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Xicancuicatl: Collected Poems (Wesleyan Poetry Series)

by Alfred Arteaga

Xicancuicatl collects the poetry of leading avant-garde Chicanx poet Alfred Arteaga (1950–2008), whom French philosopher Gilles Deleuze regarded as "among those rare poets who are able to raise or shape a new language within their language." In his five published collections, Arteaga made crucial breakthroughs in the language of poetry, basing his linguistic experiments on the multilingual Xicanx culture of the US Southwest. His formal resources and finely tuned ear for sound patterns and language play remain astonishing. His poetical work, presented as a whole here for the first time, speaks more than ever to a moment in which border-crossing, cultural diversity, language-mixing and a multi-cultural vision of America are critical issuesCAMINO IMAGINADOBlue leaves, hojas rotas in the shape of stars.Ni un "no" en tu vocabulario but for others;blue in place of green in the shape of Spain.Ojos the color of dirt, chocolate, coffee, time,azules las horas, hojas de horas van y se van,ni una palabra, ni una queja, nor broken bita tu lado beside me andamos walking, sí walkingcaminamos caminos like these, such streets, whatcity.7/15/95 Paris.

Y cosas que me callo

by Antonio Carreño

El primer poemario de Antonio Carreño es una caja negra que guarda las respuestas que nos quedan después del accidente. Del de amar, del de creer, del de vivir. Respuestas que nos hacen preguntarnos de nuevo: ¿por qué no volver a intentarlo? Estos poemas hablan de aquellas noches que me mordí la lengua por no poder morder la tuya, de todos los espejos que rompí para dejar de verte, de las hojas que ningún otoño se atrevió a arrancar. Son grito sordo de amor y revolución, si acaso no fueran lo mismo.

Y.O.U. (Your Own Universe)

by The Editors at the Scott Foresman

This book is a collection of non-fiction, poems, stories and essays etc from different authors.

...y también poemas

by Roberto Gómez Bolaños

Reconocido en todo el mundo de habla hispana como actor, guionista, comediante y creador de personajes inolvidables, Roberto Gómez Bolaños ha escrito teatro... y también poemas. Con este libro, el autor descubre otra de sus facetas y nos ofrece poesía cálida, amorosa, a veces reflexiva, a veces humorística, y siempre cercana, íntima, disfrutable. Escribe "a la antigua", en versos con rima, ritmo y métrica, con profundo respeto por el quehacer poético, y en formas consideradas clásicas: décima, romance y soneto.

...y también poemas

by Roberto Gómez Bolaños

Reconocido en todo el mundo de habla hispana como actor, guionista, comediante y creador de personajes inolvidables, Roberto Gómez Bolaños ha escrito teatro, television, cine... y también poemas. Con este libro, el autor descubre otra de sus facetas y nos ofrece poesía cálida, amorosa, a veces reflexiva, a veces humorística y siempre cercana, íntima, disfrutable. Escribe "a la antigua", en versos con rima, ritmo y métrica, con profundo respeto al quehacer poético, y en formas que se consideran clásicas: décima, romance y soneto.

Ya no sé qué hacer para triunfar

by Francisco Peña Mayor

Una mirada poética a través de lo cotidiano. Expansión del autor, estos pequeños poemas encierran mil situaciones y experiencias distintas. Siendo poesía, son perfectamente entendibles, sacrificando el autor subterfugios y recursos para que la idea llegue limpia al lector. <P><P>Se entremezclan, por tanto, metáforas y otras figuras retóricas con la realidad y clarividencia de la vida misma. Poseen las estrofas (si se les puede llamar así) un ritmo vivo, producido por una buena utilización de rimas, que sin ser un metrónomo, tienen una sonoridad y armonía hermosa. <P><P>Es un lenguaje moderno, de nuestro tiempo, con denominación de origen canario, donde el autor está en conflicto permanente con la sociedad. Un inconformista con numerosas razones para quejarse, en una lucha permanente que plasma mediante conclusiones certeras.

Ya no será

by Idea Vilariño

Se incorporan a Poesía Portátil los versos de Idea Vilariño, una de las poetas latinoamericanas más destacadas del siglo XX. Directa y sin artificios, así es la poesía que desde muy joven cultivó Idea Vilariño. La muerte temprana de sus padres y su hermano mayor la sumieron en un estado de melancolía que atraviesa toda su obra poética y la dota de una sensibilidad especial. Algunos de los temas que plasmó en sus versos son el sinsentido de la vida, la naturaleza humana o el amor: esa fuerza incontrolable que todo lo anega y que le hizo dedicar algunos de sus poemas más descarnados a Juan Carlos Onetti, con quien mantuvo un vínculo pasional. Solitaria y reservada, reivindicó la figura de la mujer tanto en sus escritos poéticos como en sus otras producciones. Idea Vilariño formó parte de la generación del 45 uruguaya, junto con Mario Benedetti o Ida Vitale. «Es otraacaso es otrala que va recobrandosu pelo su vestido su manerala que ahora retomasu vertical su pesoy después de sesiones lujuriosas y tiernasse sale por la puerta entera y puray no busca saberno necesitay no quiere sabernada de nadie.»

Yahya Hassan

by Yahya Hassan

"¡Estoy increíblemente cabreado con la generación de mis padres!" Yahya Hassan se ha convertido, con solo 19 años, en un gran fenómeno editorial con su extraordinario primer libro, a medio camino entre el rap y la poesía. El debut de Yahya Hassan es la historia de su vida convertida en poesía: la historia de un joven, hijo de emigrantes palestinos, frustrado y enfadado porque se siente abandonado por sus padres y extraño al mundo que le rodea. Los poemas de Hassan son una acusación contra sus mayores, contra la violencia de su padre, pero también contra toda una generación de inmigrantes a la que acusa de hipocresía, de aprovecharse de las ayudas sociales, de negarse a integrarse en la cultura del país y de criar a sus hijos en el abandono más absoluto. Su original y provocadora escritura ha avivado el debates en torno al tema de la inmigración, tanto en Dinamarca como por toda Europa. Pero este libro no es solo un valioso testimonio para la reflexión sino también una potente obra literaria que le ha valido a su autor el reconocimiento internacional.

The Year Comes Round

by Sid Farrar Ilse Plume

Brown bear politelyoffers to surrender hisden to nosy skunkTwelve nature-themed haiku accompanied by lush illustrations take the reader from January to December. A great way to introduce children to the traditional Japanese poetry form.

A Year in Story and Song: A Celebration of the Seasons

by Lia Leendertz

A Year in Story and Song is a captivating collection of stories and songs that celebrates the seasons. We humans love stories. We love to hear them and to tell them, around fires and by bedsides, and we love to use them to make sense of the world around us. The seasons, in all their ever-changing variety, give us many opportunities for storytelling: the full moons and their names, Epiphany in January, St Patrick's Day in March, May Day, Midsummer, Halloween and more. They feature mischievous boggarts and fairies, saints and sailors, leprechauns and dragons, pilgrimages and charms, milk maids and rose queens, Robin Hood and the green man. The songs range from shanties and love songs, to bawdy ballads and wassails, to carols and rounds, and have been sung for hundreds of years, often at particular moments in the calendar.This is a book to treasure all year, every year.

A Year in Story and Song: A Celebration of the Seasons

by Lia Leendertz

A Year in Story and Song is a captivating collection of stories and songs that celebrates the seasons. We humans love stories. We love to hear them and to tell them, around fires and by bedsides, and we love to use them to make sense of the world around us. The seasons, in all their ever-changing variety, give us many opportunities for storytelling: the full moons and their names, Epiphany in January, St Patrick's Day in March, May Day, Midsummer, Halloween and more. They feature mischievous boggarts and fairies, saints and sailors, leprechauns and dragons, pilgrimages and charms, milk maids and rose queens, Robin Hood and the green man. The songs range from shanties and love songs, to bawdy ballads and wassails, to carols and rounds, and have been sung for hundreds of years, often at particular moments in the calendar.This is a book to treasure all year, every year.

The Year Is a Circle: A Celebration of Henry David Thoreau

by Victor Carl Friesen

Henry David Thoreau is remembered as a foremost nature writer. He was an ecologist before the term was invented. A man of many parts, including social critic, he is known to have had an influence on such internationally recognized leaders as Gandhi and Martin Luther King. "Victor Carl Friesen, author of The Spirit of the Huckleberry, an astute analysis of Henry David Thoreau’s prose, again demonstrates his affinity for the Walden sage with this unique volume of poems and photographs. Taking a series of quotations demonstrating Thoreau’s sensuousness, he writes a poem for each and then illustrates them with outstanding colour photographs. The poems, mostly written in the blank verse form, have sturdy strength and remarkable insight into both Thoreau and nature."- Walter Harding, Founding Secretary, The Thoreau Society Inc., State University of New York, Genesco "Friesen is particularly qualified as a Thoreau scholar, for his personal interests extend well beyond literature to include natural history, a subject very much at the centre of Thoreau’s writings."- Canadian Book Review Annual

The Year Of Goodbyes: A True Story Of Friendship, Family And Farewells

by Debbie Levy

This book tells the true story of what happened to a 12-year-old girl named Jutta (Debbie Levy's mother) in 1938. Actual entries in a posie album (autograph book) serve as stepping stones in a crucial year in history, when people of Jewish ancestry in Germany and Austria were systematically stripped of their rights, subjected to violence, and arrested without cause Jutta was one of the lucky ones who escaped to America before the rising tide of violence erupted into World War II and the tragedy of the Holocaust Remembrances from Jutta's friends and relatives introduce chapters, written in verse form, that describe her experiences. Many of them typical of any teenager anywhere and report some of the history of the era. Debbie wrote these verses in consultation with her mother to reflect her voice, feelings, and thoughts as she was living through this memorable year. The book also includes excerpts from Jutta's diary. Together the poesie writings, verses and diary entries reflect a year of change and chance, confusion and cruelty Most of all, they describe a year of goodbyes.

A Year of Last Things: Poems

by Michael Ondaatje

From one of the most influential writers of his generation, a gorgeously surprising poetry collection about memory, history, and the act of looking backFollowing several of his internationally acclaimed novels, A Year of Last Things is Michael Ondaatje&’s long-awaited return to poetry. In pieces that are sometimes witty, sometimes moving, and always wise, we journey back through time by way of alchemical leaps, unearthing writings by revered masters, moments of shared tenderness, and the abandoned landscapes we hold on to to rediscover the influence of every border crossed.Moving from a Sri Lankan boarding school to Molière&’s chair during his last stage performance, to Bulgarian churches and their icons, to the California coast and his beloved Canadian rivers, Michael Ondaatje casts a brilliant eye that merges memory with the present, in the way memory as the distant shores of art and lost friends continue to influence everything that surrounds him.From his poem "His chair, a narrow bed, a motel room, the fox": At the Hacienda Motel in Los Angeles Sam Cooke was shot dead. &‘See that shadow on the wall . . .&’ All those motels and hotels in literature and song, where X wrote this, where Y got drunk, where Z overdosed. The one Hank Williams was driven past, dead already in his car. The Slavianski Bazaar Hotel in "The Lady with a Dog," where Dmitri imagines their dark but hopeful future. The Hôtel de ville de Courtrai, where Verlaine shot Rimbaud. The Casa Verdi in Milan, where retired opera singers were welcomed along with various heteronyms of Fernando Pessoa in their afterlife.

A Year of Last Things: Poems

by Michael Ondaatje

One of the Globe and Mail's most anticipated books of 2024With A Year of Last Things, acclaimed novelist Michael Ondaatje returns to poetry, where he began his career over fifty years ago, and what a return it is.Born in Sri Lanka during the Second World War, Ondaatje was sent as a child to school in London, and later moved to Canada. While he has lived here since, these poems reflect the life of a writer, traveller and watcher of the world – describing himself as a &“mongrel,&” someone born out of diverse cultures. Here, rediscovering the influence of every border crossed, he moves back and forth in time, from a childhood in Sri Lanka to Moliere&’s chair during his last stage performance, from icons in Bulgarian churches to the California coast and loved Canadian rivers, merging memory with the present, looking back on a life of displacement and discovery, love and loss. At first sight it is a glittering collection of fragments and memories – but small, intricate pieces of a life are precisely what matter most to Ondaatje. They make an emotional history. As he writes in the opening poem: &“Reading the lines he loves / he slips them into a pocket, / wishes to die with his clothes / full of torn free stanzas / and the telephone numbers / of his children in far cities&”. Poetry – where language is made to work hardest and burns with a gem-like flame – is what Ondaatje has returned to in this intimate history.

The Year of My Disappearance

by Carole David Donald Winkler

Winner of the 2016 Prix des LibrairesWinner of the 2016 Quebecor Prize for the Trois-Rivières Poetry FestivalCarole David's The Year of My Disappearance is a searing, surreal, darkly comic descent into a woman's psyche. From Governor General's Award winning translator, Donald Winkler, into English, comes this pitiless assault on the author's own torments and pretenses. Present here are figures lodged in her memory: lovers, strangers, her mother, and Bosch-like apparitions out of her dreams and imaginings. Through it all, a fierce combat is being waged between immolation and survival. As David has written, "I gave free range to the lives that dwelt within me." It's down this road the blind spot sings.

The Year of My Life, Second Edition: A Translation of Issa's Oraga Haru

by Issa Kobayashi

This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1960.

A Year of Reading Aloud: 52 poems to learn and love

by Georgina Rodgers

'In a world in which we tend to look to what's new, to cutting-edge science and to medical breakthroughs for hope in better health, there's something marvellous in the realisation that one of the most beautiful and longest-lasting cures has been here all along - on the internet, on our bookshelves, under our noses. Words - down the centuries, over the ether, across the miles - have power to steady us, to make us feel better.' the ObserverThe ancient tradition of learning and reciting poetry is renowned for its wellbeing benefits - from strengthening the mind and boosting creativity to improving memory. The practice is as valuable as ever in our busy modern day lives, allowing us to focus on the rhythm of the present moment, slow down and switch off.A Year of Reading Aloud celebrates the power of spoken word with a poem to learn and love for each week of the year. Drawing both on familiar favourites and new voices, from Sylvia Plath and Maya Angelou to Instapoets Nikita Gill and Yrsa Daley-Ward - this is a book that will capture your imagination through verse and help you fall back in love with this beautiful art form. Includes a foreword by Rachel Kelly, bestselling author of 52 Small Steps to Happiness and Black Rainbow.

Year of the Dog (American Poets Continuum #178)

by Deborah Paredez

In the tradition of women as the unsung keepers of history, Deborah Paredez’s second poetry collection tells her story as a Latina daughter of the Vietnam War. The title refers to the year 1970—the “year of the Metal Dog” in the lunar calendar—which was the year of the author’s birth, the year of her father’s deployment to Vietnam with a troop of Mexican-American immigrant soldiers, and a year of tremendous upheaval across the United States. Images from iconic photographs and her father’s snapshots are incorporated, fragmented, scrutinized, and reconstructed throughout the collection as Paredez recalls untold stories from a war that changed her family and the nation. In poems and lamentations that evoke Hecuba, the mythic figure so consumed by grief over the atrocities of war that she was transformed into a howling dog, and La Llorona, the weeping woman in Mexican folklore who haunts the riverbanks in mourning and threatens to disturb the complicity of those living in the present, Paredez recontextualizes the historical moments of the Vietnam era, from the arrest of Angela Davis to the haunting image of Mary Ann Vecchio at the Kent State Massacre, never forgetting the outcry and outrage that women’s voices have carried across time.

A Year with Hafiz: Daily Contemplations

by Daniel Ladinsky

Daniel Ladinsky’s stunning interpretations of 365 soul-nurturing poems—one for each day of the year—by treasured Persian lyric poet Hafiz The poems of Hafiz are masterpieces of sacred poetry that nurture the heart, soul, and mind. With learned insight and a delicate hand, Daniel Ladinsky explores the many emotions addressed in these verses. His renderings, presented here in 365 poignant poems—including a section based on the translations of Hafiz by Ralph Waldo Emerson—capture the compelling wisdom of one of the most revered Sufi poets. Intimate and often spiritual, these poems are beautifully sensuous, playful, wacky, and profound, and provide guidance for everyday life, as well as deep wisdom to savor through a lifetime. .

A Year with Rilke

by Joanna Macy Anita Barrows

One of the most beloved poets of the twentieth century, Rainer Maria Rilke is widely celebrated for his depth of insight and timeless relevance. He has influenced generations of writers with his classic Letters to a Young Poet, and his reflections on the divine and our place in the world are disarmingly profound. A Year with Rilke provides the first ever reading from Rilke for every day of the year, including selections from his luminous poetry, his piercing prose, and his intimate letters and journals. Rilke is a trusted guide amid the bustle of our daily experience, reflecting on such themes as impermanence, the beauty of creation, the voice of God, and the importance of solitude. With new translations from the editors, whose acclaimed translation of Rilke's The Book of Hours won an ardent readership, this collection reveals the depth and breadth of Rilke's acclaimed work.

Year Zero

by Brian Henderson

Year Zero is the time of hushed beginnings and endings, the place of naming and unnaming, where language, strange to itself, tiptoes along songlines as though following passages of Koto music. In Brian Henderson's poetry, poised and listening on this hinge of creativity, ontological wonder is informed by awareness of the paradoxes at the heart of language, that language wants you for itself, and that what is named, falls. Whether focusing on the dying of a parent or fellow poet, or on the coming-to-be of a child, this poetry is alive with the truth that "The dead burn through us/ the not yet born."


by Lo Kwa Mei-en

"Defiant and uncategorizable, Lo Kwa Mei-en's Yearling, with its teeming species, battles, and passions, read like an illuminated manuscript: mysterious, visceral, awe-full. Hers are some of the most enviable poems I have ever read, and herald Mei-en as the new standard bearer for innovative structure, terrifying acknowledgment, ecstatic statement, and, I daresay, beauty."--Kathy FaganLo Kwa Mei-en's Yearling explores adolescence through a deeply moving and poignantly raw lens. As the speaker ages, so too does the poetry, creating laments for the loss of friendship, the loss of species, and sometimes the loss of humanity itself. Harsh, forlorn and yet effervescent, Mei-en's lyricism perfectly captures the ethos of youth in an unsure world.From "Rara Avis Decoy":Wild diamond rocking on the floorof a predatory boat. Point & say sweet traitorto the wood & water for wanting to be madeof both. My name is I know not what I amas a country of mothers & fathers comes down.They call me sleeping beauty. I dream I amin flight, body unfolding, folding, a bulletwounding water again & again--the mysteriouslove of a father & mother a two-barreledgaze. The gun in my dream speaks my name& sees a beating vein. Takes aim--Lo Kwa Mei-en is from Singapore and Ohio. Her poems have appeared in Boston Review, Guernica, the Kenyon Review, West Branch, and other journals, and won the Crazyhorse Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize and the Gulf Coast Poetry Prize.

Years I Walked at Your Side: Selected Poems (Excelsior Editions)

by Mordechai Geldman

Finalist for the 2018 National Jewish Book Award in Poetry presented by the Jewish Book Councilfrom "At Your Side"Years I walked at your sidelike our prophet Isaiahbarefoot naked and bareI will put on no coveruntil you see meuntil you recognize an otherone personat leastand so know yourself as wellMordechai Geldman came of age as a poet in the seventies, an auspicious and transformative time in the development of modern Hebrew literature, as poets and writers rejected the flowery, the hyperbolic, and the sentimental and opted instead for a more direct and intimate speech. While his early poems tended to rely on linguistic exploration, his vision soon turned inward, as he came to favor the simple, the true, the authentic. Geldman's poems are direct and accessible, touching on and revealing the divine and the sacred in the so-called mundane.

Yeats and Modern Poetry

by Edna Longley

Scholars and critics commonly align W. B. Yeats with Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot and the modernist movement at large. This incisive study from renowned poetry critic Edna Longley argues that Yeats's presence and influence in modern poetry have been sorely misunderstood. Longley disputes the value of modernist critical paradigms and suggests alternative perspectives for interpreting Yeats - perspectives based on his own criticism, and on how Ireland shaped both his criticism and his poetry. Close readings of particular poems focus on structure, demonstrating how radically Yeats's approach to poetic form differs from that of Pound and Eliot. Longley discusses other twentieth-century poets in relation to Yeats's insistence on tradition, and offers valuable insights into the work of Edward Thomas, Wallace Stevens, Wilfred Owen, Hugh MacDiarmid, W. H. Auden, Louis MacNeice, Geoffrey Hill, Philip Larkin and Ted Hughes. Her postscript addresses key issues in contemporary poetry by taking a fresh look at Yeats's enduring legacy.

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