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O Jogo de Onetti

by Alejandro Cernuda

Casos resolvidos pelo reivindicator Roger Montero. O que é um reivindicator? Para um membro da ordem do mesmo nome, tão antiga quanto o Templo e dedicada a salvar o amor... pessoas inescrupulosas que se dedicam a resolver, à maneira de detetives, casos de chifres, abandonos, conquistas forçadas e outros contratempos do coração.


by Edward Hendriks

Was wäre, wenn du durch den Wannenabfluss in die Badezimmer deiner Vergangenheit reisen könntest? Müde und vom Leben enttäuscht versucht Janne, sich bei einem Bad zu entspannen. Sie ist einundvierzig. Wohnt in einer kleinen Wohnung. Wurde von ihrem Freund verlassen. Der Mistkerl! Ihre Beinmuskeln sind schlaff, sie hat zu viele graue Haare. Ganz zu schweigen von den Falten im Gesicht. Zu alt, um noch Kinder zu bekommen. Wie schön wäre es, wenn man die Zeit zurückdrehen könnte! Um das Leben eine andere Wendung nehmen zu lassen. Manchmal – sehr selten – gehen Wünsche in Erfüllung. Siehst du den Abfluss, durch den das Wasser abläuft? Konzentrier dich auf den Strudel. Wehre dich nicht länger und lasse dich mitreißen in die Badezimmer deiner Vergangenheit. Aber pass gut auf, was du tust! Deine Entscheidungen können weitreichende Folgen haben.


by Edward Hendriks

E se tu potessi viaggiare attraverso lo scarico della doccia e tornare nei bagni del tuo passato? Stanca e delusa dalla vita, Janne prova a rilassarsi nella vasca da bagno. Ha quarantun anni. Vive in un minuscolo appartamento. Ed è stata mollata dal suo compagno. Quello stronzo. Ha le gambe flaccide e troppi capelli grigi. Per non parlare delle rughe sul viso. Troppo vecchia per avere figli. Come sarebbe bello far tornare indietro il tempo. Per far prendere alla vita un'altra direzione. A volte, in rare occasioni, i desideri si avverano. Vedi quello scarico della doccia dove l'acqua viene risucchiata? Concentrati sul movimento dell'acqua. Lasciati andare, fatti trascinare con lei nei bagni del tuo passato. Ma attento a quel che fai. Le tue scelte possono avere gravi conseguenze.

Corazón afiebrado

by Bob Van Laerhoven

Después de su muy aclamada colección de historias cortas Obsesiones peligrosas, todas ellas con un trasfondo de guerra, el autor belga/flamenco Van Laerhoven nos sorprende nuevamente con cinco historias con una mirada aguda de nuestros impulsos más auto destructivos. Un mercenario sirio Bashar-al-Assad repleto de esteroides está decidido a convertirse en “mártir” después de perder el brazo derecho por el “fuego amigo”. Un conductor de subterráneos retirado de Londres está obsesionado por su deseo de vengar el sanguinario asesinato de sus padres en Croacia con la muerte de su medio sobrino. Un cronista de viajes belga queda atrapado en la locura de la guerra de Kosovo en los años noventa y es testigo de sus consecuencias más dramáticas muchos años después en Nueva York. Un pintor bruto y hastiado de Bruselas traiciona a su mejor amigo, un falsificador de arte de Ruanda y lo entrega a la mafia, dando lugar a la culpa, la lujuria y el asesinato. Un mentiroso nato apodado Johnny di Machio de los años setenta busca en Poona, India, la salvación para sus problemas sexuales en el ashram de Bhagwan pero queda atrapado en un laberinto de violencia oculta desde hace mucho tiempo. Aldous Huxley escribió en Bravo nuevo mundo (1932): “Las palabras pueden ser como rayos X si se usan apropiadamente: lo atraviesan todo”. Esto es exactamente lo que hace Van Laerhoven cuando expone nuestros egos voraces y nuestra soledad interior. Corazón afiebrado provoca mucho más que dolor en el corazón.

Intenções Perversas

by A. D. Justice

Um assassino implacável está à solta, ameaçando a vida de uma mulher inocente. Segredos dolorosos do passado de Rebel serão exumados e exibidos completamente. Desespero o impulsiona a salvar a vida da única mulher que ele já amou. Tragédia atinge da maneira mais inesperada, reduzindo paredes outrora fortes a mero entulho. O ponto de ruptura de um homem é onde outro homem encontra seu avanço. O amor verdadeiro não pode ser comprometido. Nem pelo tempo Nem pela distância Nem pela ação Mas pode florescer? Dizem que o bem triunfa sobre o mal e o amor conquista tudo. Mas pode um inimigo ser derrotado se as linhas entre o bem e o mal estão confusas? Quando a poeira baixa e a fumaça se dissipa, o último homem em pé vence. Pode Rebel superar as intenções perversas que o ludibriaram?

Leur dernière course

by Cristina Origone

Une seule nuit peut-elle changer le cours de toute une vie ? Enzo est chauffeur de taxi. Il effectue sa dernière course de la nuit et la dernière course de sa vie : après plus de quarante années à parcourir les rues de Gênes, il s’apprête à prendre sa retraite pour se consacrer à Adeline, sa femme adorée. Mais l’imprévu guette : un inconnu surgit dans la nuit près de chez lui et traverse la rue. Enzo freine de toutes ses forces et réussit à éviter l’impact, mais lorsqu’il descend de son taxi et qu’il reconnaît le jeune homme, sa vie change pour toujours. « Leur dernière course » est un récit dramatique, où le destin fait se confronter un père et son fils délinquant, autant que l’espoir et le désespoir d’un homme impuissant à sauver ce qu’il a de plus cher au monde.

Amor & Balas

by Hannah Howe

"Si te gustan las historias de detectives con un toque de humor y romance, te encantará Sam Smith." Había pasado una semana desde el incidente en la cantera abandonada, desde que disparé y maté a alguien, desde que mi ex exposo fue asesinado. Fue una semana muy emotiva, pero la vida sigue. Fui contratada para descubrir quién estaba enviando amenazas de muerte a la doctora Ruth Carey, una polémica psiquiatra. El rastro la llevaba y de repente, las amenazas se dirigían a mí, amenazas que se incrementaron seguidas de dos asesinatos. Mientras tanto, después de años de violencia doméstica, yo estaba intentando recomponer mi vida. El doctor Alan Storey, un prominente psicólogo, me aseguraba que me amaba, y yo me sentía atraída hacia él. Pero tantos años de abuso me habían afectado emocionalmente y me sentía reacia a comprometerme en una nueva relación.

The Shadow Town: A Psycho Dark Novel

by Jakub Misci

Adam and Stephen are brothers who are connected more than just with the blood bond. In their lives, until recently simple and peaceful, things will happen as they would never have anticipated. They find themselves in a whirlwind of events that hit their immediate surroundings. The secrets, lies and especially the rapid sequence of events leave no doubt that something terrible is happening. The time is coming when everyone looks in the eyes of reality. It all begins with the disappearance of a young woman. How could she just get lost without any trace? No one around her or her closest knows what's going on. Not even Lucy who is waking up into the darkness ... but soon she has to make a stand against the human beast, face to face....

Die Kirche Mördern

by Luke Christodoulou

BÖSE RÜCKKEHREN UNTER DER GRÖSSERNDEN GRIECHISCHEN SONNE Die malerischen griechischen Inseln sind wieder einmal vom Tod verunsichert ... Der griechische Polizeikapitän COSTA PAPACOSTA und Leutnant IOLI CARA sind zurückgekehrt und sehen sich vier brutalen Fällen gegenüber, die seltsamerweise mit der griechischen Kirche in Verbindung stehen. Ein Reporter, der die Existenz eines von Jesus selbst geschriebenen Evangeliums untersucht, wird auf der Insel Salamina erstochen aufgefunden, während ein Anwalt und ein junges Mädchen verschwunden sind. Auf Santorini, der schönsten aller griechischen Inseln, häufen sich die Leichen. Mord nach dem Mord bleiben unsere Offiziere verwirrt. Alle Hinweise sind da, aber wer ist der Mörder? Die ionischen Inseln. Sieben Inseln, sieben Körper. Selbstmorde oder Foulspiel? Iolis mangelnder Glaube wird von einem Jungen geprüft, der auf der Insel Kefallonia Stigmata erlebt. Könnten seine Noten echt sein? Die Zeit ist gegen die beiden Ermittler und Leben sind auf dem Spiel ... Erleben Sie mit Papacosta und Cara eine Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle, des Todes und des Glaubens. Folgen Sie der Spur des Geheimnisses über die majestätischen griechischen Inseln und versuchen Sie, das Rätsel vor dem schockierenden Ende zu lösen!

De Olympus Moordenaar: Grieks Eiland Mysterie 1

by Luke Christodoulou

'KWAAD ONDER DE GRIEKSE ZON' Als je deze zomer denkt aan reizen naar de majestueuze, zonovergoten Griekse eilanden, denk dan nog eens goed na. Een sadistische moordenaar is op de vrije loop. DE OLYMPUS KILLER ... Over de pittoreske Griekse eilanden groeien lichamen snel op. Lichamen gemarteld, verminkt en vreemd verbonden met de oude Griekse mythologie. De Griekse politie-kapitein COSTA PAPACOSTA wordt ingeschakeld om jonge, top van haar jaar, een slechte mond, voedselliefhebbende Kretenzer, luitenant IOLI CARA bij te staan ​​in het oplossen van hun meest complexe geval tot nu toe, terwijl ze tegenover zijn eigen demonen staan ​​na het tragische verlies van zijn dochter. De OLYMPUS KILLER, zoals de roddelbladen hem noemen, is een sluwe, sadistische moordenaar met een angstaanjagend verleden. Een verleden dat aan ons is onthuld door het verhaal van zijn moeder in Dayton, VS. Zullen de twee officieren de moordenaar op tijd vangen of zal de Olympus moordenaar wraak nemen? Een model met brute armen afgehakt ... Tweeling onthoofd en hun hoofden gebruikten om een ​​zon en een maan te vormen ... Papacosta en Cara zijn altijd een stap achter de moordenaar helemaal naar het schokkende einde!

El honor de la familia: Un misterio de Sam Smith

by Hannah Howe

Cuando el mayor mafioso del país te hace una oferta que no puedes rechazar, ¿qué deberías hacer? En mi caso, decidí aceptar la oferta que me hizo el Sr. Vincent Vanzetti. Vanzetti me contrató para encontrar a su hija desaparecida, Vittoria, enfrentándome a la amenaza de represalias si fracasaba en mi tarea. Mientras buscaba a Vittoria, tuve que tratar con otros miembros del clan Vanzetti: Sherri, la segunda mujer de Vanzetti, de la misma edad que Vittoria, Sherri era una «actriz», una estrella del porno cuya ambición era aparecer en un reality de televisión; Catrin, la exmujer de Vanzetti, dura como el granito, el poder detrás de su imperio criminal; y V. J. Parks, el novio de Vittoria, boxeador, un joven en plenitud entrenándose para intentar conseguir un título mundial. Mientras tanto, en el terreno personal, era hora de que una servidora y su pareja, el Dr. Alan Storey, tomásemos decisiones. Alan tenía muchas ganas de casarse, mientras que yo todavía estaba aceptando mi pasado y los años de abuso físico. ¿Sería capaz de encontrar el coraje para, por fin, dejar a un lado los fantasmas del pasado y comprometerme a un futuro con Alan? El honor de la familia, la historia de un mafioso y su familia, la historia de un dilema moral. ¿Debería matar en nombre de la justicia o debería dejar que un delincuente quedara libre? Al responder a tal pregunta descubrí mucho sobre mí misma y sobre la persona que quería ser.

Question de temps tome 1 (Tout vient à point... #1)

by Mary Calmes Kiéran Logan Lecouvez

Jory Keyes mène une vie normale comme assistant d'un architecte jusqu'à ce qu'il soit témoin d'un assassinat brutal. Bien qu'initialement sauvé par l'inspecteur de police Sam Kage, Jory refuse la détention préventive - il a une vie qu'il aime et à laquelle il ne renoncera pas, peu importe qui est après lui. Mais la vie de Jory est réellement en danger, surtout après qu'il accepte de témoigner à propos de ce qu'il a vu. Alors qu'il jongle avec les tentatives de meurtre dont il est l'objet, des amis bien intentionnés qui veulent le voir heureux, un patron trop protecteur et un mystère qui se dévoile lentement et qui est beaucoup plus sinistre que ce qu'il aurait pu imaginer, le jeune homosexuel se retrouve impliqué avec Sam, l'inspecteur en conflit avec lui-même et dans le placard. Et si Jory a une chance de survivre au danger, il ne peut pas survivre à un cœur brisé.

Bridge Of Riddles (Ronan Boyle #1)

by Thomas Lennon John Hendrix

Fourteen-year-old Ronan Boyle is the youngest and lowliest recruit to the secret Garda, an Irish police force that handles the misdeeds of numerous magical creatures. Ronan's parents are in jail, but Ronan is convinced that they were framed by the wee people. So, despite his small size, poor eyesight, and social awkwardness, he's determined to learn all he can in the Garda in order to prove his parents' innocence. To show he's got what it takes, he'll have to confront a fiery leprechaun, a sinister harpy, and a whole world of monsters hidden in plain sight next to real-life Ireland. <p><p> Fast paced, action packed, and completely hilarious, this is the start to an exciting new middle-grade series by actor and writer Thomas Lennon.

Unto Us A Son Is Given

by Donna Leon

"Your situation is always ambiguous, isn't it, Guido?", his father-in-law, Count Orazio Falier, observes of Donna Leon's soulful detective, Guido Brunetti, at the beginning of her superb 28th Brunetti novel,Unto Us A Son Is Given. "The world we live in makes that necessary," Brunetti presciently replies. Count Falier was urging his Venetian son-in-law to investigate, and preferably intervene in, the seemingly innocent plan of the Count's best friend, the elderly Gonzalo Rodríguez de Tejada, to adopt a much younger man as his son. Under Italian inheritance laws this man would then be heir to Gonzalo's entire fortune, a prospect Gonzalo's friends find appalling. For his part, Brunetti wonders why the old man, a close family friend, can't be allowed his pleasure in peace. <p><p> And yet, what seems innocent on the Venetian surface can cause tsunamis beneath. Gonzalo unexpectedly, and literally, drops dead on the street, and one of his friends just arrived in Venice for the memorial service, is strangled in her hotel room--having earlier sent Gonzalo an email saying "We are the only ones who know you cannot do this," referring to the adoption. Now with an urgent case to solve, Brunetti reluctantly untangles the long-hidden mystery in Gonzalo's life that ultimately led to murder--a resolution that brings him way more pain than satisfaction. <p> Once again, Donna Leon brilliantly plumbs the twists and turns of the human condition, reuniting us with some of crime fiction's most memorable and enduring characters.

Heart Of The Devil (Forge Trilogy #3)

by Meghan March

From New York Times bestselling author Meghan March comes the stunning conclusion to the Forge Trilogy. In this final volume, ruthless billionaire Jericho Forge faces his toughest challenge. To emerge victorious, he'll have to give up the one thing he's never offered a woman-his heart. <p><p> It started as a game. She was nothing but my pawn.But I was quick to see the error in my ways, and now she is everything I never knew I needed. The value of a woman like India Baptiste is beyond measure. But the problem with being a man like me? I've already screwed this up, and there's no guarantee India will take me on for one last bet. <p> I'll do whatever I have to do. Drop to my knees and offer her the only thing I have left. The one thing that's only ever been hers-the heart of the devil.

A Shattered Lens: A Detective Preach Everson Novel (A Detective Preach Everson Novel #2)

by Layton Green

A detective investigates the murder of a teenage golden boy that has rocked a small town--and the chief suspect is the victim's mother. Annalise Stephens Blue is a Creekville high school student with plans to become a world-famous filmmaker. As she begins filming an exposé of the town called Night Lives, she uncovers more than she bargained for: on the very first night of filming, she stumbles upon a murder in the woods, and flees the scene steps ahead of the killer. Detective Joe "Preach" Everson is called to investigate the murder. The victim, David Stratton, is the town's golden boy and high school quarterback. A modern version of what Preach used to be. Not only that, the boy's mother is Claire Lourdis, a beautiful divorcée who Preach fell for in high school. She is also the main suspect in her son's murder. Despite the cloud of suspicion hanging over her, old feelings resurface between Claire and Preach, straining the detective's relationship with his girlfriend Ari, a prosecutor in nearby Durham. As Preach delves into the secrets lurking beneath the surface of the town and searches for a missing girl who may have witnessed the crime, he must put his own feelings aside and pursue the answer to a terrible question: is a mother capable of murdering her own child?

Zenobia July

by Lisa Bunker

The critically acclaimed author of Felix Yz crafts a bold, heartfelt story about a trans girl solving a cyber mystery and coming into her own. <P><P>Zenobia July is starting a new life. She used to live in Arizona with her father; now she's in Maine with her aunts. She used to spend most of her time behind a computer screen, improving her impressive coding and hacking skills; now she's coming out of her shell and discovering a community of friends at Monarch Middle School. People used to tell her she was a boy; now she's able to live openly as the girl she always knew she was. <P><P>When someone anonymously posts hateful memes on her school's website, Zenobia knows she's the one with the abilities to solve the mystery, all while wrestling with the challenges of a new school, a new family, and coming to grips with presenting her true gender for the first time. Timely and touching, Zenobia July is, at its heart, a story about finding home.

Missing, Presumed Dead

by Emma Berquist

When eighteen-year-old Lexi foresees the brutal murder of a young woman outside a club in downtown L.A., she is powerless to stop it.But then the girl’s ghost appears, seeking vengeance, and Lexi is swept into a dangerous search that could put her directly in the path of a serial killer. From the author of Devils Unto Dust, this fast-paced and literary thriller will haunt fans of Maureen Johnson’s Truly Devious and Karen M. McManus’s One of Us Is Lying. With a touch, Lexi can sense how and when someone will die. Some say it’s a gift. But to Lexi it’s a curse—one that keeps her friendless and alone. All that changes when Lexi foresees the violent death of a young woman, Jane, outside a club.Jane doesn’t go to the afterlife quietly. Her ghost remains behind, determined to hunt down her murderer, and she needs Lexi’s help. In life, Jane was everything Lexi is not—outgoing, happy, popular. But in death, all Jane wants is revenge.Lexi will do anything to help Jane, to make up for the fact that she didn’t—couldn’t—save Jane’s life, and to keep this beautiful ghost of a girl by her side for as long as possible. Emma Berquist’s second novel is a haunting and atmospheric murder mystery that tackles themes of depression, loneliness, love, and identity. This high-concept novel is for fans of Holly Black’s The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and Tahereh Mafi’s Shatter Me series.

The Missing Season

by Gillian French

From the author of Edgar Award finalist Grit and The Lies They Tell comes a tense, atmospheric novel for fans of E. Lockhart and Marieke Nijkamp, about friendship, truth, and the creeping fears that can’t be outrun. Whenever another kid goes missing in October, the kids in the old factory town of Pender know what is really behind it: a monster out in the marshes that they call the Mumbler. That’s what Clara’s new crew tells her when she moves to town. Bree and Sage, who take her under their wing. Spirited Trace, who has taken the lead on this year’s Halloween prank war. And magnetic Kincaid, whose devil-may-care attitude and air of mystery are impossible for Clara to resist. Clara doesn’t actually believe in the Mumbler—not like Kinkaid does. But as Halloween gets closer and tensions build in the town, it’s hard to shake the feeling that there really is something dark and dangerous in Pender. Lurking in the shadows. Waiting to bring the stories to life.

Let Me Hear a Rhyme

by Tiffany D Jackson

In this striking new novel by the critically acclaimed author of Allegedly and Monday’s Not Coming, Tiffany D. Jackson tells the story of three Brooklyn teens who plot to turn their murdered friend into a major rap star by pretending he's still alive. <P><P>Brooklyn, 1998. Biggie Smalls was right: Things done changed. But that doesn’t mean that Quadir and Jarrell are cool letting their best friend Steph’s music lie forgotten under his bed after he’s murdered—not when his rhymes could turn any Bed Stuy corner into a party. <P><P>With the help of Steph’s younger sister Jasmine, they come up with a plan to promote Steph’s music under a new rap name: the Architect. Soon, everyone wants a piece of him. When his demo catches the attention of a hotheaded music label rep, the trio must prove Steph’s talent from beyond the grave. <P><P>As the pressure of keeping their secret grows, Quadir, Jarrell, and Jasmine are forced to confront the truth about what happened to Steph. <P><P>Only, each has something to hide. And with everything riding on Steph’s fame, they need to decide what they stand for or lose all that they’ve worked so hard to hold on to—including each other.

Vessel: A Novel

by Lisa A. Nichols

“A surprising page-turner...Compelling. Highly recommended.”—Library Journal (starred review), Debut of the Month An astronaut returns to Earth after losing her entire crew to an inexplicable disaster, but is her version of what happened in space the truth? Or is there more to the story…A tense, psychological thriller perfect for fans of Dark Matter and The Martian. After Catherine Wells’s ship experiences a deadly incident in deep space and loses contact with NASA, the entire world believes her dead. Miraculously—and mysteriously—she survived, but with little memory of what happened. Her reentry after a decade away is a turbulent one: her husband has moved on with another woman and the young daughter she left behind has grown into a teenager she barely recognizes. Catherine, too, is different. The long years alone changed her, and as she readjusts to being home, sometimes she feels disconnected and even, at times, deep rage toward her family and colleagues. There are periods of time she can’t account for, too, and she begins waking up in increasingly strange and worrisome locations, like restricted areas of NASA. Suddenly she’s questioning everything that happened up in space: how her crewmates died, how she survived, and now, what’s happening to her back on Earth. Smart, gripping, and compelling, this page-turning sci-fi thriller will leave you breathless.

The Dead of Achill Island (A Nora Barnes and Toby Sandler Mystery)

by Betsy Draine Michael Hinden

Art historian Nora Barnes and her husband, Toby Sandler, are visiting West Ireland for a family reunion. During a morning walk through a deserted village on Achill Island, Nora stumbles upon a body—her notorious uncle Bert. When a clue singles out her mother as the likely suspect, Nora and Toby are on the case to clear her name. Whether in a barroom brawl or the sauna of a swingers’ club, Toby has Nora’s back. As they search, the dead of Achill seem to speak from graveyards, ruined churches, and megalithic tombs. A second murder makes it all the more difficult to connect the dots. And when Nora and Toby become the next targets, their own survival is at stake.

Alex Rider: Seven Untold Adventures From the Life of a Teenaged Spy (Alex Rider)

by Anthony Horowitz

International bestselling author Anthony Horowitz's short story collection expands the universe of teen spy Alex Rider with more thrilling action, espionage, and pulse-pounding heroics. Inspired by Horowitz's millions of fans worldwide, Secret Weapon expands the world of Alex Rider with more thrilling action and pulse-pounding heroics. Follow Alex as he infiltrates a terrorist hideout in Afghanistan, fights to prevent an assassination attempt at a ski resort over Christmas, and much more! The #1 New York Times bestselling Alex Rider is back with more exciting, edge-of-your-seats adventures!Contains a combination of new and previously published material, together for the first time!Praise for Never Say Die:"Once again amid races, chases, hails of bullets, and increasingly spectacular explosions, the teenage James Bond pulls off one awesome feat of derring-do after another. [This] fresh caper . . . roars along to a (naturally) explosive climax." --Booklist

Exit Wounds

by Paul Kane Marie O'Regan

A brand-new anthology of crime stories written by masters of the genre, including Jeffrey Deaver, Elly Griffiths and Joe R. Landsdale.A brand-new anthology of crime stories written by masters of the genre.

Warlock Holmes - The Sign of Nine

by G. S. Denning

"If you ever wondered how much better Sherlock would be if people could hurl hellfire at each other, well this one is for you." Starburst Magazine on A Study in BrimstoneWarlock Holmes may have demons in his head, but now Dr. John Watson has a mummy in his bloodstream. Specifically that of the sorcerer Xantharaxes, who when shredded and dissolved in an 8% solution, results in some extremely odd but useful prophetic dreams. There's also the small matter of Watson falling for yet another damsel-du-jour, and Warlock deciding that his companion needs some domestic bliss...

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