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Ruminative Thoughts: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume IX (Advances in Social Cognition Series #Vol. 9)

by Robert S. Wyer

Until recently, most theory and research in social information processing has focused attention on the cognitive activity that underlies responses to stimulus information presented in the immediate situation being investigated. In contrast, people's thoughts outside the laboratory often concern life events that either have occurred in the past or are likely to occur in the future. Thoughts about such past and future events can be spontaneous and, once elicited, can affect the ability to respond effectively to the demands of the present situation with which one is confronted.This ninth volume in this series focuses on this type of cognitive activity and examines both its determinants and consequences. The lead article, by Leonard Martin and Abraham Tesser, develops a theoretical formulation of ruminative thinking that conceptualizes rumination as a class of conscious thought with a common instrumental theme that recurs in the absence of immediate environmental demands. The authors also give particular attention to the ways in which perceptions of the consequences of past and present events for long-range goal attainment affect both controlled and uncontrolled thinking about these events. They also examine the implications of their theory for the ability to suppress unwanted thoughts, the interplay of emotion and cognition, and the cognitive consequences or rumination for the performance of daily life activities. The entire formulation integrates a number of cognitive phenomena that are not usually considered within a single theoretical framework.The companion chapters, many written by the field's foremost contributors to the literature on emotion and cognition, suggest important refinements and extensions of the conceptualization proposed in the target article. They also make important conceptual contributions in their own right, covering topics that include the role of mental models in cognitive functioning, the dynamics of thought suppression and attentional inhibition, stress and coping, personality correlates of ruminative thought, and attitudes and persuasion. As a result, this volume makes a valuable contribution to research and theory not only in social cognition but also in numerous other areas.

Stereotype Activation and Inhibition: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume XI (Advances in Social Cognition Series #Vol. 11)

by Robert S. Wyer

The use of social sterotypes as a basis for judgments and behavioral decisions has been a major focus of social psychological theory and research since the field began. Although motivational and cognitive influences on stereotyping have been considered, these two general types of influence have rarely been conceptually integrated within a common theoretical framework. Nevertheless, almost every area of theoretical and empirical concern in social cognition--areas such as the interpretation of new information, memory and retrieval processes, impression formation, the use of heuristic vs. analytic processing strategies, the role of affect in information processing, and self-esteem maintenance--has implications for this important social phenomenon. This volume's target article brings together the research of Galen Bodenhausen, Neil Macrae, and others within a theoretical framework that accounts for the processes that underlie both the activation of stereotypes and attempts to suppress their influence. They consider several stages of processing, including: *the categorization of a stimulus person; *the influence of this categorization on the interpretation of information about the stimulus person; and *the social judgments and behavioral decisions that are ultimately made. The stereotype activation and suppression mechanisms that the target article authors consider operate at all of these stages. Their conceptualization provides a framework within which the interrelatedness of processing at these stages can be understood. The 11th in the series, this volume includes companion articles that help to refine and extend the target article's conceptualization and make important theoretical contributions in their own right. They are written by prominent researchers in cognitive and social psychology, many of whom are active contributors to research and theory on stereotyping. They address the following topics: * the role of power and control in stereotype-based information processing; * the influence of prejudice; * self-regulatory processes; * social categorization; * the correction processes that result from perceptions of bias; and * the conceptualization of stereotypes themselves.

Understanding Culture: Theory, Research, and Application

by Robert S. Wyer Chi-Yue Chiu Ying-Yi Hong

This volume contains contributions from 24 internationally known scholars covering a broad spectrum of interests in cross-cultural theory and research. This breadth is reflected in the diversity of the topics covered in the volume, which include theoretical approaches to cross-cultural research, the dimensions of national cultures and their measurement, ecological and economic foundations of culture, cognitive, perceptual and emotional manifestations of culture, and bicultural and intercultural processes. In addition to the individual chapters, the volume contains a dialog among 14 experts in the field on a number of issues of concern in cross-cultural research, including the relation of psychological studies of culture to national development and national policies, the relationship between macro structures of a society and shared cognitions, the integration of structural and process models into a coherent theory of culture, how personal experiences and cultural traditions give rise to intra-cultural variation, whether culture can be validly measured by self-reports, the new challenges that confront cultural psychology, and whether psychology should strive to eliminate culture as an explanatory variable.

Social Intelligence and Cognitive Assessments of Personality: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume II (Advances in Social Cognition Series)

by Robert S. Wyer Jr. Thomas K. Srull

This volume presents a new conceptualization of personality and social cognition that addresses both traditional and new issues. Written for students of personality, experimental and consumer psychology and cognitive science.

Content and Process Specificity in the Effects of Prior Experiences: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume III (Advances in Social Cognition Series #Vol. 6)

by Robert S. Wyer Thomas K. Srull

In Volume 3, Eliot R. Smith of Purdue University proposes that social cognition theorists have placed excessive emphasis on the role of schemata, prototypes, and various other types of abstractions. This has affected both the methodologies they use and the type of theories they construct. What has not been adequately appreciated is the storage and retrieval of specific episodes, especially those with idiosyncratic features. This volume s designed as a required text for those studying personality, experimental and consumer psychology, cognitive science, and communications.

The Content, Structure, and Operation of Thought Systems: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume Iv (Advances in Social Cognition Series #Vol. 4)

by Robert S. Wyer Thomas K. Srull

If anyone deserves the title "father of social cognition," it is William J. McGuire who, along with his wife and colleague Claire V. McGuire, has written the target article for this volume. The culmination of many years of work, the article discusses their highly developed theory of human thought systems, and establishes many new directions for theoretical and empirical inquiry. Equally important, however, are the chapters -- written from many different theoretical and empirical perspectives -- that challenge various assumptions underlying the McGuires' work. In addition to examining implications not explicitly considered in the target article, these contributions explore the new directions that future research and theorizing might take.

Handbook of Social Cognition: Volume 2: Applications

by Robert S. Wyer Thomas K. Srull

This edition of the Handbook follows the first edition by 10 years. The earlier edition was a promissory note, presaging the directions in which the then-emerging field of social cognition was likely to move. The field was then in its infancy and the areas of research and theory that came to dominate the field during the next decade were only beginning to surface. The concepts and methods used had frequently been borrowed from cognitive psychology and had been applied to phenomena in a very limited number of areas. Nevertheless, social cognition promised to develop rapidly into an important area of psychological inquiry that would ultimately have an impact on not only several areas of psychology but other fields as well. The promises made by the earlier edition have generally been fulfilled. Since its publication, social cognition has become one of the most active areas of research in the entire field of psychology; its influence has extended to health and clinical psychology, and personality, as well as to political science, organizational behavior, and marketing and consumer behavior. The impact of social cognition theory and research within a very short period of time is incontrovertible. The present volumes provide a comprehensive and detailed review of the theoretical and empirical work that has been performed during these years, and of its implications for information processing in a wide variety of domains. The handbook is divided into two volumes. The first provides an overview of basic research and theory in social information processing, covering the automatic and controlled processing of information and its implications for how information is encoded and stored in memory, the mental representation of persons -- including oneself -- and events, the role of procedural knowledge in information processing, inference processes, and response processes. Special attention is given to the cognitive determinants and consequences of affect and emotion. The second book provides detailed discussions of the role of information processing in specific areas such as stereotyping; communication and persuasion; political judgment; close relationships; organizational, clinical and health psychology; and consumer behavior. The contributors are theorists and researchers who have themselves carried out important studies in the areas to which their chapters pertain. In combination, the contents of this two-volume set provide a sophisticated and in-depth treatment of both theory and research in this major area of psychological inquiry and the directions in which it is likely to proceed in the future.

Handbook of Social Cognition: Volume 1: Basic Processes

by Robert S. Wyer Thomas K. Srull

This edition of the Handbook follows the first edition by 10 years. The earlier edition was a promissory note, presaging the directions in which the then-emerging field of social cognition was likely to move. The field was then in its infancy and the areas of research and theory that came to dominate the field during the next decade were only beginning to surface. The concepts and methods used had frequently been borrowed from cognitive psychology and had been applied to phenomena in a very limited number of areas. Nevertheless, social cognition promised to develop rapidly into an important area of psychological inquiry that would ultimately have an impact on not only several areas of psychology but other fields as well. The promises made by the earlier edition have generally been fulfilled. Since its publication, social cognition has become one of the most active areas of research in the entire field of psychology; its influence has extended to health and clinical psychology, and personality, as well as to political science, organizational behavior, and marketing and consumer behavior. The impact of social cognition theory and research within a very short period of time is incontrovertible. The present volumes provide a comprehensive and detailed review of the theoretical and empirical work that has been performed during these years, and of its implications for information processing in a wide variety of domains. The handbook is divided into two volumes. The first provides an overview of basic research and theory in social information processing, covering the automatic and controlled processing of information and its implications for how information is encoded and stored in memory, the mental representation of persons -- including oneself -- and events, the role of procedural knowledge in information processing, inference processes, and response processes. Special attention is given to the cognitive determinants and consequences of affect and emotion. The second book provides detailed discussions of the role of information processing in specific areas such as stereotyping; communication and persuasion; political judgment; close relationships; organizational, clinical and health psychology; and consumer behavior. The contributors are theorists and researchers who have themselves carried out important studies in the areas to which their chapters pertain. In combination, the contents of this two-volume set provide a sophisticated and in-depth treatment of both theory and research in this major area of psychological inquiry and the directions in which it is likely to proceed in the future.

Perspectives on Anger and Emotion: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume Vi (Advances in Social Cognition Series #Vol. 6)

by Robert S. Wyer Thomas K. Srull

In this volume, Berkowitz develops the argument that experiential and behavioral components of an emotional state are affected by many processes: some are highly cognitive in nature; others are automatic and involuntary. Cognitive and associative mechanisms theoretically come into play at different times in the emotion-cognition sequence. The model he proposes, therefore, integrates theoretical positions that previously have been artificially segregated in much of the emotion-cognition literature. The breadth of the implications of Berkowitz's theory is also reflected in the diversity of this book's companion chapters. Written by researchers whose work focuses on both social cognition and emotion, these articles provide important insights and possible extensions of the "cognitive-neoassociationistic" conceptualization developed in the target article. Although each chapter is a valuable contribution in its own right, this volume, taken as a whole, is a timely and important contribution both to social cognition and to research and theory on emotion per se.

The Mental Representation of Trait and Autobiographical Knowledge About the Self: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume V (Advances in Social Cognition Series #Vol. 5)

by Robert S. Wyer Thomas K. Srull Stanley B. Klein Judith Loftus

If there is one topic on which we all are experts, it is ourselves. Psychologists depend upon this expertise, as asking people questions about themselves is an important means by which they gather the data that provide much of the evidence for psychological theory. Personal recollections play an important role in clinical theorizing; people's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs provide the principal data for attitudinal research; and judgments of one's traits and descriptions of one's goals and motivations are essential for the study of personality. Yet despite their long dependence on self-report data, psychologists know very little about this basic resource and the processes that govern it. In spite of the importance of the self as a concept in psychology, virtually no empirically-tested representational models of self-knowledge can be found. Recently, however, several theoretical accounts of the representation of self-knowledge have been proposed. These models have been concerned primarily with the factors underlying a particular type of self knowledge -- our trait conceptions of ourselves. The models all share the starting assumption that the source of our knowledge of the traits that describe us is memory for our past behavior. The lead article in this volume reviews the available models of the processes underlying trait self-descriptiveness judgments. Although these models appear quite different in their basic representational assumptions, exemplar and abstraction models sometimes are difficult to distinguish experimentally. Presenting a series of studies using several new techniques which the authors believe are effective for assessing whether people recruit specific exemplars or abstract trait summaries when making trait judgments about themselves, they conclude that specific behavioral exemplars play a far smaller role in the representation of trait knowledge than previously has been assumed. Finally, the limitations of social cognition paradigms as methods for studying the representation of long-term social knowledge are discussed, and the implications of the research for both existing and future social psychological research are explored.

Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Schizophrenia: Theory and Practice

by Professor Til Wykes Dr Clare Reeder

Could CRT provide the first structured method of alleviating cognitive deficits associated with schizophrenia? Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Schizophrenia describes the background and development of this new psychological therapy and demonstrates how it provides the first structured help to overcome the thinking problems associated with schizophrenia. In three sections, the book covers the theoretical and empirical underpinning of cognitive remediation therapy and explores its application. Part I, 'The Development of Therapy', provides the historical context and theoretical background to the therapy and emphasizes the value of rehabilitating cognitive deficits. In Part II, 'Improving Cognitive Processes', the process and effects of changing cognition are examined. Finally, in Part III, 'The Process of Therapy', the authors provide a clinical guide to the delivery of cognitive remediation therapy and use case examples to support its efficacy. This book is the first to describe an individual cognitive remediation therapy programme based on a clear model of the relationship between thinking and behaviour. It will be of both academic and clinical value to all those health professionals and clinical academics who want not only to understand the relationships between thought and action but also to intervene to improve therapy.

Jugendliche im Übergang zwischen Schule und Beruf: Psychische Belastungen und Ressourcen

by Agnes Von Wyl Filomena Sabatella

Im Zentrum dieses Buchs steht die psychische Gesundheit junger Menschen im Übergang von der Schule zum Beruf. Diese Übergangsphase ist für viele Jugendliche eine eher schwierige Phase. Das Buch zeigt die Hintergründe der Schwierigkeiten auf und verdeutlicht, warum gering qualifizierte Jugendliche oder diejenigen mit psychischen Belastungen besondere Mühe haben, Anschluss zu finden. Tatsächlich steigt in Übergangsphasen, so auch in der Adoleszenz, das Risiko, eine psychische Erkrankung zu entwickeln. Zudem bringt der im Jugendalter erfolgende Wechsel zwischen Ausbildung und Arbeitswelt einen Anstieg von beruflichen und persönlichen Anforderungen mit sich, den nicht alle bewältigen können. Für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene ist es jedoch essenziell, im Arbeitsprozess Fuß fassen zu können und integriert zu bleiben, um sich gesund entwickeln zu können. Dieses Buch präsentiert unterschiedliche empirische Arbeiten, die sich mit vielfältigen Aspekten der Übergangsphase zwischen Schule und Arbeit befassen. Die empirischen Befunde werden von relevanten Akteuren aus der Praxis kommentiert. Das Thema dieses Buchs ist von besonderer Bedeutung für die verschiedenen Berufsgruppen aber auch Familienangehörigen, welche Jugendliche in diesem Übergang begleiten, z.B. Eltern, Lehrer oder Coachs. Herausgeberinnen Filomena Sabatella, lic. phil. studierte Psychologie an der Universität Zürich. Zurzeit arbeitet sie am Psychologischen Institut der ZHAW. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen vor allem in der Förderung der gesunden psychischen Entwicklung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen und im Bereich der Arbeitsintegration.Prof. Dr. Agnes von Wyl. Leiterin der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie des Psychologischen Institut der ZHAW. Langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich der Psychotherapieforschung, Entwicklungspsychopathologie und psychische Gesundheit. Sie ist auch tätig als psychoanalytische Psychotherapeutin.

Handbook of Research on Student Engagement

by Cathy Wylie Amy L. Reschly Sandra L. Christenson

For more than two decades, the concept of student engagement has grown from simple attention in class to a construct comprised of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components that embody and further develop motivation for learning. Similarly, the goals of student engagement have evolved from dropout prevention to improved outcomes for lifelong learning. This robust expansion has led to numerous lines of research across disciplines and are brought together clearly and comprehensively in the Handbook of Research on Student Engagement. The Handbook guides readers through the field's rich history, sorts out its component constructs, and identifies knowledge gaps to be filled by future research. Grounding data in real-world learning situations, contributors analyze indicators and facilitators of student engagement, link engagement to motivation, and gauge the impact of family, peers, and teachers on engagement in elementary and secondary grades. Findings on the effectiveness of classroom interventions are discussed in detail. And because assessing engagement is still a relatively new endeavor, chapters on measurement methods and issues round out this important resource. Topical areas addressed in the Handbook include: Engagement across developmental stages.Self-efficacy in the engaged learner.Parental and social influences on engagement and achievement motivation.The engaging nature of teaching for competency development.The relationship between engagement and high-risk behavior in adolescents.Comparing methods for measuring student engagement.An essential guide to the expanding knowledge base, the Handbook of Research on Student Engagement serves as a valuable resource for researchers, scientist-practitioners, and graduate students in such varied fields as clinical child and school psychology, educational psychology, public health, teaching and teacher education, social work, and educational policy.

The Nine Degrees of Autism: A Developmental Model for the Alignment and Reconciliation of Hidden Neurological Conditions

by Philip Wylie Luke Beardon Wenn Lawson

The Nine Degrees of Autism presents a much-needed positive tool for understanding the developmental process of autism, and to facilitate the improved mental health and well-being of individuals on the spectrum. The ground-breaking model charts nine distinct stages of development - from pre-identification, to learning to live with changes in self-image following a late diagnosis, through to self-acceptance and wellbeing. Using the model as a framework each chapter focuses on a particular stage of the process. Experts provide personal insights into the environmental and societal challenges faced by individuals with autism, and dispel a number of popular misconceptions. The positive developmental model described in this book will encourage people on the Spectrum to accept themselves by focusing on their gifts rather than weaknesses, and to avoid identifying with negative medical classifications. The developmental process which the authors describe is also applicable to other ‘hidden’ neurological conditions such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Aphasia, and ADHD. The book should be read by anyone who wants to understand the real nature and experience of autism and will also be essential reading for a range of professionals seeking to work more effectively with individuals on the spectrum.

Handbook of Children and Youth Studies

by Johanna Wyn Helen Cahill

Challenging theoretical and conceptual orthodoxies, this book presents interdisciplinary thinking and critical perspectives on childhood and youth, to address the emerging consensus that boundaries between childhood, youth and adulthood are blurred.


by Luc Wyn Juan Moises de la Serna

Boek beschrijving Hoe wordt ze behandeld? Hoe verspreidt ze zich? Hoe kan ze voorkomen worden? Leer meer over de laatste vorderingen en de behandeling van de ziekte van Alzheimer. Enkele van de voornaamste aspecten van een ziekte zijn hoe ze te overwinnen, of er een geneeswijze bestaat en wat de behandeling is. Er worden constant vorderingen geboekt met betrekking tot onderzoek naar de behandeling en preventie van de ziekte van Alzheimer, welke in deze tekst worden toegelicht. Doel: Het doel van dit boek is een eerste kennismaking te verlenen aan diegenen die zelf de ziekte van ALZHEIMER hebben of een familielid hebben dat eraan lijdt. Dit boek tracht op duidelijke wijze de resultaten van de meest recente research over de ziekte van Alzheimer naar voren te brengen, met het oog op het beantwoorden van de meest relevante vragen: Hoe behandelt men ze? Hoe is de voortgang? Hoe wordt ze voorkomen? Doelpubliek: - Personeel in de gezondheidssector dat zich wenst te verdiepen in de diagnose en de behandeling van de ziekte van Alzheimer. - Professoren die hun studenten bijgewerkte informatie over de ziekte van Alzheimer willen bieden. - Éénieder die een diagnose van de ziekte van Alzheimer ontving en hun familie zodat zij weten wat te doen met betrekking tot deze ziekte. Thema’s Hierna wordt elk van de hoofdthema’s van dit uiteen gezet: - Behandeling van Alzheimer: Ondanks de beperkte effectiviteit van de bestaande behandelings vormen, worden er elke dag nieuwe ontdekkingen gedaan gericht op het omgaan met deze ziekte. - Voortgang van Alzheimer: De ziekte van Alzheimer wordt gezien als een progressieve ziekte, wat betekent dat ze mettertijd de cognitieve vaardigheden doet verliezen van diegenen die eraan lijden. Ontdek hoe men dit bestrijdt. - Voorkoming van Alzheimer: Dit is misschien één van de minst bekende aspecten van de de meest recente ontdekkingen

Bad Books: Rétif de la Bretonne, Sexuality, and Pornography

by Amy S. Wyngaard

Bad Books reconstructs how the eighteenth-century French author Nicolas-Edme Rétif de la Bretonne and his writings were at the forefront of the development of modern conceptions of sexuality and pornography. Although certain details are well known (for example, that Rétif’s 1769 treatise on prostitution, Le Pornographe, is the work from which the term pornography is derived, or that he was an avid foot and shoe fetishist), much of this story has been obscured and even forgotten: how the author actively worked to define the category of obscenity and the modern pornographic genre; how he coined the psycho-sexual term “fetish” and played a central role in the formation of theories of sexual fetishism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Thus this book is also about literary history and how it is written: it explores how Rétif, perceived as a bad author in both senses of the term, and his contributions were glossed over or condemned, such that the originality of his texts has still not been fully established. Published by University of Delaware Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.

On Resilience

by Elisabeth Wynhausen

Elizabeth Wynhausen tells the story of an extraordinary inspirational character and reflects on the mysterious quality that is resilience. A humorous, irreverent essay that arrives at contentment and joy.

Thinking About Thinking: Studies in the Background of some Psychological Approaches (Psychology Revivals)

by Joan Wynn Reeves

Originally published in 1965, this title is a series of exploratory essays on approaches to thinking. The central topic is the relation of processes of an associative kind (sometimes irrational, in so far as they are not enmeshed with a world of shared experience) to those involving some degree of reference to a common world and hence forming the basis of constructive, critical and logical thought. This theme ran through a good deal of psychological controversy at the time. It is a very old theme that had been dealt with many times and in many ways in the course of its history. One might have chosen to discuss approaches to it other than those considered in the present volume. These, however, were selected for their bearing on one another, and because they formed an interesting part of the background to contemporary psychological theory of the time.

An Introduction to Evolutionary Cognitive Archaeology

by Thomas Wynn Frederick L. Coolidge

An Introduction to Evolutionary Cognitive Archaeology is the first concise introduction that lays out the epistemological foundations of evolutionary cognitive archaeology in a way that is accessible to students. The volume is divided into three sections. The first section situates cognitive archaeology in the pantheon of archaeological approaches and distinguishes between ideational cognitive archaeology and evolutionary cognitive archaeology. This is followed by a close look at the nature of cognitive archaeological inferences and concludes with brief summaries of the major methods of evolutionary cognitive archaeology. The second section of the book introduces the reader to a variety of cognitive phenomena that are accessible using the methods of cognitive archaeology: memory, technical cognition, spatial cognition, social cognition, art and aesthetics, and symbolism and language. The third section presents a brief outline of hominin cognitive evolution from the perspective of evolutionary cognitive archaeology. The authors divide the archaeological record into three major phases: The Bipedal Apes—3.3 million-1.7 million years ago; The Axe Age—1.7 million-300,000 years ago; and The Emergence of Modern Thinking—300,000–12,000 years ago. An Introduction to Evolutionary Cognitive Archaeology is an essential text for undergraduate students, graduate students, and scholars across the behavioral and social sciences interested in learning about cognitive archaeology, including psychologists, philosophers, anthropologists, and archaeologists.

Models of Action: Mechanisms for Adaptive Behavior

by Clive D. L. Wynne John E. R. Staddon

This volume presents an international group of researchers who model animal and human behavior--both simple and complex. The models presented focus on such subjects as the pattern of eating in meals and bouts, the energizing and shaping impact of reinforcers on behavior, transitive inferential reasoning, responding to a compound stimulus, avoidance and escape learning, recognition memory, category formation, generalization, the timing of adaptive responses, and chromosomes exchanging information. The chapters are united by a common interest in adaptive behavior--whether of human, animal, or artificial system--and clearly demonstrate the rich variety of ways in which this fascinating area of research can be approached. In so doing, the book demonstrates the range of thought that qualifies as theorizing in the contemporary study of the mechanisms of adaptive behavior. It has two purposes: to bring together a very wide range of approaches in one place and to give authors space to explain how their ideas developed. Journal literature often presents fully-formed theories with no explanation of how an idea came to have the shape in which it is presented. In this volume, however, leaders in different fields provide background on the development of their ideas. Where once psychologists and a few zoologists had this field to themselves, now various types of computer scientists have added great energy to the mix.

Amor perruno: El libro definitivo para saber cuánto te quiere tu perro

by Clive D.L. Wynne

La guía perfecta para entender el amor de tu perro y saber cómo corresponderlo. Este es un libro para todos. ¿Por qué? Porque si tienes un perro, descubrirás cuánto te quiere y cuánto te necesita, y ya no podrás mirarlo con los mismos ojos; si no lo tienes y no te gustan, espero que, después de leer estas páginas, no pienses lo mismo. Y es que de todas las especies que habitan el planeta ninguna nos entiende tanto como los perros. No solo son el mejor amigo del hombre, sino que saben interpretar nuestro lenguaje corporal, nos lo dan todo a cambio de una caricia, siempre están dispuestos a perdonar y nunca, nunca nos abandonan. La guía más completa para entender el comportamiento de estos animales tan maravillosos, para saber qué necesitan en cada momento, y para aprender a cuidarlos y a respetarlos como se merecen.

Dog Is Love: Why and How Your Dog Loves You

by Clive D.L. Wynne

“Lively and fascinating... The reader comes away cheered, better informed, and with a new and deeper appreciation for our amazing canine companions and their enormous capacity for love.”—Cat Warren, New York Times best-selling author of What the Dog Knows Does your dog love you? Every dog lover knows the feeling. The nuzzle of a dog’s nose, the warmth of them lying at our feet, even their whining when they want to get up on the bed. It really seems like our dogs love us, too. But for years, scientists have resisted that conclusion, warning against anthropomorphizing our pets. Enter Clive Wynne, a pioneering canine behaviorist whose research is helping to usher in a new era: one in which love, not intelligence or submissiveness, is at the heart of the human-canine relationship. Drawing on cutting‑edge studies from his lab and others around the world, Wynne shows that affection is the very essence of dogs, from their faces and tails to their brains, hormones, even DNA. This scientific revolution is revealing more about dogs’ unique origins, behavior, needs, and hidden depths than we ever imagined possible. A humane, illuminating book, Dog Is Love is essential reading for anyone who has ever loved a dog—and experienced the wonder of being loved back.

I Was Vermeer: The Rise and Fall of the Twentieth Century's Greatest Forger

by Frank Wynne

In 1945, a small-time Dutch art dealer was arrested for selling a priceless national treasure--a painting by Vermeer--to the Nazi commander Hermann Göring. The charge was treason; the only possible sentence, death. And yet Han van Meegeren languished in his dank prison cell, incapable of uttering the four simple words that would set him free: "I am a forger." I Was Vermeer is the outrageous true story of one of the greatest art forgers of all time. From his early childhood, Han had dreamed of being an artist, but in the electrifying world of modern art, critics ridiculed his art as hopelessly old-fashioned. Furious and embittered, he turned to forgery--and became a secret superstar of the art world. In his heyday as a forger, he earned the equivalent of fifty million dollars and the acclaim of the world's press, and saw his paintings hung alongside those of Rembrandt and Vermeer. The acceptance of his work was so complete that when he finally confessed, no one believed him--until, in a huge media event, the courts staged the public painting of what would be van Meegeren's last "Vermeer." Frank Wynne's gripping book exposes the life and techniques of the consummate forger, the fascinating work of the experts who try to track down the fakes, and the collusion and ego in the art establishment that, even today, allow forgery to thrive. Wry, surprising, and with the drive of a thriller, it is the first major book in forty years on this extraordinary episode in history. A real page-turner! FRANK WYNNE is a journalist and literary translator. He was awarded the 2002 IMPAC Prize for his translation of Michel Houellebecq's The Elementary Particles, and the 2005 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize for his translation of Frédéric Beigbeder's Windows on the World. He has also translated the work of Pierre Mérot, Philippe Besson, and Ahmadou Kourouma. He has written for the Sunday Times, the Independent, the Irish Times, Melody Maker, and Time Out. Born in Ireland, he is currently based in London.

Memory, Anniversaries and Mental Health in International Historical Perspective: Faith in Reform (Mental Health in Historical Perspective)

by Rebecca Wynter Jennifer Wallis Rob Ellis

This book is the first to explore memory, misremembering, forgetting, and anniversaries in the history of psychiatry and mental health. It challenges simplistic representations of the callous nature of mental health care in the past, while at the same time eschewing a celebratory and uncritical marking of anniversaries and individuals. Asking critical questions of the early Whiggish histories of mental health care, the book problematizes the idea of a shared professional and institutional history, and the abiding faith placed in the reform of medicine, administration, and even patients. It contends that much post-1800 legislation drafted to ensure reform, acted to preserve beliefs about the ‘bad old days’ and a ‘brighter future’ in the state memories of imperial powers, which in turn exported these notions around the world. Conversely, the collection demonstrates the variety of remembering and forgetting, building on recent interest in the ideological and cultural linkages between past and present in international psychiatric practice. In this way, it seeks to trace the pathways of memory, exploring the direction of travel, and the perpetuation, remodeling, and uprooting of recollection.Chapter “The New Socialist Citizen and ‘Forgetting’ Authoritarianism: Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Revolution in Socialist Yugoslavia” is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer. com.

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