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Advances in Civil Engineering Materials: Selected Articles from the 6th International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ICACE 2022), August 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #310)

by Elham Maghsoudi Nia Lloyd Ling Mokhtar Awang Seyed Sattar Emamian

This book presents selected articles from the 6th International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering 2022 (ICACE 2022), held in Malaysia. Written by leading researchers and industry professionals, the papers highlight recent advances and addresses current issues in the fields of civil engineering and architecture.

East-West Dialogue

by Sudeshna Sarkar

This Open access book is a collection of interviews published by China News Service, a Beijing-based news agency, in its “West-East Talk” column. It has been divided into five sections: “Mutual Learning Among Civilizations,” “Hot Issues,” “About China,” “Sino-U.S. Relations” and “Cultural Collision”. The interviews are with more than 50 eminent scholars, scientists, politicians, authors, etc., from different parts of the world as well as China, who have an association with China and see the real China beyond the stereotypes. Besides current global issues, the book also covers Chinese culture, history as well as China-U.S. relations, described as one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world today. The book aims to build a platform for dialogue among different civilizations and appreciate the “harmony within diversity” of different cultures, especially of the East and West. We hope it will foster tolerance and rationality, dispelling the misconceptions about China in particular.

Nationalization of Gulf Labour Markets: Higher Education and Skills Development in Industry 4.0 (The Political Economy of the Middle East)

by Ashraf Mishrif Magdalena Karolak Cameron Mirza

This book addresses critical aspects of the nationalization of labour markets in the Gulf countries. It examines the role of higher education institutions in providing the market with the right skills that are most needed in the era of the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0). The book also explores the new dynamics of technology and information systems in upgrading the skills, changing the work environment, and generating employment for the youth in the Gulf countries. The holistic approach of the subject area makes this volume indispensable to academics, researchers, students, and policy makers in the Gulf region and beyond.The book covers a broad range of topics including the nationalization of labour market programmes such as Emiratization and Saudization, attitudes toward women in workplace, the role of high-tech firms in upskilling and enhancing the productivity of workforce, while also providing sector-specific investigations in healthcare, banking, finance, tourism, and hospitality. The analysis is based on original research and primary data collected by a group of scholars from 15 countries and presented in an illustrative, accessible, and concise manner.

Einwanderungspolitik und Krise im regionalen Kontext: Asiatische und europäische Erfahrungen

by Chin-Peng Chu Sang-Chul Park

Dieses Buch vergleicht die Einwanderungspolitik der EU-Staaten und der asiatischen Länder - Deutschland, Polen, Estland, Taiwan, China, Südkorea, Japan, Vietnam und Thailand -, analysiert die Stärken und Schwächen der verschiedenen politischen Akteure in den Regionen und untersucht, was aus den Erfahrungen der verschiedenen Staaten gelernt werden kann. In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist die Einwanderungspolitik aufgrund der Globalisierung zu einem heißen Thema geworden. Seit der Flüchtlingskrise im Jahr 2015, als mehr als eine Million Migranten und Flüchtlinge nach Europa kamen, steht die EU vor Herausforderungen im Bereich der Einwanderung. In Asien ist die Einwanderungsproblematik noch komplizierter geworden, da die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen den asiatischen Ländern in den letzten Jahren erheblich zugenommen haben. Mit Beiträgen von Professoren, Experten und Wissenschaftlern aus verschiedenen Ländern Europas und Asiens bietet das Buch sowohl eingehende Analysen als auch breite Perspektiven zu diesem Thema und ist damit eine wertvolle Lektüre für Wissenschaftler und politische Entscheidungsträger gleichermaßen.

Big Brother Naija and Popular Culture in Nigeria: A Critique of the Country's Cultural and Economic Diplomacy

by Christopher Isike Olusola Ogunnubi Ogochukwu Ukwueze

This book is about Big Brother Naija (BBN), which is a Nigerian version of the Big Brother franchise featured in more than 50 countries of the world with its major concept drawn from George Orwell ’s novel, Nineteen Eigther-Four . It is organised and starred by Nigerians but viewed in many parts of the world. The book critically engages this relatively new phenomenon in Nigeria which apparently lacks scholarly attention. It proffers insights into the show’s significance and implications for the nation with relation to mental health, morality, cultural di

The Open World, Hackbacks and Global Justice

by A. Jean Thomas

This book explores the current impasse that global regulators face in the digital sphere. Computer technology has advanced human civilization tenfold, but the freedom to interact with others in cyberspace has made individuals, discrete communities, organizations and governments more vulnerable to abuse. In consequence, political decision-makers are seriously considering granting limited legal immunity to victims who decide to ‘hack- back.’ Many victims frustrated by the slow pace of law enforcement in cyberspace have chosen to ‘take the law into their own hands,’ retaliating against those who have stolen valuable data and damaged network operations. Political deliberations about limited immunity for hackbacks usually ignore global justice and moral justifications for ‘active defense’ policies. Typically, cyber security policies balance deterrence against two different understandings of morality and the ‘good life’ : fairness or welfare. This book proposes a third moral rationale for cyber security policies : capability theory, developed principally by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. Properly formulated, a capability-based defense of retaliatory hackbacks can minimize attribution and cyber-escalation risks, deter bad behavior by casual computer users, disingenuous security experts, big tech companies, criminals and rogue governments, and satisfy calls for more retributive and distributive justice in the ‘open world’. This book will appeal to legal theorists, political philosophers, social activists, investors, international relations scholars and businesspeople in the tech community.

The Economic Value of Digital Disruption: A Holistic Assessment for CXOs (Management for Professionals)

by Vijay Kumar

This book is a holistic impact study, replete with real-world examples, of digital transformation enhancing businesses and influencing managers' thinking. It links economic value with digital disruptions, arguing that these disruptions deliver economic benefits, boost shareholder value, and provide societal value. The central discourse is on the ability of digitization to make the world a better place to live in. The book analyses wealth creation due to digital disruption with a global span. It extensively incorporates anecdotal examples of disruptive digitization across countries, accentuating the impact of major digital disruptions. It is targeted at any professional interested in studying digitization's holistic impact. The book provides a discourse on digital topography to make business students industry-ready. Given the pervasive digital economy and a rapidly evolving business world, the book helps practicing managers better appreciate their digital environments. Management students who not only have to survive in this digital landscape but also thrive and chart out a lucrative career will benefit significantly from the book.

Australia in the Anthropocene: War Against China

by Erik Paul

The book is a study on planetary realism in a critical analysis of Australia in the age of the Anthropocene. It contextualises Australia in the degradation of the biosphere deeply harmful to humanity’s wellbeing, accelerating the threat of nuclear war and the tensions of a declining democracy. The Anthropocene is a critical period, threatening the viability of the Australian nation-state. It involves the decarbonisation of the economy driven by domestic and foreign corporate power, and the geopolitics of world domination as a close ally of the US. Australia’s militarisation for war against China must be contested in the pursuit for a green and just new deal framed in the foreign policy of reconciliation with Asia, including a fully cooperative entente with China

Women’s Contributions to Development in West Africa: Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives (Globalization, Urbanization and Development in Africa)

by Kelly Ann Krawczyk Bridgett A. King

This book examines women’s participation in social, economic and political development in West Africa. The book looks at women from the premise of being active agents in the development processes within their communities, thereby subverting the dominate narrative of women as passive recipients of development.

Finland’s Famous Education System: Unvarnished Insights into Finnish Schooling

by Martin Thrupp Piia Seppänen Jaakko Kauko Sonja Kosunen

This open access book provides academic insights and serves as a platform for research-informed discussion about education in Finland. Bringing together the work of more than 50 authors across 28 chapters, it presents a major collection of critical views of the Finnish education system and topics that cohere around social justice concerns. It questions rhetoric, myths, and commonly held assumptions surrounding Finnish schooling.This book draws on the fields of sociology of education, education policy, urban studies, and policy sociology. It makes use of a range of research methodologies including ethnography, case study and discourse analysis, and references the work of relevant theorists, including Bourdieu and Foucault. This book aims to provide a critical, updated and astute analysis of the strengths and challenges of the Finnish education system.

Populism, Authoritarianism and Necropolitics: Instrumentalization of Martyrdom Narratives in AKP’s Turkey

by Ihsan Yilmaz Omer Erturk

This book examines how Turkey’s ruling party, the Justice and Development Party (AKP), under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan produces and employs necropolitical narratives in order to perpetuate its authoritarian rule.In doing so, the book argues that as the party transitioned from socially conservative Muslim democratic values to authoritarian Islamism, it embraced a necropolitical narrative based on the promotion of martyrdom, and of killing and dying for the Turkish nation and Islam, as part of their authoritarian legitimation. This narrative, the book shows, is used by the party to legitimise its actions and deflect its failures through the framing of the deaths of Turkish soldiers and civilians, which have occurred due to the AKP’s political errors, as martyrdom events in which loyal servants of the Turkish Republic and God gave their lives in order to protect the nation in a time of great crisis. This book also describes how, throughout its second decade in power, the AKP has used Turkey’s education system, its Directorate of Religious Affairs, and television programs in order to propagate its necropolitical martyrdom narrative.

Rural Education Reform in China: A Policy Mapping Perspective (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices)

by Eryong Xue Jian Li

This book contextually explores the rural education reform in China from a policy mapping perspective. It discusses a wide range of topics in the context of China's rural areas, including rural school layout adjustment, rural teacher development, rural students' all-round education development, vocational education in rural areas, and rural education informatization development. With the challenges outlined and recommendations provided, the chapters offer a holistic view on China’s rural education reform. This book serves as a guide for scholars and researchers who are interested and work in research on China’s rural education reform, administrators, and stakeholders in China's education system and graduate students who major or minor in the field of rural educational policy.

African Experience in the Application of the Development Aid Effectiveness Principles: The Case of Kenya (African Histories and Modernities)

by Daniel Kipleel Borter Nadeem Malik

This book analyses the diffusion and implementation of Aid Effectiveness Principles in Kenya’s agricultural sector. Although Aid Effectiveness Principles represent a significant step in aid and development discourse, studies on its implementation remain inadequate, especially in the African context. This book combines the perspectives of the Kenyan government, donor representatives and small-scale farmers. The discussion on Kenya brings in comparative perspectives and, therefore, would have broader relevance to the African region, in general. It highlights a disconnect between the government and farmers concerning the ownership concept, where farmers lack a voice in important policy matters. The book shows that donors have exploited the weaknesses in government responses to interpret The Principles in ways that suit their strategic interests. Consequently, the book argues that the diffusion of Aid Effectiveness Principles has taken the form of symbolic imitation – a form of policy diffusion where the policymakers choose policies for their symbolic value rather than their effectiveness.

International Handbook of Disaster Research

by Amita Singh

​This handbook is a comprehensive source of information, analysis and directions in disaster studies. It goes beyond the oft-explored issues of management and science related to the topic and explores policies, governance, law and decision-making combined with the processes of implementation and enforcement, all the while integrating the latest science and technology updates related to the topic, such as artificial intelligence and early warning systems. It brings together studies which relate to sociology, politics and institutional economics, which work under the impact of resource availability, issues of leadership and international laws. Disasters are trans-boundary and disaster studies are trans-disciplinary. It is this aspect which would form the fulcrum of contributions and present a new, refreshing and innovative design for the handbook. The transformatory pedagogy which started with the Hyogo Framework for action 2005-2015 and The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 outlines seven clear targets and four priorities for action to prevent new and reduce existing disaster risks. The four priority areas around which the book would revolve are (i) Understanding disaster risk; (ii) Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk; (iii) Investing in disaster reduction for resilience and; (iv) Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response, and to "Build Back Better" in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction.

History Continues: Three Models of the Continuation of History

by Sabri Kiçmari

Decades after Francis Fukuyama's 'end of history' thesis became famous, the conflicts and turmoil of history have returned; Dr. Kicmari, having seen his own native land erupt in a European civil war in the 1990s, has been thinking about these issues for many years. This book highlights the return of ideology to international relations, presenting harsh ideological models which challenge liberal democracy. This becomes even more relevant in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The publication of this book aims to draw attention to the danger posed to world peace by ideological models alongside the need for commitment to strengthen democracy in the world, and should interest diplomats, journalists, and scholars.

Formative Modernities in the Early Modern Atlantic and Beyond: Identities, Polities and Glocal Economies (Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History)

by Veronika Hyden-Hanscho Werner Stangl

This book offers a new perspective on the concept of modernity. Since its invention as a contrast to Antiquity or the Middle Ages, modernity has been tied to ideas of superiority, progress, and efficiency. As a counterpart to the Marxist “history of class struggle”, “modernization theories” have transformed modernity into an almost teleological concept of historical development. These strong connotations obstruct a clear look at other forms of modernity. The contributions of the volume will show in a comparative perspective how modernity can also be understood and analyzed as multiple responses of societies and polities to organize themselves in facing ever more complex and integrated interactions at ever larger scales.

From Allies to Enemies: Spain, Japan and the Axis in World War II (New Directions in East Asian History)

by Florentino Rodao

To understand the turnaround in Spain’s stance towards Japan during World War II, this book goes beyond mutual contacts and explains through images, representations, and racism why Madrid aimed at declaring war on Japan but not against the III Reich -as London ironically replied when it learned of Spain’s warmongering against one of the Axis members.

Rethinking Management and Economics in the New 20’s: The 2022 Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME) Conference (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Eleonora Santos Neuza Ribeiro Teresa Eugénio

This proceedings book showcases papers presented at the 2022 Rethinking Management and Economics in the (New) 20s conference in Leiria, Portugal. Rethinking Management and Economics in the (New) 20’s is focused on the investigation of key challenges and perspectives of Management and Economics. The chapters in this book explore new avenues of research and cover theoretical, empirical, and experimental studies related to different themes in the global context of Management and Economics. This book contributes towards deepening our understanding of what the new problems associated with achieving the goals of management and Economics in the 2020s and present possible solutions to the problems. This book is ideal for economists, businesses, managers, accountants, practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, academicians, and students who are interested in the current issues and advancements in corporate governance and earnings management.

Diversity of Urban Inclusivity: Perspectives Beyond Gentrification in Advanced City-Regions (International Perspectives in Geography #20)

by Toshio Mizuuchi Geerhardt Kornatowski Taku Fukumoto

This book explores, situates, and discusses the contours of urban inclusivity amidst and beyond the well-researched neoliberal turn in urban governance. While it is generally accepted that urban social issues are susceptible to global woes, these perceptions draw only limited attention to the plurality of interventions that cities undertake—or facilitate—in managing their social turfs. By addressing the apparent lack of theorizations on everyday heterogeneities in urban place-making, especially in non-Western contexts, this book highlights the role of inclusionary practices by different stakeholders as an explicit pattern of urbanization. It does so by focusing on old urban centralities that have an outspoken history in experimenting with inclusivity.The book is guided by two interrelated questions: (1) What particular urban settings promote inclusionary features in contrast to the conspicuous exclusionary mechanisms of market-led urbanization, and (2) how do we conceptualize these features in dialogue with concurrent urban theories that continue to grapple with the structural properties of exclusionary urbanization under the auspices of the neoliberal turn and gentrification? To answer these questions, the chapters provide a rich empirical account of inclusionary initiatives by the city governments, the voluntary organization sector, and informal communities, each revealing a unique new set of spatial approaches to urban inclusivity. The book concludes with the political implications of envisioning urban inclusivity as a negotiatory moment between key stakeholder interests in a capitalist society.Primarily intended for researchers and graduate students in the fields of urban geography, sociology, migration, and welfare studies, the book is also a valuable source for policymakers and practitioners in the fields of social planning and civil society at large.

Urban Water Demand Management: A Guidebook for ASEAN (SpringerBriefs on Case Studies of Sustainable Development)

by Corinne Ong Cecilia Tortajada Ojasvee Arora

This open access book highlights knowledge and expertise in Urban Water Demand Management (WDM) in ASEAN through comprehensive literature review and analysis, as well as stakeholder consultations. It documents urban WDM policies, initiatives, and practices that have demonstrated effective implementation outcomes across various contexts and which are expected to be relevant for cities in ASEAN. A WDM typology developed for this book identifies four key WDM measures, namely: water losses, economic instruments, non-price mechanisms, and alternative water reuse systems in the ASEAN context. Case illustrations of their effective implementation in different ASEAN cities are also included.

Managing Pandemic and Correcting Development Fundamentals: India’s Great Challenge (India Studies in Business and Economics)

by Ajitava Raychaudhuri Arpita Ghose

This book discusses the extent and nature of COVID-19 pandemic in India and its effect on the society and economy. The suggested management practices discussed here are also not stereotype. At the same time, it highlights deficiency in development fundamentals in India on several dimensions, especially health, education, quality of public spending, taxation orientation, external trade involvement across states, etc., deficiencies which create an inbuilt bottleneck toward the creation of a more equal society. While discussing these, the book throws light on how they were expectedly exacerbated by the sudden negative shock in the form of COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the book has highlighted the COVID pandemic and its response in India in the background of certain less discussed aspects of development fundamentals. The contents would be of interest to researchers and students studying socioeconomic aspect of developmental economics and also to policy makers and non-government entities involved in mitigating effects of pandemic in the socioeconomic sphere.

Educating Indigenous Children in Australian Juvenile Justice Systems: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Mathematics

by Bronwyn Ewing Grace Sarra

This book addresses key issues in the context of the national policy of educating children accused of crimes in Juvenile Courts in Australia. For several decades, National and State Governments in Australia have struggled to define education, constantly seeking to improve the way society applies the concept. This book presents an accurate portrayal of consequences of the education policy of trying to educate troubled children and young people in trouble with the law. It describes the work of juvenile detention centre mathematics teachers and their teaching contexts. It portrays teachers as learners, who ventured with researchers with a theoretical perspective. This book focuses on culturally responsive pedagogies that seek to understand the ways Indigenous children and young people in juvenile detention make sense of their mathematical learning, which, until the time of detention, has been plagued by failure. It examines how the underperformance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds are strong determinants of their overrepresentation in the juvenile justice system in Australia. This book presents the argument that if the students’ literacy and numeracy levels can be improved, there is opportunity to build better futures away from involvement in the juvenile justice system and towards productive employment to improve life chances.

Japanese Institutionalist Post-Keynesians Revisited: Inheritance from Marx, Keynes and Institutionalism (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science #29)

by Hiroyasu Uemura

This is the first book that systematically considers the academic achievements of Japanese institutionalist post-Keynesian economists in the postwar period and argues that we can learn much from their intellectual heritage. Those Japanese economists include the world-renowned figures, Shigeto Tsuru and Hirofumi Uzawa, whose inheritance came from Keynes, Marx, and institutionalism. In the era of globalization after the 1990s, economic inequality and social divide have intensified all over the world. In this situation, the academic achievements of those economists in postwar Japan should be reconsidered for the aim of establishing a new political economy. With this perspective, the book looks at what we can learn from Japanese institutionalist post-Keynesian economists In particular, the essence of research work that each of them developed is identified, focusing on the total image of the economy for contemporary capitalism. Those economists benefited from the diverse legacies of Keynes, Marx, Kalecki and institutionalist economists such as Veblen and Galbraith. When their research is examined systematically, Japanese institutionalist post-Keynesians are commonly characterized as those who developed their institutional analysis of contemporary capitalism with in-depth theoretical and empirical studies, with the aim of establishing their own political economy as the moral science of civil society. These important features provide us with insightful implications for institutional economics in the 21st century.

Europe-Central Asia Relations: New Connectivity Frameworks (Europe-Asia Connectivity)

by Kashif Hasan Khan Anja Mihr

This book addresses the current state of economic and political development within Central Asia and the importance of European countries and organizations as international actors and supranational organizations for the Central Asian Region (CAR). It aims to provide a better understanding of Central Asia’s multi-faceted relations in rapidly evolving geostrategic dynamics and serves as a timely insight into the contours of Central Asian states’ policies, emerging trends, and significant features of these interactions. The aim is to analyze the main challenges for future between the Europe and Central Asia relations, to make recommendations for improvement, and to identify lines for future research on this matter. It highlights key aspects of current discourses in CAR vis-à-vis the role of European countries and China and other key players. It explores post-Soviet scenarios, considering recent drastic changes in the equation of international relations in general and, more particularly the role of Russia and China vis-à-vis Europe in the CARs. This book covers the different perspectives on the EU’s new strategy (2019), which will contribute to strengthening relations between the two growing regions. It will be beneficial for academics, practitioners, and policymakers.

Handelskrieg und Handelsgespräche zwischen China und den USA

by Miaojie Yu

Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die aktuellen Spannungen zwischen China und den USA im Zusammenhang mit dem Handelsungleichgewicht und erörtert Chinas Öffnungsstrategie im Kontext dieses Handelskonflikts. Das Buch gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Im ersten Teil legt der Autor eine detaillierte Analyse des aktuellen Stands der Handelsbeziehungen zwischen China und den USA vor und beschreibt die möglichen Auswirkungen von Handelskonflikten zwischen China und den USA. Zu den in diesem Teil behandelten Themen gehören die Neuschätzung des US-Handelsdefizits mit China, Chinas Status als Nicht-Marktwirtschaft, die Auswirkungen der bilateralen Investitionsabkommen zwischen China und den USA auf Chinas verarbeitende Industrie sowie die geschätzten Wohlfahrtsverluste und -gewinne, die sich aus dem Handelskrieg zwischen China und den USA ergeben. Teil II untersucht Chinas mögliche Reaktion und Entwicklungsstrategie im Kontext der De-Globalisierung. Ausgehend von einem Überblick über die drei Phasen der chinesischen Wirtschaftsreform und Öffnungspolitik in den vergangenen vier Jahrzehnten erörtert der Autor die künftigen Aufgaben, die das Land in eine neue Phase der umfassenden Öffnung führen würden. Schließlich wird in dem Buch die Rolle der Handelsabwicklung, der Handelsliberalisierung und der Unternehmensleistung bei der Förderung von Chinas wundersamem Wirtschaftswachstum umfassend untersucht, um ein besseres Verständnis von Chinas Erfahrungen mit der Öffnung in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten zu fördern.

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