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Showing 64,301 through 64,325 of 81,300 results

A Christmas Passage

by David Saperstein George Samerjan

It's the most wonderful time of the year for some-- and the worst for others. But within the heart of every Christmas, lies a special surprise for everyone... Christmas Eve morning at a crowded airport threatens to become Christmas Day when a heavy snowfall waylays five strangers on their way to Asheville, North Carolina. Marta's traveling with two children and the weight of a bitter divorce on her shoulders ... Andy, a widower and Vietnam vet, reminisces at the airport bar when he notices the presence of a female soldier ... Specialist Ilena is on leave from Iraq, fraught with guilt about leaving her comrades ... Reggie, a laid-off assembly worker, contemplates his uncertain future ... and wealthy businessman John is troubled by the untimely death of his high-powered, workaholic father. As the travelers reflect on their lives, a new challenge soon arises: their plane is grounded. But in the spirit of the season, a good Samaritan offers to drive them to Asheville. Then her van gets stuck on a snowy road-- and the real journey begins for an unlikely group who have more in common than meets the eye as they embark on a magical passage that will show them the true meaning of Christmas...

Lifelines: Ordinary People…Facing Extraordinary Challenges. Their Stories - and the Stories Behind Their Stories

by C. Saphir

<p>This is a book about searching. About failures and upheaval and healing and growth. About exploring limitations and breaking through boundaries. This is a book about us. <p>In LifeLines, we meet people going through challenges, who have generously shared their stories and experiences. What's it like to be a child of divorced parents? How can a young man overwhelmed with shidduch choices find the right girl? A woman makes three weddings in one year — so why isn't she smiling? In these lives we discover of all the burning issues of the day — shidduchim, shalom bayis, childrearing, kids-at-risk, illness, learning disabilities — examined not by outsiders with theories and solutions, but by the people themselves, the ones who are going through, or have already overcome, the challenges, the ones who really know what it's like. <p>Depressing? Not at all. For we are not just hearing about troubles and suffering — we are seeing the courage of everyday people who are learning to accept, to change, and to grow from their life circumstances. <p>Every story includes a postscript composed of brand-new material that takes a behind-the-scenes look at the aftermath of the story and adds an exciting new layer of meaning. <p>LifeLines gives us an absorbing insider's view of the extraordinary lives of ordinary people.</p>

State and Religion in Israel: A Philosophical-Legal Inquiry

by Gideon Sapir Daniel Statman

State and Religion in Israel begins with a philosophical analysis of the two main questions regarding the role of religion in liberal states: should such states institute a 'Wall of Separation' between state and religion? Should they offer religious practices and religious communities special protection? Gideon Sapir and Daniel Statman argue that liberalism in not committed to Separation, but is committed to granting religion a unique protection, albeit a narrower one than often assumed. They then use Israel as a case study for their conclusions. Although Israel is defined as a Jewish state, its Jewish identity need not be interpreted religiously, requiring that it subjects itself to the dictates of Jewish law (Halakha). The authors test this view by critically examining important topics relevant to state and religion in Israel: marriage and divorce, the drafting of yeshiva students into the army, the character of the Sabbath and more.

Zionism’s Redemptions: Images of the Past and Visions of the Future in Jewish Nationalism

by Arieh Saposnik

In this volume, Arieh Saposnik examines the complicated relations between nationalism and religious (and non-religious) redemptive traditions through the case study of Zionism. He provides a new framework for understanding the central ideas of this movement and its relationship to traditional Jewish ideas, Christian thought, and modern secular messianisms. Providing a longue-durée and broad view of the central themes and motivations in the making of Zionism, Saposnik connects its intellectual history with the concrete development of the Zionist project in Israel in its cultural, social, and political history. Saposnik demonstrates how Zionism offers lessons for a politics in which human perfectibility continues to serve as a guiding light and as a counter-narrative to the contemporary politics of self-interest, self-promotion and 'post-truth.' This is a study that bears implications for our understanding of modernity, of space and place, history and historical trajectories, and the place of Jews and Judaism in the modern world.

Sanando: Una guía hacia tu verdadero Ser

by Karina Sapunar

Este libro da herramientas concretas para llevar tu vida hacia la Paz y el Amor. Sanando brinda los conceptos básicos para entender lo que pasa en nuestras vidas y da herramientas para sanar la mente y las relaciones de forma simple y directa. Si decides emprender este camino, tu vida cambiará paulatinamente hacia emociones positivas, lo que se traducirá en una mejor calidad de vida. Te sentirás mejor y atraerás una realidad acorde a esas vibraciones. El libro incluye un capítulo con el proceso personal de cambio de la autora, el cual te acompañará en el tuyo propio. ¡Sana tú y cambiarás al mundo!

The Qur’an and the Aesthetics of Premodern Arabic Prose

by Sarah R. bin Tyeer

This book approaches the Qur'an as a primary source for delineating the definition of ugliness, and by extension beauty, and in turn establishing meaningful tools and terms for literary criticism within the discipline of classical Arabic literature (adab). Focusing on the aesthetic dimension of the Qur'an, this methodology opens up new horizons for reading adab by reading the tradition from within the tradition and thereby examining issues of "decontextualisation" and the "untranslatable. " This approach, in turn, invites Comparatists, as well as Arabists, to consider other means and perspectives for approaching adab besides the Bakhtinian carnival. Applying this critical strategy to literary works as diverse as One Thousand and One Nights and The Epistle of Forgiveness, Sarah R. bin Tyeer aims to prove two major points: how Bakhtin's aesthetics is anachronistic and therefore theoretically inappropriate when applied to certain literary works and how ultimately this literary methodology is sometimes used as a proxy for ungrounded and, sometimes, unfair arguments by other scholars.


by José Saramago

¿Qué diablo de Dios es este que, para enaltecer a Abel, desprecia a Caín?Si en El evangelio según Jesucristo José Saramago nos dio su visión del Nuevo Testamento, en Caín regresa a los primeros libros de la Biblia. En un itinerario heterodoxo, recorre ciudades decadentes y establos, palacios de tiranos y campos de batalla de la mano de los principales protagonistas del Antiguo Testamento, imprimiéndole la música y el humor refinado que caracterizan su obra. Caín pone de manifiesto lo que hay de moderno y sorprendente en la prosa de Saramago: la capacidad de hacer nueva una historia que se conoce de principio a fin. Un irónico y mordaz recorrido en el que el lector asiste a una guerra secular, y en cierto modo, involuntaria, entre el creador y su criatura. La crítica ha dicho...«Saramago elabora en Caín no la tan cacareada crónica de un desencuentro personal con la religión, sino una parábola de comprensión humana.»Francisco Martínez Hidalgo «A pesar de su edad, Saramago nos demuestra con Caín que es capaz de seguir ofreciendo a sus lectores obras atractivas, que buscan llegar a la médula de nuestros conflictos más acuciantes.»Javier Munguía

El evangelio según Jesucristo

by José Saramago

El evangelio según Jesucristo, que tanto sorprendió al mundo católico, presenta una visión mundana de los hechos relativos a Jesús: las circunstancias de su nacimiento, el descubrimiento del amor junto a María Magdalena, la angustia por saber cuál es el verdadero sentido de su existencia ante los ojos de Dios... Puesto que ya muchos han intentado escribir la historiade lo sucedido entre nosotros, según que nos ha sidotransmitido por los que, desde el principio, fueron testigosoculares y ministros de la palabra, me ha parecido tambiéna mí, después de informarme exactamente de todo desdelos orígenes, escribirte ordenadamente, óptimo Teófilo,para que conozcas la firmeza de la doctrina que has recibido.Lucas, 1, 1-4 «El evangelio según Jesucristo responde al deseo de un hombre y de un escritor de excavar hasta las raíces de la propia civilización, en el misterio de su tradición, para extraer las preguntas esenciales. ¿Quién es este nuestro Dios, primero hebraico y ahora cristiano, que quiere la sangre, la muerte, para que sea restablecido el equilibrio de un mundo que solo de sus leyes se nutre? ¿Cómo puede la nueva ley ser ley de Amor si aún pesa sobre el hombre la hipoteca de la condenación eterna? ¿Cómo puede pensarse criatura divina digna de la inmortalidad, el hombre, si durante toda su existencia debe someterse a una ley de terror que preexiste y es exterior a él? ¿Por qué debemos temer el castigo eterno cuando el castigo, para el justo, debería ser en esta nuestra vida, en el remordimiento y en la conciencia de nuestra indignidad? El evangelio de José Saramago es todo así, trágicamente problemático, y sería absurdo condenarlo con leyes, que no sean sus propias leyes, literarias, poéticas y filosóficas. Aquí no se niega lo divino, la religiosidad latente en el corazón de cada hombre: lo que se hace es interrogarlo, cuestionarlo, acusarlo. Apasionadamente, religiosamente. Como Milton, situado en el lado del perdedor, que es siempre, no lo olvidemos, un ángel caído.»Luciana Stegagno Picchio «Mi libro, es una verdad, una historia de encuentro de Jesús con Dios», afirma José Saramago, que coloca todas las dudas posibles en la cabeza de Cristo, un hombre escogido para una misión que no esperaba realizar. La crítica ha dicho...«El evangelio según Jesucristo basta para dar a Saramago un lugar en la biblioteca universal y en la memoria de los hombres.»The Nation

Memorial del convento

by José Saramago

En esta obra José Saramago realiza una incursión en la narrativa histórica. El volumen recorre un periodo de aproximadamente 30 años en la historia de Portugal durante la época de la Inquisición. El planteamiento registra no sólo el hecho histórico, sino que reconstruye la vida popular de la época, en un recorrido por los diferentes pueblos de los alrededores de Lisboa. El rey D. Joâo V necesitaba herederos y, como doña Maria Ana no los concebía, él promete levantar un convento en Mafra a cambio de tener herederos. Simultáneamente, asistimos a la vida cotidiana del pueblo a través de la visión de un soldado que perdió la mano izquierda en la guerra contra los españoles. En un auto de la Inquisición, Baltasar conoce a Blimunda, una mujer con poderes mágicos que ve dentro de las personas, y cuya madre fue desterrada a Angola por tener poderes semejantes. Desafiando los rigores de la religión, ambos se casan mediante un ritualde sangre. Baltasar se convierte en ayudante del padre Bartolomeu, que, bajo la protección del rey, trabajaba en inventar una máquina para volar. La máquina de volar simboliza dos ideales: los cultos, representados por el propio padre Bartolomeu, y los populares, personificados en Blimunda y Baltasar. Una narración directa, sin concesiones, vigorosa y rica. Saramago da al lenguaje de esta novela el tono de las narraciones históricas y realiza con él verdaderos malabarismos sintácticos.

The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

by José Saramago Giovanni Pontiero

An extremely provocative and unconventional novelization of Christ's life by a Nobel-laureate.

Yoga, Bhoga and Ardhanariswara: Individuality, Wellbeing and Gender in Tantra

by Prem Saran

This book is a social–scientific interpretation of the 15 centuries-old Hindu and Buddhist traditions of tantra. It is a self-reflexive study, informed by an insider’s empathy and the apprehension of an Indologist-cum-anthropologist who is also a mystic and an initiated practitioner of the cult himself. Using his personal praxis to inform his research, the author examines three core themes tantra: a ‘holonic’/mandalic individuality that conduces to the mystical experience; a positive valorisation of pleasure and play; and cultural attitudes of gender-mutuality and -complementarity as neatly encapsulated in the icon of Shiva as Ardhanariswara. This analysis —as captured by the tantric mandalas of deities in intimate union who vividly enact the three themes — leads to his compelling metathesis, that of tantra serving as a permanent counterculture within Indic civilisation. This book should be of interest to those in anthropology, South Asian studies, religious studies, gender studies, psychology, and philosophy, as also the general reader.

Yoga, Bhoga and Ardhanariswara: Individuality, Wellbeing and Gender in Tantra

by Prem Saran

This book offers a social–scientific interpretation of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions of Tantra dating back 15 centuries. It is a self-reflexive study approached with an insider’s empathy and the perspective of an Indologist, anthropologist, mystic and practitioner of the cult. The work includes a discussion of non-modern Indic themes: mandala as a trope and its manifestations in South Asian regions such as Nepal; yoga and Indic individuality; the concept of bhoga; disciplined wellbeing; gender; and Indic axiology. Using personal praxis to inform his research, the author examines three core themes within Tantra — a ‘holonic’/mandalic individuality that conduces to mystical experience; a positive valorisation of pleasure and play; and cultural attitudes of gender-mutuality and complementarity, as neatly encapsulated in the icon of Shiva as Ardhanariswara. This analysis, as captured by the Tantric mandalas of deities in intimate union, leads to his compelling metathesis that Tantra serves as a permanent counterculture within the Indic civilization. This second edition, with a new Afterword, will greatly interest those in anthropology, South Asian studies, religious studies, gender studies, psychology and philosophy, as also the general reader.

Chosen by the Spirits: Following Your Shamanic Calling

by Sarangerel

• Mongolian shamaness Sarangerel provides a hands-on guide for serious students of the shamanic path. • Includes complete directions for traditional Siberian rituals, meditations, and divination techniques never before published. • Shows how to recognize and acknowledge a call from the spirits. • Offers traditional wisdom for nurturing a working relationship with personal spirit helpers to promote healing and balance in a community. The shaman's purpose is to heal and restore balance to his or her community by developing a working relationship with the spirit world. Mongolian shamanic tradition maintains that all true shamans are called by the spirits--but those who are not from shamanic cultures may have difficulty recognizing the call or nurturing the essential shamanic relationship with their helper spirits. Buryat shamaness Sarangerel has written Chosen by the Spirits as a guide for both the beginning shaman and the advanced practitioner. Although raised in the United States, she was drawn to the shamanic tradition, and in 1991 returned to her ancestral homeland in the Tunken region of southern Siberia to study with traditional Buryat shamans. Her first book, Riding Windhorses, provided an introduction to the shamanic world of Siberia. Chosen by the Spirits delves more deeply into the personal relationship between the shamanic student and his or her "spirit family." Sarangerel recounts her own journey into shamanic practice and provides the serious student with practical advice and hands-on techniques for recognizing and acknowledging a shamanic calling, welcoming and embodying the spirits, journeying to the spirit world, and healing both people and places.

Riding Windhorses: A Journey into the Heart of Mongolian Shamanism

by Sarangerel

The first book written about Mongolian and Siberian shamanism by a shaman trained in that tradition.• A thorough introduction to Mongolian and Siberian shamanic beliefs and practices, which, until the collapse of the Soviet Union, were banned from being practiced.• Includes rituals for healing and divination techniques.In traditional Mongolian-Buryat culture, shamans play an important role maintaining the tegsh, the "balance" of the community. They counsel a path of moderation in one's actions and reverence for the natural world, which they view as mother to humanity. Mongolians believe that if natural resources are taken without thanking the spirits for what they have given, those resources will not be replaced. Unlike many other cultures whose shamanic traditions were undermined by modern civilization, shamans in the remote areas of southern Siberia and Mongolia are still the guardians of the environment, the community, and the natural order. Riding Windhorses is the first book written on Mongolian and Siberian shamanism by a shaman trained in that tradition. A thorough introduction to Mongolian/Siberian shamanic beliefs and practices, it includes working knowledge of the basic rituals and various healing and divination techniques. Many of the rituals and beliefs described here have never been published and are the direct teachings of the author's own shaman mentors.

Buddhism and Jainism (Encyclopedia of Indian Religions)

by K. T. S. Sarao Jeffery D. Long

This volume focuses on Buddhism and Jainism, two religions which, together with Hinduism, constitute the three pillars of Indic religious tradition in its classical formulation. It explores their history and relates how the Vedic period in the history of Hinduism drew to a close around the sixth century BCE and how its gradual etiolation gave rise to a number of religious movements. While some of these remained within the fold of the Vedic traditions, others arose in a context of a more ambiguous relationship between the two. Two of these have survived to the present day as Buddhism and Jainism. The volume describes the major role Buddhism played in the history not only of India but of Asia, and now the world as well, and the more confined role of Jainism in India until relatively recent times. It examines the followers of these religions and their influence on the Indian religious landscape. In addition, it depicts the transformative effect on existing traditions of the encounter of Hinduism with these two religions, as well as the fertile interaction between the three. The book shows how Buddhism and Jainism share the basic concepts of karma, rebirth, and liberation with Hinduism while giving them their own hue, and how they differ from the Hindu tradition in their understanding of the role of the Vedas, the “caste system,” and ritualism in religious life. The volume contributes to the debate on whether the proper way of describing the relationship between the three major components of the classical Indic tradition is to treat them as siblings (sometimes as even exhibiting sibling rivalry), or as friends (sometimes even exhibiting schadenfreude), or as radical alternatives to one another, or all of these at different points in time.

The History of Mahabodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya

by K.T.S. Sarao

This book offers an overview of the emergence of Bodh Gayā as a sacred site within Gayā Dharmakṣetra. It contextualizes the different encounters, incidents, and legends connected to the Buddha’s experiences shortly before and after he attained Bodhi – when, spiritually speaking, he was extremely lonely and was trying to carve a place for himself in the highly competitive Gayā Dharmakṣetra. Further, the book examines the role of various personalities and institutions contributed towards the emergence of Mahābodhi Temple. It incorporates a wealth of research on the role of the Victorian Indologists as well as the colonial administrators, the Giri mahants, and Anagārika Dharmapāla, to understand the material milieu pertaining not only to its identity but also access to spiritual resources as its conservation and development. This book is an indispensable read for students and scholars of history, cultural studies, and art and architecture as well as practitioners of Buddhism and Hinduism.

By God's Grace: The Life and Teachings of Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati

by Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Hollywood to the Himalayas

by Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

Hollywood to the Himalayas is the enlightening memoir of a reluctant spiritual seeker who finds much more than she bargained for when she travels to India.As a Stanford grad, in the midst of getting a PhD in psychology, Sadhvi Saraswati was comfortable with her life. Despite years of grappling with an eating disorder and trauma from her early childhood, she felt as if she was successfully navigating her way through early adulthood. When she agreed to travel to India to appease her husband—and because she loved the food—Sadhvi would have never imagined that she would be embarking on a journey of healing and awakening. Hollywood to the Himalayas describes Sadhvi&’s odyssey towards divine enlightenment and inspiration through her extraordinary connection with her guru and renewed confidence in the pleasure and joy that life can bring. Now one of the preeminent female spiritual teachers in the world, Sadhvi recounts her journey with wit, honesty, and clarity and, along the way, offers teachings to help us all step onto our own path of awakening and discover the truth of who we really are—embodiments of the Divine. &“Sadhviji models for us, at the deepest level, that in the true teaching of the spiritual traditions, healing and grace are always possible.&” —Prince Ea, in the foreword to Hollywood to the Himalayas &“Vivid and poetic…her journey is a river of love, compelling in its authenticity and unflinching honesty. …a must for anyone who is interested in exploring different paths to fulfilment and to the Creator.&” —Jane Goodall &“Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati is a great teacher of spirituality and consciousness. Her inspiring wisdom illuminates the path to healing, happiness, and inner peace.&” —Deepak Chopra &“For so many of us, the road to the Divine sometimes begins with deep trauma. And, then Grace is bestowed upon us and we blossom in the holiness of love. Hollywood to the Himalayas is filled with wisdom and truth about the powerful revelations that unfold on the path to a deeper relationship to the divine. This is a beautiful book.&” —Rev. Iyanla Vanzant, executive producer, Iyanla, Fix My Life

Fire in the Canyon: Religion, Migration, and the Mexican Dream

by Leah M. Sarat

The canyon in central Mexico was ablaze with torches as hundreds of people filed in. So palpable was their shared shock and grief, they later said, that neither pastor nor priest was needed. The event was a memorial service for one of their own who had died during an attempted border passage. Months later a survivor emerged from a coma to tell his story. The accident had provoked a near-death encounter with God that prompted his conversion to Pentecostalism. Today, over half of the local residents of El Alberto, a town in central Mexico, are Pentecostal. Submitting themselves to the authority of a God for whom there are no borders, these Pentecostals today both embrace migration as their right while also praying that their "Mexican Dream"--the dream of a Mexican future with ample employment for all--will one day become a reality. Fire in the Canyon provides one of the first in-depth looks at the dynamic relationship between religion, migration, and ethnicity across the U.S.-Mexican border. Faced with the choice between life-threatening danger at the border and life-sapping poverty in Mexico, residents of El Alberto are drawing on both their religion and their indigenous heritage to demand not only the right to migrate, but also the right to stay home. If we wish to understand people's migration decisions, Sarat argues, we must take religion seriously. It is through religion that people formulate their ideas about life, death, and the limits of government authority. Instructor's Guide

Islam and Politics in Southeast Asia (Routledge Malaysian Studies Series)

by Johan Saravanamuttu

Southeast Asia manifests some of the most interesting, non-violent as well as conflictual elements of Islamic social and political life in the world. This book examines the ways in which Muslim politics in Southeast Asia has greatly impacted democratic practice and contributed to its practical and discursive development. It addresses the majority and minority situations of Muslims within both democratic and authoritarian politics. It shows, for example, how in Muslim majority Indonesia and Malaysia, political Islam directly engages with procedural democracy; in Muslim minority Thailand and the Philippines, it has taken a violent route; and in Muslim minority Singapore, it has been successfully managed through civil and electoral politics. By exploring such nuances, variations, comparisons and linkages among Muslim majority and minority countries, this book deepens our understanding of the phenomenon of Muslim politics in the region as a whole.

The Place of Devotion

by Sukanya Sarbadhikary

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press' new open access publishing program for monographs. Visit to learn more. Hindu devotional traditions have long been recognized for their sacred geographies as well as the sensuous aspects of their devotees' experiences. Largely overlooked, however, are the subtle links between these religious expressions. Based on intensive fieldwork conducted among worshippers in Bengal's Navadvip-Mayapur sacred complex, this book discusses the diverse and contrasting ways in which Bengal-Vaishnava devotees experience sacred geography and divinity. Sukanya Sarbadhikary documents an extensive range of practices, which draw on the interactions of mind, body, and viscera. She shows how perspectives on religion, embodiment, affect, and space are enriched when sacred spatialities of internal and external forms are studied at once.

Jews of Iran: A Photographic Chronicle (Dimyonot)

by Hassan Sarbakhshian Lior B. Sternfeld Parvaneh Vahidmanesh

This book reveals one of the most beautiful and complicated untold stories of our time. Westerners often imagine Jews in Iran as a captive and oppressed community, alienated within their home nation yet restricted from leaving it. The reality is much more complex. Jews of Iran is a photographic journey through twenty-first-century Iran, providing a unique view of the country’s Jewish community in situations typically unknown to the Western world. Photojournalist Hassan Sarbakhshian spent two years living among Iran’s Jewish communities, joining them for holidays, family gatherings, and travels, and—with the help of fellow journalist Parvaneh Vahidmanesh—documenting how they lived. Moving beyond the well-known state and regional confrontations, the photos that Sarbakhshian took tell a broader story about a community of people who live in the figurative and literal middle. They are Iranian nationals by birth and by choice, and they are Jews by religious affiliation. Full loyalty to their country is expected, even as their ancestral homeland is at odds with their political homeland. This photographic chronicle illuminates the grey zone that they inhabit.Featuring over one hundred full-color photos, contextualized with extensive annotations, and accompanied by a substantive introduction written by historian Lior B. Sternfeld, Jews of Iran calls into question Western views of this religious community.

Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim

by Ziauddin Sardar

&“A curious, often amusing travelogue of [Sardar&’s] quest for understanding and the Muslims he has encountered along his journeys.&”—Publishers Weekly Ziauddin Sardar, one of the foremost Muslim intellectuals in Britain, learned the Koran at his mother&’s knee in Pakistan. As a young student in London he set out to grasp the meaning of his religion, and, hopefully, to find &“paradise,&” his quest leading him throughout the Muslim world, from Iran to China to Turkey. Along the way he accepts that he may never reach paradise—but it&’s the journey that&’s important. At a time when the view of Islam in the West is so often distorted and simplistic, Desperately Seeking Paradise—self-mocking, frank and passionate—is essential reading. &“Intoxicating . . . upon finishing the book, I turned back and started reading it all over again.&”—Kamila Shamise, New Statesman &“At once and earnest and humorous, light-hearted and profound, this is a book that displays a sustained capacity for self-questioning of a kind that has few parallels in the liberal West.&”—The Independent &“This challenging book not only acts as a guide for Muslims but provides insight and clarification for those outside the Islamic faith.&”—Financial Times &“The only funny book I&’ve read about Islam.&”—Mail on Sunday

Muhammad: All That Matters

by Ziauddin Sardar

In this book:'A pioneering writer on Islam' - Guardian Who was the real Muhammad?Muhammad: All That Matters, by bestselling expert on Islam Ziauddin Sardar, seeks to look beyond Muhammad the prophet, to find Muhammad the man. By returning to the original sources, and incorporating new research on pre-Islamic Mecca, Sardar is able to focus on Muhammad's character, his values, and on events in his life which up until now have largely beenignored.The Muhammad you will meet in this book is an individual motivated by a sense of justice and equality,and by a passion to help the marginalized. This is a Muhammad who is engaged in a struggle to establish the good society against all odds.This accessible and concise book will appeal to both students and general readers, of any religious persuasion or none. It is a fascinating introduction to Muhammad, rediscovering the unique attributes which have contributed to his monumental impact on history.The All That Matters series:All That Matters books:All books in the All That Matters series are written by world experts in their subject field. These experts work to distil a topic and get right to its heart, making the book accessible for both students and general readers. Each compelling book contains new and interesting perspectives and tells stories that matter.The Author:Ziauddin Sardar is Professor of Law and Society, Middlesex University and co-editor of quarterly Critical Muslim. He has been described as a 'critical polymath', and was recently selected in the Observer's list of Britain's top public intellectuals. He is perhaps best known for his wide-ranging work on Islam, including the international bestseller Introducing Islam. Ziauddin is also Chair of the Muslim Institute, London, and appears regularly on radio, television and in the New Statesman, Guardian andIndependent.Keep up with Ziauddin Sardar on his website: .Other books in the All That Matters series:All That Matters - Interesting introductions to important issuesBooks on the following subjects are available from the All That Matters series: Bioethics, God, Water, Political Philosophy, Sustainability, Philosophy, Intelligence, Love, Russian Revolution, War, and Creativity.To find out more visit: www.allthatmattersbooks.comIslam - Muhammad - prophet - original sources - pre-Islamic Mecca - justice and equality - good society - accessible - concise - students - general readers - any religious persuasion - Muslim history - history of Islam - biography - pocket book - All That Matters - introduction - religion - crusades - starting point - understanding Islam - controversy - Arab - Persian - Turk - mosque - jihad - caliphate - Muslim - non-Muslim

Muhammad: All That Matters (All That Matters)

by Ziauddin Sardar

In this book:'A pioneering writer on Islam' - Guardian Who was the real Muhammad?Muhammad: All That Matters, by bestselling expert on Islam Ziauddin Sardar, seeks to look beyond Muhammad the prophet, to find Muhammad the man. By returning to the original sources, and incorporating new research on pre-Islamic Mecca, Sardar is able to focus on Muhammad's character, his values, and on events in his life which up until now have largely beenignored.The Muhammad you will meet in this book is an individual motivated by a sense of justice and equality,and by a passion to help the marginalized. This is a Muhammad who is engaged in a struggle to establish the good society against all odds.This accessible and concise book will appeal to both students and general readers, of any religious persuasion or none. It is a fascinating introduction to Muhammad, rediscovering the unique attributes which have contributed to his monumental impact on history.The All That Matters series:All That Matters books:All books in the All That Matters series are written by world experts in their subject field. These experts work to distil a topic and get right to its heart, making the book accessible for both students and general readers. Each compelling book contains new and interesting perspectives and tells stories that matter.The Author:Ziauddin Sardar is Professor of Law and Society, Middlesex University and co-editor of quarterly Critical Muslim. He has been described as a 'critical polymath', and was recently selected in the Observer's list of Britain's top public intellectuals. He is perhaps best known for his wide-ranging work on Islam, including the international bestseller Introducing Islam. Ziauddin is also Chair of the Muslim Institute, London, and appears regularly on radio, television and in the New Statesman, Guardian andIndependent.Keep up with Ziauddin Sardar on his website: .Other books in the All That Matters series:All That Matters - Interesting introductions to important issuesBooks on the following subjects are available from the All That Matters series: Bioethics, God, Water, Political Philosophy, Sustainability, Philosophy, Intelligence, Love, Russian Revolution, War, and Creativity.To find out more visit: www.allthatmattersbooks.comIslam - Muhammad - prophet - original sources - pre-Islamic Mecca - justice and equality - good society - accessible - concise - students - general readers - any religious persuasion - Muslim history - history of Islam - biography - pocket book - All That Matters - introduction - religion - crusades - starting point - understanding Islam - controversy - Arab - Persian - Turk - mosque - jihad - caliphate - Muslim - non-Muslim

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