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by Isaac Barrao

We are faced with a specific anthology of the wildest and most brutal terror, not suitable for sensitive stomachs: zombies that roam from side to side, vampires who yearn to die, cruel and crazy soldiers, people with the gift of preventing murders, broken and creepy marriages. . . girls They are some protagonists of this series of stories, each one more disturbing than the last.

Inferno (Saga Arcangelo #3)

by Joseph R. Meister

Lilith è stata rapita dalle forze del male e trascinata nell'inframondo, dove gli Elohim hanno in programma per lei un destino orribile. Benché il circolo sia stato spezzato e gli elementi non siano particolarmente favorevoli, i suoi compagni decidono di andare a salvarla e di percorrere l'eterna catena di supplizi e tormenti costituita dai nove cerchi dell'inferno, mettendo in gioco non solo le loro vite ma anche le loro stesse anime. Con l'aiuto di Uriel, l'arcangelo combattuto tra le sue due nature, quella umana e quella divina, e di Iago, con il cuore diviso a metà, si mettono in cammino Saray, sempre più misteriosa e lontana; Anna con i suoi poteri in continua evoluzione, che si affaccia all'oscurità; e Victor, la cui umiltà gli impedisce di accorgersi che la sua magia è la più potente in assoluto. Li accompagna l'enigmatico Zabulón, deciso a proseguire la sua millenaria partita a scacchi contro gli Elohim e che svelerà, man mano che la comitiva scende nelle profondità dell'averno, segreti che ha dovuto proteggere per millenni. Segreti che, una volta rivelati, rovesceranno il punto di vista dei protagonisti e ci condurranno fino al colpo di scena finale che lascerà tutti a bocca aperta.

Los casos de William Carson: Deudas de sangre

by Anthony Stefano

Londres 1889, William Carson, detective privado, es enviado por la Royal Mail para buscar pistas sobre las desapariciones de unos carruajes que van de Londres a Brighton. En un accidente en esta ruta, en alguna parte en medio del bosque, William descubre una vieja mansión al cabo de un camino pavimentado que ya no se utiliza, dicha mansión está habitada por un hombre sombrío y misterioso. Ayudado por sus nuevos compañeros, ¿podrá William adentrarse en los secretos que encierra esa morada y su extraño dueño? ¿Tiene alguna relación esa mansión con las recientes desapariciones?

Il Sorvegliante: una storia su Jack lo Squartatore

by A L Butcher

L'anno è il 1888, e il luogo è Whitechapel, nel cuore di Londra. Ma il cuore sanguina. Un assassino misterioso sta perseguitando le donne di strada - nessuno sa quale sia il suo vero nome, ma la sua leggenda entrerà nella storia. Questa è una breve storia su Jack lo Squartatore. VM 18 per scene di vuolenza.

La Lista del Diablo

by Terry M. West

"Cuando se trata de escenas de horror brutal y narración tan penetrante como el filo de un machete, Terry M. West es uno de los maestros". -Bob Milne, Beauty in Ruins La Lista del Diablo es una oscura historia de locura y horror de Terry M. West. En el pequeño pueblo Pleasant Storm en Texas durante el verano de 1985, Chuck Beall se embarca en un viaje de brutalidad y locura. Convencido de que está poseído por un demonio que lo obliga a matar, la asesina atención de Chuck cambia de transeúntes al azar, a aquellos a quienes más culpa por su pasado abusivo.

Escuridão: Saga Arcanjo I (Trilogia Arcanjo #1)

by Joseph R. Meister

Arrasada pela morte dos seus pais em um incêndio, Lilith tenta retomar as rédeas da sua vida em uma nova cidade. Depois de ser atacada por uma estranha criatura no primeiro dia de aulas, sua chegada ao instituto desencadeará eventos imprevisíveis e catastróficos e, sem intenção, se verá envolvida em uma guerra sem quartel entre os poderes do céu e do inferno. Viciante, envolvente e avassaladora, com esta novela se inicia a Saga Arcanjo, repleta de bruxaria, romance e ação. Para os fãs de séries como Jovens Bruxas (Charmed), O Círculo Secreto e Supernatural.

Brennender Himmel

by Richard Stooker

Gott gab Ted Erickson die Kraft, um die Sündigen einzufrieren, also warum wird sein eigener Körper immer tauber? Eine Prostituierte. Ein dreckiger Penner. Sie können Teds wachsende Fähigkeit, kalte Luft aus dem neunten Kreis der Hölle auszuatmen, nicht überleben. Also wie kann der selbstmordgefährdete Teenager von nebenan weiter singen? Als erstes verstand Ted Erickson nicht, wie oder warum er Dinge einfrieren konnte, indem er nur auf sie blies. Als er damit fertig war, dies an den Katzen und Hunden der Nachbarschaft zu testen, verstand er, dass Gott ihm eine Mission zum Säubern der Welt vor Sündern gegeben hatte. In Noahs Zeit hatte Gott die Welt von Gottlosen durch Wasser gereinigt. Diesmal hatte er Eis gewählt und Ted als sein Instrument. Justin Bates, der Heavy Metal Fan von nebenan, der plant, sich selbst wegen der Scheidung seiner Eltern zu töten, entscheidet sich dazu, Ted Erickson aufzuhalten. Sollte Justin beim Versuch sterben, starb er wenigstens als Held, nicht als Feigling. Brennender Himmel ist eine Horror, dunkle Fantasy oder städtische Fantasy Kurzgeschichte. Also scrollen Sie hoch und laden Sie jetzt den Brennenden Himmel.

Tout ce que l’on ne voit pas

by Joan Llensa

“Tout ce que l’on ne voit pas” est un recueil d’histoires effrayantes qui nous emmènent aux limites de notre réalité. Jorge Magano Certains disent que la vraie terreur naît de ce que nous avons en nous. Et s’il est vrai que la société a évolué à pas de géants, ce n’est pas le cas de nos plus grandes craintes. Ouvrir la porte à “Tout ce que l’on ne voit pas” signifie pénétrer dans un monde dangereux et obscur qui nous terrorise. 23 récits courts qui, dans des contextes différents, attiseront vos peurs. Un voyage dans une ambiance tendue qui vous amènera à remettre en question la réalité telle que vous la connaissez. Voisins, immortalité, vengeance, réincarnation, enlèvement, mauvais traitements… Des thèmes qui se mêlent au surnaturel, au mysticisme et à l’imagination, et qui vous feront douter de ce que vous considérez comme acquis jour après jour. Joan Llensa ne veut pas faire peur. Ce jeune auteur veut montrer ce qui se cache sous nos yeux, surprendre le lecteur et traverser avec lui la mince frontière qui sépare la lumière de l’obscurité, la réalité du mystère. Dans chaque histoire, vous découvrirez un monde que vous ne pensiez pas si proche et que vous n’oublierez plus, même une fois le livre fermé. Auras-tu le courage de traverser? Au top des livres les plus vendus en Espagne, Italie et au Mexique depuis sa publication.

Imprudence (The Custard Protocol #2)

by Gail Carriger

Rue and the crew of the Spotted Custard return from India with revelations that shake the foundations of England's scientific community. Queen Victoria is not amused, the vampires are tetchy, and something is wrong with the local werewolf pack. To top it all off, Rue's best friend Primrose keeps getting engaged to the most unacceptable military types.

The Bleak Banks of the Hooghly

by Antonio Sanz Oliva

In the 19th century, in Calcutta, a land of opportunity where the forging of an empire is being built on scientific advances, progress, wars and painful diseases. After an unhappy life, a young Irish man, victim of poverty and chance, will see his life change when he becomes the new Dr. Miller, a prestigious physician who will fight to keep his “secret” and become a respectable member of the society of the so-called “White City”. When he meets the dazzling Mrs. Wilson, a wealthy lady married to an opium-trafficking crook, his whole life will turn upside down until he goes crazy with desire. When she finally manages to overcome all the obstacles, she must face the harsh reality and a wild nature that threatens to devour them all.

Todo Monstro Fica Mais Assustador ao Fim do Expediente

by Terry M. West

“Até em seu título, que poderia ter vindo de um episódio perdido, Todo Monstro Fica Mais Assustador ao Fim do Expediente lembra um dos episódios mais sombrios e violentos de Além da Imaginação.” – Beauty in Ruins Você conseguiria amar algo tão medonho e asqueroso que te deixa enjoado só de olhar? Se você viajar até um barzinho chamado Taverna da Violet, em Pasadena, você poderia ouvir essa pergunta da própria Violet. Mas não importa o que aconteça, não responda. E não conte a ela sobre seus pecados. Principalmente depois do expediente.

Venganza (Vagabundos De La Noche, #3)

by Cinta Garcia de la Rosa Kristen Middleton

Tercera entrega de Vagabundos de la Noche. El Libro Primero, Confusión, está disponible GRATIS, ¡con más de 100 críticas de cinco estrellas en Amazon! Nikki llega a Las Vegas con Ethan y Duncan para buscar a su familia. Ella pronto descubre que no todo es lo que parece... y no está segura de en quien puede confiar cuando los acontecimientos empiezan a revelarse.Mientras tanto, Celeste se aprovecha de la vida nocturna de la Ciudad del Pecado mientras une fuerzas con un nuevo grupo de inmortales, quienes no se detendrán ante nada para ponerle las manos encima a Nikki.Advertencia - lenguaje adulto, violencia, situaciones sexuales (incluyendo un intento de violación). Libro recomendado para lectores de más de 17 años. En el trabajo de esta autora no aparecen situaciones de incesto ni otros materiales prohibidos.

Gli Eterni

by Richard M. Ankers

Gli Eterni, né umani né vampiri, sono gli ultimi abitanti di una Terra morente. Davanti ad un sole che sta morendo lentamente, alcuni hanno accettato il loro destino, mentre altri sono pronti a combattere per il loro futuro. È con questo ultimatum che nasce Jean, l'ultimo Lord Eterno. La vita di Jean cambia drasticamente dopo che il suo morso toglie la vita alla Principessa Chantelle dell'Alleanza della Nuova Europa. All'improvviso, è un uomo in fuga, che si innamora e riscopre la sua umanità. Quando il tempo del sole è agli sgoccioli, Jean passa da disavventure manipolate ad antiche cospirazioni, ed altro ancora, mentre cerca di far pace con il suo sordido passato.


by Simone Beaudelaire

Annabelle Smith es una médium, atraída por los muertos que necesitan su ayuda para pasar al otro lado. El doctor Gavin Morris está buscando sobrevivientes después de un incendio mortal, sabiendo que los que encuentra tienen muy pocas posibilidades de vivir. Para ambos, está claro que esto no es un incendio ordinario en la pradera. A medida que el extraño incendio comienza a amenazar a otras ciudades cercanas, el dúo improbable intenta descubrir qué está causando el extraño fenómeno. ¿Pero están condenados a arder con algo más que pasión? Este romance / western paranormal contiene fuertes temas religiosos y escenas de sexo gráficas.

The One Who Brings The Rain

by Rodolfo S. Marchon

Three young friends have their holiday trip interrupted by torrential rain and need to stay in a strange hotel. They soon discover that something sinister is hiding there.

Contos de Mantequero

by Jenny Twist

Este livro é uma compilação das três histórias de Mantequero: Mantequero, Desaparecido e Pecados do Pai; com a adição de duas novas histórias: O Primeiro Mantequero e O Último Mantequero. No sul da Espanha, no início do século XX, as pessoas da aldeia ainda acreditavam nessa fera fabulosa em particular. Às vezes chamavam de mantequero e outras de sacamantecas; era um monstro que parecia homem, mas que vivia em lugares selvagens e se alimentava de manteca ou gordura humana. . . Algumas pessoas ainda acreditam. . .


by Andrew Woodcock

Azrael, the queen of the witches. This title is bestowed upon a young girl, groomed following a personal disaster by the mysterious Master, two of three central characters to this story. Two young women brought together by personal tragedy, unleashed with frightening evil powers by the Master, to wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting London. The classic battle between good and evil, which for the majority of the story, is an uneven battle won convincingly by the evil side. The side who seems to have all the answers and solutions. Relief for the powers of good seems to come in the form of divine intervention, with a final haunting conclusion as the tide finally turns. But does it? There is a frightening twist to this tale, when everything we are safe and comfortable with is brought into question. A thought-provoking page-turner, laced with horror and humour in equal measure, sharply observed and with truly terrifying moments, Azrael is a slap in the face for anyone looking for a comfortable read.

The Trap Door and Other Stories to Twist Your Mind (Screamers #1)

by Don Wulffson

Terror with a Twist Terror with a twist! Nightmares can come true... and they always do in Screamers. These ten spine- tingling tales are sure to leave you screaming with terror and delight, especially once you’ve found out each story’s shocking surprise ending.... Jimmie Joe Gelber, a young runaway, never dreamed what would end up on the menu when he was invited to stay for dinner by a creepy backwoods family. And poor Jeremy never imagined that he would become the final victim of the power of a magical crystal. Just what is Joanne Benzinger’s mother’s terrible secret? Joanne doesn’t want to know, but she’s about to find out! There’s one thing for certain: You can always expect the unexpected with Screamers. RainbowBridge Troll Associates Ages 8-12

The Siren and The Specter (Fiction Without Frontiers)

by Jonathan Janz

"Worth every bit of praise it has received so far, The Siren and the Specter should definitely be on your top 10 list of horror books." - The Splatter GeistGoodreads Choice Award finalist for Best HorrorWhen David Caine, a celebrated skeptic of the supernatural, is invited by an old friend to spend a month in &“the most haunted house in Virginia,&” he believes the case will be like any other. But the Alexander House is different. Built by a 1700s land baron to contain the madness and depravity of his eldest son, the house is plagued by shadows of the past and the lingering taint of bloodshed. David is haunted, as well. For twenty-two years ago, he turned away the woman he loved, and she took her life in sorrow. And David suspects she&’s followed him to the Alexander House.FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launching in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

The Dark Game (Fiction Without Frontiers)

by Jonathan Janz

"In his latest pulp horror gem, Janz channels early Stephen King to twist the story of a secluded writers&’ retreat into something unique and thought-provoking." - BooklistTen writers are selected for a summer-long writing retreat with the most celebrated and reclusive author in the world. Their host is the legendary Roderick Wells. Handsome, enigmatic, and fiendishly talented, Wells promises to teach his pupils about writing, about magic, about the untapped potential that each of them possesses. Most of all, he plans to teach them about the darkness in their hearts. The writers think they are signing up for a chance at riches and literary prestige. But they are really entering the twisted imagination of a deranged genius, a lethal contest pitting them against one another in a struggle for their sanity and their lives. They have entered into Roderick Wells&’s most brilliant and horrible creation. The Dark Game. FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

The Siren and The Spectre (Fiction Without Frontiers)

by Jonathan Janz

"Worth every bit of praise it has received so far, The Siren and the Specter should definitely be on your top 10 list of horror books." - The Splatter GeistGoodreads Choice Award finalist for Best HorrorWhen David Caine, a celebrated skeptic of the supernatural, is invited by an old friend to spend a month in &“the most haunted house in Virginia,&” he believes the case will be like any other. But the Alexander House is different. Built by a 1700s land baron to contain the madness and depravity of his eldest son, the house is plagued by shadows of the past and the lingering taint of bloodshed. David is haunted, as well. For twenty-two years ago, he turned away the woman he loved, and she took her life in sorrow. And David suspects she&’s followed him to the Alexander House.FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launching in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

Savage Species (Fiction Without Frontiers)

by Jonathan Janz

"Jonathan Janz does several things immaculately well in Savage Species, primarily crafting high-octane action sequences and creating antagonists that you can easily hate in the span of only a few short paragraphs...Overall, Savage Species delivered the goods." - High Fever BooksJesse thinks he&’s caught a break when he, Emma (the girl of his dreams), and her friend are assigned by their newspaper to cover the opening weekend of a sprawling new state park. But the construction of the park has stirred an evil that has lain dormant for nearly a hundred years, and the three young people—as well as every man, woman, and child unlucky enough to be attending the Algonquin Falls grand opening—are about to encounter the most horrific creatures to ever walk the earth. FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launching in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

Wolf Land (Fiction Without Frontiers)

by Jonathan Janz

"...this is what werewolf horror is supposed to feel like: gruesome, bloody, dark, angry, messy, and downright terrifying." - Howling LibrariesAside from a quaint amusement park, the small town of Lakeview offers little excitement for Duane, Savannah, and their friends. They&’re about to endure their ten-year high school reunion when their lives are shattered by the arrival of an ancient, vengeful evil.The werewolf. The first attack leaves seven dead and four wounded. And though the beast remains on the loose and eager to spill more blood, the sleepy resort town is about to face an even greater terror. Because the four victims of the werewolf&’s fury are changing. They&’re experiencing unholy desires and unimaginable cravings. They&’ll prey on the innocent and the depraved. They&’ll settle old scores and act on their basest desires. Soon, they&’ll plunge the entire town into nightmare. Lakeview is about to become Wolf Land. FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

Dust Devils (Fiction Without Frontiers)

by Jonathan Janz

to come"Entertaining is an understatement." — Horror Novel ReviewsWhen traveling actors recruited his wife for a plum role, Cody Wilson had no idea they would murder her. Twelve-year-old Willet Black was just as devastated the night the fiends slaughtered everyone he loved. Now Cody and Willet are bent on revenge, but neither of them suspects what they&’re really up against.For the actors are vampires. Their thirst for human blood is insatiable. Even if word of their atrocities were to spread, it would take an army to oppose them. But it is 1885 in the wilds of New Mexico, and there is no help for Cody and Willet. The two must battle the vampires—alone—or die trying. FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

The Sorrows (Fiction Without Frontiers)

by Jonathan Janz

"Anyone who likes a good ghost story is going to enjoy The Sorrows. Anyone who likes a ghost story where there&’s no doubt the ghosts are undoubtedly real will love this novel." - New York Journal of Books The Sorrows, an island off the coast of northern California, and its castle have been uninhabited since a series of gruesome murders in 1925. But its owner needs money, so he allows film composers Ben and Eddie and a couple of their female friends to stay a month in Castle Blackwood. Eddie is certain a haunted castle is just the setting Ben needs to find inspiration for a horror film. But what they find is more horrific than any movie. Something is waiting for them in the castle. A malevolent being has been trapped for nearly a century. And he&’s ready to feed. FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launching in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

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