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Psychische Störungen bei Jugendlichen: Ausgewählte Phänomene und Determinanten (Meet the Expert: Wissen aus erster Hand)

by Wolfgang Lenhard

Verfolgt man die mediale Berichterstattung, so verdichtet sich schnell der Eindruck, dass die Bedingungen, unter denen Jugendliche aufwachsen, fortlaufend ungünstiger werden. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, diese Hypothesen einem Realitätscheck zu unterziehen und sie auf ihren Wahrheitsgehalt zu überprüfen:Machen digitale Medien einsam und aggressiv, wann werden Jugendliche zu Gewalttätern und nehmen psychische Störungen wie ADHS immer mehr zu? Ist Rauschtrinken unter Jugendlichen tatsächlich ein immer ernster werdendes Problem und welchen Einfluss haben sexuelle und aggressive Medieninhalte auf die Entwicklung Jugendlicher? Welche Entwicklungen sind tatsächlich ungünstig oder sogar gefährlich, welche Aussagen sind nicht haltbar und an welcher Stelle haben sich Bedingungen sogar verbessert? Zu Wort kommen Expertinnen und Experten aus den Bereichen Psychologie, Psychiatrie, und Soziologie, die ihre Forschungsergebnisse im Interview-Stil klar, unterhaltsam und verständlich auf den Punkt bringen und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen aufzeigen. Nicht nur lehrreich für Masterstudierende, sondern besonders geeignet für Professionals aus Bildung und Erziehung, Psychologie, Psychiatrie, Pädagogik, sowie für alle an dieser Thematik Interessierten.

Clinical Aspects of Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination: Psychological Consequences and Treatment Interventions

by Sharyn Ann Lenhart

This book addresses the psychological impact of sexual harassment and gender discrimination from both a clinical and theoretical perspective, whereas previous literature on the topic has emphasized legal and employment consequences. To start, Lenhart provides a comprehensive summary and integration of existing literature and discusses relevant aspects of the workplace and legal environments. The second portion of the book deals with the psychodynamics of sexual harassment and gender discrimination, placing these violations in proper psychological perspective, along the same lines as rape, battering and other forms of gender-based abuse. The wide spectrum of psychological consequences of discrimination will be discussed and an effective and integrative model for intervention and treatment will be presented.

Coming Home to Autism: A Room-by-Room Approach to Supporting Your Child at Home after ASD Diagnosis

by Tara Leniston Rhian Grounds

What does an autism diagnosis mean for everyday family life? Explore different rooms in the home to better understand how children with autism experience daily activities, and what you can do to support their development. · Head to the bathroom for guidance on toilet training and introducing a calming bath time ritual. · Discover how to create a safe haven for your child in the bedroom chapter, with tips to try before bedtime to help ease anxiety. · Learn how to transform any corner of your home into a special place for sensory play, fun and learning · Settle down in the parents' corner for top advice on remaining cool, calm and collected in the face of obstacles. Co-written by a mum and a speech-language therapist, and with many more rooms to visit, this book breaks down the information that you need to know to support children with autism at home.

Small, Large and Median Groups: The Work of Patrick de Mare (The New International Library of Group Analysis)

by Rachel Lenn Karen Stefano

'This book is a remarkable tribute to the memory of Pat de Mare. You will find in these pages a selection of his work that represents his new and different understanding of groups, both large and small, that has not only had a significant impact on the practice of group therapy in his lifetime, but also a potential for revolutionizing current thinking both now and in the future. The editors are owed a great debt of gratitude for putting so much important work together. They have organized the book around three sections on the small, median and large groups. What is particularly moving is that each section is introduced by some of Pat's closest friends and colleagues. These introductions are not only invaluable preparation for reading the articles by Pat that follow, but are also a poignant tribute to the writers' lives, work, their thinking and much happiness that came from their close relationship with Pat.

Coaching Models: for Practitioners and Students of Coaching

by Diane Lennard

"In addition to providing an extensive analysis of strategies for changing performance and the factors that can impact coaching effectiveness, this book offers what may be a unique value: instead of promoting one approach as the best, Dr. Lennard guides readers through a highly customized process of developing our own individualized coaching model. As a result of the book's thought-provoking activities, I strengthened my own sense of personal authenticity and saw new ways to coach and collaborate fully with employees who may have very different perspectives." — Tita Theodora Beal, Learning & Development, Pfizer, Inc. "This is a wise book. The essential take-away is simple and profound. Develop, refine, and apply your own (as in ownership) personalized coaching model. Much is provided; nothing is imposed. Readers are invited to reflect on unique and defining experiences, strengths, values, perspectives and style and to begin creating their own ‘work in progress.’ Coaching Models will be a compelling read for experienced coaches and new coach practitioners alike." — Bethene LeMahieu, Ed.D.; Professional Coach and Conversation Conservationist Coaching Models: A Cultural Perspective encourages and assists students and practitioners of business coaching to develop and apply their own coaching models. The entire field of coaching will benefit from having coaches who use their models to continually improve their practice. The first part of this book presents the model development process by looking at the relationship among culture, beliefs, and behavior in the coaching context. It explains the importance of identifying cultural factors that influence the way coaches approach coaching interactions, and their coaching models. The second section provides coaches with information and strategies for developing personalized coaching models, applying them to specific contexts, and reflecting on their interactions to refine their core coaching practices. The third part describes the evolution of the author’s own coaching model—the Performance Coaching Model—and illustrates how one coach incorporates unique perspectives and sets of skills, knowledge, and experience in her coaching practice.

The Heavens Are All Blue: A memoir of two doctors, a marriage and a life of love before loss

by Dr Finbar Lennon Dr Kathleen McGarry

When Dr Kate McGarry was diagnosed with an advanced cancer of unknown origin she resolved to write a book to chart her experience: as a woman coming to terms with such devastating news and what this meant to her as a wife and a mother but also, crucially, how she experienced cancer and its treatment as a doctor, who had become a patient. As Kate adjusted to living with cancer and underwent treatment, she enlisted the help of her husband, fellow doctor, Finbar to help her write the book but then she sadly passed away on the 5 January 2018. With no writing experience, and wrestling with his own heartache, Finbar set about finishing their story. The result is a touchingly beautiful memoir about love, grief and togetherness.'A loving memoir of time spent both together and apart ... [Kate's] personal legacy, as a mother, a wife and the life and soul of the party, is recorded beautifully in this moving memoir' Sunday Business Post

The Heavens Are All Blue: A memoir of two doctors, a marriage and a life of love before loss

by Dr Finbar Lennon Dr Kathleen McGarry

When Dr Kate McGarry was diagnosed with an advanced cancer of unknown origin she resolved to write a book to chart her experience: as a woman coming to terms with such devastating news and what this meant to her as a wife and a mother but also, crucially, how she experienced cancer and its treatment as a doctor, who had become a patient. As Kate adjusted to living with cancer and underwent treatment, she enlisted the help of her husband, fellow doctor, Finbar to help her write the book but then she sadly passed away on the 5 January 2018. With no writing experience, and wrestling with his own heartache, Finbar set about finishing their story. The result is a touchingly beautiful memoir about love, grief and togetherness.'A loving memoir of time spent both together and apart ... [Kate's] personal legacy, as a mother, a wife and the life and soul of the party, is recorded beautifully in this moving memoir' Sunday Business Post

Social Psychology of Dress

by Sharron J. Lennon Kim K.P. Johnson Nancy A. Rudd

Introduction to the Study of Dress, Psychological/Social Psychological Perspectives on Dress, Sociological Perspectives on Dress, Anthropological Perspectives on Dress.

Filosofar e Meditar com as Crianças

by Fréderéric Lenoir

O que dizem as crianças sobre a meditação: <P><P> - Maël (9 anos): É para se descansar e não pensar em nada. <P>- Charlie (9 anos): É para esvaziar a mente. <P>- Robin (11 anos, que já fez a experiência com o seu pai): Quando estamos enervados, esvaziamos a cabeça para pôr as emoções no ponto zero. <P>- Clara (9 anos): É uma coisa que acalma, procuramos a serenidade. <P>- Ouali (7 anos): É quando fazemos uma coisa relaxante. <P>- Maroua (8 anos): Serve para se ficar zen. <P>- Péniel (9 anos): É concentrarmo-nos na mente, não nos deixarmos perturbar. <P>«Este livro conta a extraordinária aventura que vivi com centenas de crianças em todo o mundo francófono, deParis a Montreal, passando por Molenbeek, Abidjan, Pézenas, Genebra, Mouans-Sartoux, Córsega e Guadalupe. Para quê esperar pelo final da aula para abordar temas existenciais: amor, respeito, felicidade, sentido da vida, emoções, etc.? Estes workshops filosóficos mostraram-me a capacidade surpreendente que as crianças de seis a dez anos têm para pensar. Além dos conceitos, aprendem as regras do debate de ideias e desenvolvem o discernimento e reflexão pessoal. Faço uma breve meditação ou prática da atenção plena antes, o que permite que todos estejam presentes no momento. Este livro fornece a metodologia e ferramentas práticas para qualquer um que deseje acompanhar as crianças na prática da atenção plena e do pensamento filosófico.»

A Different Road Taken: Profiles In Critical Communication

by John A Lent

Dallas Smythe, George Gerbner, Herbert Schiller, James Halloran, Kaarle Nordenstreng- these five seminal figures form the backbone of current scholarship in critical communication. From policy research to television demographics and from economic globalization to cultural imperialism, their insights and discoveries have given both scholars and the

Engaging Adolescent Learners: A Guide for Content-area Teachers

by Releah Cossett Lent

Examine what it means to engage young adults in their learning and find out what classrooms with engaged students look, sound, and feel like. Let Releah Lent help you transform your classrooms into places where students have the freedom to satisfy their natural inclination to explore. With Engaging Adolescent Learners at your side, you'll have everything you need to help even the most reluctant students find a way to learn that works for them.

Not So Different: Finding Human Nature in Animals

by Nathan H. Lents

Animals fall in love, establish rules for fair play, exchange valued goods and services, hold "funerals" for fallen comrades, deploy sex as a weapon, and communicate with one another using rich vocabularies. Animals also get jealous and violent or greedy and callous and develop irrational phobias, just like us. Monkeys address inequality, wolves miss each other, elephants grieve for their dead, and prairie dogs name the humans they encounter. Human and animal behavior is not as different as once believed.In Not So Different, the biologist Nathan H. Lents argues that the same evolutionary forces of cooperation and competition have shaped both humans and animals. Identical emotional and instinctual drives govern our actions. By acknowledging this shared programming, the human experience no longer seems unique, but in that loss we gain a fuller appreciation of such phenomena as sibling rivalry and the biological basis of grief, helping us lead more grounded, moral lives among animals, our closest kin. Through a mix of colorful reporting and rigorous scientific research, Lents describes the exciting strides scientists have made in decoding animal behavior and bringing the evolutionary paths of humans and animals closer together. He marshals evidence from psychology, evolutionary biology, cognitive science, anthropology, and ethology to further advance this work and to drive home the truth that we are distinguished from animals only in degree, not in kind.

Hundegestütztes Coaching und Training: Effizient, wirkungsvoll und nachhaltig

by Manuela Lentzsch

Hunde bieten für Menschen als lebende, denkende und fühlende Lebewesen im Coaching und Training viele Mehrwehrte. Manuela Lentzsch erläutert in diesem Buch, warum gerade Hunde so wunderbare Co-Trainer sind und welche verschiedenen Rollen und Funktionen sie dabei einnehmen können.Das Buch zeigt neben den Grundlagen und den Wirkungsweisen von hundegestütztem Coaching und Training vor allem die Einsatzmöglichkeiten sowie Praxisbeispiele und konkrete Interventionen zur praktischen Anwendung auf. Die tiergestützten Übungen sind nach Persönlichkeits-, Führungskräfte- und Teamentwicklung unterteilt. Ein besonderes Augenmerk legt die Autorin neben dem klientenzentrierten auf einen tierzentrierten Ansatz, welcher dem Wohlbefinden des Hundes Rechnung trägt. Wichtige Aspekte der Qualitätssicherung sowie Auswahlkriterien beim Hund und tierschutzrelevante Gesichtspunkte werden daher in diesem Werk ebenfalls beleuchtet. Das Buch bietet einen fundierten Leitfaden für Menschen, die mehr überhundegestütztes Coaching und Training erfahren wollen.Die ZielgruppenCoaches, Trainern und Hundeerziehern eröffnet das Buch ein spannendes zusätzliches Geschäftsfeld und zeigt deren Wirksamkeit, Grenzen sowie Einsatzmöglichkeiten auf. Führungskräfte erfahren, welche Kompetenzen sie durch hundegestütztes Coaching und Training effizienter, wirksamer und nachhaltiger bei sich selbst, oder in ihrem Team stärken können. Hundehalter erhalten zudem Anregungen für die eigene Persönlichkeitsentwicklung mit ihrem Hund und können von einer verbesserten Mensch-Hund-Beziehung profitieren.

Addiction Treatment Homework Planner (PracticePlanners #209)

by Brenda S. Lenz Arthur E. Jongsma Jr. James R. Finley

A hands-on homework toolkit for mental health practitioners treating clients with substance use disorders In the newly revised sixth edition of the Addiction Treatment Homework Planner, a team of distinguished clinicians delivers a practical and effective resource for clients who wish to keep their therapy and recovery efforts front-of-mind and incorporate them into their daily lives. The activities and homework contained within will assist clients—and the clinicians treating them—to collect real-time data, enabling practitioners to address relevant issues quickly and collaboratively. This Homework Planner is designed as a companion manual to the sixth editions of the Addiction Treatment Planner and Addiction Progress Notes Planner. It focuses on client-centered, assessment-driven, evidence-based treatment in the field of substance use disorder psychotherapy. Each included exercise is designed to: Emphasize the importance of client motivation and increase the knowledge, awareness, and insight of people moving through the addiction recovery process Incorporate a skills component for further instruction in therapy or at home Be completed or processed within individual sessions or – where appropriate – within group therapy sessions and at various levels of careAn indispensable, hands-on resource for counselors, therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals engaged in the treatment of patients with substance use disorders, the Addiction Treatment Homework Planner is a time-saving tool with the potential to improve patient outcomes and increase client engagement.

Schizotypy and Schizophrenia: The View from Experimental Psychopathology

by Mark Lenzenweger

This compelling book argues that all people with schizophrenia share a personality organization known as schizotypy. Presented is a novel framework for understanding schizophrenia through the study of individuals who may never develop the disorder, but who nonetheless harbor a liability for it. Mark F. Lenzenweger comprehensively reviews current knowledge about schizotypy while exploring broader questions of how to think about and conduct psychopathology research, making the book useful and relevant for both researchers and students. He demonstrates state-of-the-art strategies for combining clinical observations, psychometric and psychophysiological measures, neuroimaging, and genetic analyses, and for analyzing the results using advanced statistical techniques.

Police Interrogation and American Justice

by Richard A. Leo

"Read him his rights." We all recognize this line from cop dramas. But what happens afterward? In this book, Richard Leo sheds light on a little-known corner of our criminal justice system--the police interrogation. Incriminating statements are necessary to solve crimes, but suspects almost never have reason to provide them. Therefore, as Leo shows, crime units have developed sophisticated interrogation methods that rely on persuasion, manipulation, and deception to move a subject from denial to admission, serving to shore up the case against him. Ostensibly aimed at uncovering truth, the structure of interrogation requires that officers act as an arm of the prosecution. Skillful and fair interrogation allows authorities to capture criminals and deter future crime. But Leo draws on extensive research to argue that confessions are inherently suspect and that coercive interrogation has led to false confession and wrongful conviction. He looks at police evidence in the court, the nature and disappearance of the brutal "third degree," the reforms of the mid-twentieth century, and how police can persuade suspects to waive their Miranda rights. An important study of the criminal justice system, Police Interrogation and American Justice raises unsettling questions. How should police be permitted to interrogate when society needs both crime control and due process? How can order be maintained yet justice served?

Roots of Forgiveness: Find Freedom to Heal in Your Marriage After Betrayal

by Christine Elizabeth Leon

Facing the challenges of betrayal in a marriage can be quite difficult, therefore, Christine Elizabeth Leon has created an eight-step process on how to overcome these challenges.When betrayal happens in a marriage, many couples face the decision to leave or divorce their spouse. However, it is possible to resolve a relationship after betrayal and to nurture a healthy relationship. In Roots of Forgiveness, Christine Elizabeth Leon provides an eight-step process to repair one&’s marriage and ignite healing in their relationship. She created these steps by learning from her own personal journey, background in psychology, and life-coaching practice. Within Roots of Forgiveness, readers learn:How to handle the powerful urge for revengeHow one&’s marriage will never be the same…and why that&’s a very good thingHow to lovingly self-empower to decide whether to stay or goHow to manage the breakdown momentsAND SO MUCH MORE! Roots of Forgiveness is for those who are ready to begin healing their heart and can envision their heart healing in their marriage after betrayal.

A Practitioner's Guide to Prescribing Antiepileptics and Mood Stabilizers for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

by Jose De Leon

Emotional, behavioral, and neuropsychiatric conditions are common in individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs), most notably epilepsy, aggression, self-injurious behaviors, and bipolar and other mood disorders. Despite the prevalence of such problems, there is a scarcity in the literature of reliable information on medical treatments for those with IDs. A Practitioner's Guide to Prescribing Antiepileptics and Mood Stabilizers for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities provides a detailed framework for prescribing for this challenging population. Featuring the most up-to-date information on factors that inform prescribing, the Guide addresses basic issues and controversies (e.g., the rift between evidence-based and personalized medicine) in treating adults with cognitive deficits. Clients' specific needs are emphasized in developing appropriate and effective pharmacological intervention for improved outcomes and quality of life. Drugs discussed in the Guide include carbamazepine, clonazepam, diazepam, ethosuximide, felbamate, gabapentin, lacosamide, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, lithium, lorazepam, oxcarbazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, pregabalin, primidone, rufinamide, tiagabine, topiramate, valproate, and zonisamide. For each of these compounds, the guidelines cover: Indications for use; relative and absolute contraindications.Assessment during treatment; therapeutic drug monitoring; warning signs and symptoms for caretakers.Dosage: administration; initial and maximum recommended dosage; modifications associated with drug-drug interactions, personal characteristics, and (where appropriate) genetic variations.Adverse drug reactions: common, relatively uncommon, and potentially lethal, plus risk of metabolic syndrome.Guidelines for discontinuation.References, tables, and drug utilization reviews.A Practitioner's Guide to Prescribing Antiepileptics and Mood Stabilizers for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities is an indispensable decision-making reference for psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, psychopharmacologists, neurologists, internists, and clinical psychologists.

The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?

by Leon Lederman with Dick Teresi

Did you know that the most creative companies have centralized bathrooms? That brainstorming meetings are a terrible idea? That the color blue can help you double your creative output? From the New York Times best-selling author of How We Decide comes a sparkling and revelatory look at the new science of creativity. Shattering the myth of muses, higher powers, even creative "types," Jonah Lehrer demonstrates that creativity is not a single gift possessed by the lucky few. It's a variety of distinct thought processes that we can all learn to use more effectively. Lehrer reveals the importance of embracing the rut, thinking like a child, daydreaming productively, and adopting an outsider's perspective (travel helps). He unveils the optimal mix of old and new partners in any creative collaboration, and explains why criticism is essential to the process. Then he zooms out to show how we can make our neighborhoods more vibrant, our companies more productive, and our schools more effective.You'll learn about Bob Dylan's writing habits and the drug addictions of poets. You'll meet a Manhattan bartender who thinks like a chemist, and an autistic surfer who invented an entirely new surfing move. You'll see why Elizabethan England experienced a creative explosion, and how Pixar's office space is designed to spark the next big leap in animation. Collapsing the layers separating the neuron from the finished symphony, Imagine reveals the deep inventiveness of the human mind, and its essential role in our increasingly complex world.

Understanding the Behavioral and Medical Impact of Long COVID: An Empirical Guide to Assessment and Treatment of Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS CoV-2 Infection

by Leonard A. Jason and Charles Lapp

Understanding the Behavioral and Medical Impact of Long COVID serves to expand the research around the illness in order to enable health care researchers and practitioners to address the questions that are imperative to individuals suffering from this condition. Through its multi-faceted approach, the book puts forth a maturation of research and interventions that are theoretically sound, empirically valid, innovative, and creative in the Long COVID area. As a scholarly and scientific compilation of Long COVID symptoms and related disorders, this book offers unparalleled insight into the critical developments across medical areas treating this illness. It helps to fill the space that the pandemic had created for knowledge of the condition, and contributes to the emerging emphasis on translational research blending the social sciences and biological fields. By putting forth the most optimal medical care practices in the treatment of complex Long COVID symptoms, this practical anthology will serve as a guide for practicing clinicians in assessment as well as treatment. It will also benefit researchers aiming to gain more understanding of Long COVID through its discussion around the critical developments in other medical areas treating the condition, and paves the way for the collaboration and future research needed to best support the global effort to mitigate the effects of this illness. This book will be essential reading for academics, practitioners, and researchers. It will appeal to individuals engaging with the fields of medicine, public policy, psychology, and for researchers looking to gain clarity about our current understanding of Long COVID. It will further be of interest to public/government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the general public wanting to gain more information about these ambiguous and evasive symptoms.

Value Presuppositions in Theories of Human Development

by Leonard Cirillo, Seymour Wapner

First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Children with Specific Language Impairment (Language, Speech, and Communication)

by Laurence B. Leonard

The landmark reference in the field, completely updated: a comprehensive treatment of a disorder that is more prevalent than autism. Children with specific language impairment (SLI) show a significant deficit in spoken language that cannot be attributed to neurological damage, hearing impairment, or intellectual disability. More prevalent than autism and at least as prevalent as dyslexia, SLI affects approximately seven percent of all children; it is longstanding, with adverse effects on academic, social, and (eventually) economic standing. The first edition of this work established Children with Specific Language Impairment as the landmark reference on this condition, considering not only the disorder's history, possible origins, and treatment but also what SLI might tell us about language organization and development in general. This second edition offers a complete update of the earlier volume.Much of the second edition is completely new, reflecting findings and interpretations based on the hundreds of studies that have appeared since the publication of the first edition in 1997. Topics include linguistic details (descriptive and theoretical), word and sentence processing findings, genetics, neurobiology, treatment, and comparisons to such conditions as autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and dyslexia. The book covers SLI in children who speak a wide range of languages, and, although the emphasis is on children, it also includes studies of adults who were diagnosed with SLI as children or are the parents of children with SLI.Written by a leading scholar in the field, Children with Specific Language Impairment offers the most comprehensive, balanced, and unified treatment of SLI available.

Children with Specific Language Impairment

by Laurence B. Leonard

Children with specific language impairment (SLI) show a significant deficit in spoken language that cannot be attributed to neurological damage, hearing impairment, or intellectual disability. More prevalent than autism and at least as prevalent as dyslexia, SLI affects approximately seven percent of all children; it is longstanding, with adverse effects on academic, social, and (eventually) economic standing. The first edition of this work established Children with Specific Language Impairment as the landmark reference on this condition, considering not only the disorder's history, possible origins, and treatment but also what SLI might tell us about language organization and development in general. This second edition offers a complete update of the earlier volume. Much of the second edition is completely new, reflecting findings and interpretations based on the hundreds of studies that have appeared since the publication of the first edition in 1997. Topics include linguistic details (descriptive and theoretical), word and sentence processing findings, genetics, neurobiology, treatment, and comparisons to such conditions as autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and dyslexia. The book covers SLI in children who speak a wide range of languages, and, although the emphasis is on children, it also includes studies of adults who were diagnosed with SLI as children or are the parents of children with SLI. Written by a leading scholar in the field, Children with Specific Language Impairment offers the most comprehensive, balanced, and unified treatment of SLI available.

Menopause - The Answers: Understand and manage symptoms with natural solutions, alternative remedies and conventional medical advice

by Rosemary Leonard

The essential guide for women approaching or experiencing menopause from women's health expert, Dr Rosemary Leonard.In this definitive guide, Dr Rosemary Leonard debunks some of the myths surrounding the menopause, including why 'perimenopause' is a layman's term, and the pros and cons of HRT. Rosemary discusses the best approaches to the menopause and whether drugs, holistic remedies or other forms of treatment will work best for the individual. Covering everything from hot flushes, changes to your menstrual bleeding pattern, how to tackle sex after menopause, and advice on alternative remedies, MENOPAUSE:THE ANSWERS is the comprehensive 'bible' on how to navigate your body's changes.

Secrets of Sensual Lovemaking

by Tom Leonardi Arthur Gross

Sizzling with sensuality and expertise, this definitive guide shows you how to give the women in your life the best loving she's ever had. With surefire secrets to finding the elusive "G-Spot," and information on how to make monogamy and safe sex sexy, this one-of-a-kind book will make you wonder how you ever lived - and loved - without it! Compares to Naura Hayden's How to Satisfy a Woman Every Time and Brenda Venus's Secrets of Seduction. Also in the tradition of Graham Masterson's How to Drive Yor Woman Wild in Bed and Ellen Kreidman's Light Her Fire. Tom Leonardi is a noted sex columnist for P. O. V. magazine. With its tried and true technoques, Secrets of Sensual Lovemaking is one of the most essential and useful books of its kind on the market.

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