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El apasionante origen de las palabras

by Daniel Balmaceda

En este nuevo libro Daniel Balmaceda aumenta su colección sobre el origen de las palabras. Con términos novedosos y que hacen al contexto en el que vivimos (como deadline, free-lance o target), hasta el origen de la palabra "cuarentena" que tanto utilizamos en este año. Sin embargo, no deja de lado ciertas frases que utilizamos en la Argentina, como "Quedar en Pampa y la vía", o los maravillosos epónimos, un género en sí mismos. Daniel Balmaceda vuelve a fascinarnos con la historia de las palabras, desde las que empezaron a formar parte de nuestro vocabulario en los últimos tiempos (como deadline, free-lance, target) hasta frases que usamos sin saber muy bien qué significan ("Quedar en Pampa y la vía"). En el recorrido, nos descubre secretos de la historia universal y de sus curiosos personajes. El apasionante origen de las palabras actualiza las más divertidas anécdotas de Historia de las palabras e Historias de letras, palabras y frases con novedosas definiciones. Como dice el autor, la palabra es una herramienta poderosa y admirable. Indagar en su historia es sumergirnos en nuestra propia historia. Y nadie mejor que Daniel Balmaceda para guiarnos en esta travesía.

¡Sí, Quiero!(A mi wedding planner): Cómo transformar cualquier evento en una fiesta inolvidable. Las mejores ideas p

by Cristina Mahne

Cristina Mahne entrevistó a las wedding planners más famosas para quedevelen todos sus secretos a la hora de organizar cualquier celebracióninolvidable. Millones de futuras y futuros ex solteros invierten en promedio un añode su tiempo y, a veces, cientos de miles de pesos en una ceremoniaefímera que enmarque el ritual de convertirse, ante la mirada de losotros, en una persona casada. La organización de una súper fiestaresulta agotadora. Quizás por eso las expertas en bodas convencen cadavez a más clientes de que sus servicios son imprescindibles. El negocioya mueve millones en la Argentina.Cristina Mahne entrevistó a las wedding planners más famosas para quedevelen todos sus secretos a la hora de organizar cualquier celebracióninolvidable: casamientos, cumpleaños de quince, aniversarios. Lasmejores ideas y lo que jamás se debe hacer si se pretende ser felizhasta que la wedding planner indique que se acabó la fiesta.

Hágame Caso. Técnicas de Persuasión para la Vida Cotidiana

by Rafael Sábat

Si usted es gerente, jefe o vendedor, y también si es padre, hermano, colega o amigo, seguramente ha enfrentado más de una vez la decepción de comprobar que sus empleados, sus clientes, sus hijos o sus compañeros no hacen lo que les pide. "¿Cómo consigo que me hagan caso?", se habrá preguntado mientras buscaba los recursos o argumentos para convencerlos. Si desea que una persona haga algo que usted le pide, facilítele la tarea. Si, por el contrario, quiere que alguien deje de hacer algo que a usted le molesta, hágasela más difícil, nos propone Rafael Sábat en este libro que resume sus experiencias como capacitador en el mundo empresario y como observador curioso de la realidad que lo rodea. A través de modelos y técnicas sencillas, adaptados a nuestra realidad habitual, el autor nos proporciona las herramientas necesarias para aprender a persuadir, al tiempo que nos recuerda que, aunque sepamos manejar esos instrumentos, no podemos perder de vista que es importante respetar la voluntad ajena, vivir y dejar vivir.

Nomeolvides Armenuhi (Edición actualizada): La historia de mi abuela armenia

by Magda Tagtachian

La conmovedora historia de Armenuhi, abuela de la autora, que sobrevivió a la persecución y muerte en el Genocidio Armenio y llegó sola a la Argentina a los 14 años. Armenuhi enhebró en Buenos Aires el presente y futuro de toda la familia. Fue paciente, amorosa y determinada. Protegió y guió a cada uno de los suyos, como lo había hecho su padre cuando escapaban por el desierto con hambre, frío y sed. Cuando se desencadenó la feroz persecución contra el pueblo armenio, en 1915, Armenuhi tenía un año y medio y vivía con su familia en el pueblo de Aintab, por entonces parte del Imperio Otomano. Como muchos de sus compatriotas, viajó oculta en alforjas cuando, en su huida, los padres cruzaron a pie el desierto Der Zor, sin alimentos ni agua. Tres años después regresaron, pero el sueño duró poco. Esta vez, para salvarse debieron arrojarse de un tren en movimiento que los llevaba a un destino siniestro donde los armenios morían extenuados, calcinados por el sol, o vejados a manos de los soldados otomanos. Apenas adolescente, Armenuhi (que significa "mujer armenia") fue enviada a Buenos Aires para casarse con Yervant, un hombre que doblaba su edad y a quien jamás había visto. Con él convivió cincuenta años, y juntos fundaron una familia que se hizo enorme y permanece hasta hoy entrelazada. Incansable, Armenuhi transitó durante años los pasillos de consulados, embajadas y la Cruz Roja para traer a sus padres y sus hermanos desde Oriente medio y ayudar a su hermana a salir de la Armenia soviética. Hurgando en recuerdos propios y familiares, Magda Tagtachian reconstruye en Nomeolvides Armenuhi la vida de una mujer que sobrevivió al genocidio de su pueblo y que, con amor y determinación, dedicó su vida a proteger y guiar a cada uno de los suyos.

Oppiyal Ilakkiyam

by K. Kailasapathy

The book talks about Comparative Literature, and it is a compilation of different essays by the author under the topic like Comparative Literature’s philosophies, research in the field,Tamil Heroic Age etc.

La revolución interior

by Andrea Cuellar B.

¿Has tenido ganas de abandonar el lugar en el que te encuentras porque siente sientes que no estás haciendo tu propia vida? ¿Has sentido que hay algo dentro de ti que quisieras expresar, pero no sabes de qué se trata ni cómo hacerlo? La revolución interior es un camino de transformación personal a través del cual podrás reconocer tu esencia, escondida detrás de los parámetros, dogmas, paradigmas y mandatos que has recibido y que han definido tu realidad desde muy temprano en tu vida. Es esa consciencia que nos ayuda a recordar que cada uno es el maestro de su propia vida y que en el interior de cada uno habitan todas las herramientas, la sabiduría yla energía suficientes para transitar el camino del alma y reconocer nuestra divinidad. A través de este libro, la terapeuta integral Andrea Cuéllar B. te acompañará a reconocer las decisiones esenciales a las que necesitas abrirte para vivir tu propia revolución interior y te enseñará cómo llevarlas a la acción a través del trabajo con cristales y otros elementos naturales, así como del reconocimiento de tu magia personal. La revolución interior cuenta, además, con una guía práctica completa de rituales y ejercicios especiales paracrear tu propio manual de vida, reconocer tus dones, tu magia y manifestar tu propia realidad.

¿Un nuevo ciclo de la guerra en Colombia?

by Francisco Gutierrez Sanin

Despertamos muy pronto del sueño de pacificara Colombia. Si bien la firma del Acuerdo de Paz con las farc marcó un punto de inflexión en la inercia de la guerra contrainsurgente, su implementación hace agua por todas partes. Los hechos violentos y el registro de fenómenos asociados a ellos son cada vez más frecuentes y los medios empiezan a nombrar esa realidad política, aún confusa y dispersa, como la nueva violencia. ¿Estamos en un periodo de transición?, ¿entramos en una tercera fase de la guerra en Colombia? El libro de Francisco Gutiérrez Sanín, lúcido y consistente, propone salidas a estas preguntasde fondo y, con la esperanza de preservar lo que todavía se puede, presenta los peligros que enfrenta el país si persiste el incumplimientode lo acordado.

La reforma rural para la paz

by Alejandro Reyes

Un análisis sobre la temática rural en los diálogos de paz. Este libro presenta un completo análisis sobre el acuerdo de reforma rural que se ha discutidoen los diálogos de paz en La Habana entre el Gobierno de Colombia y la guerrilla de las farc. Los lectores podrán encontrar un panorama del contexto del cual se desprenden los principales problemas y reclamaciones, los desafíos más importantes a superar para poner en práctica las soluciones propuestas y cuáles son las herramientas con las que cuenta el Estado colombiano para sacar adelante esa reforma. Este es un libro clave para la coyuntura del país que permitirá entender los retos a los que nos tendremos que enfrentar en conjunto para sacar adelante el tema agrario en el posconflicto

Cambiar el futuro

by Eduardo Pizarro

Este libro de Eduardo Pizarro reconstruye la historia de los procesos de paz en Colombia desde 1981 hasta hoy. Tras la firma de los acuerdos de La Habana, el reconocido analista político Eduardo Pizarro reconstruye los procesos de paz en el país con un estilo conciso y equilibrado, presenta los contextos nacionales e internacionales de cada periodo, identifica los factores de incidencia, reflexiona sobre cómo ocurrió y por qué fue posible una salida negociada al conflicto en Colombia. Cambiar el futuro conecta la historia política, el análisis de coyuntura, la política internacional y la teoría de resolución de conflictos. Su autor conoce las entrañas de la guerra en Colombia y su libro es un homenaje a los precursores de la paz en un país que se convierte en ejemplo mundial de renuncia a las armas como forma de hacer política.

Seguridad y justicia en tiempos de paz

by Ariel Avila

Los desafíos que le esperan a Colombia en el posconflicto en materia de seguridad rural y justicia Después de cinco décadas Colombia está a punto de terminar el conflicto armado más prolongado del hemisferio occidental. Sin embargo los retos para superar sus causas estructurales, y sobre todo para evitar nuevas olas de violencia, son inmensos. A diferencia de otros posconflictos, como el de Guatemala o Irlanda del Norte, el colombiano está acompañado de economías de guerra que perdurarán más allá de los actores que las crearon: cultivos de hoja de coca, minería criminal y rutas de contrabando. Este libro trata sobre esos desafíos y describe acontecimientos como los ocurridos en El Salvador y Sierra Leona. "Este libro se ocupa de dos cosas primordiales para el posconflicto: sustituir la 'justicia' y la 'seguridad' que han proporcionado las guerrillas en los territorios y transformar la justicia y la seguridad local que ha proporcionado el Estado durante los últimos cincuenta años. Haciendo bien estas dos cosas daríamos, sin duda, un salto gigantesco hacia el cierre definitivo del conflicto armado y hacia la prevención de otras violencias".

Ojo al cine

by Andrés Caicedo

Libro que reúne lo mejor de los escritos de Andrés Caicedo sobre cine, muchos de estos publicados en Ojo al cine, la revista que él mismo fundó en los años setenta. Las reseñas que escribió Andrés Caicedo sobre cine no son convencionales, de hecho nada en su vida lo fue. Como la literatura, el rock y la salsa, el #séptimo arte# también era esencial para su existencia y uno de sus referentes constantes. El cine en sí mismo era un personaje y cada película que Caicedo veía se convertía en una obsesión. De ahí que los comentarios que componen este volumen sean pasionales, vibrantes y a la vez, sorprendentemente eruditos. Gracias a un laborioso trabajo de compilación realizado por Luis Ospina y Sandro Romero Rey, el libro Ojo al cine da a conocer la obra crítica de Caicedo y la cinefilia de una generación. Más de tres décadas después del suicidio de su autor, estos textos siguen despertando interés y todavía contagian la emoción del autor por el cine.

A Guide to Systems Research: Philosophy, Processes and Practice (Translational Systems Sciences #10)

by Mary C. Edson Pamela Buckle Henning Shankar Sankaran

This guide is designed for systems researchers - emerging and seasoned - searching for holistic approaches of inquiry into complexity, which the Systems Sciences provide. The authors share insight into the foundations of research that are not only systematic in terms of rigor, but systemic in perspective, analysis, design, development, implementation, reporting, and evaluation. This guide also explores researcher competencies necessary to conduct sound systems research. Researchers using this guide will gain understanding of what distinguishes systems research from other types of research and why it is important in research today.

A Guide to English-Russian and Russian-English Non-literary Translation

by Alexandr Zaytsev

Lying at the intersection of translatology, cognitive science and linguistics, this brief provides a comprehensive framework for studying, investigating and teaching English-Russian/Russian-English non-literary translation. It provides a holistic perspective on the process of non-literary translation, illustrating each of its steps with carefully analyzed real-life examples. Readers will learn how to choose and process multidimensional attention units in original texts by activating different types of knowledge, as well as how to effectively devise target-language matches for them using various translation techniques. It is rounded out with handy and feasible recommendations on the structure and content of an undergraduate course in translation. The abundance of examples makes it suitable not only for use in the classroom, but also for independent study.

The History of Chinese Legal Civilization: Ancient China—From About 21st Century B.C. to 1840 A.D.

by Jinfan Zhang

This book, based on the theory of Marxism-Leninism, aims to study the essence, content and features of various legal systems in China in different historical periods, as well as the rules of the development of Chinese legal system. It effectively combines classic and historical analysis to probe the historical facts and elaborate the historical role of the legal system, revealing both the general and the specific rules of the development of the Chinese legal system on the basis of the existing relevant researches. The subject matter is of abundant theoretical and practical significance, as it enriches Marxist legal studies, deepens the readers’ understanding of Chinese legal civilization and offers guiding principles for the creation of socialist legal systems with Chinese characteristics. The chapters are structured chronologically, ranging from the Xia and Shang Dynasties, the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Han Dynasty, the South and North Dynasties, the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Song Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties when Chinese legal system took on its final form. The chapters are compiled according to legislation, administrative law, criminal law and judicial system. Besides, the Chinese legal civilization after the Revolution of 1911 led by Sun Yat-sen is also addressed.

The History of Chinese Legal Civilization: Modern and Contemporary China (From 1840–)

by Jinfan Zhang

This book, based on the theory of Marxism-Leninism, aims to study the essence, content and features of various legal systems in China in different historical periods, as well as the rules of the development of Chinese legal systems. It effectively combines classic analysis and historical analysis to probe historical facts and elaborate the historical role of the legal system, revealing both the general and the specific rules of the development of China s legal system on the basis of the existing relevant research. The subject matter is of abundant theoretical and practical significance, as it enriches Marxist legal studies, deepens readers’ understanding of China s legal civilization and offers guiding principles for the creation of socialist legal systems with Chinese characteristics. It discusses the trends in thinking on the reconstruction of the legal system; changing laws; western legal culture; the legal system in the period of westernization, constitution and reform; preparation for constitutionalism; modification of the law during the late Qing Dynasty; criminal, civil and commercial legislation; and judicial reforms in the modern era as well as the various ups and downs and cases of malconduct after the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Narrative Research in Practice

by Rachael Dwyer Ian Davis Elke Emerald

This book directly addresses the multiplicity and complexity of narrative research by illustrating a variety of avenues to pursuing and publishing research that falls under the umbrella of narrative work. The chapters are drawn from a wide range of disciplines including education, literary studies, cultural studies, music and clinical studies. Each chapter considers a particular methodological issue or approach, illustrating how it was addressed in the course of the research. Each of the chapters concludes with a set of discussion exercises and a further reading list. The book offers a valuable resource for established researchers seeking to expand their methodological and theoretical repertoire, and for graduate students and researchers new to narrative methods.

The Ecological Era and Classical Chinese Naturalism: A Case Study of Tao Yuanming (China Academic Library)

by Shuyuan Lu

Reflecting the currently growing eco-movement, this book presents to western readers Tao Yuanming, an ancient Chinese poet, as a representative of classical oriental natural philosophy who offered lived experience of “dwelling poetically on earth.” Drawing on Derrida’s specter theory, it interprets Tao Yuanming in a postmodern and eco-critical context, while also exploring his naturalist “kindred spirits” in other countries, so as to urge the people of today to contemplate their own existence and pursuits. The book’s “panoramic” table of contents offers readers a wonderful reading experience.

Playful Disruption of Digital Media (Gaming Media and Social Effects Ser.)

by Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath

This book starts with the proposition that digital media invite play and indeed need to be played by their everyday users. Play is probably one of the most visible and powerful ways to appropriate the digital world. The diverse, emerging practices of digital media appear to be essentially playful: Users are involved and active, produce form and content, spread, exchange and consume it, take risks, are conscious of their own goals and the possibilities of achieving them, are skilled and know how to acquire more skills. They share a perspective of can-do, a curiosity of what happens next? Play can be observed in social, economic, political, artistic, educational and criminal contexts and endeavours. It is employed as a (counter) strategy, for tacit or open resistance, as a method and productive practice, and something people do for fun.The book aims to define a particular contemporary attitude, a playful approach to media. It identifies some common ground and key principles in this novel terrain. Instead of looking at play and how it branches into different disciplines like business and education, the phenomenon of play in digital media is approached unconstrained by disciplinary boundaries. The contributions in this book provide a glimpse of a playful technological revolution that is a joyful celebration of possibilities that new media afford. This book is not a practical guide on how to hack a system or to pirate music, but provides critical insights into the unintended, artistic, fun, subversive, and sometimes dodgy applications of digital media.Contributions from Chris Crawford, Mathias Fuchs, Rilla Khaled, Sybille Lammes, Eva and Franco Mattes, Florian 'Floyd' Mueller, Michael Nitsche, Julian Oliver, and others cover and address topics such as reflective game design, identity and people's engagement in online media, conflicts and challenging opportunities for play, playing with cartographical interfaces, player-emergent production practices, the re-purposing of data, game creation as an educational approach, the ludification of society, the creation of meaning within and without play, the internalisation and subversion of roles through play, and the boundaries of play.

The Confucian Misgivings--Liang Shu-ming’s Narrative About Law

by Zhangrun Xu

The major intellectual interest throughout this book is to offer a study on China's legal legacy, through Liang Shu-ming's eyes. The book follows the formula of the parallel between Life and Mind (人生与人心), Physis and Nomos, and compares Liang Shu-ming's narrative with his own practical orientation and with the theories of other interlocutors. The book puts Liang Shu-ming into the social context of modern Chinese history, in particular, the context of the unprecedented crisis of meaning in the legal realm and the collapse of a transcendental source for Chinese cultural identity in the light of modernity. The evaluation provided by this narrative could be helpful in clarifying the deep structures and significance of the present Chinese legal system through historically exploring Liang Shu-ming's misgivings. The book is intended for academics of legal, history and cultural studies. The book is unique in that it is the first book to explore New Confucian's considerations on reconstruction of Chinese legal system in the modern era. It presents a comprehensive systematical comparison of Liang Shu-ming's narrative about constitutional government in China against other schools of thought.

Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper

by Subhash Chandra Parija Vikram Kate

This book covers all essential aspects of writing scientific research articles, presenting eighteen carefully selected titles that offer essential, "must-know" content on how to write high-quality articles. The book also addresses other, rarely discussed areas of scientific writing including dealing with rejected manuscripts, the reviewer's perspective as to what they expect in a scientific article, plagiarism, copyright issues, and ethical standards in publishing scientific papers. Simplicity is the book's hallmark, and it aims to provide an accessible, comprehensive and essential resource for those seeking guidance on how to publish their research work. The importance of publishing research work cannot be overemphasized. However, a major limitation in publishing work in a scientific journal is the lack of information on or experience with scientific writing and publishing. Young faculty and trainees who are starting their research career are in need of a comprehensive guide that provides all essential components of scientific writing and aids them in getting their research work published.

Collaborative Research Design: Working with Business for Meaningful Findings

by Louise Young Per Vagn Freytag

This book articulates and interconnects a range of research methods for the investigation of business management processes. It introduces new directions that both recognise the business community as stakeholders in the research process and seek to include them in that process. The book presents a range of contemporary research methods with particular focus on those that allow insights into business managers' thoughts and behaviours. It includes fresh views on traditional research designs, for example new approaches to using literature reviews, experiments, interviews and observation studies. It also considers cutting-edge research methods, such as the use of vignettes, workshops, improvisation and theatre, as well as computer-based simulation. In addition to discussing new approaches to data capture and data generation, it presents new methods of data analysis by considering various forms of models and modelling, new forms of computer-aided text analysis and innovative approaches to data display. Finally, the book provides a link between the philosophical underpinnings of research and the different research methods presented. This is often neglected but undertaking the knowledge-generating journey that is research includes having a view on reality and marrying this to beliefs about how the reality to be investigated can be best expedited.

An Investigation of the Causal Inference between Epidemiology and Jurisprudence (SpringerBriefs in Philosophy)

by Minsoo Jung

This book examines how legal causation inference and epidemiological causal inference can be harmonized within the realm of jurisprudence, exploring why legal causation and epidemiological causation differ from each other and defining related problems. The book also discusses how legal justice can be realized and how victims' rights can be protected. It looks at epidemiological evidence pertaining to causal relationships in cases such as smoking and the development of lung cancer, and enables readers to correctly interpret and rationally use the results of epidemiological studies in lawsuits. The book argues that in today's risk society, it is no longer possible to thwart the competence of evidence using epidemiological research results. In particular, it points out that the number of cases that struggle to prove a causal relationship excluding those using epidemiological data will lead to an increase in the number of lawsuits for damages that arise as a result of harmful materials that affect our health. The book argues that the responsibility to compensate for damages that have actually occurred must be imputed to a particular party and that this can be achieved by understanding causal inferences between jurisprudence and epidemiology. This book serves as a foundation for students, academics and researchers who have an interest in epidemiology and the law, and those who are keen to discover how jurisprudence can bring these two areas together.

Historic Achievement of a Common Standard: Pengchun Chang And The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

by Pinghua Sun

The subject of this book is human rights law, focusing on historic achievement of a common standard viewed from a perspective of Pengchun Chang’s contributions to the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This is an original research, integrating different research methods: inter-disciplinary approaches, historical and comparative methods, and documentary research and so on. The research findings can be described briefly as follows: Chinese wisdom has played an important role in achieving a common standard for the establishment of the international human rights system, which can be seen by exploring P. C. Chang’s contributions to the drafting of the UDHR. The target readers are global scholars and students in law, politics, philosophy, international relations, human rights law, legal history, religion and culture. This book will enable these potential readers to have a vivid picture of the Chinese contributions to the international human rights regime and to have a better understanding of the significance of the traditional Chinese culture and P. C. Chang’s human rights philosophy of pluralism.

The Chinese Road of the Rule of Law (China Insights)

by Lin Li Xiaoqing Bi

This book studies the practical experience and theoretical development of rule of law in China, and provides fundamental theory for the construction of rule of law in contemporary China. The author examines the rule of law by exploring the entire legal system, and highlighting various aspects including the legislation, law enforcement and supervision systems. Readers will also discover the author’s strong opinions on scientific legislation, legal government, judicial reform, and the culture of rule of law. This highly readable book will appeal to both general readers and researchers interested in rule of law in China.

Chinese Business Law (The Palgrave Series on Chinese Law)

by Danling Yu

This book offers the first definitive English-language resource on Chinese business law. Written by an authoritative source, the book accurately describes what the business law is and explains legislative intentions underlying the myriad of law, rules, and regulations. Moreover, it provides the most up-to-date information on law, rules, and regulations and contains accurate predictions of the future legislative trend. It is written for readers across the spectrum of both common law and civil law systems. The author’s experience as expert counsel to Chinese central governmental legislative functions including the State Council Legislative Affairs Office and the expert editor and translator in chief of the national administrative regulations in business and finance, extensive experience of international legal practice and arbitration, and teaching and research experience in international business law and Chinese law will make this book of interest to lawyers, business people, and scholars.

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