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Cybercrime and Digital Deviance

by Roderick S. Graham 'Shawn K. Smith

Cybercrime and Digital Deviance, Second Edition, combines insights from sociology, criminology, psychology, and cybersecurity to explore cybercrimes such as hacking, identity theft, and romance scams, along with forms of digital deviance such as pornography addiction, trolling, and “canceling” people for perceived violations of norms.Other issues are explored including cybercrime investigations, nation-state cybercrime, the use of algorithms in policing, cybervictimization, and expanded discussion of the theories used to explain cybercrime. Graham and Smith conceptualize the online space as a distinct environment for social interaction, framing their work with assumptions informed by their respective work in urban sociology and spatial criminology, and offering an engaging entry point for understanding what may appear to be a technologically complex course of study. The authors apply a modified version of a typology developed by David Wall: cybertrespass, cyberfraud, cyberviolence, and cyberpornography. This typology is simple enough for students just beginning their inquiry into cybercrime, while its use of legal categories of trespassing, fraud, violent crimes against persons, and moral transgressions provides a solid foundation for deeper study. In this edition each chapter includes a new “Current Events and Critical Thinking” section, using concepts from the chapter to explore a specific event or topic like the effect of disinformation on social cohesion and politics.Taken together, Graham and Smith’s application of a digital environment and Wall’s cybercrime typology makes this an ideal upper-level text for students in sociology and criminal justice. It is also an ideal introductory text for students within the emerging disciplines of cybercrime and cybersecurity.

Commercial Contract Law and Arbitration: From Assignments to Unfair Terms

by Mads Andenas Maren Heidemann

This book tackles one of the most challenging fields of research and practice in the current global trade environment: integrating doctrines of private and public law for the purpose of international commerce and trade.Traditional concepts of obligatory and proprietary claims and rights reach their limits when placed within an international context of litigation funding, liability and securitisation. Across disciplines, scholars and practitioners are seeking new ways of expanding and reconnecting novel products and services such as data; and the use of international dispute settlement with indispensable constitutional values and democratic processes is also growing. This book combines contributions on current issues in commercial contract and contract law, making an important contribution to the areas of substantive contract law and arbitration procedure that connect issues across disciplines. Exploring both substantive and procedural laws, the book explores unfair terms in non-consumer contracts, which is complemented by a broader contextual discussion of the regulation of platform operators in the European Union; while a discussion of the procedural role of public reporting of investment arbitration awards by the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) expands on the procedural aspects of arbitration within the wider context of the rule of law debate.Debating policy issues in general private law reform, and including a juxtaposition of a traditionalist continuation-oriented approach and a call for radical reform of entrenched and outmoded private law concepts to suit global commerce, this book will be of interest to students, academics and practitioners working in the area of commercial contract law and arbitration.

Women, Gender, and Constitutionalism in Latin America

by Francisca Pou Giménez, Ruth Rubio Marín, and Verónica Undurraga Valdés

This book discusses to what extent and how constitutional design and practice in Latin America have helped in combatting the subordination of women and LGBTQIA+ people. Covering 11 jurisdictions, the chapters identify the main elements of the constitutional gender order and survey jurisprudential and legislative developments in different areas, incorporating contextual analysis and references to history, political dynamics, social movements, feminist struggles, normative efficacy, and policy.In the context of a constitutionalism that has been celebrated as particularly innovative and socially engaged, the book assesses constitutional performance in the quest to supersede the separate gendered spheres tradition and the subordination of women and sexual minorities to heteronormative hegemony. It fills an important gap in the field of gender and constitutionalism, which has paid very little attention to Latin America compared to the Anglo-American legal world and continental Europe. It identifies regional trends, but also variables which account for the diversity of approaches in various jurisdictions.The book provides much-needed insight into matters that are relevant for legal and socio-legal scholars, an ever-growing number of social actors and movements, and all those interested in comparative constitutionalism and in the intersections between law and gender.

Heritage, Conflict, and Peace-Building (ISSN)

by Lucas Lixinski Yujie Zhu

Heritage, Conflict, and Peace-Building examines the possibilities arising from, and challenges associated with, transforming heritage from a casualty of conflict into an opportunity for peacebuilding.The contributors to this book, who hail from academia and practice, present case studies that shed light on the multifaceted factors and conditions influenced by diplomacy, nationalism, victimhood, and the roles of diverse institutional actors in fostering peace. They demonstrate the possibilities and pitfalls of the work heritage does for local communities, the nation-state, and the international community, when these different actors and their peace aspirations and agendas intersect. Looking at heritage and peace processes on all continents, the contributions in this volume amount to a compelling analytical account of how the discourses of heritage and peace connect, overlap, and diverge. They also emphasise that our shared aspiration for peace should not be taken for granted in a heritage context, and that it is incumbent upon heritage scholars and practitioners to be more intentional about the work they wish to do to promote peace.Heritage, Conflict, and Peace-Building will be of interest to scholars and practitioners working in heritage studies, transitional justice, museum studies, international relations, education, history, and law.

Procreative Rights in International Law: Insights from the European Court of Human Rights

by null Carmen Draghici

Draghici contends that the advent of assisted reproductive technologies has given rise to new fundamental, albeit not unqualified, rights. They include the right to use medically assisted procreation (e.g. artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation, potentially gamete donation, posthumous conception or surrogacy) in order to become a parent (typically where natural procreation is hindered by infertility, sexual orientation, relationship status or adverse life events), the recognition of intention-based parenthood in relation to donor-conceived children jointly planned and raised with the genetic parent, and the right to pursue the conception of a healthy child (e.g. through recourse to preimplantation genetic diagnosis and embryo selection to avoid severe illness in future offspring). To substantiate this claim, the book relies on a comprehensive analysis of international case-law on procreative autonomy, contextualised by a discussion of highly divisive bioethical controversies, from the status of embryos to the morality of genetic screening and third-party reproduction.

Routledge Handbook of Public Procurement Corruption (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Sope Williams Jessica Tillipman

The Routledge Handbook of Public Procurement Corruption showcases the most innovative and exciting research being conducted in this important area of study, providing a comprehensive go-to reference for all who are interested in the topic.During the COVID-19 pandemic, the global race for health and ancillary goods amid global supply chain disruptions demonstrated that, when tested, all countries are incredibly vulnerable to fraud and corruption in public procurement, irrespective of their level of development. Yet despite the widespread nature of the problem, there remains a lack of in-depth, analytical, and cross-country investigations into public procurement corruption. This book addresses this gap by providing a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, geographically balanced treatise on corruption in public procurement. It combines country-specific studies to allow readers to easily compare differing perspectives and approaches and overarching thematic chapters to reflect on new and cutting-edge issues in procurement and their implications for procurement corruption. Key sectors such as healthcare and infrastructure are considered, as well as the role of new technologies, in both combatting and enabling procurement corruption.This Handbook provides academics, practitioners, and graduate researchers of public administration, law, and anti-corruption with all of the tools they need to understand the nuances of public procurement corruption around the world.

Global collaboration, local production: Fab City als Modell für Kreislaufwirtschaft und nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG - Forschung, Konzepte, Lösungsansätze zur Nachhaltigkeit)

by Manuel Moritz Tobias Redlich Sonja Buxbaum-Conradi Jens P. Wulfsberg

Dieses Open-Access-Buch gibt aktuelle interdisziplinäre Forschungseinblicke rund um das Fab City-Konzept. Ein Ansatz, der beschreibt, wie Produktions- und Konsumptionsweisen gestaltet werden können, sodass einerseits globale Kollaboration in und durch Communities von der Ideengenerierung bis zur Produktentwicklung physischer Güter mittels quelloffener Technologien (Open Source Software und Hardware) ermöglicht wird und andererseits die Produktion dieser Güter lokal und somit möglichst nahe am Ort des Bedarfs sowie dezentral im Sinne einer verteilten Produktion erfolgen kann, beispielsweise in Fab(rication) Labs. Ziel ist die Schaffung einer möglichst nachhaltigen Produktion bzw. Wertschöpfung. Ökologisch nachhaltig, indem lange Transportwege vermieden und auf Grundlage von Kreislaufprinzipien lokale Stoffkreisläufe geschlossen werden. Ökonomisch nachhaltig, indem durch quelloffene Technologien Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen und durch föderierte Ansätze Abhängigkeiten vermieden werden. Sozial nachhaltig durch ein partizipatives Wertschöpfungssystem, in dem der Zugang zu Wissen und Knowhow sowie zu Produktionsmitteln unbeschränkt ist. Über den gesamten Produktentstehungsprozess und -lebenszyklus enthält das vorliegende, bilinguale Werk in deutscher und englischer Sprache Beiträge aus den Bereichen Citizen & Collaborative Innovation and Design, Circular Design & Economy, Open-Source-Software-Tools für die Entwicklung von Open Source Hardware, Digital Product Passport, föderierte (Open-Source-) Systeme, die Verbreitung von Open Source Hardware sowie technical literacy und economic governance.Prof. Neil Gershenfeld, Director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, and Chairman of the board of The Fab Foundation:“For many years the growth of cities has been an inexorable trend, with cities acting as regional magnets and engines;the resources enabling a Fab City can also help expand opportunity beyond cities. There is now an opportunity and need for labs that can develop, deploy, and measure the frontiers of Fab City technologies. This book provides a much-needed snapshot of the current state of that challenge.”Tomas Diez, Executive Director of the Fab City Foundation: “This book is an invitation for large-scale collaboration to build distributed system that can support the development of alternative modes of production, in line with the social and ecological needs of our time.”

Superstition, Management and Organisations: Irrationality, Randomness, and Chaos in Decision Making (Palgrave Studies in Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment)

by Joanna Crossman

This book addresses how people and organisations sometimes respond to uncertainty in making decisions. Those decisions are rooted in beliefs and behaviours that are not always rational, especially in response to perceived randomness, chaos and unexpected circumstances. The author uses a transdisciplinary approach to the study of superstition in the context of business and management, taking care to acknowledge that what is regarded as superstition to one person may well be constructed as a spiritual belief by another. Respect and sensitivity in explicating individual and social constructions of spirituality is a core value in structuring the narrative of the text. The work also explores the interwoven relationships amongst superstition, religion, spirituality and empiricism and how cultural, political, economic and environmental factors are likely to influence organisations and those who are employed by them. Further, it examines the influence of beliefs related to topics such as feng shui, astrology, phrenology and the I Ching in recruitment. This comprehensive treatment of the role of superstition in business will advance the scholarly conversation on uncertainty in decision making. It points to the power of belief that defies empirical validation and how it can be used in a variety of contexts, such as the marketing of products and images to manipulate unwary consumers or inhibit the implementation of health advice in times of COVID-19.

Bribed with Our Own Money: Federal Abuse of American Indian Funds in the Termination Era (New Visions in Native American and Indigenous Studies)

by David R. Beck

In Bribed with Our Own Money David R. M. Beck analyzes the successes and failures of Indigenous nations&’ opposition to federal policy in the 1950s and 1960s. Focusing on case studies from six Native nations, Beck recounts how the U.S. government coerced American Indian nations to accept termination of their political relationship with the United States by threatening to withhold money that belonged to the tribes. Termination was the continuation—and, federal officials hoped, the culmination—of more than a century of policy initiatives intended to end the political relationship between Indian tribal nations and the federal government. Termination was also intended to assimilate American Indian individuals into the country&’s social and economic culture and to remove the remainder of reservation lands from federal trust. American Indians hoped to gain greater opportunities of self-governance and self-determination, but they wanted to do so under the protection of the federal trust relationship.Bribed with Our Own Money analyzes both successful and unsuccessful efforts of Native nations to oppose this policy within the larger context of long-standing federal abuse of tribal funds. It is the first book to view federal termination efforts grounded in bribery for what they were: a form of coercion.

Gun Present: Inside a Southern District Attorney's Battle against Gun Violence

by Susan Dewey

Gun Present takes us inside the everyday operations of the law at a courthouse in the Deep South. Illuminating the challenges accompanying the prosecution of criminal cases involving guns, the three coauthors—an anthropologist, a geographer, and a district attorney—present a deeply human portrait of prosecutors’ work. Built on an immersive, community-based participatory partnership between researchers and criminal justice professionals, Gun Present chronicles how a justice assemblage comprising institutional structures and practices, relationships and roles, and individual moral and emotional worlds informs the day-to-day administration of justice. Weaving together in-depth interviews, quantitative analysis of more than a thousand criminal cases, analysis of trial transcripts, and over a year of ethnographic observations, Gun Present provides a model for scholar-practitioner collaborations.

Wisecracks: Humor and Morality in Everyday Life

by David Shoemaker

A philosopher’s case for the importance of good—if ethically questionable—humor. A good sense of humor is key to the good life, but a joke taken too far can get anyone into trouble. Where to draw the line is not as simple as it may seem. After all, even the most innocent quips between friends rely on deception, sarcasm, and stereotypes and often run the risk of disrespect, meanness, and harm. How do we face this dilemma without taking ourselves too seriously? In Wisecracks, philosopher David Shoemaker examines this interplay between humor and morality and ultimately argues that even morally suspect humor is an essential part of ethical life. Shoemaker shows how improvised “wisecracks” between family and friends—unlike scripted stand-up, sketches, or serials—help us develop a critical human skill: the ability to carry on and find the funny in tragedy. In developing a new ethics of humor in defense of questionable gibes, Wisecracks offers a powerful case for humor as a healing presence in human life.

The Trial of a Nazi Doctor: Franz Lucas as Defendant, Opportunist, and Deceiver

by Andrew Wisely

The Trial of a Nazi Doctor examines the life of Franz Bernhard Lucas (1911-1994), an SS camp doctor with assignments in Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Stutthof, Ravensbrück, and Sachsenhausen. Covering his career during the Third Reich and then his prosecution after 1945, especially in the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, Andrew Wisely explores the lies, obfuscations, misrepresentation, and confusions that Lucas himself created to deny, distract from or excuse his participation in the Nazi’s genocidal projects. By juxtaposing Lucas’s own testimonies and those of a wide range of witnesses: former camp inmates and Holocaust survivors; friends, colleagues, and relatives; and media observers, Wisely provides a nuanced study of witness testimonies and the moral identity of Holocaust perpetrators.

The International Maritime Organisation: Volume 1 (Routledge Revivals)

by Samir Mankabady

Originally published in 1984, this book provides a survey of the shipping rules adopted under the auspices of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) during the latter part of the 20th Century. Its scope is wide-ranging, and, since the measures adopted by the IMO cover a great variety of disciplines, the papers in this book are written with clarity and authority by a number of experts

The International Maritime Organisation: Volume 2: Accidents at Sea (Routledge Revivals)

by Samir Mankabady

Originally published in 1987, this book provides a comprehensive manual to the international law governing accidents at sea during the 1980s. It is a complementary study to International Maritime Organisation, now recognised as a standard work on this UN agency. Among the subjects covered in Part 1 are: reporting and investigation of accidents; accidents caused by collision; civil and criminal liability; accidents caused by non-marking wrecks. Part 2 deals with the consequences of accidents and contains a considerable body of law and regulations on oil and chemical pollution, salvage and personal injury

The Phenomenology of Modern Legal Discourse: The Juridical Production and the Disclosure of Suffering (Routledge Revivals)

by William E. Conklin

Originally published in 1998, The Phenomenology of Modern Legal Discourse recovers the suffering which is concealed as lawyers, judges and other legal officials resignify a harm through the special vocabulary and grammar which constitutes legal language. At the moment of re-signification, an untranslatable gap erupts between the knowers’ special language and the embodied meanings of the non-knower. The Phenomenology claims that the gap can be unconcealed if the knowers of the special language reconsider their assumptions about legal meaning, the body and desire.With a broad grasp of diverse problematics from the legal procedures, legal discourses and legal theory of three jurisdictions to exemplify his claims, the author interweaves arguments which draw from Edmund Husserl’s and Maurice Merleau Ponty’s insights about meaning. The author's effort demonstrates how one may unconceal lived laws through a re-reading of the role of the experiential body in legal signification. The author’s effort to retrieve the embodiment of legal meaning de-stabilizes deep assumptions of contemporary lawyers and legal theorists.

After the Guns Fall Silent: Peace or Armageddon in the Middle-East (Routledge Revivals)

by Mohamed Sid-Ahmed

First published in 1976, After the Guns Fall Silent is an important Arab statement on the Middle East crisis. The central theme is that the October war and détente fundamentally changed the basis of the conflict. The Arab military success and the impact of the oil weapon established a parity between Arab quantity and Israel quality. This new sense of equality has forced both sides into contemplating dialogue rather than unyielding confrontation. The author also predicts that the Palestinian issue is expected to become even more explosive as their advance in diplomatic stature has not produced any political or territorial gain and their struggle has become a world inspiration for the revolt of the dispossessed against the affluent. This book will be of interest to students of history, political science, international relations and Middle Eastern studies.

The Law Officer's Pocket Manual: 2024 Edition

by John G. Miles Jr. David B. Richardson Anthony E. Scudellari

The Law Officer’s Pocket Manual is a handy, pocket-sized, spiral-bound manual that highlights basic legal rules for quick reference and offers examples showing how those rules are applied. The manual provides concise guidance based on U.S. Supreme Court rulings on constitutional law issues and other legal developments, covering arrest, search, surveillance, and other routine as well as sensitive areas of law enforcement. It includes more than 100 examples drawn from leading cases to provide guidance on how to act in a wide variety of situations. The 2023 edition is completely updated to reflect recent court decisions. This book helps you keep track of everything in a readable and easy-to-carry format. Routledge offers tiered discounts on bulk orders of 5 or more copies: For more information, please visit:

On Immigration and Refugees (Routledge Classics)

by Michael Dummett

The philosopher Michael Dummett was one of the sharpest and most prominent commentators and campaigners for the fair treatment of immigrants and refugees in Britain and Europe. On Immigration and Refugees was the only book he wrote on the topic and among one of the most eloquent and important reflections on the subject to have been published in many years. Exploring the confused and often highly unjust and racist thinking about immigration, Dummett questions the principles and justifications governing state policies, pointing out that they often conflict with the rights of refugees as laid down by the Geneva Convention. With compelling and often moving examples, he points a new way forward for humane thinking and practice about a problem we cannot afford to ignore.This Routledge Classics edition includes a new Foreword by Sarah Fine.

Artificial Intelligence and Project Management: An Integrated Approach to Knowledge-Based Evaluation (ISSN)

by Tadeusz A. Grzeszczyk

Although some people had doubts about the usefulness of such solutions in the past, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a growing role in modern business. It can be expected that the interest in it will also lead to an increase in support for the planning, evaluation, and implementation of projects. In particular, the proper functioning of multifaceted evaluation methods has a crucial impact on the appropriate planning and execution of various projects, as well as the effective achievement of the organization’s goals. This book offers a presentation of the complex problems and challenges related to the development of AI in project management, proposes an integrated approach to knowledge-based evaluation, and indicates the possibilities of improving professional practical knowledge in this field.The unique contribution of this book is to draw attention to the possibilities resulting from conducting transdisciplinary research and drawing on the rich achievements in the field of research development on knowledge-based systems that can be used to holistically support the processes of planning, evaluation, and project management. The concept of the integrated approach to knowledge-based evaluation is presented and developed as a result of drawing inspiration mainly from the systems approach, generative AI, and selected mathematical models.Presented in a highly accessible manner, the book discusses mathematical tools in a simple way, which enables understanding of the content by readers across broad subject areas who may be not only participants in specialist training and university students but also practitioners, consultants, or evaluators. This book will be a valuable resource for academics and upper-level students, in particular, across project management-related fields, and of great interest to all those looking to understand the challenges and effectiveness of AI in business.

Total Lawfare: New Defense and Lessons from China’s Unrestricted Lawfare Program

by Patrick S. Nash Deniz Guzel

This book advocates for a novel doctrine of ‘total lawfare’ as part of a comprehensive approach to modern hybrid warfare.The book begins by introducing the military concept of ‘limited lawfare’ in the context of modern geopolitical conditions. It proceeds to set out a conceptual history of lawfare in the West, highlighting conceptual shortcomings and NATO’s limited capabilities in this branch of hybrid warfare. It then provides a comparative case study and strategic threat assessment of the Chinese concept of ‘unrestricted lawfare’. Against this, the book grounds an ethical doctrine of ‘total lawfare’ within the Western jurisprudential tradition and translates this into practice as a key pillar of modern defense strategy under the rule of law. The book concludes by advocating for a Thielian ‘New Defense’ industry centered upon ‘total lawfare’ as a legitimate and effective Western response to enemy aggression.The book will be of interest to academics, policy-makers, and students working in the fields of lawfare, jurisprudence, and military law.

Return on Investment in Training and Performance Improvement Programs

by Patricia Pulliam Phillips Jack J. Phillips Klaas Toes

The third edition of this bestselling book guides you through a proven, results-based approach to calculating the return on investment in training and performance improvement programs. The ROI Methodology described in the book has evolved into the most used evaluation system in the world.Patricia Pulliam Phillips, Jack J. Phillips, and Klaas Toes present the ROI Methodology, a user-friendly approach to showing and proving the value of programs, projects, and initiatives. Based on over 40 years of development and refinement, it is a process that meets the demands currently facing training and performance improvement functions. This third edition includes chapters thoroughly detailing the application of the ROI Methodology and new and innovative developments. The book provides examples, case studies and worksheets, and solutions to implementation issues. A case study spans the book and takes the reader through each part of the ROI Methodology. Readers can work through the case, step-by-step, exploring the issues uncovered in the chapter and learn how to apply the process in their own organizations. This book continues to be a primary reference for learning how to utilize ROI to show the contribution of training, education, learning systems, performance improvement, human resources, and change initiatives throughout organizations.Proven to work as a guide for practitioners, managers, and leaders, the book is also ideal for students of learning and development and performance improvement at graduate and postgraduate levels and individuals involved in executive and professional development programs. A complimentary 500-page book with 25 detailed case studies is available to book purchasers. See the offer on page 384 at the back of the book.

The History of Democracy Has Yet to Be Written: How We Have to Learn to Govern All Over Again

by Thomas Geoghegan

"This book made me laugh out loud and also gave me glimpses of an entire horizon of possibility I hadn't seen before."--Chris Hayes, host of MSNBC's All In with Chris Hayes End the filibuster. Abolish

Life Sentences: Writings from Inside an American Prison

by The Elsinore-Bennu Think Tank for Restorative Justice

A collection of poetry and prose by six incarcerated men. Featuring an introduction by Amber Epps and an afterword by novelist John Edgar Wideman. The six authors of Life Sentences―Fly, Faruq, Khalifa, Malakki, Oscar, and Shawn―met at the State Correctional Institution in Pittsburgh and came together in 2013 to form the Elsinore Bennu Think Tank for Restorative Justice. The men met weekly for years, along with other writers, activists, and political leaders who bonded over the creation of this book, a hybrid of prison memoir, philosophy, history, policy document, and manifesto. Centered around the principles of restorative justice, which aims to heal communities broken by criminal and state violence through collective action, Life Sentences is more than a literary collection. It is a how to guide for those who are trapped inside any community. It's also a letter of invitation, asking readers to join with the incarcerated and their families so we can all continue to fly over walls, form loving connections with each other, and teach one another to be free. An urgent collection that sheds light on the criminal justice system, written by those most directly involved in it.

Minority Rule: The Right-Wing Attack on the Will of the People—and the Fight to Resist It

by Ari Berman

A riveting account of the decades-long effort by reactionary white conservatives to undermine democracy and entrench their power—and the movement to stop them.The mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, represented an extreme form of the central danger facing American democracy today: a blatant disregard for the will of the majority. But this crisis didn’t begin or end with Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election. Through voter suppression, election subversion, gerrymandering, dark money, the takeover of the courts, and the whitewashing of history, reactionary white conservatives have strategically entrenched power in the face of a massive demographic and political shift. Ari Berman charts these efforts with sweeping historical research and incisive on-the-ground reporting, chronicling how a wide range of antidemocratic tactics interact with profound structural inequalities in institutions like the Electoral College, the Senate, and the Supreme Court to threaten the survival of representative government in America.“The will of the people,” wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1801, “is the only legitimate foundation of any government.” But that foundation is crumbling. Some counter-majoritarian measures were deliberately built into the Constitution, which was designed in part to benefit a small propertied upper class, but they have metastasized to a degree that the Founding Fathers could never have anticipated, undermining the very notion of “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Chilling and revelatory, Minority Rule exposes the long history of the conflict between white supremacy and multiracial democracy that has reached a fever pitch today—while also telling the inspiring story of resistance to these regressive efforts.

I Am a Secret Service Agent: My Life Spent Protecting the President

by Dan Emmett Charles Maynard

Adapted from Within Arm'’s Length for a younger audience, a rare inside look at the Secret Service from an agent who protected Presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush.Dan Emmett was just eight years old when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. From that moment forward, he knew he wanted to become a Secret Service agent, one of an elite group of highly trained men and women dedicated to preserving the life of the President of the United States at any cost, including sacrificing their own lives if necessary. Armed with single-minded determination and a never-quit attitude, he did just that. Selected over thousands of other highly qualified applicants to become an agent, he was eventually chosen to be one of the best of the best and provided protection worldwide for Presidents George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, and George W. Bush. I Am a Secret Service Agent skillfully describes the duties and challenges of conducting presidential advances, dealing with the media, driving the President in a bullet-proof limousine, running alongside him through the streets of Washington, and flying with him on Air Force One. With fascinating anecdotes, Emmett weaves keen insight into the unique culture and history of the Secret Service with the inner workings of the White House. I Am A Secret Service Agent is a must read for young adults interested in a career in federal law enforcement.

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