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The Busy Brain Cure: The Eight-Week Plan to Find Focus, Tame Anxiety & Sleep Again

by Dr Romie Mushtaq

An eye-opening guidebook for professionals looking to overcome their chronic stress, burnout and Busy Brain symptoms using a simple eight-week plan by Dr Romie Mushtaq.Traditional methods in neurology and psychiatry treat anxiety, ADD and insomnia as three separate diseases. The results are an addictive cycle that Dr Romie Mushtaq defines as the Busy Brain, using stimulants like caffeine to stay focused and energised during the day and then using sedatives like alcohol or sleeping pills at night.Based on over twenty years of clinical research and experience, The Busy Brain Cure helps to break the addiction of the stimulant-sedative cycle and restore sleep, sanity and a sense of connection.

Enchanting Robots: Intimacy, Magic, and Technology (Social and Cultural Studies of Robots and AI)

by Maciej Musiał

This book argues that robots are enchanting humans (as potential intimate partners), because humans are enchanting robots (by performing magical thinking), and that these processes are a part of a significant re-enchantment of the “modern” world. As a foundation, the author examines arguments for and against intimate relationships with robots, particularly sex robots and care robots. Moreover, the book provides a consideration of human-robot interactions and philosophical reflections about robots through the lens of magic and magical thinking as well as theoretical and practical re-evaluations of their status and presence. Furthermore, the author discusses the abovementioned issues in the context of disenchantment and re-enchantment of the world, characterizing modernity as a coexistence of these two processes. The book closes with a consideration of future scenarios regarding the meaning of life in the age of rampant automation and the possibility that designing robots becomes a sort of new eugenics as a consequence of recognizing robots as persons.

The Good Life: Wellbeing and the new science of altruism, selfishness and immorality

by Graham Music

Are we born selfish or primed to help others? Does stress make people more antisocial? Can we ever be genuinely altruistic? This book explores some of the dilemmas at the heart of being human. Integrating cutting edge studies with in-depth clinical experience, Graham Music synthesizes a wealth of fascinating research into an explanation of altruism, cooperation and generosity and shows how we are primed to turn off the ‘better angels of our nature’ in the face of stress, anxiety and fear. Using fascinating psychological research but rooted in a clinicians understanding of the impact of stress on our moral and pro-social capacities, The Good Life covers topics as diverse as: The role of parenting and family life in shaping how antisocial or pro-social we become How stress, abuse and insecure attachment profoundly undermine empathic and altruistic capacities The relative influence of our genes or environments on becoming big-hearted or coldly psychopathic How our immediate contexts and recent social changes might tilt us towards either selfish or cooperative behaviour This book makes a unique contribution to a subject that is increasingly on people’s minds. It does not shirk complexity, nor suggest easy explanations, but offers a hard look at the evidence in the hope that we can gain some understanding of how a ‘Good Life’ might develop. Often personally challenging, intellectually exhilarating and written with an easily accessible style, The Good Life makes sense of how our moral selves take shape, and shines a light on the roots of goodness and nastiness.

Nurturing Children: From Trauma to Growth Using Attachment Theory, Psychoanalysis and Neurobiology

by Graham Music

Nurturing Children describes children’s lives transformed through therapy. Drawing on decades of experience, internationally respected clinician and trainer Graham Music tackles major issues affecting troubled children, including trauma, neglect, depression and violence. Using psychoanalysis alongside modern developmental thinking from neurobiology, attachment and trauma theory and mindfulness, Music creates his own distinctive blend of approaches to help even the most traumatised of children. A mix of personal accounts and therapeutic riches, Nurturing Children will appeal to anyone helping children, young people and families to lead fuller lives.

Nurturing Natures: Attachment and Children's Emotional, Sociocultural and Brain Development

by Graham Music

This new edition of the bestselling text, Nurturing Natures, provides an indispensable synthesis of the latest scientific knowledge about children’s emotional development. Integrating a wealth of both up-to-date and classical research from areas such as attachment theory, neuroscience developmental psychology and cross-cultural studies, it weaves these into an accessible enjoyable text which always keeps in mind children recognisable to academics, practitioners and parents. It unpacks the most significant influences on the developing child, including the family and social context. It looks at key developmental stages from life in the womb to the pre-school years and right up until adolescence, covering important topics such as genes and environment, trauma, neglect or resilience. It also examines how children develop language, play and memory and, new to this edition, moral and prosocial capacities. Issues of nature and nurture are addressed and the effects of different kinds of early experiences are unpicked, creating a coherent and balanced view of the developing child in context. Nurturing Natures is written by an experienced child therapist who has used a wide array of research from different disciplines to create a highly readable and scientifically trustworthy text. This book should be essential reading for childcare students, for teachers, social workers, health visitors, early years practitioners and those training or working in child counselling, psychiatry and mental health. Full of fascinating findings, it provides answers to many of the questions people really want to ask about the human journey from conception into adulthood. .

Nurturing Natures: Attachment and Children's Emotional, Sociocultural and Brain Development

by Graham Music

This new edition of the bestselling text, Nurturing Natures, provides an indispensable synthesis of the latest scientific knowledge about children’s emotional development. Integrating a wealth of both up-to-date and classical research from areas such as attachment theory, neuroscience, developmental psychology and cross-cultural studies, it weaves these into an accessible, enjoyable text that always keeps in mind children recognisable to academics, practitioners and parents. New to this edition, the book considers transgender issues, same-sex parenting, experiences of black and minority ethnic groups, well-being and the impact of mental health in relation to climate change anxiety. It looks at key developmental stages from life in the womb to the preschool years and right up until adolescence, examining how children develop language, play and memory and moral capacities. Issues of nature and nurture are addressed and the effects of different kinds of early experiences are unpicked, creating a coherent and balanced view of the developing child in context. Nurturing Natures is written by an experienced child therapist who has used a wide array of research from different disciplines to create a highly readable and scientifically trustworthy text. Equipped with key points, questions for consideration, further reading and online video chapter introductions, this book is essential reading for childcare students, teachers, social workers, health visitors, early years practitioners and those training or working in child counselling, psychiatry and mental health. Full of fascinating findings, it provides answers to many of the questions people really want to ask about the human journey from conception into adulthood.

Study Guide To Psychiatry: A Companion To The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook Of Psychiatry

by Philip R. Muskin

Study Guide to Psychiatry is a question-and-answer companion that allows you to evaluate your mastery of the subject matter as you progress through The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, Sixth Edition. The Study Guide is made up of approximately 500 questions divided into 38 individual quizzes of 10--20 questions each that correspond to the chapters in the Textbook. Questions are followed by an Answer Guide that references relevant text (including the page number) in the Textbook to allow quick access to important information. Each answer is accompanied by a discussion that addresses the correct response and also (when appropriate) explains why other responses are not correct. The Study Guide's companion, The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, Sixth Edition, has been meticulously revised to maintain its preeminence as an accessible and authoritative training reference and clinical compendium. The first comprehensive psychiatry textbook to integrate the new DSM-5#65533; criteria, this acclaimed gold standard is the definitive guide for a new era in psychiatric education and practice.

Psychosocial Treatment for Medical Conditions: Principles and Techniques

by Philip R. Muskin Leon A. Schein Harold S. Bernard Henry I. Spitz

Mental Health and Physical Health are undeniably connected. One cannot recover physically, if there is still mental suffering, and vice versa. The essays collected here examine the relationship between mental and physical health, and how that relationship flourishes or suffers in a managed care environment. Understanding more about how the psychological aftereffects of an illness, and the best ways to respond to them, will ultimately enhance the care offered to patients. The contributors offer a wide range of examples of linked physical and mental illnesses, with advice on how best to responsibly address and treat both.Clinicians and practitioners will welcome this guide to navigating a managed care system and working with patients to heal both their mental and physical maladies equally.

The Psychotherapy Of The Elderly Self

by Hyman L. Muslin

People grow old. We are terrified by the fact. And this fear has translated into a pervasive neglect of the elderly across all spheres of living. Now Dr. Hyman Muslin steps forward to challenge the mental health field to reevaluate its perspective on this powerful human resource. The book is written in the effort to dispel some of the myths of aging; to highlight old age as a natural developmental phase and to delineate an effective model of observation, diagnosis and therapy for working with the elderly. Ultimately, Dr. Muslin's message is one of hope - for older individuals currently in need of psychological help and for the elderly self who awaits us all.

The Cognitive Science of Belief: A Multidisciplinary Approach

by Julien Musolino Joseph Sommer Pernille Hemmer

Beliefs play a central role in our lives. They lie at the heart of what makes us human, they shape the organization and functioning of our minds, they define the boundaries of our culture, and they guide our motivation and behavior. Given their central importance, researchers across a number of disciplines have studied beliefs, leading to results and literatures that do not always interact. The Cognitive Science of Belief aims to integrate these disconnected lines of research to start a broader dialogue on the nature, role, and consequences of beliefs. It tackles timeless questions, as well as applications of beliefs that speak to current social issues. This multidisciplinary approach to beliefs will benefit graduate students and researchers in cognitive science, psychology, philosophy, political science, economics, and religious studies.

The Soul Fallacy

by Julien Musolino Victor J. Stenger

Most Americans believe they possess an immaterial soul that will survive the death of the body. In sharp contrast, the current scientific consensus rejects the traditional soul, although this conclusion is rarely discussed publicly. In this book, a cognitive scientist breaks the taboo and explains why modern science leads to this controversial conclusion. In doing so, the book reveals the truly astonishing scope and power of scientific inquiry, drawing on ideas from biology, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and the physical sciences. Much more than chronicling the demise of the traditional soul, the book explores where soul beliefs come from, why they are so widespread culturally and historically, how cognitive science offers a naturalistic alternative to religious conceptions of mind, and how postulating the existence of a soul amounts to making a scientific claim.Although the new scientific view of personhood departs radically from traditional religious conceptions, the author shows that a coherent, meaningful, and sensitive appreciation of what it means to be human remains intact. He argues that we do not lose anything by letting go of our soul beliefs and that we even have something to gain. Throughout, the book takes a passionate stand for science and reason. It also offers a timely rejoinder to recent claims that science supports the existence of the soul and the afterlife.

What Makes Us Moral? On the capacities and conditions for being moral

by Bert Musschenga Anton Van Harskamp

This book addresses the question of what it means to be moral and which capacities one needs to be moral. It questions whether empathy is a cognitive or an affective capacity, or perhaps both. As most moral beings behave immorally from time to time, the authors ask which factors cause or motivate people to translate their moral beliefs into action? Specially addressed is the question of what is the role of internal factors such as willpower, commitment, character, and what is the role of external, situational and structural factors? The questions are considered from various (disciplinary) perspectives.

Allgemeine Psychologie

by Jochen Müsseler Martina Rieger

Das Lehrbuch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in zentrale Aspekte menschlichen Erlebens und Verhaltens. Hierbei stehen Prozesse und Mechanismen der psychischen Vorg#65533;nge im Vordergrund, welche aus kognitions- und neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive betrachtet werden. Inhaltlich werden in diesem Standardwerk folgende wesentliche Themenbereiche dargestellt: Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit Emotion und Motivation Lernen und Ged#65533;chtnis Sprachproduktion und -verstehen Denken und Probleml#65533;sen Handlungsplanung und -ausf#65533;hrung Die Kapitel sind von Spezialisten des jeweiligen Gebietes geschrieben. Diese dritte Auflage wurde grundlegend aktualisiert und durch zus#65533;tzliche Kapitel zur multisensorischen Verarbeitung, zum logischen Denken, zu Urteilen und Entscheiden, zum motorischen Lernen und zu Embodied Cognition und Agency erg#65533;nzt. Die Inhalte werden nun durch konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele - aus der Forschung f#65533;r die Praxis - und informative, farbige Illustrationen und ein didaktisch ausgereiftes Layout noch st#65533;rker veranschaulicht. Wie auch die ersten beiden Auflagen bietet diese Auflage eine kompetente Einf#65533;hrung f#65533;r Studierende, die ideal ist zur Pr#65533;fungsvorbereitung im Bachelor- und Masterstudium. Gleichzeitig ist dieses Werk ein optimales Nachschlagewerk f#65533;r wissenschaftlich und praktisch arbeitende Psychologen und Personen benachbarter Disziplinen. #65533;ber www. lehrbuch-psychologie. de werden f#65533;r Studierende und Dozenten hilfreiche Online-Zusatzmaterialien zur Verf#65533;gung gestellt.

Mindfulness in the Classroom: Mindful Principles for Social and Emotional Learning

by Season Mussey

Mindfulness can be used in the classroom as a method to increase overall teacher effectiveness, raise student achievement, and reignite the joy of teaching and learning. "Mindfulness in the Classroom" introduces eight mindful principles that support social and emotional learning for teachers and students in today's schools, leading to increased empathy, kindness, self-awareness, integrity, self-control, and honesty. The book provides an introduction and theoretical overview of mindfulness, followed by a discussion of the eight mindful principles. Research-based evidence is presented alongside differentiated teaching activities and classroom examples, helping to bridge the gap from theory to practice. Larger implications for schools and society are also discussed, including a call to use these principles to teach the whole child. Mindfulness in the Classroom offers teachers and students a guide for the journey back to the heart of teaching and learning.

Mindfulness in the Classroom: Mindful Principles for Social and Emotional Learning

by Season Mussey

Mindfulness can be used in the classroom as a method to increase overall teacher effectiveness, raise student achievement, and reignite the joy of teaching and learning. Mindfulness in the Classroom introduces eight mindful principles that support social and emotional learning for teachers and students in today's schools, leading to increased empathy, kindness, self-awareness, integrity, self-control, and honesty. The book provides an introduction and theoretical overview of mindfulness, followed by a discussion of the eight mindful principles. Research-based evidence is presented alongside differentiated teaching activities and classroom examples, helping to bridge the gap from theory to practice. Larger implications for schools and society are also discussed, including a call to use these principles to teach the whole child. Mindfulness in the Classroom offers teachers and students a guide for the journey back to the heart of teaching and learning.

Marian Apparitions in Cultural Contexts: Applying Jungian Concepts to Mass Visions of the Virgin Mary (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies)

by Valeria Céspedes Musso

Marian Apparitions in Cultural Contexts provides an analysis of collective phenomena, specifically mass visions of the Virgin Mary, from a psychoanalytical perspective. It draws from Jung’s compensation theoretical model with the aim of merging depth-psychology and historical material from the Zeitoun case. Offering an original interpretation of this phenomenon from a Jungian psychological perspective, the book provides stimulating insights to any person interested in these supernatural events, whether general readers with active curiosity or scholars with broad intellectual interests. <P><P>A review of the literature points to a prevailing socio-political approach to examining visions of the Virgin Mary, while a psychoanalytical approach is generally lacking. Musso draws from Jung’s compensation theoretical model in Flying Saucers with the aim of merging depth-psychology and historical material. Common themes and symbols are extracted and interpreted from the empirical material and analyzed along with Egyptian social and political data. The book concludes with a discussion on how depth psychological principles grounded in empirical and historical material could be applied in order to explicate cases of mass visions. <P><P>An original interdisciplinary exploration of cultural phenomena, Marian Apparitions in Cultural Contexts will be of value to academics and students in the fields of psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, political science, and religious studies. This book will also be of interest among Jungian scholars and practitioners in applications of depth psychology to cultural phenomena.

Identity and Political Participation Among Young British Muslims

by Asma Mustafa Anthony Heath

This book tackles unanswered questions on British Muslims and political participation: What makes religion a salient 'political' identity for young Muslims (over any other identity)? How do young British Muslims identify themselves and how does it relate to their political engagement? A fascinating insight into the lives of young British Muslims.

The Girl from Aleppo: Nujeen's Escape from War to Freedom

by Nujeen Mustafa Christina Lamb

Prize-winning journalist and the co-author of smash New York Times bestseller I Am Malala, Christina Lamb, now tells the inspiring true story of another remarkable young hero: Nujeen Mustafa, a teenager born with cerebral palsy, whose harrowing journey from war-ravaged Syria to Germany in a wheelchair is a breathtaking tale of fortitude, grit, and hope that lends a face to the greatest humanitarian issue of our time, the Syrian refugee crisis.For millions around the globe, sixteen-year-old Nujeen Mustafa embodies the best of the human spirit. Confined to a wheelchair because of her cerebral palsy and denied formal schooling in Syria because of her illness, Nujeen taught herself English by watching American soap operas. When her small town became the epicenter of the brutal fight between ISIS militants and US-backed Kurdish troops in 2014, she and her family were forced to flee.Despite her physical limitations, Nujeen embarked on the arduous trek to safety and a new life. The grueling sixteen-month odyssey by foot, boat, and bus took her across Turkey and the Mediterranean to Greece, through Macedonia to Serbia and Hungary, and finally, to Germany. Yet, in spite of the tremendous physical hardship she endured, Nujeen's extraordinary optimism never wavered. Refusing to give in to despair or see herself as a passive victim, she kept her head high. As she told a BBC reporter, "You should fight to get what you want in this world."Nujeen's positivity and resolve infuses this unforgettable story of one young woman determined to make a better life for herself. Told by acclaimed British foreign correspondent Christina Lamb, Nujeen is a unique and powerful memoir that gives voice to the Syrian refugee crisis, helping us to understand that the world must change—and offering the inspiration to make that change reality.

Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era

by Elena Mustakova-Possardt Mikhail Lyubansky Michael Basseches Julie Oxenberg

This book explores the concept of "socially-responsible psychology in a global age" and how it might be used to organize, integrate and bring enhanced focus a field that has the potential to contribute to solutions to the world's most pressing problems. In this volume, the editors explore the central and defining features of socially-responsible psychology, challenges that this work would face, and the mechanisms and processes by which psychological work could be synergistically integrated with the work of other disciplines. For this purpose, the volume also examines a variety of factors currently that limit psychology in carrying out this goal.

Neurology in Migrants and Refugees (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Mustapha El Alaoui-Faris Antonio Federico Wolfgang Grisold

This book is the result of reflections and work of the Specialty group on neurology in migrants of the World Federation of Neurology. The volume provides a synthesis of migrants’ health in relation to the sustainable development goals and the 2030 agenda, and an up-to-date overview on neurological diseases among migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities.The book is composed of both general chapters dealing with the history of migration, the relationship between climate change and migration flows, the migration and neurosciences research and the barriers to migrant’s health. Other chapters deal with the migrants' particularities of the common neurological diseases such as cerebrovascular diseases, epilepsy, dementia, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, headache, functional and mental disorders. In addition, also neurological manifestation of COVID-19 in ethnic minorities and palliative care in migrants are discussed.Neurology in Migrants and Refugees will be useful to neurologists worldwide who can find appropriate knowledge for diagnosis and treatment when facing migrants with neurological disorders which are sometimes difficult to assess in the absence of clinical experience with the migrant population. It will also be very useful for international organizations, policymakers and non-governmental organizations working in the field of health and migration.This book will certainly find an indispensable place in neurological departments libraries and will constitute a basic textbook for teaching neurology taking into account ethnicity, culture and health inequalities in the care of neurological disorders.

Arbeitsanalyse – Arbeitsbewertung – Arbeitsgestaltung: Anforderungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft bewältigen (essentials)

by Vincent Mustapha Florian Schweden

Die Arbeitswelt befindet sich im fortwährenden Wandel. Besonders die technologischen Entwicklungen und gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen tragen dazu bei, dass Arbeit immer komplexer und schnelllebiger wird. Um als Unternehmen aktuell und zukünftig erfolgreich zu sein, sind Innovativität und Anpassungsfähigkeit die entscheidenden Parameter. Die Basis dafür bietet eine effiziente Arbeitsgestaltung, welche die Weiterentwicklung und besonders die Gesundheit der Arbeitenden fördert. Damit dies gelingt, werden in diesem Buch die Grundlagen der Arbeitsanalyse, -bewertung und -gestaltung erläutert. Neben den wesentlichen Arbeitsmerkmalen und Grundsätzen werden dabei auch Methoden vorgestellt. Abschließend wird ein ganzheitliches Vorgehen empfohlen, welches sowohl für Organisationsentwicklungsprozesse als auch für Gefährdungsbeurteilungen psychischer Belastungen genutzt werden kann.

Handleiding groepsschematherapie voor cluster C-persoonlijkheidsstoornissen

by Eelco H. Muste Edith E.M.L. Tjoa

Dit boek biedt behandelaren in de ggz een behandelprotocol voor schematherapie bij cluster C-persoonlijkheidsproblematiek. Het protocol is ontwikkeld voor groepsschematherapie, maar is ook toepasbaar voor individuele therapie. Daarnaast is het goed toepasbaar bij chronische problematiek. Cluster C-persoonlijkheidsstoornissen komen frequent voor, bij 3 tot 9 % van de algemene bevolking. Bij ongeveer de helft van de stemmings-, angst- en eetstoornissen is er ook sprake van comorbide cluster C-problematiek. In Handleiding groepsschematherapie voor cluster C-persoonlijkheidsstoornissen wordt de behandeling helder beschreven. Het laat duidelijk de structuur en de focus van de sessies zien en welke oefeningen hierbij gebruikt kunnen worden. Gewerkt wordt met het modusmodel van schematherapie; een heel herkenbaar model voor cliënten, dat de behandeling snel concreet maakt.De in dit boek beschreven behandelvorm met dertig sessies is wetenschappelijk onderzocht met een pilotonderzoek in verschillende instellingen in Nederland. Hierbij is aangetoond dat er een zeer lage drop-out is en dat therapeuten en cliënten enthousiast zijn over de vorm van de behandelsessies. De eerste resultaten m.b.t. de persoonlijkheidsproblematiek tonen een positieve trend. Dit ondanks de vaak hardnekkige problematiek, die klachten als angststoornissen, eetstoornissen en depressies in stand houdt.Groepsschematherapie voor cluster C-persoonlijkheidsstoornissen bestaat uit een handleiding voor de therapeut en een werkboek voor de cliënt. Tegen het einde van de behandeling wordt de cliënt steeds meer zijn eigen therapeut en bepaalt hij zelf welk huiswerk in de laatste fase passend is.“Ik was bij de start echt wat sceptisch over de lengte van de therapie en vroeg me af of we het wel gingen redden met alle wisselingen in de groep. Ik was dan ook positief verrast over wat het voor cliënten kon betekenen. Het vraagt enige inzet en draagkracht van de cliënt, maar het is verrassend wat deze ervaringsgerichte therapie kan doen en betekenen voor cliënten met (soms complexe) vermijdende persoonlijkheidsproblematiek."Berdien Henniphof, GZ-psycholoog, De Viersprong

The American Disease

by David F. Musto

The American Disease is a classic study of the development of drug laws in the United States.

The Quest for Drug Control: Politics and Federal Policy in a Period of Increasing Substance Abuse, 1963-1981

by David F. Musto Pamela Korsmeyer

Between 1960 and 1980 various administrations attempted to deal with a rising tide of illicit drug use that was unprecedented in U. S. history. This valuable book provides a close look at the politics and bureaucracy of drug control policy during those years, showing how they changed during the presidencies of Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter and how much current federal drug-control policies owe to those earlier efforts. David F. Musto, M. D. , and Pamela Korsmeyer base their analysis on a unique collection of 5,000 pages of White House documents from the period, all of which are included on a searchable CD-ROM that accompanies the book. These documents reveal the intense debates that took place over drug policy. They show, for example, that staffers and cabinet officers who were charged with narcotics policy were often influenced by the cultural currents of their times, and when the public reacted in an extreme fashion to rising drug use, officials were disinclined to adopt modified policies that might have been more realistic. Musto and Korsmeyer's investigation into the decision-making processes that shaped past drug control efforts in the United States provides essential background as creative approaches to the drug problem are sought for the future.

The Last Years of Karl Marx: An Intellectual Biography

by Marcello Musto

An innovative reassessment of the last writings and final years of Karl Marx. In the last years of his life, Karl Marx expanded his research in new directions—studying recent anthropological discoveries, analyzing communal forms of ownership in precapitalist societies, supporting the populist movement in Russia, and expressing critiques of colonial oppression in India, Ireland, Algeria, and Egypt. Between 1881 and 1883, he also traveled beyond Europe for the first and only time. Focusing on these last years of Marx's life, this book dispels two key misrepresentations of his work: that Marx ceased to write late in life, and that he was a Eurocentric and economic thinker fixated on class conflict alone. With The Last Years of Karl Marx, Marcello Musto claims a renewed relevance for the late work of Marx, highlighting unpublished or previously neglected writings, many of which remain unavailable in English. Readers are invited to reconsider Marx's critique of European colonialism, his ideas on non-Western societies, and his theories on the possibility of revolution in noncapitalist countries. From Marx's late manuscripts, notebooks, and letters emerge an author markedly different from the one represented by many of his contemporary critics and followers alike. As Marx currently experiences a significant rediscovery, this volume fills a gap in the popularly accepted biography and suggests an innovative reassessment of some of his key concepts.

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