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O Espectro: Livro Um da Trilogia Tatterdemon

by Steve Vernon

Em 1691, a cidade de Crossfall ensinou a bruxa Tessália a morrer. Eles a espancaram-na, dispararam contra ela, enforcaram-na, mas nada funcionou. Quando eles finalmente tentaram enterrá-la viva, Tessália pôs o campo contra eles. O primeiro homem morreu quando uma rajada de vento arrancou a carne dos seus ossos. Uma raiz, lançada como um dardo sujo, cortou um segundo homem. Muitas outras mortes se seguiram. O Reverendo Fell empalou a bruxa na sua própria vassoura, mas ela arrastou-o para o campo para esperar mais três séculos. Trezentos anos depois, Maddy Harker matará o seu marido, Vic. Ela o enterrará no campo enquanto enterrava o pai abusivo anos antes disso. O mesmo campo em que o espírito de Thessaly Cross está a espera.

Il giorno dello zombi

by Richard Lee

Pensavano di essere al sicuro. Alla luce della convinzione di essere al sicuro dagli attacchi degli Zombi che avevano distrutto il resto del mondo dieci anni prima, si era instaurato un certo tipo di normalità nella piccola comunità costiera. Non era arrivato alcuno Zombi. Girano voci che nel centro della città di Wellington si stia per tenere una festa. Un drappello di uomini si dirige verso la città. Tutto era come doveva essere. Furono accolti con gioia. C'era un sentimento di speranza per un nuovo inizio. La festa comincia. Ma... Una ragazzina chiama il suo cane che gioca sulla spiaggia. Il cane non risponde. Si dirige arrabbiata verso il cane. Lui la morde. Lei corre a casa in lacrime. Gary è una delle persone che ha corso il rischio di visitare la città. Ha le sue ragioni per essere tornato e non ha alcun interesse verso l'evento che mira a riunire gli abitanti e il paese. Vuole solo tornare a casa. Tornare ai ricordi della vita precedente, una vita che gli manca. Vede la ragazzina che corre dalla spiaggia. Qualche istante più tardi il cane gli si avvicina ringhiando. Ci vogliono diversi proiettili per abbatterlo. Sulla spiaggia vede qualcosa che gli gela il sangue. Si gira verso la città nel momento in cui si iniziano a sentire le urla. Rimane poco tempo. Il giorno dello zombi parla di un umano infettato dal virus ma immune, nonostante mostri tutti i segni dell'infezione: la pelle in decomposizione, le abitudini alimentari violente e una moglie. Lui documenta il giorno in cui il virus zombi alla fine era giunto sulle loro coste. Sa che quando il resoconto sarà concluso, i capi del paese lo faranno fuori. Ed è deciso ad accettare il suo destino.

Macabre Londres

by Steven Savile Jennifer Joffre

Il se passe des choses étranges et effrayantes à Londres. Les lions de Trafalgar sont descendus de la colonne de Lord Nelson pour prendre la défense de la ville, accomplissant une ancienne prophétie, tandis qu'un sinistre personnage libéré après des siècles d'emprisonnement chasse à présent de tendres proies à travers les marchés à viande du quartier de Whitechapel, à la lumière des lampadaires à gaz. Les femmes que ce monstre pourchasse sont bien différentes des prostituées massacrées par un autre homme du nom de Jack, car elles ont peut-être l'air de filles des rues, mais le sang des anges coule dans leurs veines... Entre ces deux puissances se trouvent les membres du Club de Greyfriars, déterminés à affronter des ennemis infernaux avec la seule aide de leur intelligence et un soupçon de magie à l'ancienne. Leur victoire pourrait sauver le sang innocent et les cœurs tendres qu'il fait battre, mais le prix à payer en cas de défaite est trop horrible pour l'imagination... Rejoignez Dorian Carruthers et les vaillants hommes du Club de Greyfriars dans leur voyage à travers les bas-fonds obscurs de la ville, jusqu'au bord même de l'Escalier de Catamine, et dans leur combat pour empêcher le Diable et ses acolytes de mettre la main sur Londres...

Eden: Parte prima

by Cristina Mantione

Gli Angeli sono tra noi. Lo sapevi? Ce n’è uno intrappolato proprio dentro di me. Scordati, però, le immagini di aureole e sottovesti: sei completamente fuori strada. Te lo assicuro. Questi “Emissari del Signore” sono dei veri fanatici psicopatici. Dimmi, riuscirai a sopravvivere a questa nuova piaga? Anna Meisner si risveglia in una stanza buia, nuda, impaurita, e legata a una sedia. Di fronte a lei, una donna con le sue stesse sembianze piange lacrime amare, prima di puntarsi una pistola contro la tempia e spararsi. Anna viene ritrovata alcuni giorni più tardi, in evidente stato d'ipotermia, a un passo dalla morte. Al suo risveglio, in ospedale, scopre di essere al centro di un’indagine: non come vittima, bensì come sospettata. Inizia così la discesa verso un inferno pieno di eventi catastrofici, in cui Anna dovrà decidere quale parte recitare. L’umanità è forse condannata? Scoprilo in questo thriller apocalittico, nominato ai Bastaard Fantasy Award.


by O. G. Arion

What if tomorrow will be your last day on this earth? What if, starting tomorrow, everyone you know will disappear? And what would you do if you had to forget who you used to be? Keep going. Don’t look back. They are out there. Watching. Waiting. All you can do is run!


by Daniel Canals Flores

Ténebrum est une compilation de 12 histoires d'horreur et de terreur qui dépeind certaines réalités sociales et surnaturelles souvent banalisées ou plutôt occultées.

Don't turn on the light

by J. F. Orvay

Javier is a writer who just did the purchase of his life: Glow House. an incredible mansion in Hill town, a small and peaceful village in England. Without thinking twice, he decides to move there with his wife and their two kids. There the kids will grow up breathing fresh air and he will be able to focus in writing his new terror novel. When they arrive, they realize everything is better than they imagined: the mansion is incredible and the people very kind, mostly Michael and Margaret, two likeable elderly who live near their new house. But, soon they discover Glow House hides a terrible secret which will drag them to a terrible nightmare and from it will be practically impossible to escape. Do you fear the dark? Before long, it will be the only place you will feel safe.

The Return

by Rachel Harrison

A group of friends reunite after one of them has returned from a mysterious two-year disappearance in this edgy and haunting debut.Julie is missing, and no one believes she will ever return—except Elise. Elise knows Julie better than anyone, and feels it in her bones that her best friend is out there and that one day Julie will come back. She&’s right. Two years to the day that Julie went missing, she reappears with no memory of where she&’s been or what happened to her. Along with Molly and Mae, their two close friends from college, the women decide to reunite at a remote inn. But the second Elise sees Julie, she knows something is wrong—she&’s emaciated, with sallow skin and odd appetites. And as the weekend unfurls, it becomes impossible to deny that the Julie who vanished two years ago is not the same Julie who came back. But then who—or what—is she?

Cuentos del lado oscuro: Diez historias cortas de terror para Halloween

by Jenny Twist

Un recuerdo de la infancia vuelve a atormentar a un joven de dieciséis años. Una mujer escucha una voz alienígena en su cabeza llamándola. Una anciana está aterrorizada por la figura oscura que espera al final de las escaleras. Un cerrajero lisiado sólo sale de noche. Una joven pasa la noche con su novio y su excéntrica familia, pero nadie le advierte sobre el tío Vernon. Una solterona envejecida va a ver el Desfile de Pascua pero este año hay un participante inesperado. Una madre recibe un telegrama informándole que su querido hijo ha muerto en acción y pide un deseo fatídico... Más Trece Palabras - tres cortas - muy cortas - historias de terror.

Ressurreição: Ressurreição

by Steve Vernon

Em 1691, a cidade de Crossfall ensinou a bruxa Tessália a morrer. Eles a espancaram-na, dispararam contra ela, a enforcaram-na, mas nada funcionou. Quando eles finalmente tentaram enterrá-la viva, Tessália pôs o campo contra eles. O primeiro homem morreu quando uma rajada de vento arrancou a carne dos seus ossos. Uma raiz, lançada como um dardo sujo, cortou um segundo homem. Muitas outras mortes se seguiram. O Pregador Fell empalou a bruxa na sua própria vassoura, mas ela arrastou-o para o campo para esperar mais três séculos. Trezentos anos depois, Maddy Harker matará o seu marido, Vic. Ela o enterrará no campo enquanto enterrava o pai abusivo anos antes disso. O mesmo campo em que o espírito do Espectro de Thessaly Cross está a espera. Em três dias, Vic se levantará novamente, uma coisa de terra, osso e ódio.

Susurros Embrujados

by Joseph Mulak

Un estudiante universitario que está haciendo su tesis acerca del miedo, lleva su investigación demasiado lejos... Un hombre descubre que es el siguiente en ser la Parca, pero no quiere ceder su vida... Un ángel obliga a un hombre a revivir su peor recuerdo... Un antiguo escondite nazi en Canadá está embrujado por más que su pasado... Una pareja atormentada por un acto indescriptible cometido con las mejores intenciones, con graves consecuencias... Las personas atormentadas por susurros del pasado intentan olvidar y seguir adelante. Pero sin importar cuánto lo intenten, que tan lejos corran, los espera. Y justo cuando piensan que están a salvo, los susurros comienzan de nuevo...

I Racconti del Mantequero (Serie del Mantequero #4)

by Jenny Twist

… Nel sud della Spagna all’inizio del ventesimo secolo, la gente dei villaggi credeva ancora in questa particolare bestia fantastica. Qualche volta la chiamavano mantequero, e qualche volta sacamantecas; era un mostro che sembrava un uomo, ma che viveva in luoghi selvaggi e si nutriva della manteca umana o grasso… Alcune persone ci credono ancora . . . Questo libro è una raccolta dei tre racconti del Mantequero: Mantequero, Scomparsa e I Peccati del Padre, con l'aggiunta di due nuovi: Il Primo Mantequero e L'ultimo Mantequero.

Baixar: Uma equipa nocturna encontra um videoclip amaldiçoado

by Terry M. West

Prepare-se para gritar para sempre! Howie Payne e Nick Enlow trabalham no turno da meia-noite nos Serviços de transferência de vídeo e mídia de Big Carl. Um clipe AVI estranho começa a aparecer em sua unidade pública todas as noites. No começo, Howie e Nick acham que é um filme de terror serializado que alguém do turno do dia os envia em segredo. À medida que os clipes progridem, no entanto, a dupla agora obcecada descobre algo mais profundo e sombrio nos vídeos. O autor de terror Terry M. West gostaria de apresentá-lo à Sala Verde e seu ocupante principal, The Screamer. Transfer é uma nova novela de horror absoluto de Terry M. West.  

Pasiones Peligrosas: Un Romance Gótico Paranormal

by Leigh Anderson

Isolina Beresford tiene hermosos, pero obsesivos sueños. En ellos, un hombre que no conoce la visita. Ella está inexplicablemente e inexorablemente atraída hacia él, hasta que se vuelve más real aún que su prometido. Cuando ella cancela su compromiso, su enfurecido padre la envía a vivir con su tía abuela de noventa años, la Condesa Viuda Bellamira Granville. Si ella no sigue las obligaciones en la casa, él cree, que tal vez pueda convencer a Lady Granville, que le deje su fortuna a Isolina. Pero la vida en la hacienda Thornrush, no es lo que Isolina esperaba. Su tía es una mujer ágil y elegante para una mujer de su edad. Su vecino cercano, su primo lejano, comienza a cortejarla. Pero un oscuro y buen mozo artista se convierte en una compañía placentera. Mientras tanto, sus sueños se vuelven más intensos. Más urgentes. Más apasionados. Más peligrosos. Pra salvar a todos en la hacienda Thornrush, Isolina tendrá que confrontar con sus partes más osacuras - y descubrir el secreto del hombre que se esconde en sus sueños.

Le jeu de vent

by Marzia Bosoni

Qu’y a-t-il de commun entre un chat aux yeux verts, un jardin rempli d’herbes aromatiques et un carillon à vent à l’intérieur d’une maison abandonnée ? Myriam, une jeune fille qui entre dans l’adolescence, aura l’occasion de le découvrir lors d’une nuit complètement noire et consacrée à l’événement “Le Jour de la Nuit”. Les mouvements du chat, les odeurs des plantes et le son d’un jeu de vent la poussent à entrer, mais Myriam devra puiser en elle le courage de franchir le vieux portail rouillé de la maison. Ce qui devait être une promenade nocturne de trois cents mètres tout au plus, pourrait se transformer en une aventure et, peut être, en une grande découverte.

All the Lovely Bad Ones: Deep And Dark And Dangerous, All The Lovely Bad Ones, And Wait Till Helen Comes

by Mary Downing Hahn

Travis and his sister, Corey, can't resist a good trick-so when they learn that their grandmother's sleepy Vermont inn has a history of ghost sightings, they decide to do a little "haunting" of their own. Scaring the guests proves to be great fun, and before long, the inn is filled with tourists and ghost hunters eager for a glimpse of the supernatural.But Travis and Corey soon find out that they aren't the only ghosts at Fox Hill Inn. Their thoughtless games have awakened something dangerous, something that should have stayed asleep. Restless, spiteful spirits swarm the inn, while a dark and terrifying presence stalks the halls and the old oak grove on the inn's grounds. To lay the ghosts to rest, Travis and Corey must first discover the dark history of Fox Hill and the horrors visited on its inhabitants years earlier.

City of the Gods - Starybogow: Whispers in the Dark

by Brandon Rospond

Amidst the backdrop of Eastern Europe in the year 1500, an earthquake releases factions of the Eldar Gods and Slavic Deities who have battled millenniums for the control of humanity. On the cross-roads of empires, political and military forces compete for control of a town which contains great treasure and power for those who are willing to take it. Teutonic Knights, Polish and Lithuanian soldiers, Cossacks, Hanseatic Merchants, Templars, Tartars and Imperial spies battle each other on behalf of their own ends. This anthology of short stories brings some of the newest and best in high fantasy to start off this new world of adventure.

El fantasma de Canterville: Y Otros Cuentos (Laurin Ser.)

by Oscar Wilde

Una adinerada familia norteamericana compra un castillo inglés de pasado tenebroso. El conflicto entre el materialismo de los nuevos inquilinos y el espíritu idealista y romántico del fantasma de sir Simon -único habitante de la mansión- provoca persecuciones, intriga y la revelación de una profecía. Los otros cuentos que componen este volumen muestran también el humor, la fantasía y la genialidad del autor.

Dayfall: A Novel

by Michael David Ares

In the near future, patches of the northern hemisphere have been shrouded in years of darkness from a nuclear winter, and the water level has risen in the North Atlantic. The island of Manhattan has lost its outer edges to flooding and is now ringed by a large seawall. The darkness and isolation have allowed crime and sin to thrive in the never-ending shadows of the once great city, and when the sun finally begins to reappear, everything gets worse. A serial killer cuts a bloody swath across the city during the initial periods of daylight, and a violent panic sweeps through crowds on the streets. The Manhattan police, riddled with corruption and apathy, are at a loss. <p><p> That's when the Mayor recruits Jon Phillips, a small-town Pennsylvania cop who had just single-handedly stopped a high-profile serial killer in his own area, and flies him into the insanity of this new New York City. The young detective is partnered with a shady older cop and begins to investigate the crimes amidst the vagaries of a twenty-four hour nightlife he has never experienced before. Soon realizing that he was chosen for reasons other than what he was told, Jon is left with no one to trust and forced to go on the run in the dark streets, and below them in the maze of the underground. Against all odds he still hopes that he can save his own life, the woman of his dreams, and maybe even the whole city before the arrival of the mysterious and dreaded event that has come to be known as…. DAYFALL.

Baby Teeth: A Novel

by Zoje Stage

<P><P>A battle of wills between mother and daughter reveals the frailty and falsehood of familial bonds in award-winning playwright and filmmaker Zoje Stage’s tense novel of psychological suspense, Baby Teeth. <P><P>Afflicted with a chronic debilitating condition, Suzette Jensen knew having children would wreak havoc on her already fragile body. Nevertheless, she brought Hanna into the world, pleased and proud to start a family with her husband Alex. Estranged from her own mother, Suzette is determined to raise her beautiful daughter with the love, care, and support she was denied. <P><P>But Hanna proves to be a difficult child. Now seven-years-old, she has yet to utter a word, despite being able to read and write. Defiant and anti-social, she refuses to behave in kindergarten classes, forcing Suzette to homeschool her. Resentful of her mother’s rules and attentions, Hanna lashes out in anger, becoming more aggressive every day. The only time Hanna is truly happy is when she’s with her father. To Alex, she’s willful and precocious but otherwise the perfect little girl, doing what she’s told. <P><P>Suzette knows her clever and manipulative daughter doesn’t love her. She can see the hatred and jealousy in her eyes. And as Hanna’s subtle acts of cruelty threaten to tear her and Alex apart, Suzette fears her very life may be in grave danger…

Party Games: A Fear Street Novel (Fear Street)

by R. L. Stine

R.L. Stine's hugely successful young adult horror series Fear Street is back with the first new book in almost 2 decades. With more than 80 million copies sold around the world, Fear Street is one of the bestselling young adult series of all time. Now, with Party Games, R.L. Stine revives this phenomenon for a new generation of teen readers, and the announcement of new Fear Street books caused a flurry of excitement both in the press and on social media, where fans rejoiced that the series was coming back.Her friends warn her not to go to Brendan Fear's birthday party at his family's estate on mysterious Fear Island. But Rachel Martin has a crush on Brendan and is excited to be invited. Brendan has a lot of party games planned. But one game no one planned intrudes on his party - the game of murder. As the guests start dying one by one, Rachel realizes to her horror that she and the other teenagers are trapped on the tiny island with someone who may want to kill them all. How to escape this deadly game? Rachel doesn't know whom she can trust. She should have realized that nothing is as it seems... on Fear Island.R.L. Stine makes his triumphant return to Shadyside, a town of nightmares, shadows, and genuine terror, and to the bestselling series that began his career writing horror for the juvenile market, in the new Fear Street book Party Games.

Creatures of Light: Creatures of Light, Book 3 (Creatures of Light #3)

by Emily B Martin

Queens, countries, and cultures collided in Woodwalker and Ashes to Fire, the first two books in Emily B. Martin’s Creatures of Light series. From Mae’s guidance to retake Lumen Lake to Mona’s eye-opening adventure in Cyprien, we now see things from Gemma’s perspective—a queen in disgrace…and symbol of the oppressive power of Alcoro.Queen Gemma—although she isn’t sure she still has claim to that title—is in prison.To her people, it’s simply called “The Retreat,” but in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by guards and unable to speak to her husband, King Celeno, there’s no other word for it. The only comfort she has is knowing she might not be there long—the Prelate has let her know in no uncertain terms the council is, even now, deciding her ultimate fate.And Gemma would resign herself to that if it wasn’t for a mysterious stranger breaking her free and setting her on a course that could change the world. With precious information—and a skeptical travel companion— Gemma must undertake a journey to find answers to the questions that have defined her life for years…and her country for centuries.If she can make this desperate scheme work, she might not just forge peace between Alcoro and their neighbors, but win some peace of heart as well. And, perhaps, she’ll learn the same lessons Mae and Mona learned: that being Queen doesn’t mean having to do everything alone.Creatures of Light—the eponymous third and final book in Emily B. Martin’s series—is a novel filled with adventure, betrayal, and a queen’s lifelong struggle to love and trust herself.

Wait Till Helen Comes: A Ghost Story (Avon Camelot Bks.)

by Mary Downing Hahn

Twelve-year-old Molly and her ten-year-old brother, Michael, have never liked their seven-year-old stepsister, Heather. Ever since their parents got married, she's made Molly and Michael's life miserable. Now their parents have moved them all to the country to live in a house that used to be a church, with a cemetery in the backyard. If that's not bad enough, Heather starts talking to a ghost named Helen and warning Molly and Michael that Helen is coming for them. Molly feels certain Heather is in some kind of danger, but every time she tries to help, Heather twists things around to get her into trouble. It seems as if things can't get any worse.<P><P> But they do—when Helen comes.<P> Winner of Pacific Northwest Library Association’s Young Reader’s Choice Award

The Old Willis Place

by Mary Downing Hahn

Diana and her little brother Georgie have been living in the woods behind the old Willis place, a decaying Victorian mansion, for what already seems like forever. They aren't allowed to leave the property or show themselves to anyone. But when a new caretaker comes to live there with his young daughter, Lissa, Diana is tempted to break the mysterious rules they live by and reveal herself so she can finally have a friend. Somehow, Diana must get Lissa's help if she and Georgie ever hope to release themselves from the secret that has bound them to the old Willis place for so long. Mary Downing Hahn has written a chilling ghost story in the tradition of her most successful spine-tingling novels. The intriguing characters, frightening secrets, and plot twists will delight her many fans.

A Ghostly Gathering

by Mary Downing Hahn

A bewitched doll, a vengeful spirit, and a haunted mansion populate three haunting tales from award-winning author Mary Downing Hahn. Spine-chilling and spooky, these stories of the supernatural will thrill readers who love to be scared . . . just enough. Set during the Flu epidemic of 1918, One for Sorrow introduces Annie, a new girl at school, who is immediately claimed as best friend by Elsie—a tattletale, a liar, and a thief. Soon Annie makes other friends and finds herself joining them in teasing and tormenting Elsie. Elsie dies from influenza, but then she returns to reclaim Annie's friendship and punish all the girls who bullied her. In Took, a witch called Old Auntie is lurking near Dan's family's new home. He doesn't believe in her at first, but is forced to accept that she is real and take action when his little sister, Erica, is "took" to become Auntie's slave for the next fifty years.The Old Willis Place follows Diana and her little brother Georgie, who have been living in the woods behind the old Willis place, a decaying Victorian mansion, for what already seems like forever. They aren’t allowed to leave the property or show themselves to anyone. But when a new caretaker comes to live there with his young daughter, Lissa, Diana is tempted to break the mysterious rules they live by and reveal herself so she can finally have a friend. Somehow, Diana must get Lissa’s help if she and Georgie ever hope to release themselves from the secret that has bound them to the old Willis place for so long.

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