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Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience: Disaster Socio-Hydrological Resilience and Sustainability

by Saeid Eslamian Faezeh Eslamian

This book is part of a six-volume series on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience. The series aims to fill in gaps in theory and practice in the Sendai Framework, and provides additional resources, methodologies and communication strategies to enhance the plan for action and targets proposed by the Sendai Framework. The series will appeal to a broad range of researchers, academics, students, policy makers and practitioners in engineering, environmental science and geography, geoscience, emergency management, finance, community adaptation, atmospheric science and information technology.This volume discusses the implementation of socio-hydrological resilience measures to curb the impacts on vulnerable communities of hydrologic diasters such as coastal floods, drought, water scarcity, and thunderstorms. The book provides a framework for sustainable hydrology-community interactions to inform local communities about the best practices to achieve hydrological resilience, and to implement resilient water infrastructure. Hydrological influences on the resilience of a region are comprehensively surveyed, and a "green economy strategy" is described and recommended for achieving climatic and hydrological sustainability.

Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience: New Frameworks for Building Resilience to Disasters

by Saeid Eslamian Faezeh Eslamian

This book is part of a six-volume series on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience. The series aims to fill in gaps in theory and practice in the Sendai Framework, and provides additional resources, methodologies and communication strategies to enhance the plan for action and targets proposed by the Sendai Framework. The series will appeal to a broad range of researchers, academics, students, policy makers and practitioners in engineering, environmental science and geography, geoscience, emergency management, finance, community adaptation, atmospheric science and information technology. This volume discusses how to measure and build disaster resilience at society’s capacity, drawing upon individual, institutional and collective resources to cope with and adapt to the demands and challenges of natural disaster occurrences. The book will serve as a guide, outlining the key indicators of disaster resilience in urban and rural settings, and the resources and strategies needed to build resilient communities in accordance with the targets of the Sendai Framework. Readers will learn about multi-risk reduction approaches using computational methods, data mining techniques, and System Thinking at various scales, as well as institutional and infrastructure resilience strategies based on several case studies.

The Legal Regime of Offshore Oil Rigs in International Law

by Hossein Esmaeili

This book reviews and examines the relevant portions of all international treaties, cases and the national law and practice of states, in relation to international aspects of offshore oil rigs. By doing so, it offers an understanding of the legal regime surrounding oil rigs and formulates an international law framework. It investigates the issues under consideration by analyzing provisions of international law pertaining to all aspects of oil rigs, as well as international treaties and their travaux preparatoires. It also examines the national legislation of major offshore oil and gas producers and defines a framework of customary international entities such as the OSPAR and the petroleum industries of certain major offshore oil producers. Based upon the book's findings, it is clear that in spite of their increasing importance, offshore oil installations are subject to fragmentary and vague legal rules under international law.

The Planner’s Guide to Natural Resource Conservation:

by Adrian X. Esparza Guy Mcpherson

Much of the country's recent population growth is situated in exurban areas. By many accounts exurbanization has become the dominant pattern of land development in the country and there is no indication it will slow in the foreseeable future (Theobald 2005; Brown et al. 2005; Glennon and Kretser 2005). By definition, exurban development takes place beyond the metropolitan fringe, often in rural and remote areas. The development of new exurban communities is a growing trend, especially in the West. In this case, developers and homebuilders seek large tracts of land, up to thousands of acres, in rural areas (typically within 50 miles of a large city) where they plan entire communities consisting of commercial, retail and residential land uses. Recreational amenities such as golf courses and hiking/biking trails are often included in these master-planned developments. Our philosophy is reflected in the book's two objectives. First, we seek to document the extent and impacts of exurban development across the country. At issue is demonstrating why planners and the public-at-large should be concerned about exurbanization. We will demonstrate that even though exurbanization favors amenity rich regions, it affects all areas of the country through the loss of agricultural and grazing lands, impacts to watersheds and land modification. A summary of environmental impacts is presented, including the loss of wildlands and agricultural productivity, land modification, soil erosion, impacts to terrestrial hydrologic systems, the loss of biodiversity, nonnative and endangered species and other topics. Our second aim is to provide readers from diverse (nonscientific) backgrounds with a working knowledge of how and why exurbanization impacts environmental systems. This is accomplished by working closely to ensure contributors follow a specific outline for each chapter. First, contributors will spell out fundamental concepts, principles and processes that apply to their area of expertise (e.g., riparian areas). Contributors will move beyond a cursory understanding of ecological processes without overwhelming readers with the dense material found typically in specialized texts. For this reason, visuals and other support materials will be integral to each chapter. We have chosen contributors carefully based on their record as research scientists and acumen as educators. Second, once the mechanics have been laid out, authors will explain how and why land development in nearby areas influences ecosystems. Issues of interdependency, modification and adaptation, spatial scale and varying time horizons will be featured. Third, contributors will weigh in on the pros and cons of various land-development schemes. Fourth, authors will share their thinking on the merits of conservation devices such as wildlife corridors, open-space requirements and watershed management districts. Finally, each chapter will conclude by identifying pitfalls to avoid and highlighting "best practices" that will mitigate environmental problems or avoid them altogether. In sum, after completing each chapter, readers should have a firm grasp of relevant concepts and processes, an understanding of current research and know how to apply science to land-use decisions.

A la taula dels altres: A peu pel Priorat

by Josep Maria Espinàs

Espinàs comparteix l'experiència de caminar per un Priorat en temps de verema, amb costums i personatges que avui semblen inventats. El 1957 Josep M. Espinàs va conèixer un Priorat del qual, amb l'excepció del vi, se'n tenien molt poques notícies, en una època en què encara es traginava el raïm en rucs i s'anava a buscar l'aigua a la font amb àmfores. En el llibre A la taula dels altres, l'escriptor camina per aquesta comarca durant la verema i passeja per uns pobles on un foraster és una raresa. Espinàs esmorza i conversa amb la gent que troba a les vinyes i coneix una sèrie de personatges curiosos que, a través de la mirada de l'escriptor, hi apareixen molt ben retratats. El que era una crònica de viatge, fidel a la realitat, ara s'ha convertit en una narració que reviu un món que forma part del nostre passat.

L'últim traginer: A peu pel Pallars i la Vall d'Aran

by Josep Maria Espinàs

Espinàs converteix l'experiència de la caminada en una crònica viva en la qual el lector s'aventura amb l'escriptor per camins desconeguts del Pallars i la Vall d'Aran. L'últim traginer ens transporta a un temps en què el Pallars i la Vall Aran no tenien estacions d'esquí, els guàrdies civils anaven amb bicicleta i la centraleta de telèfons de Salardú la feia funcionar, manualment, una noia en un racó de menjador d'una antiga fonda. El lector s'aventura amb l'escriptor pels camins i les valls d'aquestes contrades, en una crònica que reviu un món rural perdut i nostàlgic de mitjan anys cinquanta. Josep M. Espinàs, a través d'aquesta crònica del 1956, reviu uns fets, uns personatges i un paisatge que avui ja formen part del passat, però que l'autor manté vius per sempre amb el seu testimoni de narració viva.

Viatge a la frontera de la llengua: A peu per la Llitera

by Josep Maria Espinàs

On és exactament la Llitera? Com s'hi viu? Quin català es parla en aquesta comarca de l'Aragó? La passió per caminar i descobrir ha dut a Josep M. Espinàs, aquesta vegada, a una terra plena d'interrogants per a molta gent. On és exactament la Llitera? Quin català es parla en aquesta comarca de l'Aragó? La passió per caminar i descobrir va dur Josep M. Espinàs a una terra de pas plena d'interrogants per a molta gent. El 1990, caminant per la Llitera amb sol i amb tempestes, amb totes les sorpreses d'un viatge com aquest, Espinàs converteix l'experiència d'anar a peu en una narració viva, en una crònica que es llegeix com si el lector també s'aventurés amb l'escriptor per camins desconeguts. "Tota la Llitera a peu?, això no ho ha fet mai ningú!", li van dir els lliterans. Viatge a la frontera de la llengua és una obra excepcional en la literatura de viatges de Josep M. Espinàs, tant per l'escenari com pels fets que s'hi narren. Amb aquest llibre, l'autor aporta un testimoni directe i apassionat dels pobles de la comarca.

The Great Canadian Bucket List: One-of-a-Kind Travel Experiences

by Robin Esrock

A National Bestseller! Fully revised with new chapters and fascinating destinations to explore, renowned travel writer Robin Esrock guides you to Canada’s most incredible experiences. Having visited more than 100 countries on 7 continents, Robin Esrock has built a career chasing the extraordinary. His bestselling Bucket List books feature experiences that are entirely unique, instantly memorable, wholly inspirational, and available to all. Celebrating his adopted home of Canada, Robin journeys to every province and territory to reveal the remarkable activities and destinations that are unique to the True North strong and free. Get ready to: Cross the mythical Northwest Passage Cycle across Prince Edward Island Float on Canada’s very own Dead Sea Feel the hot breath of a wild polar bear Cave bash along Quebec’s Magdalen Islands Sail among whales in the “Galapagos of the North” Taste Canada’s best poutine, smoked meat, and fish and chips Raft a tidal wave, roll your car uphill, camp in the Arctic and much more! Robin packs each chapter with colourful descriptions, unforgettable characters, quirky trivia, and eye-popping photography. With more than 70 exciting new experiences, the new edition unlocks an extensive online companion where you’ll find videos, galleries, maps, reading guides, and all the practical information you’ll need to follow in Robin’s footsteps.

The Great Northern Canada Bucket List: One-of-a-Kind Travel Experiences

by Robin Esrock

Following a car accident in Vancouver, Robin Esrock set off on a worldwide expedition to tick off the many items on his personal bucket list. More than one hundred countries later, he realized that missing among his extraordinary adventures was his adopted home: Canada. Welcome to Robin’s acclaimed journey to discover the bucket-list-worthy experiences that define a nation. Travelling across Canada’s vast northern territories, Robin was delighted to find unique adventures for both visitors and locals alike. Through his discovery of nature, culture, history, food, and a few quirky tidbits of Canadiana, Robin's personal quest to tick off the exceptional destinations and activities of the North pack in enough adventure for a lifetime. Accompanied by recommendations, and with bonus content available online, discover one-of-a-kind experiences in Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Categorized by territory, The Great Northern Canada Bucket List will give you a first-hand perspective on: Camping in the High Arctic. Crossing the Northwest Passage. Watching wild beluga whales play at your feet. Tasting muktuk and Arctic char. Dogsledding with a Yukon Quest legend. Flying with Buffalo Air. Swallowing the Sourtoe Cocktail. ... and much more!

Advanced Technologies for Humanity: Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity (ICATH'2021) (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #110)

by Mohammed Essaaidi Yassine Maleh Rajaa Saidi Brahim El Bhiri Ayman Mosallam

This book gathers the proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity (ICATH’2021), held on November 26-27, 2021, in INSEA, Rabat, Morocco. ICATH’2021 was jointly co-organized by the National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (INSEA) in collaboration with the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences (EMSI), the Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (IAV-Hassan II), the National Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (INPT), the National School of Mineral Industry (ENSMR), the Faculty of Sciences of Rabat (UM5-FSR), the National School of Applied Sciences of Kenitra (ENSAK) and the Future University in Egypt (FUE).ICATH’2021 was devoted to practical models and industrial applications related to advanced technologies for Humanity. It was considered as a meeting point for researchers and practitioners to enable the implementation of advanced information technologies into various industries. This book is helpful for PhD students as well as researchers.The 48 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 105 submissions. The papers presented in the volume are organized in topical sections on synergies between (i) smart and sustainable cities, (ii) communication systems, signal and image processing for humanity, (iii) cybersecurity, database and language processing for human applications, (iV) renewable and sustainable energies, (V) civil engineering and structures for sustainable constructions, (Vi) materials and smart buildings and (Vii) Industry 4.0 for smart factories.All contributions were subject to a double-blind review. The review process was highly competitive. We had to review 105 submissions from 12 countries. A team of over 100 program committee members and reviewers did this terrific job. Our special thanks go to all of them.

Ecomysticism: The Profound Experience of Nature as Spiritual Guide

by Carl Von Essen

Explores the philosophy, science, and spirituality of nature mysticism and its Green calling • Offers a solid bridge between spiritual practice and environmental activism • Reveals how we can heal the environment by renewing our connection to it • Shows how spiritual encounters in nature are healing the Nature Deficit Disorder of our psyches and bodies Many have been struck by a majestic moment in nature--a sole illuminated flower in a shady grove, an owl swooping silently across a wooded path, or an infinitely starry sky--and found themselves in a state of expanded awareness so profound they can feel the interconnectedness of all life. These trance-like moments of clarity, unity, and wonder often incite a call to protect and preserve the earth--to support Nature as she supports us. Termed “nature mysticism,” people from all cultures have described such experiences. However, the ever-increasing urbanization of the world’s population is threatening this ancient connection as well as the earth itself. In Ecomysticism, Carl von Essen explores nature mysticism through the recorded experiences of outdoor enthusiasts as well as scientific studies in biology, psychology, and neuroscience. Citing consciousness scholar William James and a variety of well-known nature lovers such as Ansel Adams, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, von Essen shows how the spiritual transcendence from an encounter in nature--like other mystical experiences--is healing the Nature Deficit Disorder of our psyches and bodies, leading to an expansion of our worldview and a clearer understanding of our self and of our natural world. Offering a solid bridge between spiritual practice and environmental activism, von Essen’s spiritual ecology reveals how only through a renewal of humanity’s spiritual connection to nature can we effect true environmental healing.

Our Beautiful, Fragile World: The Nature and Environmental Photographs of Peter Essick

by Peter Essick

"Our Beautiful, Fragile World" features a career-spanning look at the images of photojournalist Peter Essick taken while on assignment for "National Geographic" magazine. In this book, Essick showcases a diverse series of photographs from some of the most beautiful natural areas in the world and documents major contemporary environmental issues, such as climate change and nuclear waste. Each photograph is accompanied by commentary on the design process of the image, Essick's personal photographic experiences, and informative highlights from the research he completed for each story. "Our Beautiful, Fragile World" takes the reader on a journey around the globe, from the Oulanka National Park near the Arctic Circle in Finland to the Adelie penguin breeding grounds in Antarctica. "Our Beautiful, Fragile World" will interest photographers of all skill levels. It carries an important message about conservation, and the photographs provide a compelling look at our environment that will resonate with people of all ages who care about the state of the natural world. Foreword by Jean-Michel Cousteau.

Managed Realignment: A Viable Long-Term Coastal Management Strategy?

by Luciana S. Esteves

Managed realignment has been a preferred coastal management strategy in England in the 21st century and has also been increasingly implemented elsewhere. Climate change and environmental and financial concerns have led to a shift from the traditional 'hold-the-line' approach of coastal protection towards more flexible soft engineering options. Managed realignment is a relatively new soft engineering alternative aiming to provide sustainable flood risk management with added environmental and socio-economic benefits by creating space for coastal habitats to develop more dynamically. The natural adaptive capacity of coastal habitats and the ecosystem services they provide underpin the sustainability of managed realignment. However, many definitions of managed realignment exist and the understanding of what the term actually represents in practice has evolved through time and varies regionally. This book clarifies the definitions and terminology used in the literature and proposes that managed realignment is used as a general term that encompasses the many different methods of implementation worldwide, including: removal, breach and realignment of defences; controlled tidal restoration (which includes regulated tidal exchange and controlled reduced tide); and managed retreat. These methods of implementation are explained and illustrated with examples from around the world. In addition to a general overview of emerging policies and current practices, specific chapters discuss approaches adopted in different locations, including the Netherlands, the UK and Maui (USA). The UK experience is presented from the perspectives of three sectors: the National Trust (a charity organisation that owns 10% of the coastline of England and Wales), the Environment Agency (the organisation responsible for implementing government policy concerning flood and erosion risk) and a private consultant involved in the planning, design and delivery of managed realignment projects. Taking a wider perspective to consider the range of implementation methods, the viability of managed realignment as a long-term coastal management strategy is discussed. Recent national and regional strategies worldwide give managed realignment an increasing role in climate change and flood risk management. Gaining stakeholders and public support is fundamental for the success of emerging coastal management strategies. However, public perception and stakeholders engagement are often cited as a factor limiting the wider uptake of managed realignment. Results from a recent survey are used to benchmark the current thinking about the potential, the performance and the limitations of managed realignment in the UK and elsewhere. Current opinions about managed realignment are often not clearly defined, partly due to many projects being relatively recent. There is a general perception of great potential to provide sustainable flood risk management with added environmental benefits. However, the views of stakeholders are considerably more negative and notably contrast with the views of practitioners and researchers. The only clear and dominant agreement across all groups of respondents is that better understanding about the long-term evolution of sites is needed

Ecocriticism and Shakespeare

by Simon C. Estok

This book offers the term 'ecophobia' as a way of understanding and organizing representations of contempt for the natural world. Estok argues that this vocabulary is both necessary to the developing area of ecocritical studies and for our understandings of the representations of 'Nature' in Shakespeare.

The Los Angeles Plaza

by William David Estrada

City plazas worldwide are centers of cultural expression and artistic display. They are settings for everyday urban life where daily interactions, economic exchanges, and informal conversations occur, thereby creating a socially meaningful place at the core of a city. At the heart of historic Los Angeles, the Plaza represents a quintessential public space where real and imagined narratives overlap and provide as many questions as answers about the development of the city and what it means to be an Angeleno. The author, a social and cultural historian who specializes in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Los Angeles, is well suited to explore the complex history and modern-day relevance of the Los Angeles Plaza. From its indigenous and colonial origins to the present day, Estrada explores the subject from an interdisciplinary and multiethnic perspective, delving into the pages of local newspapers, diaries and letters, and the personal memories of former and present Plaza residents, in order to examine the spatial and social dimensions of the Plaza over an extended period of time. The author contributes to the growing historiography of Los Angeles by providing a groundbreaking analysis of the original core of the city that covers a long span of time, space, and social relations. He examines the impact of change on the lives of ordinary people in a specific place, and how this change reflects the larger story of the city.

A Better Planet: Forty Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future

by Daniel C. Esty Ingrid C. Burke

A practical, bipartisan call to action from the world’s leading thinkers on the environment and sustainability Sustainability has emerged as a global priority over the past several years. The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change and the adoption of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals through the United Nations have highlighted the need to address critical challenges such as the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, water shortages, and air pollution. But in the United States, partisan divides, regional disputes, and deep disagreements over core principles have made it nearly impossible to chart a course toward a sustainable future. This timely new book, edited by celebrated scholar Daniel C. Esty, offers fresh thinking and forward-looking solutions from environmental thought leaders across the political spectrum. The book’s forty essays cover such subjects as ecology, environmental justice, Big Data, public health, and climate change, all with an emphasis on sustainability. The book focuses on moving toward sustainability through actionable, bipartisan approaches based on rigorous analytical research.

Sustainable Land Management

by Hari Eswaran Selim Kapur Winfried E.H. Blum

Soil quality is threatened by many human-induced activities, but can also be improved by good land management. In the relatively short history of mankind on earth, the landscape and soils of the world have been drastically modified from their "natural " state. Landscapes altered by man's activities are termed "Anthroscapes" which are inextricably linked to culture and history. The challenges for today's scientists are to devise and implement sustainable land management strategies in order to preserve the land for the benefit of future generations. This book is a valuable compendium of the research experiences so far gained in studies of the context and concept of the "Anthroscape" and highlights the potential future contributions of such research to sustainable development.

Law and Practice on Public Participation in Environmental Matters: The Nigerian Example in Transnational Comparative Perspective (Routledge Research in International Environmental Law)

by Uzuazo Etemire

Public participation has become a recurring theme and a topical issue in the field of international environmental law, with many multilateral environmental instruments calling on states to guarantee effectively the concept in their laws and practices. This book focuses on public participation in environmental governance, in terms of public access to environmental information and public participation in environmental decision-making processes. Drawing on the body of international best practice principles in environmental law and taking a comparative stance, Uzuazo Etemire takes Nigeria as a key case, evaluating its procedural laws and practices in relation to public access to information and participation in decision-making in environmental matters. In working to clarify and deepen understanding of the current status of environmental public participation rights in Nigeria, the book addresses key issues in environmental governance for developing and transitional countries and the potential for public participation to improve the state of the environment and public wellbeing. This book will be of great interest to undergraduate students (as further reading) and post-graduate students, academics, researchers, relevant government agencies and departments, policy-makers and NGOs in the fields of international environmental law, environmental justice, environmental/natural resource management, development studies and international finance.

Urban Land Use: Community-Based Planning

by Kimberly Etingoff

This compendium volume, Urban Land Use: Community-Based Planning, covers a range of land use planning and community engagement issues. Part I explores the connections between land use decisions and consequences for urban residents, particularly in the areas of health and health equity. The chapters in Part II provide a closer look at community land use planning practice in several case studies. Part III offers several practical and innovative tools for integrating community decisions into land use planning.

Gilberto and the Wind

by Marie Hall Ets

A young boy finds in the wind a playmate of many moods: one that can sail boats, fly kites, blow dirt, and turn umbrellas inside out.

Play with me

by Marie Hall Ets

A little girl goes to the meadow to play, but each animal she tries to catch runs away from her--until she sits still by the pond, and they all come back.

Saving the Wild South: The Fight for Native Plants on the Brink of Extinction

by Georgann Eubanks

The American South is famous for its astonishingly rich biodiversity. In this book, Georgann Eubanks takes a wondrous trek from Alabama to North Carolina to search out native plants that are endangered and wavering on the edge of erasure. Even as she reveals the intricate beauty and biology of the South's plant life, she also shows how local development and global climate change are threatening many species, some of which have been graduated to the federal list of endangered species.Why should we care, Eubanks asks, about North Carolina's Yadkin River goldenrod, found only in one place on earth? Or the Alabama canebrake pitcher plant, a carnivorous marvel being decimated by criminal poaching and a booming black market? These plants, she argues, are important not only to the natural environment but also to southern identity, and she finds her inspiration in talking with the heroes—the botanists, advocates, and conservationists young and old—on a quest to save these green gifts of the South for future generations. These passionate plant lovers caution all of us not to take for granted the sensitive ecosystems that contribute to the region's long-standing appeal, beauty, and character.

The Troubled Rhetoric and Communication of Climate Change: The argumentative situation (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

by Philip Eubanks

Despite an overwhelming scientific consensus, climate change remains one of the most controversial issues of our time. Focusing on the rhetoric that surrounds the issue of climate change, this groundbreaking book analyses why the debate continues to rage and examines how we should argue when winning the argument really matters. Going beyond routine condemnations of the wildest statements made by religious fundamentalists or spokespeople for fossil fuel interests, the book explains the mutually exacerbating problems that permit many of us greet catastrophic predictions with an equivocal shrug. It argues that the argumentative situation around climate change makes a certain kind of skepticism – "fair-minded skepticism" – not only possible but likely. The book also strikes a hopeful note, reminding us that people do change their minds in response to effective argumentation that appeals to deeply shared values. Offering new insight into an ongoing academic discussion about the nature of argument and how it can be undertaken more effectively and ethically, as well as a new perspective on the rhetoric of science and technology, this book will be a valuable resource to students and scholars of climate change, environmental humanities, rhetoric, environmental communication, sociology and science and technology studies.

A Place Like Mississippi: A Journey Through a Real and Imagined Literary Landscape

by W. Ralph Eubanks

&“This is the book all of us Mississippi writers, dead and alive, need to read. It is indeed a strange but glorious sensation to see your literary and geographic lineage so beautifully and rigorously explored and valued as it's still being created.&” —Kiese Laymon, author of Heavy: An American MemoirIn A Place Like Mississippi, award-winning author and Mississippi native W. Ralph Eubanks treats us to a literary tour of the evocative landscapes that have inspired writers in every era. From Faulkner to Wright, Welty to Trethewey, Mississippi has been both a backdrop and a central character in some of the most compelling prose and poetry of modern literature.The journey unfolds on a winding path, touching the muddy Delta, the rolling Hill Country, down to the Gulf Coast, and all points between. In every corner of the state lie the settings that informed hundreds of iconic works.Immersing us in these spaces, Eubanks helps us understand that Mississippi is not only a state but a state of mind. Or as Faulkner is said to have observed, &“To understand the world, you must first understand a place like Mississippi.&”

Environmental Biotechnology and Cleaner Bioprocesses

by Eugenia J. Olguín, Gloria Sánchez, Elizabeth Hernández

As we enter a new millennium, the environmental issues faced by both developing and industrialised nations are as pressing as ever. Environmental biotechnologies are increasingly being viewed as a major weapon against environmental damage. Cleaner production is part of this strategy and yet there is still widespread ignorance about this emerging technology. Environmental Biotechnology and Cleaner Bioprocesses provides this information at various levels, from introductory to advanced. The first section covers the development of cleaner bioprocesses within the framework of sustainable development. Aspects of environmental policy for small and medium businesses are then discussed using case studies to illustrate principles. The second section covers the recycling and treatment of organic waste, including the use of aquatic plants and microalgae for wastewater treatment and recovery of nutrients. Section three covers bioremediation technologies and finally, section four is dedicated to emerging cleaner bioprocesses and environmentally sound products. All chapters have been written and edited by leading authorities in the field. Students and professionals interested in environmental biotechnology and cleaner production will find the background information and detail they require in this one convenient source.

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