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Picaro: Una storia dell'orrore estremo

by Terry M. West

ATTENZIONE: Questa storia contiene scene di violenza estrema e gore. Inadatta a chi si offende o impressiona facilmente. "Picaro è il genere più insidioso di horror estremo, raccontato con un tocco sanguinario." - Bob Milne, Beauty in Ruins “Una persona spesso incontra il suo destino sulla strada che aveva preso per evitarlo.” Jean de La Fontaine Houston, Texas. Estate del 1984 Binh Pham è un gigolò di strada che soffre di narcolessia. Dopo che il suo pappone è ucciso dal cartello della droga messicano, Binh si rende conto di essere il prossimo. Durante la fuga, va in autostop lungo la Interstate 45, una strada tutta diritta immersa nei boschi tra Houston e Dallas. Incontra Paul Marrane, un viaggiatore accanito eccentrico e carismatico. Paul viaggia con Binh, facendogli da protettore e amico. Ma il comportamento strano di Paul si rivela presto pericoloso. Certo che il suo compagno di viaggi sia un letale psicopatico, Binh scopre che Paul Marrane è molto peggio. Nel loro viaggio per le strade polverose, la loro odissea dà inizo a un incubo angosciante da cui non c'è via di fuga. Picaro è un viaggio sanguinoso verso l'Inferno, dal celebre autore horror, Terry m. West,

Una vez más

by Marzia Bosoni

Un pueblo de la Alta Baviera a finales del siglo XVII. Una mujer solitaria, inteligente y dotada de conocimientos que parece casi mágica ante los ojos de la mayoría de la gente. Con la preparación de colgantes y cataplasmas, con el estudio de hierbas, piedras y estrellas, Marika tendrá que encontrar una forma de sobrevivir por sí misma en un mundo que la ve como una amenaza y a las mujeres como poco más que animales. La luz en los ojos de una niña, el asesinato de un padre de familia y la llegada al pueblo de un inquisidor, destruirán el delicado equilibrio que Marika había establecido con los demás habitantes y dejarán que la envidia y el rencor cultivados durante años maduren el fruto con el sabor más amargo: el odio.

Il Segreto di Blossom Rise

by A L Butcher

Quando una giovane infermiera accetta un lavoro in un vecchio ospedale militare, scoprirà un segreto di famiglia e troverà i suoi spettrali occupanti un po’ troppo familiari.

The Unknown Skull

by Erick Carballo

A couple of students from the Faculty of Dentistry of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico) were commissioned by the professor of the subject "Masticatory System" to obtain a skull each for their professional practices, without even imagining the problems they would face in the future.

A lenda da Bruxa do Pântano

by Lori Beasley Bradley

Angelique Clairvoux mora em St. Martinsville, Louisiana, livre da escravidão em outras partes do sul. Morando junto com a avó, ela pratica vodu e ganha a vida contando fortunas e vendendo amuletos e remédios. Quando os caçadores de escravos chegam, Angelique é capturada e atacada, mas consegue escapar para as selvas do bayou com seus poucos pertences, apenas para nunca mais ouvir falar dela. Logo depois, vários homens da área entram no bayou em busca do tesouro de Angelique ... sem saber do perigo para aqueles que têm o mal em seus corações contra as mulheres. Anos depois, Raquel Clairvoux - parente distante de Angelique - começa a pesquisar o incidente de Angelique. Mas ela pode desvendar a lenda da bruxa do pântano?

Nightingale: A Jack Nightingale Thriller (Nightingale Ser. #3)

by Stephen Leather

O livro contém nove contos sobre os casos do detetive particular Jack Nightingale. Seus casos não são tão comuns, pois ele é especialista em assuntos ocultos e sobrenaturais. Cada história é um caso diferente, onde ele derrota desde demônios até o vaticano. Tudo com um bom humor inglês.

Arautos do Mistério

by X. F. Moix

Arautos do Mistério, nascidos com o propósito de transmitir as crônicas daquelas testemunhas infelizes que viveram todos os tipos de eventos tristes e impossíveis. Nesta série de histórias, não haverá espaço para o raciocínio ortodoxo ou a especulação apressada. Nenhum dos eventos narrados pelas testemunhas será lógico o suficiente para esperar encontrar soluções satisfatórias. Prepare-se para entrar em um mundo onde a realidade difusa testará sua sanidade. Você ficará impune ou você se tornará outro arauto, um fatal protagonista do impossível?

Noite de Nova Iorque: Por Stephen Leather (Jack Nightingale #7)

by Stephen Leather

O detetive sobrenatural Jack Nightingale luta contra demônios em Nova York. VOCÊ DESISTIRIA SUA ALMA PARA SALVAR UMA CIDADE? Adolescentes estão sendo possuídos e se transformando em assassinos sádicos. Os padres não podem ajudar, nem os psiquiatras. Então, quem está por trás das possessões demoníacas? Jack Nightingale é chamado para investigar e descobre que sua própria alma está em jogo.

Pas n'importe quelle vieille histoire de famtome: Une Conte De La Mer #7

by Steve Vernon

Certains secrets ne doivent pas être dévoilés... Tommy est rentré à la maison de la ville pour visiter son Papa pour une dernière fois. Il est déterminé à aller au fond de tous les secrets que son Papa s’est caché derrière un écran de fumée de contes et de charme. Il s’avère que certains secrets ne doivent pas être dévoilés. PAS N'IMPORTE QUELLE VIEILLE HISTOIRE DE FANTÔME est une petite histoire calme sur le retour à la maison et les fantômes que vous ne pourrez jamais échapper et un amour qui ne meurt jamais. C’est une histoire qui vous mènera au cœur même de la narration elle-même.

Inferno (Archangel Trilogy #3)

by Joseph R. Meister

Lilith has been kidnapped by the forces of evil and dragged to the underworld, where the Elohim have a horrible destiny in store for her. Although the circle has been broken, and the elements are incomplete, her companions decide to rescue her, to fight through the nine circles of hell, risking not only life and limb, but their souls. The archangel Uriel is there to help, but he’s torn between divine and human love. Yago is with them as well, but his heart is stuck in the past. Saray is distant, more mysterious with each passing day. Ana's powers are growing, branching and peering into darkness. And Victor, whose humility prevents him from understanding he possesses the most powerful magic of all. They also travel with the enigmatic Zebulon, who continues his millenary chess game against the Elohim. He will reveal, as they descend the depths of hell, the secrets that will turn everything upside down, in this final chapter of the Archangel Saga, that will leave you breathless.

Noche de San Francisco

by Stephen Leather

Jack Nightingale lucha sus batallas en las sombras, en las zonas grises donde el mundo real se encuentra con lo sobrenatural. Pero cuando llega a San Francisco para enfrentarse a un grupo de satanistas empeñados en abrir una puerta al Infierno, y liberar un demonio, el peligro está a la vista y es demasiado real. Los Apóstoles, un aquelarre satánico que utiliza el asesinato y la tortura para preparar el camino para que un demonio entre en el mundo real, se dan cuenta de que Nightingale les sigue. Y desatan sus propios monstruos para acabar con él. Con la vida de Nightingale, y su propia alma en juego, sólo tiene días para evitar que los Apóstoles traigan muerte y destrucción al mundo entero.

Give Way to Night (Aven Cycle #2)

by Cass Morris

The second book of the Aven Cycle explores a magical Rome-inspired empire, where senators, generals, and elemental mages vie for power.Latona of the Vitelliae, mage of Spirit and Fire, is eager to wield her newfound empowerment on behalf of the citizens of Aven--but societal forces conspire to keep her from exercising her gifts, even when the resurgence of a banished cult plots the city's ruin. To combat this threat, Latona must ally with Fracture mage Vibia, the distrustful sister of Sempronius Tarren.While Latona struggles to defend their home, Sempronius leads soldiers through wartorn provinces to lift the siege of Toletum, where Latona's brother Gaius is hemmed in by supernatural forces. Sempronius must contend not only with the war-king Ekialde and his sorcerers, but with the machinations of political rivals and the temptations of his own soul, ever-susceptible to the darker side of ambition.Though separated by many miles soon after their love affair began, Latona and Sempronius are united by passion as they strive to protect Aven and build its glorious future.

Nightingale 2: Nove contos sobrenaturais de Jack Nightingale (Nightingale Ser. #2)

by Stephen Leather

O segundo livro de nove contos com o detetive sobrenatural Jack Nightingale O segundo livro de contos com o detetive sobrenatural Jack Nightingale, que luta suas batalhas nas sombras, nas áreas cinzentas onde demônios e monstros procuram suas presas, onde um erro pode custar-lhe a vida, ou pior. Nesta coleção de nove contos, Nightingale combina inteligência com casas assombradas, assassinos em série que voltaram dos mortos, espíritos perturbados, bonecos de demônios e monstros do Inferno. As histórias são - Knock Knock, Watery Grave, The Cards, Posse, Claws, The Asylum, The Doll, The Mansion e Wrong Turn.

Des choses que l'obscurité a toujours tenues: Un Conte de Baker Johnson

by Terry M. West

Un conte de Baker Johnson Baker Johnson rencontre un monstre légendaire se faisant passer pour un gangster. Baker Johnson est un chercheur physique, démonologue et exorciste vivant à New York dans les années 1930. Brillant mais profondément imparfait, Baker a une perception extraterrestre qui lui permet de lire les gens avec seulement un regard. «Dans Les Choses que L’Obscurité a Toujours Tenues», Baker est approché par un dangereux mafieux connu sous le nom de Johnny Stücke. La chambre noire de Baker, un endroit où les objets hantés sont catalogués et conservés, que Stücke est déterminé de posséder. Baker est présenté à la société secrète connue comme les Choses de la Nuit. Et il est peut-être la seule chose entre le monde de l’homme et la menace la plus dangereuse qu’il n’est jamais connu.

The Night Land: A Love Tale (Dover Doomsday Classics)

by William Hope Hodgson

"The Night Land is a tale of the remote future - billions of years after the death of the sun. It is one of the most potent pieces of macabre imagination ever written . . . there is a sense of cosmic alienage, breathless mystery, and terrified expectancy unrivalled in the whole range of literature . . . this fantasy of a night-black, dead planet, with the remains of the human race concentrated in a stupendously vast metal pyramid and besieged by monstrous, hybrid, and altogether unknown forces of darkness, is something that no reader can forget." - H. P. Lovecraft. The tale of a heroic search for life beyond the darkness, this groundbreaking 1912 story was the first work of modern fantasy to feature a dying Earth. The inspiration for countless science fiction, fantasy, and horror novels, the book's legions of fans included Clark Ashton Smith, who remarked that "In all literature, there are few works so sheerly remarkable, so purely creative, as The Night Land."

Contos de Erana: A Tales of Erana Novella (3 #3)

by A. L. Butcher

Coel, o bardo, acha que sua vida mudou para pior, mas ele ainda não conheceu o Thiefmaster. Coel, o bardo, acha que sua vida mudou para pior, mas ele ainda não conheceu o Thiefmaster. Uma noção mal concebida de ganhar mais dinheiro para pagar sua dívida e escapar de um passado sombrio deixa o menestrel em uma situação da qual ele não pode escapar e com uma barganha mortal. Ele sobreviverá ao seu erro? Quem é este misterioso patrono? 18 classificado para conteúdo adulto.

Staying Alive

by John Edwards

On what had seemed like a regular school day, an epidemic that nobody saw coming suddenly takes hold and spreads quickly through the classrooms, hallways and other areas. Hundreds are quickly turned, from willing students, into the mindless, shuffling dead. With hopes of survival quickly fading, Jade and Elise, two friends who have somehow escaped the first wave of death, must somehow find their way to safety. But with the whole area teeming with the undead it proves to be trickier than they imagined. In a desperate clash between the living and the infected, the courageous duo join with other survivors to find a place that will be safe. But as they fight their way through the endless tides of the ravenous infected, they slowly come to realize that life, and death, will never be the same again. Staying Alive is going to be harder than they had ever imagined


by Rick R. Reed

Bound by misery. Marked by sin. Set free by death.Barely into their teens, without homes, they dwell in neon shadows, the violent eddies of urban America. They trade their innocence for money, abuse their hopes, and then a monster comes ...A monster without fangs or claws, but more deadly. Because of them, he has lost everything: his wife, his family. And he vows to clean the streets of Chicago ... for good.One of the street kids and a man of the cloth form a desperate pact. Together, they will find the madman whose basement has become a chamber of horrors ...

American Women's Regionalist Fiction: Mapping the Gothic (Palgrave Gothic)

by Monika Elbert Rita Bode

American Women’s Regionalist Fiction: Mapping the Gothic seeks to redress the monolithic vision of American Gothic by analyzing the various sectional or regional attempts to Gothicize what is most claustrophobic or peculiar about local history. Since women writers were often relegated to inferior status, it is especially compelling to look at women from the Gothic perspective. The regionalist Gothic develops along the line of difference and not unity—thus emphasizing regional peculiarities or a sense of superiority in terms of regional history, natural landscapes, immigrant customs, folk tales, or idiosyncratic ways. The essays study the uncanny or the haunting quality of “the commonplace,” as Hawthorne would have it in his introduction to The House of the Seven Gables, in regionalist Gothic fiction by a wide range of women writers between ca. 1850 and 1930. This collection seeks to examine how/if the regionalist perspective is small, limited, and stultifying and leads to Gothic moments, or whether the intersection between local and national leads to a clash that is jarring and Gothic in nature.

Dracula: Auxiliar Bup (Classics To Go)

by Bram Stoker

Dracula ist ein 1897 veröffentlichter Roman des irischen Schriftstellers Bram Stoker. Die zentrale Figur, Graf Dracula, ist der wohl berühmteste Vampir der Literaturgeschichte. Der Londoner Rechtsanwalt Jonathan Harker reist auf Wunsch des Grafen Dracula nach Siebenbürgen, da dieser zuvor in London ein Haus erworben hat und nun den Kauf und die bevorstehende Überfahrt durch seinen Anwalt abklären lassen möchte. Auf der Hinfahrt bemerkt Harker einige für ihn wunderliche Dinge. Eine Anwohnerin übergibt Harker einen Rosenkranz, um ihn zu schützen. In Bistritz nimmt er eine Postkutsche und am Borgo-Pass (Tihuța-Pass) wird er von einem Kutscher abgeholt und zum Wohnsitz des Grafen begleitet. Die ersten Tage verlaufen ruhig, doch Harker wird gebeten, einige Räume nicht zu betreten, und verspricht, sich daran zu halten. Er bemerkt, dass der Graf kein Spiegelbild hat und einen gierigen Gesichtsausdruck beim Anblick von Blut bekommt, als er sich bei der Rasur schneidet. Bald wird der Graf dem jungen Engländer unheimlich, schon allein seine äußerliche Erscheinung ist seltsam: lange, sehr weiße, spitze Zähne und auffällig rote Lippen.

Riddance: Or: The Sybil Joines Vocational School for Ghost Speakers & Hearing-Mouth Children

by Shelley Jackson

Finalist for the Believer Book Award for FictionNamed a Best Book of Fall by Vulture, New York Magazine, and more"A ravishing novel charged with the idea of the incommunicable." —The New YorkerEleven–year–old Jane Grandison, tormented by her stutter, sits in the back seat of a car, letter in hand inviting her to live and study at the Sybil Joines Vocational School for Ghost Speakers & Hearing–Mouth Children. Founded in 1890 by Headmistress Sybil Joines, the school—at first glance—is a sanctuary for children seeking to cure their speech impediments. Inspired by her haunted and tragic childhood, the Headmistress has other ideas.Pioneering the field of necrophysics, the Headmistress harnesses the “gift” she and her students possess. Through their stutters, together they have the ability to channel ghostly voices communicating from the land of the dead, a realm the Headmistress herself visits at will. Things change for the school and the Headmistress when a student disappears, attracting attention from parents and police alike.Set in the overlapping worlds of the living and the dead, Shelley Jackson’s Riddance is an illuminated novel told through theoretical writings in necrophysics, the Headmistress’s dispatches from the land of the dead, and Jane’s evolving life as Joines’s new stenographer and central figure in the Vocational School’s mysterious present, as well as its future.

Island of the Mad: A Novel

by Laurie Sheck

Following on the heels of her exciting and widely acclaimed A Monsters Notes, and with Shecks characteristic brilliance of language, Island of the Mad follows the solitary, hunchbacked Ambrose A., as he sets out on a mysterious journey to Venice in search of a lost notebook he knows almost nothing about. Eventually he arrives in San Servolo, the Island of the Mad, in the Venetian Lagoon, only a few minutes boat-ride from Venice. At the islands old, abandoned hospital which has been turned into a conference center, he discovers a mess of papers in a drawer, and among them the correspondence and notes of two of the islands former inhabitants—a woman with a rare genetic illness which causes the afflicted to gradually become unable to sleep until, increasingly hallucinatory and feverish, they essentially die of sleeplessness; and her friend, a man who experiences epileptic seizures. As the sleepless womans eyesight fails, she wants only one thing—that her friend read to her from Dostoevskys great novel, The Idiot, a book she loves but can no longer read herself. As Ambrose follows their strange tale, everything he has ever known or thought is called into question.

Night Theater: A Novel

by Vikram Paralkar

A surgeon must bring a dead family back to life in this fabulist debut novel set in rural India, called “otherworldly” and “a haunting contemplation of life, death, the liminal space in between, and the dogged search for resurrection” (Kirkus Reviews, starred).Fleeing scandal in the city, a surgeon accepts a job at a village clinic. He buys antibiotics out of pocket, squashes roaches, and chafes at the interventions of the corrupt officer who oversees his work.But his outlook on life changes one night when a teacher, his pregnant wife, and their young son appear. Killed in a violent robbery, they tell the surgeon that they have been offered a second chance at living if the surgeon can mend their wounds before sunrise.So begins a night of quiet work, “as if the crickets had been bribed,” during which the surgeon realizes his future is tied more closely to that of the dead family than he could have imagined. By dawn, he and his assistant have gained knowledge no mortal should have.In this inventive novel charged with philosophical gravity and sly humor, Vikram Paralkar takes on the practice of medicine in a time when the right to health care is frequently challenged. Engaging earthly injustice and imaginaries of the afterlife, he asks how we might navigate corrupt institutions to find a moral center. Encompassing social criticism and magically unreal drama, Night Theater is a first novel as satisfying for its existential inquiry as for its enthralling story of a skeptical physician who arrives at a greater understanding of life's miracles.

Tiny Nightmares: Very Short Stories of Horror

by Lincoln Michel and Nadxieli Nieto

A collection of horror–inspired flash fiction, featuring over 40 new stories from literary, horror, and emerging writers—edited by Lincoln Michel and Nadxieli Nieto, the twisted minds behind Tiny Crimes: Very Short Tales of Mystery and Murder.In this playful, inventive collection, leading literary and horror writers spin chilling tales in only a few pages. Each slim, fast–moving story brings to life the kind of monsters readers love to fear, from brokenhearted vampires to Uber–taking serial killers and mind–reading witches. But what also makes Tiny Nightmares so bloodcurdling—and unforgettable—are the real–world horrors that writers such as Samantha Hunt, Brian Evenson, Jac Jemc, Stephen Graham Jones, Lilliam Rivera, Kevin Brockmeier, and Rion Amilcar Scott weave into their fictions, exploring how global warming, racism, social media addiction, and homelessness are just as frightening as, say, a vampire’s fangs sinking into your neck. Our advice? Read with the hall light on and the bedroom door open just a crack. Featuring new stories from Samantha Hunt, Jac Jemc, Stephen Graham Jones, Rion Amilcar Scott, and more!

Springtime: A Ghost Story

by Michelle De Kretser

When Frances met Charlie at a party in Melbourne, he was married with a young son. Now that the couple has moved to subtropical Sydney, a lusher and more chaotic city, Frances has an unshakable sense that the world has tipped on its axis. Everything seems alien, and exotic-and Frances is haunted by the unknowability of Charlie's previous life. A young art historian studying the objects in paintings--the material world--Frances takes mind-clearing walks around her neighborhood with her dog. Behind the fence of one garden, she thinks she sees a woman in an old-fashioned gown, but something is not right. It's as if the garden exists in a vacuum suspended in time, "at an angle to life."Springtime is a ghost story that doesn't conform to the genre's traditions of dark and stormy nights, graveyards and ruins. It breaks new ground by unfolding in sunny, suburban Australia, and the realism of the characters and events make the story's ambiguities and eeriness all the more disquieting. The richness of observation here is immediately recognizable as Michelle de Kretser's, a writer who has been praised by Hilary Mantel as a master of "the sharp, almost hallucinatory detail."

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