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Master's Blood (The Shifters #6)

by M. D. Grimm

The Shifters: Book SixThree days after the Agency infiltrated the headquarters of the Knights, an organization that killed, tortured, and experimented on shifters, Chief Anu sends Agent Poe on assignment: find Nordik, the powerful bear shifter who controls Sanctuary, and offer alliance. Agent Poe already has his hands full with shifters who need help and a kidnapped agent who needs rescue. Poe has never failed a mission, but he finds members of the Knights who escaped the raid inside Sanctuary, raising suspicions about Chief Anu. Poe's goals change once more when he discovers he and Nordik have a mutual attraction they can't resist. Keeping shifters safe becomes more complicated, and more important, than ever.

On Wings of Thunder (On Wings Saga #1)

by M. D. Grimm

Trystan is an unchosen angel--shunned by society, bullied, and without a future. In a hidden well, Trystan discovers a carving of a dragon, who were once the commanders of demons and now believed extinct. But Trystan learns the carving doesn't depict an ordinary dragon. Stories tell that millennia ago, the great dragon Asagoroth and his demon army nearly conquered the three realms but was killed by the five elders. The powerful angels combined their life forces to cast a spell, sacrificing their lives. But history is full of falsehoods. The five elders only managed to imprison the dragon, and Asagoroth had cast his own spell--one of releasement. It only needs the blood of an angel to liberate him from his cage.... Asagoroth, enemy of angels, conqueror of realms, is free. But even as the angels prepare for war, the great dragon surprises them with an ultimatum: hand over the angel who awakened him or face annihilation.

Predator and Prey (The Shifters #11)

by M. D. Grimm

The Shifters: Book NineVietnam War vet turned deep-sea treasure hunter Digger Sullivan scratches out a living, and this new commission is just another job--albeit an exciting one--off the Florida coast in 1977. But while exploring the area, Digger and his crew encounter a lot more sharks than they expected. Reef and his shark shifter clan are charged with protecting a vital, magical secret--two of four scrolls that, when brought together, could annihilate shifters across the world. But Reef can't keep his head in the game around this intriguing diver, and it's not long before Digger takes one of the scrolls topside. Reef now has two missions: seduce Digger and recapture the scroll. Despite his attraction to Digger, Reef's priority must be reclaiming the scroll. But when Reef's true identity is exposed, Digger is scared and appalled and rejects him. Yet Digger might change his mind when his crew is captured by the very person who commissioned them, and Reef and his shark clan are the only things standing between them and death.

Psychic Moon (The Shifters #1)

by M. D. Grimm

The Shifters: Book OneHumane Officer Derek Wiliams has been toying with the idea of asking out Brian O'Donogue since the veterinarian started working at the Pet Rescue Center two years ago. So why hasn't he made his move? It's complicated... but it has something to do with the fact that Derek occasionally likes to run around on four legs instead of two. Recovering from an abusive relationship and hiding supernatural abilities of his own, Brian takes a chance and agrees to go on a date with Derek. The ensuing relationship is better than either of them could have hoped--until a rogue wolf shifter attacks Brian while he's walking his dogs. The abrupt attack forces Derek to confront his feelings, but the danger isn't over. The rogue shifter is out there, and he's hunting them.

The Serpent and the Angel (The Shifters #8)

by M. D. Grimm

The Shifters: Book EightIn the year 1866, Sheriff Tobias Goldstein guards a small mining town in the Colorado territory with a cold and merciless hand. A rare rattlesnake shifter, he lives by a code and expecting others to do the same has kept the peace--until a nameless stranger wanders into town. Intrigued by the lone man, Tobias names him Angel Smith, and sensing he's trustworthy, he deputizes Angel. A guardian at heart, golden eagle shifter Angel protects the townspeople, but his dedication is to an ancient scroll capable of great destruction. For generations, Angel's family protected the artifact with their lives. Now something has returned to hunt down the scroll. Forced to leave his tribe, Angel enjoys the quiet he's found with Tobias, who hides a warm heart under his aloof exterior. Angel knows the quiet will not last and fears the battle on the horizon. But with Tobias at his back, Angel might stand a chance against his enemies.

The Shifters (The Shifters #5)

by M. D. Grimm

Sink your teeth into M.D. Grimm's paranormal world in this exclusive bundle of nine dramatic romances featuring shifters: not just wolves, but bulls, cougars, deer, bears, falcons, and more. No matter the shape, these men will find their happily ever afters while fighting for their lives.See excerpt for individual blurbs.

Shifting Moon (The Shifters #12)

by M. D. Grimm

The Shifters: Book TenAfter a year together, wolf shifter Derek Williams and vet Brian O'Donogue decide to marry. All Brian wants is to be legally part of Derek's family, after his own disowned him for being gay. As far as Derek is concerned, he already belongs to his mate, heart, body, and soul. But their plans are put on hold when Derek discovers an injured young shifter, Tommy, one night while running as a wolf. When they learn the truth behind Tommy's presence in Washington, they are quickly drawn into a war that has waged in the shadows for decades. Brian, Derek, and their allies must fight against the Knights and their leader, Arcas, to prevent them from attaining an ancient scroll, one piece of a weapon that can destroy all shifters. When worlds collide, no one will be spared.

Stregati (I Mutaforma #1)

by M. D. Grimm Ernesto Pavan

I Mutaforma: Volume 1L'accalappiacani Derek Williams vorrebbe chiedere a Brian O'Donogue di uscire da quando il veterinario ha cominciato a lavorare nello stesso Pronto Soccorso Veterinario due anni fa. Dunque perché non ha ancora fatto la prima mossa? È una faccenda complicata... ma ha qualcosa a che vedere con il fatto che a Derek ogni tanto piace correre a quattro zampe invece che su due gambe. In via di guarigione da una relazione brutale e anche lui in segreto possesso di abilità soprannaturali, Brian coglie l'occasione e acconsente a uscire con Derek. La relazione che ne risulta è migliore di quanto entrambi sperassero - fino a quando un mutaforma rinnegato aggredisce Brian mentre questi è intento a portare a passeggio i suoi cani. L'aggressione improvvisa costringe Derek a fronteggiare i propri sentimenti, ma il pericolo non è terminato. Il rinnegato è là fuori e sta dando loro la caccia.

Unter dem Wolfsmond (Die Gestaltwandler #1)

by M. D. Grimm Heike Reifgens

Buch 1 in der Serie - Die GestaltwandlerSeit zwei Jahren schon, seit Brian O'Donogue als Tierarzt im Tierschutzzentrum angefangen hat, spielt Veterinärbeamter Derek Wiliams mit dem Gedanken, ihn um eine Verabredung zu bitten. Warum also hat er ihn immer noch nicht gefragt? Es ist kompliziert... hat aber etwas damit zu tun, dass Derek gelegentlich lieber auf vier Beinen herumläuft statt auf zwei. Brian, der nach einer desaströsen Beziehung wieder auf die Beine kommt und seine eigenen übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten verbirgt, geht das Risiko ein und nimmt Dereks Einladung an. Die Beziehung, die sich daraus entwickelt, ist schöner, als sie beide jemals für möglich gehalten hätten - bis ein bösartiger Wolfswandler Brian angreift, während er seine Hunde spazieren führt. Der unerwartete Angriff zwingt Derek dazu, seinen Gefühlen ins Auge zu sehen, aber die Gefahr ist noch nicht vorüber. Der bösartige Gestaltwandler ist irgendwo da draußen, und er macht Jagd auf sie.

Une dévotion aveugle (La saga des métamorphes #3)

by M. D. Grimm Iriam Shostakovich

La saga des métamorphes, tome 3Dans la ville d'Haven, Montana, les métamorphes et leurs alliés humains vivent en paix et en sécurité. Jusqu'à présent. Car la tranquillité de la ville repose sur le secret de sa localisation et tout est sur le point d'être compromis. Le couguar métamorphe Travis Kuger a vécu les dix dernières années de sa vie à osciller entre un furieux désir de vengeance et l'espoir d'enfin pouvoir oublier son tragique passé. Depuis que les Chevaliers, l'organisation anti-métamorphes, lui ont volé la vue et massacré sa famille, Haven - et le shérif Jack Ulger - ont été le refuge de Travis. Travis et Jack savent tous deux que leur relation pourrait aller bien au-delà de l'amitié, mais Jack fait partie de la meute de loups qui gouvernent la ville. S'il prend pour compagnon un métamorphe qui n'est pas un loup, il sera définitivement banni. Mais lorsqu'un membre des Chevaliers infiltre Haven, l'amour devient le dernier de leurs problèmes.

On Wings of Passion (On Wings Saga #2)

by M.D. Grimm

A Story from the On Wings SagaPrequel to On Wings of ThunderEvery story has a beginning…. Dragons. Angels fear them and demons follow them. Formidable beasts of incredible power, they fight each other to the death for dominance. But dwindling dragon numbers cause alarm among the angelic ranks. Surely when they have nothing left to conquer, the fearsome creatures will turn their sights to the Upper Realm. Roland, an angelic artist of significant talent, doesn’t know what to believe. Part of him longs to see a dragon in person, and his peaceful life of contentment is wearing thin. He wants passion, desire, adventure, and love. He gets more than he bargained for when, along with his sister, he’s ambushed and captured by demons, who bring him to a creature who surpasses Roland’s wildest imaginings. But the mighty dragon Asagoroth is not all that he seems. Something sparks between him and Roland. Something neither anticipated. Something that will shake the cosmos to its core.

Brand New Cherry Flavor

by Todd Grimson

In the world of Hollywood's panderers, philanderers, has-beens, and sycophants, aspiring screenwriter and director Lisa Nova considers herself a rising star who can transcend the lies, cheating, and hypocrisy for the sake of her art. When she is coldly betrayed by one leering producer too many, she turns to Boro, the enigmatic leader of a local biker gang, to exact vengeance—and she gets more than she bargained for. It begins with the strange tattoos that appear overnight on her skin like stigmata, followed by the hallucinations of ancient cults of the undead. Lisa soon finds herself contending with white jaguars and cannibalistic demons rising from the grave, and the lines between dreams and reality quickly dissolve in this surreal and exhilarating blend of satire and the macabre.

Undead Ed: Undead Ed and the Demon Freakshow

by David Grimstone

Forget everything you've ever seen or heard about werewolves, zombies and vampires because Ed Bagley's going to tell you the single most important fact you'll ever learn: BEING UNDEAD SUCKS... especially if you're a kid.As if Ed hasn't enough problems, he's now being hunted by a demented clown, an evil midget and a girl with a sewn up eye. You'd think he wouldn't have much to worry about, being damned to start with, but Ed's beginning to learn that there's something a lot worse than the flames of hell ... An undead circus.

Undead Ed: Undead Ed and the Demon Freakshow

by David Grimstone

Forget everything you've ever seen or heard about werewolves, zombies and vampires because Ed Bagley's going to tell you the single most important fact you'll ever learn: BEING UNDEAD SUCKS... especially if you're a kid.As if Ed hasn't enough problems, he's now being hunted by a demented clown, an evil midget and a girl with a sewn up eye. You'd think he wouldn't have much to worry about, being damned to start with, but Ed's beginning to learn that there's something a lot worse than the flames of hell ... An undead circus.

Undead Ed: Undead Ed and the Devil's Fingers

by David Grimstone

Forget everything you've ever seen or heard about werewolves, zombies and vampires because Ed Bagley's going to tell you the single most important fact you'll ever learn: BEING UNDEAD SUCKS ... especially if you're a kid.Despite Ed's death, he's finding it really hard to actually ... pass on. Mainly because he's been cursed by an evil clown who made a sick pact with the devil, a pact that has lumbered him with four of Satan's fingers. And now he's killed Evil Clive - the head of Mortlake's dead community, and none of his undead friends can ever forgive him. Ed has no choice but to return these fingers to the devil himself. Then maybe he can get on with the rest of his death in peace ...

Undead Ed: Undead Ed and the Devil's Fingers

by David Grimstone

Forget everything you've ever seen or heard about werewolves, zombies and vampires because Ed Bagley's going to tell you the single most important fact you'll ever learn: BEING UNDEAD SUCKS ... especially if you're a kid.Despite Ed's death, he's finding it really hard to actually ... pass on. Mainly because he's been cursed by an evil clown who made a sick pact with the devil, a pact that has lumbered him with four of Satan's fingers. And now he's killed Evil Clive - the head of Mortlake's dead community, and none of his undead friends can ever forgive him. Ed has no choice but to return these fingers to the devil himself. Then maybe he can get on with the rest of his death in peace ...

Undead Ed: Undead Ed and the Howling Moon

by David Grimstone

Forget everything you've ever seen or heard about werewolves, zombies and vampires because Ed Bagley's going to tell you the single most important fact you'll ever learn: BEING UNDEAD SUCKS... especially if you're a kid. On his 13th birthday, Ed Bagley is hit by a truck and killed. But things go from tragic to freaky when Ed wakes in the sewers beneath the town of Mortlake with only a note from his missing right arm to explain that he's undead: a zombie, a walking corpse whose skin rots and oozes. And as if all this misfortune wasn't enough, there's a lunatic killer on the loose in Mortlake ... and only Ed can stop him.

Undead Ed: Undead Ed and the Howling Moon

by David Grimstone

Forget everything you've ever seen or heard about werewolves, zombies and vampires because Ed Bagley's going to tell you the single most important fact you'll ever learn: BEING UNDEAD SUCKS... especially if you're a kid. On his 13th birthday, Ed Bagley is hit by a truck and killed. But things go from tragic to freaky when Ed wakes in the sewers beneath the town of Mortlake with only a note from his missing right arm to explain that he's undead: a zombie, a walking corpse whose skin rots and oozes. And as if all this misfortune wasn't enough, there's a lunatic killer on the loose in Mortlake ... and only Ed can stop him.


by Ken Grimwood

At forty-three Jeff Winston is tired of his low-paid, unrewarding job, tired of the long silences at the breakfast table with his wife, saddened by the thought of no children to comfort his old age. But he hopes for better things, for happiness, maybe tomorrow ... But a sudden, fatal heart attack puts paid to that. Until Jeff wakes up in his eighteen-year-old body, all his memories of the next twenty-five years intact. If he applies those memories, he can be rich in this new chance at life and can become one of the most powerful men in America. Until he dies at forty-three and wakes up in his eighteen-year-old body again ... and again in a continuous twenty-five year cycle each time starting from scratch at the age of eighteen to reclaim lost loves, make a fortune - or remedy past mistakes. A novel of gripping adventure, romance, and fascinating speculation on the nature of time, Replay asks the question: "What if you could live your life over again?"

The Monsters of Templeton

by Lauren Groff

In the wake of a disastrous affair with her older, married archeology professor at Stanford, brilliant Wilhelmina Cooper arrives back at the doorstep of her hippie mother-turned born-again-Christian's house in Templeton, NY, a storybook town her ancestors founded that sits on the shores of Lake Glimmerglass. Upon her arrival, a prehistoric monster surfaces in the lake bringing a feeding frenzy to the quiet town, and Willie learns she has a mystery father her mother kept secret Willie's entire life. The beautiful, broody Willie is told that the key to her biological father's identity lies somewhere in her family's history, so she buries herself in the research of her twisted family tree and finds more than she bargained for as a chorus of voices from the town's past- some sinister, all fascinating- rise up around her to tell their side of the story. In the end, dark secrets come to light, past and present day are blurred, and old mysteries are finally put to rest. A fresh, virtuoso performance that will surely place Groff among the best young writers of today.

The Monsters of Templeton: A Novel

by Lauren Groff

"The day I returned to Templeton steeped in disgrace, the fifty-foot corpse of a monster surfaced in Lake Glimmerglass." So begins The Monsters of Templeton, a novel spanning two centuries: part a contemporary story of a girl's search for her father, part historical novel, and part ghost story, this spellbinding novel is at its core a tale of how one town holds the secrets of a family. In the wake of a wildly disastrous affair with her married archaeology professor, Willie Upton arrives on the doorstep of her ancestral home in Templeton, New York, where her hippie-turned-born-again-Baptist mom, Vi, still lives. Willie expects to be able to hide in the place that has been home to her family for generations, but the monster's death changes the fabric of the quiet, picture-perfect town her ancestors founded. Even further, Willie learns that the story her mother had always told her about her father has all been a lie: he wasn't the random man from a free-love commune that Vi had led her to imagine, but someone else entirely. Someone from this very town. As Willie puts her archaeological skills to work digging for the truth about her lineage, she discovers that the secrets of her family run deep. Through letters, editorials, and journal entries, the dead rise up to tell their sides of the story as dark mysteries come to light, past and present blur, old stories are finally put to rest, and the shocking truth about more than one monster is revealed.

Bad Glass: A Novel

by Richard E. Gropp

One of the most hauntingly original dark fantasy debuts in years--perfect for fans of Lost and Mark Danielewski's cult classic, House of Leaves. Something has happened in Spokane. The military has evacuated the city and locked it down. Even so, disturbing rumors and images seep out, finding their way onto the Internet, spreading curiosity, skepticism, and panic. For what they show is--or should be--impossible: strange creatures that cannot exist, sudden disappearances that violate the laws of physics, human bodies fused with inanimate objects, trapped yet still half alive. . . . Dean Walker, an aspiring photographer, sneaks into the quarantined city in search of fame. What he finds will change him in unimaginable ways. Hooking up with a group of outcasts led by a beautiful young woman named Taylor, Dean embarks on a journey into the heart of a mystery whose philosophical implications are as terrifying as its physical manifestations. Even as he falls in love with Taylor--a woman as damaged and seductive as the city itself--his already tenuous hold on reality starts to come loose. Or perhaps it is Spokane's grip on the world that is coming undone. Now, caught up in a web of interlacing secrets and betrayals, Dean, Taylor, and their friends must make their way through this ever-shifting maze of a city, a city that is actively hunting them down, herding them toward a shocking destiny.From the Trade Paperback edition.


by Austin Grossman

This is the story of the great con game that was the late twentieth century, of American history's worst presidency, of how I learned to lie. It is not history as you know it. There are at least three sides to this story, and I'm telling both of mine. I promise you I will show the same contempt for the historical record that it has shown for me.My name is Richard Milhous Nixon. I swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and I have seen the devil walk.An alternate history, a horror novel, a political satire and a study of what people will sacrifice to succeed, CROOKED is the ultimate inside story of the strange, all-too-human monsters at the heart of American power.


by Austin Grossman

Richard Milhous Nixon lived one of the most improbable lives of the twentieth century. Our thirty-seventh president's political career spanned the button-down fifties, the Mad Men sixties, and the turbulent seventies. He faced down the Russians, the Chinese, and ultimately his own government. The man went from political mastermind to a national joke, sobbing in the Oval Office, leaving us with one burning question: how could he have lost it all? Here for the first time is the tale told in his own words: the terrifying supernatural secret he stumbled upon as a young man, the truth behind the Cold War, and the truth behind the Watergate cover-up. What if our nation's worst president was actually a pivotal figure caught in a desperate struggle between ordinary life and horrors from another reality? What if the man we call our worst president was, in truth, our greatest? In Crooked, Nixon finally reveals the secret history of modern American politics as only Austin Grossman could reimagine it. Combining Lovecraftian suspense, international intrigue, Russian honey traps, and a presidential marriage whose secrets and battles of attrition were their own heroic saga, Grossman's novel is a masterwork of alternative history, equal parts mesmerizing character study and nail-biting Faustian thriller.


by Austin Grossman

A NOVEL OF MYSTERY, VIDEOGAMES, AND THE PEOPLE WHO CREATE THEM, BY THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SOON I WILL BE INVINCIBLE.When Russell joins Black Arts games, brainchild of two visionary designers who were once his closest friends, he reunites with an eccentric crew of nerds hacking the frontiers of both technology and entertainment. In part, he's finally given up chasing the conventional path that has always seemed just out of reach. But mostly, he needs to know what happened to Simon, the strangest and most gifted friend he ever lost, who died under mysterious circumstances soon after Black Arts' breakout hit.Then Black Arts' revolutionary next-gen game is threatened by a mysterious software glitch, and Russell finds himself in a race to save his job, Black Arts' legacy, and the people he has grown to care about. The bug is the first clue in a mystery leading back twenty years, through real and virtual worlds, corporate boardrooms and high school computer camp, to a secret that changed a friendship and the history of gaming. The deeper Russell digs, the more dangerous the glitch appears--and soon, Russell comes to realize there's much more is at stake than just one software company's bottom line.Austin Grossman's debut novel Soon I Will Invincible announced the arrival of a singular, genre-defying talent "sure to please fans of Lethem and Chabon" (Playboy). With YOU, Grossman offers his most daring and most personal novel yet-a thrilling, hilarious, authentic portrait of the world of professional game makers; and the story of how learning to play can save your life.

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