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Your Turn to Suffer

by Tim Waggoner

&“His ability to weave the surreal with the hyper-real is his greatest talent.&” — Signal Horizon.Lorelai Palumbo is harassed by a sinister group calling themselves The Cabal. They accuse her of having committed unspeakable crimes in the past, and now she must pay. The Cabal begins taking her life apart one piece at a time – her job, her health, the people she loves – and she must try to figure out what The Cabal thinks she&’s done if she&’s to have any hope of answering their charges and salvaging her life. FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

Cosy Crime Short Stories (Gothic Fantasy)

by Stephanie Bedwell-Grime Joshua Boyce Sarah Holly Bryant Jeffrey B. Burton C. B. Channell Gregory Von Dare Amanda C. Davis Michael Martin Garrett Philip Brian Hall E. E. King Tom Mead Trixie Nisbet Annette Siketa B. David Spicer Nancy Sweetland Louise Taylor Elise Warner

Following the great success of our Gothic Fantasy deluxe edition short story compilations, including Agents & Spies, Murder Mayhem and Lost Worlds, this latest in the series is packed with armchair detectives, murders in the vicarage, family secrets unravelling in gossipy ears, and the ingredients of a genteel bloodbath in an otherwise delightful village. Contains a fabulous mix of classic and brand new writing, with contemporary authors from the US, Canada, and the UK.Classic authors include: Arnold Bennett, Ernest Bramah, Anton Chekhov, Arthur Conan Doyle, Andrew Forrester, R. Austin Freeman, Anna Katherine Green, Maurice Leblanc, Arthur Morrison, Baroness Orczy, Catherine Louisa Pirkis, Edgar Wallace, Israel Zangwill, G.K. Chesterton.

American Gothic Short Stories (Gothic Fantasy)

by Terri Bruce Ramsey Campbell Maxx Fidalgo Joshua Hiles Russell James Clayton Kroh Sean Logan Madison McSweeney Lynette Mejía Joe Nazare Wendy Nikel Christi Nogle Lina Rather M. Regan Rebecca Ring Mike Robinson Lucy A. Snyder Valerie B. Williams Nemma Wollenfang

With handsome young men who never grow old, and the strangest of relatives appearing from dark corridors and long shadows, the frenzied imagination of the American Gothic is a fertile theme for this next anthology in the Gothic fantasy short story series. As with other titles in the series, new short fiction complements the work of classic authors including: Gertrude Atherton, Ambrose Bierce, Charles Brockden Brown, George Washington Cable, Charles W. Chesnutt, Kate Chopin, Ralph Adams Cram, Stephen Crane, Emma Dawson, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Ellen Glasgow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Washington Irving, Shirley Jackson, Sarah Orne Jewett, Grace King, H.P. Lovecraft, Herman Melville, W.C. Morrow, Flannery O'Connor, Edgar Allan Poe, Annie Trumbull Slosson, Clark Ashton Smith, Harriet Prescott Spofford, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Edith Wharton, Madeline Yale Wynne.

Urban Crime Short Stories (Gothic Fantasy)

by T. J. Berg Judi Calhoun Ramsey Campbell Meg Elison Rich Larson C. L. McDaniel Dan Micklethwaite Trixie Nisbet Thana Niveau Josh Pachter Michael Penncavage Jennifer Quail Alexandra Renwick K. W. Roberts Leo X. Robertson David Tallerman Salinda Tyson Rachel Watts Chris Wheatley

Stories from our latest collection feature gritty murders on the streets of Chicago, New York, L.A., London and Paris, horrors in dark alleys, as well as many more scenes from urban crime that elicit a dark curiosity. Classic authors are cast with previously unpublished stories by exciting budding contemporary crime writers to bring you the latest anthology in our successful series.Classic authors include: Stacy Aumonier, Robert Barr, Irvin S. Cobb, Wilkie Collins, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Arthur Conan Doyle, E.W. Hornung, Fergus Hume, Maurice Leblanc, Jack London, Baroness Orczy, Melville Davisson Post, Edgar Wallace, Victor L. Whitechurch, Oscar Wilde.

Demonic Pact (The Angel of Death Series #2)

by Majanka Verstraete

Riley, a seventeen-year-old Halfling Angel of Death, is on a dangerous mission. To save her friend’s life, she must make a pact with the man who just tried to kill her and break him out of the Celestial Prison, guarded by Angels of War—fearsome warriors who can squash her like a fly. Even worse, if she's caught, she’ll be sentenced to eternity in that impenetrable prison. Riley will be forced to make deals with demons and her number one enemy, turn her back on her friends, and risk losing her family forever. Worst of all, her very existence depends on her devious new allies.The Soul Thief Series1. Soul Thief2. Demonic Pact Check Out The Adventures of Marisol Holmes Series Also by Majanka Verstraete1. A Study in Shifters2. The Sign of the Serpent3. The Wolf of Baskervilles4. The Conclave of Fear

Hell Calling II

by Gordon Downie - Valeria Lagos Terrizzano Enrique Laso

This is the ending of HELL CALLING, the bestseller that was made into a film by director Luis Endera, and which has fascinated thousands of readers around the world. Find out what happened to Carlos, Laura, Elena and Father Salas. Enter this new adventure, full of surprises, where nothing is what it appears to be. Elena and Father Salas will join forces to save Carlos's soul, but while attempting this, they discover a frightening truth. A FASCINATING ADVENTURE, CHARGED WITH SUSPENSE AND THRILLS. Elena must use all her knowledge and has to seek out the help of her colleagues who are also into the paranormal. Meanwhile, Father Salas will have to face his own demons once again and risk being possessed by an evil spirit that has been trying to take his soul for years. Only his extensive experience as an exorcist, and his unfaltering faith in God can save him from eternal condemnation. Excitement, investigation, mystery, surprises and many terrifying moments... The unexpected ending of a story that has already seduced readers worldwide. DISCOVER THE ENDING OF A BESTSELLER THAT WAS ADAPTED FOR CINEMA.

El Hada del Diente

by Roberto Carlos Pavón Carreón Johann Heyss

El Hada del diente cuenta la historia de André, un traductor carioca de treinta años involucrado con el ocultismo que comienza a hacer un tratamiento con Amalia María, pintoresca dentista que resulta ser una bruja. Para el mago aspirante a la mala suerte, ella descubre que él tiene algo que quiere - un libro legado por Alcydes, su maestro en lo oculto. Al ver que André se niega a vender el libro a pesar de sus generosas ofertas, Amalia se muestra dispuesta a hacer cualquier cosa que una dentista bruja es capaz de hacer para lograr su propósito. Sin querer dar un valioso regalo y no tomando la situación muy en serio, André se da cuenta de que Amalia es mucho menos inocente de lo que parece, y repentinamente está envuelto en una batalla entre magos, brujas y ocultistas que termina por lo desconcertante. Con un lenguaje narrativo en vez mordaz y generoso y pródigo en sexo, drogas y acción, El Hada del Diente juega con las supersticiones que la gente llama magia, y al mismo tiempo aumenta la posibilidad de que la magia exista, sí - sólo no en el sentido de que estamos acostumbrados a entenderlo. Este es el primer volumen de las historias de la serie de Magia, dedicado a los cuentos de "magia con K", es decir, la magia contemporánea, de cara al siglo 21, libre de tabúes. Cada volumen es una inmersión en lo inesperado.

La forêt aux suicides

by Jeremy Bates Marie-Michèle Chartier

À quelques heures de Tokyo se trouve Aokigahara, une vaste forêt et l'une des plus belles régions naturelles du Japon... mais aussi l'un des endroits parmi les plus connu pour venir s'y suicider. La légende veut que les esprits des nombreux suicidés s'y trouvent encore, pour hanter les profondeurs de ces bois anciens. Lorsque le mauvais temps empêche un groupe d'amis de monter le Mont Fuji situé à proximité, ils décident d'aller camper pour une nuit à Aokigahara. Mais ils obtiennent bien plus que ce qu'ils avaient pensé lorsque l'un d'entre eux est retrouvé pendu le lendemain matin. Ils réalisent alors que la légende pourrait bien être vrai.

Haciendo justicia

by Sasha Robnik

¿Acaso los muertos ruegan perdón por su remordimiento y desean venganza contra sus malhechores? ¿Pueden los vivos tomar venganza desde la ultratumba? Las respuestas se ofrecen en eventos aparentemente diferentes, conectados por una red de ira acumulada, culpa insoportable y arrepentimiento inagotable. Tres historias, tres terribles destinos, tres oportunidades de hacer justicia.

Dolly Biters!: Las chicas vampiro del Londres victoriano

by Paul Voodini

Este libro lo conforman cuatro descarados relatos sobre las legendarias vampiras del Londres victoriano, reunidos en un atractivo volumen. Son historias para acelerar el pulso, emocionar la mente y excitar partes del cuerpo que otros libros no sueñan alcanzar. Las novelas y cuentos que aparecen en esta dulce fantasía de sangre, sexo y melodrama gótico incluyen: Los Holmes de los Baskerville; La señorita Katie Bell, vampira victoriana; Joan Dark se ha extraviado y La vampira Alicia al otro del espejo. Bienvenidos al Londres gótico del siglo XIX, donde los vampiros caminan por las calles y algunos de vuestros personajes favoritos de la literatura victoriana han sido tomados y retorcidos hasta el límite.

¡Asustado!: El principio (¡Asustado! #1)

by Ty'Ron Robinson II

"LO DESCONOCIDO SERÁ DESCUBIERTO". ¡La primera entrada a los asustados! serie. Una antología sobre eventos míticos, sobrenaturales y desconocidos. Desde fantasmas hasta criptozoología y leyendas urbanas, hay cosas en todo el mundo donde solo unos pocos pueden recordar sus encuentros.

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ancient Slavic Gods and Spirits

by Elena Kryuchkova Olga Kryuchkovа

In ancient times the man was very dependent on the nature and natural phenomena. The world in the conception of people of that period was divided into three parts–the sky, the earth, and the underworld. This image of the world was depicted as the World Tree which united these three worlds into a single entity. The World Tree was a symbol of the three worlds–its crown represented the sky, its trunk was the symbol of the earth, the roots were the symbol of the underworld. The world of the ancient Slavs consisted of three parts: Prav–the world of gods, Yav–the ­­­world of people, and Nav–the underworld. The beliefs of the Slavic tribes, both western and eastern, were connected with worshipping different tribal deities and spirits. The Slavs who were living on the vast territory of Europe in ancient timed had some common gods with similar names as the ancestors of the Slavs used to be united. Besides, the Slavs worshipped the powers of nature–they deified the sun, the moon, natural phenomena, theologizing them, and believed that natural phenomena depended on the will of gods. Therefore, to gain gods’ good grace people tried to blandish them in different ways. Special sacred rituals were held for this purpose at a particular time of the year, they made sacrifices to gods, asked the gods for help in prayers and thanked for success. Svarog and Damp Mother Earth were some of the most ancient gods. The book is written in a simple and clear language and is intended for a wide circle of readers interested in mythology, ancient history and culture. The book contains a lot of ethnographic, historic and occulted information as well as stylized pictures of ancient Slavic gods and spirits.

Die Vision

by Shawn Wiseman

Eigentlich sollte es ein ganz normaler Job sein, aber als die telepathische Polizisten auftauchen und ihre beste Freundin Olivia entführt, muss Kara, ein weiblicher Vampir, zur Selbstjustiz greifen und die Gerechtigkeit in die eigenen Hände nehmen. Kara ist allerdings auf sich allein gestellt. Ihre Artgenossen meiden sie, weil sie mit übersinnlichen Kräften geboren wurde. Die Kriege mögen zwar beendet sein, aber es herrscht böses Blut zwischen Vampiren und Telepathen. Auf der Suche nach Hilfe und um Olivia zu retten, macht Kara einen Deal mit dem Teufel, oder dem nächstliegenden Äquivalent: Vasha, ein Gangsterin mit Verbindungen zu Vampiren und Telepathen. Während Kara daran arbeitet, ihre Freundin zu befreien, entdeckt sie, dass sich zwischen den übernatürlichen Fraktionen ein Sturm zusammenbraut, und hört Gerüchte über einen neuen Krieg. Wird Kara Olivia retten, bevor sie der Funke ist, der einen neuen Konflikt auslöst, oder ist es bereits zu spät? Mit einer weiblichen Protagonistin und starken weiblichen Heldinnen wird diese actionreiche Vampirserie für Jugendliche sicher gefallen. Kauf das Buch, und erlebe, wie sich der Krieg zwischen Telepathen und Vampiren entfaltet!

Tierra Zombi

by Martin Piotrowski

Tabea McTire, una joven mujer, se ve atrapada en la vorágine de una pandemia mundial. Salvada de la plaga, lucha por la supervivencia diaria en los pueblos y bosques de Colorado. Lucha contra los innumerables muertos vivientes en su camino a casa y es capturada por unos bandidos. Huye de ellos y comienzan una despiadada cacería contra ella, ya que tienen una cuenta pendiente que Tabea desconoce. ¿Conseguirá escapar de los zombis y de los anárquicos supervivientes para llegar a su destino?

Nephilim (L'Accademia dei Caduti #2)

by Daniele Lanzarotta

L'Accademia è sempre stata la casa degli Angeli caduti e degli Umani tormentati, ma questo sta per cambiare. Hunter e Kayla, l'Immortale e la Nephilim, si trovano intrappolati in un posto che odiano...con esseri di cui non si fidano. All'interno dell'Accademia sono circondati dai Caduti...i problematici... Al di fuori, l'Accademia è circondata da Demoni e Fantasmi che cercano di entrare, compreso un Incubo che ha già tormentato Kayla. Mentre Kayla è costretta ad apprendere quello che è...e quello per cui è nata, Hunter ha un unico scopo in testa. Vuole farla fuggire, ma abbandonare la protezione dell'Accademia metterà tutto e tutti a rischio...inclusi loro stessi.

Suspense dans le Manoir Cavendish: Mistério e Suspense na Mansão Cavendish (Suspense dans le Manoir Cavendish)

by Waldon Volpicelli

Elizabeth est une orpheline de 16 ans qui reçoit une nouvelle inhabituelle: elle est la seule héritière d'un manoir à Amapá. Avec son amie Fisto, qui cache un secret, elle va prendre possession de son héritage. À Amapá, elle va s'impliquer dans un ensemble d'événements étranges, dans un thriller psychologique, et bientôt elle découvrira d'être prise dans une énorme opération de leurre qui comprend la cupidité humaine, le surnaturel et le mystère.

Dying Breath (Psychic Killer Ser. #1)

by Wendy Corsi Staub

A SEASIDE RETREAT . . . It&’s summer on the Jersey Shore. Children play on the beach. Husbands are off working in the city. And the surf echoes in the night. Here, in this perfect place, a serial killer has no worries in the world—except choosing the next victim . . . HAS JUST BECOME . . . Cam Hastings has come to Long Beach Island with her teenage daughter and the hope that maybe she can save her failed marriage. Cam has never stopped loving her husband Mike nor has she been able to outrun her flaws and demons—a vanished mother, a lost sister, and the ugly visions she has of missing children . . . A KILLER&’S FAVORITE PLAYGROUND . . . Now, Cam is about to step over the edge. For once, she will act on one of her visions—and then face the consequences. For a killer has just struck again. And for Cam, and the people she loves most, fear has come home for good . . .

Savage Woods

by Mary Sangiovanni

Giovanni returns with a terrifying tale of madness, murder, and mind-shattering evil . . . Nilhollow—six-hundred-plus acres of haunted woods in New Jersey’s Pine Barrens—is the stuff of urban legend. Amid tales of tree spirits and all-powerful forest gods are frightening accounts of hikers who went insane right before taking their own lives. It is here that Julia Russo flees when her violent ex-boyfriend runs her off the road . . . here that she vanishes without a trace. State Trooper Peter Grainger has witnessed unspeakable things that have broken other men. But he has to find Julia and can’t turn back now. Every step takes him closer to an ugliness that won’t be appeased—a centuries-old, devouring hatred rising up to eviscerate humankind. Waiting, feeding, surviving. It’s unstoppable. And its time has come.

What Lurks Beneath

by Ryan Lockwood

From the acclaimed author of Below comes a new breed of terror that rises from the depths of the ocean. To hunt. To devour. To kill.The first attack occurrs in the underwater caverns of the Bahamas. Two professional divers exploring the unknown. A monstrous flesh-ripping predator they never see coming.Now the attacks are coming closer and closer to shore. A sun-soaked playground for sea-loving tourists. A human feasting ground for whatever lurks beneath.Now, in a desperate race against time, Eric Watson, an expert on remote control underwater vehicles, and marine biologist Valerie Martell, must identify a savage new species of killer--and piece together one of nature's most horrific mysteries. But the most terrifying discovery of all waits for Val and her team at the bottom of the sea. A discovery too shocking, to comprehend.Because up till now, this creature existed only in mankind's darkest nightmares. Not anymore.

Eventide (A Hode's Hill Novel #3)

by Mae Clair

The darkness is coming . . . The old house near Hode’s Hill, Pennsylvania is a place for Madison Hewitt to start over—to put the trauma of her husband’s murder, and her subsequent breakdown, behind her. She isn’t bothered by a burial plot on the property, or the mysterious, sealed cistern in the basement. Not at first. Even the presence of cold spots and strange odors could be fabrications of her still troubled mind. But how to explain her slashed tires, or the ominous messages that grow ever more threatening? Convinced the answer lies in the past, Madison delves into the history of the home’s original owners, only to discover the origin of a powerful evil. An entity that may be connected to a series of gruesome attacks that have left police baffled. No matter where she turns—past or present—terror lingers just a step away, spurred on by a twisted obsession that can only be satisfied through death...

Beyond the Gate (A Kathy Ryan Novel #3)

by Mary SanGiovanni

Kathy Ryan&’s work as an occult investigator often leads her to the outskirts of society, law, and even reality . . . Knowing that other dimensions exist is one thing. Venturing into them is quite another. In the course of its experiments, Paragon Corp—a government-sourced theoretical physics research institute—has discovered a supposedly empty alternate world. There is strange, alien flora but seemingly no sentient beings . . . just a huge, abandoned city that a team of scientists is sent to explore. Then the scientists disappear. Kathy Ryan is hired to make her first foray into an alternate dimension in order to locate the team, bring them back, and close the gate for good. Instead, she discovers that this supposedly dead city may be nothing of the kind. Her rescue mission has become a terrifying race to prevent the potential destruction of the boundary between two worlds—before mayhem reigns over both . . . Praise for the novels of Mary SanGiovanni: &“SanGiovanni evokes a Lovecraftian sensibility in this action-filled story. . . . Scary, suspenseful, smart, and gory, the novel is also beautifully set and described.&” —Library Journal on Savage Woods &“A feast of both visceral and existential horror.&” —F. Paul Wilson on Thrall &“Filled to the brim with mounting terror.&” —Gary A. Braunbeck on The Hollower &“A fast-building, high-tension ride.&” —James A. Moore on The Hollower

Alpha Erased (Alpha Girls #9)

by Aileen Erin

Don’t miss Tessa and Dastien in the exciting finale of the USA Today Alpha Girls series. Tessa—part witch, part werewolf, raised human and now the unofficial leader of a newly minted supernatural alliance—gets a distressing call from her brother, Axel, in the middle of the night. Tessa and her mate, Dastien, race to save Axel, but Tessa's learned that nothing is ever easy in the supernatural world.She has seconds to make a choice, but there’s only one thing Tessa can do to save the two most important men in her life—sacrifice herself.The last thing Dastien hears from Tessa was her plea—help Axel. But then their bond goes silent. He can’t hear her. He can’t feel her. And there’s no sign of the attackers who took her.Dastien does everything he can to save Axel before calling his friends in a panic but when Dastien’s finally reunited with her, there’s no sign of recognition in her eyes.No magic in her touch.No wolf beneath the surface.Everything that made Tessa who she was…has been erased.“I love this series. I just think that it keeps getting better and better.” — A Reader Lives A Thousand Lives“I have enjoyed every minute of this book and will read what ever Aileen Erin wants to write at this point.” - Smada’s Book SmackIt’s time to binge the complete Alpha Girls series! Book 1: Becoming AlphaBook 2: Avoiding AlphaBook 3: Alpha DividedBook 4: BrujaBook 5: Alpha UnleashedBook 6: Shattered PackBook 7: Being AlphaBook 8: Lunar CourtBook 9: Alpha ErasedDon’t miss Off Planet, the biggest and boldest adventure yet from the mind of Aileen Erin. It's perfect for fans of Claudia Gray's Defy the Stars and Maura Milan's Ignite the Stars!

Alpha Girl Series Boxed Set: Books 4-6 (Alpha Girls)

by Aileen Erin

“I love this series. I just think that it keeps getting better and better.” — A Reader Lives A Thousand LivesThe Alpha Girl series by USA Today bestselling author Aileen Erin has taken readers on a wild ride as Tessa McCaide has become a werewolf, battled vampires and witches, and fallen in love. Now, read Books 4-6 with adventures from Tessa, Claudia, and Meredith in a convenient anthology.BRUJAClaudia de Santos fought from the shadows as her coven turned dark. Now the coven is split into two factions: Luciana’s army of witches wielding dark magic, and Claudia’s few stragglers who fight with the wolves. War is coming, and it won’t be much of a battle if Claudia can’t find the spells to counteract Luciana’s demonic power.“Holy Moly! I loved it. ...I think I have a new favorite witch!” — Barb, Paging Through The DaysALPHA UNLEASHEDLuciana failed to steal Tessa’s magic, but she’s just getting started on her crusade for magical domination. If Tessa can’t stop Luciana’s demonic summoning, it could mean the end of everything."Aileen Erin is a wonderful author who has managed to capture every characters idiosyncrasies with ease with not a single boring moment in the series.” - LunalandSHATTERED PACKMeredith Molloney never thought she’d find a mate, let alone one of the most powerful Alpha werewolves alive. But joining with the Irish Pack thrusts Meredith into a deadly game of politics, one a fey beast has happily joined."I couldn’t put this book down." - Marie, Ctrl Alt BooksWondering if you missed any books in the now complete Alpha Girls series? Book 1: Becoming AlphaBook 2: Avoiding AlphaBook 3: Alpha Divided Book 4: BrujaBook 5: Alpha UnleashedBook 6: Shattered PackBook 7: Being AlphaBook 8: Lunar CourtBook 9: Alpha ErasedGet ready for Off Planet, the biggest and boldest adventure yet from the mind of Aileen Erin. It's perfect for fans of Claudia Gray's Defy the Stars and Maura Milan's Ignite the Stars!

Alpha Girl Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3 (Alpha Girl #1-3)

by Aileen Erin

The Alpha Girl series by USA Today bestselling author Aileen Erin has taken readers on a wild ride as Tessa McCaide has become a werewolf, battled vampires and witches, and fallen in love. Now, read Books 1-3 in a convenient anthology before Being Alpha debuts on July 17, 2018. BECOMING ALPHA: Tessa doesn't realize that kissing the wrong guy in her new town could land her in far more trouble than she ever imagined. Like being forced to attend St. Ailbe's Academy, a secret boarding school for werewolves. But when vampires attack the school, Tessa realizes that boy drama and her newfound canine tendencies might just be the least of her problems.

Alpha Girls Series Boxed Set: Books 7-9 (Alpha Girls)

by Aileen Erin

“These books go by so very quickly, with the pacing making me think I just started reading. I could gobble up a dozen of these novels!”—Carrie Reads A LotThe Alpha Girl series by USA Today bestselling author Aileen Erin has taken readers on a wild ride as Tessa McCaide has become a werewolf, battled vampires and witches, and fallen in love. Now, read Books 7-9, completing the series with Tessa and Cosette's biggest adventures in a convenient anthology.BEING ALPHAWhen she's magically attacked and nearly dies, Tessa can't ignore the signs. Something big is coming, and it's up to Tessa and her friends to save the supernatural world one more time.“This book sent shivers down my arms in many moments and had me laughing so hard it hurt at others.”-!” —Eve, Functioning InsanityLUNAR COURTA werewolf and a lunar fey princess could never stand together as equals, but Chris and Cosette have already fallen hard. Their love demands sacrifice, and both will pay a devastating price."The secrets and plot twists had my mind going crazy at the end. I was blown away with everything that happened in the last few chapters." —Lenni, Lenniland blogALPHA ERASEDThe series comes to its epic conclusion as Tessa sacrifices herself, disappearing when she saves her brother’s life. When Dastien finally reunites with his mate, there’s no recognition in her eyes. No magic in her touch. No wolf beneath the surface. Everything that made Tessa who she was…has been erased.”This is simply the perfect epic way to wrap up the series that I love with everything in me.”—Book EchoWondering if you missed any books in the now complete Alpha Girls series? Book 1: Becoming AlphaBook 2: Avoiding AlphaBook 3: Alpha Divided Book 4: BrujaBook 5: Alpha UnleashedBook 6: Shattered PackBook 7: Being AlphaBook 8: Lunar CourtBook 9: Alpha ErasedGet ready for Off Planet, the biggest and boldest adventure yet from the mind of Aileen Erin. It's perfect for fans of Claudia Gray's Defy the Stars and Maura Milan's Ignite the Stars!

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