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Perspectives on Community Well-Being (Community Quality-of-Life and Well-Being)

by Rhonda Phillips Seung Jong Lee Youngwha Kee

This volume brings together multiple diverse perspectives from around the globe on quality of life and community well-being from a place-based perspective. It provides both conceptual and applied explorations across disciplines, ideas and perspectives to foster more interest and research in community well-being. Topics include surveying at the community level, child friendly communities, collective impact, grieving, and happiness. Those working in the areas of public policy, community development, community and social psychology, as well as planning and development will find this volume particularly useful for the array of perspectives, research, and analytical approaches presented.

Perspectives on Intercultural Psychotherapy: An Igbo Group Analyst’s Search for Social and Cultural Identity (Explorations in Mental Health)

by Okeke Azu-Okeke

In Perspectives on Intercultural Psychotherapy, Okeke Azu-Okeke explores cultural identity by drawing on his own experience as the first and only Black trainee in an Institute for Group Analysis in London and the impact this has had on his work as a lecturer and supervisor, as well as research from his group analysis sessions over many years to contribute a deeper awareness of the serious aspects of colonialism. Drawing from the perspective of an Igbo man of the older generation who grew up in two conflicting cultures, the traditional Igbo culture of Nigeria and that of the British colonialists, Okeke provides a thorough study of how cultural identity can influence research and practice in whatever form it takes: the academic, the theoretical, the economic and the psychological. The book discusses how ignoring deeply held social and spiritual values can alienate many trainees and potential clients from participating in the professions of psychotherapy and counselling. It also reflects on the author’s research into traditional Igbo methods of healing and compares these with Western models, especially of group analysis, and discusses how mutual learning can be achieved. This book will be of great interest to counsellors and psychotherapists; arts therapists; sociologists and anthropologists; policy makers engaged in health and social care policies; practitioners of alternative medicine; social workers and mental health workers at all levels.

Perspectives on Wearable Enhanced Learning (WELL): Current Trends, Research, and Practice

by Ilona Buchem Ralf Klamma Fridolin Wild

​Wearable technologies – such as smart glasses, smart watches, smart objects, or smart garments – are potential game-changers, breaking ground and offering new opportunities for learning. These devices are body-worn, equipped with sensors, and integrate ergonomically into everyday activities. With wearable technologies forging new human-computer relations, it is essential to look beyond the current perspective of how technologies may be used to enhance learning. This edited volume,“Perspectives on Wearable Enhanced Learning,” aims to take a multidisciplinary view on wearable enhanced learning and provide a comprehensive overview of current trends, research, and practice in diverse learning contexts including school and work-based learning, higher education, professional development, vocational training, health and healthy aging programs, smart and open learning, and work. This volume features current state of the art wearable enhanced learning and explores how these technologies have begun to mark the transition from the desktop through the mobile to the age of wearable, ubiquitous technology-enhanced learning.

Persuasive Copywriting: Cut Through the Noise and Communicate With Impact

by Andy Maslen

Persuasive Copywriting, second edition, is the ultimate copywriting survival guide for the 21st century. With the majority of creative professionals developing their skills on the job, it is notoriously difficult to benchmark successful copy. This book provides a step up for those who already know the basics, and are seeking more advanced, psychology-driven techniques to gain the competitive edge. With practical insight into human decision making and consumer engagement, it inspires the clear-cut confidence needed to create, quantify and sell stand out copy in a cluttered marketplace. This second edition of Persuasive Copywriting complements the "how to" perspective of copywriting, with impressive interviews from leading ad agencies and copywriters across the globe, addressing day to day issues faced in a multitude of roles. Updates include practical advice to measure and benchmark effective copy, guidance on creating and critiquing briefs, plus four new chapters on how to weave copywriting skills into the wider industry. These cover particularly useful ground around storytelling, content marketing and the impact of evolving channels like mobile and social media. Practical and inspiring, it is a vibrant, all-encompassing guide to copywriting; an essential to every marketer's bookshelf.

Pflegewissen Psychopharmaka

by Otto Dietmaier Simone Schmidt Gerd Laux

Mehr als nur Aufbewahren, Richten und Verabreichen: verantwortungsvoll Pflegen!Dieses Buch richtet sich an Pflegende im ambulanten und stationären Bereich und bietet wichtiges Fachwissen über Psychopharmaka. Welches sind die wesentlichen Merkmale der einzelnen Medikamentengruppen? Was sind die Wirkmechanismen, Neben- und Wechselwirkungen und wie geht man therapeutisch vor? Hier benötigen Pflegende eine gute Basiskompetenz, denn es bestehen viele Vorurteile und Halbwahrheiten gegenüber den am meisten verordneten Medikamenten. Kontinuierliche Krankenbeobachtung und eine frühzeitige Informationsweitergabe gehören ebenso zu der Verantwortung, wie das korrekte Aufbewahren, Richten und Verabreichen. Die einheitliche Struktur des Buches bietet eine gute Übersicht der unterschiedlichen Gruppen und pflegerischen Besonderheiten.

A Phenomenological Inquiry into Science Teachers’ Case Method Learning (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Sye Foong Yee

This book illustrates a practical application of the Case Method as a teaching technique in teacher education, and examines how learning takes place in a teacher professional development activity. It also describes teachers’ lived experience of the activity based on Clark Moustakas' 1994 guidelines for organizing and presenting a phenomenological study.

The Phenomenology of Sex, Love, and Intimacy

by Susi Ferrarello

The Phenomenology of Sex, Love, and Intimacy presents a phenomenological exploration of love as it manifests itself through sexual desires and intimate relationships. Setting up a unique dialogue between psychology and philosophy, Susi Ferrarello offers a perspective through which clinicians can inform their practice on diverse issues of human sexuality. Drawing on Husserl’s phenomenology, Ferrarello’s analysis of love spans a range of disciplines including psychology, theology, biology, epistemology, and axiology, as well as areas related to gender, consent, and political control. Combining Husserlian perspectives on ethics with a focus on lived-experience, this text will deepen therapists’ understanding of love as the subject of interdisciplinary inquiry and enable them to locate questions of sexuality and intimacy within an academic framework. With key theoretical principles included to allow clinicians to think through and clarify their practice, this book will be a valuable tool for sex therapists, marriage and family therapists, and counselors, as well as psychology and philosophy students alike.

Philosophical Perspectives on Empathy: Theoretical Approaches and Emerging Challenges (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory)

by Derek Matravers Anik Waldow

Empathy—our capacity to cognitively or affectively connect with other people’s thoughts and feelings—is a concept whose definition and meaning varies widely within philosophy and other disciplines. Philosophical Perspectives on Empathy advances research on the nature and function of empathy by exploring and challenging different theoretical approaches to this phenomenon. The first section of the book explores empathy as a historiographical method, presenting a number of rich and interesting arguments that have influenced the debate from the Nineteenth Century to the present day. The next group of essays broadly accepts the centrality of perspective-taking in empathy. Here the authors attempt to refine and improve this particular conception of empathy by clarifying the intentionality of the perspective taker’s emotion, the perspective taker’s meta-cognitive capacities, and the nature of central imagining itself. Finally, the concluding section argues for the re-evaluation, or even rejection, of empathy. These essays advance alternative theories that are relevant to current debates, such as narrative engagement and competence, attunement or the sharing of mental states, and the "second-person" model of empathy. This book features a wide range of perspectives on empathy written by experts across several different areas of philosophy. It will be of interest to researchers and upper-level students working on the philosophy of emotions across ethics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, and the history of philosophy.

Philosophische Psychologie um 1900 (Abhandlungen zur Philosophie)

by Thomas Kessel

Dieser Band stellt die eigentümlichen Mischungsverhältnisse natur- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Perspektiven im Feld der philosophischen Psychologien um 1900 ins Zentrum. Diese Konzeptionen, die den engen Rahmen des Psychologismus-Streites überschreiten und ihn gleichwohl kontextualisieren, werden durch Beiträge zu Franz Brentano, Wilhelm Dilthey, Carl Stumpf, Theodor Lipps, Wilhelm Wundt, Oswald Külpe, Edmund Husserl, Wilhelm Windelband, Paul Natorp und Nicolai Hartmann repräsentiert.

Philosophy of Expressive Arts Therapy: Poiesis and the Therapeutic Imagination

by Stephen K. Levine

Laying the philosophical foundations of expressive arts therapy, this book highlights the role and importance of poiesis, the art of 'making' as a response to the world, in the expressive arts therapies as well as our own lives. The concept of poiesis was originally developed and brought into the field by Stephen K. Levine. It is a perspective that restores the primacy of the arts for the arts therapies instead of reducing art-making and art-objects to psychological data. Bringing together different schools of thought in unexpected ways, this book shows how the principles underlying expressive arts therapy have relevance to ethics, politics and social change. It includes chapters on Taoism, improvisation in the arts, and the importance of creativity for understanding human existence. With personal narratives and poetry to help create natural points for the reader to stop and reflect, Philosophy of Expressive Arts Therapy is the perfect guide for those wanting to understand the role of the arts and art-making in life and in therapeutic change.

Phone Coaching in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Guilford DBT® Practice Series)

by Alexander L. Chapman

This is the first comprehensive guide to phone coaching in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)--an integral part of treatment that many clinicians find challenging. What are the principles and goals of phone coaching? What limits should be set? How can a therapist manage suicide risk during a brief call? DBT expert Alexander Chapman addresses these and other critical practical questions in this accessible book. He provides guidelines for coaching core DBT distress tolerance and emotion regulation skills; coaching "dos and don'ts"; and tips for structuring each call's beginning, middle, and end. Featuring many concrete examples, strategies, and model dialogues, the book includes a key chapter on suicide crisis calls.

Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

by Vee P. Prasher Matthew P. Janicki

This fully revised and expanded second edition brings together findings from research and clinical practice, with comprehensive coverage of the important aspects of physical health in persons with intellectual disability. Professionals involved in the medical and social care and support of persons with intellectual disability should have a broad understanding of the essential range of issues, and therefore this book provides a truly multi-disciplinary perspective, complete with many tables, figures, and illustrations to underline the key points. The reader is updated on ongoing developments in the general population, which will become increasingly more relevant to adults with intellectual disability. This book also acknowledges that the impact on the person and on their carers always needs to be taken into account, with treatment programs established with a multi-faceted team approach in mind. This book is aimed at an international audience of physicians and other allied health personnel concerned about the health and welfare of adults with intellectual disability. It should also be of interest to researchers, administrators, and senior program personnel engaged in this field.

Physician's Field Guide to Neuropsychology: Collaboration through Case Example

by Karen M. Sanders

This unique volume teaches those in the medical fields about the scientific value of neuropsychology in assessing cognition, the 6th vital sign, as part of well integrated collaborative care. It offers physicians a comprehensive tour of the many dimensions neuropsychology can add to primary and specialized medical care across the lifespan. Noted experts examine cognitive ramifications of a wide range of medical, psychological, and neuropsychological conditions, among them brain tumors, stroke, epilepsy, pediatric and adult TBI, schizophrenia, and adult ADHD. The book’s generous selection of case examples demonstrates the benefits of cognitive assessment in building accurate diagnoses, better understanding of patient needs, and more appropriate treatment and management strategies, as well as other neuropsychologist roles in consulting, referral, and forensic areas. In addition, tables, callout boxes, review questions, and other features are included throughout the text for ease in comprehension and retention. A sampling of the coverage:· The value of neuropsychological evaluation in medical practice. · A model of collaboration between primary care and neuropsychology. · Neuropsychological assessment of extremely preterm children. · Alzheimer’s Disease and overview of dementia. · Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease. · Neuropsychology in the 21st century: the rise of multicultural assessment. · Neuropsychological interventions for individuals with brain injury. The Physician’s Field Guide to Neuropsychology is both a rigorous and an accessible reference for clinicians in diverse disciplines including general practice, family medicine, neuropsychology, pediatrics, gerontology, and sports medicine.

Physik ganz smart: Die Gesetze der Welt mit dem Smartphone entdecken

by Jochen Kuhn Patrik Vogt

Im vorliegenden Buch werden rund 50 physikalische Experimente vorgestellt, in denen Smartphones oder Tablet-Computer zur Messwerterfassung genutzt werden. Die Autoren decken zahlreiche Themenfelder der Physik ab: Kinematik und Dynamik, Hydrostatik und -Dynamik, Mechanische Schwingungen und Wellen, Akustik, Elektrodynamik und Radioaktivität. Leserinnen und Leser untersuchen beispielsweise mit den Beschleunigungssensoren des Smartphones den freien Fall, messen die Flügelschlagfrequenz von Insekten, bestimmen die Klopfspecht-Art mithilfe ihrer Akustik und untersuchen, wie stark unterschiedliche Materialien radioaktive Strahlung abschirmen. Für jedes Experiment wird der theoretische Hintergrund, die Versuchsdurchführung und -Auswertung besprochen. Eine Aufstellung der genutzten Apps, einschließlich Bezugsquellen und Hinweise zu anfallenden Kosten, ist am Ende des Buches aufgelistet.Alle vorgestellten Experimente sind bewusst als Einzelbeiträge verfasst und können somit unabhängig voneinander gelesen und erprobt werden. Dadurch ist man nicht an die vorgegebene Reihenfolge gebunden und kann sich beim Durcharbeiten des Buches allein von den persönlichen Interessen leiten lassen.Das Buch richtet sich an alle Dozierenden des Fachs Physik, Studierende des Lehramts, Referendarinnen und Referendare, ausgebildete Lehrerinnen und Lehrer und hilft bei der Unterrichtsgestaltung, Ideenfindung und letztendlich Einbindung moderner Medien im Physikunterricht.Die HerausgeberProf. Dr. Jochen Kuhn hat 2002 an der Universität Koblenz-Landau promoviert und dort 2009 habilitiert. Er ist seit 2012 Universitätsprofessor an der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern und Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe „Didaktik der Physik“. Sein Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkt ist das fachbezogene Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien in Schule und Hochschule.Dr. Patrik Vogt hat sich nach einem Lehramtsstudium in Landau und dem Referendariat in Kaiserslautern im Jahr 2010 am Fachbereich „Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften“ der Universität Koblenz-Landau mit einer Arbeit zur Physikdidaktik promoviert. Nach mehreren Stationen als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Realschullehrer leitet er seit 2019 den Fachbereich „Medienbildung, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften“ am Institut für Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung in Mainz. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte bilden die Einsatzmöglichkeiten mobiler Endgeräte im Physikunterricht, speziell als Messinstrument, die Aufgabenkultur sowie die Physik des Alltags.

“Pillole” per Scrittori depressi: consigli pratici

by Giselle Renarde

Quando soffri di depressione potresti non sapere a chi rivolgerti. Ci sono giorni in cui oscura le parole, e non riesci più a scrivere. Le persone intorno a te continuano a ripeterti che ti sono vicine. Allora perché ti senti così solo? Giselle Renarde è una scrittrice affetta da depressione cronica, e ha scritto questo manualetto rivolgendosi agli scrittori nella sua stessa situazione, nella speranza di poterli aiutare. “Pillole” per scrittori depressi: consigli pratici prevede: • attività specifiche per aiutarti nei giorni più difficili; • idee pratiche per spronarti a scrivere anche quando ti sembra impossibile formulare una parola in croce; • un testo scritto in toni personali, accessibili e confortevoli; “Pillole” per scrittori depressi: consigli pratici è stato scritto per te, con amore, cura e incoraggiamento.

Pioneer Visual Neuroscience: A Festschrift for Naomi Weisstein

by James M. Brown

This book honors Naomi Weisstein’s foreshortened span of work published from 1964 to 1992. Naomi Weisstein was a pioneer in the areas we now call visual neuroscience, visual cognition, and cognitive neuroscience. Her enthusiastic pursuit of the mind was infectious, inspiring many others to take up the challenge. Despite her time as an active researcher being cut short, Weisstein’s impact was far reaching and long lasting, and many of her ideas and insights foreshadowed today’s active areas of inquiry into the inner workings of the mind. Comprising contributions from leading scholars in the field, Pioneer Visual Neuroscience outlines Weisstein’s many contributions to the study of visual perception and processing and their effects on the field today.This volume will be of interest to anyone interested in visual perception, visual cognition, and cognitive neuroscience.

Piracy in the Digital Era: Psychosocial, Criminological and Cultural Factors

by Indranath Gupta Sanjeev P. Sahni

This book builds an empirical basis towards creating broader prevention and intervention programs in curbing digital piracy. It addresses the psychosocial, cultural and criminological factors associated with digital piracy to construct more efficient problem-solving mechanisms. Digital piracy including online piracy involves illegal copying of copyrighted materials. This practice costs the software industry, entertainment industry, and governments billions of dollars every year. Reports of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Business Software Alliance (BSA) view piracy largely in the light of economic factors; the assumption being that only those who cannot afford legitimate copies of software, music, and movies indulge in it. Drawing on research and theories from various disciplines like psychology, sociology, criminology, and law, the authors have designed an empirical study to understand the contribution of psychological, cultural and criminological factors to digital piracy. The chapters include data from India and China, which continue to be on the Special 301 report priority watch list of the WIPO, and Serbia, which has been on the watch list 4 times. They examine the role of self-control, self-efficacy, perceived punishment severity, awareness about digital piracy, peer influence, neutralization techniques, novelty seeking, pro-industry factors and other socio-demographic factors in predicting digital piracy. This book addresses a large readership, comprising academics and researchers in psychology, criminology and criminal justice, law and intellectual property rights, social sciences, and IT, as well as policymakers, to better understand and deal with the phenomenon of digital piracy.

Play and the Artist’s Creative Process: The Work of Philip Guston and Eduardo Paolozzi (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies)

by Elly Thomas

Play and the Artist’s Creative Process explores a continuity between childhood play and adult creativity. The volume examines how an understanding of play can shed new light on processes that recur in the work of Philip Guston and Eduardo Paolozzi. Both artists’ distinctive engagement with popular culture is seen as connected to the play materials available in the landscapes of their individual childhoods. Animating or toying with material to produce the unforeseen outcome is explored as the central force at work in the artists’ processes. By engaging with a range of play theories, the book shows how the artists’ studio methods can be understood in terms of game strategies.

Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development #26)

by Niklas Pramling Cecilia Wallerstedt Pernilla Lagerlöf Camilla Björklund Anne Kultti Hanna Palmér Maria Magnusson Susanne Thulin Agneta Jonsson Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson

This open access book develops a theoretical concept of teaching that is relevant to early childhood education, and based on children’s learning and development through play. It discusses theoretical premises and research on playing and learning, and proposes the development of play-responsive didaktik. It examines the processes and products of learning and development, teaching and its phylogenetic and ontogenetic development, as well as the ‘what’ of learning and didaktik. Next, it explores the actions, objects and meaning of play and provides insight into the diversity of beliefs about the practices of play. The book presents ideas on how combined research and development projects can be carried out, providing incentive and a model for practice development and research. The second part of the book consists of empirical studies on teacher’s playing skills and examples of play with very young as well as older children.

Playing the PhD Game with Integrity: Connecting Research, Professional Practice and Educational Context (Understanding Teaching-Learning Practice)

by John A Bowden Pamela J Green

This book focuses on integrity throughout the PhD journey and beyond, and is organised around two main themes: (1) integrity in relation to the capabilities developed by doctoral candidates for professional practice; and (2) integrity and coherence at the PhD system level. The working methods of key participants such as PhD candidates, supervisors, university managers, government agencies and politicians are central to achieving integrity goals within PhD programmes. In this context, a number of constructs are developed that inform the practice-based elements of the book in relation to conducting doctoral research, research supervision, academic writing, and research training support systems; in particular, these include our Moral Compass Framework for professional integrity, notions of collective morality, decision-making when faced with ‘wicked’ problems, connected moral capability and our double-helix model of capability development, negotiated sense in contrast with common sense, completion mindsets and contexts, mindfulness, liminality, and mutual catalysis in joint authorship.While the data the book employs stems from practice-led research within the Australian doctoral system, the conclusions drawn are of global relevance. Throughout the book, wherever appropriate, comparisons are made between the Australian context and other contexts, such as the doctoral systems of the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States.

Please Don't Take My Sisters: The heartbreaking true story of a young boy terrified of losing the only family he has left (A Maggie Hartley Foster Carer Story)

by Maggie Hartley

Three-year-old Lexie, five-year-old Amelie and thirteen-year-old Leo come to Maggie after Leo confesses to a teacher that his mother's addiction problems and her latest violent relationship has left him as the sole carer to his younger sisters. Maggie welcomes the three children into her home, and is touched by the gentle care Leo shows to the two little girls. It is clear that Lexie and Amelie adore their big brother, and rely on him for comfort and reassurance. But Leo has experienced the neglect and abuse of his mother and her partner for far longer than his sisters, and is struggling with an eating disorder and showing signs of OCD.When Social Services begin to look at adoptive families for the children, Maggie is horrified when they suggest that the two angelic little girls will have a much better chance of being adopted without their damaged older brother. Knowing the impact that losing his sisters forever will have on vulnerable Leo, they face the ultimate dilemma. Should the children stay together and dash the hope of them ever having a forever family? Or do they sacrifice the close bond between the siblings to give the girls a chance to be adopted?

Pleasure Activism: The Politics Of Feeling Good (Emergent Strategy Ser.)

by Adrienne Maree Brown Favianna Rodriguez Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

How do we make social justice the most pleasurable human experience? How can we awaken within ourselves desires that make it impossible to settle for anything less than a fulfilling life? Author and editor adrienne maree brown finds the answer in something she calls "pleasure activism," a politics of healing and happiness that explodes the dour myth that changing the world is just another form of work. Drawing on the black feminist tradition, she challenges us to rethink the ground rules of activism. Her mindset-altering essays are interwoven with conversations and insights from other feminist thinkers, including Audre Lorde, Joan Morgan, Cara Page, Sonya Renee Taylor, and Alexis Pauline Gumbs. Together they cover a wide array of subjects--from sex work to climate change, from race and gender to sex and drugs--building new narratives about how politics can feel good and how what feels good always has a complex politics of its own.

Pleasure from the Mister: Sex Secrets for Unbridled Passion Inspired by the Bestselling Novel

by Marisa Bennett

Let the mister take the lead. Move your passionate fantasies off the page and into the bedroom with Pleasure from the Mister: Sex Secrets for Unbridled Passion. This bedside companion is perfect for any E. L. James devotee or Fifty Shades of Grey madam or mister, complete with how-tos and inspiration for couples on how to recreate the passion and spice of beloved books. Open a door to a world of pleasure with hot erotic tips to fulfill your deepest desires, from sweet nothings for your sensual side to domination and submission. Explore all the ways a commanding approach can bring your bliss to its brim, discover the spiciest ways to wield your tantalizing touch, and surrender yourself to dangerously powerful passion. In Marisa Bennett’s signature style, this playful guide will ease you into the hot, the naughty, and the irresistible methods of giving your love sessions a lesson. Crack a whip, test your knot knowledge, tease with feather ticklers, and rope together some orgasmic love lessons in your own fiery romance. Make your move with sex secrets for the quick, the lengthy, and the electric ways to love. Whether you fancy a bit of force or fantasize giving favors, Pleasure from the Mister will take you over the edge and having you coming back for more!

Plurality and the Poetics of Self

by Bruce Bond

Plurality and the Poetics of Self investigates the words “I” and “self” as suggestive of eight territories of meaning. Via poetry’s lens into language and its limits, Bruce Bond explores the notion of self as identity, volitional agent, ego, existential monad, subjectivity, ontological origin, soul, and transpersonal psyche. Taking poetic meaning as our common currency, the book emphasizes the critical role of the un-representable and how embattled and confused assumptions threaten ever deeper alienation from one another and ourselves.

Pocket Guide Psychopharmaka von A bis Z: Von A Bis Z

by Otto Benkert Ion-George Anghelescu Gerhard Gründer Philip Heiser Christoph Hiemke Hubertus Himmerich Falk Kiefer Christian Lange-Asschenfeldt Matthias J. Müller Michael Paulzen Francesca Regen Axel Steiger Frank Weber

Dieses komprimierte Pocket-Buch ist bestens geeignet, um es in die Kitteltasche zu packen.Die Informationen im Buch sind sehr knapp und präzise gehalten; ganz bewusst wurde hier auf eine ausführliche Darstellung der Störungen verzichtet.Im Pocket Guide finden Sie von A bis Z schnell und übersichtlich die "Erste-Hilfe"-Information rund um alle Psychopharmaka, die Sie auf Station und im Praxisalltag brauchen.

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