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Cœurs migrants

by Isabella Abad Gwenaëlle Taffin

Lorsque Victoria, belle infirmière espagnole dans la trentainre, s´offrit comme volontaire pour travailler avec les déplacés dans le Maghreb africain, elle ne s´était jamais attendue à ce que sa vie prenne un virage si inespéré. Emue jusqu´à la moelle par la tragédie d´autrui, elle verra cependant comment cette dernière s´acharne sur elle en étant objet d´un attentat terroriste. Abandonnée dans le désert pour mourir, elle sera secourue par un clan touareg mené par un métisse brun, Usem Obligée par les circonstances à coexister avec la tribu durant des mois, elle verra croître en elle la passion et le désir envers son sauveur. Cela se transformera en amour correspondu et consommé, mais son désir de retourner en Europe et les obligations de lui envers son père les sépareront, imposant entre eux le mur du temps et de la distance. Séparés par des miliers de kilomètres ils referont leurs vies avec la ferme conviction que ces dernières seraient à peine des ombres de ce qui aurait pu être. Usem aura la pire partie, affrontant un destin qui le provoque et l´oblige à vivre la douleur du déracinement, le fanatisme, la mort et l´exil. Responsable pour la chance de son clan, il verra cependant se briser son unité aux mains de son demi-frère Badis, qui le hait. La protection de sa famille l´obligera à un exode de centaines de kilomètes à la recherche d´une vie nouvelle et sûre, laquelle naufragera inévitablement. Le désespoir le précipitera dans les eaux de la Mediterrannée avec leurs conséquentes déboires et tragédies. La vie trouvera les amants plusieurs années après dans des circonstances différentes. Pourront ils refaire leur vie et changer le destin?

Las brumas del miedo

by Rafael Ábalos

«Todas guardamos un mismo secreto, pero está prohibido hablar de él...» Las brumas del miedo es un escalofriante thriller policíaco con tintes históricos, repleto de intriga y acción, que refleja el macabro descenso a los rincones más oscuros del alma. -¿Estás segura?-Sí.-¿Nerviosa?-Un poco.-Es horrible todo esto.-Lo sé.-Me preocupa que sufras.-Será agradable.-Entonces cierra los ojos, y déjate llevar. En Leipzig, Alemania, los cadáveres de cinco chicas desnudas han sido hallados en mitad de la noche a los pies del monumento a la Batalla de las Naciones, bajo las colosales estatuas de piedra conocidas como Töttenwatcher, los «Guardianes de la Muerte». Todo apunta a un asesinato ritual, el crimen más extraño al que Klaus Bauman, veterano inspector de la Policía Estatal, se ha enfrentado a lo largo de su carrera. Mientras tanto, Susana Olmos, una estudiante española de Erasmus recién llegada a la ciudad, conoce a Bruno, un joven y fascinante profesor del Conservatorio de Música. De un modo inesperado, Susana se sumerge en los ambientes más desconocidos y misteriosos de Leipzig y Berlín relacionados con el arte erótico y el resurgir del nazismo en Europa. La investigación del inspector Bauman y la entrada de Susana en un mundo de sexo, drogas, fanatismo y muerte, confluirán de forma sorprendente en un desenlace del que ninguno de los protagonistas saldrá indemne. En los blogs se ha dicho...«Rafael Ábalos ha construido una novela sólida, bien narrada, con personajes potentes y una trama previsible, que engancha e inquieta, con una acertada mezcla de realidad y ficción que nos ofrece una lectura de las que enganchan y perturban por igual.»Blog Me gustan los libros «Con Rafael Ábalos he aprendido que la fantasía es necesaria en nuestra vida real, y Las brumas del miedo es una novela muy recomendable sobre la que podría haber estado hablando horas y horas.»Blog Libros en el petate «Rafael Ábalos tiene un estilo narrativo ágil y fresco. Maneja muy bien la trama y sabe cómo dar la dosis justa de suspense para impedir que el lector abandone la lectura.»Blog Anika entre libros

El péndulo

by Rafael Ábalos

¿Estarías dispuesto a ocultar la más terrible de las verdades para salvaguardar el orden mundial? Dos años después de la llegada de Barack Obama a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, un hombre negro aparece ahorcado en la sede de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York con una nota clavada en el pecho que amenaza con "hacer desaparecer el cielo y hacer temblar la tierra". El FBI oculta la noticia y Donovan, jefe de prensa de la ONU, se encarga de que el insólito suceso no trascienda a los medios de comunicación. Pero no puede evitar compartir sus temores con la periodista Loanne Harvey: ¿quién es la víctima?, ¿qué significa esa nota apocalíptica?, ¿qué amenaza se cierne sobre las Naciones Unidas? A partir de entonces, Donovan y Loanne se verán envueltos en una emocionante carrera plagada de trampas, engaños y conspiraciones, que los hará oscilar entre la verdad y la mentira con la cadencia constante de un péndulo en movimiento. La meta: el hall de la Asamblea General de la ONU. En juego: la llegada del caos absoluto a la tierra.

El péndulo

by Rafael Ábalos

¿Estarías dispuesto a ocultar la más terrible de las verdades para salvaguardar el orden mundial? Dos años después de la llegada de Barack Obama a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, un hombre negro aparece ahorcado en la sede de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York con una nota clavada en el pecho que amenaza con "hacer desaparecer el cielo y hacer temblar la tierra". El FBI oculta la noticia y Donovan, jefe de prensa de la ONU, se encarga de que el insólito suceso no trascienda a los medios de comunicación. Pero no puede evitar compartir sus temores con la periodista Loanne Harvey: ¿quién es la víctima?, ¿qué significa esa nota apocalíptica?, ¿qué amenaza se cierne sobre las Naciones Unidas? A partir de entonces, Donovan y Loanne se verán envueltos en una emocionante carrera plagada de trampas, engaños y conspiraciones, que los hará oscilar entre la verdad y la mentira con la cadencia constante de un péndulo en movimiento. La meta: el hall de la Asamblea General de la ONU. En juego: la llegada del caos absoluto a la tierra.

The Secret History of Las Vegas: A Novel

by Chris Abani

A gritty, riveting, and wholly original murder mystery from PEN/Hemingway Award-winning author and 2015 Edgar Awards winner Chris Abani Before he can retire, Las Vegas detective Salazar is determined to solve a recent spate of murders. When he encounters a pair of conjoined twins with a container of blood near their car, he's sure he has apprehended the killers, and enlists the help of Dr. Sunil Singh, a South African transplant who specializes in the study of psychopaths. As Sunil tries to crack the twins, the implications of his research grow darker. Haunted by his betrayal of loved ones back home during apartheid, he seeks solace in the love of Asia, a prostitute with hopes of escaping that life. But Sunil's own troubled past is fast on his heels in the form of a would-be assassin. Suspenseful through the last page, The Secret History of Las Vegas is Chris Abani's most accomplished work to date, with his trademark visionary prose and a striking compassion for the inner lives of outsiders.From the Trade Paperback edition.


by Stephan Abarbanell

It is 1946, and the full horrors of the previous six years are slowly coming to light.But in Jerusalem, Elias Lind can't accept that his brother Raphael really did die in a concentration camp. He has evidence that the scientist is still alive but, unable to search for him himself, he persuades a young member of the Jewish resistance to help. Lilya's search for Raphael takes her from the dusty streets of Jerusalem to the heart of political London, from US-controlled Munich to an overcrowded and underfunded displaced persons camp, before leading her to the devastated shell of Berlin itself. But before long Lilya realises that she isn't the only one searching for the missing scientist; a mysterious pursuer is hot on her heels, and it soon becomes clear that Raphael's life isn't the only one in question . . .Displaced is a deeply intelligent thriller about how the actions of a few can change the course of history. It is about the making of a new world from the ashes of the old, and decisions taken whose consequences are still with us today.

Displaced: A Novel

by Stephan Abarbanell

Echoing the fiction of Joseph Kanon, Alan Furst, and Daniel Silva, this deeply intelligent debut literary thriller—set within a world still reeling from World War II—explores how the actions of a few can change the course of history.British-occupied Palestine, 1946: Elderly writer Elias Lind isn’t convinced by reports that his scientist brother, Raphael, died in a concentration camp. Too frail to search for Raphael himself, Elias persuades a contact in the Jewish resistance to send someone in his place.Lilya joined the resistance movement to help form a new state, not to waste her time on a fruitless chase across a war-ravaged continent at the request of a frail, most likely delusional, old man. As her comrades make their final preparations for a major operation, a bitter Lilya must accept her orders and embark on her journey to Europe. She is traveling as a member of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, one of the largest aid organizations for Jewish survivors—many of whom survived the Nazis only to find themselves with no family or home to return to. If Raphael is alive, odds are she will find him among the refugees trapped in displaced persons camps and prevented from immigrating to Palestine by the British.Lilya’s search leads her from the hushed corridors of London’s Whitehall, home to the British Secret Intelligence Service, to the haunted, rubble-strewn strasses of Munich and Berlin. Visiting Föhrenwald, an overcrowded and underfunded DP camp, she makes a breakthrough. But Lilya isn’t the only person pursuing the missing man. Someone has been mirroring her every move—a dangerous adversary who will go to drastic lengths to find Raphael first.

La secta de los tordos

by Aaron Abarca

Ven a volar de negro. Un inquietante asesinato ocurre en el mercado matadero de Franklin. Para investigarlo, se necesita de los mejores cuatro detectives que el país puede ofrecer. La detective Mía intentará por todos los medios posibles encontrar el culpable, sin embargo, al ir descubriendo la verdad se dará cuenta de que estos asesinatos son más complejos de lo que ella pensaba. Al punto de alterar su realidad y quebrantar su modo de pensar.

Bloody Murder: The Homicide Tradition in Children's Literature

by Michelle Ann Abate

"Off with her head!" decreed the Queen of Hearts, one of a multitude of murderous villains populating the pages of children's literature explored in this volume.Given the long-standing belief that children ought to be shielded from disturbing life events, it is surprising to see how many stories for kids involve killing. Bloody Murder is the first full-length critical study of this pervasive theme of murder in children’s literature. Through rereadings of well-known works, such as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, and The Outsiders, Michelle Ann Abate explores how acts of homicide connect these works with an array of previously unforeseen literary, social, political, and cultural issues. Topics range from changes in the America criminal justice system, the rise of forensic science, and shifting attitudes about crime and punishment to changing cultural conceptions about the nature of evil and the different ways that murder has been popularly presented and socially interpreted. Bloody Murder adds to the body of inquiry into America's ongoing fascination with violent crime. Abate argues that when narratives for children are considered along with other representations of homicide in the United States, they not only provide a more accurate portrait of the range, depth, and variety of crime literature, they also alter existing ideas about the meaning of violence, the emotional appeal of fear, and the cultural construction of death and dying.

Faire table rase (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #7)

by Myriam Abbas Charlie Cochet

Il est sexy. Il est dangereux. Et il ne se souvient de rien. En tant que propriétaire d’Apple’N Pies, Joe Applin mène une vie calme et sans histoire, satisfait de passer ses journées à servir des clients qui viennent de partout pour manger ses délicieuses tartes faites maison. Avec sa bande hétéroclite – Bea, Elsie et Donnie – Joe ne pourrait pas être plus heureux dans son petit royaume de pâtisseries et de café. L’expérience a appris à Joe que l’amour est surfait – et parfois, dangereux. Il n’a aucune intention de répéter ses erreurs passées. Mais il rencontre cet homme beau et mystérieux sans nom ni souvenirs, et Joe ne peut nier que quelque chose de doux se trame. Il n’est pas du genre à prendre des risques, pas avec son cœur et certainement pas avec sa vie, pourtant plus il passe de temps avec « Tom », plus il se rapproche de perdre les deux.

Fuir ou se battre

by Myriam Abbas Dirk Greyson

Le Comté de Hartwick, dans le Dakota du Sud, signifie un nouveau départ pour Mackenzie Redford surnommé « Mack ». La vie dans une grande ville n’a pas été ce qu’il en attendait, et maintenant il est de retour chez lui où il officie en tant que shérif. Brantley Calderone est aussi à la recherche d’une nouvelle vie. Après avoir quitté New York et acheté un ranch, il s’installe et s’habitue à vivre à un rythme différent – jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre un cadavre sous son porche et se retrouve être le principal suspect du meurtre. Mack et Brantley se rendent rapidement compte de plusieurs choses : quelqu’un essaie d’incriminer Brantley ; il n’est plus en sécurité seul dans son ranch ; et il y a une attirance manifeste qui se développe entre eux qui ne fait que croître lorsque Mack propose à Brantley de séjourner chez lui. Mais tandis que leur romance s’intensifie, le tueur en fait de même. Ils devront garder un coup d’avance et découvrir qui veut tuer Brantley avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. Ce ne sera qu’à ce moment-là qu’ils pourront commencer la nouvelle vie qu’ils recherchent tous les deux – ensemble.

Edward Abbey Bestsellers: Fire on the Mountain, The Monkey Wrench Gang, Hayduke Lives!

by Edward Abbey

Three wild and suspenseful novels about standing your ground against the forces of destruction by the author of Desert Solitaire. From the beloved author and passionate advocate for the wilderness, these three novels follow some very memorable characters in their battles against strip miners, clear cutters, and government agencies destroying the environment: Fire on the Mountain: A New Mexico man faces off against everyone from the Atomic Energy Commission to the U.S. Air Force in a battle to keep his land . . . &“One of the very best writers to deal with the American West.&”—The Washington Post The Monkey Wrench Gang: A motley crew of saboteurs wreak outrageous havoc on the corporations destroying the wilderness in this &“wildly funny&” tale (The Houston Chronicle). &“Mixes comedy and chaos with enough chase sequences to leave you hungering for more.&”—The San Francisco Chronicle Hayduke Lives!: George Washington Hayduke, ex-Green Beret, was last seen clinging to a rock face in the wilds of Utah as an armed posse hunted him down for his eco-radical crimes. Now he&’s back, with a fiery need for vengeance . . . &“Abbey&’s latter-day Luddites, introduced in his novel The Monkey Wrench Gang, are back—and not a moment too soon.&” —The New York Times &“I laughed out loud reading this book.&” —Los Angeles Times Book Review

In the Drink (Mack’s Bar Mysteries #3)

by Allyson K. Abbott

Mack's Bar and its crime-solving clientele are quickly gaining notoriety for helping solve some high-profile cases. But Mack is learning the hard way that not all press is good press...By day, Mackenzie "Mack" Dalton is the proprietress of a popular Milwaukee watering hole. But after last call, she uses her unique cocktail of extra perceptive senses to help solve some of the city's most grisly homicides. Now, Mack and her barstool detectives are happy to help when Tiny, one of the bar's newest patrons, asks them to look into his sister's murder. Though the case has gone cold, Mack's heightened senses quickly put her on the killer's trail. But when a throng of reporters intrigued by her talents descends on Mack's Bar, her efforts are muddled as a real-life Moriarty begins putting her infamous skills to the test, leaving Mack feeling shaken and stirred...* Includes drink recipes *

Last Call (Mack's Bar Mysteries #6)

by Allyson K. Abbott

Bar owner Mackenzie “Mack” Dalton and her barstool detectives love to puzzle through cold cases. But when one of their own disappears, danger is on tap . . . <P><P>Fresh off solving a murder that hit too close to home, Mack’s trust is shattered. But when Milwaukee police detective Duncan Albright asks for her help with a shooting, she can’t resist using her extra-perceptive senses to benefit others. <P><P> It turns out the victim was the ruthless businessman their friend Mal was investigating undercover. And now Mal is missing—and his fingerprints are on the gun. <P><P>Was his cover blown, forcing him into hiding? Or could he be a straight-up killer on the run? Mack doesn’t know what to believe anymore—except her own gut, which leads her to secret rooms, shocking revelations . . . and the fear that this could be her final round.

Murder on the Rocks (Mack's Bar Mysteries Ser. #1)

by Allyson K. Abbott

Mack's Bar is one of those nice, friendly places where everybody knows your name. That's great when someone's buying you a round, but not so hot when you find yourself atop a list of murder suspects--with your fingerprints on the bloody knife!Mackenzie "Mack" Dalton is a Milwaukee bar owner with a nose for trouble--literally. A neurological glitch has left her with extra perceptive senses. So when she stumbles upon a dead body in the alley behind the bar--the same spot where her own father was shot eight months earlier--she can tell right away there's something fishy in the air. The lead detective thinks there's a link between the two deaths, and he'll need Mack's help to sniff out the murderer amid the crowd of eccentric regulars. But when all the evidence points to her as the most likely culprit, it could be an early last call for Mack--and celebratory cocktails for a killer. Includes drink recipes

Murder with a Twist (Mack’s Bar Mysteries #2)

by Allyson K. Abbott

The regulars at Mack's Bar love putting their heads together to solve a good mystery. But Mack is learning there's a big difference between barroom brain teasers and real-life murder. . .Milwaukee bar owner Mackenzie "Mack" Dalton has a unique neurological condition that gives her extra perceptive senses, and police detective Duncan Albright is convinced Mack's abilities can be used to help catch crooks. Mack may be at pro at mixing drinks, but she's still an amateur when it comes to solving crimes--and she's not sure she should mix business with pleasure by working with a man who stirs up such strong feelings in her. At her first crime scene--a suspicious suicide--she experiences a heady cocktail of mixed sensations and emotions that make her question whether police work is right for her. But when Duncan asks her to help find a kidnapped child, she knows she has to give it a shot. . ."The first book in the Mack's Bar Mystery series is a hit!" --RT Book Reviews on Murder on the Rocks

Shots in the Dark (Mack’s Bar Mysteries #4)

by Allyson K. Abbott

For Mack and her barfly allies, solving homicides calls for equal parts instinct and wit. To strain out a crafty criminal, the mixture has got to be absolutely perfect . . . It's a week before Christmas, but Milwaukee bar owner Mackenzie "Mack" Dalton is hardly in good spirits. Chilled to the core by the murder of bouncer Gary Gunderson, Mack is determined to use her extra perceptive senses to identify the gunman responsible. Did Gary's patchy past brew up some fatal trouble, or could his death be linked to a series of cryptic letters concocted by Mack's anonymous adversary? With a second case to crack, innocent lives at stake, and a media frenzy in their midst, Mack and her barstool detectives have little time to mull over the grim details--especially when clues lead dangerously close to home . . . Includes drink recipes "The first book in the Mack's Bar Mystery series is a hit!" --RT Book Reviews on Murder on the Rocks"Murder with a Twist has a lot of sleuthing pleasure packed into its pages." --Fresh Fiction

A Toast to Murder (Mack’s Bar Mysteries #5)

by Allyson K. Abbott

Mack Dalton has named plenty of murderers since she and her barstool detectives began cracking cold cases. But as a new year looms, time is ticking on the hunt for her craftiest villain yet . . . As Milwaukee counts down to New Year’s Eve, bar owner Mackenzie “Mack” Dalton has but one resolution—unmask the dangerous mastermind who has been taunting her and killed bouncer Gary Gunderson. Mack and her fellow barflies have fleshed out a suspect and arranged an invite-only party to put a cork in the murderer’s game for good. But when the clock strikes midnight and their suspect is found cold and stiff on the basement stairs, it seems the celebration may have come too soon. Now Mack must rely on her special talents to find the real criminal among the crowd of revelers—or someone won’t survive until last call . . . “The first book in the Mack’s Bar Mystery series is a hit!” —RT Book Reviews on Murder on the Rocks “Murder with a Twist has a lot of sleuthing pleasure packed into its pages.” —Fresh Fiction* Includes drink recipes *

A Brush with Murder: A Paint by Murder Mystery

by Bailee Abbott

A quiet lakeside town in western New York state is the new home of Manhattan artist Chloe Abbington and the backdrop for murder in this series debut by Bailee Abbott.For Chloe Abbington, the transition from fine art painter in New York City to painting-event business owner in charming Whisper Cove is more than a little jarring. But when poison-pen journalist Fiona Gimble writes a viciously negative review of the newly opened Paint with a View, Chloe learns that critics are the same everywhere. And when she finds Fiona's body behind her shop with a painting knife in her neck, Chloe realizes that this picture-perfect town offers anything but peace and quiet.Suddenly, bustling Artisan Alley is a crime scene, and Chloe is the prime suspect. Her sister and business partner, Izzie, isn't much help--she's busy running the shop, and besides, she has secrets of her own. As shrewd Detective Barrett tries to paint her into a corner, Chloe soon finds that Fiona had plenty of enemies. The Whisper Cove Gazette columnist wielded her pen like a sword, slicing and dicing just about every shop owner in the lakeside town.With the help of her affectionate canine buddy, Max, Chloe sets out to prove that she's been framed for Fiona's murder. But she'd better learn the fine art of detection quickly, before the real killer paints the town red again. Otherwise, she may end up trading in her paint smock for an orange jumpsuit...or a green burial plot.

Kill Them with Canvas (A Paint by Murder Mystery #2)

by Bailee Abbott

In Bailee Abbott&’s second book in the Paint by Murder mysteries, Chloe and Izzie are taking their paint party business on the road—with murder as the first stop!Chloe Abbington and her sister, Izzie, are enjoying huge success running Paint with a View, their paint party business in the tranquil western New York lakeside town of Whisper Cove. Now, their aunt Constance—president of the local chapter of the Chautauqua Sisterhood—has hooked them up with a gig hosting a Halloween painting party. The guests will be painting a local ghost legend, the Lady of Chautauqua Lake, who died a hundred years earlier and rises from the lake every October to haunt anyone who dares venture out on All Hallows&’ Eve. The event seems to be going off without a hitch, until Chloe overhears an argument between Constance and Viola Finnwinkle, the Sisterhood director, about the fate of the local chapter. Both women leave and the sisters finish their painting. But the next morning, Viola&’s body is discovered floating face down near the town ferryboat dock, her long red hair spread around her. Eerily, the image is an exact replica of a painting Chloe and Izzie had discovered at the event the night before. What&’s more, the police find Constance&’s purple knit hat lying on the ground near the crime scene. Constance pleads innocence, saying the hat mysteriously went missing during the event. Frantic that she might be charged with murder, she begs Chloe and Izzie to help her. The sisters believe their aunt is innocent, but if so, who&’s the real killer—and when will the next victim turn up?

Dead Men Don't Decorate (Old Town Antique Mystery, An #1)

by Cordy Abbott

Art, murder, and a secret dating back centuries collide in Cordy Abbott&’s delightful cozy mystery series debut, perfect for fans of Jane K. Cleland.Roberto Fratelli, proprietor of the antiques store Waited4You, is the meanest man in Marthasville, Virginia. So when he puts the business up for sale, the other merchants in town are overjoyed. And now the business has a prospective buyer: local resident and the newly elected mayor's mom, Camille Benson, who&’s thrilled at the prospect of getting into the antiques business. During a celebration in honor of Camille&’s new venture, her best friend, Opal, tells her about finding a letter, purportedly from Sally Fairfax to George Washington, dated 1756, hidden under a chair in the shop. When they return to retrieve the cache, they find Roberto&’s lifeless body on the floor and no letter. Police question Ella Coleman, Roberto&’s ex-wife, and discover that her current husband supplied Roberto with oh-so-faux Victorian furniture. Did the two cheat the wrong customer? Or could the murder be connected to an earlier theft of rare books from the shop—a theft Roberto never reported? As Camille prepares to confront these questions and investigate the murder, she knows she might become the latest knock-off.

The Upright Piano Player

by David Abbott

An adroit first novel of exceptional grace and emotional power by a legendary British ad executive. "David Abbott's The Upright Piano Player is a wise and moving debut, an accomplished novel of quiet depths and resonant shadows." --John Burnham Schwartz, author of The Commoner and Reservation Road Henry Cage seems to have it all: a successful career, money, a beautiful home, and a reputation for being a just and principled man. But public virtues can conceal private failings, and as Henry faces retirement, his well-ordered life begins to unravel. His ex-wife is ill, his relationship with his son is strained to the point of estrangement, and on the eve of the new millennium he is the victim of a random violent act which soon escalates into a prolonged harassment. As his ex-wife's illness becomes grave, it is apparent that there is little time to redress the mistakes of the past. But the man stalking Henry remains at large. Who is doing this? And why? David Abbott brilliantly pulls this thread of tension ever tighter until the surprising and emotionally impactful conclusion. The Upright Piano Player is a wise and acutely observed novel about the myriad ways in which life tests us--no matter how carefully we have constructed our own little fortresses.From the Hardcover edition.

Adrenaline (The Sam Capra Series #1)

by Jeff Abbott

"If you knew this was our final day together, what would you say to me?""Anything but good-bye. I can't ever say good-bye to you."ADRENALINESam Capra is living the life of his dreams. He's a brilliant young CIA agent, stationed in London. His wife Lucy is seven months pregnant with their first child. They have a wonderful home, and are deeply in love. They have everything they could hope for...until they lose it all in one horrifying moment.On a bright, sunny day, Sam receives a call from Lucy while he's at work. She tells him to leave the building immediately. He does...just before it explodes, killing everyone inside. Lucy vanishes, and Sam wakes up in a prison cell. As the lone survivor of the attack, he is branded by the CIA as a murderer and a traitor. Escaping from the agency, Sam launches into a desperate hunt to save his kidnapped wife and child, and to reveal the unknown enemy who has set him up and stolen his family. But the destruction of Sam's life was only step on in an extraordinary plot-and now Sam must become a new kind of hero.

An Ambush of Widows

by Jeff Abbott

In New York Times bestselling author Jeff Abbott&’s latest novel of riveting psychological suspense, an uneasy alliance forms as two widows delve into their husbands&’ deadly and dangerous secrets—as they try to protect their own.Henry North is a down-on-his-luck cybersecurity expert from New Orleans. Adam Zhang is the cofounder of one of Austin&’s most successful venture capitalist firms. These two men didn&’t know each other. They had never met. Yet they died together, violently, in a place neither had any business being.When Henry doesn&’t return from a business trip, his wife, Kirsten, panics—and then gets an anonymous phone call: &“Your husband is dead in Austin.&”Flora Zhang knew her husband was keeping secrets. She suspected an affair, but she had decided she could forgive him for his weakness—until her husband ended up dead. And with no explanation for her husband&’s murder, the police begin to suspect her.Together, these two widows will face a powerful foe determined to write a false narrative about the murders. In doing so, neither Flora nor Kirsten will remain the women the world thought they were.An uneasy alliance forms as the two widows delve into their husbands' deadly and dangerous secrets—as they try to protect their own. Together they will face a powerful foe determined to write a false narrative about the murders. In doing so, neither Flora nor Kirsten will remain the woman the world thought they were.

Black Jack Point (The Whit Mosley series #2)

by Jeff Abbott

In this spellbinding new thriller, Texas judge Whit Mosley is about to cross the point of no return...They found Whit Mosley's missing friends at Black Jack Point-dead and buried, along with bones and relics from a legendary past. When Whit opens an inquest into the murders, he's plunged into a shadowy world of ruthless treasure hunters, double-crossing tycoons, and money-hungry sharks -- all chasing a long-lost fortune in emeralds and gold. His only ally, police detective Claudia Salazar, is kidnapped at sea and held hostage in a deadly game of betrayal and greed. To survive, both Claudia and Whit must stay one step ahead of their common enemy -- a desperate killer far more dangerous than any pirate of old...

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