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Showing 35,276 through 35,300 of 49,627 results

From Courtroom to Clinic: Legal Cases that Changed Mental Health Treatment

by Peter Ash

Why do present-day mental health professionals practice the way that they do? Over the past fifty years, a number of landmark court holdings have changed such basic principles as what material is confidential, how civil commitment and involuntary treatment are conducted, and when a therapist has a duty to protect the public from a dangerous patient. Unlike most legal texts, this volume explores these complex principles through the human stories of the litigants involved.

From Disability To Diversity: College Success For Students With Learning Disabilities, Adhd, And Autism Spectrum Disorder

by Lynne C. Shea Linda Hecker Adam R. Lalor

Colleges and universities are seeing increasing numbers of students with a range of disabilities enrolling in postsecondary education. Many of these disabilities are invisible and, despite their potential for negative impact on students’ academic and social adjustment, some students will choose not to identify as having a disability or request support. Approaching disability from the perspective of difference, the authors of this new volume offer guidance on creating more inclusive learning environments on campus so that all students―whether or not they have a recognized disability―have the opportunity to succeed. Strategies for supporting students with specific learning disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder or who display learning and behavioral characteristics associated with these profiles are described. A valuable resource for instructors, advisors, academic support personnel, and others who work directly with college students.

From Psychoanalytic Bisexuality to Bisexual Psychoanalysis: Desiring in the Real

by Esther Rapoport

This is the first book to assess bisexuality through a range of psychoanalytic and critical perspectives, highlighting both the issues faced by bisexual people in contemporary society and the challenges that can be presented by bisexual clients within a clinical setting. Examining bisexuality through the lenses of Lacanian, Winnicottian and Relational psychoanalytic theories, the book outlines the ways in which the concept is at once both dated and yet still tremendously important. It includes case studies to explore the issue of widespread countertransference responses in the clinical setting, in addition to using both bisexual theory and empirical research on biphobia to comment on the social pressures facing bisexual men and women, and the resultant psychological effects. Bisexual identities and practices have become increasingly visible in recent years, and this important book addresses the lack of critical reckoning with the topic within the psychoanalytic community. It will be of great interest to practicing psychoanalysts and psychotherapists as well as to researchers across the fields of psychoanalysis and gender and sexuality studies.

From Self to Selfie: A Critique of Contemporary Forms of Alienation

by Angus Kennedy James Panton

This edited collection charts the rise and the fall of the self, from its emergence as an autonomous agent during the Enlightenment, to the modern-day selfie self, whose existence is realised only through continuous external validation. Tracing the trajectory of selfhood in its historical development - from the Reformation onwards - the authors introduce the classic liberal account of the self, based on ideas of freedom and autonomy, that dominated Enlightenment discourse. Subsequent chapters explore whether this traditional notion has been eclipsed by new, more rigid, categories of identity, that alienate the self from itself and its possibilities: what I am, it seems, has become more important than what I might make of myself. These changing dynamics of selfhood – the transition From Self to Selfie - reveal not only the peculiar ways in which selfhood is problematized in contemporary society, but equally the tragic fragility of the selfie, in the absence of any social authority that could give it some security.

From Tribal Division to Welcoming Inclusion: Psychoanalytic Perspectives

by Maxine K. Anderson

From Tribal Division to Welcoming Inclusion: Psychoanalytic Perspectives provides a fascinating contribution to our understanding of the increasingly polarized and divisive nature of global politics. By describing the significant role of early mental mechanisms in interactions between the individual and society, the book offers a unique understanding of how our early mental life explains the social, cultural and political positions we assume later. Splitting and projection are early defences meant to shield the growing mind from unbearable aspects of reality, but they hinder our capacity for open-minded thought, and in contributing to the dangerous atmosphere of "us versus them", introduce tribal myths of an innocent group and external persecutors. The book illustrates these distortions of reality using a range of vignettes, notably the myth of white supremacy and the savage legacy of the Civil War in the United States. Gaining support from the work of Wilfred Bion, the book emphasises the need for integration of mind and the restoration of our capacity to face painful realities, including one’s own violence and hatred. This psychoanalytic study provides a balm for turbulent times. It will be of great interest to researchers and interested readers in the broad field of psychoanalysis, as well as those in the fields of political science, cultural studies and anthropology.

Frontiers and Advances in Positive Learning in the Age of InformaTiOn (PLATO)

by Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia

Research on students’ media use outside of education is just slowly taking off. Influences of information and communication technologies (ICT) on human information processing are widely assumed and particularly effects of dis- and misinformation are a current threat to democracies. Today, higher education competes with a very diverse (online) media landscape and domain-specific content from sources of varying quality, ranging from high-quality videographed lectures by top-level university lecturers, popular-scientific video talks, collaborative wikis, anonymous forum comments or blog posts to YouTube remixes of discipline factoids and unverified twitter feeds. Self-organizing learners need more knowledge, skills, and awareness on how to critically evaluate quality and select trustworthy sources, how to process information, and what cognitive, affective, attitudinal, behavioral, and neurological effects it can have on them in the long term. The PLATO program takes on the ambitious goal of uniting strands of research from various disciplines to address these questions through fundamental analyses of human information processing when learning with the Internet. This innovative interdisciplinary approach includes elements of ICT innovations and risks, learning analytics and large-scale computational modelling aimed to provide us with a better understanding of how to effectively and autonomously acquire reliable knowledge in the Information Age, how to design ICTs, and shape social and human-machine interactions for successful learning. This volume will be of interest to researchers in the fields of educational sciences, educational measurement and applied branches of the involved disciplines, including linguistics, mathematics, media studies, sociology of knowledge, philosophy of mind, business, ethics, and educational technology.

Frontiers in Psychiatry: Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine, and Other Paradigm Shifts (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1192)

by Yong-Ku Kim

This book reviews key recent advances and new frontiers within psychiatric research and clinical practice. These advances either represent or are enabling paradigm shifts in the discipline and are influencing how we observe, derive and test hypotheses, and intervene. Progress in information technology is allowing the collection of scattered, fragmented data and the discovery of hidden meanings from stored data, and the impacts on psychiatry are fully explored. Detailed attention is also paid to the applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science technology in psychiatry and to their role in the development of new hypotheses, which in turn promise to lead to new discoveries and treatments. Emerging research methods for precision medicine are discussed, as are a variety of novel theoretical frameworks for research, such as theoretical psychiatry, the developmental approach to the definition of psychopathology, and the theory of constructed emotion. The concluding section considers novel interventions and treatment avenues, including psychobiotics, the use of neuromodulation to augment cognitive control of emotion, and the role of the telomere-telomerase system in psychopharmacological interventions.

Fühlen macht Sinn: Wie wir Gefühle erleben und warum wir sie brauchen

by Ulrich Beer Malte R. Güth

Gefühle sind die treibende Kraft des Menschen. Kaum vorstellbar, wie sich unser Leben ohne Gefühle gestalten würde. Emotionen üben Einfluss auf unser Denken, beeinflussen unseren Umgang mit anderen Menschen und umgekehrt lernen wir im Laufe des Lebens den Umgang mit Emotionen. Und doch wünschen sich viele ein Leben ohne oft verwirrende Emotionen.Dieses Buch zeigt, wie vitalitätsstiftend Emotionen einerseits sind, andererseits auch der Kontrolle bedürfen. So sind Gefühle immer auch Impulsgeber für unser Verhalten. Oft stehen sie im Konflikt mit dem, was wir uns wünschen oder für vernünftig halten. Durch Texte von Ulrich Beer im Wechsel mit weiteren Kapiteln von Malte R. Güth wird dieser scheinbare Widerspruch aufgeklärt. Mit moderner psychologischer Forschung, zahlreichen lebensnahen Beispielen und fachübergreifender Diskussion lernt der Leser Offenheit gegenüber Emotionen – und inwiefern es das rechte Maß an Kontrolle über sie gibt.

Führen in der Arbeitswelt 4.0 (Der Mensch im Unternehmen: Impulse für Fach- und Führungskräfte)

by Christoph Negri

Dieses Praxisbuch bietet einen Überblick über die psychologischen Aspekte der Führung und Entwicklung in der Arbeitswelt 4.0. Es enthält praxisrelevante, augenöffnende Beiträge wie z.B.:Menschen in der Arbeitswelt 4.0Digitale LeadershipTeamentwicklung in der digitalen ArbeitsweltPsychologischen Grundlagen agiler ArbeitsmethodenPersonalentwicklung und Lernen in der Arbeitswelt 4.0Identität in der Arbeitswelt 4.0Design Thinking zur Entwicklung innovativer WeiterbildungenLeistungssteuerung und Selbstregulation als Kernkompetenz in der Arbeitswelt 4.0. Neben realen Best-Practice-Fällen aus verschiedenen Branchen kommen Expertinnen und Experten in Interviews zu Wort, neueste wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse von aktuellen IAP-Forschungsergebnissen werden für Anwender/innen aufbereitet und relevante, praxisdienliche Hinwiese beschrieben. Praktiker/innen finden in diesem Band Grund- und Anwendungswissen in kompakter und leicht verständlicher Form. Die ZielgruppenFach- und Führungskräfte, Geschäftsführer/-innen, Personalentwickler/-innen, HR-Manager/-innen, Berater/-innen und alle an den Entwicklungen zur Arbeitswelt 4.0 interessierten Personen.Der HerausgeberProf. Dr. Christoph Negri ist Leiter des IAP Institut für Angewandte Psychologie an der ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Seit 2015 führt er am IAP verstärkt neue Entwicklungen im Bereich Lernen und Lehren ein und treibt den digitalen Wandel in Weiterbildung und Dienstleistung voran.

Führung an Hochschulen aktiv gestalten: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung für Leitungspersonen (essentials)

by Werner Inderbitzin

Werner Inderbitzin stellt in diesem essential in prägnanter Form dar, dass an Hochschulen ein gemeinsames Ziel entwickelt und der Weg dahin konstruktiv gestaltet werden kann, wenn wichtige Regeln beachtet werden. Von einem Praktiker für die Praxis geschrieben, geht er den folgenden Fragen nach: „Welche Art von Führung soll es sein? Welcher Führungsstil ist Hochschulen angemessen, welcher nicht?“ Führung an Hochschulen ist herausfordernd und oft frustrierend – aufseiten aller Angehörigen des Lehr- und Forschungsbetriebs. Der Autor möchte zu weiterführenden Überlegungen anregen und die konkrete Arbeit in der Praxis unterstützen.

Führungsstile: Prominenten und Persönlichkeiten über die Schulter geschaut

by Rolf Van Dick Louisa Fink

In einer Zeit, die von Wandel und Veränderung geprägt ist, ist gute Führung entscheidend für den Erfolg – von Unternehmen, aber auch in der Politik oder im Sport. Aber wie sieht gute Führung aus?Der Leser bekommt mit diesem Buch exklusive Einblicke in die Praxis der Führung – nicht nur in Unternehmen, sondern in viele gesellschaftliche Bereiche: Von Kirche und Kunst über Journalismus und Militär bis zur Politik. Rolf van Dick hat mit herausragenden Menschen gesprochen, die in ihren Bereichen zu anerkannten Führungspersönlichkeiten zählen. Dazu gehören der Dalai Lama, Sara Wagenknecht, Birgit Prinz, Wolfgang Niedecken oder Günter Grass oder der ehemalige Bundespräsident Roman Herzog. Im Gespräch ist er diesen Persönlichkeiten – oft in ihrem Zuhause – nahe gekommen und hat faszinierende Geschichten gehört. Dieses Buch bietet eine inspirierende Auswahl der spannendsten Gespräche, in denen immer der Frage nach den ganz persönlichen Führungsstilen der Interviewpartner nachgegangen wird. Von der provokanten Frage angefangen, ob Führung überhaupt notwendig ist, diskutiert Rolf van Dick mit seinen Gesprächspartnern, warum Führung häufig schief geht, worauf es im 21. Jahrhundert ankommt und welche Werte für den Erfolg Aktualität haben. Auch die Frage, ob man Führung lernen kann oder dafür „geboren“ sein muss, wird sehr vielfältig beantwortet.Das Werk liefert Einsichten und bietet Anregungen sowohl für erfahrene Manager, als auch an Führung interessierten Einsteigern die eine Inspiration für ihren (Führungs-)Alltag suchen.

Full Circle: From Hollywood to Real Life and Back Again

by Andrea Barber

Andrea Barber is known to millions worldwide as Kimmy Gibbler, star of the hit 90s sitcom Full House, and the Netflix sequel, Fuller House. In this funny, heartfelt book, Andrea takes readers behind the scenes of her odd Hollywood career and beyond. She shares how anxiety, particularly postpartum anxiety, derailed her life, and how she was able to take back control and serve as inspiration for others. Refreshingly honest and deeply personal, Andrea writes in a way that feels like catching up with an old friend. Get ready to laugh, reminisce, and finally get to know the woman behind the zany next door neighbor . . . When Kimmy Gibbler burst into the Tanners&’ home on Full House in 1987, audiences immediately connected with the confident and quirky pre-teen character, played by ten-year-old actress Andrea Barber. During an eight-season run on one of the most popular series of the &‘80s and &‘90s, Andrea came of age in front of millions. But she was as far removed from her character as a girl can get. The introverted young star was plagued with self-doubt, insecurities, and debilitating anxieties that left her questioning her identity after the show&’s cancelation. Andrea wouldn&’t return to the public eye until 2016, for Fuller House. So what happened in those intervening decades that Andrea jokingly calls &“the lost years&”? For starters, Andrea never stopped working. But it was on a series of life-changing transitions: earning a college degree, then a Master&’s, building a career in international education, getting married, and starting a family. She also faced some unforeseeable transitions: navigating a sudden divorce after nearly twelve years of marriage, and second-guessing her capabilities as a single mother. But it was her devastating bout with post-partum anxiety and depression that derailed Andrea&’s life—and became a crucial turning point. Full Circle is a raw, refreshingly honest look into the life of a celebrity who has never been fully comfortable in the spotlight. Here Andrea shares her deeply personal struggles with mental health in a way she has never done before. She opens up about fighting her way back and finding solace—while finding herself—all before her life came full circle with her costars and lifelong friends on Fuller House. Sharing her journey from child star, to champion of mental health, and back to stardom, Andrea writes in a way that feels like catching up with an old friend. You&’ll laugh, reminisce, and finally get to know the woman behind the zany next door neighbor. &“Funny, smart, inspiring, raw, and honest.&” —Candace Cameron Bure &“A great read from a multi-talented actress, author, and comedienne!&” —Jodie Sweetin &“Brave, open, and so very human.&” —Tan France, Queer Eye, and author of Naturally Tan &“Prepare to be entertained and inspired.&” —Lori Gottlieb, New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed &“Andrea speaks from her heart with language that every mom, every person, can relate to. . . . Wonderfully written.&” —Karen Kleiman, Founder, The Postpartum Stress Center, author of Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts

Full Darkness: Original Sin, Moral Injury, and Wartime Violence

by John Swinton Brian S. Powers

A theological treatment of war, trauma, and the fundamental character of human existence In Full Darkness theologian and wartime veteran Brian Powers argues that the Augustinian concept of original sin can illuminate the nature of wartime violence, particularly through the lens of veteran trauma. He shows precisely how sin and war both cause human identity, agency, and hope to be lost.Powers explores sin as a pathogenic disfigurement that shapes cultural values and ethical ideas, frequently resulting in moral injury. Combat veterans experience a humanity deprived of grace and are devoured by the forces of war, often suffering post-traumatic stress disorder. But Powers provides a ray of hope and a path towards healing.Ideal for veterans, chaplains, and pastors, Full Darkness offers a new perspective on the cultural understanding of military violence, provides theological help for those drowning in guilt and shame, and paves the way for reclaiming positive human agency and identity.

Full Darkness: Original Sin, Moral Injury, and Wartime Violence

by Brian S. Powers

A theological treatment of war, trauma, and the fundamental character of human existence In Full Darkness theologian and wartime veteran Brian Powers argues that the Augustinian concept of original sin can illuminate the nature of wartime violence, particularly through the lens of veteran trauma. He shows precisely how sin and war both cause human identity, agency, and hope to be lost.Powers explores sin as a pathogenic disfigurement that shapes cultural values and ethical ideas, frequently resulting in moral injury. Combat veterans experience a humanity deprived of grace and are devoured by the forces of war, often suffering post-traumatic stress disorder. But Powers provides a ray of hope and a path towards healing.Ideal for veterans, chaplains, and pastors, Full Darkness offers a new perspective on the cultural understanding of military violence, provides theological help for those drowning in guilt and shame, and paves the way for reclaiming positive human agency and identity.

The Functions of Parent-Child Argumentation

by Antonio Bova

This book provides a detailed examination of argumentative interactions in families with young children during mealtimes. It explores both the restrictions and the opportunities family mealtimes present and the types of issues addressed through argumentative discussions. Antonio Bova puts forward an in depth analysis of how both parents and children contribute to the inception and development of an argumentative discussion, and the categories of argument adopted most often by the two groups. Drawing upon a wealth of qualitative data from the recorded mealtime conversations of Italian and Swiss-Italian middle-class families, the author examines the crucial importance of argumentative interactions between parents and children during mealtimes. This book builds on recent advances in the study of the psychology of social interaction and sheds new light on the importance of argumentation at all stages of life.

Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology

by Ronald Comer Jonathan Comer

An award-winning teacher, accomplished researcher, and experienced therapist, Ron Comer knows how to communicate the complexities of abnormal psychology, speak to the concerns of students, and empathically portray the real human impact of psychological disorders. For the 9th edition of this market leading textbook, Ron is joined by Jonathan Comer who brings his expertise in developmental psychopathology research, brain circuitry, cognitive-behavioral research, and technology-driven treatment -- all of which pervade the new edition of this successful abnormal psychology textbook. <p><p> With its signature integrated coverage of theory, diagnosis, and treatment, and inclusive cross-cultural perspective, this new edition of Comer's widely adopted textbook shows students where the study and treatment of psychological disorders stand today. In addition to a thorough updating, the new edition integrates the developmental psychopathology perspective to integrate the explanations and treatments for psychological disorders offered by the various models; updates coverage of biological models to include new research on brain circuits; and combines behavioral and cognitive explanations and treatments for psychological disorders into a coherent and nuanced cognitive-behavioral model. Comer/Comer's Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, 9e employs some extraordinary interactive tools to bring students face to face with the realities of psychological dysfunction, organized for easy access and assignability in LaunchPad, Worth Publishers' online course space.

Fundamentals Of Clinical Supervision (What's New In Counseling Ser.)

by Janine Bernard Rodney Goodyear

The standard for clinical supervision Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision, 6th Edition offers a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach that makes it the most highly cited publication in the field and an authoritative resource for anyone seeking certification as an Approved Clinical Supervisor. Readers gain a thorough view of clinical supervision as they explore central themes from a variety of mental health professions, as well as the important topics of supervision models and modalities, administrative issues, and professional concerns. Retaining its accessible style, the 6th Edition includes additional coverage of multicultural supervision and competence, emerging supervision models, use of technology in supervision, new sections on group work and ethics, increased attention to client outcomes, and a significant focus on supervision beyond training. A new appendix includes supervision examples to help readers connect theory to practice. Its one-of-a-kind supervision toolbox, scholarly approach, and thorough topic coverage sets Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision apart.

Fundamentals Of College Admission Counseling (fifth Edition): A Textbook For Graduate Students And Practicing Counselors

by National Association for College Admission Counseling

Completely updated, the textbook is the definitive classroom resource for graduate education programs in secondary school counseling. It is also a must-read for practicing counselors, particularly those new to the profession. The textbook includes 26 chapters authored by leading practitioners as well as researchers and higher education faculty. The text includes information on counseling foundations and theory, ethics and practice, student pathways and options, serving diverse student populations, and more. This edition also includes the following new Foundations of Standardized Admission Testing Advising Students and Families About Paying for College Counseling First-Generation Students and Families Technology Tools for the Savvy School Counselor Serving Undocumented Students Counseling International Students at US High Schools Advising the Transnational Applicant

Gaia, Psyche and Deep Ecology: Navigating Climate Change in the Anthropocene

by Andrew Fellows

Winner of the Scientific & Medical Network Book Prize 2019! In Gaia, Psyche and Deep Ecology: Navigating Climate Change in the Anthropocene, Andrew Fellows uniquely connects Earth systems, Jungian and philosophical approaches to the existential threats that we face today. He elucidates the psychological basis of our dysfunctional relationship with nature, thereby offering a coherent framework for transforming this in our personal and professional lives. Demonstrating the imperative for new ideas that transcend the status quo, Fellows tackles unprecedented 21st century challenges such as climate change through his interdisciplinary approach. Fellows proposes a worldview, informed by depth psychology, which radically contradicts the prevailing shibboleths of unlimited economic growth, dominion over outer nature and negation of our inner nature. To accommodate a broad readership, he first introduces the Anthropocene and sufficient basics of systems dynamics, Gaia theory and analytical psychology before exploring the mind-matter conundrum. He then correlates the structure, dynamics, contents and pathology of Gaia and of psyche, critiques the Western Zeitgeist as midlife crisis and establishes parallels between deep ecology and psychological individuation. This ground-breaking synthesis of Gaia theory, analytical psychology and deep ecology reveals synergies which show how we can, and why we must, relinquish anthropocentrism in order to survive sustainably as equals in and with the natural world. Combining Jungian theory with other cutting-edge disciplines to inform, inspire and heal, this book is essential reading not only for Jungian analysts, students and scholars, but for all—including professionals in Earth systems science, environmental philosophy and ecopsychology—who realise that ‘business as usual’ is no longer an option.

Galileo's Error: Foundations for a New Science of Consciousness

by Philip Goff

From a leading philosopher of the mind comes this lucid, provocative argument that offers a radically new picture of human consciousness—panpsychism.Understanding how brains produce consciousness is one of the great scientific challenges of our age. Some philosophers argue that consciousness is something "extra," beyond the physical workings of the brain. Others think that if we persist in our standard scientific methods, our questions about consciousness will eventually be answered. And some even suggest that the mystery is so deep, it will never be solved. Decades have been spent trying to explain consciousness from within our current scientific paradigm, but little progress has been made.Now, Philip Goff offers an exciting alternative that could pave the way forward. Rooted in an analysis of the philosophical underpinnings of modern science and based on the early twentieth-century work of Arthur Eddington and Bertrand Russell, Goff makes the case for panpsychism, a theory which posits that consciousness is not confined to biological entities but is a fundamental feature of all physical matter—from subatomic particles to the human brain. In Galileo's Error, he has provided the first step on a new path to the final theory of human consciousness.

Gambling Disorder

by Andreas Heinz Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth Marc N. Potenza

This book provides an overview of the state of the art in research on and treatment of gambling disorder. As a behavioral addiction, gambling disorder is of increasing relevance to the field of mental health. Research conducted in the last decade has yielded valuable new insights into the characteristics and etiology of gambling disorder, as well as effective treatment strategies. The different chapters of this book present detailed information on the general concept of addiction as applied to gambling, the clinical characteristics, epidemiology and comorbidities of gambling disorder, as well as typical cognitive distortions found in patients with gambling disorder. In addition, the book includes chapters discussing animal models and the genetic and neurobiological underpinnings of the disorder. Further, it is examining treatment options including pharmacological and psychological intervention methods, as well as innovative new treatment approaches. The book also discusses relevant similarities to and differences with substance-related disorders and other behavioral addictions. Lastly, it examines gambling behavior from a cultural perspective, considers possible prevention strategies and outlines future perspectives in the field.

Game-Based Assessment Revisited (Advances in Game-Based Learning)

by Dirk Ifenthaler Yoon Jeon Kim

The capabilities and possibilities of emerging game-based learning technologies bring about a new perspective of learning and instruction. This, in turn, necessitates alternative ways to assess the kinds of learning that are taking place in the game-based environments. The field has been broadening the focus of assessment in game environments (i.e., what we measure), developing processes and methodologies that go beyond psychometrics practices (i.e., how we go about assessment in games), and implementing the game-based assessment (GBA) in real contexts. The current state of the field calls for a revisit of this topic to understand what we have learned from the research on this topic, and how the GBA work changed how the field thinks about assessment beyond game environments. Accordingly, this comprehensive volume covers the current state of research, methodology, and technology of game-based assessment. It features four major themes: what we are measuring in games, how GBA has influenced how people do assessment beyond games, new methods and practices, and implementations of GBA. The audience for this volume includes researchers, graduate students, teachers, and professional practitioners in the areas of education, instructional design, educational psychology, academic and organizational development, and instructional technology.

The Gaming Mind: A New Psychology of Videogames and the Power of Play

by Alexander Kriss

Even as the popularity of videogames has skyrocketed, a dark cloud continues to hang over them. Many people who play games feel embarrassed to admit as much, and many who don't worry about the long-term effects of a medium often portrayed as dangerous and corruptive.Drawing on years of experience working directly with people who play games, clinical psychologist Alexander Kriss steers the discourse away from extreme and factually inaccurate claims around the role of games in addiction, violence and mental illness, instead focusing on the importance of understanding the unique relationship that forms between a game and its player.Through vivid psychotherapy case illustrations, autobiographical memoir, and a wide range of psychological theory and research, The Gaming Mind lays out an honest and humanistic vision of games, their potentials and risks, and how they can teach us more about who we are and who we could be.

Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastungen: Begründung, Instrumente, Umsetzung (essentials)

by Michael Treier

Michael Treier gibt einen Überblick über die Bedeutung, die rechtlichen Grundlagen sowie die Methoden der Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastungen. Diese ist seit der Novellierung des Arbeitsschutzgesetzes in Bezug auf die ausdrückliche Berücksichtigung psychischer Faktoren in der Gefährdungsanalyse verpflichtend. Das essential stellt Handlungshilfen, Instrumente und empfehlenswerte Vorgehensweisen dar, die eine aussagekräftige Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastungen in allen Organisationsformen erlauben. In der zweiten Auflage werden aktuelle Regularien und Gesetze sowie inhaltliche Weiterentwicklungen zur Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastungen berücksichtigt. Erweiterte Infografiken ermöglichen eine schnelle Übersicht zu relevanten Inhalten. Ein Update zu den Methoden und Instrumenten vervollständigt die überarbeitete Auflage.

Gehirne unter Spannung: Kognition, Emotion und Identität im digitalen Zeitalter

by Claudia Gorr Michael C. Bauer

Gehirne unter Spannung Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung verändert unsere Kommunikation, unsere Bildung, unser Sozialleben, nicht zuletzt unsere Wahrnehmung von uns selbst. Wie wirken sich diese Veränderungen inzwischen und zukünftig auf Gesellschaft, Familie und den Einzelnen aus? In welcher Weise beeinflussen WhatsApp, Facebook & Co. den Umgang mit Partnern, Freunden, aber auch uns fremden Netzwerk-Usern? Beschneiden soziale Medien und Algorithmen unsere Autonomie und Mündigkeit; wenn ja - wie können wir uns schützen? Auch im Bereich der Entwicklung künstlicher Intelligenz machen sich bahnbrechende Innovationen bemerkbar. Kann ein intelligentes System eigentlich Gefühle haben und was lernen wir vor allem daraus über uns selbst? Fragen wie diese stehen im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches, in dem renommierte Experten verschiedener Fachgebiete die Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels für den Menschen beleuchten.

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