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The Expressive Moment: How Interaction (with Music) Shapes Human Empowerment

by Marc Leman

A new way to understand expressive interaction, focusing on the dynamic, fast, pre-reflective processes underlying interactions with music.The expressive moment is that point in time when we grasp a situation and respond quickly, even before we are aware of it. In this book, Marc Leman argues that expression drives this kind of interaction, and he proposes a general framework for understanding expressive interactions. He focuses on the dynamic, fast, and pre-reflective processes underlying our interactions with music—whether we are playing an instrument, dancing, listening, or using new interactive technologies. Music offers a well-established domain for studying these fast and interactive processes, and Leman argues that understanding the power of expressive interaction through music may help us understand cognitive processing in other domains, including language, human action coordination, human-animal interaction, and human-machine interaction.Leman regards expressive interactions with music as energizing and empowering. He argues that music is based on patterns that intervene with a reinforcing loop in the human brain, strengthening learning, motivation, and reward. He argues further that the reinforcing effect is influenced by the interaction flow, by fast processes that handle expressive qualities on the fly.Leman sets out the framework in which expressive interaction is situated, describing, among other things, a pragmatic model of communication in which the fundamental components are enactment and dynamics. He looks in more detail at the cognitive-motivational architecture, discussing sensorimotor and motivational schemes. Finally, he discusses applications for the concepts behind expressive motivation in such fields as sports, entertainment, rehabilitation, multimedia art, and music education.

The Cult of the Victim-Veteran: MAGA Fantasies in Lost-war America

by Jerry Lembcke

The Cult of the Victim-Veteran explores the pool of American post- Vietnam War angst that rightists began plying in the 1980s. Ronald Reagan’s 1984 proclamation of a new "Morning in America" encoded the war as the moment of the nation’s fall from grace; it was the meme plagiarized by Donald Trump for his "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) slogan. The national funk tapped for right- wing revanchism was psychologized when George H.W. Bush appropriated post- Vietnam syndrome, the diagnostic forerunner to post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), to memorialize the military accomplishments in the Persian Gulf War of 1990–1991—we had "kicked the Vietnam Syndrome." America was a victim- nation, its trauma emblemized by PTSD-stricken veterans whose war mission had been lost on the home front, cast aside, even spat on, upon return home. In this book we see the long historical threads woven for MAGA: the twining of traditional and modern ways of knowing that imbues war trauma with political and cultural properties that complicate its diagnostic use; the post- World War I disclosure that many shellshock patients had never been exposed to exploding shells, and the use of wounded- veteran imagery to fan the flames of German fascism; the cultural necessity of reimaging antiwar Vietnam veterans as psychiatric casualties that calls forth a new diagnostic category, PTSD; the derivatizing of PTSD for traumatic brain injury, Agent Orange, and moral injury; and the victim- veteran figure as metaphor for a wounded America, for which MAGA is the remedy.

Psychoanalytic Investigations in Philosophy: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Current Existential Challenges (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis)

by Dorit Lemberger

This pioneering volume explores and exemplifies the relevance of psychoanalysis to contemporary philosophical problems. The novelty of the book's viewpoint is the consideration of psychoanalysis as an existentialist mode of thinking that deals with current existential problems such as loneliness, uncertainty, struggling with personal tragedies and rehabilitation. Each chapter presents classic aspects of psychoanalytic theory based on Greek tragedies, as well as their similarities with interdisciplinary aspects in other areas of study like modern literature, hermeneutics, and philosophy of language. To deepen each subject, each chapter also applies an interdisciplinary methodology that illuminate previously hidden insights arising from the fusion of psychoanalysis and philosophy. Featuring contributions from well-known scholars like Professor Avi Sagi and Professor Dov Schwartz, as well as more up-and-coming writers, the book suggests possible implications of philosophical, hermeneutical, and literary theories to the perception of post-modern issues concerning agency and the subjective emotional world. Psychoanalytic Investigations in Philosophy is of great interest to scholars of psychoanalysis and hermeneutic philosophy, as well as teachers and academics who want to explore new teaching methods in various disciplines, and general-interest readers who wish to expand their horizons around concepts that can be applied to better understand themselves and the age in which we live.

An Evidence-Based Systems Approach to School Counseling: Advocating Student-within-Environment (Family Systems Counseling: Innovations Then and Now)

by Matthew E. Lemberger-Truelove Hannah Bowers Parker

This book presents strategies for using systemic theory and evidence-based practice in schools to support students, the adults in their lives, and their wider communities. Beginning by introducing and explaining the Advocating Student-within-Environment (ASE) theory, each chapter then addresses a specific school-based issue, such as academic achievement, crisis, trauma, and resiliency, from a systemic and environmental lens. Practical and accessible, the chapters are filled with case examples, evidence-based interventions, and helpful tools to show how counselors can incorporate the approach into their practice. Extending beyond school and student problems, this text also explores greater system functioning, such as community outreach and state level intervention, discussing advocacy and political issues. This book is essential for school-based professionals who are looking for new ways to work with students, families, and their communities. It will also be of interest to mental health professionals who work systemically, such as marriage and family therapists and community counselors.

Drug Dealer, MD: How Doctors Were Duped, Patients Got Hooked, and Why It's So Hard to Stop

by Anna Lembke

Three out of four people addicted to heroin probably started on a prescription opioid, according to the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the United States alone, 16,000 people die each year as a result of prescription opioid overdose. But perhaps the most frightening aspect of the prescription drug epidemic is that it's built on well-meaning doctors treating patients with real problems. In Drug Dealer, MD, Dr. Anna Lembke uncovers the unseen forces driving opioid addiction nationwide. Combining case studies from her own practice with vital statistics drawn from public policy, cultural anthropology, and neuroscience, she explores the complex relationship between doctors and patients, the science of addiction, and the barriers to successfully addressing drug dependence and addiction. Even when addiction is recognized by doctors and their patients, she argues, many doctors don't know how to treat it, connections to treatment are lacking, and insurance companies won't pay for rehab. Full of extensive interviews-with health care providers, pharmacists, social workers, hospital administrators, insurance company executives, journalists, economists, advocates, and patients and their families- Drug Dealer, MD, is for anyone whose life has been touched in some way by addiction to prescription drugs. Dr. Lembke gives voice to the millions of Americans struggling with prescription drugs while singling out the real culprits behind the rise in opioid addiction: cultural narratives that promote pills as quick fixes, pharmaceutical corporations in cahoots with organized medicine, and a new medical bureaucracy focused on the bottom line that favors pills, procedures, and patient satisfaction over wellness. Dr. Lembke concludes that the prescription drug epidemic is a symptom of a faltering health care system, the solution for which lies in rethinking how health care is delivered.

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

by Dr Anna Lembke

All around us people are looking at their phones too much, eating too much, drinking too much. Our world is addicted to fleeting distracting pleasures that get us nowhere. Dr Anna Lembke provides a clear way back to a balanced life.This audiobook is about pleasure. It's also about pain. Most importantly, it's about how to find the delicate balance between the two, and why now more than ever finding balance is essential. We're living in a time of unprecedented access to high-reward, high-dopamine stimuli: drugs, food, news, gambling, shopping, gaming, texting, sexting, Facebooking, Instagramming, YouTubing, tweeting... The increased numbers, variety, and potency is staggering. The smartphone is the modern-day hypodermic needle, delivering digital dopamine 24/7 for a wired generation. As such we've all become vulnerable to compulsive overconsumption.In Dopamine Nation, Dr. Anna Lembke, psychiatrist and author, explores the exciting new scientific discoveries that explain why the relentless pursuit of pleasure leads to pain...and what to do about it. Condensing complex neuroscience into easy-to-understand metaphors, Lembke illustrates how finding contentment and connectedness means keeping dopamine in check. The lived experiences of her patients are the gripping fabric of her narrative. Their riveting stories of suffering and redemption give us all hope for managing our consumption and transforming our lives. In essence, Dopamine Nation shows that the secret to finding balance is combining the science of desire with the wisdom of recovery.'Dr Anna Lembke is a whiz on why we get hooked on things - and how we can enjoy pleasurable things in healthier doses.' - The Guardian(P) 2021 Penguin Random House Audio

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

by Dr Anna Lembke

This book is about pleasure. It’s also about pain. Most important, it’s about how to find the delicate balance between the two, and why now more than ever finding balance is essential. We’re living in a time of unprecedented access to high-reward, high-dopamine stimuli: drugs, food, news, gambling, shopping, gaming, texting, sexting, Facebooking, Instagramming, YouTubing, tweeting… The increased numbers, variety, and potency is staggering. The smartphone is the modern-day hypodermic needle, delivering digital dopamine 24/7 for a wired generation. As such we&’ve all become vulnerable to compulsive overconsumption. <P><P>In Dopamine Nation, Dr. Anna Lembke, psychiatrist and author, explores the exciting new scientific discoveries that explain why the relentless pursuit of pleasure leads to pain…and what to do about it. Condensing complex neuroscience into easy-to-understand metaphors, Lembke illustrates how finding contentment and connectedness means keeping dopamine in check. The lived experiences of her patients are the gripping fabric of her narrative. Their riveting stories of suffering and redemption give us all hope for managing our consumption and transforming our lives. In essence, Dopamine Nation shows that the secret to finding balance is combining the science of desire with the wisdom of recovery. <P><P><b>A New York Times Best Seller</b>

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

by Dr Anna Lembke

'Her stories have the power to transform your life' Lori Gottlieb, bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone 'Radically changes the way we think about mental illness, pleasure, pain, reward and stress' Daniel Levitin, bestselling author of The Organized MindTHE NEW YORK TIMES AND SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER We are a wired generation. In these fast-paced times we are constantly bombarded by high-reward, high-dopamine stimuli. From texting to social media, food to drugs, gambling to shopping, we have become addicted to fleeting and distracting pleasures that are making us sick.In Dopamine Nation, psychiatrist and bestselling author Dr Anna Lembke reveals why our relentless pursuit of pleasure leads to pain and what we can do about it. Bringing together cutting-edge neuroscience with the gripping real life experiences from her clinical practice, Lembke explores how contentment and connectedness are essential tools in keeping dopamine in check. This is an essential book for anyone wanting to find a balance for a happier life.

Zum Frühstück gibt's Apps: Mehr Durchblick in der digitalen Welt

by Gerald Lembke Ingo Leipner

Warum wir schon beim Frühstück Apps anstarren … Smartphone und Smart Home: Technik schaltet immer mehr unser Denken ab, weil wir ein bequemes Leben voller Spaß vorziehen. Dafür zahlen wir einen hohen Preis: Verlernen wir durch Lernprogramme das Lernen? Manipuliert uns Facebook, indem es unserer Eitelkeit schmeichelt? Gibt es Schutz vor Shitstorms und Cybermobbing? Wird Technik zum Heilsversprechen? Und das bereits beim Frühstück? Genau diese unbequemen Fragen stellt Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps, um mehr Durchblick in der digitalen Welt zu schaffen. Das Buch liefert praktische Tipps, wie Sie digitale Medien bewusst einsetzen. Geschichten aus dem Alltag illustrieren, wo Fallen im Netz lauern und wie Sie ihnen ausweichen. So schaffen Sie Raum für echte Kommunikation zwischen Menschen – und landen nicht in jeder Marketingfalle der IT-Industrie. Handfeste Informationen in unterhaltsamer Form: Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps schärft den Blick! Humorvoll, mit analytischer Tiefe!

Zum Frühstück gibt's Apps: Der tägliche Kampf mit der Digitalen Ambivalenz

by Gerald Lembke Ingo Leipner

Wie wir in der neuen digitalen Welt die Orientierung verlieren – und wiedergewinnen Smartphone, Smart Home, Social Media: Das Internet ist allgegenwärtig und voller Verheißungen – intelligente Kommunikation, höchste Bequemlichkeit, unendlicher Spaß. Doch gleichzeitig wächst das Gefühl: Wir werden immer mehr zu Sklaven unserer Handys, Tablets und PCs, die gierig unsere Zeit verschlingen. Beginnen wir die reale Welt aus den Augen zu verlieren? Wir pendeln zwischen Oberflächlichkeit und Tiefe, zwischen Freiheit und Versklavung, zwischen Lust und Frust. Wohin der Blick am Bildschirm schweift – wir begegnen täglich der Digitalen Ambivalenz: Informationen überall und jederzeit, Freundschaften rund um den Globus, laufend spannende Ideen, die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft auf den Kopf stellen – welch ein Segen!E-Mail-Terror, Smartphones im Dauereinsatz, Geheimdienste und Konzerne, die alle Daten absaugen – welch ein Fluch! Gewinnen Sie Ihre Orientierung im digitalen Dschungel zurück! Dieses Buch liefert praktische Tipps, wie Sie die neuen Medien bewusster einsetzen. So nutzen Sie die Digitalität, um Ziele und Ideen in der realen Welt zu verwirklichen. Geschichten aus dem Alltag illustrieren, wo Fallen im Netz lauern – und wie Sie ihnen ausweichen. So schaffen Sie sogar mehr Freiraum für „echte“ Kommunikation. Handfeste Informationen in unterhaltsamer Form: Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps ist der Kompass für die neue digitale Welt. -----E-Mail-Fluten, Handy-Wahn, Shopping-Glück und Basisdemokratie im Netz – so vielfältig die digitale Welt ist, so facettenreich sind auch die Themen in Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps. Die 18 Kapitel sind ein spannender Streifzug durch unseren Alltag, den Smartphone und Co. immer mehr beherrschen. Der rote Faden ist die Frage nach der Digitalen Ambivalenz. Was bringt die „schöne neue Welt“? Segen oder Fluch? Gewinn oder Verlust? Aufbruch oder Absturz? Mit diesen Fragen im Gepäck reisen die Autoren durch digitale Landschaften: Sie überlegen, wie viel Multitasking eine Hausarbeit an der Uni verträgt, ob die digitale Transformation in Unternehmen zu mehr Demokratie führt oder warum 3-Jährige auch gut ohne Tablets spielen können. Verlernen wir durch IT im Unterricht das Lernen? Schmeichelt Facebook nur der eigenen Eitelkeit? Wie schützen wir uns vor Shitstorms und Cybermobbing? Wer in der Digitalen Ambivalenz Orientierung finden will, dem bietet dieses Buch: Geschichten aus dem digitalen Alltag, die uns über die eigene Naivität schmunzeln lassen.Quergedachtes zu den Verführungen der IT-Industrie, die allzu oft das Blaue vom Himmel verspricht.Sofort umsetzbare Tipps, die für Beruf und Familie Wege im digitalen Dschungel aufzeigen. Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps ist ein Appell zum bewussten Handeln in der digitalen Welt. Ein Buch, das die Widersprüche des Daten-Zeitalters aufzeigt! Humorvoll und mit analytischer Tiefe!

Outsmarting Autism, Updated and Expanded: Build Healthy Foundations for Communication, Socialization, and Behavior at All Ages

by Patricia S. Lemer

A comprehensive resource for parents, therapists, caregivers, and educators, packed with lifelong strategies for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) management and supportNewly revised and updated, this user-friendly guide addresses autism identification, treatment, and prevention from pre-conception through adulthood. Outsmarting Autism describes more than 50 practical approaches with proven efficacy, including lifestyle modification, dietary considerations, and boosting the immune system. After health improves, focus turns to developing the sensory foundations for communication, social skills, and learning.Patricia Lemer's approach is grounded in research on multifactorial causes, or "Total Load Theory," which explains that developmental delays are caused not by one single factor, but by an overload of environmental stressors on genetically vulnerable individuals. Because every person with autism is unique, this book guides readers to the therapies that may be right for each individual, helping to make the difference between management and healing. New research on topics like stem cells, cannabis, and dentistry is now included.

Social Pathology: A Systematic Approach to the Theory of Sociopathic Behavior

by Edwin M. Lemert

Persons and groups are differentiated in various ways, some of which result in social penalties, rejection, and segregation. These penalties condition the form which the differentiation or deviation takes. Sociopathic differentiation and sociopathic individuation are theoretically considered and applications made to several groups of deviants: the blind, speech defectives, radicals, prostitutes, criminals, alcoholics, and psychotics.—APA


by Louis Lemieux Christoph Mulert

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and Electronecephalography (EEG) are very important and complementary modalities since fMRI offers high spatial resolution and EEG is a direct measurement of neuronal activity with high temporal resolution. Interest in the integration of both types of data is growing rapidly as it promises to provide important new insights into human brain activity as it has already done so in the field of epilepsy. The availability of good quality instrumentation capable of providing interference-free data in both modalities means that electrophysiological and haemodynamic characteristics of individual brain events can be captured for the first time. Consequently, it seems certain that the integration of fMRI and EEG will play an increasing role in neuroscience and of the clinical study of brain disorders such as epilepsy. The proposed book will discuss in detail the physiological principles, practical aspects of measurement, artefact reduction and analysis and also applications of the integration of fMRI and EEG. All applications, which are mainly in the fields of sleep research, cognitive neuroscience and clinical use in neurology and psychiatry will be reviewed.

Contemporary Developments in Adult and Young Adult Therapy: The Work of the Tavistock and Portman Clinics (Tavistock Clinic Series)

by Alessandra Lemma

‘This challenging and ambitious book captures the variety and richness of contemporary clinical developments in the Tavistock and Portman Clinics in relation to work with young adults. It sets these developments in lytic and systemic principles that are the centra up over their long and distinguished history. Th that face the Clinics from the evidence-based for resources with forms of practice that are outlines the adaptive and innovative ways to this competitive situation, for example by the context of the collective I underpinning of the Clinics’e book sets the scene for the practice approach and from validated by this approach. in which the Clinics have e development of an internet- based service for young adults, the application of mentalisation-based antisocial patients, and the use of dynamic interpersonal therapy as a br This book will be an inspiring guide and rallying call for practitioners in health field, who face the same inexorable competition for resources in therapy in the NHS and public services.’

The Digital Age on the Couch: Psychoanalytic Practice and New Media

by Alessandra Lemma

The Digital Age is on the couch. Working today, it is essential that clinicians understand the world we live in. The transition from an industrial economy to an information economy impacts not just the external structure of society and commerce, but also the internal psychic economies of our brains and, inevitably, how clinicians conceptualise the analytic setting in which they practice as therapists and analysts. The Digital Age on the Couch seeks to understand more about how new technologies interact with the prerogatives of an individual’s internal world, how they may alter psychic structure itself in fundamental ways and the implications this may have for the individual’s functioning and for the operation of society. This book attempts, from the perspective of a working clinician, to make some sense of this. The impact of mediation via technology and the consequent disintermediation of the body represent central themes throughout, as they impact on the experience of embodiment, on the ‘work of desire’ and on the way new media influences psychoanalytic practice. New media offer opportunities for increasing accessibility to mental health care, including psychoanalytic interventions. However, this requires a sophisticated understanding of how to best create and safeguard the analytic setting. Alessandra Lemma here guides the clinician through an exploration of the limitations and risks of mediated psychotherapy, illustrated with clinical examples throughout. The Digital Age on the Couch offers an accessibly written guide to combining existing psychoanalytic theory and practice with the challenges presented by digital media. It will appeal to psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists and counsellors.

Introduction to Psychopathology

by Alessandra Lemma

I was most impressed by the author's thoroughness in writing this book. She seems to leave no stone uncovered. . . [this is] a work which should become a necessity for all counsellors, counselling psychologists, psychiatric nurses and psychotherapists. . . This is a book to which I will make reference time and time again, and one which will occupy a prominent place in my library' - Counselling, The Journal of the British Association for Counselling `An invaluable handbook for students of psychotherapy and a good reference for established therapists. . . I recommend that all therapists have a copy of this book on their shelf' - Psychology, Health & Medicine Assessment and referral skills are essential for counsellors and psychotherapists. Practitioners need to have an understanding of the clinical manifestations of severe emotional distress. They must, for example, be able to recognize when clients are a suicide risk or when they are suffering from a psychotic episode. This lively textbook provides a clear overview of the issues involved in our understanding of psychopathology and offers guidelines on appropriate interventions. Alessandra Lemma explores a range of key topics, covering how psychiatric diagnoses and classifications are arrived at, and the issues that can arise when working in conjunction with other mental health practitioners, such as psychiatrists. She addresses the needs of practitioners in relation to some of the more common forms of mental distress - depression, anxiety and eating problems - as well as some of the more controversial diagnoses, such as schizophrenia and `borderline personality disorder'. The book concludes with a discussion of alternatives to mainstream approaches, including those which seek to deconstruct the concept of psychopathology. Introduction to Psychopathology offers a framework for assessing clients which incorporates a broad range of models and approaches, and which takes into account psychological, social and biological factors. It will be an invaluable resource for students of counselling, counselling psychology, psychotherapy and clinical psychology.

Introduction to Psychopathology

by Alessandra Lemma

Assessment and referral skills are essential for counselors and psychotherapists. However, these skills are dependent on the practitioner's understanding of the clinical manifestations of severe emotional distress: They must, for example, be able to recognize when clients are suffering from a psychotic episode. Introduction to Psychopathology provides a clear overview of the issues involved in our understanding of psychopathology and offers guidelines on appropriate interventions. Author Alessandra Lemma presents important topics, including how to arrive at psychiatric diagnoses and classifications, and explores issues that arise when working with clients in conjunction with other mental health practitioners. She addresses the needs of practitioners working with some of the more common forms of mental distress, including depression and anxiety, and clarifies those forms that might be less well-known, such as borderline personality disorder. A discussion of alternatives to mainstream approaches, including deconstructionist approaches, concludes the volume. Essential for students of counseling, psychotherapy, counseling psychology, and clinical psychology, Introduction to Psychopathology offers a framework for assessing clients that incorporates a broad range of models and approaches and takes into account psychological, social, and biological factors.

Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

by Alessandra Lemma

A clear and thorough introduction to techniques and practice issues, as well as basic theoretical frameworks, for beginners. Psychoanalysis is not so much skill-based, as dependent upon the development of the analytic attitude, guided by principles of technique that are used in the clinical situation.Alessandra Lemma's accessible guide has been based on her long experience of teaching trainee practitioners. It includes discussion of interventions and the possible dynamics associated with the different stages of therapy: assessment, beginnings, middle and end phases of therapy. It exposes the rationale underlying a range of interventions and discusses research evidence where relevant and available.* Written by a well known author with plenty of practical experience* Introductory and aimed at trainees* Uniquely, it combines practical advice with theoretical explanation

Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

by Alessandra Lemma

A clear and thorough introduction to techniques and practice issues, as well as basic theoretical frameworks, for beginners. Psychoanalysis is not so much skill-based, as dependent upon the development of the analytic attitude, guided by principles of technique that are used in the clinical situation. Alessandra Lemma's accessible guide has been based on her long experience of teaching trainee practitioners. It includes discussion of interventions and the possible dynamics associated with the different stages of therapy: assessment, beginnings, middle and end phases of therapy. It exposes the rationale underlying a range of interventions and discusses research evidence where relevant and available. Written by a well known author with plenty of practical experience Introductory and aimed at trainees Uniquely, it combines practical advice with theoretical explanation

Minding the Body: The body in psychoanalysis and beyond (New Library of Psychoanalysis)

by Alessandra Lemma

Minding the Body: The Body in Psychoanalysis and Beyond outlines the value of a psychoanalytic approach to understanding the body and its vicissitudes and for addressing these in the context of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. The chapters cover a broad but esoteric range of subjects that are not often discussed within psychoanalysis such as the function of breast augmentation surgery, the psychic origins of hair, the use made of the analyst’s toilet, transsexuality and the connection between dermatological conditions and necrophilic fantasies. The book also reaches ‘beyond the couch’ to consider the nature of reality television makeover show. The book is based on the Alessandra Lemma’s extensive clinical experience as a psychoanalyst and psychologist working in a range of public and private health care settings with patients for whom the body is the primary presenting problem or who have made unconscious use of the body to communicate their psychic pain. Minding the Body draws on detailed clinical examples that vividly illustrate how the author approaches these clinical presentations in the consulting room and, as such, provides insights to the practicing clinician that will support their attempts at formulating patients’ difficulties psychoanalytically and for how to helps such patients. It will be essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health workers, academics and literary readers interested in the body, sexuality and gender.

Off the Couch: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Applications

by Alessandra Lemma

Alessandra Lemma - Winner of the Levy-Goldfarb Award for Child Psychoanalysis! The contemporary relevance of psychoanalysis is being increasingly questioned; Off the Couch challenges this view, demonstrating that psychoanalytic thinking and its applications are both innovative and relevant, in particular to the management and treatment of more disturbed and difficult to engage patient groups. Chapters address: clinical applications in diverse settings across the age range the relevance of psychoanalytic thinking to the practice of CBT, psychosomatics and general psychiatry the contribution of psychoanalytic thinking to mental health policy and the politics of conflict and mediation. This book suggests that psychoanalysis has a vital position within the public health sector and discusses how it can be better utilised in the treatment of a range of mental health problems. It also highlights the role of empirical research in providing a robust evidence base. Off the Couch will be essential reading for those practicing in the field of mental health and will also be useful for anyone involved in the development of mental health and public policies. It will ensure that practitioners and supervisors have a clear insight into how psychoanalysis can be applied in general healthcare.

Transgender Identities: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis)

by Alessandra Lemma

This important new book by Alessandra Lemma provides a succinct overview of psychoanalytic understandings, approaches and controversies around transgender identifications. Illustrated with case vignettes, Lemma provides an up-to-date synthesis of current research and a critical overview of psychoanalytic approaches to transgender identities, distilling some of the contemporary controversies about how to approach the topic in the consulting room. Lemma also outlines a psychoanalytically informed ethical framework to support clinicians working with individuals who request medical transitioning and distils the ethical challenges faced by clinicians in light of the current emphasis on gender affirmative care. Part of the Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis series, this book is of great importance for psychoanalysts in practice, academics and all those with an interest in transgender identities and mental health.

Under the Skin: A Psychoanalytic Study of Body Modification (The New Library of Psychoanalysis 'Beyond the Couch' Series)

by Alessandra Lemma

Alessandra Lemma - Winner of the Levy-Goldfarb Award for Child Psychoanalysis! Under the Skin considers the motivation behind why people pierce, tattoo, cosmetically enhance, or otherwise modify their body, from a psychoanalytic perspective. It discusses how the therapist can understand and help individuals for whom the manipulation of the body is felt to be psychically necessary, regardless of whether the process of modification causes pain. In this book, psychoanalyst Alessandra Lemma draws on her work in the consulting room, as well as films, fiction, art and clinical research to suggest that the motivation for extensively modifying the surface of the body, and being excessively preoccupied with its appearance, comes from the person’s internal world – under their skin. Topics covered include: body image disturbance appearance anxiety body dysmorphic disorder the psychological function of cosmetic surgery, tattooing, piercing, and scarification. Under the Skin provides a detailed study of the challenges posed by our embodied nature through an exploration of the unconscious phantasies that underlie the need for body modification, making it essential reading for all clinicians working with those who are preoccupied with their appearance and modify their bodies including psychotherapists, counsellors, psychiatrists and psychologists.

Psychoanalysis in the Technoculture Era (The New Library of Psychoanalysis 'Beyond the Couch' Series)

by Alessandra Lemma Luigi Caparrotta

Alessandra Lemma - Winner of the Levy-Goldfarb Award for Child Psychoanalysis! By now the internet and other forms of virtual communication have been in place for at least twenty years. However, surprisingly little has been written about the use of new technologies in the psychoanalytical literature. As such, Psychoanalysis in the Technoculture Era is a timely exposition on the subject of both virtual and analytic space. Bringing together the work of several psychoanalysts, the Editors Alessandra Lemma and Luigi Caparrotta illustrate how new technologies have become an integral part of our everyday lives and how they have silently and subtly permeated the psychoanalytic setting. The contributors explore how new technologies have affected psychoanalytic practice and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its use. Psychoanalysis in the Technoculture Era unravels some of the meanings of virtual world terms, and opens this field to greater scrutiny, stimulating and promoting discussion about new technologies in psychoanalytic practice. This book will be of interest to the psychoanalytic community including psychotherapy professionals, psychoanalysts, post graduate, graduate and undergraduate students.

Envy and Gratitude Revisited (The International Psychoanalytical Association Psychoanalytic Ideas and Applications Series)

by Alessandra Lemma R. Horacio Etchegoyen Priscilla Roth

These stimulating essays are evidence that 50 years after its publication Melanie Klein's Envy and Gratitude is still a rich source of psychoanalytic inspiration. Sixteen highly regarded analysts, representing a wide range of psychoanalytic thinking, provide new insights and highlight current developments without avoiding the controversies that surround the original publication. The clinical and literary material is engaging and illustrates the effect of theory on practice and the influence of practice on the evolution of theory.Contents:Foreword - R. Horacio EtchegoyenIntroduction - Priscilla Roth1) "Even now, now, very now . . ." On envy and the hatred of love - Ignes Sodre2) Envy, narcissism, and the destructive instinct - Robert Caper3) Envy and Gratitude: some current reflections - H. Shmuel Erlich4) An independent response to Envy and Gratitude - Caroline Polmear5) On gratitude - Edna O'Shaughnessy6) Keeping envy in mind: the vicissitudes of envy in adolescent motherhood - Alessandra Lemma7) Envy in Western society: today and tomorrow - Florence Guignard8) He thinks himself impaired: the pathologically envious personality - Ronald Britton9)

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