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La entrega

by Dennis Lehane

Dennis Lehane regresa a los ambientes de Mystic River con una novela de gran concisión y sustancia, otra lección narrativa magistral que hunde sus raíces en la mejor tradición estadounidense del género negro. Bob Saginowski lleva dos décadas tras la barra del Cousin Marv#s, un antro de fieles parroquianos situado en un barrio obrero de Boston que la mafia local utiliza como punto de encuentro para sus negocios. Taciturno y solitario, Bob acude todas las mañanas a la iglesia de Saint Dominic en busca de respuestas a sus problemas de fe. Dos días después de Navidad, su monótona existencia da un giro inesperado cuando, de regreso a casa, rescata de un cubo de basura a un cachorro maltratado y conoce a Nadia, una mujer sensible con una enigmática cicatriz en la garganta. Sin embargo, lejos de augurar tiempos mejores, el doble encuentro es solo el preludio de graves apuros: el bar sufre un atraco a mano armada, el inspector Evandro Torres indaga en el asunto, y las bandas rivales entran en acción. Aunque sin duda lo peor es la aparición de Eric Deeds, un ex convicto psicópata que reclama la propiedad tanto del perro como de Nadia, cosa que Bob, que casi a su pesar se ha encariñado de ambos, no está dispuesto a concederle. Así, lo que había comenzado como un cuento navideño deriva gradualmente hacia una violenta pesadilla. Reseñas:«Una novela breve, intensa y descarada.»Publishers Weekly «Lehane es uno de los grandes de la ficción criminal contemporánea.»Daily Mail «Dennis posee un sentido de la historia y del diálogo que para Hollywood es como una droga. Y su tratamiento de los personajes femeninos es único.»George Pelecanos «Lehane se ha trabajado su camino hasta el nivel más alto de los escritores de novela negra.»Booklist «Dennis Lehane ofrece una combinación de emociones fuertes con descripciones precisas de asesinos y otra gente de mala calaña.»Chicago Tribune «Qué bien escribe este hombre.»Elmore Leonard «Un maestro.»The Philadelphia Inquirer «Dennis no tiene reparos en cruzar los límites artificiales impuestos a la novela negra.»Tom Perrotta

Entry Island

by Peter May

Marilyn Stasio in The New York Times raved: "Peter May is a writer I'd follow to the ends of the earth." Now Peter May takes us to a small island off the coast of Québec with an emotionally charged new mystery.When a murder rocks the isolated community of Entry Island, insomniac homicide detective Sime Mackenzie boards a light aircraft at St. Hubert airfield bound for the small, scattered chain of Madeline Islands, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, as part of an eight-officer investigation team from Montréal. Only two kilometers wide and three long, Entry Island is home to a population of just more than 100 inhabitants, the wealthiest of whom has just been discovered murdered in his home. Covered in her husband's blood, the dead man's melancholy wife spins a tale for the police about a masked intruder armed with a knife.The investigation appears to be little more than a formality--the evidence points to a crime of passion, implicating the wife. But Sime is electrified by the widow during his interview, convinced that he has met her before, even though this is clearly impossible. Haunted by this strange certainty, Sime's insomnia is punctuated by vivid, hallucinatory dreams of a distant past on a Scottish island 3,000 miles away, dreams in which he and the widow play leading roles. Sime's conviction soon becomes an obsession. And despite mounting evidence of the woman's guilt, he finds himself convinced of her innocence, leading to a conflict between the professional duty he must fulfill and the personal destiny he is increasingly sure awaits him.

Entry Island: Winner of the ITV Specsavers Best Crime Thriller Read of the Year

by Peter May

WINNER: DEANSTON SCOTTISH CRIME BOOK OF THE YEAR 2014WINNER: ITV SPECSAVERS CRIME THRILLER BOOK CLUB BEST READ OF THE YEAR 2014'A wonderfully complex book' PETER JAMESA detective is haunted by the feeling he knows his murder suspect - despite the fact they have never met.IF YOU FLEE FATE...When Detective Sime Mackenzie is sent from Montreal to investigate a murder on the remote Entry Island, 850 miles from the Canadian mainland, he leaves behind him a life of sleeplessness and regret. FATE WILL FIND YOU...But what had initially seemed an open-and-shut case takes on a disturbing dimension when he meets the prime suspect, the victim's wife, and is convinced that he knows her - even though they have never met. And when his insomnia becomes punctuated by dreams of a distant Scottish past in another century, this murder in the Gulf of St. Lawrence leads him down a path he could never have foreseen, forcing him to face a conflict between his professional duty and his personal destiny.LOVED ENTRY ISLAND? Read the first book in Peter May's acclaimed China thrillers series, THE FIREMAKERLOVE PETER MAY? Buy his new thriller, A SILENT DEATH

Envy the Night

by Michael Koryta

It's been seven years since Frank discovered his father's dark secret: that he was a U.S. Marshal a contract killer who committed suicide to avoid prosecution. Now Devin Matteson the man who betrayed his father - drawing him into the killing game and then handing him over to the FBI - is coming home to the Wisconsin lake that was once hallowed ground for both families. But this is a homecoming Frank knows he cannot allow.But when Frank arrives at Matteson's old cabin he finds only a strange beautiful woman and a nervous man with a gun; Matteson is nowhere to be seen. When a pair of deadly assassins arrive on the scene the sensible thing would be for Frank to contact the police but Frank's father was nothing if not a good teacher and his son a willing pupil . . .

Erik Vogler 1: Los crímenes del rey blanco (Erik Vogler #1)

by Beatriz Osés García Iban Barrenetxea Bahamonde

Para el estrafalario Erik Vogler, maniático del orden y la pulcritud, las cosas no podían empezar peor aquellas vacaciones de Semana Santa: en lugar del soñado viaje a Nueva York con su padre, iba a tener que pasar esos días con su abuela. Aun así, ni en su peor pesadilla el obsesivo y temeroso Erik hubiera imaginado que se vería involucrado en los asesinatos en serie que estaban conmoviendo a toda Alemania. <P><P>Con un protagonista aparentemente repelente, la escritora Beatriz Osés ha iniciado una de las más originales sagas de novelas policíacas de los últimos años. Impactante y sorprendente en cada frase. Te atrapa desde el primer capítulo en una espiral de tensión. Puro thriller. Una vuelta de tuerca a la literatura paranormal combinada con el género negro.

ERIK VOGLER 2: Muerte en el balneario (Erik Vogler #2)

by Beatriz Osés García Iban Barrenetxea Bahamonde

Tras los crímenes de Bremen, Erik Vogler necesitaba un descanso. Una cura de reposo, tal y como le aconsejaron los médicos. No en vano, las pesadillas con el "rey blanco" le asediaban casi todas las noches. Por ese motivo, acepta la invitación de su abuela Berta para pasar una semana en un lujoso balneario. Por supuesto no imaginaba que un relajante baño de barro se iba a convertir en un verdadero infierno. <P><P>Con un protagonista aparentemente repelente, la escritora Beatriz Osés ha iniciado una de las más originales sagas de novelas policíacas de los últimos años. Impactante y sorprendente en cada frase. Te atrapa desde el primer capítulo en una espiral de tensión. Puro thriller.

The Escape (John Puller Series #Bk. 3)

by David Baldacci

David Baldacci is one of the world's most popular, widely read storytellers. In his blockbuster thrillers Zero Day and The Forgotten, he enthralled readers with John Puller. A combat veteran and special agent with the U.S. Army, Puller is the man they call to investigate the toughest crimes facing the nation. But all his training, all his experience, all his skills will not prepare him for his newest case, one that will force him to hunt down the most formidable and brilliant prey he has ever tracked: his own brother.THE ESCAPEIt's a prison unlike any other. Military discipline rules. Its security systems are unmatched. None of its prisoners dream of escaping. They know it's impossible . . . until now.John Puller's older brother, Robert, was convicted of treason and national security crimes. His inexplicable escape from prison makes him the most wanted criminal in the country. Some in the government believe that John Puller represents their best chance at capturing Robert alive, and so Puller must bring in his brother to face justice.But Puller quickly discovers that his brother is pursued by others who don't want him to survive. Puller is in turn pushed into an uneasy, fraught partnership with another agent, who may have an agenda of her own.They dig more deeply into the case together, and Puller finds that not only are her allegiances unclear, but there are troubling details about his brother's conviction . . . and someone out there doesn't want the truth to ever come to light. As the nationwide manhunt for Robert grows more urgent, Puller's masterful skills as an investigator and strengths as a fighter may not be enough to save his brother-or himself.

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library (Mr. Lemoncello's Library #1)

by Chris Grabenstein

Kyle Keeley is the class clown, popular with most kids, (if not the teachers), and an ardent fan of all games: board games, word games, and particularly video games. His hero, Luigi Lemoncello, the most notorious and creative gamemaker in the world, just so happens to be the genius behind the building of the new town library. <P><P> Lucky Kyle wins a coveted spot to be one of the first 12 kids in the library for an overnight of fun, food, and lots and lots of games. But when morning comes, the doors remain locked. Kyle and the other winners must solve every clue and every secret puzzle to find the hidden escape route. And the stakes are very high. In this cross between Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and A Night in the Museum, Agatha Award winner Chris Grabenstein uses rib-tickling humor to create the perfect tale for his quirky characters. Old fans and new readers will become enthralled with the crafty twists and turns of this ultimate library experience.

Escaping Reality (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen #1)

by Lisa Renee Jones

His touch spirals through me, warm and sweet, wicked and hot. I shouldn't trust him. I shouldn't tell him my secrets. But how do I not when he is the reason I breathe? He is what I need.At the young age of eighteen, tragedy and a dark secret force Lara to flee all she has known and loved to start a new life. Now years later, with a new identity as Amy, she's finally dared to believe she is forgotten--even if she cannot forget. But just when she lets her guard down, the ghosts of her past are quick to punish her, forcing her back on the run. On a plane, struggling to face the devastation of losing everything again and starting over, Amy meets Liam Stone, a darkly entrancing recluse billionaire, who is also a brilliant, and famous, prodigy architect. A man who knows what he wants and goes after it. And what he wants is Amy. Refusing to take "no" as an answer, he sweeps her into a passionate affair, pushing her to her erotic limits. He wants to possess her. He makes her want to be possessed. Liam demands everything from her, accepting nothing less. But what if she is too devastated by tragedy to know when he wants more than she should give?

El escarabajo sagrado

by Salvador Bordoy Luque S. S. Van Dine

¿Accidente o asesinato? Ante la duda y para no verse envuelto con la policía, Donald Scarlett, ayudante de Mindrum Bliss, recurre a Philo Vance. El fiscal de distrito John Markham y su departamento de policía no tardan en llegar al lugar de los hechos. Queda claro que Kyle financiaba las expediciones arqueológicas de Bliss: la mano del muerto aferra un informe financiero escrito de puño y letra por el dueño del museo. A complicar la situación de Bliss viene un broche de corbata, el escarabajo azul, que se encuentra a pocos pasos del muerto y le pertenece. En la suela de uno de sus zapatos hay manchas de sangre. Y las huellas dactilares en la estatuilla de la diosa Sakhet, con la que se ha destrozado el cráneo de Kyle, son de Bliss. La policía cree tener en sus manos al asesino, pero Philo Vance tiene otras ideas. ¿No son demasiado obvias las pistas como para tomarlas en serio?

El escudo de armas

by Edgar Wallace

Cuando el Viejo mata al guardia nocturno a martillazos y escapa del asilo de Sketchley, los vecinos del apacible paraje se organizan para dar con el loco más antiguo del refugio de indigentes. Solo John Lorney se niega a participar del esfuerzo. Lorney es nuevo en Surrey y la gente lo mira con reticencia desde que compró la mansión Tudor donde ha montado un lujoso hotel al borde de la carretera. El mundo es pequeño y la posibilidad de que viejos criminales se reúnan en El escudo de armas no es tan remota. Finalmente, Sketchley es un sitio donde pasan cosas extrañas: robos, restituciones, un viejo misterioso y merodeador.Una noche, prende fuego la finca de un señorío vecino. El dueño y sus invitados se ven obligados a trasladarse a El escudo de armas. Uno de ellos muere asesinado.No hay ninguna pista que relacione los sucesos entre sí hasta que llegan Rennet, un detective americano, y el señor Collett, un inspector de Scotland Yard. La investigación revelará la conexión que los une a todos.

Las esferas del poder (Reportero Samuel Hamilton #Volumen 5)

by William C. Gordon

San Francisco, 1963. Carlos y Roberto, dos hermanos que trabajan en Conklin Chemical, sufren una severa intoxicación mientras limpian un contenedor. Solo Roberto logra sobrevivir, pero su estado es muy crítico. Samuel Hamilton se encarga de cubrir la noticia, mientras sigue investigando unos extraños sucesos ocurridos en Chinatown: veintiún ancianos del barrio han muerto de forma inesperada. El análisis forense demuestra que todos ellos habían bebido agua embotellada de la misma marca, que contenía una cantidad mortal de arsénico. A medida que avanza la investigación, Samuel se da cuenta de que los dos casos están relacionados. A cada nueva revelación, va adentrándose en una compleja trama de corrupción en la que se ve involucrada una de las más sagradas esferas del poder: la justicia.

El espejo perdido (Agencia Lockwood #Volumen 2)

by Jonathan Stroud

Desde que formaron la Agencia Lockwood, para Anthony, Lucy y George, la vida nunca es totalmente tranquila. Son jóvenes, están entrenados y buscan casos nuevos y emocionantes Hace seis meses Anthony, Lucy y George lograron sobrevivir a la casa encantada más aterradora de Inglaterra, pero la Agencia Lockwood aún tiene mucho trabajo por delante: los fantasmas y los sucesos misteriosos nunca se acaban. Además, siguen compitiendo contra los agentes de Fittes, que no deja de entrometerse en sus casos. Las cosas mejoran cuando la Agencia Lockwood es elegida para investigar la tumba de Edmund Bickerstaff, un siniestro doctor que intentó comunicarse con el Más Allá. Por la zona se han visto fantasmas y la misión de los chicos es asegurar el lugar. Pero una vez allí, todo va mal: un fantasma es liberado, una peligrosa reliquia desaparece del ataúd y, por si fueran pocos problemas, tienen que lidiar con una calavera parlante... ¿Lograrán los miembros de la Agencia Lockwood permanecer unidos? ¿Conseguirán recuperar la reliquia antes de que alguien la use para hacer el mal? La crítica ha dicho... «Stroud es un genio.» Rick Riordan «Uno de los mejores autores que escribe para jóvenes.» Carousel

Estimado señor M.

by Herman Koch

Una de las voces más subyugantes de la novela europea contemporánea. Desde la publicación de La cena y Casa de verano con piscina, la forma de Herman Koch de abordar sin ambages la ambigüedad moral, la hipocresía y la violencia solapada que carcomen a la sociedad moderna ha logrado capturar el interés de más de un millón de lectores en todo el mundo, tanto en Europa y Latinoamérica como en Australia y Estados Unidos, donde La cena llegó a estar entre los diez libros más vendidos de la lista del New York Times. Con unas ventas que superan a día de hoy los cien mil ejemplares sólo en Holanda, Estimado señor M. representa la obra de un escritor en la plenitud de sus capacidades. En esta ocasión, el lector se verá atrapado en la red tendida por un narrador anónimo obsesionado con exponer en detalle los aspectos más íntimos de la vida de su vecino, el señor M., uno de los escritores más célebres del país. M. cimentó su fama hace ya muchos años con la publicación de la novela Ajuste de cuentas, inspirada en una trágica historia ocurrida por entonces. El relato se centra en Herman, un estudiante de instituto que logra seducir a la bella e inalcanzable Laura después de que ésta rechace a Jan Landzaat, el profesor con quien tuvo una breve aventura. Sin embargo, Landzaat no se resigna a perderla y un día acude a la casa de campo de los padres de Laura, donde la joven pareja se ha recluido para disfrutar de su amor a solas. Pero el destino le reserva a Landzaat un giro inesperado: las carreteras están nevadas, su coche se avería y... nunca más se vuelve a saber nada de él. Y si bien, según la versión de M., los claros sospechosos de la desaparición del profesor son Herman y Laura, también cabe la posibilidad de que M. haya tergiversado los hechos por interés comercial, condenando así a dos jóvenes inocentes a un futuro mancillado por la sombra de la sospecha y la difamación. Ahora, décadas después, quizá el narrador logre descubrir la clave para conocer la verdad. La crítica ha dicho...«Koch y su tono satírico están en plena forma, aunque lo más sorprendente es el autoexamen literario que parece estar llevando a cabo [...]. ¡Koch en estado puro!»NRC Handelsblad «Ya en las dos primeras páginas, Estimado señor M. emerge como el largamente esperado nuevo Herman Koch.»Vrij Nederland «La novela mantiene una tensión envidiable y avanza al ritmo de un tren exprés [...]. Herman Koch demuestra en ella su talento, su habilidad y su implacable valentía.»De Morgen «Estimado señor M. lo tiene todo: intriga, humor, culpa, emociones, una estructura y un estilo perfectos, y es, además, una oda a la inocencia. Garantiza horas de evasión de la realidad.»De Limburger «Estimado señor M. no es sólo una novela apasionante, es un libro que provoca la carcajada una y otra vez.»Het Parool «Un argumento en extremo ingenioso, absolutamente inteligente.»Humo «Tensa, construida con gran talento por un escritor cargado de ironía.»ZIN «Estimado señor M. se acerca mucho a la perfección.»De Standaard

Estrellas sobre hielo (Trío Beta #Volumen 6)

by Roberto Pavanello

¿Sabéis qué es un cuádruple axel? Es el salto más difícil y espectacular que existe en el patinaje artístico, ¡una auténtica maravilla! A su artífice, la mítica Carolina «estrella del hielo» Swiss, como homenaje por su increíble pirueta le regalaron un medallón que ahora ha desaparecido. Este es un caso para Bob Sherlock y, por supuesto, ¡para Sam y sus amigas del Trío Beta!

Ett spår av rök

by Cecilia Palmcrantz Rebecca Cantrell

En prisbelönt roman om en kriminalreporter som letar efter sin brors mördare på Berlins nattklubbar och bakgator. Berlin 1931. Året då Tyskland förlorades till nazisterna. Stormtrupper och kommunister slåss på gatorna. Förmögna judar och intellektuella planerar sin flykt från staden. Desperata, sexuellt och socialt utstötta människor trängs på Berlins berömda nattklubbar för att få dansa en sista dans. Hannah Vogel lever ensam och jobbar som kriminalreporter. Under ett rutinuppdrag får hon syn på ett fotografi av sin döde brors kropp i Dödshallen på Alexanderplatz polisstation. Men eftersom hon har lånat ut sina identitetshandlingar till judiska vänner på flykt från Tyskland, kan hon inte identifiera honom och kräva en utredning. Istället tar hon själv upp jakten på mördaren.

Etta Mae's Worst Bad-Luck Day

by Ann B. Ross

Fan favorite Etta Mae Wiggins takes center stage in the latest novel in the New York Times bestselling Miss Julia series Bestselling author Ann B. Ross is back with another lively adventure set in Miss Julia's Abbotsville. For the first time, though, she writes from the perspective of another resident: the hardscrabble, heart-of-gold Etta Mae Wiggins. Etta Mae is frustrated with her trailer-park life and her no-good family, and she has big dreams for something better. Working as the home nurse for the elderly but wealthy Howard Connard, Senior, she finally sees her chance--with her sexy curves and infectious charm, Etta Mae is determined to become his wife. Unfortunately, Connard's scheming, money-hungry son and stuck-up daughter-in-law are equally determined to make sure she doesn't. To make matters worse, Etta Me's exhusband Skip (her first ex, that is) has shown up with a winning lottery ticket in his hand and local thugs hot on his heels. Plus, her dreamy former flame, officer Bobby Lee, keeps popping up to remind her that she's not over him yet. In the middle of all this mayhem, Etta Mae has to get that marriage license--before it's too late! A hilarious wild goose chase that takes us from the mansions of Abbotsville to the trailer park that Etta Mae calls home, this book is filled with familiar faces (including Miss Julia, who narrates the first chapter), features Ann Ross's signature wit and southern charm, and will appeal to fans of the beloved series and newcomers alike.

Euphemia Fan: Spy Girl

by Cassandra Neyenesch

It was spying that got me into this pickle... Euphemia Fan, the only Chinese-American teenage girl in Brackybogue, Long Island, has a knack for spying on her neighbors. No empty house is unexamined, and no resident is ignored. Her eyes are sharp and her wits are keen. But when she sees her great uncle Jiu Jiu murder a man in cold blood, she must put her skills to the ultimate test. How could Jiu Jiu, her elderly uncle who barely speaks English, commit murder? Is he leading a double life? Who is he working for? When her father goes missing and the police prove to be useless, Euphemia must use her spy skills to uncover the truth. With the help of a swoon-worthy co-spy named Tyler and her older sister, Lillian, Euphemia embarks on the adventure of her life. But can she save her family before it's too late?

Eureka Point: The Special Agent Series: Book 1 (Protected Heart #1)

by Betty Ann Harris

Beautiful and successful Park Avenue interior designer, Katie O’Hara, realizes that her husband has deceived her. Worse than that, he has left her and she’s in danger. Her husband’s involvement with a dangerous South American drug cartel, forces Katie to enter the Witness Protection Program. Forced to change her name and identity, Katie, aka Lizzie, must relocate to Eureka Point, California. FBI Special Agent Tom Owens is the agent assigned to protect her, which proves to be a difficult assignment. Danger lurks around every corner. As Lizzie and her agent, Tom, become romantically involved, the danger grows. Unforeseen circumstances force Tom and Lizzie to flee. But the danger follows them.


by Rae Morgan

Re-Release (Liquid Silver Books - Edge of Night Anthology - 2007)In a world of dark secrets is love enough to conquer all? A shadow man. A woman on the run. Two lonely people brought together by circumstances beyond their control. Rae Morgan's paranormal romance Evanescence takes you on a suspenseful journey into a mysterious world.Security specialist Kai Axton blends into the night, a mist-like shadowy image of his human form. Because of his freakish nature, he feels doomed to live his life alone--until he meets Sian York.Sian is not who or what she seems; her past is shrouded in a veil of mystery. As Kai prepares to make his move to claim her, Sian's past explodes onto the scene, forcing him to reveal his darkest secrets. Can Sian accept Kai's nature, or will he be doomed to live in the shadow world, forever alone?Content Notes: Spicy, Paranormal, Magic, Wizardry, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

Evening Bags and Executions (A Haley Randolph Mystery #6)

by Dorothy Howell

Fashionista and part-time sleuth Haley Randolph has landed her ticket to ride: a job planning events for big-deal Hollywood clients. But her nasty new boss sets her up for disaster by assigning her a hugely complicated Beatles-themed bash. On her way to check out the party's custom yellow submarine cake, Haley finds the baker lying in a pool of blood--here, there and everywhere! And of course the police are eyeing her as the murderer. . .With a suspect list that leads down a very long and winding road, Haley will be working at least eight days a week to keep herself out of those awful blue prison outfits--while tracking down the season's hottest bag: the Enchantress. But a cunning killer may be much closer than she thinks! "Enjoyable." -Publishers Weekly"Appealing, full of light and breezy writing, a lovable cast of characters and touches of humor." -RT Book Reviews

Ever After (A Transplanted Tales Novel #4)

by Kate SeRine

A beautiful Robin Hood reconnects with her love Little John after transporting to the real world in this &“paranormal romance filled with suspense&” (SmexyBooks). For centuries, Gideon Montrose has mourned the loss of his true love. Throwing himself into his work, he has served the King of Fairies without question—and, often, without mercy. So when the King orders him to apprehend a notorious thief, Gideon obeys. But this time, Gideon is on for a shock when he finally gets his hands on the beautiful culprit. Arabella Locksley is none other than the spirited, unpredictable woman he knew back in Make Believe. As Robin Hood, Arabella stole from the rich and gave to the poor with Gideon—then known as Little John—by her side. Believing that she had fallen to her death five hundred years ago, Gideon naturally has some questions. But Arabella has secrets she must keep even from him. Now Gideon faces an impossible choice: he must either betray the woman he once loved, or the king he's bound to serve.


by Rebecca Hunt

1913. Dinners, Millet-Bass, and Napps-three explorers bound not by friendship, but by a dependence founded on survival-volunteer to leave their ship, the Kismet, and scout an uncharted and unknown island in the Antarctic, which Napps names "Everland." While all three are enticed by the promise of adventure and reward, they are immortalized by the disastrous outcome of the expedition, their stories preserved for posterity. 2012. Brix, Jess, and Decker-three researchers with their own reasons for being so far from home-set out on a centenary field trip to survey the same island. Their equipment is more advanced than the previous group's, and their purpose more scientific, but the harsh weather of Everland remains an unpredictable and deadly force: the adventure and the danger are inescapable.Under the harsh ultraviolet light of a sun which doesn't set, and isolated from the world, they begin to echo the expedition of a hundred years ago. History, it seems, has a way of repeating itself-when theirs is written, what will it say?From the Trade Paperback edition.

Every Breath

by Ellie Marney

When James Mycroft drags Rachel Watts off on a night mission to the Melbourne Zoo, the last thing she expects to find is the mutilated body of Homeless Dave, one of Mycroft's numerous eccentric friends. But Mycroft's passion for forensics leads him to realize that something about the scene isn't right--and he wants Watts to help him investigate the murder. While Watts battles her attraction to bad-boy Mycroft, he's busy getting himself expelled and clashing with the police, becoming murder suspect number one. When Watts and Mycroft unknowingly reveal too much to the cold-blooded killer, they find themselves in the lion's den--literally. A trip to the zoo will never have quite the same meaning to Rachel Watts again...From the Hardcover edition. a great deal of angst and danger in Rachel's future . . . compensated for by some really hot moments with Mycroft while unchaperoned . . . But I can't give any more away!

Every Inferno

by Johanna Parkhurst

Depressed. Defiant. Possible alcoholic. These are just a few of the terms used to describe fifteen-year-old Jacob Jasper Jones. Lately, though, JJ has a new one to add to the list: detective. He's been having strange dreams about the fire that killed his parents ten years ago, and he thinks he finally has the clue to catching the arsonist who destroyed his family. A murder investigation isn't the only thing the dreams trigger for JJ. They also lead to secret meetings with his estranged sister, an unlikely connection with a doctor who lost his daughter in the fire, and a confusing friendship with McKinley, a classmate of JJ's who seems determined to help him solve the mystery. All JJ wants is to shake the problems that have followed him since that fire, and he's convinced he must catch the arsonist to do it. But as JJ struggles to find the culprit, he sees there's more than one mystery in his life he needs to solve.A fascinating whodunnit about murder, family, and finding out who you are. Yet another great LGBTQ book about a gay kid living his life, instead of an issues book with a capital I. I look forward to more by this author. -Brian Katcher, Stonewall Award-winning author of Almost Perfect

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