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Showing 30,251 through 30,275 of 33,412 results

The European Court of Human Rights as a Pathway to Impunity for International Crimes

by Sonja C. Grover

This book presents contentious case rulings by the European Court of Human Rights providing extensive case notes and questions. The book elucidates just how the Court came in those cases to contribute to lack of State accountability and to impunity for individual perpetrators of international crimes. Issues addressed include the Court's: derogation of the jus cogens nature of certain fundamental human rights, grant of State immunity from any liability for systemic torture, unjustified failure to classify certain European Convention on Human Rights violations as international crimes; and improper declining of jurisdiction where States participated in a U.N. peace-building mission that itself involved serious violations of the U.N. Charter human rights principles. The book argues that the moral integrity of the Court's rulings (rulings that promote and protect international human rights) is an essential aspect of promoting the internationalization of the rule of law.

Founding a Company

by Michael J. Munkert Torsten Wulf Stephan Stubner

The book "Founding a Company - Handbook of Legal Forms in Europe" provides an easily accessible overview of the most important information any entrepreneur or manager needs when deciding for a legal form of the business. This makes it especially interesting for companies that decide to enter new markets within Europe and need to understand which requirements and advantages the different legal forms have. With the structured presentation of this information for ten different countries the book allows for quick comprehension and comparison of the aspects discussed. The book is a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, consultants and anybody who supports the business formation process in Europe as well as for lecturers and students working in this field.

The Colombian Peace Process and the Principle of Complementarity of the International Criminal Court

by Kai Ambos

Striking a balance between peace and justice has long been debated by scholars and practitioners. There has been definite progress in a world in which blanket amnesties were at times granted with little hesitation. There is a growing understanding that accountability has both pragmatic and principled arguments in its favor. Practical arguments as much as shifts in norms have created a situation in which the choice is increasingly seen as "which forms of accountability" rather than a stark one between peace and justice. The Colombian Justice and Peace Law 975 and its implementation offer an interesting and unique approach to dealing with the international crimes committed in Colombia's decades-long armed conflict. Yet, will this approach suffice with regard to Colombia's obligations under international law to investigate and prosecute international crimes? Does it meet the standards of the ICC, which has been monitoring the Colombian situation for some time now? In particular, does it pass the complementarity test laid out in the ICC statute or will the ICC have to intervene in Colombia to enforce international criminal law?

On the Limits of Constitutional Adjudication

by Juliano Zaiden Benvindo

Juliano Z. Benvindo investigates the current movement of constitutional courts towards political activism, especially by focusing on the increasing use of the balancing method as a "rational" justification for this process. From the critical perception of the serious risks of this movement to democracy, the book takes as examples two constitutional realities, Germany and Brazil, in order to discuss the rationality, correctness, and legitimacy of constitutional decisions within this context. Through a dialogue between Jacques Derrida's deconstruction and Jürgen Habermas's proceduralism, the author confronts Robert Alexy's defense of the balancing method as well as those two constitutional realities. This confrontation leads to the introduction of the concept of limited rationality applied to constitutional democracy and constitutional adjudication, which affirms the double bind of history and justice as a condition for a practice of decision-making committed to the principle of separation of powers.

The Global Cybercrime Industry

by Nir Kshetri

This book is about the global cybercrime industry, which according to some estimates, is a US$1 trillion industry and is growing rapidly. It examines economic and institutional processes in the cybercrime industry, provides insights into the entrepreneurial aspect of firms engaged in cyber-criminal activities, takes a close look at cybercrime business models, explains the global variation in the pattern of cybercrimes and seeks to understand threats and countermeasures taken by key actors in this industry. This book's distinguishing features include the newness, importance, controversiality and complexity of the topic; cross-disciplinary focus, orientation and scope; theory-based but practical and accessible to the wider audience; and illustration of various qualitative and quantitative aspects of the global cybercrime industry.

Gesundheit und Wirtschaftswachstum

by Stephan Meyer Mattias G. Fischer

Der Schutz der Gesundheit verlangt medizinischen Fortschritt. Allerdings werden damit verbundene Ausgabensteigerungen häufig als Fehlentwicklung wahrgenommen. Autoren aus Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Medizinethik sowie medizinischer und juristischer Praxis stellen diese Sichtweise auf den Prüfstand. Sie fragen nach den volkswirtschaftlichen Wachstumseffekten eines innovationsfreundlichen Gesundheitssystems, nach der Zahlungsbereitschaft der Versicherten und dem Stellenwert des Gutes Gesundheit aus Sicht der Bevölkerung.

Einführung in das koreanische Recht

by Korea Legislation Research Institute

Mit der Globalisierung sind die Grenzen zwischen den Staaten durchlässiger geworden. Der transnationale Austausch und Handel sind groß wie nie zuvor. Korea ist zu einem wichtigen Handelspartner für Deutschland geworden. Grundkenntnisse im koreanischen Recht sind eine wichtige Voraussetzung, um von einem unterschiedlichen Rechtsverständnis nicht überrascht zu werden. Geschrieben von Experten auf ihrem jeweiligen Gebiet stellt das Werk das koreanische Recht in neun Kapiteln vor: Geschichtliche Entwicklung und Charakteristika, Verfassungsrecht, Verwaltungsrecht, Zivilrecht (einschließlich Zivilprozessrecht), Internationales Privatrecht, Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Arbeits- und Sozialrecht, Strafrecht (einschließlich Strafprozessrecht).

Human Rights in the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism

by Alex Conte

This title takes a comparative approach to the evaluation of human rights in the prevention and punishment of terrorism within the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The text first looks at the question of defining terrorism, and examines the international and domestic frameworks for countering terrorism. The second part of the book provides an overview and analysis of international and regional human rights law and its capacity to allow for the limitation of rights and freedoms when pursing important objectives such as the countering of terrorism, as well as providing a comparative review of human rights laws in each country. The final and most extensive part of the text begins with an overview of the interaction between counter-terrorism and human rights, followed by thematic and case study evaluations of discreet topics.

The European Impact Assessment and the Environment

by Martin Führ Sebastian Lechner Kilian Bizer

The European Commission requires an impact assessment report for any regulation proposed. This book analyzes the quality of impact assessments and discusses deficits and possible improvements. Based on 30 case studies of impact assessments, an institutional analysis of the relevant actors is conducted, which shows that there are many shortcomings, among them an incentive problem concerning desk officers in the European Commission. The book includes various articles which address controversial problems and possible solutions. It offers a comprehensive overview of the practice of impact assessment in the EC, as well as an institutional analysis of the processes involved and of the checks and balances between politicians and their administration.

Aviation Security Law

by Ruwantissa Abeyratne

The law plays a significant role in ensuring aviation security. This book addresses new and emerging threats to civil aviation; evaluates security tools now in use such as the Public Key Directory, Advance Passenger Information, Passenger Name Record and Machine Readable travel documents in the context of their legal and regulatory background; and discusses applicable security treaties while providing an insight into the process of the security audits conducted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The book also examines issues of legal responsibility of States and individuals for terrorist acts of third parties against civil aviation and discusses from a legal perspective the latest liability Conventions adopted at ICAO. The Conclusion of the book provides an insight into the application oflegal principles through risk management.

Handbuch des Technikrechts

by Martin Schulte Rainer Schröder

Das Handbuch wendet sich an alle in Wissenschaft und Praxis mit dem Technikrecht befassten Juristen, die sich einen ersten vertieften Einblick in dieses neue Rechtsgebiet verschaffen wollen. Die Grundlagen des Technikrechts werden dargestellt; einzelne, besonders wichtige Bereiche des Technikrechts werden eingehend analysiert.

Pictorial Law

by Volker Boehme-Neßler

We live in a digital Media Society, in which pictures are becoming more and more important. So, human communication is increasingly becoming a visual communication. That is not a new finding. But the new question is: What does this development mean for the law? Up to now the law is the part of the society which is most sceptical towards images. Law has still resisted the visual temptation. This will not last for ever. The rush of pictures in everyday life and in every part of the society is much too strong - and it is even getting stronger. The invasion of images will change the character of modern law deeply. Modern law will become a Pictorial Law.What are the chances and the risks of Pictorial Law and visual law communication? This is the topic of the book.

Fallsammlung zum Europäischen und Internationalen Strafrecht

by Mark A. Zöller Bernd Hecker

Anhand von Klausurfällen erlernen Studierende die notwendige Technik, wie sie ihre in der Vorlesung erworbenen Rechtskenntnisse in der praktischen Fallbearbeitung umsetzen können. Hierdurch wird zum einen eine exemplarische Wiederholung und Vertiefung des Basiswissens im Europäischen und Internationalen Strafrecht ermöglicht. Zum anderen wird die "handwerkliche" Fähigkeit geschult, einen aufbautechnisch, methodisch und sprachlich-stilistisch überzeugenden Lösungsvorschlag zu entwickeln.

The Role of the Regions in EU Governance

by Alexander De Becker Carlo Panara

This publication compares for the first time how the regions in seven different countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK) are involved in EU governance. It is also the first book which tackles this matter from two different perspectives; that of EU law and that of comparative law. It includes contributions both from well-established scholars in the field of EU law and from younger scholars.

Company Taxation in the Asia-Pacific Region, India, and Russia

by Christoph Spengel Dieter Endres Clemens Fuest

The Asian-Pacific countries as well as India and Russia offer multinational companies all the benefits of booming economies in a world of recession. However, the investor must be aware of the tax regime under which he will operate. This survey presents the rates, definitions of taxable income and the incentives available in a complete, yet concise form. It goes on to review tax minimisation strategies and concludes with a comparison of the overall tax burdens for investors in each country derived from the Devereux/Griffith formulae - a methodology well known within the EU, but applied to this region for the first time.

Procedural Autonomy of EU Member States: Paradise Lost?

by Diana-Urania Galetta

Is the procedural autonomy of EU Member State a myth or a reality? What should this concept be taken to mean? Starting from the analysis of requirements and principles regulating, generally speaking, the relationships between Member States' and EU law, this book provides a definition of procedural autonomy able to account for the concept's inherent limits. Out of an analysis of the more relevant EU jurisprudence, the author identifies the rationale underlying the interventions of the ECJ on issues of procedural autonomy and the common logic that emerges from it; and reveals how, in an unchanged context of 'procedural autonomy' of the Member States, national procedural law becomes more and more 'functionalized' to the requirements of effectiveness of substantive EU law. As such, we should speak of a 'functionalized procedural competence' rather than of procedural autonomy. But this is by no means a case of "Paradise Lost." The book includes a foreword by Prof. Jürgen Schwarze, one of the founding fathers of European Administrative Law.

Evolution, Kultur und Kriminalität

by Christian Laue

Die Evolutionsbiologie gilt einerseits als Königsdisziplin der Biologie, andererseits wird sie nach den erschreckenden Erfahrungen mit der Kriminalbiologie vor allem mit Eugenik, Sozialdarwinismus und Rassismus in Verbindung gebracht. Tatsächlich bietet die Evolutionstheorie viele Antworten auf kriminologisch interessante Fragen. Der Autor überbrückt den Graben zwischen sozialwissenschaftlich orientierter Kriminologie und den Biowissenschaften und untersucht, inwieweit neue Erkenntnisse aus der Evolutionsbiologie die Kriminologie bereichern können.

International Straits

by Ana G. López Martín

This book analyzes the regime of navigation in historical relation to the United Nations Convention of the Law of Sea (UNCLOS) of 10 December 1982, and then analyzes in detail the concept of international straits to arrive at a complete definition. This work examines the eight categories of straits laid out in the UNCLOS. It analyzes the right of innocent passage and the regime of transit passage, both systems of navigation in international straits, and then presents the domestic legislation and the traffic separation schemes which apply to international straits. Finally, the work includes a complete catalogue of straits with the reference to their respective UNCLOS articles.

Praxishandbuch des Amts- und Staatshaftungsrechts

by Peter Itzel Christoph Stein Karin Schwall

In dem Handbuch werden alle relevanten Anspruchsgrundlagen und Problemfelder bei schädigendem Verhalten der öffentlichen Hand (Bund, Länder und Gemeinden mit allen Untergliederungen) verständlich, umfassend und systematisch dargestellt. Erläutert werden Ansprüche aus Amts- und Staatshaftung wie auch aus Enteignung, Aufopferung sowie sonstige Ersatz- und Ausgleichsansprüche. Der Band orientiert sich vorwiegend an der höchst- und obergerichtlichen Rechtsprechung und liefert Hinweise auf entsprechende Regelungen in Europa und in anderen Ländern.

Fallsammlung zum Sachenrecht

by Claus Ahrens Ignacio Czeguhn

Der Band führt einerseits in das Sachenrecht ein und bietet andererseits die Möglichkeit, vorhandenes Wissen zu wiederholen und zu vertiefen. Anhand ausführlicher Lösungsskizzen behandeln die Autoren solche Problempunkte, die in der Regel in den Klausuren angesprochen werden. Den behandelten Fällen beigefügt sind vertiefende Anhänge, in welchen die Themen theoretisch aufbereitet werden. Die Neuauflage enthält eine erweiterte Auswahl an Fällen zu relevanten Problemen des Sachenrechts, Literatur und Hinweise wurden aktualisiert.

Die Implementierung der GCP-Richtlinie und ihre Ausstrahlungswirkungen

by Erwin Deutsch Gunnar Duttge Hans-Ludwig Schreiber Andreas Spickhoff Jochen Taupitz

Die GCP-Richtlinie (Good Clinical Practice) hat in zahlreichen Ländern der Europäischen Union zu massiven Veränderungen des Arzneimittelrechts geführt. Die Autoren legen diese Veränderungen dar und gehen auf das Verhältnis zwischen dem harmonisierten europäischen Arzneimittelrecht und anderen Regelwerken ein. Der Band liefert Antworten auf folgende Fragen: In welchem Rahmen ist die Arzneimittelprüfung jeweils zulässig/unzulässig, welche internationalen Regelwerke müssen herangezogen werden und in welchen Bereichen besteht Verbesserungsbedarf?

Cybercrimes: A Multidisciplinary Analysis

by Sumit Ghosh Elliot Turrini

Designed to serve as a reference work for practitioners, academics, and scholars worldwide, this book is the first of its kind to explain complex cybercrimes from the perspectives of multiple disciplines (computer science, law, economics, psychology, etc.) and scientifically analyze their impact on individuals, society, and nations holistically and comprehensively. In particular, the book shows: How multiple disciplines concurrently bring out the complex, subtle, and elusive nature of cybercrimes How cybercrimes will affect every human endeavor, at the level of individuals, societies, and nations How to legislate proactive cyberlaws, building on a fundamental grasp of computers and networking, and stop reacting to every new cyberattack How conventional laws and traditional thinking fall short in protecting us from cybercrimes How we may be able to transform the destructive potential of cybercrimes into amazing innovations in cyberspace that can lead to explosive technological growth and prosperity

A Modern Treatise on the Principle of Legality in Criminal Law

by Gabriel Hallevy

This book discusses legality, one of the four main principles of criminal law, and is divided into six parts, according to the scientific understanding of this key concept. Chapter 1 explores the relation between legality and the general theory of criminal law in the context of the structure and development of legality in human society. This chapter also outlines the four secondary principles of legality and describes them in general terms. Chapters 2-5 discuss in detail each of the four secondary principles (Legitimate Sources of the Criminal Norm; Applicability of the Criminal Norm in Time; Applicability of the Criminal Norm in Place; and Interpretation of the Criminal Norm). Finally, Chapter 6 rounds out the discussion by addressing the problem of the conflict of laws.

Psychosocial and Legal Perspectives of Marital Breakdown

by Margit Gaffal

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the psychosocial and legal aspects of divorce with special reference to the situation in Spain, addressing the grounds for divorce and its impact on parents and children. Theoretical approaches are applied that take into account the psychosocial conditions and the Spanish legislation. Subsequenty, an empirical analysis of preferred custody arrangements reveals some of the current problems that are associated with a joint custody regime. Lastly, the suitability of divorce mediation is examined within the framework of the Spanish legislation.


by Martin Pehnt

Energieeffizienz und Energieeinsparung bilden - neben erneuerbaren Energien - die Säulen der zukünftigen Energiepolitik. Das Lehr- und Handbuch liefert das notwendige Wissen für eine effiziente Energieumwandlung und -nutzung von Strom, von Wärme und im Verkehr. Im Vordergrund steht das ingenieurtechnische Verständnis der jeweiligen Technologien, die Autoren vermitteln aber zugleich ökonomisches, sozialwissenschaftliches, umweltrechtliches und ökologisches Grundlagenwissen. Mit praxisnahen Übungsaufgaben und übersichtlichen Exkurs-Boxen.

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