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Showing 34,801 through 34,825 of 49,775 results

Come Porre Fine ad un Disturbo da Alimentazione Incontrollata: un manuale di trattamenti per l'ansia, guarire, & dimagrire senza farmaci

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Un manuale dettagliato sulla salute per comprendere ed eliminare naturalmente il grasso corporeo curando il disturbo da alimentazione incontrollata. Ti senti bloccato e non in grado di porre fine al mangiare troppo? Non sei in grado di perdere perso o di mantenerlo quando sei a dieta? Questo manuale ti aiuterà a capire come sfruttare le naturali capacità del corpo nel bruciare i grassi e stare in forma e porre fine all'alimentazione incontrollata. Basato su tecniche scientifiche provate, questo libro ti insegnerà a: - Sopprimere l'appetito - Porre fine e frenare le voglie - Porre fine al mangiare troppo - Avere migliori abitudini per perdere peso - Aumentare le tue energie ed il tuo metabolismo Se vuoi porre fine all'alimentazione incontrollata, avere più energie, e perdere peso, allora questo libro fa per te --> Vai in cima alla pagina e clicca su aggiungi al carrello per acquistarlo immediatamente Disclaimer: Questo autore e / o i detentori dei diritti non fanno alcuna rivendicazione, promessa o garanzia circa l'accuratezza, la completezza o l'adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro e declina espressamente la responsabilità per errori e omissioni nei contenuti all'interno. Questo prodotto è solo per riferimento.

Comment former votre cerveau à la pensée intelligente: Apprenez à maîtriser l'apprentissage, la cognition et à augmenter le QI

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Aimeriez-vous pouvoir penser intelligemment avec un esprit clair? Pendant très longtemps, des techniques de pensée intelligentes et de pensée critique ont été utilisées pour améliorer tous les aspects de la vie des gens! L'utilisation de la pensée intelligente aide les personnes à mener une vie plus saine et plus prospère. Contenu du livre : - Prendre des décisions intelligentes. - Améliorer les relations. - Améliorer le potentiel de gain. - Améliorer l'énergie. - Améliorer la santé globale. + BEAUCOUP PLUS! -> Faites défiler vers le haut de la page et cliquez sur Ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément Avertissement: Cet auteur et / ou le (s) titulaire (s) des droits ne font aucune réclamation, promesse ou garantie en ce qui concerne l'exactitude, la complétude ou l'adéquation du contenu de ce livre. Ce produit est à usage de référence seulement. S'il vous plaît consulter un professionnel avant de prendre des mesures sur l'un des contenus trouvés à l'intérieur.

Communication in Organizations: Basic Skills and Conversation Models

by Henk T. Van der Molen Yvonne Gramsbergen-Hoogland

One of the most important requirements of leadership is effective communication. The idea that some people are natural leaders and that others will never learn to show good leadership is now outdated. It has been replaced by the conviction that leadership and communication skills can be learnt. This second edition of Communication in Organizations continues to give clear advice and guidance on communicating in a range of different contexts in the workplace. From handling complaints and breaking bad news to negotiating deals and giving presentations, it explores the building blocks to effective communication skills, nurturing the leadership qualities required in any organization. By defining the abstract concepts of ‘organization’ and ‘communication’, it provides readers with the necessary skills to conduct any conversation on a professional manner. Illustrated with concrete examples throughout, this new edition includes a new chapter on career coaching, with exercises and ideas for role-play to enable the ideas to come alive. The three parts work seamlessly to expand the readers’ conversation skill-set as they progress through the book. Communication in Organizations is an invaluable resource for students of management and business psychology, as well as those taking courses who are already in the workplace. The practical aspects compliment both introductory and advanced courses in interpersonal communication, leadership and business and professional communication.

Community-Based Health Interventions in an Institutional Context (International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice)

by Steven L. Arxer John W. Murphy

Community-Based Health Interventions in an Institutional Context examines challenges of "institutionalizing" community-based health care. While the community-based or localized model is growing in popularity and importance in the United States, in practice it must often be brought in to larger institutions in order to grow to scale. The typical goals of an institution—standardization, formalization, and control—may be seen as antithetical to those of a community-based healthcare provider, such as spontaneity, customization, and flexibility. The contributions to this work raise questions about how the community-based model can be scaled up through institutions, and how "institutionalization" can be rethought from a bottom-up approach. They provide not only an overview of community-based organizations, but also delve into practical topics such as establishing budgets, training workers, incorporating technology, as well as more theoretical topics like goal-setting, policy effects (like the ACA), and relationships between patient and community. This work will be of interest for researchers interested in exploring the community-based health care model, as well as practitioners in health care and health policy.

Community Psychology

by John Moritsugu Elizabeth Vera Frank Y Wong Karen Grover Duffy

Community Psychology, 6th Edition offers an easy-to-navigate, clearly organized, and comprehensive overview of the field, with theoretical roots that carry over to practical applications. Presenting the concepts of community psychology and social change, these concepts are then applied to various systems addressing the human condition: mental health, medical, public health, school, legal, and industrial/organizational. Through a unique three-part approach, including concepts, interventions, and applications of the theory, the book opens the field of community psychology to students who are interested in how psychology might help themselves and the systems around them. It then focuses on the prevention of problems, the promotion of well-being, the empowerment of members within a community, the appreciation of diversity, and an ecological model for the understanding of human behavior. Attention is paid to both "classic" early writings and the most recent journal articles and reviews by today’s practitioners and researchers. Historical and alternative methods of effecting social change are explored in this book, with the overall theme that the environment is as important as the individual in it. This 6th edition will include new topical subjects such as grit and life success, changes in technology and their impact, interventions based on networking, social movements and justice, dealing with stigma, and new models of health. It will appeal to advanced undergraduates as well as graduates taking courses on community psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, and related fields.

Como Acabar com Um Transtorno Alimentar Compulsivo: Um Guia de Tratamento para Ansiedade, Cura & Dieta Sem Uso de Medicação

by HiddenStuff Entertainment

Como Acabar com Um Transtorno Alimentar Compulsivo: Um Guia de Tratamento para Ansiedade, Cura & Dieta Sem Uso de Medicação Um guia detalhado e saudável para entender e eliminar a gordura corporal naturalmente, tratando o transtorno alimentar compulsivo. Você se sente preso e incapaz de por um fim na alimentação em excesso? Você é incapaz de perder peso ou manter o peso quando não se encontra em algum tipo de dieta? Este guia irá ajudá-lo a aproveitar a capacidade natural do seu corpo para queimar gordura e ficar em forma e acabar com compulsão alimentar. Baseado em ciência sólida e comprovada, este livro ensinará como: - Suprimir o apetite - Findar & freir os desejos - Findar a alimentação em excesso - Encontrar melhores hábitos para perder peso - Aumentar sua energia e seu metabolismo Se você quer acabar com a compulsão alimentar, ter mais energia e perder peso, então este livro é feito para você. Este autor e ou proprietário(s) dos direitos não fazem reivindicações, promessas ou fornecem garantias em relação à acurácia, integralidade ou adequação do conteúdo deste livro e, expressamente, eximem-se da responsabilidade por erros e omissões nos conteúdos nele contidos. Este produto é somente para uso como referência. Por favor, consulte um profissional antes de realizar ação sobre qualquer um dos conteúdos encontrados em seu interior.

Cómo Crear Buenos Hábitos y Romper los Malos Hábitos: Guía Paso a Paso para Formar Buenos Hábitos y Romper los Malos

by Steven Polinsky

¿Te encuentras participando en actividades que sabes que no son saludables para ti? ¿Sueles perder el tiempo en cosas que no importan? ¿Sabes lo que deberías estar haciendo pero de alguna manera no puedes hacerlo? ¿Eres incapaz de concentrarte? Si respondió afirmativamente a alguna de estas preguntas, esta guía puede ayudarlo a transformar su vida. ¿Le gustaría poder tener buenos hábitos, romper los malos, ser más saludable, ser más feliz, completar tareas con una mente clara? ¡Durante mucho tiempo, se han utilizado técnicas para matar malos hábitos para permitir que las personas tomen mejores decisiones en literalmente todos los aspectos de sus vidas! ¡El uso de estas técnicas también ayudará con la salud general, el presupuesto, ganar dinero, vivir bien, comer sano, tomar las mejores decisiones posibles, niveles de energía, concentración, felicidad general y mucho más! Experimenta emociones más positivas y una mejor calidad de vida al desarrollar esta habilidad esencial. ¡Presentamos los secretos que los profesionales usan para ser más efectivos que nunca! Concéntrese solo en lo que es importante y haga más cosas. ¡Con décadas de estrategias probadas, este libro electrónico le mostrará la forma más rápida y efectiva de acabar con los malos hábitos y desarrollar buenos hábitos para beneficiar su bienestar! Esta guía le enseña técnicas comprobadas sin el uso de suplementos caros, recetas o cursos. Qué está incluido: - Forma buenos hábitos. - Romper malos hábitos. - Sea más saludable y más feliz. - Tomar mejores decisiones. - Hacer mas dinero. - Tener más energía. - Reduce y elimina la ansiedad. - Tener más energía. - Haz más cosas. - Superar dolencias, obstáculos y problemas de por vida con facilidad! + MUCHO MÁS Si desea desarrollar buenos hábitos, mejorar el enfoque y el bienestar, esta guía es para usted. -> Desplácese hasta la parte superior de la pág

Como Criar Bons Hábitos e Quebrar Maus Hábitos: um passo-a-passo para construir bons costumes e se livrar dos vícios

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Você se envolve com atividades que sabe que não são saudáveis? Você geralmente perde tempo com coisas que não têm importância? Você sabe o que deveria estar fazendo, mas de alguma maneira não consegue fazer? Você não é capaz de se manter focado? Se você respondeu sim para qualquer uma dessas perguntas, então este guia pode ajudá-lo a transformar sua vida. Você gostaria de criar bons hábitos, livrar-se de hábitos ruins, ser mais saudávei, ser mais feliz, completar tarefas com uma mente lúcida? Por muito tempo, técnicas de quebra de hábitos ruins têm sido utilizadas para permitir que indivíduos tomem decisões melhores em praticamente todos os aspectos de suas vidas! O uso dessas técnicas também pode ajudar com sua saúde geral, orçamentos, ganho de dinheiro, viver melhor, alimentar-se de maneira saudável, tomar as melhores decisões possíveis, níveis de energia, foco, felicidade geral e muito mais! Experencie mais emoções positivas e uma melhor qualidade de vida ao adquirir essa habilidade essencial. Introduzindo os segredos que os profissionais usam para serem mais produtivos do que nunca! Foque apenas no que importa e produza mais. Com décadas de estratégias testadas, este livro mostrará a você a maneira mais rápida e efetiva de acabar com os hábitos ruins e construir hábitos bons para beneficiar seu bem estar! Este guia ensina técnicas comprovadas sem o uso de suplementos caros ou cursos. O que está incluído: - Crie hábitos bons; - Quebre hábitos ruins; - Seja mais saudável e feliz; - Tome decisões melhores; - Ganhe mais dinheiro; - Tenha mais energia; - Reduza e elimine a ansiedade; - Produza mais; - Supere enfermidades, obstáculos e problemas com facilidade; + MUITO MAIS! Se você quiser construir bons hábitos, melhorar seu foco e bem estar, então,

Cómo Entrenar tu Cerebro para el Pensamiento Inteligente: Aprenda a dominar el aprendizaje

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Cómo entrenar tu cerebro para el pensamiento inteligente: Aprenda a dominar el aprendizaje, la cognición y el aumento del coeficiente intelectual Joseph Pinkleton ¿Le gustaría ser capaz de pensar inteligentemente con la mente clara? ¡Durante mucho tiempo, el pensamiento inteligente y las técnicas de pensamiento crítico se han utilizado para mejorar todos los aspectos de la vida de las personas! Utilizar el pensamiento inteligente ayuda a las personas a llevar una vida más saludable y próspera. Lo que hay adentro: - Toma decisiones inteligentes. - Mejorar las relaciones. - Mejorar el potencial de ganancias. - Mejorar la energía. - Mejorar la salud general. + MUCHO MÁS! --> Desplácese hasta la parte superior de la página y haga clic en Añadir al carrito para comprar al instante. Descargo de responsabilidad: Este autor y/o propietario(s) de derechos no hace reclamos, promesas o garantías con respecto a la exactitud, integridad o adecuación del contenido de este libro, y expresamente niega responsabilidad por errores y omisiones en el contenido de este libro. Este producto es sólo para uso de referencia. Por favor, consulte a un profesional antes de tomar acción sobre cualquiera de los contenidos que se encuentran dentro.

Como Parar a Preocupação e a Ansiedade: Seja Mais Feliz e Saudável

by Betty Gaines

É um livro sobre como é possível controlar a ansiedade e a preocupação. Fala de como é desnecessário preocupar-se excessivamente por algo que não é possivel resolver no momento. Mostra técnicas, adaptáveis ao dia-a-dia, para tornar essa realidade de viver livre da ansiedade e da preocupação, viável.

¿Cómo piensa mi hijo? (What's My Child Thinking?): Psicologia infantil práctica

by Tanith Carey

Haz que cada momento con tu hijo cuenteDescubre la psicología que hay detrás del comportamiento de tu hijo en cada etapa de su desarrollo y afróntala con confianza.Entiende lo que tu hijo realmente quiere expresar cuando dice "¡Mira lo que hehecho!", "Pero no estoy cansado" o "¡Me estás dando vergüenza!", y qué les ocurre cuando no pueden expresarse por sí mismos.Con más de 100 ejemplos de situaciones diarias, esta guía te hará recorrer cada escenario paso a paso, explicándote no solo el comportamiento de tu hijo y la psicología que hay detrás, sino tus propios sentimientos como padre.Obtendrás recomendaciones instantáneas de lo que podrías decir o hacer para tratar de resolver cualquier situación.¿Cómo piensa mi hijo? cubre el desarrollo de niños con edades comprendidas entre 2 y 7 años. El libro toca temas importantes como las pataletas, las amistades (reales e imaginarias), la rivalidad entre hermanos, el comportamiento agresivo o la presión de grupo. También hay un recopilatorio de prácticas guías de supervivencia para situaciones críticas como viajes en coche, salir a comer fuera o navegar por internet de forma segura.Basado en evidencias de psicología clínica y apostando por un crecimiento positivo y seguro, ¿Cómo piensa mi hijo? te ayudará a sintonizar con los pensamientos más íntimos de tu hijo y a ayudarte a ser el padre que siempre quisiste ser.

Como Treinar Seu Cérebro Para Pensar Com Inteligência: Aprenda a Dominar Sua Aprendizagem, Cognição e Aumente o Seu QI

by Joseph Pinkleton

Você gostaria de ser capaz de pensar com inteligência de uma maneira clara? Por muito tempo as técnicas de pensamento inteligente e pensamento crítico tem sido utilizadas para melhoras todos os aspectos das vidas das pessoas! Utilizar o pensamento inteligente ajuda as pessoas a terem uma vida mais saudável e próspera. O que você aprenderá com o livro: - Fazer decisões inteligentes. - Melhorar Relacionamentos. - Melhorar seu potencial de Ganho. - Melhorar sua energia. - Melhorar sua saúde geral. + MUITO MAIS! --> Role para o topo da página e clique em “adicionar ao carrinho” pra comprar imediatamente

Comorbid Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders: A Clinical Casebook

by Imran S. Khawaja Thomas D. Hurwitz

This book examines 23 case examples of the most common comorbid presentations of sleep and psychiatric disturbances from a reader-friendly, digestible approach. Most chapters are written and edited by the rare experts certified in both sleep and psychiatry. Every case details the clinical history, examination, results, diagnosis, clinical pearls and suggested reading, making the book both highly clinical and direct. Most chapters include tables for easy reference and special considerations that are often neglected in other sleep psychiatry texts. The text is easy-to-use on an as-needed basis, or as a standalone guide to these issues. Written by multidisciplinary experts in the field, Comorbid Sleep Psychiatry is a valuable resource for busy psychiatrists, sleep physicians, primary care doctors, psychologists, and all clinicians working with patients who may suffer from sleep and/or psychiatric disturbances.

A Comparison of Eastern and Western Parenting: Programmes, Policies and Approaches (Routledge Studies in Asian Behavioural Sciences)

by Low Yiu Tsang Andrew

Parenting adolescents is a challenging task for parents. Professionals offer a range of support and parenting programmes to support parents. However, the importance of culturally adapting parenting programmes to benefit parents and their adolescent children hasn’t always been understood. This book provides a comparison of East and West parenting approaches and parenting programmes to show how vital a culturally sensitive approach is to the positive development of the parent-adolescent relationship. It offers a comprehensive overview of current theories and research on parenting adolescents. It focuses on comparing the differences in parenting style and practice between Chinese parents and their Western counterparts and the policy context in Chinese culture with that in the West. It also offers guidance on how to conduct an evaluation of parenting programmes and how to adapt them for the right cultural setting. Postgraduate students studying parenting, developmental psychology or social work will find this work particularly useful, as will researchers in any of these areas.

Compassion and Empathy in Educational Contexts

by Susanne Garvis Georgina Barton

This book explores the importance of compassion and empathy within educational contexts. While compassion and empathy are widely recognised as key to living a happy and healthy life, there is little written about how these qualities can be taught to children and young people, or how teachers can model these traits in their own practice. This book shares several models of compassion and empathy that can be implemented in schooling contexts, also examining how these qualities are presented in children’s picture books, films and games. The editors and contributors share personal insights and practical approaches to improve both awareness and use of compassionate and empathetic approaches to others. This book will be of interest and value to all those interested in promoting compassion and empathy within education.

The Compassion-Based Workbook for Christian Clients: Finding Freedom from Shame and Negative Self-Judgments

by Joshua J. Knabb

The Compassion-Based Workbook for Christian Clients integrates contemporary research in clinical psychology on compassion-based approaches to shame with a Christian worldview, offering a wide variety of strategies for Christians to better understand and combat shame and negative self-judgments. Chapters lay out a four-step process to help clients let go of unhelpful thinking patterns that lead to shame, experience God’s compassion on a deeper level, and extend this compassion to themselves and others. Readers will find a wealth of Christian-sensitive experiential exercises, journaling assignments, biblical examples, and case examples throughout the workbook. Audio recordings for several guided meditations are also provided to help Christians practice the strategies offered in the workbook.

The Compassionate Mind Approach to Difficult Emotions: Using Compassion Focused Therapy

by Chris Irons

Emotions bring purpose, pleasure and meaning to our lives. However, for many people, they are synonymous with distress, pain and suffering. Anger and rage can wreck relationships and cause problems at work; anxiety can prevent us from socialising or engaging in things we would like to; sadness can feel overwhelming and never ending. These types of difficulties are often referred to as emotion regulation problems, and can prevent us from developing stable and happy relationships, communicating our needs, and flourishing.This practical self-help book based on Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) will help you to take a new approach to managing difficult emotions. It outlines why we experience emotions, how they can be helpful but also how and why we can get in to struggles with them. It outlines the Compassionate Mind model, and guides you through a series of exercises that will help you to develop your compassion mind, and use this to develop more helpful emotion regulation strategies, and bring greater balance to your emotions.

The Complete Family Guide to Addiction: Everything You Need to Know Now to Help Your Loved One and Yourself

by Thomas F. Harrison Hilary S. Connery

If you are struggling to help a loved one recover from addiction--and to cope with the devastating impact on the whole family--you are not alone. But until now, there has been no single book that gives the millions of families like yours the comprehensive, unbiased information you need. This expertly written guide addresses the painful questions that spouses, parents, and grown children face every day. Why do addicts make such bad choices? How can you find (and afford) treatment that works--and convince your loved one to try it? Can relapse be prevented? When does being supportive cross the line to enabling? Providing science-based answers and resources, the authors cover crucial emotional, financial, and legal issues that simply aren't discussed in other books. The more your family knows about the myths and realities of addiction, the better equipped you will be to overcome it.

The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome

by Dr Anthony Attwood

The Asperger's Syndrome Bible for parents and professionals, newly updated with an introduction explaining the DSM-5The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome is the definitive handbook for anyone affected by Asperger's syndrome (AS). Now including a new introduction explaining the impact of DSM-5 on the diagnosis and approach to AS, it brings together a wealth of information on all aspects of the syndrome for children through to adults.Drawing on case studies and personal accounts from Attwood's extensive clinical experience, and from his correspondence with individuals with AS, this book is both authoritative and extremely accessible. Chapters examine: * causes and indications of the syndrome * the diagnosis and its effect on the individual * theory of mind * the perception of emotions in self and others * social interaction, including friendships * long-term relationships * teasing, bullying and mental health issues * the effect of AS on language and cognitive abilities, sensory sensitivity, movement and co-ordination skills * career development.There is also an invaluable frequently asked questions chapter and a section listing useful resources for anyone wishing to find further information on a particular aspect of AS, as well as literature and educational tools.Essential reading for families and individuals affected by AS as well as teachers, professionals and employers coming in contact with people with AS, this book should be on the bookshelf of anyone who needs to know or is interested in this complex condition.'I usually say to the child, "Congratulations, you have Asperger's syndrome", and explain that this means he or she is not mad, bad or defective, but has a different way of thinking.'- from The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome(P) 2019 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

Complex Situations in Coaching: A Critical Case-Based Approach

by Dima Louis Pauline Fatien Diochon

Complex Situations in Coaching is a collection of 20 typical yet underdiscussed issues in coaching, ranging from value conflicts, multiple agendas, power dynamics, and emotion management, to the role of money, etc. Organized into ten chapters, they are positioned into the literature and commented on by world-class coaches, coaching researchers, educators, and program directors. This plurality of voices is designed to foster dialogue, questions, and solutions; this setting, supportive of reflexivity, critical thinking, and diversity awareness, is essential to the development and education of coaches in an increasingly complex world where ready-made solutions prove limited. Thus, beyond a 'toolkit approach', this book engages in a thought-provoking and multi-perspective journey in support of the professionalization and continuous education of coaches, instructors, and/or supervisors.

The Complexity of Autism Spectrum Disorders

by Michael Wolff Bradley Bridges Thomas Denczek

Since its first identification, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has presented myriad challenges of diagnosis and classification. Our understanding has evolved from a cluster of diagnostic categories (Asperger’s, Autism, and Pervasive Development Disorder) to the current continuum of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Meanwhile, we have progressed from debating the validity of the diagnosis, to considering it a modern epidemic. This evolution has drawn attention across a variety of fields, including the neurosciences, education, forensics, and behavioral health. While new research accumulates, there remains a lack of conceptual and practical clarity about what ASD is, how specific diagnoses might be delineated, and what we can do to understand and manage the complexity of individuals on the Spectrum. In understanding ASD, one size does not fit all—families, schools, and clinicians all need a multi-faceted engagement with the specifics they encounter. This text opens a critical dialogue through which students, researchers, and clinicians can challenge their ideas about what it means to work with the unique presentations of individuals on the Spectrum. It provides education, clinical expertise, and personalization to the lives influenced by the ever-changing dynamics of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The Comprehension of Jokes: A Cognitive Science Framework

by Graeme Ritchie

The Comprehension of Jokes consolidates and develops the tradition of analysing jokes, by defining a framework of concepts which are suited to capturing what happens when someone understands a joke. The collection of concepts presented improves upon past work on joke analysis, outlining a simple model of text comprehension which supports all the assumptions necessary for a model of joke-understanding. This proposed framework encompasses and integrates a relatively wide range of disparate factors, including incongruity, superiority, and impropriety. Written by an expert in the field of humour, it provides a conceptual basis which will help to map out the landscape of joke comprehension. The book draws on past suggestions in many areas, primarily philosophy, psychology, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. Current theories of how people understand non-humorous texts offer some important ideas, such as the need for representations of differing beliefs about the world, or the way that predictions may occur during the understanding of a text. The framework improves the clarity and coherence of some existing theoretical proposals and combines these ideas into a well-defined way of describing how a person understands a newly-encountered joke. All this is illustrated using typical textual jokes, some analysed in considerable detail. The book enables hypotheses about why jokes are funny to be stated more precisely and compared more easily, and should contribute to the development of a fuller cognitive model of joke comprehension. The Comprehension of Jokes will be of great interest to academics and postgraduate students in humour research, as well as those in disciplines like linguistics, psychology, and cognitive science who wish to explore the field of jokes and humour.

Computational Thinking Education

by Siu-Cheung Kong Harold Abelson

This This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This book offers a comprehensive guide, covering every important aspect of computational thinking education. It provides an in-depth discussion of computational thinking, including the notion of perceiving computational thinking practices as ways of mapping models from the abstraction of data and process structures to natural phenomena. Further, it explores how computational thinking education is implemented in different regions, and how computational thinking is being integrated into subject learning in K-12 education. In closing, it discusses computational thinking from the perspective of STEM education, the use of video games to teach computational thinking, and how computational thinking is helping to transform the quality of the workforce in the textile and apparel industry.

Computer-Supported Collaborative Chinese Second Language Learning: Beyond Brainstorming (Chinese Language Learning Sciences)

by Yun Wen

This book explores the implementation of an online representational tool, GroupScribbles, in Chinese-as-a-second-language classrooms from primary school to secondary school. It demonstrates the effectiveness of combining online representational tools with face-to-face classroom learning, and provides a workable approach to analysing interactions interweaving social and cognitive dimensions, which take place in the networked classroom. A series of suggestions regarding networked second language learning will help educators effectively implement information and communication technology tools in the classroom.

Computerspiele: Grundlagen, Psychologie und Anwendungen

by Tobias C. Breiner Luca D. Kolibius

Dieses Buch ist eine umfassende Abhandlung zur Debatte um die positiven Auswirkungen von Computerspielen. Es beantwortet folgende Fragen: - Warum spielen wir? - Hat Spielen einen evolutionären Sinn? - Welche Arten von Games existieren? - Welche Vor- und Nachteile haben Computerspiele gegenüber Spielen im echten Leben? - Was lässt sich mit Computerspielen heutzutage technisch realisieren und was nicht? - Wie lassen sich Computerspiele sinnvoll in Psychologie, Geriatrie und Medizin einsetzen? - Welches Potenzial haben sogenannte „Serious Games“ in Therapie und Bildung? Das Werk ist für jeden Pädagogen und Psychologen, der sich für digitale Interventionen interessiert sehr empfehlenswert. Da die Grundlagen von Games und der Spielepsychologie verständlich und umfassend dargestellt werden, ist kein spezielles Vorwissen nötig.

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