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What Is to Be Done? Burning Questions of Our Movement

by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

A basic consideration of the conditions and problems in the formation of a vanguard, revolutionary party. Lenin wrote this political pamphlet in 1901, after he had returned to St. Petersburg from three years of Siberian exile for advocating a Marxist revolution against the Tsar, who ruled Russia with an iron hand. In the pamphlet, Lenin argued that only a disciplined party of professional revolutionaries could bring socialism to Russia. He stresses the importance of theory and a revolutionary party guided by that theory. In this, he was at odds with other political groups that advocated a democratic movement toward socialism. He argued against the so-called "Economists," who held that workers were de facto at the forefront of the Marxist movement by virtue of their struggles with their employers over wage issues. In Lenin's view, this amounted to only "trade-union consciousness," which fell far short of the theoretical political consciousness he believed was needed if socialism was to succeed. The pamphlet also calls for a shift of emphasis from local to national work on revolutionary goals, which he would facilitate through communication via an all-Russia political newspaper.

The Best Lawyer In A One-Lawyer Town

by Dale Bumpers

Autobiography of the former Arkansas governor and legislator.

The Sharon Kowalski Case: Lesbian and Gay Rights on Trial

by Casey Charles

Study of a long dispute for guardianship of a disabled woman between her parents and her partner.

Against Her Will

by Ronald J. Watkins

Richard and Victoria Tinyes feared the worst when their thirteen-year-old daughter Kelly Ann vanished from their quiet suburban community of Valley Stream, New York on March 3, 1989. But the nightmare to come was worse than they could ever imagine. Only five doors away, in the home of John and Elizabeth Golub, police found Kelly Ann's body stuffed in a plastic garbage bag. She'd been brutally beaten, stabbed, strangled and mutilated. After weeks of intense investigation, police arrested the Golubs' twenty-one-year--old son. Robert--a reclusive young man obsessed with bodybuilding and given to fits of rage. The sensational trial and subsequent conviction of Robert Golub shocked the nation and tore the once-peaceful community apart. Neighbors took sides. So did the media. And no one who lived on Horton Road would ever be the same.

Just War Against Terror: The Burden of American Power in a Violent World

by Jean Bethke Elshtain

Analysis of the demands arising from the terror of 9-11.

Still Hungry in America

by Robert Coles

Before a child is born he has already lived a life; and when he is born he comes into more than the immediate world of his mother's arms. Not all pregnant women can take food and vitamins for granted, or a gynecologist to tell them they are indeed pregnant or an obstetrician to watch them and care for them and eventually deliver them a healthy son or daughter. For that matter, not all pregnant women can take for granted clean, running water, or a home that is warm in winter and reasonably free of germ-bearing flies and mosquitoes in summer. Nor can some pregnant women forget about rats and cockroaches, or garbage that is ignored by local "authorities," or sewage that is not adequately drained away.These are American women, American mothers, American children.

A Mother's Touch: The Tiffany Callo Story

by Jay Mathews

The author, a journalist, retraces the life of Tiffany Callo and her battle to regain custody of her two children. Tiffany, a teenage mother living on public assistence, was deemed an unfit mother by the children's services of Santa Clara County, CA. Her disability - cerebral palsy - was used as a major strike against her. Callo's case aroused wide publicity and helped arouse interest in the rights and concerns of parents with disabilities.

Farm Policies of the United States, 1790-1950: A Study of Their Origins and Development

by Murray R. Benedict

This volume is an almost essential complement to the new Fund study of the more recent governmental activities in the field of agriculture. Only through a knowledge of their historical roots can come a thorough understanding of present policies and programs.

The Minority Rights Revolution

by John D. Skrentny

A study of the ways in which minority rights have come to be and of how they should be changed.

Commercial law

by Saud Alremeithi

Rethinking and Reconfiguring the Anthropomorphic Concept of Corporate Personality Some Suggestions for Personality Needs in the Light of Corporate Development in Public Companies with a Particular Focus on the United Arab Emirates.

The Case for Impeachment: Articles of Impeachment

by the Office of Legal Counsel of the Center for American Values

You could be reading this headline in your newspaper sooner than you might think. Privately, any Democrats believe that impeachment proceedings are inevitable--and probably will begin within six months. PRESIDENT CLINTON IMPEACHMENT! WASHINGTON--By a vote of 72 to 28, the United States Senate voted today to impeach President William Jefferson Clinton. His removal from the office of the Presidency is effective immediately. He now faces criminal charges... In this book, you'll read shocking facts buried by the media, including... The selling of the Presidency to Communist China... in exchange for campaign contributions. Massive election fraud that makes political corruption in Third World countries pale by comparison. The use of IRS audits to intimidate and punish Clinton's political opponents. Details on how Clinton's White House security office was using the FBI to do "opposition research" on Republicans and critics of the Clintons. Al Gore's admission in a televised press conference that he indeed did commit a felony by illegally using his White House office to raise millions dollars for the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election campaign. Attorney General Janet Reno's running of the most politicized Justice Department in U.S. history.

Adult Continuing Education and High School Course Catalog

by Hadley Institute for the Blind Visually Impaired

Adult Continuing Education and High School Course Catalog 2016-2017. Catalog of current distance education courses for the blind or visually impaired. Various media for the courses is available including; Braille, CD, Digital Talking Books, Large Print, Online and more. Not all courses are available in all formats.

The Myth of the Imperial Judiciary: Why the Right is Wrong About the Courts

by Mark Kozlowski

Analysis of judicial activity.

First Among Equals: The Supreme Court in American Life

by Kenneth W. Starr

Analysis of the Supreme Court since Earl Warren left the Court in 1969.

The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism

by Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand regards altruism as incompatible with man's nature that man cannot survive alone with. She sets forth the moral principles of objectivism as the philosophy that holds man's life as the standard of moral values.

The Official FFA Student Handbook (Fifteenth Edition)

by National FFA Organization

This 15th edition is the Official FFA Student Handbook serving as the member's guide to FFA information and involvement.

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill-2016

by Govt Of India

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill-2016

Open Licensing Playbook

by U.S. Department of State

Federal Open Licensing Playbook, a list of considerations, use cases, and recommendations for federal departments interested in developing and implementing open license requirements on federally-funded grant projects. It is designed to assist federal efforts to maximize the impact of grant funds, and create opportunities for innovation and collaborative practices using federally-funded resources.

Public Assistance Volume 1: American Principles and Policies

by Edith Abott

PUBLIC ASSISTANCE VOLUME I American Principles and Policies In Five Parts: With Select Documents

Race, Incarceration, and American Values

by Glenn C. Loury

The United States, home to five percent of the worlds' population, now houses twenty-five percent of the world's prison inmates. Our incarceration rate--at 714 per 100,000 residents and rising--is almost forty percent greater than our nearest competitors (the Bahamas, Belarus, and Russia). More pointedly, it is 6.2 times the Canadian rate and 12.3 times the rate in Japan. Economist Glenn Loury argues that this extraordinary mass incarceration is not a response to rising crime rates or a proud success of social policy. Instead, it is the product of a generation-old collective decision to become a more punitive society. He connects this policy to our history of racial oppression, showing that the punitive turn in American politics and culture emerged in the post-civil rights years and has today become the main vehicle for the reproduction of racial hierarchies. Whatever the explanation, Loury agues, the uncontroversial fact is that changes in our criminal justice system since the 1970s have created a nether class of Americans--vastly disproportionately black and brown--with severely restricted rights and life chances. Moreover, conservatives and liberals agree that the growth in our prison population has long passed the point of diminishing returns. Stigmatizing and confining of a large segment of our population should be unacceptable to Americans. Loury's call to action makes all of us now responsible for ensuring that the policy changes. Praise for The Anatomy of Racial Inequality: "Intellectually rigorous and deeply thoughtful.... The Anatomy of Racial Inequalityis an incisive, erudite book by a major thinker." --Gerald Early, New York Times Book Review A Boston Review Book

Arrest and Provisional Detention: The Obligations of the UAE under Article 14 of the Arab Charter on Human Rights

by Mohammad Al-Haddad Al-Hattawi

Arrest and Provisional Detention: The Obligations of the UAE under Article 14 of the Arab Charter on Human Rights By Mohammad Alhaddad Alhattawi This thesis explores the compatibility of UAE law on arrest and provisional detention with Article 14 ArCHR. Given the lack of any report by the UAE on the measures which they have taken to give effect to the rights recognised in the ArCHR and the absence of effective institutions under the ArCHR to provide authoritative interpretation of the Charter’s Articles, this thesis advances an interpretation of Article 14, drawing on the interpretation of Article 9 ICCPR under the HRC and Article 5 ECHR under ECtHR. In the case of the ICCPR, this is because the wording is similar and it is a universal instrument to which some parties to the Arab Charter are also parties. In the case of the ECHR, it is because the words are similar and the Strasbourg Court has considered aspects of the interpretation and application of those provisions in a number of contexts. This considered interpretation will be of assistance to decision makers in the UAE and other parties to the ArCHR.

Land Revenue Code, 1968 and Rules.

by The Government of Goa

This book is from Government of goa about land renvenue code 1968 and Rules.

In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection

by Massad F. Ayoob

The book is written to a broad general audience, not specifically to police officers. However, the information that Ayoob provides is equally useful to the armed citizen and the sworn law enforcement officer.

Budget Speech 2017-18

by Arun Jaitley

Arun Jaitley Minister of Finance present the Budget for 2017-18.

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