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Showing 76 through 100 of 38,438 results

Waging War On Trial: A Handbook with Cases, Laws and Documents

by Brian R. Dirck Charles L. Zelden

Legal analysis of problems associated with the waging of war by this Nation.

How To Cure Yourself Of Positive Thinking

by Donald G. Smith

This author that this book is about truth, reality. While providing a unique, humorous and philosophical look at positive thinking, he shares a system of thinking that strives for balance and acknowledges hegativism as a valid, and sometimes necessary (and more honest) response. Want a job in a certain field? His advice: get well qualified. Don't like your required college class because it is a waste of time? His advice: while wasting your time and fulfilling a meaningless requirement, get the best grade you possibly can.

Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge

by Edward O. Wilson

Author that behind disciplines as diverse as physics, biology, anthropology and the arts, lies a small number of natural laws, whose interlocking he calls consilience.

Queen and Country: The Fifty-Year Reign of Elizabeth II

by William Shawcross

Describes the public persona of the Queen

When God Weeps: Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty

by Joni Eareckson Tada Steve Estes

This book is about God weeping over human heartache, his entering our anguish himself, and the love that drives him to let us suffer. It's about experiencing the friendship of God along difficult paths we didn't even know he walked. Much of it is written from Joni's perspective because her life is a remarkable laboratory that proves God knows what he's talking about. But your life is the important laboratory to put God's Word to the test as you read.

Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings

by David J. Chalmers

A collection of articles ranging from Descartes to the present, covering the major issues and controversies in the philosophy of mind.

West-Bloc Dissident: A Cold War Memoir

by William Blum

A highly personal and candid memoir by a former U.S. State Department employee who became a radical dissident in the 1960s and remains active in opposing U.S. imperialism

Elegy for Iris

by John Bayley

The declining years of Iris Murdoch.

Literacy as a Moral Imperative: Facing the Challenges of a Pluralistic Society

by Rebecca Powell

Powell argues that literacy instruction should encourage social responsibility and civic action and should nurture a culture of compassion and care.

Back to Gridlock: Governance in the Clinton Years

by James L. Sundquist

Eighteen essays on the operation of government in 1995.

The Universe and Multiple Reality: a Physical Explanation of Manifesting, Magic and Miracles

by M. R. Franks

Postulating the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics and the reality of mind apart from the physical brain, Franks asserts that physics explains various paranormal phenomena.

Common Sense and Other Writings, With an Introduction by Gordon S. Wood

by Gordon S. Wood Thomas Paine

Several essays by Thomas Paine, discussing government, religion, and social organization. In addition to the writings, good background.

Lincoln's War: The Untold Story of America's Greatest President as Commander-In-Chief

by Geoffrey Perret

This is a readable and yet scholarly work which serves as both history and biography. "Incredible as it may seem to us, when Lincoln became president, there was still a question as to whether the president, even acting as commander in chief, had the power to determine military policy. It fell to Lincoln to create the role of commander in chief. This book tells how he did that and how, in so doing, he created the modern presidency."

Restoration of the Republic: The Jeffersonian Ideal in 21st Century America

by Gary Hart

Investigates the relationship between rights and responsibilities.

Wisdom Sits In Places: Landscapes and Language Among the Western Apache

by Keith H. Basso

Four essays recount stories Western Apaches tell about the landscape. Includes comments from a cultural anthropologist.

The Shape of Reason: Argumentative Writing in College

by John T. Gage

Argumentative reasoning addresses ideas that the writer takes seriously enough to want to explore and support with good reasons.

A Brief History of Time - Updated and Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition

by Stephen Hawking

A Brief History of Time. This is the Famous book by Steven Hawking updated for the Tenth anniversary of its publication. Learn all you wanted to know about the universe and cosmology.

Awake In The Heartland: The Ecstasy of What is

by Joan Tollifson

This is a book about waking up. It's not about techniques, dogmas, traditions, exotic states or future attainments. Rather, it points to the simplicity and wonder of what is, as it is. This is a book about discovering perfection in imperfection, and the extraordinary in the ordinary. It's about enlightenment, not a future attainment, but here and now. It celebrates life as it is, from the beautiful to the horrific, inviting the reader to see that everything is spiritual, and that nothing is a mistake. If there seems to be a gap between what the enlightenment books describe and what you find in your own life, if you still think enlightenment is something that will happen to you in the future (or not at all), if you're still chasing experiences or self-improvement, then this book may be just what you need to see that what you seek is already here. There is a vibrant energy that emanates from the pages of this book that cannot help but resonate with and stir the same essence in the reader and awaken them to the ecstasy of what is-their own true nature. Because the personal story is so beautifully interwoven, the book answers the question so often asked by seekers: "Yes, I under stand BUT...How do I live my life?" Joan is constantly showing the reader, by personal example, that life lives itself as IS no matter WHAT appears. I recommend it. - Sailor Bob Adamson

501 Practical Ways to Teach Your Children Values

by Bobbie Reed

How to teach your children values from a Biblical perspective

The Double Edged Helix: Social Implications of Genetics in a Diverse Society

by Adrienne Asch Jon Beckwith Peter Conrad Lisa N. Geller Joseph Alper Catherine Ard

The authors address the medical and ethical implications of the new technologies, outlining potential positive and negative effects of genetic research on minorities, people with disabilities, and those of diverse sexual orientations. Presenting a wide array of perspectives, this book emphasizes the need to ensure that research into genetics does not result in discrimination against people on the basis of their DNA.

Charting your Course: A Life-Long Guide to Health and Compassion

by Sally Coleman David Anderson

Although this is a textbook written for young people, its applications are much broader: the person thinking about career change; the young parent; the new grandparent; the spiritual leader/planner. "Charting Your Course is based on Seven Health Principles. Each principle identifies a vital area of life and presents a healthy orientation toward that area. The seven areas are attitude, personal values, holistic health, relationships, community, the natural world, and service to others."

Direct Democracy: The Politics of Initiative, Referendum, and Recall

by Thomas E. Cronin

Ballot democracy, populist democracy, democracy by initiative, referendum, and recall-however one labels it-is only one hundred years old in the United States and has been in and out of fashion during that time. At the writing of this book there was a resurgence of interest in new kinds of forces trying to overturn legislative and executive fiat by direct ballot. In this book Thomas Cronin suggests why this is so, how it is working, and what should be done.

An Invitation to Philosophy

by Nicholas Capaldi Eugene Kelly Luis E. Navia

Survey of Western philosophy with a chapter on Oriental philosophy included.

Learning to Theorize: A Four-Step Strategy

by Dennis E. Mithaug

how to separate the facts, value and actions of a situation to clarify and understand their relationship and how a thinking strategy assists in learning to theorize better

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