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Showing 94,951 through 94,975 of 95,727 results

Managing Pandemic and Correcting Development Fundamentals: India’s Great Challenge (India Studies in Business and Economics)

by Ajitava Raychaudhuri Arpita Ghose

This book discusses the extent and nature of COVID-19 pandemic in India and its effect on the society and economy. The suggested management practices discussed here are also not stereotype. At the same time, it highlights deficiency in development fundamentals in India on several dimensions, especially health, education, quality of public spending, taxation orientation, external trade involvement across states, etc., deficiencies which create an inbuilt bottleneck toward the creation of a more equal society. While discussing these, the book throws light on how they were expectedly exacerbated by the sudden negative shock in the form of COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the book has highlighted the COVID pandemic and its response in India in the background of certain less discussed aspects of development fundamentals. The contents would be of interest to researchers and students studying socioeconomic aspect of developmental economics and also to policy makers and non-government entities involved in mitigating effects of pandemic in the socioeconomic sphere.

Educating Indigenous Children in Australian Juvenile Justice Systems: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Mathematics

by Bronwyn Ewing Grace Sarra

This book addresses key issues in the context of the national policy of educating children accused of crimes in Juvenile Courts in Australia. For several decades, National and State Governments in Australia have struggled to define education, constantly seeking to improve the way society applies the concept. This book presents an accurate portrayal of consequences of the education policy of trying to educate troubled children and young people in trouble with the law. It describes the work of juvenile detention centre mathematics teachers and their teaching contexts. It portrays teachers as learners, who ventured with researchers with a theoretical perspective. This book focuses on culturally responsive pedagogies that seek to understand the ways Indigenous children and young people in juvenile detention make sense of their mathematical learning, which, until the time of detention, has been plagued by failure. It examines how the underperformance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds are strong determinants of their overrepresentation in the juvenile justice system in Australia. This book presents the argument that if the students’ literacy and numeracy levels can be improved, there is opportunity to build better futures away from involvement in the juvenile justice system and towards productive employment to improve life chances.

Japanese Institutionalist Post-Keynesians Revisited: Inheritance from Marx, Keynes and Institutionalism (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science #29)

by Hiroyasu Uemura

This is the first book that systematically considers the academic achievements of Japanese institutionalist post-Keynesian economists in the postwar period and argues that we can learn much from their intellectual heritage. Those Japanese economists include the world-renowned figures, Shigeto Tsuru and Hirofumi Uzawa, whose inheritance came from Keynes, Marx, and institutionalism. In the era of globalization after the 1990s, economic inequality and social divide have intensified all over the world. In this situation, the academic achievements of those economists in postwar Japan should be reconsidered for the aim of establishing a new political economy. With this perspective, the book looks at what we can learn from Japanese institutionalist post-Keynesian economists In particular, the essence of research work that each of them developed is identified, focusing on the total image of the economy for contemporary capitalism. Those economists benefited from the diverse legacies of Keynes, Marx, Kalecki and institutionalist economists such as Veblen and Galbraith. When their research is examined systematically, Japanese institutionalist post-Keynesians are commonly characterized as those who developed their institutional analysis of contemporary capitalism with in-depth theoretical and empirical studies, with the aim of establishing their own political economy as the moral science of civil society. These important features provide us with insightful implications for institutional economics in the 21st century.

Europe-Central Asia Relations: New Connectivity Frameworks (Europe-Asia Connectivity)

by Kashif Hasan Khan Anja Mihr

This book addresses the current state of economic and political development within Central Asia and the importance of European countries and organizations as international actors and supranational organizations for the Central Asian Region (CAR). It aims to provide a better understanding of Central Asia’s multi-faceted relations in rapidly evolving geostrategic dynamics and serves as a timely insight into the contours of Central Asian states’ policies, emerging trends, and significant features of these interactions. The aim is to analyze the main challenges for future between the Europe and Central Asia relations, to make recommendations for improvement, and to identify lines for future research on this matter. It highlights key aspects of current discourses in CAR vis-à-vis the role of European countries and China and other key players. It explores post-Soviet scenarios, considering recent drastic changes in the equation of international relations in general and, more particularly the role of Russia and China vis-à-vis Europe in the CARs. This book covers the different perspectives on the EU’s new strategy (2019), which will contribute to strengthening relations between the two growing regions. It will be beneficial for academics, practitioners, and policymakers.

Handelskrieg und Handelsgespräche zwischen China und den USA

by Miaojie Yu

Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die aktuellen Spannungen zwischen China und den USA im Zusammenhang mit dem Handelsungleichgewicht und erörtert Chinas Öffnungsstrategie im Kontext dieses Handelskonflikts. Das Buch gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Im ersten Teil legt der Autor eine detaillierte Analyse des aktuellen Stands der Handelsbeziehungen zwischen China und den USA vor und beschreibt die möglichen Auswirkungen von Handelskonflikten zwischen China und den USA. Zu den in diesem Teil behandelten Themen gehören die Neuschätzung des US-Handelsdefizits mit China, Chinas Status als Nicht-Marktwirtschaft, die Auswirkungen der bilateralen Investitionsabkommen zwischen China und den USA auf Chinas verarbeitende Industrie sowie die geschätzten Wohlfahrtsverluste und -gewinne, die sich aus dem Handelskrieg zwischen China und den USA ergeben. Teil II untersucht Chinas mögliche Reaktion und Entwicklungsstrategie im Kontext der De-Globalisierung. Ausgehend von einem Überblick über die drei Phasen der chinesischen Wirtschaftsreform und Öffnungspolitik in den vergangenen vier Jahrzehnten erörtert der Autor die künftigen Aufgaben, die das Land in eine neue Phase der umfassenden Öffnung führen würden. Schließlich wird in dem Buch die Rolle der Handelsabwicklung, der Handelsliberalisierung und der Unternehmensleistung bei der Förderung von Chinas wundersamem Wirtschaftswachstum umfassend untersucht, um ein besseres Verständnis von Chinas Erfahrungen mit der Öffnung in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten zu fördern.

Smart Agriculture for Developing Nations: Status, Perspectives and Challenges (Advanced Technologies and Societal Change)

by Kandiah Pakeerathan

This book in its eighteen chapters provides sustainable and smart technology-based solutions to developing nations. Smart farming is growing in importance due to the increasing demand for higher crop yield, the need for using natural resources efficiently, the rising use and sophistication of information and communication technology and the increasing need for climate-smart agriculture. Some of these chapters deal with the applications of smart agriculture to address the special challenges of the Small Island Developing States for sustainable agriculture. The book brings together scientific communities from India, Indonesia, Iraq, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Palestine, Sri Lanka and South Africa to share their expertise to make the farming system more connected and intelligent. The smart farming techniques shared in different chapters not only help to reduce the overall cost and improve the quality and quantity of products but altogether help improve the sustainability of agriculture in the developing world.‘Smart Farming’ is a management concept focused on providing the agricultural industry with the infrastructure to leverage advanced technologies—including artificial intelligence (AI), big data, robotics, drones and Internet of Things (IoT)—for tracking, monitoring, automating and analyzing operations. Sometimes known as precision agriculture, smart farming is software managed and sensor monitored.

The Long East Asia: The Premodern State and Its Contemporary Impacts (Governing China in the 21st Century)

by Zhengxu Wang

This book brings together a range of studies that aim at illustrating the ideas, institutions, historical patterns, and contemporary relevance of the social-political system that existed in the main part of East Asia during the premodern era. This is most often known as the Confucian literati-bureaucratic state, the imperial Chinese bureaucratic state, or the Confucian-Legalist state, that was established and endured most notably in China, but also in several East Asian societies such as Korea, Vietnam, Japan. That state and sociopolitical system also greatly shaped state making in several kingdoms in the region – such as Ryukyu and Dali – which were later merged into larger polities. Illuminating the significance of these historical patterns for today, this book will interest political scientists, historians, philosophers, and the general public.

Streiten gegen die Erosion der Demokratie: Politikwissenschaft für das 21. Jahrhundert

by Rainer Eisfeld

Europaweit und darüber hinaus unterliegen Demokratien alarmierender Aushöhlung. Rapider wirtschaftlicher, kultureller, politischer Wandel weckt Unsicherheiten und Aggressionen; Politiker, Parteien, selbst Regierungen versuchen Bürger durch systematische Lügen zu täuschen; neoliberale Deregulierungen schwächen die Bereitschaft zum zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagement; schroffe Einkommens- und Vermögensunterschiede treiben die Demokratie in Richtung Plutokratie; fremdenfeindliche Vorurteile polarisieren Gesellschaften; Antiterrorismus-Strategien untergraben bürgerliche Freiheiten; Vetospieler hemmen klimapolitischen Wandel. Zugleich wird seit Jahren gestritten über die Fragmentierung der Politikwissenschaft, ihre zweifelhafte Relevanz und ihre Abkopplung von der breiten Öffentlichkeit. Dieses Buch ist die erste umfassende Studie, die beide Fragenkomplexe miteinander verknüpft und präzise zu ergründen sucht: Wie kann, wie sollte die Politikwissenschaft dem Niedergang der Demokratie in jedem der erwähnten Bereiche entgegenwirken?Rainer Eisfelds Antworten lauten: Entwicklung einer Wissenschaftskultur öffentlichen Engagements; Auseinandersetzung mit Ursprüngen, Mustern und partizipativer Bewältigung durchgängigen Wandels als Hauptgegenstand der Disziplin; kategorisches Auftreten gegen Tendenzen zu einer Herrschaft notorischer Lügner; Konzentrierung der Forschungsprioritäten auf die Schlüsselbereiche, in denen Demokratie sich zurückbildet; für Laien zugängliche Darstellung gewonnener Resultate; Erweiterung der Analyse zur Präsentation konkreter Gestaltungsvorschläge.Dazu, so Eisfelds Fazit, bedarf es einer Disziplin, die als normativ orientierte, empirisch gestützte Demokratiewissenschaft brisanten Problemen den Vorrang einräumt vor ausgefeilten Methoden und bürgernaher Relevanz vor immer weiterer Spezialisierung.

International School Policy Development: Insights from China (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices)

by Jian Li

This book investigates the international school policy reform in China from various perspectives. In recent years, international schools, international classes, international departments, and various international education projects have emerged in the field of education in China. This book explores and analyzes the idea of international schools, and discusses different aspects of the conceptual model of international education policy development in China, including international school policy, student cultivation, teacher cultivation, school management, curriculum, and quality assessment of international schools. In addition, this book offers a comprehensive, systematic, and practical perspective on shaping China’s international school policy development and management. This book serves as a guide for scholars and researchers who are interested, and work in, research on internationalization development in China, administrators, and stakeholders in China's education system, and graduate students who major or minor in the field of internationalization development in China.

Unpacking the Death Penalty in ASEAN

by Sriprapha Petcharamesree Mark P. Capaldi Alan Collins

This book contributes conceptually, theoretically and morally to a deeper understanding of the distinctive Asian perceptions of punishment, justice and human rights. Researched and prepared by scholars who have not only been conducting studies on the death penalty in the region but have also been advocating for legal reforms, this edited book touches upon the different justifications for the use of capital punishment in the ASEAN region, exposing the secrecy, sensitivities and dilemmas that mask violations of international human rights laws. The chapters bring in numerous new perspectives which have been overlooked in the traditional discourse surrounding the use of the death penalty, such as that around crimes that do not meet the threshold of “most serious”; the dignity of death row inmates and their families; contradictions within religion and capital punishment; and the way in which growing authoritarianism and the media are adversely influencing the public’s perception and support for capital punishment in the region. In examining how public opinion shapes state policies towards the death penalty and how it varies according to different offences and different states, the authors critically analyse how the international human rights mechanisms have specifically called for ASEAN member states to refrain from extending the application of the death penalty and to limit it to the “most serious crimes.” Relevant to socio-legal scholars focused on crime and punishment in Southeast Asia, and in the Global South more broadly, this is a landmark collection in criminology and human rights scholarship. Chapter "ASEAN and the Death Penalty: Theoretical and Legal Views and a Pathway to Abolition" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

China's Road and Aging Population

by Yining Li Qiuyun Zhao Zhiqiang Cheng

In the context of global population aging , the aging population of China is not only a China-specific problem but also a global concern. Based on in-depth analysis, this book focuses on the increasingly serious issue of aging population of China at the present time, and explores the possible path and solution from the new type of demographic dividend that is innovation. With 1/5 of the global aging population in the world, China has the largest aging population and is aging faster and deeper, which produces and , profound and far-reaching impact on the economic growth, social security, health care and other related areas.

A New World is Possible: The Modernization of China (Understanding China)

by Yu Jiang

This book gives a panoramic review of China's 70 years of modernization, reveals the historical process and logic of the formation of the modernization path with Chinese characteristics, especially focuses on the key decision-making process in the history of China's modernization, theoretically compares the Chinese model and the western mainstream model and summarizes the characteristics and experience of China's development model. At the same time, it reveals the causes of the global crisis from a historical perspective and puts forward the future of China based on historical experience. The book tries to answer the following hot-debating questions: What is the core of Chinese experience? Is China model a new model of modernization? Is China's model sustainable? Is this model compatible with the mainstream model? What is the relationship between China's revolution and modernization? How will China's development affect the world? This book will be found helpful by all scholars, students and the public who are interested in China's development path.

Towards Pan-Africanism: Africa’s Cooperation through Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Ubuntu and Communitarianism

by Stephen M. Magu

This book traces the development and impact of regional economic communities (RECs) in Africa and addresses a timely question: do REC members, and the REC itself, positively influence member states’ behaviors towards other members and more broadly, regionally and continentally due to REC membership? ‘Changing member states’ behaviors’ is measured across three ‘interconnected, fundamental dimensions of societal-systems’ proposed by Marshall and Elzinga Marshall in CSP’s Global Repot 2017. These are i) the persistence of conflict or its counterpoint, achieving peace, ii) fostering democratization and better governance, and iii) achieving socio-economic development and (as proposed by this research, a fourth dimension), iv) being active participants in multilateralism? Is membership in a REC ultimately beneficial to the member and other countries in the region? While there are no clear and obvious – at least, discernible traditional – benefits such as increase in trade (perhaps because Africa’s overall trade relative to the world is about 3 percent), there are other non trade benefits (e.g., decrease in conflict, coercion to take certain actions towards peace and refrain from others, coups and wars) presenting in REC member states. These in/actions, abilities, coercions, exclusions and cooperation instances are outlined and discussed in the book.

Organizing Occupy Wall Street: This is Just Practice (Alternatives and Futures: Cultures, Practices, Activism and Utopias)

by Marisa Holmes

This book is the first study of the processes and structures of the Occupy Wall Street movement, written from the perspective of a core organizer who was involved from the inception to the end. While much has been written on OWS, few books have focused on how the movement was organized. Marisa Holmes, an organizer of OWS in New York City, aims to fill this gap by deriving the theory from the practice and analyzing a broad range of original primary sources, from collective statements, structure documents, meeting minutes, and live tweets, to hundreds of hours of footage from the OWS Media Working Group archive. In doing so, she reveals how the movement was organized in practice, which experiments were most successful, and what future generations can learn.

A Study on Child Development in Contemporary China (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Xiuping Wang

This book is devoted to the description and analysis of child population, rights to survival and development, culture and policies that Chinese government made in contemporary China. The book pursues three major objectives: firstly, to objectively describe child development in contemporary China ; secondly, to analyze characteristics of child development in contemporary China; and thirdly, to review all types of policies Chinese government has made on children survival, protection and development, which played important roles on promoting child development.

Uyat und die Kultur der Scham in Zentralasien

by Hélène Thibault Jean-François Caron

Dieses Buch wirft einen interdisziplinären Blick auf die Kultur der Scham in Zentralasien und bewertet ihre Rolle bei der Regulierung der sozialen und politischen Interaktionen in der Region. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie "uyat" auf patriarchalen und hierarchischen Geschlechternormen beruht, die sich negativ auf Frauen und queere Körper auswirken. Die Beiträge befassen sich insbesondere mit dem Tabu der Sexualerziehung in kasachischen Schulen, der bevorzugten Heteronormativität und ihren Folgen für queere Körper sowie mit der Verpflichtung der Eltern, ihr Erstgeborenes zur Adoption an die Eltern des Ehemanns in Kirgisistan zu geben. Das Buch geht auch darauf ein, wie diese Normen von der jungen Generation in Frage gestellt werden. Schließlich bietet das Buch auch eine neue Sichtweise auf die lokale politische Dynamik, indem es die Rolle der Scham in der kasachischen Politik als eine Form der Rechenschaftspflicht in Abwesenheit von echtem politischen Wettbewerb untersucht. Dieses Buch ist für Zentralasienwissenschaftler, Gender-Theoretiker und Wissenschaftler post-sozialistischer Gesellschaften von Interesse.

The Chinese Story in Global Order

by Chen Liu

This book provides a historical review of the transformation of China’s image around the world since the 1978 Reform and Opening Up. Based on a synthetic model that the author constructs for evaluating national images, together with a historical review and quantitative analysis, it discusses the issues and challenges confronting China’s image around the world since the Opening Up. To help rectify the situation that most of the research on China’s reform efforts focuses on hard power (esp. economic power), this book, which mainly focuses on China’s soft power, reviews and assesses its global image from the three perspectives of politics, economy and culture. In the process, it sheds valuable new light on the presentation of China’s image and the world’s perceptions of China.

Rural Revitalization in China: A Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics

by Xiwen Chen Houkai Wei Yaping Song

On the basis of systematically summarizing and sorting out the significant achievements made since China's rural reform, this book comprehensively explains the theoretical basis, principles and strategies of the road to rural revitalization of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Through in-depth research on nine aspects of rural basic management system, rural deepening reform, food security, modernization of agriculture and rural areas, integrated development of urban and rural areas, poverty alleviation, new rural construction, ecological civilization construction and rural governance, this book puts forward the development direction and strategic choice of China's rural revitalization by the middle of this century. It not only enriches and develops the theory of development economics, but also provides experiences for rural development in developing countries.

Comprehensive Peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula: Internal Dynamics in North Korea and South Korean Approaches (Development Cooperation and Non-Traditional Security in the Asia-Pacific)

by Kadir Jun Ayhan Brendan Howe

This book explores the state of play on the Korean peninsula, where old conflicts remain latent. Regarding security on the Korean Peninsula, however, this book challenges the belief that the internal affairs of states should be discounted and posits that to have a fuller perspective of comprehensive peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula, all aspects of the security spectrum should be considered from the perspective of both challenges to building peace and opportunities for doing so. In particular, the internal governance functioning of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) regime will be considered, as well as the intersection between regime security, economic development and distributive justice, and South Korean perceptional, ideational, and bottom-up approaches to peace on the Korean Peninsula. Hence, this book will be of interest to scholars of the region, journalists and peace-makers.

Religions and the Global Rise of Civilizational Populism (Palgrave Studies in Populisms)

by Ihsan Yilmaz Nicholas Morieson

This books explores the rise of civilizational populism throughout the world, and its consequences. Civilizational populism posits that democracy ought to be based upon enacting the ‘people’s will’, yet it adds a new and troubling dimension to populism’s thin ideology: a civilization based classification of peoples and division of society. Today, we increasingly find not conflict between civilizations, but conflict within states over their civilizational identity. From Western Europe to Turkey, and from India and Pakistan to Indonesia, populists are increasingly employing a civilization based classification of peoples in order to define the identities of ‘the people’ and their perceived enemies. This book is the first to examine civilizational populism as global phenomenon rather than a uniquely Western form of politics. Through a series of case studies, the book examines the role played by religion in forming civilizational identities, but also investigates the often deleterious consequences of civilizational populism entering the political mainstream.

An Essay on China’s Development After the Demographic Golden Age (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Xueyuan Tian

This book mainly addresses China’s current demographic situation and social people-related policies. It aims to solve the issues of demographic transition, population aging, population flow, urbanization, population quality, etc. China is the first large population country, with the vast territory and the huge economic system. It has many issues such as productivity and production relations, superstructure and economic base, and domestic and international relations in various fields and at all levels. Hence, China needs to come up with a set of overall strategies. The author sorts out all of his works in recent years and performs his new academic achievements on demographic issues and social governing strategies. This timely book offers new methods that impact advanced social development with real data.

Evaluation of Basic Government Service Capability in Chinese Cities (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Jun Zhong Zhenggao Wu Xukuan Liu Zhichang Liu Xinxin Zhang

This book reports on the results of a survey of 38 major Chinese cities’ public service performances and provides an overview of the development of basic public services in the larger cities. The quality of urban public services is examined from 9 different perspectives: basic healthcare and public health, housing, public transportation, public security, employment and social security, compulsory education, urban environment, culture and sports, and government services. Moreover, a series of indices are applied to further study the degree of public satisfaction with basic public services in these cities. These indices include the index of GDP leveraging satisfaction with basic public services, the rising index of satisfaction with basic public services in cities, and the development index of satisfaction with the basic public service elements. On the basis of the survey results, this book also identifies the most important social issues among the surveyed public, including food and drinking water safety, information security, housing prices, pensions, and air and environment quality.

Gender in STEM Education in the Arab Gulf Countries

by Martina Dickson Melissa McMinn Dean Cairns

This book explores the critical issues in gender and STEM education in the Arabian Gulf, written within a context of educational systems developing rapidly over recent decades. With the ever-growing need for a highly skilled, gender-inclusive STEM workforce, the issues raised in this book are more topical than ever. It presents chapters from various sectors such as children’s perceptions of science, scientists and their work, adolescent and university years by studying large-scale secondary data variations across countries in the region and finally presenting work relating to gender in STEM education. The book closes with a chapter on factors of success in female leaders’ STEM career journeys. It offers recommendations for both policy and practices in gender equity in the STEM workplace, based on their experiences. This book is written in a highly accessible yet academic manner. It is an essential resource for a wide-ranging audience interested in the complex relationships between gender and STEM.

Cambodia-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Towards a Community with a Shared Future

by Sok Touch Linggui Wang Kin Phea Jianglin Zhao Jiayun Gu

This book focuses on the bilateral relationship between China and and Cambodia to present an though and deep cooperation of the two countries involving political, security, economic and cultural areas. It collects wisdom by the researchers and scholars attending the first China-Cambodia Cooperation Forum, which was held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from December 6 to 8, 2019, with the theme of “Cambodia-China toward a Community with a Shared Future: We Grow Together”. It aims to build an overview with balanced perspectives on China-Cambodia relationship.

Global Trends Compendium: An Essential Guide to Socio-Economic and Environmental Change

by Edoardo Monaco

This Compendium was conceived as a “pocket compass”, a practical guide that may help readers to orientate themselves while they explore global affairs and attempt to make sense of the highly interconnected, multidimensional challenges of contemporary human development. The book is intended to be an accessible, concise, yet comprehensive reference for anyone who hopes to better understand today’s world and its dramatic complexity. The aim is to highlight a relevant selection of the demographic, socio-economic, geo-political, and environmental macro-dynamics that define our time, and to explore in a practical way the indicators that can be used to monitor their evolution over time. In general, this project stems from the need to apply “systemic thinking” to the study of the world and to develop a holistic perspective that can bridge the gap that for too long has existed across academic disciplines and their respective focuses. The macro-trends featured in the book shed light, in particular, on the change that has been occurring over time in the vast Global South – a portion of the globe that accounts for over 80% of the world’s total population. The book’s ultimate – although not exclusive – target audience is undoubtedly composed of undergraduate students of subjects such as political science, international affairs, international development, human geography and the like. In addition, the Compendium may benefit professionals in both public and private organisations as well as members of the general public seeking to acquire "global development literacy" in manners that are academically sound, but also accessible and concise.

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