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Falcon Fever: A Falconer in the Twenty-first Century

by Tim Gallagher

What is so compelling about falconry? Tim Gallagher mines his lifelong obsession with falcons for an answer in this engaging volume interweaving memoir, history, and travelogue. An entire subculture exists outside the mainstream of American society consisting of obsessed individuals (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and film-writer Tony Huston among them) who still use the ancient training techniques and language of falconry. Gallagher finds that his personal story connects on many levels with that of Frederick II, the thirteenth-century Holy Roman Emperor, legendary falconer, and notorious freethinker who brought the full wrath of the medieval church down upon his dynasty. While following Frederick's footsteps through southern Italy, Gallagher ponders his personal history as well. What salve to his spirit did falconry provide when it ignited his passion at age twelve? Beset by a turbulent childhood dominated by a brutal and violent father, Gallagher turned to this sport for emotional release. He offers us a unique glimpse into the contemporary falconry subculture, and the result is a surprisingly frank and revealing personal story.

La familia Wittgenstein

by Alexander Waugh

La historia de una de las familias más excéntricas, geniales y revolucionarias del siglo XX. «Extraordinario y sorprendente. [...] Encaja a la perfección en la larga lista de obras maestras de no ficción impulsadas por la embriagadora riqueza de la Viena de fin de siglo. [...] Apasionante.»The New York Observer La historia de la familia Wittgenstein es la historia del siglo XX. Karl Wittgenstein fue un industrial millonario vienés, converso y patricio, con especial debilidad por el arte y la alta cultura. Sus ocho hijos nacieron aún bajo el signo del Imperio austrohúngaro, que se extinguiría con la Primera Guerra Mundial. La vida de todos ellos estuvo marcada por el espíritu de la Viena finisecular, aquella que vería crecer a escritores como Robert Musil o Joseph Roth, músicos como Mahler o Richard Strauss, y pintores como Gustav Klimt. Por el palacio de los Wittgenstein desfilaron personalidades de la talla de Brahms o Sigmund Freud. Sin embargo, esa atmósfera de prosperidad ocultaba tensiones y amarguras, producto del carácter despótico del padre, que llevaron a tres de los hermanos al suicidio. El cuarto, Paul Wittgenstein, llegó a ser un pianista excelente, aunque durante la Gran Guerra perdió la mano derecha. Quizá el más célebre de la familia sea el pequeño de los hermanos, Ludwig Wittgenstein, el gran filósofo, compañero de pupitre de otro vienés famoso: Adolf Hitler. Desafiando la autoridad paterna, Ludwig se negó a involucrarse en el negocio familiar y se marchó a Inglaterra para estudiar matemáticas y más tarde filosofía y lógica en Cambridge, con Bertrand Russell, quien siempre le consideró su alumno más brillante. Este libro, adictivo y conmovedor, constituye la primera biografía íntima de una de las familias más excéntricas, geniales, desgraciadas y fascinantes del siglo XX. Reseñas:«La historia de la familia Wittgenstein contiene tantas novelas como miembros de la estirpe. Y, una más, la historia entera del siglo XX.»La Vanguardia «Entretenido y muy recomendable.»Babelia «Un retrato literariamente inmenso.»Kirkus Reviews «La historia de este libro es tan interesante que llama la atención que nunca se haya contado de esta manera. [...] Es difícil imaginar otro relato que muestre tanta fluidez, ingenio y atención al detalle.»Literary Review «Maravilloso. Una aguda combinación de una formidable erudición [...] y un gran ojo para el absurdo. [...] Un volumen magníficamente refrescante que merece un amplio número de lectores.»The Independent «Waugh ha hecho un trabajo magistral desenredando una masa de complejidades financieras y psicológicas […]. Su escritura es ágil, segura y colorida [...] Una lectura placentera.»The Telegraph «Una obra de auténtico descubrimiento y de narrativa trepidante. Una biografía memorable, no se la pierdan.»London Evening Standard «Un relato literario sumamente ameno y meticulosamente investigado.»Terry Eagleton, The Guardian «Una lectura absorbente.»Nicholas Lezard, The Guardian «Waugh nos cuenta al menos una anécdota increíble por página mientras describe a este grupo asombrosamente inadaptado de locos cultivados.»Bloomberg

Family Influences on Childhood Behavior and Development: Evidence-Based Prevention and Treatment Approaches

by Thomas P. Gullotta

Irrespective of theoretical orientation, families matter. Families are the entity in which children are introduced to words, objects, shapes, and colors. Families are the people related in a myriad of conventional and unconventional ways that clothe, bathe, and feed its biological and acquired offspring. Influenced by race, ethnicity, income, and education, families relate not only to each other within the unit but to others in the neighborhood, the community, and beyond. This book is about families and their children. This book is about those times when the family unit experiences distress. This distress may be found in the serious illness of a child or a parent. It may be the result of a reconfiguration of the family as in divorce and remarriage. Or it may involve the harming of a family member sexually or physically. In this volume, the authors explore what family means today, what functions it serves, and those circumstances that can make family life painful. Importantly, the authors provide readers with clearly written information drawn from the most recent scientific investigations suggesting how the topics in this volume might be addressed to either ease that discomfort (treatment) or prevent its occurrence.

Fasteners: Fundamentals of Service

by John Deere

Fasteners explores bolts, screws, nuts, pins, washer, keys, studs, snap right, rivets, adhesives, and many, many others.

Feasting on the Word®: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary Year B, Volume 2

by David L. Bartlett Barbara Brown Taylor

With this new lectionary commentary series, Westminster John Knox offers the most extensive resource for preaching on the market today. When complete, the twelve volumes of the series will cover all the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with movable occasions, such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints' Day. For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays--one each on the theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical challenges of the text. This gives preachers sixteen different approaches to the proclaimation of the Word on any given occasion. The editors and contributors to this series are world-class scholars, pastors, and writers representing a variety of denominations and traditions. And while the twelve volumes of the series will follow the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, each volume will contain an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers, as well as teachers and students, may make use of its contents.

Fiction Writer's Workshop: The Key Elements of a Writing Workshop

by Josip Novakovich

Master the Elements of the Writing Workshop The great paradox of the writing life is that to be a good writer, you must be both interested in the world around you and comfortable working in solitude for hours on end. Fiction Writer's Workshop, Second Edition, is designed to help you foster a strong sense of independence#151;of being and thinking on your own, of becoming self-evaluative without being self-critical#151;in order to accomplish what others seek in classroom groups. In this comprehensive guide, award-winning writer and teacher Josip Novakovich explores every aspect of the art of fiction and provides all the tools and techniques you'll need to develop day-to-day discipline as well as a personal writing style, such as: More than 100 writing exercises, including dozens that are new to this edition, that challenge you to experiment with diverse writing styles Specific statements of purpose for each exercise, to help guide you and instruct you at every step of the creative process Self-critique questions to help you assess your work and identify strengths and weaknesses before moving on to the next lesson The full text of eight acclaimed short stories, with analysis and exercises, to provide models for your own writing and help reinforce the lessons you've learned The practical, insightful methods offered in this workshop will clarify your voice, broaden your perspective, and strengthen your fiction.

Field Guide to Cookies

by Caroline Romanski Anita Chu

At last, a field guide to baking and identifying virtually every cookie imaginable, from Snickerdoodles to Pfeffernusse! Field Guide to Cookies is the definitive guide to cookies from around the world, with more than 100 recipes and variations on such tried-and-true classics as gingersnaps, whoopie pies, and pinwheels as well as traditional international favorites like pizzelles, baklava, and alfajores. This delectable guide introduces readers to the best techniques for creating drop, bar, molded, rolled, and sandwich variations. Every cookie is photographed in glorious full color, with step-by-step instructions on how to prepare, bake, and store your creations. Entries include fascinating historical background, helpful baking notes, and serving suggestions for each delicious variety. Whether you're a baking novice or veteran pastry chef, mouthwatering home-baked confections are just minutes away with Field Guide to Cookies!

Field Guide to Luck

by Alys R. Yablon

Take Control of Your Destiny! From the good luck provided by shamrocks, rabbits's feet, and horseshoes to the misfortune caused by broken mirrors, black cats, and umbrellas opened indoors, our lives are filled with signs and superstitions that guide our destiny and influence our fate. Fortunately, Field Guide to Luck can help you recognize dozens of influential charms, dates, sayings, and symbols wherever you encounter them. Learn what objects are on your side, which practices are best avoided, and where these curious beliefs come from. This indispensable guide reveals their fascinating origins and offers tips for putting them into practice. With Lady Luck on your side and a lucky penny in your pocket, you're sure to lead a charmed life!

Fifty Key British Films (Routledge Key Guides)

by John White Sarah Barrow

In Fifty Key British Films, Britain's best known films such as Clockwork Orange, The Full Monty and Goldfinger are scrutinised for their outstanding ability to articulate the issues of the time. This is essential reading for anyone interested in quality, cult film.

Finding the Right Words for the Holidays

by J. Beverly Daniel

Sharing the most joyous times of the year begins with Finding the right Words for the Holidays Here you'll find: Warmhearted and humorous greetings for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa cards More than six dozen ways to say "Happy New Year!" Famous holiday quotations Tips for making card-writing a pleasure rather than a chore Suggestions for creating the perfect year-end family newsletter Practical hints for simplifying card-sending A special section for your holiday card mailing lists ...and more, Tis the season to celebrate with one another by using all the right words!

Finding Your Wings

by Burton S. Guttman

A Workbook for Beginning Bird WatchersNo other book for beginning bird watchers involves the reader so actively in the exciting first steps of learning to watch birds. This workbook is filled with quizzes and exercises that prepare the reader for going birding and help beginners develop a sense of accomplishment and progress. With each chapter covering a different aspect of bird watching, the author guides readers along a threefold path: learning how to really see birds, how to sort birds by category, and how to learn the easiest birds first. Plenty of room is provided for writing and sketching, and answers are supplied in the back of the book.

Fire Protection Handbook: Volume 2

by Natl. Fire Arthur E. Cote John Raymond Hall Pam Powell Casey C. Grant Robert E. Solomon

Reliable facts about any aspect of fire safety. Covers: public education, fire alarm systems, water mist suppression systems, halon replacements, venting systems for commercial cooking equipment, alternative fuels for vehicles, library and museum collections, performance-based fire codes and standards, and everything else about the fire service and/or fire protection.

Fire Protection Handbook: Volume 1

by Natl. Fire Arthur E. Cote John Raymond Hall Pam Powell Casey C. Grant Robert E. Solomon

Reliable facts about any aspect of fire safety. Covers: public education, fire alarm systems, water mist suppression systems, halon replacements, venting systems for commercial cooking equipment, alternative fuels for vehicles, library and museum collections, performance-based fire codes and standards, and everything else about the fire service and/or fire protection.

The Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of America's Most Imaginative Chefs

by Karen Page Andrew Dornenburg

<P><b>Winner of the 2009 James Beard Book Award for Best Book: Reference and Scholarship </b> <P>Great cooking goes beyond following a recipe--it's knowing how to season ingredients to coax the greatest possible flavor from them. Drawing on dozens of leading chefs' combined experience in top restaurants across the country, Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg present the definitive guide to creating "deliciousness" in any dish. Thousands of ingredient entries, organized alphabetically and cross-referenced, provide a treasure trove of spectacular flavor combinations. <P>Readers will learn to work more intuitively and effectively with ingredients; experiment with temperature and texture; excite the nose and palate with herbs, spices, and other seasonings; and balance the sensual, emotional, and spiritual elements of an extraordinary meal.Seasoned with tips, anecdotes, and signature dishes from America's most imaginative chefs, THE FLAVOR BIBLE is an essential reference for every kitchen.

Flights Against the Sunset: Stories that Reunited a Mother and Son

by Kenn Kaufman

At age sixteen, Kenn Kaufman left home to travel the world in search of birds. Now a grown man and a renowned ornithologist, he has come back to visit his ailing mother and explain to her what drove his obsession with bird life. His explanation forms a series of interlocking tales from the frontier where the world of birds intersects with the world of the humans who pursue them. The stories range over settings from Alaska to Africa, from trackless jungles to parking lots. They delve into subjects from first dates to last rites, from imagination and desire to sleep deprivation, from poignant encounters with eternal mysteries to comical brushes with biker gangs and secret agents. But as the stories unfold, the ornithologist comes to realize that he can still learn from his mother some things about life and even about the meaning of birds. Flights Against the Sunset brings together nineteen essays, mostly adapted from Kaufman's long-running column in Bird Watcher’s Digest. They weave an original story that examines how we communicate about our passions with those who do not share the same interests and how to celebrate the world of infinite possibilities and wonder.

Flying by the Seat of Your Pants

by Harry Oliver

Let's "cut to the chase" and "make no bones about it"-this book will have you "pleased as punch. " Sowing your wild oats, throwing in the towel, painting the town red. . . Harry Oliver reveals the fascinating stories behind these and other strange turns of phrase steeped in the weird and wonderful history and traditions of everyday life. From quirky terms to street and city names and more, this book answers the questions you never thought to ask. ? What ancient empire coined the phrase "green with envy"? ? Who was the first person to "get someone's goat"? ? Which writer first penned, "I'll eat my hat!" .

Food Alert! The Ultimate Sourcebook for Food Safety (2nd edition)

by Morton Satin

Satin (agricultural economics, Texas A&M U.; retired, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association) discusses this major health threat in historical, scientific, commercial, consumer, and homeland security contexts. Updates to the 1999 edition include discussions of recent multi-state outbreaks of E. coli and salmonella, prevention initiatives, and the under-reporting of such problems. The text features case examples (e.g., a "bad bucket [of shellfish] off Nantucket"), summary table of food- related disease symptoms and causes, storage recommendations, information resources, and glossary.

Football Uncyclopedia

by Adam Hoff Michael Kun

With a blend of statistical analysis, opinion, love for the game, and a healthy dash of humor, authors Michael Kun and Adam Hoff challenge the myths and beliefs that have long afflicted football. No subject is off limits. The greatness of the 1972 Miami Dolphins? Skewered. America's Team? Put in its place. Pittsburgh's Berkowitz Fish Sandwich? Praised, obviously. Joe Namath? Well, he gets a little bit of everything. The Football Uncyclopedia gives equal time to owners and champions, stadiums and cities. It rushes to the defense of everyone from Shaun Alexander to Kurt Warner and of everything from the Heisman Trophy to Randall Cunningham's marble business. It focuses on player legacies, NFL history, and hot-button issues, but it also delves into topics like celebrity misbehavior, on-air kisses, and the film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. The Football Uncyclopedia covers the names, the nuances, and everything in between that make football an enduring American phenomenon.

The Footprint of the Buddha (Routledge Library Editions: Buddhism)

by E F Ludowyk

Originally published in 1958, this volume discusses the Buddhist monuments of Sri Lanka, which represent a distinctive and valuable portion of the art of the ancient and medieval world. It traces the development of this artistic achievement and places it in the appropriate religious, philosophical and historical context. Supporting the text are thirty-one black & white plates and a glossary of terms used helps to guide the reader throughout the book.

For Service to Your Country: The Essential Guide to Getting the Veterans' Benefits You've Earned

by Gaytan Peter S. Edelman Borden Marian

The Must-Have Guide To Veterans' BenefitsIf you're a veteran--or a veteran's family member--you know how hard it is to navigate the VA benefits maze. This definitive guide steers you through the process so that you and your family can get the benefits you're entitled to. Filled with vital information on the latest programs, here is clear, step-by-step, form-by-form advice on cutting through the red tape. And if benefits are denied, it will show you how to appeal an unfair decision. In this newly updated edition, you'll find essentials on: Health Care, Disability, and Rehabilitation--including changes in eligibility and access; Emergency Room care at non-VA facilities; Project Hero for veterans in rural areas; the VA's new suicide prevention outreach initiative; the Benefits Delivery at Discharge program (BDD) for transitioning service members. Education--Complete information on the Post 9/11 GI Bill, which doubles educational benefits to eligible veterans. VA Loans for Home Ownership--For veterans facing foreclosure or looking to purchase after foreclosure. Job Preference Eligibility and Entrepreneurship Opportunities--New non-VA services that are available to veterans. Plus new benefits for dependents and an expanded resource list. When you're dealing with a system that says no more than yes, it helps to know every angle--before you fill out those forms in triplicate. Take advantage of these opportunities if you are eligible. You've earned them and deserve them. –Bob Dole

Forensics: A Guide for Writers (Howdunit)

by D. P. Lyle

In this world of crime-scene detection programs, mystery and thriller writers need to know at least the terminology of forensics to make their work realistic. Lyle, a cardiologist and mystery writer, provides the basic information that will keep writers from the most egregious errors. He covers the crime scene, blood stains, fingerprints, DNA and other popular themes. he also explains how one can tell if the deceased was manually strangled or hanged, how arson investigators work, the ways in which bodies decay and many other fine points of the study of murder. The book is written clearly with technical terms explained and simple drawings that educate without being gruesome. A bibliography, even of reputable websites, if not books and articles, would have been preferred to the advice that the reader search the Internet for keywords. Nevertheless, the book is a good starting point for writers or interested viewers and readers. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire: A History of the Osmanlis Up To the Death of Bayezid I, 1300-1403

by Herbert Adam Gibbons

Originally published in 1916, this work provides a detailed study of the first century of the Ottoman Empire. It traces the life and career of Osman himself and of his descendants, Orkhan, Murad and Bayezid, who laid the foundations of the Ottoman Empire.

Four-Letter Words

by Michelle Arnot

Crossword puzzle expert and champion Michelle Arnot has complied this irresistibly fun and entertaining manual filled with fascinating facts, puzzle miscellany, and surefire tips for puzzle solving. For devoted daily puzzlers, casual solvers, and fearless crossword warriors alike, this book offers insights into the addictive world of crossword puzzles including: • Insider secrets, techniques, and tips • Obscure four-letter words for scoring big points • Advanced strategies of competitive puzzlers • Inside stories of eccentric players and all-time champions of the grids • Trivia, lore, and the lingo of crosswording .

From Student to Scholar: A Candid Guide to Becoming a Professor

by Steven Cahn

Steven M. Cahn's advice on the professorial life covers an extensive range of critical issues: how to plan, complete, and defend a dissertation; how to navigate a job interview; how to improve teaching performance; how to prepare and publish research; how to develop a professional network; and how to garner support for tenure. He deals with such hurdles as a difficult dissertation advisor, problematic colleagues, and the pressures of the tenure clock. Whether you are beginning graduate study, hoping to secure an academic position, or striving to build a professorial career, Cahn's insights are invaluable to traversing the thickets of academia.

From Student to Scholar

by Steven M. Cahn Catharine R. Stimpson

Steven M. Cahn's advice on the professorial life covers an extensive range of critical issues: how to plan, complete, and defend a dissertation; how to navigate a job interview; how to improve teaching performance; how to prepare and publish research; how to develop a professional network; and how to garner support for tenure. He deals with such hurdles as a difficult dissertation advisor, problematic colleagues, and the pressures of the tenure clock. Whether you are beginning graduate study, hoping to secure an academic position, or striving to build a professorial career, Cahn's insights are invaluable to traversing the thickets of academia.

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