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Showing 34,826 through 34,850 of 49,570 results

Using the Socratic Method in Counseling: A Guide to Channeling Inborn Knowledge

by Katarzyna Peoples Adam Drozdek

Using the Socratic Method in Counseling shows counselors how to use the Socratic method to help clients solve life problems using knowledge they may not realize they have. Coauthored by two experts from the fields of philosophy and counseling, the book presents theory and techniques that give counselors a client-centered and contextually bound method for better addressing issues of ethnicities, genders, cultures. Readers will find that Using the Socratic Method in Counseling is a thorough and useful text on a new theoretical orientation grounded in ancient philosophy.

Attraction and Hostility: An Experimental Analysis of Interpersonal and Self Evaluation

by Albert Pepitone

Attraction and hostility find expression in almost every variety of human relationship, and have consequently provided a central theme for social psychology since its beginnings. Yet attempts to conceptualize the diverse phenomena embraced in these terms have produced theories of such wide generality that they have little explanatory or predictive force. The object of the present study is to bring precision to a vast and sprawling area by setting limits and dimensions to the phenomena and investigating them experimentally on the basis of a series of hypotheses derived from a critical analysis of current conceptual approaches, including frustration, need-satisfaction, and dissonance models.The programme of experimental studies focuses on cognitive validation-a motivation to form and maintain subjectively valid evaluations of the self and the social environment-which is shown to be a common denominator of a number of attraction and hostility measures. The results throw light on reactions to boastfulness and to self-debasement; impressions of persons who are described by biased informants; effects of self-evaluation on competitiveness, and the projection of unfavourable characteristics.The interest of the study for social psychologists derives both from its theoretical integration of a wide range of behaviour and from its contribution to experimental design.

The Development and Treatment of Girlhood Aggression

by Debra J. Pepler Kirsten C. Madsen Christopher Webster Kathryn S. Levene

After decades of neglect, researchers have begun to focus attention on the development and outcomes of girlhood aggression. This comprehensive volume provides an account of some of the pioneering research in the field. Its central aims are to highlight current understanding, identify key components for preventing and treating the complex array of problems experienced by aggressive girls, and raise new questions for future research. The perspectives presented by the authors highlight the diverse factors that moderate the emergence of aggression while offering insight into how to target that aggression at various stages of development. The problem is presented as a continuum from normative forms of behavior to extreme and serious attacks. The importance of relationships--particularly family relationships--is a theme that permeates the entire volume. A growing body of research indicates that aggression in girls is a predictor of long-term psychological, social, academic, health, and intergenerational problems. The knowledge provided by the authors has tremendous potential to inform practice with troubled girls, their families, and support systems.

The Development and Treatment of Childhood Aggression

by Debra J. Pepler Kenneth H. Rubin

Comprised of papers and commentaries from the Earlscourt Symposium on Childhood Aggression held in Toronto, Canada, this volume reflects the Earlscourt Child and Family Centre's commitment to linking clinical practice to identifiable research-based interventions which are known to be effective in the prevention and treatment of antisocial behavior in children. The education of human services professionals has typically failed to train individuals to work with specific client populations, providing a generalist approach grounded in theoretical assumptions and professional values rather than research and empirical studies. This compelling book serves to fill this gap in professional education in the area of childhood aggression. Representing substantial accomplishments in the advancement of an understanding of the plight of aggressive children and how best to ameliorate their often unpredictable and painful situations, this text allows for cautious optimism that empirical research can have practical consequences for aggressive children and their prospects for a better life. As such, it is a truly important information resource for professionals in the fields of developmental psychology and counseling.

You and Your Anxious Child

by Leslie Pepper Anne Marie Albano

One of the world's foremost experts on anxiety in children provides a guide to recognizing and alleviating a range of debilitating fears. Anxiety affects more children and teens than any other psychiatric illness, but it's also the most treatable emotional disorder. Some 25 percent of children and adolescents will suffer an anxiety disorder at several points in their lifetime, resulting in serious problems in their ability to function in school, with peers, and on a general day-to-day basis. A renowned researcher and clinician who has developed groundbreaking, proven coping strategies illuminates a new path to fear-free living for families. You and Your Anxious Child differentiates between separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, and social phobia, and guides parents on when and how to seek intervention. With moving case studies, such as Jon's, whose mother quit her job because his separation anxiety compelled her to stay with him full-time, this book elucidates the nightmare that families can be living, and helps them understand that they are not alone. Every step of the way, Albano illustrates proven therapies to manage anxiety issues in children while addressing the emotional needs of parents, too. You and Your Anxious Child brings much-needed hope to families, helping them shape a positive new vision of the future.

Closing the Gap: The Scientific Writings of David N. Lee

by Gert-Jan Pepping Madeleine A. Grealy

This book is a collection of Lee‘s most important works, placed in a historical setting and contextualized through the commentaries of other leading researchers in the field. The contributors were selected on the basis of their standing in the field. Some have been directly involved in collaborations with Lee, while others have participated in publ

Studies in Perception and Action XIV: Nineteenth International Conference on Perception and Action

by Gert-Jan Pepping Julie A. Weast-Knapp

ICPA provides a forum for researchers and academics who share a common interest in ecological psychology to come together, present new research, and foster ideas towards the advancement of the field. This volume is the fourteenth in the Studies in Perception and Action book series, and highlights research presented at the 19th International Conference of Perception and Action (ICPA) in the summer of 2017. Since 1991, this edited book series has appeared in conjunction with the biennial ICPA meeting. The short papers and empirical articles presented in this book represent the contributions of researchers and laboratories from across the globe. The reader will find new, cutting-edge research on a wide variety of topics in perception and action. This volume will especially appeal to those that are interested in James J. Gibson's ecological approach to psychology, as well as, more broadly, students and researchers of visual and haptic perception, perceptual development, human movement dynamics, human factors, and social processes.

Sciences of Modernism

by Paul Peppis

Sciences of Modernism examines key points of contact between British literature and the human sciences of ethnography, sexology, and psychology at the dawn of the twentieth century. The book is divided into sections that pair exemplary scientific texts from the period with literary ones, charting numerous collaborations and competitions occurring between science and early modernist literature. Paul Peppis investigates this exchange through close readings of literary works by Claude McKay, E. M. Forster, Mina Loy, Rebecca West, and Wilfred Owen alongside science books by Alfred Haddon, Havelock Ellis, Marie Stopes, Bernard Hart, and William Brown. In so doing, Peppis shows how these competing disciplines participated in the formation and consolidation of modernism as a broad cultural movement across a range of critical discourses. His study will interest students and scholars of the history of science, literary modernism, and English literature more broadly.

Trauma, Dissociation, And Impulse Dyscontrol In Eating Disorders

by P.E.R.

Published in 1997, Trauma, Dissociation, And Impulse Dyscontrol In Eating Disorders is a valauble contribution to the field of Psychotherapy.

Adult ADHD-Focused Couple Therapy: Clinical Interventions

by Gina Pera Arthur L. Robin

Since ADHD became a well-known condition, decades ago, much of the research and clinical discourse has focused on youth. In recent years, attention has expanded to the realm of adult ADHD and the havoc it can wreak on many aspects of adult life, including driving safety, financial management, education and employment, and interpersonal difficulties. Adult ADHD-Focused Couple Therapy breaks new ground in explaining and suggesting approaches for treating the range of challenges that ADHD can create within a most important and delicate relationship: the intimate couple. With the help of contributors who are experts in their specialties, Pera and Robin provide the clinician with a step-by-step, nuts-and-bolts approach to help couples enhance their relationship and improve domestic cooperation. This comprehensive guide includes psychoeducation, medication guidelines, cognitive interventions, co-parenting techniques, habit change and communication strategies, and ADHD-specific clinical suggestions around sexuality, money, and cyber-addictions. More than twenty detailed case studies provide real-life examples of ways to implement the interventions.

The Welfare of Animals in Animal-Assisted Interventions: Foundations and Best Practice Methods

by Jose M. Peralta Aubrey H. Fine

This is the first book focusing on the animal’s perspective and best practices to ensure the welfare of both therapy animals and their human counterparts in animal-assisted interventions. Written by leading scientists, it summarizes the scientific evidence available concerning the impacts on animals in these settings, including companion species, horses, marine mammals and other animals used in therapy.There has been a dramatic increase in the range of animal-assisted interventions used in medical and allied health environments in recent years, and the field is now entering an era with a greater interest in defining the underlying mechanisms of the human-animal bond as well as the therapeutic benefits of these interactions. Animal-assisted interventions, as with other uses of animals by humans, impose a unique set of stresses on the animals, which the community has only recently begun to acknowledge. For the field to continue to flourish, more evidence is needed to shed light on the implications for the animals and what guidelines need to be put into practice to ensure welfare.With the ultimate goal of improving the impact that we have on the animals under our care, the book provides a roadmap for researchers and clinicians as they attempt to safely and humanely incorporate various species of animals into therapeutic settings. The authors also offer instructions and suggestions for areas that need to be studied more robustly over the next decade to continue to ensure the safe and proper use of animals in therapy sessions.This is an informative, thought-provoking and instructive resource for practitioners and researchers in the field of medicine and clinical psychology using animal-assisted interventions, as well as for veterinarians and welfare scientists.

Tres desitjos abans de morir: De la mort, el dol i la vida

by Espartac Peran

«La mare ens havia demanat tres coses abans de morir. No en vam poder complir cap». Converses, viatges, molta vida i amor per curar aquelles ferides que la mort dels nostres estimats ens deixa a la pell. «A casa, la mort i el dol van seure amb tots a taula. Vaig créixer al costat d’uns pares marcats per la mort del seu primer fi ll. Era el meu germà gran. No el vaig poder conèixer, no vam coincidir en el temps, però és com si el conegués de tota la vida. La mort ens ha ocupat molts moments i pensaments. No esquivar-la ens ha fet aferrar amb força a la vida.». Espartac Peran i Masafrets (Mataró, 1972) És periodista i presentador de Televisió de Catalunya.Part de la infància i joventut la va viure al mercat de la plaça de Cuba de Mataró, entre xivarri, parades, bona gent, olors i viandes que alimentaven el pap i l’ànima. Al mercat, la família hi tenia la parada de peix on ell també va despatxar uns quants anys. D’aquell ambient de basar, tan viu i acolorit, n’ha heretat, com a poc, l’estima per la paraula i la passió per la comunicació. I entre boga i surell, els seus inicis des de ben jove en el món de la comunicació van ser en mitjans locals com ara Televisió de Mataró, Ràdio Argentona i Ràdio Arenys. A partir d’aquí va fer el salt a mitjans com Cadena 13, Catalunya Cultura, Catalunya Ràdio i Rac 1. I a l’horitzó, el desig de treballar a TV3.S’hi va estrenar a l’edició del TN vespre i el TN migdia. Més endavant va presentar el TN nit i les notícies al canal 3/24. També va presentar el Trànsit, el programa Els matins i el concurs Bocamoll.Durant vuit anys va estar al capdavant del magazín diari de tardes Divendres, cada setmana i en directe des d’una població diferent del país. Actualment forma part de la direcció del concurs Atrapa’m si pots, i el camí continua.

Autism Friendly Business: Neurodiverse Customers (Autism Friendly)

by Jennifer Percival

Designed as a guidebook for leaders at the beginning of their journey embracing neuroinclusion, Autism Friendly Business: Neurodiverse Customers will provide business owners, executives, managers, team members, and associates the tools to integrate strategies and techniques that will enhance their business, while improving the delivery of a quality experience for all. Autistic individuals often experience barriers when engaging with businesses. This book provides solutions and examples on how leaders can remove obstacles to develop supportive and inclusive environments.

The Psychology of Counselling (The Psychology of Everything)

by Marie Percival

What is counselling and how can it help? Does counselling work? How is counselling different from talking to my family and friends about my problems? The Psychology of Counselling explains the different approaches to therapy and how they are used in practice, giving information on what counselling can help with and what it cannot do. It looks at cognitive and behavioural therapies, psychoanalysis, and humanistic psychology, as well as exploring positive psychotherapy and the move away from a disease-based approach to counselling. It also reflects upon the broader landscape of therapeutic spaces and gives consideration to professional issues in counselling, such as ethics, supervision, and duty of care to clients. At a time when mental health and psychological well-being are central subjects of conversation in modern society, The Psychology of Counselling sheds light on the therapeutic process, what it involves, and how it works, to help all those seeking assistance for relieving emotional or psychological issues and improving their psychological wellness.

Key Topics in Perinatal Mental Health

by Mauro Percudani Alessandra Bramante Valeria Brenna Carmine Pariante

The book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of key issues in perinatal mental health. Classic topics such as screening, assessment, pharmacological, psychological and psychosocial interventions of the most common conditions (depression, anxiety disorders, etc.) are combined with lesser known issues, such as mother-infant relationship disorders or thoughts of infant-related harm and aggressive behaviors, sleep disturbances in puerperium, obsessional disorders, fetal death etc., paying particular attention to specific groups of perinatal patients like mothers with cancer, adolescents, fathers, migrants, and preterm babies. The chapters written by health professionals working in hospitals, community services or voluntary agencies alternate with contributions from researchers whose fields of expertise include biology and neuroscience, diagnosis and special needs, treatment and prognosis, etc., striking a balance between scientific investigation and clinical practice.The book offers a valuable tool for a wide range of professionals like psychiatrists, psychologists, gynecologists, midwives, oncologists, pediatricians, and social workers, who want to improve their clinical practice and the effectiveness of their treatment pathways using evidence from perinatal health research.

Demon Camp: The Strange and Terrible Saga of a Soldier's Return from War

by Jen Percy

A “chilling” (O, The Oprah Magazine), “darkly brilliant” (Bookforum) account of “the effects of war on the psyches of the soldiers who fight” (Esquire).In 2005 a Chinook helicopter carrying sixteen Special Ops soldiers crashed during a rescue mission in Afghanistan, killing everyone on board. In that instant, machine gunner Caleb Daniels lost his best friend, Kip, and seven members of his unit. Back in the US, Caleb begins to see them everywhere—dead Kip, with his Alice in Wonderland tattoos, and the rest of them, their burned bodies always watching him. But there is something else haunting Caleb, too—a presence he calls the Black Thing, or the Destroyer, a paralyzing horror that Caleb comes to believe is a demon. Alone with these apparitions, Caleb considers killing himself.There is an epidemic of suicide among veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, men and women with post-traumatic stress disorder who cannot cope with ordinary life in the aftermath of explosions and carnage. Author Jen Percy finds herself drawn to their stories. Her main subject, Caleb, has been bringing damaged veterans to a Christian exorcism camp in Georgia that promises them deliverance from the war. As Percy spends time with these soldiers and exorcists—finding their beliefs both repellant and magnetic—she enters a world of fanaticism that is alternately terrifying and welcoming.With “beautiful, lucid” (Los Angeles Times) lyricism, Demon Camp is the riveting true story of a veteran with PTSD and an exploration of the battles soldiers face after the war is over. As The New York Times Book Review said, “Percy’s narrative may confirm clichés about war’s costs, but it artfully upsets a common misconception that all veterans’ experiences are alike.”

The Frontal Lobes Revisited (Institute for Research in Behavioral Neuroscience Series)

by Ellen Perecman

Experts in neuropsychology examine key issues in research involving the frontal lobes.

Integrating Theory and Practice in Clinical Neuropsychology (Psychology Library Editions: Neuropsychology #10)

by Ellen Perecman

The extent to which a brain injured individual can resume premorbid functioning depends on factors ranging from the physiological to the psychological. Originally published in 1989, the thesis of this volume is that atheoretical application of practical techniques in clinical neuropsychology is as ill-conceived as a neuropsychological theory that fails to acknowledge the role of historical or situational context in behaviour or task performance. The chapters that follow address this thesis as experimental psychologists join clinicians in an effort to bridge the gap between theoretical abstraction and practical reality.

Confiar, Amar, Crescer

by Cátia Pereira

Chegou o momento de escolher: vai continuar a ignorar ou até a carregar na ferida ou vai curá-la com gentileza, dia após dia, até sentir que dentro de si está a viver em vínculo seguro? Este é um livro sobre vínculos seguros, ou seja, um livro sobre ligações, elos e pontes. Um livro que ajuda o leitor a descobrir a sensação de casa, aquele lugar especial cheio de boas recordações, que nos traz conforto, segurança, acolhimento, aceitação, reconhecimento e amor. Um livro sobre relações entre pais e filhos, relações amorosas, entre amigos ou colegas de trabalho. Todos nascemos para vincular, mas a verdade é que esse vínculo pode ser quebrado por um trauma ocorrido na infância ou quando somos ainda bebés. Essa quebra pode levar-nos a uma vida pautada por maus relacionamentos, sejam eles românticos ou sociais. Pode fazer com que nos percamos no confuso mundo dos sentimentos que não sabemos nomear, mas que acabam por limitar a nossa vida. Ansiedade, co-dependência, timidez, vergonha, isolamento são algumas das consequências de uma infância sem vínculos seguros. Neste livro, a autora, a psicóloga Cátia Pereira, não só explica que tipos de vinculação existem, como ensina a recuperar e construir novos vínculos seguros. Para que o leitor possa aprender a confiar, em si e nos outros, a amar sem fronteiras e, finalmente, a crescer sem medo do mundo.

Fairbairn and Relational Theory

by Frederico Pereira David E. Scharff

The richness of Fairbairn's work is demonstrated in a series of essays offering a unique exploration of the application of his concepts to diverse areas ranging from philosophy to psychopathology. This volume opens with an examination of the origins and relevance of Fairbairn's ideas and subsequently turns to the application of his theory to the study of depression, hysteria, and to the field of liason psychiatry. Fairbairn's ideas are further applied to the study of dreams and aesthetics in two original essays. The book concludes with a delineation of the future of his contribution to contemporary theories of object relations and to the emergence of a new psychoanalytic paradigm.

Schizophrenia and Common Sense: Explaining the Relation Between Madness and Social Values (Studies in Brain and Mind #12)

by João G. Pereira Jorge Gonçalves Inês Hipólito

This book explores the relationship between schizophrenia and common sense. It approaches this theme from a multidisciplinary perspective. Coverage features contributions from phenomenology, cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, psychology, and social cognition. The contributors address the following questions: How relevant is the loss of common sense in schizophrenia? How can the study of schizophrenia contribute to the study of common sense? How to understand and explain this loss of common sense? They also consider: What is the relationship of practical reasoning and logical formal reasoning with schizophrenia? What is the relationship between the person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and social values? Chapters examine such issues as rationality, emotions, self, and delusion. In addition, one looks at brain structure and neurotransmission. Others explore phenomenological and Wittgensteinian theories. The book features papers from the Schizophrenia and Common Sense International Workshop, held at New University of Lisbon, November 2015. It offers new insights into this topic and will appeal to researchers, students, as well as interested general readers.

Machine Ethics: From Machine Morals to the Machinery of Morality (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #53)

by Luís Moniz Pereira António Barata Lopes

This book offers the first systematic guide to machine ethics, bridging between computer science, social sciences and philosophy. Based on a dialogue between an AI scientist and a novelist philosopher, the book discusses important findings on which moral values machines can be taught and how. In turn, it investigates what kind of artificial intelligence (AI) people do actually want. What are the main consequences of the integration of AI in people’s every-day life? In order to co-exist and collaborate with humans, machines need morality, but which moral values should we teach them? Moreover, how can we implement benevolent AI? These are just some of the questions carefully examined in the book, which offers a comprehensive account of ethical issues concerning AI, on the one hand, and a timely snapshot of the power and potential benefits of this technology on the other. Starting with an introduction to common-sense ethical principles, the book then guides the reader, helping them develop and understand more complex ethical concerns and placing them in a larger, technological context. The book makes these topics accessible to a non-expert audience, while also offering alternative reading pathways to inspire more specialized readers.

Mating in Captivity

by Esther Perel

One of the world's most respected voices on erotic intelligence, Esther Perel offers a bold, provocative new take on intimacy and sex. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire. Through case studies and lively discussion, Perel demonstrates how more exciting, playful, and even poetic sex is possible in long-term relationships. Wise, witty, and as revelatory as it is straightforward, Mating in Captivity is a sensational book that will transform the way you live and love.

The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity

by Esther Perel

<P>Iconic couples’ therapist and bestselling author of Mating in Captivity Esther Perel returns with a provocative look at relationships through the lens of infidelity. <P>Affairs, she argues, have a lot to teach us about the human heart—what we expect, what we think we want, and what we feel entitled to. They offer a unique window into our personal and cultural attitudes about love, lust, and commitment. Through examining illicit love from multiple angles, Perel invites readers into an honest, enlightened, and entertaining exploration of modern marriage in its many variations. <P>An affair: it can rob a couple of their relationship, their happiness, their very identity. And yet, this extremely common human experience is so poorly understood. Adultery has existed since marriage was invented, and so too the prohibition against it—in fact, it has a tenacity that marriage can only envy. So what are we to make of this time-honored taboo—universally forbidden yet universally practiced? Why do people cheat—even those in happy marriages? Why does an affair hurt so much? When we say infidelity, what exactly do we mean? Do our romantic expectations of marriage set us up for betrayal? Is there such a thing as an affair-proof marriage? Is it possible to love more than one person at once? Can an affair ever help a marriage? Perel weaves real-life case stories with incisive psychological and cultural analysis in this fast-paced and compelling book. <P>For the past ten years, Perel has traveled the globe and worked with hundreds of couples who have grappled with infidelity. Betrayal hurts, she writes, but it can be healed. An affair can even be the doorway to a new marriage—with the same person. With the right approach, couples can grow and learn from these tumultuous experiences, together or apart. <P>Fiercely intelligent, The State of Affairs provides a daring framework for understanding the intricacies of love and desire. As Perel observes, “Love is messy; infidelity more so. But it is also a window, like no other, into the crevices of the human heart.” <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Dreaming and Thinking

by Rosine Jozef Perelberg

This book contains some modern contributions to the understanding and interpretation of dreams developed by contemporary psychoanalysts in the British Society, exploring the connections between dreaming and thinking.

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