decide devolverse a la aldea donde creció, Cottontree. Esta es la última oportunidad que Tom tiene para convencerla de darle una última oportunidad a su matrimonio. Sin embargo Cottontree es un lugar con un pasado mucho más oscuro de lo que nadie se imagina y los Sumner están apunto de tener problemas mucho más importantes que su matrimonio.

Os portões

by Iain Rob Wright

O que você fará quando o mundo acabar ? Essa é uma pergunta que precisa ser respondia rapidamente quando os portões do inferno se abrem por toda a terra. Ocorrer em todo o mundo um apocalipse como nehum outro, como a humanidade se encontra em guerra contra um inimigo inteligente e impiedoso. Siga as lutas de sobrevivência com vários personagens como as coisas vão de mal a pior. A humanidade está diminuindo.

La Casa Sotto il Ponte

by Iain Rob Wright Eric Cominetto

"Dall’autore di bestseller horror Iain Rob Wright arriva il suo romanzo più spaventoso." È possibile che è un luogo sia infettato dal male? Alcune atrocità sono così tremende da contaminare la terra stessa? E che cosa succederebbe se ti trovassi intrappolato in un luogo simile? Quello che inizia con un incidente stradale su un vecchio ponte finisce con il sacrificio definitivo. Segui i sopravvissuti di un terribile incidente mentre tentano di comprendere il loro destino e di trovare aiuto. Tom e Sophie Sumner sono sposati da dieci anni. Non arriveranno a undici. L’infedeltà e il disinteresse hanno fatto a pezzi la loro relazione e le loro strade si separano oggi. Sophie sta per tornare a casa nel villaggio in cui è cresciuta. Cottontree. Se esiste una possibilità per Tom di persuaderla a concedere un’ultima possibilità al loro matrimonio, deve agire ora. Ma Cottontree è un luogo dal passato molto più oscuro di quanto chiunque sappia e i Sumner stanno per avere dei problemi molto più gravi del loro matrimonio. "Un terrificante viaggio nella natura della vita, della morte e del rimpianto." "Iain Rob Wright mi spaventa a morte." - J.A. Konrath, autore di bestseller. "Iain Rob Wright è malato e perverso." - David Moody, autore dell’acclamata serie 'Autumn'.

The House On Orchid Street

by T. M. Wright

A country charmer," the ad called it. "Secluded but accessible." But this white bungalow is no ordinary house. It may look perfectly nice, with its picket fence and quaint path, but within it lurks a horror few could imagine. Behind its neatly painted white walls, the house conceals secrets far better left unrevealed.

The School

by T. M. Wright

A couple buys an old school to make it into a bed and breakfast but it has a past.

A Manhattan Ghost Story

by T.M. Wright

A photographer working in New York City is enamoured with a woman he meets at the apartment he is subletting, only to find that the woman, and the city around him, might not be what they first seemed.

Creepy Presents Bernie Wrightson (Creepy Archives)

by Bernie Wrightson

Horror legend Bernie Wrightson's Creepy and Eerie short stories, color illustrations, and frontispieces are finally collected in one deluxe collection! These classic tales from the 1970s and early 1980s include collaborations with fellow superstars and Warren Publishing alumni Bruce Jones, Carmine Infantino, Howard Chaykin, and others, as well as several adaptations and original stories written and drawn by Wrightson during one of the most fruitful periods of his career! The infamous "Jenifer" is included, as well as Wrightson's fullcolor "Muck Monster" and adaptations of Poe and Lovecraft classics.

Monarch: A Novel

by Candice Wuehle

The cryptic worlds of Hanna and Stranger Things mingle with the dark humor of Dare Me in this debut novel about a teen beauty queen who discovers she&’s been a sleeper agent in a deep state government programAfter waking up with a strange taste in her mouth and mysterious bruises, former child pageant star Jessica Clink unwittingly begins an investigation into a nefarious deep state underworld. Equipped with the eccentric education of her father, Dr. Clink (a professor of Boredom Studies and the founder of an elite study group known as the Devil&’s Workshop), Jessica uncovers a disquieting connection between her former life as a beauty queen and an offshoot of Project MKUltra known as MONARCH. As Jessica moves closer to the truth, she begins to suspect the involvement of everyone around her, including her own mother, Grethe (a Norwegian pageant queen turned occult American wellness guru for suburban housewives). With the help of Christine (her black-lipsticked riot grrrl babysitter and confidante), Jessica sets out to take down Project MONARCH. More importantly, she must discover if her first love, fellow teen queen Veronica Marshall, was genuine or yet another deep state plant. Merging iconic true crime stories of the &’90s (Lorena Bobbitt, Nicole Brown Simpson, and JonBenét Ramsey) with theories of human consciousness, folklore, and a perennial cultural fixation with dead girls, MONARCH questions the shadow sides of self-concept: Who are you if you don&’t know yourself?

Uncle Brucker the Rat Killer

by Leslie Peter Wulff

Sixteen-year-old Walt thinks he’s left his problems behind him when he runs away from a broken home to live with his eccentric uncle. The simple, semi-rural, semi-anti-social lifestyle seems at first to be exactly what Walt wants, but he soon learns his new life isn’t just about ditching school and drinking beer with his friends. Uncle Brucker is a Rat Killer; a tireless rat tracker, an expert in rat lore, a speaker of the rat language, and a decorated veteran of two bloody uprisings. His uncle begins to train Walt in the ways of rat killing, and explains to his nephew the ancient and bloody history of men and rats. Before the rise of men, he says, rats ruled the earth. They’ve been hiding in another dimension ever since they were kicked out by humanity, planning to retake the planet. In the middle of Walt’s training, Uncle Brucker is called away by mysterious men from the government. When he fails to return from his mission, Walt discovers a portal to the rat dimension and realizes he must travel alone to Rat Land to save his uncle. Perhaps the most unusual dark fantasy debut of the year, Uncle Brucker the Rat Killer is a surreal exploration of honor, duty, and inter-dimensional genocide.

The Trap Door and Other Stories to Twist Your Mind (Screamers #1)

by Don Wulffson

Terror with a Twist Terror with a twist! Nightmares can come true... and they always do in Screamers. These ten spine- tingling tales are sure to leave you screaming with terror and delight, especially once you’ve found out each story’s shocking surprise ending.... Jimmie Joe Gelber, a young runaway, never dreamed what would end up on the menu when he was invited to stay for dinner by a creepy backwoods family. And poor Jeremy never imagined that he would become the final victim of the power of a magical crystal. Just what is Joanne Benzinger’s mother’s terrible secret? Joanne doesn’t want to know, but she’s about to find out! There’s one thing for certain: You can always expect the unexpected with Screamers. RainbowBridge Troll Associates Ages 8-12

White Horse: A Novel

by Erika T. Wurth

"This ghost story is a perfect example of new wave horror that will also satisfy fans of classic Stephen King." —Silvia Moreno-Garcia, author of The Daughter of Doctor Moreau and Mexican GothicErika T. Wurth's White Horse is a gritty, vibrant debut novel about an Indigenous woman who must face her past when she discovers a bracelet haunted by her mother’s spirit.Some people are haunted in more ways than one…Kari James, Urban Native, is a fan of heavy metal, ripped jeans, Stephen King novels, and dive bars. She spends most of her time at her favorite spot in Denver, a bar called White Horse. There, she tries her best to ignore her past and the questions surrounding her mother who abandoned her when she was just two years old.But soon after her cousin Debby brings her a traditional bracelet that once belonged to Kari’s mother, Kari starts seeing disturbing visions of her mother and a mysterious creature. When the visions refuse to go away, Kari must uncover what really happened to her mother all those years ago. Her father, permanently disabled from a car crash, can’t help her. Her Auntie Squeaker seems to know something but isn’t eager to give it all up at once. Debby’s anxious to help, but her controlling husband keeps getting in the way. Kari’s journey toward a truth long denied by both her family and law enforcement forces her to confront her dysfunctional relationships, thoughts about a friend she lost in childhood, and her desire for the one thing she’s always wanted but could never have…

Vampire Bugs: Stories Conjured from the Past

by Sharon Dennis Wyeth

Beware of conjurers and voodoo queens! In their wake, strange things happen. Witches shrink to the size of peas, and children are transformed into bugs or birds. But if fear hides in the folds of the voodoo queen's cloak, so does power. Conjure women and conjure men--versed in spells and potions to cure any ill--were once familiar figures in America. The occupation has dwindled, but the fascination remains. Their feats live on in folktales and history. Vampire Bugs presents an assortment of funny and frightening magicians and an array of young heroes and heroines. Both provocative and entertaining, these stories will give readers the opportunity to reflect on their fears and on their own power.


by Danny Wylde Christopher Daniel Zeischegg

Set in Los Angeles and its dying adult film industry, real-life porn star and cam model, Danny Wylde, recounts the end of his career in equal parts fact and fiction. He bears his last months amid the death of a friend, a client's dangerous fantasy, a secret boyfriend, and a family bent on destroying him. Wylde's second novel, The Wolves that Live in Skin and Space, moves pornography's narrative past its decadent history and into the world of disposable, tube-site celebrity, month-to-month living, and dissolving barriers between consumer and consumed.

The Ghost Next Door

by Wylly Folk St. John

About twelve years ago a little girl drowned in a pond in her aunt Judith's yard. Judith believes in spiritualism and hopes to be put in touch with little, lost Miranda during a séance. Best Friends Lindsey and Tammy don't believe in ghosts until Sherry, Judith's younger niece comes for a visit and suddenly she begins to act like Lindsey and knows things about the ghost child that she couldn't possibly know. As the séance approaches Sherry and Lindsey's younger brothers are getting into dangerous scrapes. How can Tammy and Lindsey discover whether the spiritualism is true or a hoax before serious harm comes to Sherry and the boys and Aunt Judith's heart is broken? Full page pictures are described.

Il dono degli spiriti

by Sarah Wynde Ilaria Grandi Myeditor

Akira Malone crede nel metodo scientifico, nell'evoluzione e nella teoria della relatività di Einstein. E ai fantasmi. Tutta la logica e la ragione del mondo non possono negare la realtà: può vedere e comunicare con gli spiriti. Ma Akira è certa che la sua abilità sia solo una bizzarria genetica e i fantasmi che incontra semplicemente energia elettromagnetica residua. Energia elettromagnetica pericolosa. Zane Latimer crede a telepatia, precognizione, aura, e che giocare ad Halo con i dipendenti sia un'ottima strategia di gestione. Pensa anche che forse, chissà, Akira possa aiutare la sua famiglia a entrare in contatto con i propri cari. Ma Akira sarà mai in grado di affrontare le sue paure ed accettare il suo dono? Oppure i parenti di Zane saranno intrappolati tra la vita e la morte per sempre?

Il Dono del Pensiero

by Sarah Wynde Ilaria Grandi Myeditor

Sylvie giurò che non sarebbe mai tornata a Tassamara. Ma si sbagliava. A diciassette anni, Sylvie Blair lasciò il figlio piccolo dai nonni per andare a fare la spesa. Non tornò mai a riprenderlo. Vent'anni più tardi, è devastata dalla notizia della sua morte prematura e improvvisa. Ma anche se il corpo di Dillon è da tempo sepolto, il suo spirito è rimasto. E non è affatto felice. Non gli piace il lavoro della mamma, troppo pericoloso. Non gli piace il suo appartamento, troppo squallido. E sicuramente non gli piace la sua vita senza amore. Ma quando Dillon decide che i suoi genitori dovrebbero avere un futuro migliore, li indirizza su un sentiero che li metterà in pericolo. Sylvie sarà capace di lasciar andare il passato e abbracciare il futuro? E Dillon sopravvivrà all'energia mortale che involontariamente sprigiona?

The Day of the Triffids

by John Wyndham

The influential masterpiece of one of the twentieth century&’s most brilliant—and neglected—science fiction and horror writers, whom Stephen King called &“the best writer of science fiction that England has ever produced.&” &“[Wyndham] avoids easy allegories and instead questions the relative values of the civilisation that has been lost, the literally blind terror of humanity in the face of dominant nature. . . . Frightening and powerful, Wyndham&’s vision remains an important allegory and a gripping story.&”—The Guardian What if a meteor shower left most of the world blind—and humanity at the mercy of mysterious carnivorous plants? Bill Masen undergoes eye surgery and awakes the next morning in his hospital bed to find civilization collapsing. Wandering the city, he quickly realizes that surviving in this strange new world requires evading strangers and the seven-foot-tall plants known as triffids—plants that can walk and can kill a man with one quick lash of their poisonous stingers.

Foul Play Suspected

by John Wyndham

A rediscovered, outstandingly prescient crime novel written in the lead-up to World War II, by one of the twentieth century&’s most brilliant—and neglected—science fiction and horror writers, whom Stephen King called &“the best writer of science fiction that England has ever produced.&” &“Wyndham was a true English visionary, a William Blake with a science doctorate.&”—David MitchellEngland, 1935: Phyllida Shiffer&’s marriage has just ended in divorce. She heads home, expecting to be welcomed with open arms by her father, a brilliant (if slightly distracted) scientist. But her father&’s house is locked up; he is nowhere to be found; and there are suspicious men who seem to think that Phyllida herself might hold the key to her father&’s latest scientific discovery. . . .


by John Wyndham

A collection of short stories from the master author of THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS and THE MIDWICH CUCKOOS.Giselle is a very talented monkey, although she goes by the name Jizzle. She can draw incredible portraits, as lifelike as can be. But Jizzle isn't just a camera. Jizzle has feelings. And Jizzle can take revenge, when she wants . . .This collection combines fantasy, science fiction, and horror to delight, astound and unsettle you.STORIES INCLUDED:"Jizzle""Technical Slip""A Present from Brunswick""Chinese Puzzle""Esmeralda""How Do I Do?""Una""Affair of the Heart""Confidence Trick""The Wheel""Look Natural, Please!""Perforce to Dream""Reservation Deferred""Heaven Scent""More Spinned Against"

The Kraken Wakes

by John Wyndham

An &“ingenious, horrifying&” (The Guardian) first contact story by one of the twentieth century&’s most brilliant—and neglected—science fiction and horror writers, whom Stephen King called &“the best writer of science fiction that England has ever produced.&”&“Few books capture the obscure, elliptical way that threats move from the background to the foreground of reality like The Kraken Wakes. . . . Feels all too familiar in today&’s age of anti-vaxxer disinformation and QAnon conspiracists.&” —Alexandra Kleeman, from the Introduction What if aliens invaded and colonized Earth&’s oceans rather than its land?Britain, 1953: It begins with red dots appearing across the sky and crashing to the oceans&’ deeps. At first, many people believe that these aliens are interested in only what&’s down below. But when the polar ice-caps begin to melt, it becomes clear that these beings are not interested in sharing the Earth and that humankind might just be on the brink of extinction. . . .

The Midwich Cuckoos

by John Wyndham

A genre-defining tale of first contact by one of the twentieth century&’s most brilliant—and neglected—science fiction and horror writers, whom Stephen King called &“the best writer of science fiction that England has ever produced.&”&“In my opinion, [John] Wyndham&’s chef d&’oeuvre . . . a graphic metaphor for the fear of unwanted pregnancies . . . I myself had a dream about a highly intelligent nonhuman baby after reading this book.&”—Margaret Atwood, Slate What if the women of a sleepy English village all became simultaneously pregnant, and the children, once born, possessed supernatural—and possibly alien—powers? A mysterious silver object appears in quiet, picture-perfect Midwich. A day later, the object is gone—and all the women in the village, they will come to learn, are now pregnant. The resultant children of Midwich are shockingly, frighteningly other. Faced with these unfathomable and potentially unstoppable children, the question arises: What will humanity do when faced with the threat of the unknown?


by John Wyndham

A remarkable anti-colonialist novel by one of the twentieth century&’s most brilliant—and neglected—science fiction and horror writers, whom Stephen King called &“the best writer of science fiction that England has ever produced.&”What if spiders evolved and gained the ability to co-operate? A group of British citizens buy the South Pacific island of Tanakuatua from the British government in the hopes of building the world&’s first utopian society. Tanakuatua is small, beautiful, and apparently uninhabited. Perhaps too uninhabited: there are no birds, no insects, no life of any kind—other than millions and millions of spiders. . . .

Bram Stoker and the Gothic: Formations To Transformations (Palgrave Gothic)

by Catherine Wynne

'My revenge is just begun! I spread it over centuries, and time is on my side,' warns Dracula. This statement is descriptive of the Gothic genre. Like the Count, the Gothic encompasses and has manifested itself in many forms. Bram Stoker and the Gothic demonstrates how Dracula marks a key moment in the transformation of the Gothic. Harking back to early Gothic's preoccupation with the supernatural, decayed aristocracy and incarceration in gloomy castles, the novel speaks to its own time, but has also transformed the genre, a revitalization that continues to sustain the Gothic today. This collection explores the formations of the Gothic, the relationship between Stoker's work and some of his Gothic predecessors, such as Poe and Wollstonecraft, presents new readings of Stoker's fiction and probes the influences of his cultural circle, before concluding by examining aspects of Gothic transformation from Daphne du Maurier to Stoker's own 'reincarnation' in fiction and biography. Bram Stoker and the Gothic testifies to Stoker's centrality to the Gothic genre. Like Dracula, Stoker's 'revenge' shows no sign of abating.

Madam: A Novel

by Phoebe Wynne

"The simmering menace and mystery kept me absolutely gripped...a smoldering novel that I could not put down." ––Jennifer Saint, author of Ariadne"Rebecca meets The Secret History: gloriously dark, gloriously Gothic." ––Sara Collins, bestselling author of The Confessions of Fannie LangtonNamed a Best Book of 2021 by Goodreads • Parade • PopSugar • Brit+Co • Romper • Frolic • Crime Reads • • Women.comDiscover the secrets of Caldonbrae Hall in this riveting, modern gothic debut set at an all girls' boarding school perched on a craggy Scottish peninsula.For 150 years, high above rocky Scottish cliffs, Caldonbrae Hall has sat untouched, a beacon of excellence in an old ancestral castle. A boarding school for girls, it promises that the young women lucky enough to be admitted will emerge “resilient and ready to serve society.”Into its illustrious midst steps Rose Christie: a 26-year-old Classics teacher, Caldonbrae’s new head of the department, and the first hire for the school in over a decade. At first, Rose is overwhelmed to be invited into this institution, whose prestige is unrivaled. But she quickly discovers that behind the school’s elitist veneer lies an impenetrable, starkly traditional culture that she struggles to reconcile with her modernist beliefs--not to mention her commitment to educating “girls for the future.”It also doesn’t take long for Rose to suspect that there’s more to the secret circumstances surrounding the abrupt departure of her predecessor--a woman whose ghost lingers everywhere--than anyone is willing to let on. In her search for this mysterious former teacher, Rose instead uncovers the darkness that beats at the heart of Caldonbrae, forcing her to confront the true extent of the school’s nefarious purpose, and her own role in perpetuating it.A darkly feminist tale pitched against a haunting backdrop, and populated by an electrifying cast of heroines, Madam will keep readers engrossed until the breathtaking conclusion.They want our silence…They want our obedience…Let them see our fire burn

Madam: The most chilling and darkly feminist book group novel you'll read in 2021

by Phoebe Wynne

'Rebecca meets The Secret History. Gloriously dark, gloriously gothic' Sara Collins, Costa First Novel Award-winning author of The Confessions of Frannie Langton For 150 years, Caldonbrae Hall has loomed high above the Scottish cliffs as a beacon of excellence in the ancestral castle of Lord William Hope. A boarding school for girls, it promises that its pupils will emerge 'resilient and ready to serve society'. Into its illustrious midst steps Rose Christie, a 26-year-old Classics teacher and new head of department. Rose is overwhelmed by the institution: its arcane traditions, unrivalled prestige, and terrifyingly cool, vindictive students. Her classroom becomes her haven, where the stories of fearless women from ancient Greek and Roman history ignite the curiosity of the girls she teaches and, unknowingly, the suspicions of the powers that be. But as Rose uncovers the darkness that beats at the very heart of Caldonbrae, the lines between myth and reality grow ever more blurred. It will be up to Rose - and the fierce young women she has come to love - to find a way to escape the fate the school has in store for them, before it is too late. Perfect for fans of Margaret Atwood and Madeline Miller, Madam is a darkly feminist tale with an electrifying cast of heroines you won't soon forget.______________________'Imagine if Donna Tartt and Margaret Atwood got together to write a creepy, suspenseful novel . . . Brooding and unsettling, Wynne paints a gorgeous picture that only serves to camouflage the dark secrets she's hidden within' - Chandler Baker, author of Whisper Network'The simmering menace and mystery kept me absolutely gripped . . . This was a smouldering slow burn of a novel that I could not put down' - Jennifer Saint, author of Ariadne'Strange, dark, and utterly consuming . . . I loved it' - Katie Lowe, author of The Furies'Chilling, eerie and very clever. I devoured it' - Polly Crosby, author of The Illustrated Child'A thrilling debut, reminiscent of Du Maurier. The narrative, written in precise prose with beautifully crafted characters, barrels along at pace, leaving us breathless at each twist and turn. A truly wonderful read' - Nydia Hetherington, author of A Girl Made Of Air'I ripped through it and thoroughly enjoyed the ride . . . A highly entertaining and atmospheric read' - Kate Sawyer, author of The Stranding'Full of fire and light, written with a passionate intensity . . . Madam is a book that shimmers . . . It's an extraordinary achievement' - Now and Fen blog

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