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Appeltaart om voor te sterven

by Sharon Kleve

De appeltaart van Marjorie is bekroond, maar is het de moeite waard om voor te sterven? Het enige dat Marjorie Vanhorn wil, is mensen blij maken met haar prijswinnende taarten - en gekust worden door de heerlijke medische keuringsonderzoeker Anderson Swift. Marjorie's aartsvijand is Eloise, de nieuw aangestelde county fair organisator, ze chanteert deelnemers om hun bekroonde recepten te krijgen. Ze wil echt het recept van de appeltaart van Marjorie, en als ze het niet krijgt, is ze bereid alles te doen om te voorkomen dat Marjorie meer blauwe linten wint. Na zijn vrijlating verdwijnt jailbird Vega. Kelli en haar zoon Joey zijn eindelijk vrij van haar fysiek gewelddadige echtgenoot. Niemand mist hem, zelfs zijn ouders niet. Wanneer Vance, de tweelingbroer van Vega, wordt vrijgelaten uit de gevangenis, gaat hij naar het huis van Marjorie waar hij vermoedt dat hij zijn broer zou vinden ... en een beetje plezier. Marjorie wil niet dat Vance leuk is.

Romance desde el Corazón

by Sharon Kleve

Cenicienta de la Segunda Oportunidad Second Chance Cinderella es una historia de Cenicienta reimaginada donde cuatro novias piden un deseo en un medallón mágico. Todos ellos desean ser hermosos, seguros de sí mismos y encontrar a su príncipe azul. Raven St. James es un flebotomista en un prominente hospital de Portland, Oregon. Es pequeña, con el pelo corto, ojos verdes y extremadamente tímidos. Sueña con ser como las enfermeras de los programas de hospital de día: perfecta. Alto, rubio, de ojos azules, con pechos grandes. La Dra. Quinn Taylor admira la habilidad de Raven, y el cuidado que muestra con sus pacientes, pero no puede llamar su atención. Hasta el día en que ella le guiñe el ojo. Raven sólo tiene 24 horas en su cuerpo de Cenicienta. ¿Qué va a hacer con él? ¿Se convertirá en la chica segura, fuerte y coqueta que quiere ser? ¿Conseguirá al hombre que siempre quiso? Quinn. Las pelirrojas se divierten más La vida de Ambrosine Dubreauil es tranquila, tranquila y relajante hasta que el sexy Remy LaCroix entra en Who Do Voodoo, su tienda de vudú en Bourbon Street en Nueva Orleans, y se encandila en su vida. La granja de caimanes de Remy acoge a los animales heridos, los rehabilita y luego los devuelve al pantano. Cuando visita Who Do Voodoo en busca de una poción para proteger a sus caimanes de los cazadores furtivos, conoce a la encantadora sacerdotisa Ambrosine. Las pociones, los encantos y los hechizos no pueden proteger el corazón de Ambrosine del lento cansancio de Remy en Luisiana, del dulce amor por los animales y de la bulliciosa familia. Tomado por el Amor Libro uno de los emocionantes Taken Series le deslizará en el mundo de los carteles de la droga, las operaciones de la DEA, y el amor interminable entre Arden y Lucy. Arden Jones es un agente de la DEA y lo ha visto y hecho todo. Su traslado a un trabajo de escritorio está finalment

Romance do Coração: Não tem que ser Dia dos Namorados para se Celebrar o Amor

by Sharon Kleve

Segunda Oportunidade de ser Cinderela Segunda Oportunidade de ser Cinderela é uma história imaginada, onde quatro amigas pedem um desejo a um cadeado mágico. Todas desejam ser lindas, confiantes, e encontrar o Príncipe Encantado. A Raven St. James é uma flebotomista proeminente no Hospital do Oregon, em Portland. Ela é pequenina, com o cabelo preto puxado para trás, olhos verdes, e extremamente envergonhada. Ela sonha em ser perfeita como as enfermeiras dos programas da manhã. Alta, loura, de olhos azuis e seios grandes. O Dr. Quinn Taylor admira as qualidades da Raven, e o carinho que ela demonstra quando trata dos seus pacientes, mas não consegue fazer com que ela lhe preste atenção. Até ao dia em que ela lhe pisca o olho. A Raven só tem 24 horas no seu corpinho de Cinderela. O que é que ela vai fazer com ele? Será que se vai tornar confiante, forte, e atrevida como sempre quis ser? Será que vai conquistar o homem que sempre desejou? O Quinn. As Ruivas Divertem-se Mais A vida de Ambrosine Dubreauil era calma e relaxante até que o sensual Remy LaCroix lhe entra pela loja adentro, a Quem Faz Vodu, a sua loja na Bourbon Street em Nova Orleães, e invade a sua vida com todo o seu charme. A quinta de aligátores do Remy recebe e cuida de animais magoados ou em risco, e reabilita-os, com o objetivo de libertá-los novamente para o pântano. Quando ele visita a Quem Faz Vodu, à procura de uma poção para proteger os seus aligátores dos caçadores furtivos, é aí que conhece a nossa maravilhosa, Sacerdotisa Ambrosine. As poções, os amuletos e os feitiços, não conseguem proteger o coração de Ambrosine, contra o sotaque arrastado e doce do Louisiana, que o Remy tem, bem como do seu amor pelos animais e da sua família cheia de vida e energia. Tomada pelo Amor Este é o primeiro livro da excitante série Raptada, que vai levá-lo numa viagem pelo mundo dos cart�

Una crostata di mele buona da morire

by Sharon Kleve

Tutto ciò che Marjorie Vanhorn desidera è rendere felici le persone con le sue crostate pluripremiate e farsi baciare dal delizioso medico legale della città, Anderson Swift. La nemica di Marjorie è la nuova organizzatrice della fiera della contea, Eloise, che ricatta i concorrenti per ottenere le loro ricette vincenti. Eloise vuole a tal punto la ricetta della crostata di mele di Marjorie, da essere disposta a fare tutto il necessario per impedirle di vincere altri premi. Dopo essere stato rilasciato su cauzione, Vega scompare. Kelli e suo figlio Joey ora sono finalmente liberi dall'oppressione e dalle violenze del marito. Nessuno sente la mancanza di Vega, nemmeno i suoi genitori. Quando Vance, il fratello maggiore di Vega, esce di prigione, si dirige verso la casa di Marjorie dove sospetta di poter trovare il fratello... e magari un po' di divertimento. Marjorie, tuttavia, non ha alcuna intenzione di essere il divertimento di Vance.

una tarta de manzana para morirse

by Sharon Kleve

Todos los deseos de Marjorie Vanhorn son hacer felices a la gente con sus galardonadas tartas, y ser besada por el delicioso médico forense del condado, Anderson Swift. La némesis de Marjorie es Eloise, la recién designada organizadora de la feria del condado, está chantajeando a los concursantes para obtener sus galardonadas recetas. Ella realmente quiere la receta de Tarta de Manzana de Marjorie, y si no lo consigue, está dispuesta a hacer todo lo posible para evitar que Marjorie gane más cintas azules. Después de ser liberado de la cárcel, Vega desaparece. Kelli y su hijo Joey finalmente están libres de su marido físicamente abusivo. Nadie lo extraña, ni siquiera sus padres. Cuando Vance, el hermano gemelo de Vega es liberado de la prisión, se dirige a la casa de Marjorie donde sospecha que podría encontrar a su hermano... y divertirse un poco. Marjorie no desea ser la diversión de Vance. Género: FICCIÓN / Romántico / Contemporáneo Género Secundario: FICCIÓN / Romance / Suspenso Idioma: Español

A Good-Looking Corpse: A Tom Tanner Mystery

by Jeff Klima

Tom Tanner, the crime-scene-cleaning virtuoso of L.A. Rotten--hailed by Dianne Emley as "eloquent, profound, hilarious, and redemptive"--is going Hollywood. Because a psychopathic movie producer is planning a bloody blockbuster . . . with Tom in a starring role. Tom Tanner has a dark past but he's no murderer. Unfortunately, Mikey Echo--the spoiled son of the most powerful man in Hollywood--seems to think otherwise. After a young actor suffers an untimely demise out a thirty-fourth-floor window, handsome ex-con Tom is summoned to scrub the splatter below. At the scene, he learns that producer Mikey has an indecent proposal to make--and for Tom, that means signing a deal with the devil. The rotten part is, things had finally been going Tom's way. He's got good steady work, a feisty woman to come home to, even a little notoriety for solving a string of grisly motel murders. Now Tom just wants this mad prince of Tinseltown to leave him alone. But the fatalist within braces for the inevitable: To get Mikey Echo off his back, someone must die. Praise for Jeff Klima's L.A. Rotten "A really impressive debut . . . The book's black humor reminded me a little of Donald E. Westlake, while the setting and dialogue could have come from Elmore Leonard. Those are two crime-writing legends whose names I don't evoke lightly. Hopefully, L.A. Rotten is just the start for Jeff Klima."--Crime Fiction Lover "Eloquent, profound, hilarious, and redemptive, L.A. Rotten has a heart of gold."--Dianne Emley, bestselling author of the Nan Vining mysteries "A must-read novel for those who enjoy raw, 'pulpy' mysteries . . . Engrossing and satisfying, L.A. Rotten is a hard-boiled thriller that readers will be unable to put down."--Gina Fava, author of The Sculptor

L.A. Rotten

by Jeff Klima

For fans of Dexter, Jeff Klima's debut thriller is a chillingly suspenseful novel set in a world of violence and chaos--where one man finds himself right at home. As an expert crime-scene cleaner, Tom Tanner charges big money to carve out bullets, mop up fluids, disinfect walls, and dispose of whatever's left of whomever was unlucky enough to require his services. For a handsome young ex-con determined to stay out of trouble, it's practically a dream job--until he discovers a grisly pattern to his work: a string of gruesome murders at a cheap motel chain, always in Room 236. While prying into a serial killer's nasty scheme, Tom finds himself with a sharp-witted strip-bar waitress plastered to his side--and his conscience. Even more surprising, the killer starts prying into his life, luring Tom into a twisted friendship. As Tom struggles against his adversary's wicked whims, risking the lives of the few people he holds dear, bodies pile up everywhere he turns. With a psychopath calling the shots, Tom has little choice but to clean house once and for all.Praise for L.A. Rotten "Eloquent, profound, hilarious, and redemptive, L.A. Rotten has a heart of gold."--Dianne Emley, bestselling author of the Nan Vining mysteries"A must-read novel for those who enjoy raw, 'pulpy' mysteries . . . Engrossing and satisfying, L.A. Rotten is a hard-boiled thriller that readers will be unable to put down."--Gina Fava, author of The Sculptor "A thrilling ride!"--Bell, Book & Candle "Fast-paced and compelling . . . This book is recommended for mystery readers."--Booksie's Blog "Pick it up!"--Drey's Library "A great book . . . It kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the book. If you love mystery books then I know you will love this story."--The World As I See It "It's gory, foul, and not for the faint-hearted. Although, interestingly enough, there are a couple of funny bits in L.A. Rotten. Leave it to the author to create a story that's violent and comical."--Priscilla and Her Booksoks

The Gifted Child

by Penny Kline

How do you deal with what comes after a death? When Kristen's partner William is murdered in a mugging gone wrong, she tries to pick up the pieces for the sake of her young stepson Theo. But when Theo's biological mother Ros demands that he go to live with her, Kristen's world is torn apart again. The police think that William was killed by an elusive criminal known as 'the dog man' - but Kristen has reason to believe that Ros, a woman with an unstable past, is behind the killing. Soon, Kristen realises that William's life wasn't all it had seemed. Everyone she encounters has something to hide, and not everyone is who they appear to be. Maybe Kristen needs to watch for danger in the places she'd least expect... The Gifted Child is a superb psychological thriller which explores themes of fear and loss through the eyes of those who are left behind.

Nobody's Baby

by Penny Kline

In the middle of the night Izzy Lomas finds an abandoned baby on her doorstep. It could have been left by any desperate person ... except that the baby's name, pinned in a note to its carrycot, brings back a striking memory from her childhood. If you had a baby what would you call it ... If Izzy's suspicions are correct and she tells the police, it could end in tragedy. Allowing herself some time to investigate, she frantically tries to trace the baby's mother, but every twist and turn in her search seems to lead to a dead end. And the longer she stays silent, how many people is she putting in terrible danger? Nobody's Baby is an engaging and eerie thriller about loss, control, and the desperate edge of human emotions.

The Sister's Secret

by Penny Kline

PERFECT FOR FANS OF LIANE MORIARTY AND LOUISE JENSEN Can you really trust her? Erin is devastated when her pregnant sister Claudia is left brain dead from a tragic accident. When Claudia’s boyfriend Ollie wants to switch off her life support, a desperate Erin finds herself fighting to give the baby a chance. As she starts to uncover things Claudia never shared with her, Erin turns to the people closest to her sister. But why is everyone refusing to talk about her? And just where has Ollie run off to? Yearning for her sister, Erin grows close to Claudia’s friend Jon. She refuses to get involved with another married man. But soon, this is the least of her worries. The more people Erin meets, the less she can trust. And now, her life is in danger too ...

Herbie Jones and the Dark Attic

by Suzy Kline

Lions and tigers and bears - in Herbie's attic? Herbie's never slept in the attic before. Now he has to stay up there for two weeks while his granddad is visiting. Everything seems spookier in the dark. Herbie hopes having his best friend, Raymond, sleep over will help his first-night jitters. But there's an animal loose in the neighborhood, and Herbie's been hearing strange things at night -- is there really something to fear?

Horrible Harry and the Secret Treasure (Horrible Harry #30)

by Suzy Kline

Another fun mystery starring Horrible Harry, and this time he's calling the shots! Harry has always loved solving mysteries, and now his friends in Room 3B have learned to love it, too. So Harry challenges them to figure out what he has hidden in his giant, old suitcase. Led by a very determined Mary, the kids take turns solving clues and piecing the mystery together. Their hunt leads them from the classroom to the library, and even to Harry's grandfather's nursing home. Will they be able to solve Harry's mystery? Or will things go horribly wrong for the novice detectives?

Orp and the FBI

by Suzy Kline

Orp starts a private investigation agency. Starting with ordinary household cases, he's soon involved with investigating unusual shadows in the house next door and his mother's inconsistent actions. When his sister, Chloe, demands a role in the agency is sent on wild-goose chases, she starts her own agency in protest.

Horrible Harry and the Missing Diamond (Horrible Harry #34)

by Suzy Kline Amy Wummer

When the diamond on Miss Mackle's engagement ring disappears, the kids in Room 3B are determined to help her find it--especially Harry. The third grade talent show is coming up, and he wants to show off his skills as South School's greatest detective. Meanwhile, Doug has no idea what to do for his act. He can't sing like Dexter, or dance like Ida, or solve mysteries like Harry. Now the best friends have to find both Doug's talent and the teacher's diamond, or else the talent show will be a horrible disaster for everyone!

Taking Heart

by T. J. Kline

T. J. Kline's Healing Harts series continues as a soldier suffering from PTSD and a therapy dog trainer find that some scars can only be healed by loveJulia Hart knows how much good she does training therapy dogs--it's what helped her overcome her own trials after a relationship turned unexpectedly violent. But moving beyond her mistakes meant trusting only her family with her heart.Dylan, a former soldier, has run out of hope for recovery. Plagued by nightmares and flashbacks, he doubts anything will help him overcome his PTSD. When his brother convinces him to try one last time, he agrees to get a therapy dog.Dylan didn't expect to find Julia or a chance for a "normal" future again. But when Julia's attacker is released from prison, Dylan and Julia will have to face the past together.

Sherlock Holmes in Portrait and Profile

by Walter Klinefelter

Currently, no doubt, the picture of Sherlock Holmes in most peoples minds is that of Basil Rathbone but that was not always so The evolution of that famous profile in the deerstalker cap, smoking a curved pipe, is a story in itself This picture account of Holmes' illustrators traces the history of Holmesian portraiture in England and the United States over a period of nearly sixty years. Not every illustrator saw Holmes as Dr Watson described him. In height he was rather over six feet, and so excessively lean that he seemed to be considerably taller. His eyes were sharp and piercing and his thin, hawk-like nose gave his whole expression an alertness and decision. In spite of this authoritative description, Holmes' first illustrator, D H Friston, portrayed him in 1887 as gaudily dressed, side whiskered dandy Even more heretical were the crude sketches by Charles Doyle published in 1888 His most famous English illustrator, Sidney Paget, started to picture Holmes as we know him Frederick Dorr Steele's drawings of Holmes span almost forty years, from a series in Colliers Weekly in 1903 to an advertisement for Basil Rathbone's Hound of the Baskervilles in 1939. Both scholarship and devotion have produced this treasure trove of 65 illustrations and the story-by story-account that accompanies them As Vincent Starret says, scholarship aside, it is a fascinating research that admirers of the Master on all levels will hail with satisfaction. Walter Klinefelter, a long time devotee of Holmes and stalwart Baker Street Irregular, is the author of many books including Ex Libris A Conon Doyle: Sherlock Holmes.

Bitter End

by Christine Kling

In her acclaimed novels of suspense, Christine Kling gives readers good reason to believe that if Travis McGee and Kinsey Millhone had ever hooked up, their child would have grown up to be Seychelle Sullivan: a beautiful, savvy heroine with a knack for steering her salvage tugboat into South Florida’s most troubled waters. In Seychelle’s new caper, she may just be in over her head when murder and corruption come bobbing to the surface. Since kindergarten, Seychelle and her best friend, Molly, had been as close as sisters. Molly even dated Seychelle’s brother. But it all ended suddenly when Nick Pontus, a slick, older, up-and-coming entrepreneur, came along. A smitten Molly quit school, married her new beau, and never spoke to Seychelle again. After thirteen years, it still stings. Seychelle didn’t see the sniper who picked Nick off at the helm of his yacht, but she knows that there are plenty of people in South Florida who wanted to see the gambling-boat tycoon dead: the Russian mobsters looking for a piece of his casino action, the Indian gamers who resent his competition, and the ecological activists fighting his plans to develop Fort Lauderdale’s waterfront. But it’s Molly whom the cops zero in on. And despite her bitter feelings and against her better judgment, when her back-from-the-blue friend asks for help, Seychelle can’t just weigh anchor and cruise. She’s got to dive in. What she finds is a money-skimming scam aboard Nick’s flagship gambling boat, Nick’s new trophy wife turned merry rich widow, and Nick and Molly’s teenage son, a scared kid with a big secret . . . and a killer on his trail. Protecting the boy, proving Molly’s innocence, and navigating between squalls of gunfire add up to a tall order as salvage jobs go. But like any good captain, Seychelle will never abandon ship. Even if it means risking her life. From the Hardcover edition.

Bitter End: A Novel Of Suspense

by Christine Kling

"Since kindergarten, Seychelle and her best friend, Molly, had been as close as sisters. Molly even dated Seychelle's brother. But it all ended suddenly when Nick Pontus, a slick, older, up-and-coming entrepreneur, came along. A smitten Molly quit school, married her new beau, and never spoke to Seychelle again. After thirteen years, it still stings." "Seychelle didn't see the sniper who picked Nick off at the helm of his yacht, but she knows that there are plenty of people in South Florida who wanted to see the gambling-boat tycoon dead: the Russian mobsters looking for a piece of his casino action, the Indian gamers who resent his competition, and the ecological activists fighting his plans to develop Fort Lauderdale's waterfront. But it's Molly whom the cops zero in on. And despite her bitter feelings and against her better judgment, when her back-from-the-blue friend asks for help, Seychelle can't just weigh anchor and cruise. She's got to dive in." What she finds is a money-skimming scam aboard Nick's flagship gambling boat, Nick's new trophy wife turned merry rich widow, and Nick and Molly's teenage son, a scared kid with a big secret ... and a killer on his trail. Protecting the boy, proving Molly's innocence, and navigating between squalls of gunfire add up to a tall order as salvage jobs go. But like any good captain, Seychelle will never abandon ship. Even if it means risking her life.

Cross Current

by Christine Kling

Christine Kling's first novel,Surface Tension, introduced a remarkable sleuth in Seychelle Sullivan. Now, in Kling's electrifying new book, Sullivan returns-a tall, strong, beautiful woman in a man's world, caught up in a complex drama set on the South Florida seacoast, where the crimes, hopes, and follies of dreamers and con artists all come washing ashore. Seychelle is proud to follow in her father's footsteps and work the waters on a tugboat. She remembers Florida before it fractured between rich and poor, white and black, Cuban and Haitian. For Seychelle, life is all about making a living, making love, and keeping her eye on the beauty that still remains in an ever-changing community. Then her life takes a turn when her tug intercepts with a swamped fishing boat in the Gulf Stream. Inside the boat are a murdered woman and a little girl in a white dress. When Seychelle returns to shore with a traumatized Haitian girl named Solange in her cabin, she is faced with the border patrol, the police, and an unraveling love affair. Determined to protect Solange, and somehow keep her from being sent back to Haiti, Seychelle becomes obsessed with the forces that nearly killed the girl-and left her speechless with terror. All Seychelle knows for sure is that Solange's father was an American . . . and that somehow she slipped through a murderer's hands. Exploring the hidden world of Florida's Haitian community, Seychelle realizes that Solange is still in great danger-and that one killer has claimed dozens of lives. With a murderer stalking the child, Seychelle is racing to unravel dangerous truths. But to get the answers she needs, she must return to where it all started: in the waters of the Gulf Stream, where people died for a hope and prayer- and a man with a machete did the work of the devil himself. Taut, suspenseful, and filled with remarkable descriptions of Florida's many moods and guises-from million-dollar waterfront homes to haunted, backwater mangrove swamps and secret Voodoo rituals-Cross Currentis alive with personalities and passion and the work of an author boldly staking out territory all her own. From the Hardcover edition.

Surface Tension

by Christine Kling

A Mystery Guild Selection Seychelle Sullivan captains her forty-six-foot salvage boat out of Fort Lauderdale's New River. On a steamy Florida morning she is racing her competitor to a mayday call from the five-million-dollar yacht Top Ten, whose hired skipper is her former lover. But being first to arrive leads Seychelle to a bloody payday: a woman has been stabbed to death onboard. Available only in Core 6 Series.

Wreckers' Key

by Christine Kling

In her Seychelle Sullivan novels, Christine Kling has brilliantly rendered the world of South Florida, as seen from the teeming waters around it. From harbors of Key West to the wilds of Biscayne Bay to the night lights of Miami, Kling's tough-minded heroine has carved out a life that is uniquely her own. Now, this fiercely independent woman is at a turning point . . . and in a dangerous duel with an unseen enemy. In the 1800s, Key West was built by wrecking skippers who in feats of derring-do raced to shipping disasters to save valuable cargos from the ocean depths. Today, as too many boats chase too few wrecks, salvage has turned into a cutthroat corporate enterprise. Seychelle Sullivan, who pilots a tug her father built by hand, is unable and unwilling to compete. She is overwhelmed by issues of love, trust, motherhood, career, and family. But when a friend is killed, Seychelle begins to suspect a chilling scenario: that modern-day wreckers are causing yachts to crash onto the reefs-and killing off whoever gets in the way. Nestor Frias was piloting a billionaire's luxury power yacht on its maiden voyage when it ran aground. A few days later, Frias was dead. His eight-months-pregnant widow is distraught, and a host of questions surround both Frias's death and the ship's accident. When another man dies while asking questions, Seychelle navigates the dangerous shoals and channels of the case and her life, unaware that a greater danger is looming: a murderous human storm designed perfectly for her. With its vivid, colorful characters and rich sense of sea and land, Wreckers' Key is a brilliant addition to Christine Kling's fascinating, entertaining, and thrilling Florida mystery series. From the Hardcover edition.

City of Ice: a gripping and atmospheric crime thriller set in modern China

by Brian Klingborg

A BAFFLING MURDER IN RURAL CHINA. AN EXILED DETECTIVE. AND POLITICS AS DEADLY AS A KILLER.'Parts the bamboo curtain to reveal a detailed and pacy portrait of police work and everyday life in this gripping crime thriller.' THE SUN'City of Ice delivers everything one could want in a crime novel - insight, thrills, and entertainment.' Robert K. Tanenbaum, New York Times bestselling authorIn a remote Chinese town - where the theft of a few chickens counts as a major crime - a young woman is found brutally murdered...with her heart, lungs and liver removed. Inspector Lu Fei, a weary cop who fled the city, suddenly finds himself under the intense scrutiny of the ruling party in Beijing.Determined to find her killer, Lu Fei must navigate a society where politics can be deadly, corruption is rife, and the powerful are untouchable. As evidence connects the case to a string of unsolved murders, Lu must decide what he will risk in search of justice...'City of Ice is everything a reader could want in a novel.' Jack Du Brul, New York Times bestselling author 'Klingborg truly understands how Chinese bureaucracies work; at the same time he's a wizard at believable characters, compelling situations, and a propulsive plot.' SJ Rozan, Edgar Award winner and best-selling Readers are gripped by CITY OF ICE:'A dazzling's the perfect example of a riveting read you simply can't put down. ' ***** Goodreads Reviewer'This slickly plotted, atmospheric thriller is compulsively readable and a fascinating exploration into a mysterious place and time.' ***** Goodreads Reviewer'The descriptions, the emotions, the depth of characters are amazing.' ***** Goodreads Reviewer

City of Ice: a gripping and atmospheric crime thriller set in modern China

by Brian Klingborg

In a remote Chinese town - where the theft of a few chickens counts as a major crime - a young woman is found brutally murdered...with her heart, lungs and liver removed. Inspector Lu Fei, a weary cop who fled the city, suddenly finds himself under the intense scrutiny of the ruling party in Beijing.Determined to find her killer, Lu Fei must navigate a society where politics can be deadly, corruption is rife, and the powerful are untouchable. As evidence connects the case to a string of unsolved murders, Lu must decide what he will risk in search of justice...'City of Ice is everything a reader could want in a novel.' Jack Du Brul, New York Times bestselling author 'City of Ice delivers everything one could want in a crime novel - insight, thrills, and entertainment.' Robert K. Tanenbaum, New York Times bestselling author 'Klingborg truly understands how Chinese bureaucracies work; at the same time he's a wizard at believable characters, compelling situations, and a propulsive plot.' SJ Rozan, Edgar Award winner and best-selling author of Paper Son(P)2021 Tantor

The Magistrate: An Inspector Lu Fei Mystery (Inspector Lu Fei Series #3)

by Brian Klingborg

A brutal murder investigation with connections to corruption at the very highest level threatens not just the career but also the life of Inspector Lu Fei in Brian Klingborg's latest mystery…

Thief of Souls: An Inspector Lu Fei Mystery (Inspector Lu Fei Series #1)

by Brian Klingborg

In Brian Klingborg's Thief of Souls, the brutal murder of a young woman in a rural village in Northern China sends shockwaves all the way to Beijing—but seemingly only Inspector Lu Fei, living in exile in the small town, is interested in justice for the victim.Lu Fei is a graduate of China’s top police college but he’s been assigned to a sleepy backwater town in northern China, where almost nothing happens and the theft of a few chickens represents a major crime wave. That is until a young woman is found dead, her organs removed, and joss paper stuffed in her mouth. The CID in Beijing—headed by a rising political star—is on the case but in an increasingly authoritarian China, prosperity and political stability are far more important than solving the murder of an insignificant village girl. As such, the CID head is interested in pinning the crime on the first available suspect rather than wading into uncomfortable truths, leaving Lu Fei on his own. As Lu digs deeper into the gruesome murder, he finds himself facing old enemies and creating new ones in the form of local Communist Party bosses and corrupt business interests. Despite these rising obstacles, Lu remains determined to find the real killer, especially after he links the murder to other unsolved homicides. But the closer he gets to the heart of the mystery, the more he puts himself and his loved ones in danger.

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