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Conversations with Gary Snyder (Literary Conversations Series)

by David Stephen Calonne

Gary Snyder (b. 1930) is one of the most distinguished American poets, remarkable both for his long and productive career and for his equal contributions to literature and environmental thought. His childhood in the Pacific Northwest profoundly shaped his sensibility due to his contact with Native American culture and his early awareness of the destruction of the environment by corporations. Although he emerged from the San Francisco Renaissance with writers such as Kenneth Rexroth, Robert Duncan, and William Everson, he became associated with the Beats due to his friendships with Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, who included a portrait of Snyder as Japhy Ryder in his novel The Dharma Bums. After graduating from Reed College, Snyder became deeply involved with Zen Buddhism, and he spent twelve years in Japan immersed in study.Conversations with Gary Snyder collects interviews from 1961 to 2015 and charts his developing environmental philosophy and his wide-ranging interests in ecology, Buddhism, Native American studies, history, and mythology. The book also demonstrates the ways Snyder has returned throughout his career to key ideas such as the extended family, shamanism, poetics, visionary experience, and caring for the environment as well as his relationship to the Beat movement. Because the book contains interviews spanning more than fifty years, the reader witnesses how Snyder has evolved and grown both as a poet and philosopher of humanity's proper relationship to the cosmos while remaining committed to the issues that preoccupied him as a young man.

El corazón de aedo

by Jon Ícaro

El corazón del aedo es una colección de poemas y relatos cortos de amor que abarca la historia de la humanidad hasta, aproximadamente, el siglo II a. C. Dos amantes egipcios separados por las diferencias entre el Alto y Bajo Egipto. Un guardián del harén de Ramsés II enamorado de una de las mujeres del faraón. Un viril guerrero espartano cuya fuerza no es suficiente para enamorar a una refinada aristócrata ateniense. Un fiero y bestial asirio que solo encuentra calma en la dulzura de su amada. Un gobernante de Zhou incapaz de controlar sus pasiones siguiendo los consejos de Confucio... El verso posee una belleza que se escapa a la prosa, pero a veces se queda escaso para la épica de un relato amoroso.

Creatura Nova - El Renacimiento de la Mariposa

by Gennaro Carrano Roberto Carlos Pavón Carreón

La Inmolada, la Gentil, Sensibilidad, Delicado, El Eros, Pálida. Un viaje poético al descubrimiento de las diversas facetas del alma humana, donde el bien se confunde con el mal, le amor se funde con el odio, el perdón se vuelve una culpa ¿Cuál es la frontera entre lo que es justo y lo que es incorrecto? ¿La conciencia es en verdad un juez imparcial? ¿La moral es únicamente un condicionamiento social? Una eterna lucha entre instinto y razón... " Con Rassegnatio Et Assolutio Tollereresti Un Riprovevole Atto?" " Nell'Odiar Vivrei Angustiato!" Criatura Nueva quiere por estilo y temática representar un modo nuevo de hacer poesía. Un estilo antiguo fusionado con temáticas actuales y modalidad modernas. Nos enfrentamos, de hecho, más que a una compilación a una verdadera y propia narrativa poética. Por primera vez viene afrontado en poesía un tema escabroso como el estupro incestuoso. Las temáticas principales son las facetas del alma humana, vistos bajo varios puntos de vista. Está subdividido en "capítulos": La Inmolada y la Gentil son el verdadero y propio fulcro de la narración poética, de donde viene la historia de Adelfo (del griego adelphos = hermano) que viola a la hermana Virginia, ella encontrará la fuerza para perdonarlo aunque el perdón también puede ser una gran culpa, será esto, de hecho, lo que hará enloquecer al protagonista Adelfo. Otra particularidad son los narradores en la Inmolada tenemos las primeras dos poesías narradas por un narrador externo y las últimas 2 desde el punto de vista interno, es decir el de Adelfo. Lo mismo sucede en los capítulos de "La Gentil", donde en las primeras 2 poesías, el narrador es externo y en las últimas dos es interno, o sea tenemos el punto de vista de la hermana Virginia. Es un modo para ver con varios ojos y bajo varios aspectos, la historia, el carnicero y víctima, a medida que estos papeles se mezclan, la

Cries from the Ark

by Dan MacIsaac

A pitch-perfect debut and a call to act in the service of Earth through radiant attention. Humankind, at present, has breached floodgates that have only been breached before in ancient stories of angry gods, or so far back on geologic and biological timelines as to seem more past than past. Against this catastrophic backdrop (at the end of consolations, at the high-water mark), and equipped with a periscopic eye and a sublime metaphorical reach, poet Dan MacIsaac has crowded his debut vessel with sloths and auks, mummified remains and bumbling explorers, German expressionists and Neolithic cave-painters. With the predominant “I” of so many poetic debuts almost entirely absent, Cries from the Ark is catalogue and cartography of our common mortal—and moral—lot.

Cuba on the Verge: 12 Writers on Continuity and Change in Havana and Across the Country

by Leila Guerriero

“[An] anthology of stupendously astute essays...Guerriero’s meticulously curated dozen essays offers an irresistibly beckoning window onto a nation just 90 miles from American shores, though far away in practice and culture.” — Booklist (starred review)“...This anthology captures much of the broad, surreal spectrum of experience possible on the world’s most complex and controversial island.” — Alex Mar, author of Witches of America“These essays speak to and against one another, they cannot be politically aligned, and that is all as it should be - but what unites them is brilliant writing, a depth of intelligence, and a desire to pull us down from fantastic abstractions to the level of the human.” — Justin Torres, author of We the Animals“[A] fascinating anthology . . . Not quite a travelogue, this appealing volume will nevertheless satisfy any Americans wanting to be transported into the lives and experiences of real Cubans.” — Publishers Weekly“This fascinating collection of essays explores Cuba’s modern transformation, tackling topics from politics to music to baseball. You’ll find yourself both informed and entertained.” — Paste Magazine“[An] excellent new anthology.” — New York Review of Books

Dawn of our Solstices

by Aurélien Di Sanzo Benjamin Hedley

Conceptual collection of poems about abstract and physical shelters : a memory, a place, a song, a feeling can be seen as a shelter that helps to escape reality for a limited period.

De Auden a Yeats: Análise Crítica de 30 Poemas Selecionados

by Geetanjali Mukherjee Allan Felipe Rocha Penoni

Este livro é uma referência pronta para alunos de Literatura Inglesa que querem ajuda para navegar pela poesia de alguns dos maiores poetas do final do século XIX e do século XX. O livro contém análises críticas profundas de 30 poemas selecionados das obras de W.H. Auden, Ted Hughes, John Keats, Philip Larkin e W.B. Yeats. Uma coletânia de 30 ensaios, o livro objetiva ajudar que alunos de literatura tenham uma visão geral da vida e do trabalho de casa poeta representado, assim como entender os poemas discutidos com suficiente profundidade. CARACTERÍSTICAS DO LIVRO * Uma seção sobre a vida e o histórico de cada poeta, para melhor entender as influências em sua poesia, e ter uma visão do contexto dos poemas selecionados * Uma explanação simples de cada poema * Explanações dos temas, motivos e símbolos usados nos poemas * Um ensaio dedicado para cada poema selecionado, analisando-os para o benefício do estudante de literatura * Perguntas curtas para que os alunos pensem sobre os temas mais profundos dos poemas Este é um guia inestimável para de literatura inglesa na escola ou universidade, ou para qualquer um que deseje obter uma compreensão mais apurada de alguns dos poemas mais reconhecidos do último século. Este livro funciona melhor como um guia de estudos, e não deve substituir a leitura de fato dos poemas (POEMAS NÃO INCLUSOS). Alguns poemas discutidos: * W.H. Auden - Refugee Blues * Ted Hughes - Crow Tyrannosaurus * Philip Larkin - The Whitsun Weddings * John Keats - To Autumn * W.B. Yeats - The Second Coming

De todos los Lírios: La poesía y la prosa que consagran esos momentos, lugares e individuos indelebles

by R. A. Bentinck

En De todos los lirios, Bentinck “… libera a cada mujer para que se adueñe libremente de su sexualidad, ayudándola a apreciar que ella es mucho más que bragas y sostenes, pero que es digna del amor cotidiano. Señoras, todos necesitamos mantener esto cerca de la mesa de noche, ¡no se arrepentirán! Pero como mujer que a menudo se veía desafiada por muchas incertidumbres sociales y emocionales, la Reina natural de Bentinck fue liberadora y tranquilizadora; uno que me rescató de las inseguridades arraigadas durante mucho tiempo y la baja autoestima hacia esa búsqueda de "belleza natural impresionante". Para todas mis Hermanas en la encrucijada, el Sr. Bentinck nos ha dado un enfoque para que todos experimenten esas experiencias memorables, desaten nuestra belleza interior y emociones, repare y eleve cada alma confundida o rota. ¡Gracias, Randy! "

Dead White Men

by Shane Rhodes

A vital collection that interrogates the stories of the dead white men that litter our histories and landscapes. Juxtaposing the seemingly benign names of Europeans that permeate our geographies with the details of their so-called discoveries and conquests, Dead White Men turns ideas of exploration, discovery, finding and keeping back upon themselves. Engaging with exploration and scientific texts from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries – texts wrapped up in the history and ongoing present of colonization – this collection builds a fascinating poetry of memory out of histories that are largely forgotten. ‘A provocative and galvanizing read … Riveting and dazzling invention is visible on almost every page: fonts shift size, language cascades and cleaves, and images disrupt order. Dead White Men should be widely read and taught.’ – Eduardo C. Corral, author of Slow Lightning ‘Dead White Men is not only a searing indictment of colonialism but also a painful reminder of the violence that underpins the logic of exploration. Each poem strikes at the heart of the issue: there are often unarticulated, unacknowledged Indigenous presences here that have been flattened over by the lies and mirages of empty landscapes. Dead White Men is a stinging and difficult journey, and one that continues to remind us that stolen land has always been the most pressing concern for Indigenous peoples and settlers. This is an absolutely essential book.’ – Jordan Abel, author of Injun


by Susan Howe

The newest collection by one of America’s most exciting poets A collection in five parts, Susan Howe’s electrifying new book opens with a preface by the poet that lays out some of Debths’ inspirations: the art of Paul Thek, the Isabella Stewart Gardner collection, and early American writings; and in it she also addresses memory’s threads and galaxies, “the rule of remoteness,” and “the luminous story surrounding all things noumenal.” Following the preface are four sections of poetry: “Titian Air Vent,” “Tom Tit Tot” (her newest collage poems), “Periscope,” and “Debths.” As always with Howe, Debths brings “a not-being-in-the-no.”

Deirdre of the Sorrows

by Kenneth Steven

A sequence of poetry based on the tragic, ancient Irish legend, from the author of Out of the Ordinary and Iona. The story of Deirdre of the Sorrows is widely known in Ireland, yet all but forgotten across the water in Scotland. This great tragic love story, which has its roots in the ninth or tenth century, is very much shared by both countries. For Deirdre, according to the legend, fled with her lover Naoise to Argyll. The oldest song in Scotland is believed to be Deirdre&’s haunting farewell to her adopted land as she returns once more to Ireland. In this new sequence, Deirdre of the Sorrows, Kenneth Steven beautifully reimagines the legend of this love story; he brings back to life Deirdre&’s journey and attempts to capture its timeless power.&“Steven tells his interpretation with a poet&’s ear for telling phrasing, and a reporter&’s eagerness for pace and development. There is also a great sense of place in his epic, and a brooding melancholy threaded through the initial triumph of love. Steven here writes with the music of his mother&’s singing of a tale of beauty and loss, ancient and yet resonating among our contemporary uncertainties.&” —Church Times (UK)

Depois de uma Despedida vem Outra

by Mois Benarroch Ezio Cardozo

Mois Benarroch leva-nos a sentir o amor: o amor sefardita, o amor exilado, o amor físico, o amor perdido, o amor poético, o amor amado, o amor platônico, o amor estético, o amor tétrico. Mais uma vez temos a oportunidade de adentrar suas memórias e histórias, numa retórica gotejante de ironia e imaginação, de picardia e realidade. Do início ao fim nos permite apenas fixar nossos olhos em sua poesia e, tal como a criança que cria amigos imaginários e lhes dá nome para preencher o mundo, nos oferece o seu.

Depression and Other Magic Tricks

by Sabrina Benaim

<P>Depression & Other Magic Tricks is the debut book by Sabrina Benaim, one of the most-viewed performance poets of all time, whose poem "Explaining My Depression to My Mother" has become a cultural phenomenon with over 50,000,000 views.<P> Depression & Other Magic Tricks explores themes of mental health, love, and family. <P>It is a documentation of struggle and triumph, a celebration of daily life and of living. <P>Benaim's wit, empathy, and gift for language produce a work of endless wonder.

Derek Walcott: Politics and Poetics

by Paula Burnett

?An important contribution to the study of Walcott?s poetry and plays.??Modernism/modernity ?Walcott, [Burnett] says, has assimilated western tradition to his own project, using it to create a new plural world of open-ended possibilities. . . . A book that should be of interest to any student of Walcott?s literature.??Times Higher Education Supplement ?This ambitious book takes in the full corpus of Walcott?plays, essays, interviews, etc., as well as the poetry?and argues the essential unity of his (humanistic) vision.??Wasafiri ?Burnett is very good on Walcott?s aesthetic and technical strategies, particularly the mythopoeic framework of his thought, and the epic form which he frequently employs.??New West Indian Guide ?Convincingly suggests that Walcott?s art radiates outward from St. Lucia to the West Indies, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Americas, becoming an art that honors and enlarges the English language and its multiple histories and usages.??World Literature Today

Desde Auden a Yeats: Análisis Crítico de 30 Poemas Seleccionados

by Geetanjali Mukherjee A. Carolina Álvarez y Karina G. Marchini

Desde Auden a Yeats: Análisis crítico de 30 poemas seleccionados por Geetanjali Mukherjee Este libro es una referencia rápida para los estudiantes de literatura inglesa que busquen ayuda al navegar la poesía de algunos de los grandes poetas del siglo XIX y XX. Este libro es una referencia rápida para los estudiantes de literatura inglesa que busquen ayuda para navegar la poesía de alguno de los grandes poetas del siglo XIX y XX. El libro contiene un an{alisis crítico y profundo de 30 poemas seleccionados de las obras de W. H. Auden, Ted Hughes, John Keats, Philip Larkin and W.B. Yeats. Con una colección de 30 ensayos, el libro tiene como fin ayudar a los alumnos de literatura a obtener un mirada de la vida y trabajo de cada poeta aquí presentado, como también una comprensión de los poemas tratados con la suficiente profundidad. EL LIBRO POSEE: * Una sección sobre la vida y trasfondo de cada poeta para comprender mejor las influencias detrás de sus poemas y obtener un mejor conocimiento del contexto de los poemas seleccionados. * Una explicación sencilla de cada poema. * Una explicación de los temas, motivos y símbolos utilizados en los poemas. * Un ensayo específico para cada poema en particular, analizado para el beneficio del estudiante de literatura. * Preguntas breves para que el estudiante reflexione sobre los temas subyacentes de los poemas. Es una guía invaluable para los estudiantes de literatura en colegios secundarios y universidades o cualquiera que desee obtener una profunda comprensión de algunos de los poemas más reconocidos del último siglo. Este libro es muy útil como guía de estudio y no debe substituir la lectura de los poemas (LOS POEMAS NO ESTÁN INCLUIDOS). Algunos de los poemas tratados son: * W.H. Auden – Blues del refugiado * Ted Hughes – Cuervo tiranosaurio * John Keats – Al otoño * Philip Larki

Destellos de Emoción

by Augustine Sam Lic. Liliana Ganduglia Traductora literaria

Destellos de Emoción- Finalista del International Book Award de 2015- es simultáneamente oportuno & eterno. La selección nos permite aprovechar las ideas del poeta sobre una amplia variedad de temas desde la vida y el amor hasta la muerte y el trabajo forzado. Es poesía contemporánea con una arista sobresaliente, con un estilo dinámico, refrescante e innovador. Un “libro indispensable” para todo el que alguna vez ha experimentado amor, dolor, derrota, o alegría…

Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver

by Mary Oliver

Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Mary Oliver presents a personal selection of her best work in this definitive collection spanning more than five decades of her esteemed literary career. <P><P>Throughout her celebrated career, Mary Oliver has touched countless readers with her brilliantly crafted verse, expounding on her love for the physical world and the powerful bonds between all living things. Identified as "far and away, this country's best selling poet" by Dwight Garner, she now returns with a stunning and definitive collection of her writing from the last fifty years. <P><P>Carefully curated, these 200 plus poems feature Oliver's work from her very first book of poetry, No Voyage and Other Poems, published in 1963 at the age of 28, through her most recent collection, Felicity, published in 2015. <P><P>This timeless volume, arranged by Oliver herself, showcases the beloved poet at her edifying best. Within these pages, she provides us with an extraordinary and invaluable collection of her passionate, perceptive, and much-treasured observations of the natural world.


by Mary Oliver

A New York Times Bestseller, chosen as Oprah's 'Books That Help Me Through' for Oprah's Book ClubChosen by Poetry Book Society as their special commendation'No matter where one starts reading, Devotions offers much to love, from Oliver's exuberant dog poems to selections from the Pulitzer Prize-winning American Primitive, and Dream Work, one of her exceptional collections. Perhaps more important, the luminous writing provides respite from our crazy world and demonstrates how mindfulness can define and transform a life, moment by moment, poem by poem' The Washington Post'It's as if the poet herself has sidled beside the reader and pointed us to the poems she considers most worthy of deep consideration' Chicago TribuneThroughout her celebrated career, Mary Oliver touched countless readers with her brilliantly crafted verse, expounding on her love for the physical world and the powerful bonds between all living things. Devotions is a stunning, definitive and carefully curated collection featuring work from over fifty years of writing - from Oliver's very first book of poetry, No Voyage and Other Poems, published in 1963 at the age of 28, through to her last collection, Felicity, published in 2015. This timeless volume, arranged by Oliver herself, showcases the beloved poet at her edifying best. Within these pages, she provides us with an extraordinary and invaluable collection of her passionate, perceptive, and much-treasured observations of the natural world.

Diary of Our Fatal Illness

by Charles Bardes

This moving prose poem tells the story of an aged man who suffers a prolonged and ultimately fatal illness. From initial diagnosis to remission to relapse to death, the experience is narrated by the man’s son, a practicing doctor. Charles Bardes, a physician and poet, draws on years of experience with patients and sickness to construct a narrative that links myth, diverse metamorphoses, and the modern mechanics of death. We stand with the doctors, the family, and, above all, a sick man and his disease as their voices are artfully crafted into a new and powerful language of illness.

Dicionário de derrotas

by Toni Arias

"Dicionário de derrotas" é o segundo livro de poemas de Toni García Arias. Neste poema o autor aborda os temas clássicos do mundo poético: a perda da infância e da juventude, o amor, o desamor, as lembranças, a poesia e o passar do tempo. O livro representa como um dicionário, já que os poemas aparecem ordenados alfabeticamente: Ausência, Beijos, Corpo, Distância, etc.

Dictionary of Defeats

by Toni Arias

“Dictionary of defeats” is the second book of poems by Toni García Arias. In this poetry the author approach the classic subjects of the poetic world: The loss of childhood and youth, love, lack of love, memories, poems and the passing of time. The book is presented as a dictionary, because the poems are ordered alphabetically: Absence, Body, Childhood, Distance, etc.

Die Lehren Barakas

by Mois Benarroch Florian Schuhmacher

Mois Benarrochs gefeiertes Langgedicht, erstmals in deutscher Sprache. Benarroch gilt als einer der bedeutendsten israelischen Dichter. Seine Poesie wurde in einem Dutzend Sprachen veröffentlicht, darunter Urdu und Chinesisch. Nach Julia Uceda hält Benarroch in seinen Gedichten das Gedächtnis der Welt fest, während Jose Luis Garcia Martin gar meint, seine Werke seien mehr als Poesie, nämlich Zeugnisse. Als Zeuge seiner Zeit begann Benarroch mit 15, Gedichte auf Englisch zu verfassen, und hat stets auch auf Spanisch, seiner Muttersprache, geschrieben. Seit seinem 20. Lebensjahr dichtet er außerdem auf Hebräisch und hat seitdem sechs Gedichtbände in Israel veröffentlicht. "Wenn ich jemanden für den Nobelpreis nominieren dürfte, wäre er dafür im Rennen." - Klaus Gerken, Herausgeber von Ygdrasil Benarrochs Ansehen ist stetig gestiegen und seine Bücher sind in Spanien, Israel und den Vereinigten Staaten veröffentlicht worden. Er wurde 2008 mit dem Preis des israelischen Premierministers für Autoren und 2012 mit dem Jehuda-Amichai-Preis für Poesie ausgezeichnet.

Dilemmas of the Angels: Poems

by David Romtvedt

In the series of poems that underpins this collection, David Romtvedt imagines the daily lives of angels as well as other, more earthly, concerns. Whether he is considering the work of raising a child or imagining the work of the divine, Romtvedt displays an appreciation for all that surrounds us. His poems explore features of the Western world while offering accounts of life in Nicaragua, Rwanda, and the Congo. Throughout the collection, he displays an awareness of our remarkably diverse and intrinsically connected planet.A meditation on the ever-present need to balance our exterior life with our spiritual one, Dilemmas of the Angels is a masterful testament to a universal human struggle.

Distant Mandate: Poems

by Ange Mlinko

In Distant Mandate, Ange Mlinko moves between the tormented southern landscape, with its alternately arid and flooded scrublands, and the imaginative landscapes of Western art. Guided by her spiritual forbears—Orpheus, Mallarmé, Pound, Yeats, and others—Mlinko deftly places herself within the tradition of the poet in protest against the obduracy of the real.Mlinko takes the title from a piece by Laszló Krasznahorkai on the unknowable origins of the Alhambra, the monument “for the sight of which there is only a distant mandate . . . [one] can see, in any event, the moment of creation of the world, of course all the while understanding nothing of it.” This distant mandate, also the “bitter ideal” of Mallarmé, is the foundation upon which all works of art are composed—the torment of eros and the intimation of war. Myth is central to these poems; some are based on the story Cupid and Psyche, others serve as odes to Aphrodite or as explorations of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. In Distant Mandate, Mlinko has given us a shimmering and vibrant collection, one that shows us not only how literature imagines itself through life but also how life reimagines itself through literature.

The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso

by Dante Alighieri Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This convenient single-volume edition contains all three parts of Dante's 14th-century poem ― Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso ― in an acclaimed translation by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Combining classical and Christian history as well as medieval politics and religion, this trilogy of sublime verse is among Western civilization's most important artistic works and essential reading for students of literature and history. Dante's allegory of the soul's journey to God begins with Inferno, in which the narrator traverses the underworld in the company of the ancient Roman poet Virgil. As they travel through the nine circles of Hell, the poets encounter historical and mythological figures suffering symbolic punishments for their earthly crimes. In Purgatorio, Dante continues on alone through the realm of redemption, where departed souls reflect upon their sins and work toward their moral improvement. The tale culminates in Paradiso, where the divine Beatrice guides Dante in the final stage of his intellectual journey from doubt to faith.

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