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From Black Rooms

by Stephen Woodworth

Natalie Lindstrom has finally left the underworld behind for a new career in the art world. But there’s one world she can’t escape: the Other world of the dead. As a former Violet, an elite crime-fighter with the power to channel murder victims, Natalie is now using her paranormal gift to summon the spirits of legendary painters. But she’s about to discover how far some people will go to keep their hold on her–and others like her…. Evan Markham, her ex-lover-turned-Violet-Killer, has escaped from prison. And he’s been made an offer he can’t refuse: Natalie. But first he must help contact a deceased geneticist whose most intriguing experiment was brutally interrupted: an attempt to manufacture Violets. To protect her young daughter and herself, Natalie must search for the scientist’s only living test subject–a handsome but tortured artist to whom she is dangerously attracted. For he is caught in the grip of two opposing forces, one that wants his survival, another that wants him–and anyone connected with him–destroyed…. From the Paperback edition.

In Golden Blood

by Stephen Woodworth

Natalie Lindstrom has a gift: the power to speak to the dead, to solve crimes by interviewing murder victims. But now Natalie wants to escape. Escape from the voices that fill her head. Escape from the organization that has used her as a crime-solving tool…and now wants to recruit her daughter. So Natalie takes a job as far from crime and punishment as she can get: with an archaeologist in the mountains of Peru. Her job: to find a trove of priceless artifacts–by channeling those who lived and died at an ancient Incan site. But in the towering Andes, Natalie enters a 500-year-old storm of betrayal, murder, greed, and rage–and she cannot silence the voices of the dead. The slaughtered reach out to her. The slaughterers boast of their crimes. Alone, cut off from her family, Natalie faces a chilling realization: every truth she uncovers is leading her one step closer to a terror beyond imagining. From the Paperback edition.

Manos rojas (Médium Natalie Lindstrom #Volumen 2)

by Stephen Woodworth

Los Violetas son personas nacidas con los ojos de color violeta y habilidades psíquicas especiales, que les permiten invocar a los muertos. Cinco años después de la muerte de Dan y del nacimiento de Callie, Natalie ha abandonado el CCUN (Cuerpo de Comunicaciones Ultraterrenas Norteamericano) y lucha por mantener a su hija alejada de su antigua vida de servidumbre bajo el férreo control del gobierno americano. Vigilada de cerca por el Cuerpo que espera la mínima oportunidad para hacerse con la custodia de su hija y reclutarla, Natalie intenta mantener una vida normal; educa a su hija y se dedica a mediar en asuntos familiares ultraterrenos, poniendo en contacto a personas con sus familiares muertos. Pero su nueva vida se viene abajo cuando la fiscal del distrito le pide ayuda para condenar a un joven asesino que está a punto de salir impune. Aunque todas las pruebas físicas no dejan duda de su culpabilidad, las víctimas que comparecen en el estrado niegan que él haya tenido nada que ver con sus muertes. Natalie sospecha que existen irregularidades con los testimonios que está prestando un reputado Violeta y se pone a investigar. Sus descubrimientos la llevan hasta el corazón de su peor pesadilla infantil: Thresher, un brutal asesino que fue ejecutado, pero que vuelve del más allá para hacerle la vida imposible.

Ojos violeta (Médium Natalie Lindstrom #Volumen 1)

by Stephen Woodworth

Un agente del FBI y una medium se enfrentarán con un asesino en serie. Extraños y valiosos, los violetas son humanos nacidos con habilidades psíquicas especiales: ayudan a la policía a resolver crímenes actuando como médiums con los muertos. Llevan una existencia infeliz y dolorosa a merced de una sociedad violenta que los controla, venera y margina, y que necesita sus servicios desesperadamente. Ahora además están en peligro. Se han convertido en el blanco de un brutal asesino en serie que ha aprendido a esconder su identidad a sus víctimas. Ante él, sus ojos violeta están indefensos. El agente del FBI Dan Atwaker y la violeta Natalie Lindstrom, perpetuamente aterrorizada por sus visiones, recorrerán Estados Unidos de punta a punta en un desesperado intento de detener al asesino antes de que alcance su macabro objetivo.

Sangre dorada (Médium Natalie Lindstrom #Volumen 3)

by Stephen Woodworth

La esperada tercera entrega de la serie Médium Natalie Lindstrom. ¿Qué ocurriría si la policía descubriese a un grupo de ciudadanos capaces de invocar a los muertos? Natalie Lindstrom tiene un don: puede hablar con los muertos. Durante años ha prestado sus servicios al Cuerpo de Comunicaciones Ultraterrenas Norteamericano, que controla a personas como ella, conocidos como «violetas», y utiliza su poder para resolver crímenes, tomando declaración a las víctimas de asesinato. Pero Natalie quiere escapar de ese mundo. Escapar de las voces que llenan su cabeza, y empezar una nueva vida en Perú, lejos de la violencia. Allí, junto a un arqueólogo, tratará de encontrar un tesoro de valor incalculable; pero, cuando todo parece ir bien, los verdaderos y más terribles fantasmas comienzan a aparecer. Reseñas:«Merecería una legión de lectores que gusten tanto del buen John Grisham como del mejor Philip K. Dick.»Ricard Ruiz Garzón «Stephen Woodworth da una vuelta de tuerca a las novelas convencionales de misterio y asesinatos.»Publishers Weekly «No podrás parar de leer.»Lisa Gardner «Un thriller contundente.»Iris Johansen «Un libro adictivo y espeluznante que explora la terra incognita entre vivos y muertos, la pérdida y la redención, el deseo y el dolor, a medida que ahonda en lo que significa ser humano en un mundo tan parecido a nuestra propia realidad.»Elizabeth Hand

Through Violet Eyes: A Novel (Violet Eyes #1)

by Stephen Woodworth

In a world where the dead can testify against the living, someone is getting away with murder. Because to every generation are born a select few souls with violet-colored eyes, and the ability to channel the dead. Both rare and precious--and rigidly controlled by a society that craves their services--these Violets perform a number of different duties. The most fortunate increase the world's cultural heritage by channeling the still-creative spirits of famous dead artists and musicians. The least fortunate aid the police and the law courts, catching criminals by interviewing the deceased victims of violent crime.But now the Violets themselves have become the target of a brutal serial murderer--a murderer who had learned how to mask his or her identity even from the victims. Can the FBI, aided by a Violet so scared of death that she is afraid to live, uncover the criminal in time? Or must more of her race be dispatched to the realm that has haunted them all since childhood?

With Red Hands

by Stephen Woodworth

Natalie Lindstrom was once one of an elite group of investigators with the power to interview the dead victims of violent crime. But now Natalie has had enough. Enough of the violence. Enough of the darkness that has already gotten too close to her five-year-old daughter. Yet as she tries to build a new life and protect her child from the world she has left, Natalie still knows injustice when she sees it. And she knows that in a high-profile California trial, a young man is getting away with murder. The case against Prescott Hyland Jr. is airtight–until a corrupt Violet delivers devastating testimony against another man. Now Natalie is being drawn back into her former career and a danger far worse than she can imagine. For while one killer is being tried in a courtroom, another has gone horribly free: to unleash a storm of vengeance–aimed straight for the heart of Natalie’s new life. Because, in the world of the Violets, sometimes your past can literally come back to haunt you. . . . From the Paperback edition.


by Michelle Woody

Private detective Chris Mason thought he only had to worry about his brother Dylan discovering he was dating Homicide detective James Harris. Dylan and their best friend, Ron Abrams, don’t like James, and Chris has to handle their animosity towards his lover. But then Chris is targeted by a serial killer who leaves snapdragons with his victims.James leads the Snapdragon investigation as head detective. As each murder links Dylan and Ron to the killings, James questions Ron’s motives and his connections to Chris. Ron’s pet name for Chris has always been Snapdragon. Could there be more behind Ron’s playful teases than Chris knows?When Ron’s attraction to Chris is exposed, their friendship totters. Is a darker side to Ron revealed? Could he be involved with the Snapdragon murders? And will Chris be able to solve the case before he becomes the killer's next victim?

Blood at Dawn

by Jim R. Woolard

Jim R. Woolard’s classic frontier epic of a young man raised to survive any battle he might encounter in a wild, savage, untamed land . . . Young Ethan Downer may not look old enough to shave, but he was raised by his father to survive a harsh, unsettled land crawling with enemies eager to spill his blood. When Ethan joins General St. Clair’s troops on a hard march toward Ohio’s Wabash River, his hard won lessons will be put to the test like never before . . . On a cold dawn in 1791, St. Clair’s exhausted army awakes to find itself surrounded by a well-planned Indian ambush. As the battle wages fiercely, the outcome is clear—there is no hope for survival. It’s a slaughter on a monumental level and only a desparate, futile plan might save a few lives. And Ethan Downer is unafraid to ride straight into the jaws of the enemy, guns blazing.

Thunder in the Valley

by Jim R. Woolard

Western writer Jim R. Woolard’s classic award-winning debut still rides hard and fires point blank from all barrels . . .Bitter experience has taught Matthan Hannar wound his way upriver, avoiding settlers that wanted to hang him, and Indians seeking fresh scalps. When he spied Zelda Shaw struggling for her life with a Shawnee brave, he could stay hidden no longer. But saving her life meant two people had to be protected from the cold, starvation and those who would kill them both. And Matthan was taking Zelda home, dowMatthan Hannar that to survive the harsh, untamed wilderness of the OhioValley in 1790, , it’s best to avoid all contact with settlers (likely to hang you) and Indians (even more likely to slaughteryou). Success on those fronts means he might not starve, drown, or freeze to death. But while he’s winding his way upriver as stealthily as he can, he stumbles across Zelda Shaw furiously fighting off a ferociousShawnee brave. Breaking his own rules means Matthan Hannar has s now got to keep Zeldab alive, too, or face the wrath of her kinfolk.In order to do that he’ll have to kill off a hell of a lot more . . .

The Winds of Autumn

by Jim R. Woolard

Jim R. Woolard’s classic western of a family torn apart by a savage, untamed territory, and their relentless struggle for survival—and revenge . . . Deep in the Ohio Valley, the Tyler family laid claim to a new life. But one deadly evening changed everything. Under a moonless night, the family is beset by rampaging Shawnee. In the red storm of bullets, arrows, and knives, Blake and Blaine Tyler emerge bloodied but alive. But their parents have been brutally murdered. And their sister, Sarah, is the victor’s spoils for a war party long gone. Undeterred, the brothers set off across the Ohio River. Two against one embittered nation makes poor odds. But revenge has a way of getting the job done . . .

Jackpot Justice

by Marilyn Wooley

When Cassandra Ringwald, a psychologist, accepts an offer from an attorney to do a psychological evaluation of one of his clients, she thinks it will be good for her budding career. Cassie has no idea that she might end up nearly paying with her life. Cassie is hired to evaluate Homer Johnson, a young Native American man who has been brought up on kidnapping charges. The first time that Cassie meets with him, she is repulsed by his attitude and also by the swastikas that he has on his shoes. She is also semi-intrigued by his character--he is clearly more intelligent than the skinheads he hangs out with, but he seems to want to protect them. As the story of what happened the night Anerd Woods disappeared continues to unravel--with little help from Homer--Cassie becomes even more determined to find the truth. She wants to know why Homer is staying so quiet when his whole life is hanging on the line. She sets out on her journey to find more answers. The deeper she digs, the more she learns that there are many hidden aspects of this case--greed, self-interest, private agendas, and danger to her and those around her.

Indefensible: A brand new totally gripping psychological thriller

by James Woolf

A lawyer gets uncomfortably close to a former client, crossing a dangerous line, in this edgy debut thriller. Daniel, a criminal barrister, is working all hours on a sensational trial at the Old Bailey, defending a client he believes is wrongfully accused of a grisly murder. Determined to keep Rod out of prison, he begins to neglect his wife—and soon afterwards suspects she&’s having an affair. After Daniel triumphs in court, the bond he&’s formed with his newly acquitted client grows even stronger. Then Rod offers Daniel a favour that he really shouldn&’t accept . . . When things take a catastrophic turn, Daniel realises his conduct has veered from unprofessional to indefensible—and that he&’s trapped in a nightmare of his own making . . .

Ginnie and the Mystery Cat

by Catherine Woolley

Ginnie is thrilled to be going with her parents to Europe where her father has business. She's more thrilled when she learns her best friend Geneva is coming with them. The girls see many new places, some beautiful, some sad and some boring. They eat at many restaurants where they try foreign foods they've never eaten before. One dish is so shocking that Geneva faints when she sees it. Along the way Ginnie is comforted by the figurine of a tiny black cat wearing gold earrings which she believes her cousin put in Ginnie's luggage so she wouldn't miss her cat at home. While the girls go along with tourists, they are secretly hoping to have adventures. When strange things begin to happen to them they blame coincidence and feel inconvenienced. Then they begin to feel worried and even afraid. Ginnie thinks that the worst things are her frightening nightmares until while stranded in the mud far from help, the whole family is threatened by a gun. This is too much adventure and all Ginnie wants is to get back to America in one piece, but first she will learn why danger has followed her from Portugal, to Spain, to Greece and to a Communist country. Read the many other Ginnie books in the Bookshare collection including Ginnie and Geneva, Ginnie and the mystery Doll, Ginnie and the Mystery Light and Ginnie and Her Baby-sitting Business.

Ginnie and the Mystery Light

by Catherine Woolley

[from inside flaps] "Ginnie is a favorite character among those created by Catherine Woolley, perhaps because her curiosity keeps leading her into one mystery after another. Here she returns in a new suspense-adventure that is set in the Charleston region of South Carolina. The tale begins when Ginnie is invited to spend the Christmas holidays with a friend in the South. Though Ginnie hopes for excitement, she doesn't bargain for anything as spooky as the mystery light on Lonesome Bay Road. Still, she is determined to find out what causes it. Is it the ghost of a Civil War slave looking for his wife? Is it related to black magic, voodoo, root doctors? And who is the flamboyant Doctor Turkey? Before Ginnie helps to solve the baffling riddle, she learns something of the nature of superstition, ignorance, fear--and evil. Based on an actual experience of the author, in which she participated in a university-sponsored investigation of a similar legendary light, this story is full of surprises and will keep its readers guessing from start to finish." Look for the rest of the Ginnie books in the Bookshare collection including: Ginnie and Geneva, Ginnie and Her Juniors, Ginnie and the Cooking Contest, Ginnie and the Mystery Cat, Ginnie and the Mystery Doll, Ginnie and the Mystery House, Ginnie and the New Girl, Ginnie and the Wedding Bells, Ginnie Joins In.

Ginnie's Mystery Doll

by Catherine Woolley

"But Ginnie," says Miss Wade, "it couldn't have been my old doll! Not after thirty years!" But it is! Ginnie has really seen Lady Vanderbilt, the beautiful doll that has been missing so long. And then mysteriously she disappears again! Why does the doll suddenly turn up at an auction? Who is the woman who buys her? Who steals the doll from the red car - and why? And where is the precious jewel that Lady Vanderbilt once wore? What begins for Ginnie as just a pleasant summer at Cape Cod ends up with an exciting mystery to solve.

The Black Angel: A Novel

by Cornell Woolrich

A classic is back in print! This hypnotic thriller, by one of the originators of the noir form, exposes its heroine to a waking nightmare In this classic crime novel, a panic-stricken young wife races against time to prove that her convicted husband did not murder his mistress. Writing in first person from the wife's viewpoint, Woolrich evokes her love and anguish and, finally, desperation as she becomes an avenging angel in her attempt to rescue her husband from execution.

The Black Angel

by Cornell Woolrich

This hypnotic thriller by the father of noir exposes its heroine to a waking nightmare. A panic-stricken young wife races against time to prove that her convicted husband did not murder his mistress. Writing in first person from her viewpoint, Woolrich makes us feel her love and anguish and desperation, as she becomes an avenging angel to rescue her husband from execution.

Night Has a Thousand Eyes: A Novel

by Cornell Woolrich

A new Pegasus Crime edition of the landmark noir novel by "the supreme master of suspense." --Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book ReviewIn Woolrich's iconic tale, Detective Tom Shawn saves a lovely young woman from a suicide attempt one night, and later hears her story. She is in despair because the death of her wealthy father has been predicted by a confidence man seemingly gifted with the power of clairvoyance; a man whose predictions have unerringly aided her father in his business many times before. Shawn and a squad of detectives investigate this dire prediction and try to avert the millionaire businessman from meeting his ordained end at the stroke of midnight.One of Cornell Woolrich's most influential novels, this classic noir tale of a man struggling with his ability to see the future is arguably the author's best in its depiction of a doomed vision of predestination.

Night Has a Thousand Eyes

by Cornell Woolrich

In Woolrich's iconic tale, Detective Tom Shawn saves a lovely young woman from a suicide attempt one night, and later hears her story. She is in despair because the death of her wealthy father has been predicted by a confident man seemingly gifted with the power of clairvoyance; a man whose predictions have unerringly aided her father in his business many times before. Shawn and a squad of detectives investigate this dire prediction and try to avert the millionaire businessman from meeting his ordained end at the stroke of midnight. One of Cornell Woolrich's most influential novels, this classic noir tale of a man struggling with his ability to see the future is arguably the author's best in its depiction of a doomed vision of predestination.

Rendezvous in Black

by Cornell Woolrich

On a mild midwestern night in the early 1940s, Johnny Marr leans against a drugstore wall. He's waiting for Dorothy, his fiancée, and tonight is the last night they'll be meeting here, for it's May 31st, and June 1st marks their wedding day. But she's late, and Johnny soon learns of a horrible accident--an accident involving a group of drunken men, a low-flying charter plane, and an empty liquor bottle. In one short moment Johnny loses all that matters to him and his life is shattered. He vows to take from these men exactly what they took from him. After years of planning, Johnny begins his quest for revenge, and on May 31st of each year--always on May 31st--wives, lovers, and daughters are suddenly no longer safe.

Waltz into Darkness

by Cornell Woolrich

A dark tale of the destructive power of love and obsession from 'The supreme master of suspense' NEW YORK TIMES'The father of the modern suspense story' LA TIMESWhen Louis Durand first meets his bride-to-be after a months-long courtship by mail, he's shocked that she doesn't match the photographs sent with her correspondence. But Durand has not exactly been truthful, either, concealing the details of his wealth. Mostly, he feels fortunate she is so much more beautiful than he expected. Soon after they marry, however, he becomes increasingly convinced that the woman in his life is not the same woman with whom he exchanged letters - and then she suddenly disappears with his fortune.Alone and desperate, Louis becomes obsessed with finding Julia and bringing her to justice - but it is only when he finally tracks her down that the nightmare truly begins...

Waltz into Darkness

by Cornell Woolrich

From “the supreme master of suspense” comes the chilling chronicle of one man’s descent into madness. (New York Times) When New Orleans coffee merchant Louis Durand first meets his bride-to-be after a months-long courtship by mail, he’s shocked that she doesn’t match the photographs sent with her correspondence. But Durand has told his own fibs, concealing from her the details of his wealth, and so he mostly feels fortunate to find her so much more beautiful than expected. Soon after they marry, however, he becomes increasingly convinced that the woman in his life is not the same woman with whom he exchanged letters, a fact that becomes unavoidable when she suddenly disappears with his fortune. Alone, desperate, and inexplicably love-sick, Louis quickly descends into madness, obsessed with finding Julia and bringing her to justice — and simply with seeing her again. He engages the services of a private detective to do so, embarking on a search that spans the southeast of the country. When he finally tracks her down, the nightmare truly begins… A dark tale of the destructive power of love, Waltz into Darkness is a classic “femme fatale” narrative that shows “the father of the modern suspense story” (LA Times) at the top of his unsettling craft. It has been adapted for film twice, most notably serving as the basis for Francois Truffaut’s Mississippi Mermaid.

Into the Night

by Cornell Woolrich Lawrence Block

TWO OF THE GREATEST AUTHORS OF NOIR FICTION IN AN UNFORGETTABLE COLLABORATIONAn innocent woman lies dead in the street, felled by a stray bullet. Now it&’s up to the woman who killed her to investigate the dead woman&’s life and pick up its cut-short threads, carrying out a mission of vengeance on her behalf against the man she loved and lost – and the nightclub-singing femme fatale responsible for splitting them apart.Begun in the last years of his life by noir master Cornell Woolrich, the haunted genius responsible for such classics as Rear Window, The Bride Wore Black, Night Has a Thousand Eyes, and Phantom Lady, and completed decades later by acclaimed novelist and MWA Grand Master Lawrence Block (A Walk Among the Tombstones, Eight Million Ways to Die), INTO THE NIGHT – available here for the first time in more than 35 years – is a collaboration that extends beyond the grave, echoing the book&’s own story of the living taking on and completing the unfinished work of the dead.

Selected Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Abridged)

by Norman J. Woolworth Arthur Conan Doyle

At the time Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created Sherlock Holmes, the most famous detective in fiction, most stories were told in parts in magazines over many months. The problem with that, Doyle thought, was that if readers happened to miss the first part, they would not be interested in picking up the story later. So he decided to write stories that were complete in one issue and had main characters that reappeared in future adventures.

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