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Systematic Theology, Second Edition: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine

by Wayne A. Grudem

This new edition of Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem is one of the most important resources for helping you understand Scripture and grow as a Christian.The most widely used resource of the last 25 years in its area, Systematic Theology has been thoroughly revised and expanded for the first time while retaining the features that have made it the standard in its field: clear explanations, an emphasis on each doctrine's scriptural basis, and practical applications to daily life.With nearly 250 pages of new content and revisions, this new edition now includes the following distinctive features:Updated analysis of recent controversies within evangelical theology, including the eternal relationship between the Father and the Son in the Trinity, the role of women in the church, miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, and contemporary worship music.New discussion and critiques of recent theological controversies situated outside of traditional evangelical theology, such as open theism, the "new perspective on Paul," Molinism (or "middle knowledge"), "Free Grace" theology, and the preterist view of Christ's second coming.Completely revised chapter on the clarity of Scripture.Completely revised chapter on creation and evolution, including a longer critique of theistic evolution and an extensive discussion on the age of the earth.New discussion of how biblical inerrancy applies to some specific "problem verses" in the Gospels.Additional material explaining evangelical Protestant differences with Roman Catholicism, Protestant liberalism, and Mormonism.Completely updated bibliographies.All Scripture quotations updated from RSV to ESV.Updated section on contemporary worship music.Numerous other updates and corrections.Part of the brilliance of Systematic Theology has been its simplicity and ease of use. Each chapter follows the same structure: discussion of the doctrine being considered, an explanation of that doctrine's biblical support and possible objections, followed by personal application and key terms to know for personal growth. Chapters also include a Scripture memory passage, references to other literature on the topic, and suggested hymns and worship songs.If you think theology is hard to understand or boring, then this new edition of Systematic Theology will change your mind.

Teología sistemática - Segunda edición: Introducción a la doctrina bíblica

by Wayne A. Grudem

Con varios cientos de páginas de contenido nuevo, esta nueva edición ahora incluye las siguientes características distintivas:Análisis actualizado y completo de varias controversias recientes dentro del evangelicalismo, incluida la relación eterna entre el Padre y el Hijo en la Trinidad, la cuestión de la eternidad atemporal de Dios, el papel de la mujer en la iglesia, las iglesias «sensibles al buscador», los dones milagrosos del Espíritu Santo y música de adoración contemporánea.Nuevas y reflexivas críticas al teísmo abierto, la «nueva perspectiva sobre Pablo», el Molinismo o «conocimiento intermedio», la teología de la «gracia libre» y la visión preterista de la segunda venida de Cristo.Completamente revisado, un capítulo más fuerte sobre la claridad de las Escrituras.Completamente revisado, un capítulo más fuerte sobre la creación y evolución (incluyendo una crítica más larga de la evolución teísta). Nueva discusión sobre cómo la inerrancia bíblica se aplica a algunos «versículos problemáticos» específicos en los Evangelios.Material adicional que explica respetuosamente las diferencias evangélicas protestantes con el catolicismo romano, el liberalismo protestante y el mormonismo.Bibliografías completamente actualizadas.Una explicación de por qué los monógenos en Juan 3:16 y en otros lugares deben traducirse como «unigénito» en lugar de simplemente «solo» esto es un cambio de la primera edición.Una canción de adoración contemporánea agregada al final de cada capítulo (conservando también los himnos tradicionales).Otras numerosas actualizaciones y correcciones.Parte de la brillantez de la Teología sistemática a lo largo de los años ha sido su simplicidad y facilidad de uso. Cada capítulo sigue la misma estructura. Primero, se discute la doctrina que se está considerando, como la justificación o la Trinidad o la deidad de Cristo. Una explicación de dónde se apoya esa doctrina en la Biblia y siguen las posibles objeciones. Luego se proporcionan la aplicación personal y los términos clave que se deben conocer para el crecimiento personal. Los capítulos también incluyen un pasaje de memoria de las Escrituras, referencias a otra literatura sobre el tema e himnos sugeridos y canciones de adoración.Si eres alguien que piensa que la teología es difícil de entender o aburrida, entonces esta nueva edición de Teología sistemática probablemente te hará cambiar de opinión.Systematic Theology, Second EditionThe most widely-used text of the last 25 years in its discipline, Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem has been thoroughly revised and expanded (all 57 chapters) for the first time while retaining the features that have made it the standard in its field: clear explanations, an emphasis on each doctrine&’s scriptural basis, and practical applications to daily life.Part of the brilliance of Systematic Theology over the years has been its simplicity and ease of use.If you are someone who thinks theology is hard to understand or boring, then this new edition of Systematic Theology will likely change your mind.

Cuaderno de trabajo de la Teología sistemática: Preguntas de estudio y ejercicios prácticos para aprender doctrina Bíblica

by Wayne A. Grudem Brianna Smith Erik Thoennes

Este cuaderno de trabajo acompaña la muy apreciada Teología Sistemática de Wayne Grudem. Siguiendo la estructura del libro de texto, presenta material de revisión y ejercicios para cada capítulo, y todas las áreas principales de la doctrina cristiana están cubiertas, incluyendo:La Palabra de DiosDiosLa humanidadCristo y el Espíritu SantoLa aplicación de la redenciónLa IglesiaEl futuroEl ciaderno de trabajo además mantiene la escritura clara, el tono amigable y las aplicaciones frecuentes a la vida que se encuentran en el libro de texto. Los estudiantes se beneficiarán de este compromiso práctico con las enseñanzas importantes en teología sistemática.Systematic Theology WorkbookThis workbook accompanies Wayne Grudem's highly regarded Systematic Theology. Following the textbook's structure, it features review material and exercises for every chapter, and all major areas of Christian doctrine are covered, including:The Word of GodGodHumanityChrist and the Holy SpiritThe Application of RedemptionThe ChurchThe FutureThe workbook further maintains the clear writing, friendly tone, and frequent applications to life found in the textbook. Students will benefit from this hands-on engagement with the important teachings in Systematic Theology.

Systematic Theology Workbook: Study Questions and Practical Exercises for Learning Biblical Doctrine

by Wayne A. Grudem Brianna Smith Erik Thoennes

This workbook accompanies Wayne Grudem's highly regarded Systematic Theology. Following the textbook's structure, it features review material and exercises for every chapter, and all major areas of Christian doctrine are covered, including: The Word of GodGodHumanityChrist and the Holy SpiritThe Application of RedemptionThe ChurchThe FutureThe workbook further maintains the clear writing, friendly tone, and frequent applications to life found in the textbook. Students will benefit from this hands-on engagement with the important teachings in Systematic Theology.

Drink This: Wine Made Simple

by Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl

Offering a fresh new approach to understanding wine, a James Beard Award-winning food-and-wine journalist provides a plan, a method, and the context to enable readers to overcome their wine anxieties.

Global Construction Data

by Stephen Gruneberg

Global construction data is vital for contractors, governments, international organisations, policy makers, academic researchers and statisticians. As the global population of the world expands, the sustainability of the built environment raises the political agenda and the need to manage infrastructure and buildings in both urban and rural contexts becomes ever more pressing. How much more can the built environment grow and how can it be managed sustainably? This edited volume addresses how we can find a possible way through the inconsistencies between national construction data sets to devise a consistent approach to national construction data to further the global sustainability agenda and inform policy making. This search begins in Part I, which looks at the methods and definitions used in construction statistics in different countries. Part II considers examples of different types of construction data from the cost of materials, measuring work on high rise buildings and existing stock. In Part III, the authors consider construction data internationally, beginning with the problem of comparing data in different countries using exchange rates and purchasing power parities (PPPs), comparing innovation processes in different countries and looking at the provision of building design internationally. In Part IV, the international theme is continued by comparing accounting practices and company performance in different countries and concludes with an international comparison of construction industries. This book raises awareness of the significance of the construction industry globally and the importance of data to measure it. It informs the discussion of the best ways of handling the consequences of policies affecting the built environment and the effect of the built environment on the rest of the economy and society. It is essential reading for international economists, construction industry consultants, policy makers, construction statisticians and academics.

The Seasons of the Robin (Mildred Wyatt-Wold Series in Ornithology)

by Don Grussing

In a small nest in a large oak tree, the drama begins. A young American Robin breaks open his shell and emerges into a world that will provide the warmth of sunny days and the life-threatening chill of cold, rainy nights; the satisfaction of a full stomach and the danger of sudden predator attacks; and the chance to mature into an adult robin who’ll begin the cycle of life all over again come next spring. In The Seasons of the Robin, Don Grussing tells the uncommon life story of one of the most common birds, the North American Robin. Written as fiction to capture the high drama that goes on unnoticed right outside our windows, the book follows a young male robin through the first year of life. From his perspective, we experience many common episodes of a bird’s life—struggling to get out of the egg; awkwardly attempting to master flight; learning to avoid predators; migrating for the first time; returning home; establishing a territory; finding a mate; and beginning the cycle again. This creative approach of presenting natural history through a fictional, yet factually based, story allows us to experience the spine-tingling, nerve-wracking, adrenaline-flowing excitement that is so much a part of the life of every wild thing. As Don Grussing concludes in his preface, “Once you experience the world through a robin’s eyes, I hope you’ll look at every wild thing with new appreciation and respect for what they accomplish by living.”

1,001 Pearls of Teachers' Wisdom

by Erin Gruwell Frank Mccourt

The Little Book of Teachers' Wisdom is a fun and inspirational book packed with words of wisdom on the art of teaching. With more than 3,000 entries, it includes the thoughts on the art of teaching from hundreds of teachers, professors, authors, and politicians, including Aristotle, the Buddha, Mark Twain, Frederick Douglass, Helen Keller, Freud, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Winston Churchill, and John Lennon. It's the perfect gift for a teaching school graduate, a favorite teacher, or anyone with a passion for learning and educating.

Oppression: A Study in Social and Criminal Psychology (International Library of Sociology #A Study In Social & Criminal Psychology)

by Tadesuz Grygier

Published in 1998, Oppression is a valuable contribution to the field of Sociology and Social Policy.

Fuck You, 2016

by Bob A. Grypants

In the year that David Bowie died, Brexit shocked us, 'Hiddleswift' was a thing and Trump trumped, we are all asking ourselves was 2016 really the worst year ever? Find out in this special* commemorative book**.Inside this cathartic memento of the annus shitabulus that was 2016 you'll find a hilarious guide to everything that went wrong and the few - very few - things that actually went right. For example:- How was it that politics completely jumped the shark this year?- From Bowie to Prince, Ali to Cohen, we celebrate the many extraordinary artists who died rather than see Trump become President (Did Castro make it into the book? Close, but no cigar)- Compare 2016 with other terrible years in history - is it really the very worst?- Make sense of Manbuns, Pokemon Go, Hygge, Nigel Farage and other nonsense- With the aid of an electron microscope we hunt for something good that actually happened- Feel relieved about all the bad things that didn't occur - yet (there's always 2017, folks!)Featuring some really badly drawn illustrations, this comic compendium will soothe your troubled soul - before you throw it in the bin and prepare your mightily hungover self to face 2017. It has to be better, right?* i.e. hastily put together** Warning: this book will spontaneously combust at midnight on December 31st 2016

Attack of the Killer Facts!

by Eric Gryzymokowski

Factoid Attack: Inherent sadistic streak in dentists confirmed!The electric chair was invented by a dentist, Dr. Alfred Southwick. Not surprising, dentists have been perfecting torture devices for centuries. Factoid Attack: Galaxy at risk! Intelligent life in short supply!In 1961, Astronomer Frank Drake estimated the number of probable intelligent civilizations inhabiting our galaxy. Using conservative numbers, that estimate came to 10,000. Unfortunately, we are not included in that total.Factoid Attack: Colorblind bulls hate all matadors equally!The color of a matador's cape, or muleta, is traditionally red, which is widely believed to irritate the bull. In reality, bulls are colorblind, so it is irrelevant what color cape a matador uses to antagonize them. Shot in the dark, but maybe it's the being stabbed with swords bit that pisses them off.Forget Fringe, Warehouse 13, and The X-Files. In this book, you'll find more weird and wacko truths than in all those combined. From golden poison dart frogs with enough venom to kill ten grown humans to cockroaches that can survive radiation 15 times stronger than what kills people, scary and strange just got scarier--and stranger!

Attack of the Killer Facts!: 1,001 Terrifying Truths about the Little Green Men, Government Mind-Control, Flesh-Eating Bacteria, and Goat-Sucking Vampires

by Eric Gryzymokowski

Factoid Attack: Inherent sadistic streak in dentists confirmed!The electric chair was invented by a dentist, Dr. Alfred Southwick. Not surprising, dentists have been perfecting torture devices for centuries.Factoid Attack: Galaxy at risk! Intelligent life in short supply!In 1961, Astronomer Frank Drake estimated the number of probable intelligent civilizations inhabiting our galaxy. Using conservative numbers, that estimate came to 10,000. Unfortunately, we are not included in that total.Factoid Attack: Colorblind bulls hate all matadors equally!The color of a matador's cape, or muleta, is traditionally red, which is widely believed to irritate the bull. In reality, bulls are colorblind, so it is irrelevant what color cape a matador uses to antagonize them. Shot in the dark, but maybe it's the being stabbed with swords bit that pisses them off.Forget Fringe, Warehouse 13, and The X-Files. In this book, you'll find more weird and wacko truths than in all those combined. From golden poison dart frogs with enough venom to kill ten grown humans to cockroaches that can survive radiation 15 times stronger than what kills people, scary and strange just got scarier-and stranger!

Attack of the Killer Facts

by Eric Grzymkowski

Factoid Attack: Inherent sadistic streak in dentists confirmed!The electric chair was invented by a dentist, Dr. Alfred Southwick. Not surprising, dentists have been perfecting torture devices for centuries. Factoid Attack: Galaxy at risk! Intelligent life in short supply!In 1961, Astronomer Frank Drake estimated the number of probable intelligent civilizations inhabiting our galaxy. Using conservative numbers, that estimate came to 10,000. Unfortunately, we are not included in that total. Factoid Attack: Colorblind bulls hate all matadors equally!The color of a matador's cape, or muleta, is traditionally red, which is widely believed to irritate the bull. In reality, bulls are colorblind, so it is irrelevant what color cape a matador uses to antagonize them. Shot in the dark, but maybe it's the being stabbed with swords bit that pisses them off. Forget Fringe, Warehouse 13, and The X-Files. In this book, you'll find more weird and wacko truths than in all those combined. From golden poison dart frogs with enough venom to kill ten grown humans to cockroaches that can survive radiation 15 times stronger than what kills people, scary and strange just got scarier--and stranger!

The Quotable A**hole: More than 1,200 Bitter Barbs, Cutting Comments, and Caustic Comebacks for Aspiring and Armchair A**holes Alike

by Eric Grzymkowski

Whoever said, "sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you" never met an a**hole. Here, you'll find more than 1,200 of the most biting quotes, comments, and comebacks ever uttered, including:"I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would be an affront to your intelligence." --George Bernard Shaw"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein"If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you." --Muhammed AliYou won't just find quotes from typical a**holes like Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Mark Twain, either. You'll also see what happens when practically perfect folks like Walt Disney, Mahatma Ghandi, and Audrey Hepburn lose their cool.So embrace your dark side and get ready to enjoy every over-confident, over-blown, over-the-top a**hole comment you'll ever need.

The United States of Strange

by Eric Grzymkowski

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of All Things Weird Sure, you probably know that George Washington was our first president and that Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered America in 1492, but did you know that there are more plastic flamingos in the United States than there are real ones and that Disneyland employees were not permitted to wear their own underwear while dressing in character until 2001? Behind the portrait of America that history classes, news reports, and boring documentaries have painted lies a strange and perplexing country that you couldn't imagine even in your wildest dreams. Featuring 1,001 shocking facts, this book reveals all the secrets and weirdness that you never knew about the United States. From the thirty-two(!) bathrooms in the White House to the fact that a single U.S.-made hamburger may contain meat from 100 different cows, these wacky tidbits will guarantee that you'll never look at this nation the same way again!

The United States of Strange: 1,001 Frightening, Bizarre, Outrageous Facts About the Land of the Free and the Home of the Frog People, the Cockroach Hall of Fame, and Carhenge

by Eric Grzymkowski

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of All Things WeirdSure, you probably know that George Washington was our first president and that Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered America in 1492, but did you know that there are more plastic flamingos in the United States than there are real ones and that Disneyland employees were not permitted to wear their own underwear while dressing in character until 2001?Behind the portrait of America that history classes, news reports, and boring documentaries have painted lies a strange and perplexing country that you couldn't imagine even in your wildest dreams. Featuring 1,001 shocking facts, this book reveals all the secrets and weirdness that you never knew about the United States. From the thirty-two(!) bathrooms in the White House to the fact that a single U.S.–made hamburger may contain meat from 100 different cows, these wacky tidbits will guarantee that you'll never look at this nation the same way again!

The United States of Strange

by Eric Grzymkowski

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of All Things Weird Sure, you probably know that George Washington was our first president and that Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered America in 1492, but did you know that there are more plastic flamingos in the United States than there are real ones and that Disneyland employees were not permitted to wear their own underwear while dressing in character until 2001? Behind the portrait of America that history classes, news reports, and boring documentaries have painted lies a strange and perplexing country that you couldn't imagine even in your wildest dreams. Featuring 1,001 shocking facts, this book reveals all the secrets and weirdness that you never knew about the United States. From the thirty-two(!) bathrooms in the White House to the fact that a single U. S. 'made hamburger may contain meat from 100 different cows, these wacky tidbits will guarantee that you'll never look at this nation the same way again!

What Do I Do If...?: How to Get Out of Real-Life Worst-Case Scenarios

by Eric Grzymkowski

Easy solutions for life's toughest scenariosWhen there's a 1 in 12 million chance of a shark attack occurring and a 1 in 5 chance of bed-bug infestation, it's easy to see which scenario is worth preparing for. What Do I Do If...? helps you solve the far more common, but no less devastating, of life's little curveballs. From accidentally dropping your ring down the drain to blowing out a tire at 65 mph to dealing with a friend who won't pay you back, each entry offers practical advice for fixing or getting out of just about any situation. With these handy instructions, you'll finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief when your boss comes onto you, your brakes fail, or you get trapped in an avalanche.Filled with 120 valuable solutions to life's toughest problems, this book is there to save the day when you run into some bad luck and have no idea what to do next.

A Year of Living Sinfully: A Self-Serving Guide to Doing Whatever the Hell You Want

by Eric Grzymkowski

Your whole life you've done the right thing. Given to charity. Helped old ladies across the street. Rescued stray kittens. But now you're tired of being good all the time. It's time to walk a darker path.So dropkick your inhibitions and tap into your inner sinner. This is your passport to shoving common civility into the mud and enjoying yourself. Life expectancy these days is 78.4 years. What's wrong with taking 365 days to go on a 24/7 bender?After all, you've got 77.4 other years to be good.

A Year of Living Sinfully: A Self-Serving Guide to Doing Whatever the Hell You Want

by Eric Grzymkowski

Your whole life you've done the right thing. Given to charity. Helped old ladies across the street. Rescued stray kittens. But now you're tired of being good all the time. It's time to walk a darker path.So dropkick your inhibitions and tap into your inner sinner. This is your passport to shoving common civility into the mud and enjoying yourself. Life expectancy these days is 78.4 years. What's wrong with taking 365 days to go on a 24/7 bender?After all, you've got 77.4 other years to be good.

Human and Machines: Philosophical Thinking of Artificial Intelligence (Human Intelligence)

by Jun Gu Yike Guo

This book shares Chinese scholars’ philosophical views on artificial intelligence. The discussions range from the foundations of AI—the Turing test and creation of machine intelligence—to recent applications of AI, including decisions in games, natural languages, pattern recognition, prediction in economic contexts, autonomous behaviors, and collaborative intelligence, with the examples of AlphaGo, Microsoft’s Xiao Bing, medical robots, etc. The book’s closing chapter focuses on Chinese machines and explores questions on the cultural background of artificial intelligence. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for all members of the general public who are interested in the future development of artificial intelligence, especially from the perspective of respected Chinese scholars.

Virtual Existentialism: Meaning and Subjectivity in Virtual Worlds

by Stefano Gualeni Daniel Vella

This book explores what it means to exist in virtual worlds. Chiefly drawing on the philosophical traditions of existentialism, it articulates the idea that — by means of our technical equipment and coordinated practices — human beings disclose contexts or worlds in which they can perceive, feel, act, and think. More specifically, this book discusses how virtual worlds allow human beings to take new perspectives on their values and beliefs, and explore previously unexperienced ways of being. Virtual Existentialism will be useful for scholars working in the fields of philosophy, anthropology, media studies, and digital game studies.

How Slow Can you Waterski?: and other puzzling questions ...

by Guardian News and Media Ltd

When the powers that be reduced the speed limit on Lake Windermere to 10 knots, waterskiers complained that their sport was now completely scuppered. So just how slow can you waterski before you start to sink beneath the waves?And, while we're about it, how long can you survive in a freezer? What are the chances of being struck by lightning in bed? And why is it so esay to raed wrods eevn wehn the lteetrs are mdduled up?Everyday life can pose some mind-boggling questions - but where do you find the answers? The Guardian's popular 'This Week' column has been looking into the science behind the news for three years, and How Slow Can You Waterski? draws together a selection of the most imaginative questions and the most surprising answers. If you've ever wondered what makes a planet a planet, why submarines keep bumping into things or even if it's safe to eat mud, How Slow Can You Waterski? will prove irresistible - and enlightening - reading.

Cook with Me: 150 Recipes for the Home Cook: A Cookbook

by Alex Guarnaschelli

Through 150 decadent and smart recipes, the Food Network icon explores how the relationships with her family have shaped her as a chef and home cook. &“Each recipe overflows with love and purpose, technique and soul, and, most of all, genuine joy for nourishing the people in your life who matter most.&”—Gail Simmons, food expert, TV host, and author of Bringing it Home Growing up with a legendary cookbook-editor mother and a food-obsessed father, Alex Guarnaschelli has always loved to cook. Now, with a daughter of her own, food and cooking mean even more to Alex—they are a way for her to share memories, such as shopping in Little Italy with her father for cured meats and aged cheeses, and tasting the recipes her mom would make from the cookbooks of the iconic authors she worked with. And, more than anything, cooking is what Alex and her daughter, Ava, most love to do together. In Cook with Me, Alex revives the recipes she grew up with, such as her mom&’s chicken with barbecue sauce and her dad&’s steamed pork dumplings, offers recipes for foods that she wishes she grew up with, such as comforting and cheesy baked ziti, and details dishes new to her repertoire, including sheet pan pork chops with spicy Brussels sprouts and a roasted sweet potato salad with honey and toasted pumpkin seeds. From meatballs two ways (are you a Godfather or a Goodfellas person?) to the blueberry crumble her mom made every summer, Alex shares recipes and insights that can come only from generations of collective experience. These recipes reflect the power that food has to bring people together and is a testament to the importance of sustaining traditions and creating new ones.

The Home Cook: Recipes to Know by Heart

by Alex Guarnaschelli

The all-in-one cooking bible for a new generation with 300 recipes for everything from simple vinaigrettes and roast chicken to birthday cake and cocktails. For Alex Guarnaschelli—whose mother edited the seminal 1997 edition of The Joy of Cooking, which defined the food of the late twentieth century—a life in food and cookbooks was almost predestined. Now an accomplished chef and author in her own right (and mom to a young daughter), Alex pens a cookbook for the way we eat today. For generations raised on vibrant, international flavors and supermarkets stocked with miso paste, harissa, and other bold condiments and ingredients, here are 300 recipes to replace their parents’ Chicken Marbella, including Glazed Five-Spice Ribs, Roasted Eggplant Dip with Garlic Butter Naan, Roasted Beef Brisket with Pastrami Rub, Fennel and Orange Salad with Walnut Pesto, Quinoa Allspice Oatmeal Cookies, and Dark Chocolate Rum Pie.

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