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The Einstein Pursuit (Payne & Jones #8)

by Chris Kuzneski

Payne and Jones return in this electrifying thriller from internationally bestselling author Chris Kuzneski.A lab destroyed.An explosion in Stockholm claims the lives of an elite collection of scientists. Evidence suggests the blast was designed to eliminate all traces of their research.It's up to Interpol director Nick Dial to uncover the truth about the lab and the attack.A scientist on the run.When Dr Mattias Sahlberg learns of the incident, he knows his life is at risk. He turns to the only men he can trust: ex-Special Forces operatives Jonathon Payne and David Jones. Together, they must save Sahlberg from the unknown forces that want him dead.A miraculous discovery.As Dial's case intertwines with Sahlberg's past, Payne and Jones uncover hidden truths and secret agendas involving the world's greatest minds. But there are some who are desperate to keep such radical advances in the dark and will stop at nothing to have their way.The new adrenaline-charged Payne & Jones adventure from the international bestseller.High-octane action. Brilliant characters. Classic Kuzneski.(P)2013 Headline Digital

The Einstein Pursuit (Payne & Jones #8)

by Chris Kuzneski

Payne and Jones return in this electrifying thriller from internationally bestselling author Chris Kuzneski.A lab destroyed.An explosion in Stockholm claims the lives of an elite collection of scientists. Evidence suggests the blast was designed to eliminate all traces of their research.It's up to Interpol director Nick Dial to uncover the truth about the lab and the attack.A scientist on the run.When Dr Mattias Sahlberg learns of the incident, he knows his life is at risk. He turns to the only men he can trust: ex-Special Forces operatives Jonathon Payne and David Jones. Together, they must save Sahlberg from the unknown forces that want him dead.A miraculous discovery.As Dial's case intertwines with Sahlberg's past, Payne and Jones uncover hidden truths and secret agendas involving the world's greatest minds. But there are some who are desperate to keep such radical advances in the dark and will stop at nothing to have their way.The new adrenaline-charged Payne & Jones adventure from the international bestseller.High-octane action. Brilliant characters. Classic Kuzneski.


by William C. Dietz

Professor Paul McCracken's final message to parasitologist Dr. Sara Devlin is brutal, but clear: he'd rather die than let the alien parasite within him live. For Devlin, the shock of McCracken's suicide is quickly replaced by the horror it reveals--the existence of a microscopic extraterrestrial organism with the ability to infect and control its human hosts. McCracken wasn't the first person to be infected. There are others. Many others, extending back to the dawn of mankind.At first, Devlin believes the authorities are slow to recognize the alien threat and respond to it. But the truth is far worse--rather than stop the parasite, there are those seeking to replicate it, control it...and even weaponize it. Working with McCracken's research and a fractured network of allies, Devlin must outmaneuver secret government organizations, foreign military agencies, and the growing legion of infected hosts to thwart an extraterrestrial invasion thousands of years in the making.Scientists spent decades scanning the universe for signs of alien life, but they should have been searching closer to home...

El cas del castell encantat: Primeres lectures en català (Els BuscaPistes #Volumen 1)

by Teresa Blanch José Ángel Labari

Els Buscapistes en català! Resol els casos més intrigants amb la Pepa Pistes i el Maxi Casos. La Pepa i el Maxi han decidit obrir una agència de detectius a la caseta de fusta abandonada del Puces , el gos de la Pepa. En el seu primer cas, hauran de descobrir quin secret amaga el castell de la família Fantom... No t'ho pots perdre! Converteix-te en detectiu amb la Pepa Pistes i el Maxi Casos! _____________ - Amb lletra gran per a una lectura fàcil - Ple de divertides il·lustracions que acompanyen el text - Una història molt entretinguda que enganxarà els nens i les nenes - Un misteri que convertirà els petits lectors en investigadors - Amb una mida perfecta per endur-se'l a qualsevol lloc

El cas del llibreter misteriós: Primeres lectures en català (Els BuscaPistes #Volumen 2)

by Teresa Blanch José Ángel Labari

Els Buscapistes en català! Resol els casos més intrigants amb la Pepa Pistes i el Maxi Casos. La Pepa Pistes i el Maxi Casos estan impacients per llegir la darrera aventura de Detectius i Rastrejadors, la seva sèrie de llibres preferits. Però quan arriben a la llibreria del seu barri, els rep un home molt malhumorat. Aviat descobriran que el llibreter és una mica especial... Converteix-te en detectiu amb la Pepa Pistes i el Maxi Casos! ____________________ - Amb lletra gran per a una lectura fàcil - Ple de divertides il·lustracions que acompanyen el text - Una història molt entretinguda que enganxarà els nens i les nenes - Un misteri que convertirà els petits lectors en investigadors - Amb una mida perfecta per endur-se'l a qualsevol lloc

El joc de Ripper

by Isabel Allende

Tal com va predir l'astròloga més reputada de San Francisco, una onada de crims colpeja la ciutat. En la investigació sobre els assassinats l'inspector Bob Martín rebrà l'inesperat ajut d'un grup d'internautes especialitzats en jocs de rol, Ripper. «"La meva mare encara és viva, però la mataran Divendres Sant a mitjanit", va advertir l'Amanda Martín a l'inspector en cap, i ell no ho va posar en dubte, perquè la noia havia demostrat que en sabia més coses que ell i que tots els seus companys del Departament d'Homicidis. La dona estava captiva en algun punt dels divuit mil quilòmetres quadrats que formen la badia de San Francisco, quedaven poques hores per trobar-la viva, i encara no sabia per on havia de començar a buscar-la.» La crítica ha dit... «Els seguidors fidels d'Isabel Allende no se sentiran decebuts amb El joc de Ripper i els amants del gènere negre descobriran una escriptora que juga en aquest territori.» Aurora Intxausti, Cultura, El País

El llibre de les fragàncies perdudes

by M. J. Rose

Una gran novel·la sobre secrets, intriga i amants, separats pel temps i reunits per mitjà d'un perfum místic creat en el regnat de Cleopatra. «Diu la llegenda que els perfumistes de Cleopatra li van crear una fragància de nenúfar blau, el lot sagrat del Nil, tan poderosa que era capaç de reunir els amants en les seves vides futures.» Des que era petita, la Jac L'Étoile ha viscut turmentada per visions d'un passat que no pot ser seu, i aquests records sempre s'associen amb els perfums més exòtics, ja que va créixer a la famosa perfumeria La Casa de L'Étoile, la més antiga de París. El seu fundador havia fabricat fragàncies per a Napoleó. Ara la Jac s'ha allunyat de l'embriagador món dels perfums per convertir-se en experta en mitologia universal a Nova York. En aquesta ciutat rep la inesperada visita del seu germà Robbie, que li explica que ha trobat pistes decisives de la fórmula secreta del llegendari perfum de Cleopatra, una troballa que podria servir per salvar La Casa de L'Étoile, que ha fet fallida, i per moltes coses més. Els rumors sobre aquest descobriment posaran en marxa una persecució de dimensions internacionals, però també suposarà el renaixement d'una gran història d'amor els inicis de la qual daten de molts segles enrere. Potser és veritat que hi ha certs secrets pels quals val la pena morir.

Elect (Eagle Elite #2)

by Rachel Van Dyken

Would you die for the one you love?Nixon Abandonato made his choice. And now he has to pay the price. Tracey is the love of his life, but being with him has made her a target of his family's enemies. The only way to keep Trace alive is convince the world she means nothing to him. Trace Rooks has fallen irrevocably in love with the son of her family's sworn rival, and she knows in her bones nothing can tear them apart. Until Nix suddenly pushes her away and into the arms of his best friend... But Trace isn't ready to give up on a future with Nix--and if he won't fight for them, she will. In the end, a sacrifice must be made. A life for a life. For what better way to cover a multitude of sins than with the blood of a sinner . . . race Rooks has fallen irrevocably in love with the son of her family's sworn rival, and she knows in her bones nothing can tear them apart. Until Nix suddenly pushes her away and into the arms of his best friend... But Trace isn't ready to give up on a future with Nix--and if he won't fight for them, she will. In the end, a sacrifice must be made. A life for a life. For what better way to cover a multitude of sins than with the blood of a sinner . . .

The Elephant Girl

by Henriette Gyland

A quest for vengeance brings a man and woman together in “a superb romantic thriller” (Single Titles). When Helen Stephens was only five years old, she witnessed her mother’s murder. Rejected by her extended family, she was handed over to child services—where she grew up hard, learning to fight for herself and to trust no one. So when the man who killed her mother is let out of jail, Helen swears to make him pay. The outcast son of a notorious gangster, Jason Moody runs a halfway house, desperate to distance himself from his father’s violent world. But when Helen shows up on his doorstep, he decides to dig into her past, and risks upsetting some very dangerous people. As Helen begins to question the motive behind her mother’s death, Jason becomes determined to protect her. But Helen is getting too close to someone who will stop at nothing to keep the truth hidden . . .

Ellie's Wolf

by Maddy Barone

Maddy Barone presents the newest addition to her hot, sexy series, After the Crash. In a post-apocalyptic world where women are rare commodities and sold to the highest bidder, one wolf is determined only he will have the woman who is his destined mate. Danger lurks around every corner and passion ignits the pages in Ellie's Wolf, Book 5 of this sizzling series.In a post-apocalyptic world where women are rare and valuable, Ellie Overdahl is a widow far from home at the mercy of strangers. Sold to be a prize in a Bride Fight, she manages to send word to her cousin, begging for rescue.For six years, Quill Wolfe has mourned the loss of the woman his wolf chose to be his mate. When word comes that Ellie is widowed and about to be forced into an unwanted marriage, he races to enter the Bride Fight. He has waited long enough to claim his mate, and no fighter is good enough to keep him from her.But claiming Ellie is only the beginning. It's not only the journey home that is dangerous and uncertain.Content Notes: Spicy

The Eloquence of the Dead: A Mystery (Joe Swallow #2)

by Conor Brady

"Bodies can tell you a lot. There can be an eloquence about the dead. But you have to be able to interpret what they are telling you... "This captivating, expertly crafted mystery captures the life and essence of Victorian Dublin and draws the reader on a gripping journey of murder and intrigue. When a Dublin Pawnbroker is found murdered and the lead suspect goes missing, Sergeant Joe Swallow is handed the poisoned chalice of the investigation. On the way he uncovers deep-rooted corruption, discovers the power of new, scientific detection techniques and encounters a ruthless adversary. With authorities pressing for a quick resolution, the public living in fear of attack and the newspapers happy to point to the police's every mistake, Swallow must use every trick in his arsenal to crack the case. Following leads from Trim Castle to the Tower of London, The Eloquence of the Dead is a taut, fast-paced crime thriller perfect for fans of Charles Finch and Charles Todd.

Els relats del pare Brown

by G.K. Chesterton

Presentem en un sol volum tots els relats del pare Brown: els aplegats en els cinc llibres originals més alguns que no es van arribar a recollir en llibre, la majoria totalment inèdits en català, i traduïts tots per Imma Estany. El pare Brown, aquest capellà baixet i gras i d’aspecte ingenu, que es mou acompanyat pel seu paraigua, té una de les capacitats deductives més extraordinàries de tota la literatura d’intriga. G. K. Chesterton va concebre el seu detectiu a l’ombra de Sherlock Holmes, encara que allà on el prodigi de Conan Doyle usa la fredor de la lògica i dels detalls científics per desxifrar els enigmes, el pare Brown posa en primer lloc la intuïció alhora que desplega el saber moral de qui ha passat moltes hores dins del confessionari. El pare Brown ens convenç que totes les malifetes dels homes es deriven d’haver traït algunes òbvies i oblidades veritats elementals. Sense la sagacitat del moralista, la lògica i la deducció estan abocades al fracàs. Tanmateix, la tèrbola màgia dels misteris de Chesterton es resol sempre amb explicacions d’aquest món terrenal, i mai apel·lant als miracles o a la metafísica. Chesterton, un autor amb un estil únic, fet de paradoxes i amb una ironia vigorosa, ens va regalar aquest personatge entranyable, que ens descobreix tot el pòsit de la seva visió del món: la d’un esteta que és també devot, un poeta i un enamorat de la vida.

Elysian Fields (Sentinels Of New Orleans Ser. #3)

by Suzanne Johnson

New Orleans is under attack from a copycat who is mimicking the crimes of a serial killer who terrorized the streets almost a century earlier. Drusilla Jaco could happily live without the advances of the 200-year-old undead pirate Jean Lafitte, but through him DJ learns the terrible truth: this is no copycat - someone has resurrected the original Axeman of New Orleans. And to make matters worse, the attacks aren't random at all. He's after her.So there's an undead serial killer on her back. A loup-garou who's going loco. The Elders are insisting on magic lessons from the world's most annoying wizard. And former partner - and sometime Neanderthal - Alex Warin has just turned up on DJ's to-do list. DJ is about to discover that life in Louisiana has more twists and turns than the mighty Mississippi.

Empire of the Moghul: The Serpent's Tooth (Empire Of The Moghul Ser. #5)

by Alex Rutherford

* MAJOR TV SCREEN ADAPTATION COMING 202O FROM DISNEY+ HOTSTAR *The new Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan reigns over a colossally wealthy empire of 100 million souls. Yet to gain his throne he has followed the savage 'throne or coffin' traditions of his ancestors - descendants of Genghis Khan and Tamburlaine. Ever since the Moghuls took India, brother has fought brother and sons their fathers for the prize and Shah Jahan has been no exception.As his reign dawns, now is the time for Shah Jahan to secure his throne by crushing his enemies. Instead, devastated by the death of his beautiful wife Mumtaz, he becomes obsessed with building an epic monument to their perfect love - the Taj Mahal. His overwhelming grief isolates him from his sons and he does not see the rivalries, indeed hatreds, building between them. When he falls ill, civil war breaks out - ruthless, murderous and uncontrollable - and the foundations of the empire itself begin to shake.

Empire of the Moghul: The Serpent's Tooth

by Alex Rutherford

* MAJOR TV SCREEN ADAPTATION COMING 202O FROM DISNEY+ HOTSTAR *The new Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan reigns over a colossally wealthy empire of 100 million souls. Yet to gain his throne he has followed the savage 'throne or coffin' traditions of his ancestors - descendants of Genghis Khan and Tamburlaine. Ever since the Moghuls took India, brother has fought brother and sons their fathers for the prize and Shah Jahan has been no exception.As his reign dawns, now is the time for Shah Jahan to secure his throne by crushing his enemies. Instead, devastated by the death of his beautiful wife Mumtaz, he becomes obsessed with building an epic monument to their perfect love - the Taj Mahal. His overwhelming grief isolates him from his sons and he does not see the rivalries, indeed hatreds, building between them. When he falls ill, civil war breaks out - ruthless, murderous and uncontrollable - and the foundations of the empire itself begin to shake.

The Empty Trap

by John D. Macdonald

The Empty Trap, one of many classic novels from crime writer John D. MacDonald, the beloved author of Cape Fear and the Travis McGee series, is now available as an eBook. Lloyd Wescott is a big boy, and he understands that big money doesn't smell like roses. When he's hired to build and run the Green Oasis resort, he dosn't know too much about the pedigree of its owner--and he doesn't want to. He won't ask any questions. Just as long as the place is legit and he can run it clean as a whistle. But when trouble checks in, skimming from the casino's tills is the least of Lloyd's concerns. The quiet elegance of the hotel lobby turns out to be crawling with contract guns. And after one look from a beautiful woman, Lloyd realizes that he's about to get some hard answers to the questions he never asked. Features a new Introduction by Dean Koontz Praise for John D. MacDonald "The great entertainer of our age, and a mesmerizing storyteller."--Stephen King "My favorite novelist of all time."--Dean Koontz "To diggers a thousand years from now, the works of John D. MacDonald would be a treasure on the order of the tomb of Tutankhamen."--Kurt Vonnegut "A master storyteller, a masterful suspense writer . . . John D. MacDonald is a shining example for all of us in the field. Talk about the best."--Mary Higgins Clark

Encounters of Sherlock Holmes

by George Mann

A brand-new collection of Sherlock Holmes stories from a variety of exciting voices in modern horror and steampunk, including James Lovegrove, Justin Richards, Paul Magrs, Guy Adams and Mark Hodder. Edited by respected anthologist George Mann, and including a story by Mann himself.Introduction by George Mann The Loss of Chapter Twenty-One by Mark HodderHolmes and the Indelicate Widow by Mags L HallidayThe Demon Slasher of Seven Sisters by Cavan ScottThe Post-Modern Prometheus by Nick KymeMrs Hudson at the Christmas Hotel by Paul MagrsThe Case of the Night Crawler by George MannThe Adventure of the Locked Carriage by Stuart DouglasThe Tragic Affair of the Martian Ambassador by Eric BrownThe Adventure of the Swaddled Railwayman by Richard Dinnick The Pennyroyal Society by Kelly HaleThe Persian Slipper by Steve LockleyThe Property of a Thief by Mark WrightWoman's Work by David BarnettThe Fallen Financier by James Lovegrove

The End: A Postapocalyptic Novel (New World Series #1)

by G. Michael Hopf

What would you do to survive?<P><P> Young Gordon Van Zandt valued duty and loyalty to country above all, so after 9/11, he dropped out of college and joined the Marine Corps. This idealism vanished one fateful day in a war-torn city in Iraq. Ten years later, he is still struggling with the ghosts of his past when a new reality is thrust upon him and his family: North America, Europe and the Far East have all suffered a devastating Super-EMP attack, which causes catastrophic damage to the nation's power grid and essential infrastructures. Everything from cell phones to cars to computers cease to function, putting society at a standstill.<P> With civilization in chaos, Gordon must fight for the limited and fast dwindling resources. He knows survival requires action and cooperation with his neighbors, but as the days wear on, so does all sense of civility within his community--and so he must make some of the most difficult decisions of his life in order to ensure his family's safety. <P> For readers of Going Home by A. American, Lights Out by David Crawford, Lucifer's Hammer by Jerry Pournelle and One Second After by William Forstchen.

End Game (A Jonathan Grave Thriller #6)

by John Gilstrap

Assassins have eliminated a Chechen scientist who's been working as a double agent for the U. S. government. The feds know who to call: Jonathan Grave and his elite rescue team. Their mission: find the dead man's teenage son, who's on the run--and off the grid--with crucial information that must not fall into the wrong hands. There's one problem: the boy's bodyguard is a security specialist with unusual talents, and she's not giving up without a fight. Only by bringing them both back alive can Grave expose the traitor in the highest levels of power--and prevent an all-out nuclear war.

End Me a Tenor

by Joelle Charbonneau

Joelle Charbonneau's "delightfully witty"* Glee Club Mysteries returns for an encore performance. It's the holiday season, and high school show choir coach Paige Marshall may be on the verge of her first big break as an opera singer. But she probably shouldn't quit her day job just yet . . . A part to kill for Singing in a production of the Messiah and rehearsing her show choir for a holiday concert may be more than Paige can Handel. Not only does she have to contend with the overblown ego of world-renowned tenor David Richard, she now has to quickly revamp the show choir's number, since not one but two other high schools are performing the same song for the quickly approaching competition season. The tempestuous tenor may have a voice to die for, but when he drops dead during rehearsal after drinking poisoned water, Paige has to compose herself and once again solo as a sleuth to find a killer who's no choirboy . . . *Miranda James, New York Times bestselling author

End of Story

by Arjun Shekhar

Is someone out there tinkering with our minds? Shukrat Ali, a news anchor at Khulasa, the `tabloid? current affairs channel, is out of a job.TV channels across the country have closed down as a consequence of a Supreme Court ban on electronic advertising. An inquiry is on regarding the emergence of a sinister new form of ads the media has dubbed `propagandads?, which uses compelling subliminal messages to subtly rewire people?s minds and influence their actions.Even as Shukrat grapples with the question: `How does an anchor move on?? he is summoned to testify in the trial concerning the killing of his ex-boss, Satya Saachi Sengupta, the mysterious and towering figure in his life, whose connections with this insidious mind manipulation scheme can no longer be denied.Being a key witness present at the scene of the crime, Shukrat must prepare to bare all before the court and tread carefully lest his testimony boomerangs on him.Gripping and darkly humorous, End of Story? is an intriguing and intelligent thriller about the dystopian possibilities of everyday advertising.

End of the Road (Black Horse Campground Mysteries #Vol. 1)

by Amy M Bennett

The truth takes a detour in this cozy camping whodunit set in the beautiful New Mexico wilderness—first in the Black Horse Campground Mystery series. The Black Horse Campground, outside of Bonney, New Mexico, has been in Corrie Black&’s family for years. But since her father&’s death, she&’s been running it alone—along with her trusted employees and an eccentric group of year-rounders and regular visitors. In between spring break and summer is usually a downtime for Corrie and the campground, even with Bike Rally Weekend on the horizon. This April, however, peace and quiet are not an option. A disconcertingly attractive biker arrives, who arouses the suspicions of Corrie&’s childhood friend and one-time ex, Sheriff Rick Sutton. Then, one of Corrie&’s favorite guests is shot dead in his own RV, leaving his wheelchair-bound wife in the care of a son whom no one knew existed. And though Corrie is warned by Rick to stay out of his investigation, she can&’t sit by while her home and friends are threatened. And no one is more surprised than Corrie when she discovers that her little piece of paradise is brimming with secrets and scandals that put a gun in the hands of a most unlikely killer . . .

The Enemy

by Larry Bograd

The murder of a computer hacker leads his friend, law student Clare Duncan, and her father Randy, a financial analyst, on a deadly chase to find out why. This unique father-daughter sleuthing team soon discovers a secret web of laundered money financing the assassination of the President, which, in turn, will lead the country into war. Can Randy and Clare follow the money and stop the enemy in time - and the murderer -- before he strikes again? Set against the turmoil of the Persian Gulf region, the dwindling oil supply, cutthroat domestic politics, and the ever-present threat of terrorism, The Enemy, written by award-winning novelist Larry Bograd, is a political thriller worthy of Lee Child, Dan Brown, Richard Condon, and Allen Drury, and sure to leave you sleepless wondering and worried about who really controls America.

Enemy of Mine

by Brad Taylor

A tentative peace between Israel and Palestine has been brokered by the United States. But the Taskforce--a clandestine team operating outside of US law to protect the country from terrorism--hears of an assassination attempt on the American envoy sent to solidify the treaty. The Taskforce must devote every resource to saving his life--and preventing another bloody outbreak of violence.Taskforce operator Pike Logan and his partner, Jennifer Cahill, must hunt down the assassin through the Middle East, following a trail that becomes more perilous at every turn. And they must deal with terrorist organizations, independent killers, and shaky allies to uncover the biggest threat of all: an American citizen hiding a secret that just may destroy everything, including the Taskforce.

Enemy Of Mine (Pike Logan Series #3)

by Brad Taylor

A tentative peace between Israel and Palestine has been brokered by the United States. But the Taskforce—a clandestine team operating outside of U.S. law to protect the country from terrorism—gets wind of an assassination attempt on the American envoy sent to solidify the treaty. The Taskforce must devote every resource to saving his life—and preventing another bloody outbreak of violence. Taskforce operator Pike Logan and his partner, Jennifer Cahill, are charged with following the assassin's flimsy trail throughout the Middle East, a trail that becomes more muddled at every turn. They must contend with terrorist organizations, independent killers, and shaky allies to uncover the biggest threat of all: an American citizen hiding a secret that may just destroy everything, including the Taskforce. Author Brad Taylor is the complete package: a writer who understands how to tell a thrilling story, who possesses the knowledge to construct an intricate and utterly believable plot—and who has more than enough on-the-ground experience to back it up. Enemy of Mine is another propulsive and compelling Pike Logan adventure that will throw readers into the middle of the action.

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