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Doble Drible Usted Nunca Más Volverá a Ver Al Basquetbol

by Pedro Pablo Pérez Agüero Steve Vernon

Su nombre era Adam Kyler. Tenía ojos negros como azufaifas de regaliz y un rizo en forma de escupitajo enganchado en la frente que me recordaba a un joven superhombre. Él tenía nueve años. No era su culpa que estuviera parado en el callejón, pero de igual forma le disparé... DOPPLE DRIBBLE es una historia de venganza desde más allá de la tumba y le garantizo sin lugar a dudas que después de leer esta historia, la próxima vez que usted escuche el sonido de un niño caminando por la acera bajo las luces de la calle rebotando una pelota de baloncesto, van a pasar el resto de la noche, asustados y completamente despiertos. No digan que no les advertí.

Il cammino eternamente lungo di Olan Walker

by Stefano Vazzola Steve Vernon

Era il lunedì di Pasqua del 1952. Era un giorno come un altro. Il camion con pianale si fece strada nel campo con mezza dozzina di nuovi detenuti. Contai un paio di vagabondi, un ubriacone, un aggressore e un aggredito. Loro e Olan Walker. Olan Walker fu il primo a scendere dal camion con pianale e avrebbe anche potuto essere scivolato fra le assi. Quell'uomo era quantomeno allampanato. Era magro come un cane in Quaresima. Era magro come la fame, più sottile che se non avesse mai mangiato nient’altro che un cucchiaio pieno di zuppa della prigione. Sembrava che non avesse mangiato nulla tranne aria e ombre in tutta la vita. Se ci fossero stati un re e una regina degli smilzi, un duca della pelle e ossa, un conte dell'emaciatezza e un principe della macilenza, ebbene, Olan Walker sarebbe stato il loro signore e padrone. Non ci volle molto perché scoprissimo tutti cos'era in REALTÀ Olan Walker. Olan Walker era un evocatore... COSA DICE LA GENTE DI STEVE VERNON "Se Harlan Ellison, Richard Matheson e Robert Bloch facessero sesso selvaggio a tre nell'idromassaggio e poi un gruppo di scienziati venisse a filtrare l'acqua e miscelasse i residui di DNA in una provetta, l'esperimento genetico risultante probabilmente si svilupperebbe in Steve Vernon." - Bookgasm "Steve Vernon è una sorta di anomalia nel panorama della letteratura horror. È una delle nuove voci più fresche del genere nonostante la sua carriera vada avanti da vent'anni. Con una scrittura di una rara spavalderia e sicurezza, Steve Vernon sa condurre i suoi lettori attraverso un'intera gamma di emozioni, dal terrore e dalla repulsione assoluti alla compassione e alla risata." - Cemetery Dance "Dotato di un senso dell'umorismo bizzarro, un'enorme quantità di originalità, una predisposizione per assumersi rischi e una forte padronanza della caratterizzazione - Steve ha sicuramente tutte le carte in regola." - Dark Discoveries "Steve Vernon è nato per scrivere. È uno dei

The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts (Cat Who... #10)

by Lilian Jackson Braun

When Mrs. Cobb heard unearthly noises in the antique-filled farmhouse, she called Jim Qwilleran for help. But he was too late. It looked as if his kindly ex-housekeeper had been frightened to death--but by whom? Or what? Now Qwilleran's moved into the historic farmhouse with his two cat companions--and Koko the Siamese is spooked. Is it a figment of feline imagination--or the clue to a murder in Moose County? And does Qwilleran have a ghost of a chance of solving this haunting mystery?

Never Let Me Fall (Fatal Dreams #3)

by Abbie Roads

"Dark and delicious."—KERRELYN SPARKS, New York Times bestselling author, for Race the Darkness Seeing is believing...Thomas Brown can't see color, but he can see people's true souls. His abilities allow him to work with criminal investigators and deliver justice to families of the wronged. And he's starting to accept that his life will forever be in black and white... Then he encounters Helena Grayse, and everything changes. She brings vibrant color to his world, and he brings acceptance and belief to hers. But Helena's past is quickly catching up with her, and Thomas is in the crosshairs.As an enemy hidden in plain sight threatens their every move, they'll have to rely on their love to beat the darkness. Fatal Dreams series:Race the Darkness (Book 1)Hunt the Dawn (Book 2)Never Let Me Fall (Book 3)What People Are Saying About Abbie Roads:"A dark and intense romance that pulls no punches and offers plenty of mind-bending twists."—RT Book Reviews for Hunt the Dawn, 4 Stars"A haunting story about love, redemption, overcoming the past, and acceptance."—Harlequin Junkie for Saving Mercy"Roads blends high-action romantic suspense with the paranormal to tell a love story." —Booklist for Race the Darkness

The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage

by S. L. Mathers

Around the turn of the century, when Aleister Crowley was working out his system of Magick, the source that he turned to for basics was the system of Abramelin of Egypt. From Abramelin he took his concepts of protections, purifications, evocations, vestments, and dromena down to specific details.This system of Abramelin the Mage is known from a unique fifteenth century manuscript preserved in the Bibliothèque de L'Arsenal in Paris. In it, Abraham of Würzburg, a cabalist and connoisseur of magics, describes a tour that he made of the then civilized world, visiting sorcerers, magicians, and cabalists, estimating their powers and virtues. This quest is in itself as fascinating as the similar tours of Gurdjieff.The high point of Abraham's travels was found in a small town on the banks of the Nile, where he encountered the great magician Abramelin, whose complete system Abraham thereupon sets out in detail. This amounts to a complete course in ceremonial magic (both white and black), which the student can pursue by himself.Abramelin, whose system is based mostly on Hellenistic theurgy of the Iamblichan sort, but with Jewish increments from the Cabala, explains the qualifications needed to become a magician, purifications, and asceticisms to be practiced month by month, studies and activities permitted during this period, selection of place and time for working magic, equipment needed, prayers and formulas, evocation of good and evil spirits, commanding spirits to do one's will, overcoming rebellious spirits, and similar material. Specific instructions are offered to develop such powers as clairvoyance, divining metals and treasures, warding off evil magic, healing illness, levitation, transportation, rendering oneself invisible, creating illusions and glamour, reading minds, placing compulsions, working black magic, and a host of other abilities.We do not guarantee that Abramelin's techniques work, nor that the results are desirable, but we offer this as a genuine medieval course in magic, one of the most important books in the history of occultism. It is of paramount importance to both the historian and the practitioner.

Marleen, the Horror Queen

by Lila Perl

[from the back cover] "Is revenge as sweet as it seems? Marleen thought she was in for a dull summer until she made a new friend, wonderfully weird Rosalie. Rosalie introduced her to horror movies. But the two friends don't just go to movies--they imagine every horrible thing they see on the screen happening to their worst enemies! Marleen's worst enemy is Alex Kirby, who lives next door. Sure he's cute--but he loves practical jokes and embarrasses Marleen every chance he gets! Then, one dark night, Marleen has a perfect chance to get even with Alex forever. Will she be able to go through with her spine-tingling plan? What else would you expect from... Marleen the Horror Queen?"

El bazar de los malos sueños

by Stephen King

Directo desde la mente de Stephen King, el que te roba el sueño y te asusta de verdad. El bazar de los malos sueños es una colección 20 relatos magníficos, inquietantes, absorbentes... Un preciado regalo del autor a sus lectores. «Escribí estos relatos especialmente para ti. Adelante, léelos, pero ten mucho cuidado. Los mejores tienen dientes.»Stephen King Stephen King nos presenta en El bazar de los malos sueños una excepcional selección de relatos, algunos nuevos y otros revisados en profundidad. Cada uno viene precedido de su propia introducción, donde habla sobre sus orígenes y sobre los motivos que lo llevaron a escribirlo, incluyendo aspectos autobiográficos. Aunque han pasado ya treinta y cinco años desde que escribió su primera colección, Stephen King sigue deslumbrándonos con su maestría en el género. En esta ocasión trata temas como la moralidad, la vida después de la muerte, la culpa y lo que corregiríamos del pasado si pudiéramos ver el futuro. Críticas:«Historias oscuras con momentos mágicos.»The Guardian «Fantástico. El genio narrativo habitual de King sigue vivo y se evidencia en estos relatos, pero lo realmente significativo es la introducción a cada uno.»USA Today «Las historias son fascinantes e inolvidables. Abundan los finales sorprendentes. King es un género en sí mismo. Prepárate para leerlo vorazmente.»Library Journal «Un autor más versátil de lo que podías imaginar.»Sunday Times «Emocionantes, inquietantes, sorprendentes, desconcertantes.»Los Angeles Times «Te atrapa con una nota introductoria a cada relato para después helarte hasta los huesos. No los leas antes de ir a dormir.»Daily Mail «Una jugosa colección de relatos con perspectivas muy interesantes sobre el proceso creativo de un escritor que ha conseguido dejarte en vela muchas noches.»The Washington Post

Halloween: The Official Movie Novelization

by John Passarella

The official novelization of the highly anticipated revamp of the classic horror film Halloween.In 1978, Laurie Strode survived an encounter with Michael Myers, a masked figure who killed her friends and terrorized the town of Haddonfield, Illinois on Halloween night. Myers was later gunned down, apprehended and committed to Smith's Grove State Hospital. For forty years, memories of that nightmarish ordeal have haunted Laurie and now Myers is back once again on Halloween, having escaped a routine transfer, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. This time, Laurie is prepared with years of survival training to protect herself, her daughter Karen and her granddaughter Allyson, a teenager separated from her family and enjoying Halloween festivities.Cover Image © 2018 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

La tormenta de nieve (Cuarteto de Öland #Volumen 2)

by Johan Theorin

Un relato inquietante y fantasmagórico sobre la tragedia de una familia y los secretos enterrados en la isla de Öland Un crudo invierno golpea la isla sueca de Öland. Katrine y Joakim Westin han abandonado la ciudad y se han mudado con sus hijos a la isla, donde han comprado la vieja y señorial casa de Eel Point, junto al faro. Sin embargo, su idílico retiro termina cuando el cadáver de Katrine es hallado en la playa. A partir de ese funesto día, Joakim tendrá que luchar para mantener la cordura y ocuparse de sus hijos. Además, la casa que a priori parecía el perfecto hogar se va convirtiendo en una maligna influencia para él. Joakim nunca ha sido supersticioso, pero ¿de dónde proceden los susurros que oye en Eel Point? ¿Con quién habla su hija en sueños noche tras noche? El fin de año está al caer y una terrible tormenta de nieve se acerca a la isla. Joakim teme que las historias marineras que ha oído sobre maldiciones en Eel Point sean ciertas... La tormenta de nieve es el segundo volumen de El cuarteto de Öland, una serie que lleva vendidos más de 50.000 ejemplares en España. La crítica ha dicho... «Evocador e inolvidable, Theorin es dueño de un sutil sentido de la amenaza que va creciendo en cada página.» Simon Beckett «El último fenómeno en Suecia... un best seller con tan solo dos títulos publicados.» The Times «El eco de los muertos confirma a Johan Theorin como uno de los mejores escritores suecos. Con su primera novela ya recibió el aplauso de la crítica, varios premios y se convirtió en un best seller. Con su nueva novela, un estudio de dolor, la pérdida y la vulnerabilidad, se convierte en el autor más sólido del género.» The Guardian «Uno de los acontecimientos editoriales del año en lo que a novela nórdica se refiere.» Publishers Weekly «Magistralmente escrita. Una joya de novela de género. Con Theorin uno tiene el impulso de recomendarlo a nuestros mejores amigos y familiares.» Good Book Guide

Semillas del ayer (Saga Dollanganger #Volumen 4)

by V. C. Andrews

Cuarta entrega de la Saga Dollanganger El amor prohibido que surgió entre Cathy y Chris durante su cautiverio en Foxworth Hall es uno de los secretos más oscuros de la familia Dollanganger. Ni siquiera formando una nueva familia ni adoptando un apellido diferente pueden escapar de su perverso legado. El día en que Bart, hijo de Cathy, cumple veinticinco años la familia se reúne en la propiedad que acaba de heredar, una escalofriante réplica de la mansión familiar. Para Bart, ha llegado el momento de conocer la devastadora verdad acerca de su pasado, del temible espectro que siempre le ha acechado y de lo que realmente ocurrió en aquel ático, donde sus padres perdieron la inocencia. La crítica ha dicho... «Un cuento de hadas moderno e ingeniosamente retorcido.» The Times Magazine

Si hubiera espinas (Saga Dollanganger #Volumen 3)

by V. C. Andrews

Tercera entrega de la Saga Dollanganger Chris y Cathy siempre han intentado proteger a sus hijos del doloroso secreto familiar. Se han entregado en cuerpo y alma para que Jory, Bart y la pequeña Cindy tuvieran la infancia feliz que a ellos una vez les fue arrebatada. Sin embargo, y a pesar de todos los esfuerzos, jamás conseguirán escapar de sus propios fantasmas. La armonía familiar que habían construido se desvanece con la llegada de una nueva vecina, una misteriosa anciana vestida de negro que siempre les está vigilando. No tarda en seducir a Bart, un niño con un gran poder imaginativo, invitándolo a comer helados y galletas. Poco a poco la actitud del pequeño va cambiando como si alguien, o algo, lo empujara a la locura y a la violencia. Pero esto es solo el principio. Chris y Cathy están a punto de perder todo aquello que aman... quizás para siempre. La crítica ha dicho... «Sus libros tienen mucha fuerza.» The Times

Seis tumbas en Múnich: Una historia criminal movida por la venganza

by Mario Puzo

Una historia criminal movida por la venganza. Del autor de El Padrino, una novela inédita escrita originalmente con el seudónimo de Mario Cleri. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, gracias a su prodigiosa memoria y a su talento para descifrar textos codificados, Mike Rogan ingresa en la Sección de Inteligencia del Ejército americano, poco después de casarse con Christine. A raíz del desembarco de las tropas aliadas en Francia, Rogan es enviado a Europa en misión de desciframiento de mensajes. Pero por un error cae, junto a Christine, en manos de la Gestapo para acabar en el Palacio de Justicia de Múnich, donde serán sometidos a una violencia extrema. Con tal de ahorrarle sufrimientos a su mujer, Rogan revela las claves de los códigos americanos. Aun así, sus siete verdugos, tras anunciarle la muerte de Christine, le disparan untiro en la cabeza. Sin embargo, horas después, es encontrado vivo. Diez años después, en 1955, Rogan dará comienzo a su cacería...

La leyenda de la triple madre

by Esteve Pujol

La mato porque es mía, o la reenamoro porque es mía. <P><P>¿Qué me aconsejas, Virgen María? Ramón ha sido vilmente envenenado con un revuelto de setas a la pirenaica. El asesino ha mezclado con mucho arte las setas venenosas y las alucinógenas. Una muerte lenta pero divertida. <P>En su dolorosa y psicodélica agonía, Ramón intentará explicar las razones de su vil envenenamiento. Un refulgente tesoro, amasado por una apasionado cura mariano, enamorado locamente de la efigie de una Virgen María, desatará el odio, la codicia y la sed de venganza en esta intrigante novela. <P> La clave para encontrar el tesoro, escondido por el cura antes de morir, parece ser la efigie de la Virgen María. Pero hay algo extraño en esta efigie: quien la posee recibe unas insanas y un poco machistas vibraciones maternales, que cambian su carácter y personalidad.

Attack of the Killer Ants (Bone Chillers #9)

by Betsy Haynes

[from the back cover] "Don't forget your bug spray. The school picnic is crawling with ants--creeping, climbing, biting ants. So Ryan and Alex step on them and drown them... Ryan even chews one up and spits it out. They think they've seen the last of the ants--until something ugly and hairy and really big follows them home through the woods. Ryan and Alex can't believe their eyes. A giant ant wants to drag them back to its monster anthill and make them slaves. Soon they'll know what it feels like to be stepped on... and squashed! So creepy, you'll have ants in your pants!" If you have the nerve, check out the rest of the books in the Bone Chillers series including #1. Beware the Shopping Mall, #2. Little Pet Shop of Horrors, #3. Back to School, #4. Frankenturkey, #5. Strange Brew, # 6. Teacher creature, #7. Frankenturkey 2, #8. Welcome to Alien Inn, #10. Slime Time #11. Toilet Terror, #12. Night of the Living Clay and #13. The Thing Under the Bed.

Prickly Business (Portland Pack Chronicles #1)

by Kenzie Cade Piper Vaughn

Portland Pack Chronicles: Book OneSome people might call Avery Babineaux a prick. He's a hedgehog shifter from an old-money Louisiana family, with a penchant for expensive shoes and a reputation for being a judgmental snob. His attitude is why he and his fated mate are estranged. Not that Avery cares. He doesn't want to be mated to some blue-collar werewolf anyway. Or so he keeps telling himself. No werewolf likes to be looked down upon, least of all Dylan Green. He doesn't need a mate, especially not some snotty hedgehog who sneers at his custom motorcycle shop and calls him a grease monkey. But when Avery gets into trouble with a shady loan shark, Dylan can't stand by and let him be hurt--whether he wants the brat or not. Yet once Dylan steps into Avery's world, he realizes there's more to Avery than his prickly exterior, and that unexpected vulnerability calls to Dylan's protective instincts. The sassy little hedgehog needs a keeper, and despite their horrible first impressions, Dylan starts to believe he might be the wolf for the job.

Best in Show

by Kelly Jensen

Solitary mystery writer Julian Wilkes doesn't want a pet, but his sister persuades him to visit Lingwood Animal Rescue, where he is immediately taken with a large ginger tabby cat. Before he can settle into the joys of cat ownership, however, he discovers something very unusual about his new companion. Macavity Birch is cursed. By day he is a large tabby cat. At night he can be himself--a human male with ginger hair and oddly yellow eyes. He didn't mean to end up in the animal rescue, but he never meant any harm when playing the prank that resulted in his curse, either. Happily, Julian adopts him. But while exploring his host's home, he discovers the diary of a long-dead relative. Unfortunately, not all of Mac's ancestors are dead and buried. His great-great-great-grandmother is very much alive, and she's a powerful witch who doesn't take kindly to the sharing of family secrets. When Mac reveals himself to Julian in order to save him from bigger trouble, he achieves just the opposite, plunging Julian deeper into a magical mystery with him.

The Supernaturals: A Ghost Story (The Supernaturals #1)

by David L. Golemon

Named One of Riffle's Ten Best Haunted House Books of All TimeBuilt at the turn of the twentieth century by one of the richest and most powerful men in the world tucked away in the pristine Pocono Mountains, Summer Place, a retreat for the rich and famous, seems the very essence of charm and beauty, "a scene borrowed from a wondrous fairytale of gingerbread houses, bright forests, and glowing, sunny meadows."But behind the yellow and white trimmed exterior lurks an evil, waiting to devour the unwary...Seven years ago, Professor Gabriel Kennedy's investigation into paranormal activity at Summer Place ended in tragedy, and destroyed his career. Now, Kelly Delaphoy, the ambitious producer of a top-rated ghost-hunting television series, is determined to make Summer Place the centerpiece of an epic live broadcast on Halloween night. To ensure success, she needs help from the one man who has come face-to-face with the evil that dwells in Summer Place, a man still haunted by the ghosts of his own failure. Disgraced and alienated from the academic community, Kennedy wants nothing to do with the event. But Summer Place has other plans...As Summer Place grows stronger, Kennedy, along with the paranormal ghost hunting team, The Supernaturals, sets out to confront...and if possible, destroy...the evil presence dwelling there.

Villette (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Charlotte Brontë

Bereft of family and friends, Lucy Snowe flees her empty life in England to seek independence and fulfillment. Her gambit takes her to the Belgian town of Villette, where she secures a job teaching English to the fractious girls of Madame Beck's boarding school. Sensitive but resolute, Lucy struggles with feelings of isolation, and she despairs of her relationships with an English doctor and a haughty schoolmaster. Her dilemma — finding a romance that offers both intimacy and freedom — remains as resonant today as it was for Victorian readers.Originally published in 1853, Charlotte Brontë's last and most autobiographical novel reflects her deep loneliness at the loss of her siblings. The remarkably modern heroine, a creature of moody complexity, far predates the advent of psychoanalysis. Villette is nevertheless a powerfully moving psychological study, acclaimed by George Eliot as "a still more wonderful book than Jane Eyre," and by Virginia Woolf as "Brontë's finest novel."

Broken Rose: Morte (Broken Saga II)

by Catalina Jacob

"[...] When I was human I fell in love. I was so lost in love that I even promised him my last breath. I was so deeply in love that I surrendered to him every inch of my skin. I was so blindly in love that I let him take away my eyes. I was so lost in love that I let him tear my soul apart and damn me into these —. Her voice slowly became a whisper, as her gloved hands strongly tightened around the cape. [...]" Nebun tale opened the gates of the Cemetery, now the remembrance of a bloodied past crawled through Morte skeleton. Come on, go ahead. Cemetery is waiting for you. There, where Death plays hide and seek with a Soul, where Shooting Stars give you smiles, and a Funny boy makes you laugh.

The Séance (Harrison Investigation)

by Heather Graham

Plunge into danger with this classic paranormal romantic suspense from the queen of the genre, New York Times bestselling author Heather Graham.A chill falls over Christina Hardy’s housewarming party when talk turns to a recent murder that has all the hallmarks of the so-called Interstate Killer’ murders from fifteen years before. To lighten the mood, the guests drag out an old Ouija board for a little spooky fun—and that’s when things become truly terrifying.Summoned by the Ouija board, the restless spirit of Beau Kidd, the lead detective—and chief suspect—on the original case, seeks Christina’s help: the latest killing isn’t a copycat crime, and he wants his name cleared. Back in the real world, cop-turned-writer Jed Braden is skeptical of Christina’s ghostly encounters, but his police sources confirm all the intimate details of the case—her otherworldly source is reliable, and the body count is growing. The spirits are right. The Interstate Killer is still out there, and Christina’s life is hanging in the balance between this world and the next.Originally published in 2007

Portia (Angelbound Offspring #2)

by Christina Bauer

Unlike her famous older brother Maxon, Princess Portia isn't known for killing demons or attracting admirers. The reason why is simple: a spell was cast on Portia, and the magic has marked her to one day transform into a dreaded Void demon. To fight this horrible fate, Portia's spent her life hiding in libraries and learning magic. But when the Void demons threaten to destroy all the after-realms--and the handsome dragon Emperor Tempest offers his help--then Portia suspects that her future holds more than just a demonic metamorphosis. Fate is calling the bookworm princess onto the battlefield, and it's a fight against both deadly enemies and her heart's desires.Need to catch up? THE ANGELBOUND ORGINS SERIES1. ANGELBOUND2. SCALA3. ARMAGEDDONTHE ANGELBOUND: OFFSPRING SERIES1. MAXON2. PORTIA

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Blackout

by Keith R. DeCandido

THE DARK IS COMING. . . . New York City in 1977 is vampire heaven. Serial killer Son of Sam is often blamed for their hits, and a citywide blackout gives them free reign of the streets, allowing them to get away with murder. Spike and his beloved Drusilla are in the Big Apple taking advantage of the situation, as is Vampire Slayer Nikki Wood, who has hunkered down with her son, Robin, in a Times Square apartment where she thinks they'll be safe. But no matter where she goes, Nikki has to watch her back. Spike has only one thing on his mind: to slay a slayer. Adding to Spike's list of challenges is a corrupt local vampire community that catches wind of his presence, and when they start messing with him, things get bloody interesting.

Time's Children (Islevale #1)

by D B Jackson

A time traveler trapped in a violent past must protect the orphaned child of a murdered sovereign and find a way home, in this astonishing epic fantasy novel.Fifteen year-old Tobias Doljan, a Walker trained to travel through time, is called to serve at the court of Daerjen. The sovereign, Mearlan IV, wants him to Walk back fourteen years, to prevent a devastating war which will destroy all of Islevale. Even though the journey will double Tobias' age, he agrees. But he arrives to discover Mearlan has already been assassinated, and his court destroyed. The only survivor is the infant princess, Sofya. Still a boy inside his newly adult body, Tobias must find a way to protect the princess from assassins, and build himself a future... in the past.File Under: Fantasy [ Time Demons | They See Me Walkin' | Young Inside | Disturbing Allies ]


by Edo Van Belkom

250 years ago, French Jesuits erected a mission deep in the uncharted Canadian wilderness, where they lived until they were brutally tortured and murdered by a band of Iroquois.Or so the legends say.Today Ste-Claire College stands near the legendary massacre site, the mission's memory now more folklore than fact. Then Ste-Claire professor, Karl Desbiens, a Regent in the Order of Jesus, and his band of students set off to locate the mission ruins. But after ten days of digging and searching, they find nothing...Until an old world evil is uncovered and the true nightmare is unleashed.With his own inner demons to struggle with, and his own crisis of faith to overcome, Karl Desbiens is an unlikely hero. Nevertheless, it's up to him to carry on the Jesuit tradition and fight the evil that has invaded Ste-Claire College before all of his students are dead.

Scrudge & Barley, Inc.

by John Inman

A classic tale takes off in sexy new directions! Poor Mr. Dickens must be twirling in his grave. When E.B. Scrudge, putz extraordinaire and all-around numbnuts, is visited by his dead ex on Christmas Eve, he can't imagine how his life could sink any lower. But the three ghostly spirits that come along after are even worse! Good lord, a dyke, a drag queen, and rounding out the trio, a big, hunky bear with nipple rings and a butt plug! What's next? What's next is a good deal of soul-searching and some hard lessons learned with a dash of redemption thrown in for good measure. And love too, believe it or not. Love that had been simmering all along at the heart of Scrudge's miserable existence, although he was too selfish to see it--until a trio of holiday beasties pointed his sorry ass in the right direction.

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