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Open Heart, Clear Mind

by Thubten Chodron

. . . conveys a clear understanding of Buddhism as it has been practiced by Tibetans, in easily comprehensible language. --His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Open Heart, Open Mind: Awakening the Power of Essence Love

by Eric Swanson Tsoknyi Rinpoche

In Open Heart, Open Mind, Tsoknyi Rinpoche--one of the most beloved of the contemporary generation of Tibetan Buddhist meditation masters--explains that a life free of fear, pain, insecurity, and doubt is not only possible, it's our birthright. We long for peace, for the ability to love and be loved openly and freely, and for the confidence and clarity to meet the various challenges we face in our daily lives.Within each of us resides a spark of unparalleled brilliance, an unlimited capacity for warmth, openness, and courage, which Rinpoche identifies as "essence love." Timeless and imperishable, essence love is often layered over by patterns of behavior and belief that urge us to seek happiness in conditions or situations that never quite live up to their promise. Drawing on rarely discussed teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, Rinpoche describes how such patterns evolve and offers a series of meditation exercises to help us unravel them and, in the process, reawaken an energy and exuberance that can not only bring lasting fulfillment to our lives but ultimately serve to enliven and inspire the entire world, as well.With great humor, intelligence, and candor, Tsoknyi Rinpoche also details his own struggles to reconnect with essence love. Identified at an early age as the incarnation of a renowned Tibetan master and subjected to a rigorous monastic training, he ultimately renounced his vows, married, and is now the father of two daughters.As he recounts his own efforts to strike a balance between the promptings of his heart and an obligation to preserve and protect the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, Rinpoche provides a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern life, and encourages each of us to rediscover the openness, fearlessness, and love that is the essence of our own life.From the Hardcover edition.

An Open-Hearted Life: Transformative Methods for Compassionate Living from a Clinical Psychologist and a Buddhist Nun

by Russell Kolts Thubten Chodron

A life overflowing with compassion. It sounds wonderful in theory, but how do you do it? This guide provides practical methods for living with this wonderful quality, based on traditional Buddhist teachings and on methods from modern psychology--particularly a technique called Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT). The methods presented by the two authors--a psychotherapist and a Tibetan Buddhist nun--turn out to have a good deal in common. In fact, they complement each other in wonderful ways. Each of the sixty-four short chapters ends with a reflection or exercise for putting compassion into practice in various life situations.

Open Hearts, Closed Doors: Immigration Reform and the Waning of Mainline Protestantism

by Nicholas T. Pruitt

A history of mainline Protestant responses to immigrants and refugees during the twentieth centuryOpen Hearts, Closed Doors uncovers the largely overlooked role that liberal Protestants played in fostering cultural diversity in America and pushing for new immigration laws during the forty years following the passage of the restrictive Immigration Act of 1924. These efforts resulted in the complete reshaping of the US cultural and religious landscape.During this period, mainline Protestants contributed to the national debate over immigration policy and joined the charge for immigration reform, advocating for a more diverse pool of newcomers. They were successful in their efforts, and in 1965 the quota system based on race and national origin was abolished. But their activism had unintended consequences, because the liberal immigration policies they supported helped to end over three centuries of white Protestant dominance in American society.Yet, Pruitt argues, in losing their cultural supremacy, mainline Protestants were able to reassess their mission. They rolled back more strident forms of xenophobia, substantively altering the face of mainline Protestantism and laying foundations for their responses to today’s immigration debates. More than just a historical portrait, this volume is a timely reminder of the power of religious influence in political matters.

Open Judaism: A Guide for Believers, Atheists, and Agnostics

by Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz

Open Judaism offers a big-tent welcome to all Jews and Judaism. It is at once an invitation to the spiritually seeking Jew, a clarion call for a deeply pluralistic and inclusive Judaism, and a dynamic exploration of the remarkable array of thought within Judaism today. In honest, engaging language Barry L. Schwartz, a practicing rabbi and writer, presents traditional, secular-humanistic, and liberal Jewish views on nine major topics—God, soul, Torah, halakhah, Jewish identity, inclusion, Israel, ethics, and prayer. Teachings from many of Judaism&’s greatest thinkers organically reveal and embellish foundational ideas of Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Renewal, and Humanistic Judaism. The conclusion sets forth core statements of belief in Judaism for believers, atheists, and agnostics, thereby summarizing the full spectrum of thought and enabling readers to make and act on their own choices.

An Open Letter on Translating

by Martin Luther


An Open Letter to a Jehovah's Witness

by Roy Zuck

Understanding what Jehovah's Witnesses teach and believe is crucial to counteract their aggressive evangelism campaigns. Roy Zuck offers this letter in the absence of direct, compassionate literature to hand to them to explain Scriptural truth and the difference between their faith and Christianity. In booklet form, it is compassionate while clearly explaining the Deity of Christ and how the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses contradict the Bible.

An Open Letter to a Jehovah's Witness

by Roy Zuck

Understanding what Jehovah's Witnesses teach and believe is crucial to counteract their aggressive evangelism campaigns. Roy Zuck offers this letter in the absence of direct, compassionate literature to hand to them to explain Scriptural truth and the difference between their faith and Christianity. In booklet form, it is compassionate while clearly explaining the Deity of Christ and how the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses contradict the Bible.

Open Mind: View and Meditation in the Lineage of Lerab Linga

by Eva Natanya His Holiness the Dalai Lama B. Alan Wallace

Get to know the teachings and legacy of the celebrated Lerab Lingpa, the influential confidant of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, in this collection of practical instructions on the Great Perfection and reflections on the nonsectarian (rimé) approach to Tibetan Buddhism.Lerab Lingpa (1856–1926), also known as Tertön Sogyal, was one of the great Dzogchen (Great Perfection) masters of the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries and a close confidant and guru of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama. This volume contains translations by B. Alan Wallace of two works that are representative of the lineage of this great “treasure revealer,” or tertön. The first work, composed by Lerab Lingpa himself, is The Vital Essence of Primordial Consciousness. It presents pith instructions on all the stages of the Great Perfection, which is the highest form of meditation and practice in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. In this practice, the meditator comes to see directly the ultimate nature of consciousness itself. The work guides the reader from the common preliminaries through to the highest practices of the Great Perfection—the direct crossing over and the achievement of the rainbow body. The second work, Selected Essays on Old and New Views of the Secret Mantrayana, is a collection of seven essays by two of Lerab Lingpa’s close disciples, Dharmasara and Jé Tsultrim Zangpo. Dharmasara wrote six of the essays, providing detailed, erudite explanations of the compatibility among the theories and practices of Great Perfection, Mahamudra (a parallel practice tradition found in other schools), and the Madhyamaka view, especially as these are interpreted by the Indian pandita Candrakirti, the Nyingma master Longchen Rabjam, and Tsongkhapa, founder of the Geluk school of Tibetan Buddhism. The one essay by Jé Tsultrim Zangpo (a.k.a. Tulku Tsullo), “An Ornament of the Enlightened View of Samantabhadra,” contextualizes the Great Perfection within the broader framework of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism and then elucidates all the stages of practice of the Great Perfection, unifying the profound path of cutting through and the vast path of the spontaneous actualization of the direct crossing over. This volume will be of great interest for all those interested in the theory and practice of the Great Perfection and the way it relates to the wisdom teachings of Tsongkhapa and others in the new translation schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

Open Mind, Open Heart: The Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel

by Thomas Keating

This book is designed to initiate the reader into a deep, living relationship with God. Written by an acknowledged spiritual master, the book moves beyond "discursive meditation and particular acts to the intuitive level of contemplation." Keating gives an overview of the history of contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition, and step-by-step guidance in the method of centering prayer. Special attention is paid to the role of the Sacred Word, Christian growth and transformation, and active prayer. The book ends with an explicit treatment of the contemplative dimension of the gospel.

Open Minded: Working Out the Logic of the Soul

by Jonathan Lear

Freud is discredited, so we do not have to think about the darker strains of unconcious motivation anymore. We know what moves our political leaders, so we don't have to look closely at their thinking either. In fact, the author argues, everywhere we look in contemporary culture, knowingness has taken the place of thought. This book is an assault on that deadening trend, especially as it affects our deepest attempts to understand the human psyche - in philosophy and psychoanalysis. It explodes the widespread notion that we already know the problems and proper methods in these fields and so no longer need to ask crucial questions about the structure of human subjectivity.

The Open Path: Recognizing Nondual Awareness

by Elias Amidon

The globally renowned spiritual teacher offers a guide to awakening our most enlightened nature—the unified awareness behind all consciousness. Interest in nondual awareness as the essence of spiritual awakening is rapidly expanding throughout the Western world. Those who follow spiritual paths, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism, and Kabbalism, often come up against a kind of ceiling due to their religion&’s cultural context or a belief system that places awakening beyond the reach of adherents. For years, Elias Amidon has helped seekers break through their blockages with his nine-month Open Path trainings conducted all over the world. In The Open Path, Amidon shares the lessons and exercises of these trainings. It is a guide to the realization of the silent ground of all being, and to expressing that realization in your daily life.

The Open Road

by Pico Iyer

Iyer, who has previously written about Buddhism and globalism, now offers this account of the travels of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama and his effort to inform the world about current conditions in Tibet under Chinese rule. Equal time is spent on observing the day-to-day routines of this icon, both in public and in private, and providing a broader explanation of the man's philosophies and goals. Anyone who has expressed an interest in knowing more about the Dalai Lama will enjoy this revealing study. Annotation ©2008 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

The Open Secret: A New Vision for Natural Theology

by Alister E. McGrath

Natural theology, in the view of many, is in crisis. In this long-awaited book, Alister McGrath sets out a new vision for natural theology, re-establishing its legitimacy and utility. A timely and innovative resource on natural theology: the exploration of knowledge of God as it is observed through nature Written by internationally regarded theologian and author of numerous bestselling books, Alister McGrath Develops an intellectually rigorous vision of natural theology as a point of convergence between the Christian faith, the arts and literature, and the natural sciences, opening up important possibilities for dialogue and cross-fertilization Treats natural theology as a cultural phenomenon, broader than Christianity itself yet always possessing a distinctively Christian embodiment Explores topics including beauty, goodness, truth, and the theological imagination; how investigating nature gives rise to both theological and scientific theories; the idea of a distinctively Christian approach to nature; and how natural theology can function as a bridge between Christianity and other faiths

The Open Secret: An Introduction to the Theology of Mission

by Lesslie Newbigin

Aimed at bringing contemporary concerns in mission theology to a wide-reading public, this volume flows from Newbigin's extensive experience in the mission field and from lectures developed especially to prepare men and women for missionary service. Newbigin describes the Christian mission as the declaration of an open secret—open in that it is preached to all nations, secret in that it is manifest only to the eyes of faith. The result is a thoroughly biblical attempt to lead the church to embrace its Christ-given task of presenting the gospel in our complex modern world. This revised edition includes a helpful index and a new preface.

The Open Secret: An Introduction to the Theology of Mission

by Lesslie Newbigin

Aimed at bringing contemporary concerns in mission theology to a wide-reading public, this volume flows from Newbigin's extensive experience in the mission field and from lectures developed especially to prepare men and women for missionary service. Newbigin describes the Christian mission as the declaration of an open secret—open in that it is preached to all nations, secret in that it is manifest only to the eyes of faith. The result is a thoroughly biblical attempt to lead the church to embrace its Christ-given task of presenting the gospel in our complex modern world. This revised edition includes a helpful index and a new preface.

Open Secret: Postmessianic Messianism and the Mystical Revision of Menaḥem Mendel Schneerson

by Elliot R. Wolfson

Menaḥem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994) was the seventh and seemingly last Rebbe of the Habad-Lubavitch dynasty. Marked by conflicting tendencies, Schneerson was a radical messianic visionary who promoted a conservative political agenda, a reclusive contemplative who built a hasidic sect into an international movement, and a man dedicated to the exposition of mysteries who nevertheless harbored many secrets. Schneerson astutely masked views that might be deemed heterodox by the canons of orthodoxy while engineering a fundamentalist ideology that could subvert traditional gender hierarchy, the halakhic distinction between permissible and forbidden, and the social-anthropological division between Jew and Gentile. While most literature on the Rebbe focuses on whether or not he identified with the role of Messiah, Elliot R. Wolfson, a leading scholar of Jewish mysticism and the phenomenology of religious experience, concentrates instead on Schneerson's apocalyptic sensibility and his promotion of a mystical consciousness that undermines all discrimination. For Schneerson, the ploy of secrecy is crucial to the dissemination of the messianic secret. To be enlightened messianically is to be delivered from all conceptual limitations, even the very notion of becoming emancipated from limitation. The ultimate liberation, or true and complete redemption, fuses the believer into an infinite essence beyond all duality, even the duality of being emancipated and not emancipated-an emancipation, in other words, that emancipates one from the bind of emancipation. At its deepest level, Schneerson's eschatological orientation discerned that a spiritual master, if he be true, must dispose of the mask of mastery. Situating Habad's thought within the evolution of kabbalistic mysticism, the history of Western philosophy, and Mahayana Buddhism, Wolfson articulates Schneerson's rich theology and profound philosophy, concentrating on the nature of apophatic embodiment, semiotic materiality, hypernomian transvaluation, nondifferentiated alterity, and atemporal temporality.

Open Secrets: A Spiritual Journey Through a Country Church

by Richard Lischer

In the tradition of Garrison Keillor, Open Secrets captures the friendships, rivalries, and rumors of small-town life by chronicling the lives of the citizens of a small Midwestern community through the eyes of a young minister. Fresh out of divinity school and bursting with enthusiasm, Richard Lischer found himself assigned to a small conservative church in an economically depressed town in southern Illinois.

Open Secrets

by Rabbi Rami Shapiro

". . . a rare jewel, a powerhouse of spiritual wisdom that you can read and reread."--Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. author of A Woman's Journey to God and Seven Paths to God"[Open Secrets] invites us into the most intimate of settings, the whispered wisdom passed from an authentic Hasidic master to his student. It radiates warmth, passion for the divine, and earthy confidence in sacredness. A treasure for the spiritual seeker of any tradition." --Judith Simmer-Brown, Naropa University, author of Dakini's Warm Breath"Open Secrets is my favorite way to introduce readers to the essence and depth of Judaism."--Bo Lozoff, author and founder of the Human Kindness Foundation"A master teacher."--Thomas Keating"A prophetic voice for a 21st-century Judaism"--Reb Zalman Schachter-ShalomiThe fictional East European Hasidic Master Reb Yerachmeil writes to his hasid Herschel who has moved to America, in response to his student's perennial questions about God, what it means to be Jewish, whether all religions are true, about death, the soul, good deeds, intermarriage and more. The rebbe writes, "My Judaism seeks only the heart of the teaching and the essence of the practice and leaves the details to others." At the urging of his own rebbe, Shapiro, through these letters, creates a ". . . a Judaism for people who wish to learn from it as they do from Buddhism or Sufism, a Judaism for everyone."Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro is regarded as one of the most creative voices in contemporary American Judaism. He is an award-winning poet and essayist, and his liturgies are used in prayer services throughout North America. His previous books include Minyan: 10 Principles for Living a Life of Integrity and The Way of Solomon: Finding Joy and Contentment in the Wisdom of Ecclesiastes.

The Open Table DVD, Vol. 1: An Invitation to Know God

by Donald Miller

The Open Table introduces believers and nonbelievers to the person and deity of Christ in a new and refreshing way. There are many people who argue God doesn't exist and many who argue God does. Still, millions know that, all arguments aside, what they feel in their souls is a need for God. To some, the idea of searching for God sounds as ridiculous as chasing a leprechaun to get his pot of gold. And yet few go looking for a leprechaun, while millions go on looking for God. At the heart of the Christian story--the story at the heart of The Open Table--is this basic idea: God shows up in the lives of people who search for Him. The Open Table DVD uses state of the art video and the power of personal testimony to put God in front of anyone who has yet to meet Him. The Open Table Participant's Guide is for those whose interest is sparked and who want to dig deeper. In the unique and relevant voice of Don Miller, The Open Table introduces people to the person and deity of Christ, and everyone is invited to the table.

The Open Table ParticipantÆs Guide, Vol. 1: An Invitation to Know God

by Donald Miller

The Open Table introduces believers and nonbelievers to the person and deity of Christ in a new and refreshing way. There are many people who argue God doesnÆt exist and many who argue God does. Still, millions know that, all arguments aside, what they feel in their souls is a need for God. To some, the idea of searching for God sounds as ridiculous as chasing a leprechaun to get his pot of gold. And yet few go looking for a leprechaun, while millions go on looking for God. At the heart of the Christian storyùthe story at the heart of The Open Tableùis this basic idea: God shows up in the lives of people who search for Him. The Open Table DVD uses state of the art video and the power of personal testimony to put God in front of anyone who has yet to meet Him. The Open Table ParticipantÆs Guide is there for those whose interest is sparked and who want to dig deeper. In the unique and relevant voice of Don Miller, The Open Table introduces people to the person and deity of Christ, and everyone is invited to the table.

Open the Bible in 30 Days (Ten Keys Unlocking the Bible)

by Colin S. Smith

Discover the whole Bible story.Though the Bible is the perennial best-selling book, many people don&’t know where to begin. Open the Bible in 30 Days is a comprehensive and engaging tool that gives you an overview of God&’s Word. Colin Smith opens the Bible in three stages: the Old Testament where we meet God the Father, the Gospels where we learn to trust Christ the Son, and the New Testament letters where we discover life in the Holy Spirit. Open the Bible in 30 Days can be used individually or alongside &“Open,&” an online guided journey through the life-changing story of Scripture. Grab a copy of Open the Bible in 30 Days and visit to get started.

Open the Bible in 30 Days (Ten Keys Unlocking the Bible)

by Colin S. Smith

Discover the whole Bible story.Though the Bible is the perennial best-selling book, many people don&’t know where to begin. Open the Bible in 30 Days is a comprehensive and engaging tool that gives you an overview of God&’s Word. Colin Smith opens the Bible in three stages: the Old Testament where we meet God the Father, the Gospels where we learn to trust Christ the Son, and the New Testament letters where we discover life in the Holy Spirit. Open the Bible in 30 Days can be used individually or alongside &“Open,&” an online guided journey through the life-changing story of Scripture. Grab a copy of Open the Bible in 30 Days and visit to get started.

Open Theism (Elements in Religion and Monotheism)

by null Alan R. Rhoda

This Element shows Open theism as a monotheist model of God according to which the future is objectively open-ended, not just from the finite perspective of creation, but from God's perspective as well. This Element has three main sections. The first carefully defines open theism, distinguishes its major variants, compares it to other monotheistic models, and summarizes its history. The second develops biblical and philosophical arguments for open theism against its main rivals, emphasizing a novel philosophical argument that a causally open future must also be ontically, alethically, epistemically, and providentially open as well. The third responds to common objections against open theism related to perfect being theology, the ethics of risk-taking, biblical prophecy, and theological tradition.

Open to Desire: The Truth about What the Buddha Taught

by Mark Epstein

“A masterpiece. . . . It teaches us how not to fear and repress, but to rechannel and harness the most powerful energies of life toward freedom and bliss. ” —ROBERT THURMAN It is common in both Buddhism and Freudian psychoanalysis to treat desire as if it is the root of all suffering and problems, but psychiatrist Mark Epstein believes this to be a grave misunderstanding. In his controversial defense of desire, he makes clear that it is the key to deepening intimacy with ourselves, each other, and our world. Proposing that spiritual attainment does not have to be detached from intimacy or eroticism, Open to Desire begins with an exploration of the state of dissatisfaction that causes us to cling to irrational habits. Dr. Epstein helps readers overcome their own fears of desire so that they can more readily bridge the gap between self and other, cope with feelings of incompletion, and get past the perception of others as objects. Freed from clinging and shame, desire’s spiritual potential can then be opened up. .

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