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Showing 65,351 through 65,375 of 81,365 results

Aliens in Ancient Egypt: The Brotherhood of the Serpent and the Secrets of the Nile Civilization

by Xaviant Haze

The alien influences behind the rise and fall of Egypt’s Golden Age • Explains how Akhenaten was the last pharaoh entrusted with the sacred and ancient alien knowledge of stargates, free energy, and antigravity technologies • Reveals how the Brotherhood of the Snake, a secret society of reptilian aliens, sought to destroy Akhenaten and suppress the sacred knowledge of the pharaohs • Explores the original purpose of the pyramids--to transmit energy to expand consciousness--and how they were decommissioned after the Great Flood The sophisticated civilization of ancient Egypt arose seemingly overnight, complete with advanced levels of art, agriculture, astronomy, and physics. Then, with the death of Pharaoh Akhenaten, much of this higher knowledge was lost--or suppressed. But evidence of this former Golden Age, the alien visitors behind its rise, and those behind its decline still exists--some of it in plain sight. Examining the purposefully obscured reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Xaviant Haze explains how they represent the last dynasty with access to the sacred knowledge of stargates, free energy, and antigravity technologies, knowledge handed down from an advanced interstellar race in the remote past. He reveals how the reptilian race known as the Shemsu Hor infiltrated the Egyptian priesthood and banking systems and formed the Brotherhood of the Snake--a secret society set on destroying Akhenaten’s flourishing kingdom and suppressing the sacred knowledge of the pharaohs. Haze examines the evidence of aliens in ancient Egypt, such as the reptilian beings depicted in the Temple of Hathor and Thutmose III’s alien encounter. He shows how Akhenaten and his family are always portrayed with elongated skulls and explores the connection between ancient aliens and Mars, including the Martian materials used in Egyptian monuments. He explains the original purpose of the pyramids--to transmit uplifting energy throughout the planet to help expand consciousness--and explores how they were decommissioned after the Great Flood of prehistory. He reveals how the original builders of the pyramids foresaw humanity’s fall from the Golden Age and strategically encoded these magnificent structures to wake humanity from the depths of the Dark Ages.

The Power of Ecstatic Trance: Practices for Healing, Spiritual Growth, and Accessing the Universal Mind

by Nicholas E. Brink

A guide to ecstatic trance for spiritual and emotional development, spirit journeying, and connection to the collective unconscious • Describes more than 20 ecstatic trance postures for healing, divination, spirit journeys, shape-shifting, past-life recovery, and connecting to the Akashic field • Explores the physiology and psychology of ecstatic trance journeying • Provides guidance for those with little or no experience as well as methods to deepen practice Over the millennia shamanic trance journeying has been used as a way of healing, of providing answers to questions, and of offering solutions to individual, family, and community problems. Though traditionally it was the shaman of the community who went on such journeys, the revolutionary work of the late anthropologist Felicitas Goodman shows that we all have these shamanic powers. Her research on the body postures found in ancient primitive art and in the practices of contemporary shamans offers each of us the ability to experience ecstatic trance journeys firsthand. A student of Felicitas Goodman and Belinda Gore, psychologist Nicholas Brink examines more than 20 traditional trance postures for divination, decision making, letting go of guilt and grief, healing of illness and emotional pain, spirit journeys, shape-shifting, interacting with animal spirits and the dead, and discovering past lives. Exploring the physiology and psychology of ecstatic journeying, he offers guidance for those with little or no experience as well as methods for longtime practitioners to deepen their practice and reclaim the extrasensory power of our ancient ancestors. Offering solid theories of how ecstatic trance triggers healing and spiritual development, Brink explains how trance journeying allows us to tap in to the collective unconscious, or Universal Mind, and access the information matrix of the Akashic field.

Rastafarian Children of Solomon: The Legacy of the Kebra Nagast and the Path to Peace and Understanding

by Gerald Hausman

Shares the spiritual wisdom of Rastafari through the stories, teachings, and traditions of practicing Rastas in Jamaica • Includes the author’s interviews with bush doctors, healers, and Rastafarians gathered during his 15 years of living in Jamaica • Reveals the old ways of the Rastafarians and how their beliefs form an unbroken lineage tracing back to King Solomon • Explains the connection of Rasta beliefs to important biblical passages Tracing their lineage back to King Solomon--the wisest man who ever lived--Rastafarians follow a spiritual tradition of peace and meditation that is more a way of life than an organized religion. During his 15 years living in Jamaica, Gerald Hausman developed deep friendships with Rastafarians and rootsmen, enabling him to experience firsthand the beliefs and traditions of these followers of the Kebra Nagast--the African gospel excised from the King James version of the Bible. He met bush doctors, Rasta preachers, members of the Marley family, and respected elders who knew Marcus Garvey, prophet of the Rasta movement and vocal proponent of the Pan-African movement in America. He also met elders who were present when Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia and descendant of the House of David, came to Jamaica in the 1960s. Through interviews with fishermen, mystics, and wise men, as well as direct encounters with spirits and the spiritual, the author reveals the deep wisdom that underlies the “old ways” of the Rastas. He connects their stories, lives, and teachings with important biblical passages as well as reggae songs. He shares their views on the medicinal and meditative powers of cannabis--the sacred herb of Solomon--and explains that while Rastas believe it to be “the opener of the door,” they maintain that peace and understanding must be found within. Illustrating the unwavering faith and hope of the Rastafari of Jamaica, Hausman shows them to be a people who, above all, emphasize equality, because the Holy Spirit within each of us makes us all one and the same.

Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel

by Len Kasten

Documents how 12 people, as part of a top-secret U.S. government program, traveled to the planet Serpo and lived there for 13 years • Based on the debriefing of the Serpo team and the diary of the expedition’s commander • Explains how the aliens helped us reverse-engineer their antigravity spacecraft and develop technology to solve our planet-wide energy problems • Reveals how our government has an ongoing relationship with the Serpo aliens On July 16, 1965, a massive alien spacecraft from the Zeta Reticuli star system landed at the Nevada test site north of Las Vegas. Following a plan set in motion by President Kennedy in 1962, the alien visitors known as the Ebens welcomed 12 astronaut-trained military personnel aboard their craft for the 10-month journey to their home planet, Serpo, 39 light-years away. In November 2005, former and current members of the Defense Intelligence Agency--directed by Kennedy to organize the Serpo exchange program--came forward to reveal the operation, including details from the 3,000-page debriefing of the 7 members of the Serpo team who returned after 13 years on the planet. Working with the DIA originators of the Serpo project and the diary kept by the expedition’s commanding officer, Len Kasten chronicles the complete journey of these cosmic pioneers, including their remarkable stories of life on an alien planet, superluminal space travel, and advanced knowledge of alien technologies. He reveals how the Ebens presented the U.S. with “The Yellow Book”--a complete history of the universe recorded holographically, allowing the reader to view actual scenes from pre-history to the present. He explains how the Ebens helped us reverse-engineer their antigravity spacecraft and develop technology to solve our planet-wide energy problems--knowledge still classified. Exposing the truth of human-alien interaction and interplanetary travel, Kasten reveals not only that the Ebens have returned to Earth eight times but also that our government continues to have an ongoing relationship with them--a relationship with the potential to advance the human race into the future.

Animal Messengers: An A-Z Guide to Signs and Omens in the Natural World

by Regula Meyer

An animal-by-animal guide that reveals the meaning behind each encounter we have with animals • Provides sophisticated psychological insight into encounters with more than 150 animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and aquatic life • Explores how animals reflect our inner world, drawing our attention to inner turmoil, relationship issues, spiritual growth, and the deepest needs of the soul • Explains how the meaning of each encounter depends on whether the animal was hunting, fleeing, hiding, or acting indifferent when sighted We each feel connections to animals in our own way. Some of us have pets. Others admire animals in the wild. Because the outer world often reflects our internal states and animals are highly sensitive to our energies, each encounter with an animal signals something about our inner world and innermost concerns. The spontaneous, surprising contacts are the telling ones: a sparrow landing next to you, a fox darting across the road, or a bee alighting on your hand. However, even regular encounters with our pets can draw attention to our inner world and what needs to be thought over and grappled with, from psychic turmoil and relationship issues to spiritual growth and the deepest needs of the soul. Providing sophisticated psychological insight into encounters with more than 150 animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and aquatic life, Regula Meyer explores the messages each animal provides for us on a personal level when we encounter them. She explains how the meaning of each encounter depends on whether the animal was hunting, fleeing, hiding, or acting indifferent when sighted. For example, a fleeing animal is prompting you to pursue a subject consciously, while a hiding animal tells you to patiently observe something and draw insights from it. The author shows how animal encounters in the wild cause us to contemplate the present moment and inspire the flow of our perceptions, leading us to meditate on important concerns we may be ignoring or unaware of. Pets and other animals we see every day act as intensifiers of the energy for which they stand. With this animal-by-animal guide, you can discover the deep meaning behind your encounters with animals and the messages they bring as oracles of our souls.

Lost Race of the Giants: The Mystery of Their Culture, Influence, and Decline throughout the World

by Paul Von Ward Patrick Chouinard

An exploration of mythological and archaeological evidence for prehistoric giants • Examines the many corresponding giant mythologies throughout the world, such as the Greek and Roman titans, Norse frost giants, and the biblical Nephilim • Reveals recent finds of giant skeletons in the deserts of Saudi Arabia and India • Explains how giants passed on their sophisticated culture and civilization to humanity before being wiped out in the great age of cataclysms and floods Giants are a cornerstone of the myths, legends, and traditions of almost every culture on Earth. Stories of giants are often considered fantasies of the ancients or primitive attempts to explain natural phenomena, but archaeological discoveries of 10- and 12-foot skeletons--many of which have been suppressed--confirm the existence of a forgotten golden age of giants before recorded history. Patrick Chouinard examines the staggering number of corresponding giant mythologies throughout the world, such as the Greek and Roman titans, Norse frost giants, the Hindu Daityas, the biblical Nephilim, the Celtic Formorach, the Sumerian Anunnaki, and the multitude of myths in which the sky or world is held aloft on the shoulders of a giant. He links these stories to Atlantis as well as other legends of prehistoric civilizations lost to cataclysm and great floods whose survivors spawned the rise of ancient civilizations. The author reveals how physical remains of giant-size peoples have been found on almost every continent, including recent finds in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and northern India as well as hundreds of excavations of giant mummies and skeletons across the United States, corresponding directly with Native American accounts of red-haired giants. He also examines reports from famous explorers such as Magellan, Sir Francis Drake, and Desoto of their encounters with giants on the North American continent. Revealing how giants represent the true earthborn race, Chouinard explains how they engaged in open conflict with the extraterrestrial gods who created humanity for forced labor and how they passed their sophisticated culture and civilization on to humanity before being nearly wiped out in the great age of cataclysms.

Spirits in Stone: The Secrets of Megalithic America

by Glenn Kreisberg Graham Hancock

A ground-breaking study of ceremonial stone landscapes in Northeast America and their relationship to other sites around the world • Features a comprehensive field guide to hundreds of megalithic stone structures in northeastern America, including cairns, perched boulders, and effigies • Details the Wall of Manitou, the Hammonasset Line, landscape astronomy along the Hudson River, and a several-acre area in Woodstock, NY, with large, carefully constructed lithic formations • Analyzes the archaeoastronomy, archaeoacoustics, and symbolism of these sites to reveal their relationships to other ceremonial stone sites across America and the world Presenting a comprehensive field guide to hundreds of lost, forgotten, and misidentified megalithic stone structures in northeastern America, Glenn Kreisberg documents many enigmatic formations still standing across the Catskill Mountain and Hudson Valley region, complete with functioning solstice and equinox alignments. Kreisberg provides a first-person description of the “Wall of the Manitou,” which runs for 10 miles along the eastern slopes of the Catskill Mountains, as well as narratives about related sites that include animal effigies, reproductive organs, calendar stones, enigmatic inscriptions, and evidence of alignments. Using computer software, he plots the trajectory of the Hammonasset Line, which begins at a burial complex near the tip of Long Island and runs to Devil’s Tombstone in Greene County, New York. He shows how the line runs at the same angle that marks the summer solstice sunset from Montauk Point on Long Island, and, when extended, intersects the ancient copper mines of Isle Royal in Upper Michigan. He documents a several-acre area on Overlook Mountain in Woodstock, New York, with a grouping of very large, carefully constructed lithic formations that together create a serpent or snake figure, mirroring the constellation Draco. He demonstrates how this site is related to the Serpent Mount in Ohio and Ankor Wat in Cambodia and reveals how all of the vast, interlocking sites in the Northeast were part of an ancient spiritual landscape based on a sophisticated understanding of the cosmos, as practiced by ancient Native Americans. While modern historians consider these sites to be colonial era constructions, Kreisberg reveals how they were used to communicate with the spirit world and may be remnants of a long-vanished civilization.

Land of the Fallen Star Gods: The Celestial Origins of Ancient Egypt

by J. S. Gordon

A radical reinterpretation of Egypt’s ancient origins and its esoteric philosophy • Explains how the “spontaneous” appearance of Egyptian civilization 5,000 years ago represents the remnants of an ancient worldwide advanced culture • Explores astrophysical, geophysical, and anthropological evidence of forgotten civilizations beneath the Mediterranean and along the coast of northwestern Africa • Examines the mystical traditions and initiatory rituals of the ancient Egyptians and their sophisticated understanding of precession, human evolution, and divine purpose Radically reinterpreting the time line of prehistory, J. S. Gordon shows that Egyptian civilization is 50,000 years older than acknowledged by Egyptology. He explores astrophysical, cosmological, geophysical, linguistic, and anthropological evidence to reveal forgotten civilizations hidden beneath the Mediterranean and along the coast of northwestern Africa. He explains how the “spontaneous” full-fledged appearance of Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations 5,000 years ago represents not the birth of civilization but the remnants of an immensely ancient and sophisticated worldwide culture ranging from Tibet and China to Atlantis and the vastly larger continent of which it once was part. Examining the mystical traditions and initiatory rituals of the ancient Egyptians, Gordon shows that they were not a culture obsessed with death and tombs but one structured around cosmic knowledge, with an astronomical competence that modern science has yet to attain. He reveals their sophisticated understanding of the precession of the equinoxes and its inextricable connection to human evolution and divine purpose--an understanding that could only have arisen from many millennia of high-level observation. Illustrating in detail the sacred geometry of the Great Pyramid and the Giza site, Gordon explains how the coherence of Egyptian mystico-scientific concepts and their art, architecture, and engineering reveals a mission to achieve a “reflection of Heaven on Earth” through the careful location, orientation, and stellar alignment of their temples. He shows the Egyptian Mystery School and its scientific knowledge and universal spiritual philosophy to be a legacy left to the ancient Egyptians by the “fallen star gods,” divine celestial beings who came to Earth long ago and founded the original now forgotten culture--and who will return again with the turning of the Great Year.

Hildegard von Bingen's Mystical Visions: Translated from Scivias

by Bruce Hozeski Matthew Fox

Twelfth-century Rhineland mystic Hildegard von Bingen records her exquisite encounter with divinity, producing a magnificent fusion of divine inspiration and human intellect. Hildegard von Bingen’s Mystical Visions is perhaps the most complete and powerful documentation of mystical consciousness in recorded history. Now after 800 years, these visions are again available for those seeking to reawaken mystical consciousness.

Contemporary Spirituality for an Evolving World: A Handbook for Conscious Evolution

by Nicolya Christi

A practical guide to conscious evolution for personal, spiritual, and global transformation • Provides spiritual practices to manifest a meaningful connection between Self and God/Source/Creator and psychological exercises to heal the shadow self • Offers an in-depth overview of religion and spirituality, both the old paradigm and the evolving new one • Includes the first fully written account of the First Nations Peoples’ oral wisdom teachings on the 7 Dark, 7 Light, and 7 Rainbow Arrows for evolving consciousness We are living in an unprecedented time of change, a new epoch with a new consciousness. We have reached Zero Point in our personal and collective consciousness and are now in a phase of accelerated conscious evolution and manifestation of personal and collective vision. As the current political, economic, and social systems begin to collapse, people are instinctively and intuitively reevaluating their lives and asking what has real meaning and value and what brings them true peace and happiness. Humanity is now poised to establish a unified, co-creative new world that reflects the evolved consciousness of awakened hearts and minds, of collaboration, and of peace. Presenting a guide for these auspicious times, Nicolya Christi offers psychological and spiritual tools to accelerate conscious and global evolution and initiate a New Consciousness for the post–December 21st, 2012, epoch. She gives an in-depth overview of religion and spirituality, both the old paradigm and the evolving new one, and explains how all trauma results from “empathic disconnection,” which hinders our spiritual growth. She provides spiritual practices to manifest a meaningful connection between Self and God/Source/Creator as well as psychological exercises to heal and integrate the shadow self and dissolve psychological wounds. She offers the first fully written account of the First Nations Peoples’ oral wisdom teachings on the 7 Dark, 7 Light, and 7 Rainbow Arrows for evolving consciousness. She also writes in depth about the evolution of relationship and aspiring to a higher love and sexuality. Detailing several maps and models for conscious and global evolution, this handbook inspires each of us toward a consciously evolving spirituality and a true and authentic relationship with God/Source/Creator.

Twilight Language of the Nagual: The Spiritual Power of Shamanic Dreaming

by Merilyn Tunneshende

Reveals how the Nagual shamans move between this world and the dream realms• Shows how the Twilight Language of Dreaming is an avenue for understanding the energetic gateways of human existence• Presents detailed exercises for practical experiences in extra-lucid dreamingTwilight Language of the Nagual is a shamanic and spiritual account that illuminates the author’s experiences under the tutelage of don Juan Matus, the Toltec shaman who mentored Carlos Castaneda, and the sorceress doña Celestina. The author journeys from a mountaintop peyote pilgrimage of the Huichol people of western Mexico to the home of Tibetan monks in Mexico City and the hut of a Mazatec mushroom shaman in a remote Oaxacan village. She learns the Twilight Language of Dreaming, an avenue for understanding the energetic gateways of human existence. Don Juan Matus defines the language of this dream power and doña Celestina tutors on sex, reproduction, and male-female affairs in relation to the state of the world.Twilight Language enables communication between beings of the upper and lower realms. The author describes how it is possible for our individual and collective consciousness to be transported to higher levels. At the conclusion of each of her narratives she offers detailed exercises for experiences in extra-lucid dreaming as well as case studies showing how to apply dreaming techniques in the “real” world. Twilight Language of the Nagual is both a serious navigational aid to other realms revealed through dreams and an exploration of the energy techniques of dream power for healing and enlightenment.

Power Animal Meditations: Shamanic Journeys with Your Spirit Allies

by Angela Werneke Nicki Scully

A collection of guided journeys and meditations to help the reader connect with and learn from power animals and spirit allies.• 50 unique power animal and spirit guide meditations • Illustrated by the award-winning artist of Medicine Cards, Angela Werneke• 7 additional journeys going to new levels added since first edition What can the hawk teach you about your life purpose? What does the salmon know of fertile dreams, goal setting, and self actualization? Calling upon the magical wisdom of nature, Nicki Scully guides us into the spirit world of sacred totems, oracles, and animal teachings from many cultures, including Africa, Egypt, and North America. Encounter the archetypal wisdom teachings of Cobra, Eagle, Dolphin, Lioness, White Buffalo, Coyote, Cedar Tree, and many others. Each totem is exquisitely illustrated by Angela Werneke, the award-winning illustrator of Medicine Cards.

The Shamanic Path to Quantum Consciousness: The Eight Circuits of Creative Power

by Laurent Huguelit

Uniting shamanism with quantum physics and psychology for conscious evolution, manifestation of desires, and the development of the soul • Details each of the 8 circuits of consciousness, from the first circuit of physical survival to the eighth circuit of quantum consciousness • Reveals how to balance and upgrade your circuits through shamanic techniques and activate your creative power to shape reality • Explains how the 8 circuits are interconnected through feedback loops--if one is overactive, it can cause the others to shut down First outlined by Timothy Leary and later expanded by Robert Anton Wilson and Antero Alli, the eight-circuit model of consciousness explains how the soul is multidimensional and functions on eight distinct interconnected planes that form the eight circuits of conscious awareness. Each circuit is connected to certain behaviors and personality traits--the second circuit, for example, is connected to emotional consciousness, such as intuition, feelings of courage, or, in its unbalanced state, aggression and domination, and the eighth circuit, the creative circuit of quantum consciousness, is related to limitless perception, understanding, and action that extends far beyond the limits of planet Earth. Laurent Huguelit explains how these eight levels of awareness are interconnected through feedback loops, forming a cybernetic mapping of the soul. He explores the underactive, overactive, and balanced states of each circuit, offering many psychological profiles as examples. He reveals how activating a circuit that has been neglected can help bring another into balance. Connecting this model of conscious evolution to shamanism--the oldest consciousness science known to man--the author explains how to balance and upgrade your own circuits through shamanic techniques. He reveals how to reconnect with source energy by deprogramming trauma from your childhood that can affect your circuits. With access to this unlimited energy you can activate your innate creative power to manifest your desires and shape reality. Uniting shamanism and the law of attraction with advanced concepts of modern psychology, quantum physics, and the Akashic field theory of Ervin Laszlo, Laurent Huguelit offers a practical map of human consciousness and the development of the soul as well as a vision for the cybernetic future of shamanism.

Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini: The Transformative Power of Saturn, Chiron, and Uranus

by Barbara Hand Clow

Revised and updated edition of the classic astrology text on predicting and navigating life crises • Provides charts for the transits of Saturn, Uranus, and Chiron--now updated through 2050--to predict your personal growth cycles and timing of kundalini rising • Shares tools to cope with the intensity of spiritual emergency and direct the kundalini energy released during planetary passages • Includes a new preface by the author reflecting on 20 years of success stories since the book’s initial publication • No astrological chart needed to use this book In this updated edition of Liquid Light of Sex, renowned astrologer and spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow explores the connection between life crises in your 30s, 40s, and 50s and the key astrological passages of Saturn, Uranus, and Chiron in your birth chart. She explains how kundalini energy--the “liquid light of sex” that lies at the base of the spine--is activated during these planetary transits, rising through the chakras and triggering the process of spiritual emergency, and in many cases, a cascade of health, emotional, and relationship problems as well as extreme anxiety. She shows that by understanding these astrological transits, you can be prepared for turbulent periods and successfully navigate them by creatively channeling the spiritual fire of kundalini. Clow provides astrological charts--now updated through 2050 for those born between 1930 and 2000--detailing the cycles of Saturn, Uranus, and Chiron, so you do not need your birth chart to use this book. She explains how to use the charts to predict the onset and completion of each kundalini activation and corresponding crisis. She shares tools for individuals and therapists to cope with the intensity of spiritual emergency and too much fire energy, unblock the chakras, and integrate the power of kundalini for physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. Reflecting on 20 years of success stories since the book’s initial publication, Clow presents a road map for using celestial cycles to navigate positively and productively in times of great life change.

Guardians of the Celtic Way: The Path to Arthurian Fulfillment

by Jill Kelly Richard Gerber

A channeled overview of the Celtic path of Arthurian fulfillment, a vision of personal and planetary transformation• Gives a detailed explanation and overview of the kingdoms of nature and the devic forces that comprise the Divine Mother's kingdom on Earth• Explains the Celtic calendar and the primary natural forms--animal, stone, tree, flower, plant, and bird--that are activated during the 16-month lunar cycle of emotional growthAccording to the Celtic Way, all spirit forces and forms of nature are here to teach and support every individual in attaining his or her full wisdom status. In this way Earth can become a land of beloveds who have fully embodied the laws of love in sacred partnerships, each individual cocreating with the divine. This is the Arthurian fulfillment. It is only through meeting our innermost fears--our shadows and dragons--and transforming them into love that we may emerge as divine humans empowered to lift the entire planet closer to this sacred vision of the peaceable kingdom restored.Instructed by the guardians of the Other World, trees, animals, and other Earth spirits, Celtic scholar Jill Kelly outlines the cosmology of Celtic mysticism that orders the Divine Mother's kingdom on Earth and that calls humanity to awaken to its sacred potential. Guardians of the Celtic Way describes the 142 planes of the soul's descent into the separation from the One, explains the Celtic calendar and how the forces of nature interact with earthly cycles to assist us in bringing about spiritual fulfillment, and gently calls us to follow the Celtic path of ascension and establish Heaven on Earth.

The Man Who Knew the Medicine: The Teachings of Bill Eagle Feather

by Henry Niese

The teachings of Bill Eagle Feather, Sun Dance chief and medicine man of the Rosebud Sioux, as told by his apprentice. • Reveals personal accounts of important Native American rituals such as the yuwipi and the sun dance. • Includes stories and teachings from the last years of Bill Eagle Feather's life.Lakota medicine man Bill Schweigman Eagle Feather gained widespread recognition as an uncompromising spiritual leader in the 1960s when he defied a U.S. government ban on Indian religious practice and performed the Sun Dance ritual with public piercing. He continued on as Sun Dance chief and teacher of the Lakota way of life until his death in 1980. Author Henry Niese met Bill Eagle Feather during a sweatlodge ceremony preceding a Sun Dance on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in 1975. That was the beginning of the relationship between student and teacher that is captured with humor and respect in The Man Who Knew the Medicine. Niese brings readers along on his journey from outsider to initiate to elder, a transformation guided by Bill Eagle Feather. He describes sacred traditions such as the sweatlodge, the yuwipi, and the powerful Sioux Sun Dance, which Niese participated in for 16 years on the Rosebud reservation. His firsthand accounts provide a portal into a sacred reality as well as insight into the struggles of the Indian community to perpetuate its values and religious truths in the context of contemporary America. Above all, The Man Who Knew the Medicine offers the opportunity to experience the unique personality of a fascinating individual and respected healer through the eyes of a friend and a student.

The Mystery of the Copper Scroll of Qumran: The Essene Record of the Treasure of Akhenaten

by Robert Feather

Introduces a radical new perspective on the historical foundations of monotheism, based on the enigma of the Copper Scroll of the Essenes. • Confirms the link between ancient Judaism and the pharoah Akhenaten. • Decodes the system of measurements encrypted on the Copper Scroll that has confounded scholars for over 50 years, leading to the identification of fabulous lost treasures.• Points to a radical new understanding of the origins of monotheism. The famous Dead Sea Scrolls comprise the oldest collection of Biblical documents ever discovered. Of the Dead Sea Scrolls, none has baffled experts more than the 2,000-year-old Copper Scroll, discovered in 1952 by a team of Bedouin led by Henri de Contenson of the Ecole Biblique in East Jerusalem. Appearing to be a list of buried treasure engraved on copper pieces, the Copper Scroll is considered to be the work of a secretive Jewish sect of devout Essenes, who lived by the Dead Sea around the time of Jesus. No one has been able to explain its meaning or discover any of the 64 locations where the Biblical treasures it lists were buried. Robert Feather, combining his background as a metallurgist with his journalistic expertise, has unraveled the enigma of the Copper Scroll in a fascinating study that takes the reader on a journey from ancient Mesopotamia, through Canaan, into Egypt, and back to the shores of the Dead Sea. His exploration links the scroll to the ancient Egyptian king Akhenaten, confirming a long suspected influence of this pharaoh's religious beliefs on those of the Hebrews. The author's findings not only reveal the locations of most of the treasures listed on the Copper Scroll, but they also point to a radical new understanding of the origins of monotheism--the basis of the three great religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Rituals and Practices with the Motherpeace Tarot

by Vicki Noble

A spiritual guidance system with rituals to tap into and manifest feminine divine energy through the Motherpeace deck• Contains over 20 rituals, exercises, and readings that integrate tarot with spiritual practice, rites, and celebrations • Demonstrates how Motherpeace cards may be used to improve health, relationships, and personal insight; celebrate holidays; and commune with the divine forces of the universe • By the cocreator of the Motherpeace deck (more than 200,000 copies sold) First printed during the crest of the women’s spirituality movement, the Motherpeace deck created a sensation as a multicultural tarot designed specifically for women. Depicting people of color, older women, children, animals, and balanced roles for men and women, the Motherpeace deck embraces images from ancient cultures and contemporary tribal peoples to convey the fundamental principles of cooperation, relatedness, egalitarianism, and ecstatic communion. Rituals and Practices with the Motherpeace Tarot offers a deep spiritual practice that taps into and manifests the divine feminine through ritual readings, rites of passage, daily meditative practice, and seasonal celebration. Vicki Noble teaches how to use the imagery of the Motherpeace deck to read the past, present, and future; invoke good health on all planes; nurture healthy relationships; receive divine guidance during critical decision-making; and celebrate sacred holidays. Her book is a useful tool for both beginners and those with extensive knowledge of tarot.

Mastery of Awareness: Living the Agreements

by Arlene Broska Doña Bernadette Vigil

• Doña Bernadette Vigil, the working partner of don Miguel Ruiz and a fully initiated Nagual woman, reveals the authentic tradition of Toltec self-mastery. • Includes exercises from the ancient spiritual path that take the practitioner from Jaguar Knight and Eagle Knight through Nagual Master. • Provides a program of 11 Agreements for continuing the spiritual journey.The Toltec people of ancient Mexico possessed powerful knowledge, passed down secretly through generations of Naguals, that enabled them to achieve a remarkable psychic and spiritual balance. These spiritual warriors learned to discipline their thoughts and emotions, channeling their energy into unconditional love for themselves and others and transforming their world in the process. With the understanding of one who has walked the path, dona Bernadette Vigil--a full Nagual, or shaman, in the Toltec tradition--guides readers through the effective training techniques practiced by Toltec warriors for centuries. By following the practices of the spiritual warrior, readers will experience the amazing sense of peace and contentment that comes from finally breaking free from layers of self-limiting thoughts and fulfilling their true potential as human beings. More than a handbook for personal change, Mastery of Awareness challenges readers to transform the collective dream of the planet.

Call of the Great Spirit: The Shamanic Life and Teachings of Medicine Grizzly Bear

by Bobby Lake-Thom

A traditional Native American healer from the Karuk tribe shares his personal story of reconnection to the Great Spirit in contemporary America. • By Bobby Lake-Thom, author of the bestseller Native Healer. • Provides Native American shamanic perspective on disease and healing. • Explores indigenous social identity in a spiritual and political context. • Reveals authentic indigenous traditions and ceremonies from numerous tribes.This redemption story of Native American healer Bobby Lake-Thom invites the reader to enter a world of authentic indigenous traditions and ceremonies. Bobby, also known as Medicine Grizzly Bear, didn't recognize his shamanic calling at first. He didn't know that his vivid dreams, psychic abilities, and visitations by wild animals and ghostly figures were calls from the Great Spirit. In the age-old shamanic tradition, it took a near-death experience for the message to get through to him. Though still a young man, he was wracked with debilitating arthritis. Unable to handle the physical and psychic pain, he set out into the wilderness determined to kill himself with an overdose of drugs and alcohol. But before downing the substances, he approximated a Native American ceremony as best he could, sending a heartfelt prayer for assistance to the Great Spirit. He woke up--alive--the next morning and received a message from Eagle, telling him to seek help from Wahsek, a medicine man in the northern mountains. And so Bobby's apprenticeship began. Forbidden to reveal Wahsek's secrets until 10 years after his death, Bobby is now free to share this fascinating story with the world.

The Gospel of the Toltecs: The Life and Teachings of Quetzalcoatl

by Frank Díaz Victor Sanchez

A compilation of the teachings of Quetzalcoatl, avatar of the Toltecs, reconstructed from original source texts and the legends told at his birthplace in Amatlan, Morelos, Mexico. • The first complete historical account of the life and teachings of Quetzalcoatl, the most important figure in Mesoamerican spirituality. • Includes 86 chronological teaching stories accompanied by 27 codex illustrations. Quetzalcoatl Ce Acatl (born in A.D. 947)--whose stature has been compared to that of Christ, Buddha, and Krishna--was the key figure in the development of the spiritual culture of the Toltecs. In The Gospel of the Toltecs the author has gathered Nahua and Maya codexes, Spanish chronicles of conquest, and native oral tradition to recount the life of Quetzalcoatl: his temptation and fall; his initiation with sacred mushrooms; his long journey in search of spiritual enlightenment; his triumphant return to the Toltec land; and his subsequent teaching, self-immolation, ascension, and promise of return. Quetzalcoatl's teachings make up the Toltecayotl, or Toltequity--the art of intentional doing--which provides an initiatic guide for the transformation of individuals and society, while his personal history is a guide for the development of Nahualli, the magical side of human awareness. For all those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the roots of Toltec spirituality or who wish to grow from the teachings of one of the world's great spiritual leaders, The Gospel of the Toltecs offers a unique and authentic access to the life and ministry of one of the most important figures in the ancient world.

The Double Goddess: Women Sharing Power

by Vicki Noble

The first book to seriously study the double goddess that figures prominently in Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures. • Offers an important symbol for modern women seeking to reconnect with their ancient, integral sense of self and wholeness. • Presents an archetype for the sacred potential of female bonding, whether between mother and daughter, teacher and student, friends, or lovers. • Illustrated with 149 examples of double goddess images. Numerous figures depicting two women in intimate relation with one another, or as a single body with two heads, have been discovered in important centers of early civilizations such as Catal Huyuk and Gozo. These have been routinely ignored by scholars or dismissed as mere dolls with no sacred connotations whatsoever. Vicki Noble shows, to the contrary, that this double goddess is an ancient icon that can considerably expand our understanding of female sovereignty, as well as provide contemporary women with a way to reconnect with the integral sense of self and wholeness enjoyed by their ancestors. Ancient Goddess religion was informed by the organic cycles of nature--the dual poles of Life and Death. The double goddess represents phenomena such as the Earth-Moon pair, the Upper-Underworld pair, the Summer and Winter poles of the seasonal year, and the dual poles of the female biological reality of menstruation and ovulation--the dark and the light. The double goddess in all her varied forms also depicts the vast array of potential relationships women can form with themselves and each other. This book is a celebration of an archetype that not only empowers women, but also teaches them how to share that power with each other.

Prayers and Meditations of the Quero Apache

by Alberto Villoldo Brooke Medicine Eagle Maria Yracébûrû

Teaches the traditional Quero Apache meditative practice of entering the silence--a combination of prayer, meditation, and breathwork--as a path to spiritual healing and enlightenment • Contains 24 prayer wheels from the Quero Apache tradition• Offers easy-to-follow instructions for how to conduct the practice• Provides rare insights into the spiritual philosophies and rituals of the Quero Apache• Written by a living descendant of Apache prophet NochaydelklinneThe Quero Apache Snake Clan, or Tlish Diyan, center their spiritual practice on the daily ceremony of Doowaa-gon’ch-aada, “entering the silence.” A combination of meditation, breathwork, and prayer, Doowaa-gon’ch-aada offers an experiential connection to All That Is from the Earth-based spiritual traditions of indigenous America. When performed properly, this ritual becomes a path to self-realization and transcendence.Prayers and Meditations of the Quero Apache explains how to establish a personal practice. In addition to 24 prayer wheels, easy-to-follow instructions for the ritual, and accompanying pieces of inspirational artwork, the book includes a rare overview of the spiritual philosophies of the Quero Apache. The author incorporates her own stories and essays into the text in order to share the wisdom she has gained as daughter of the Tlish Diyan, granddaughter and apprentice of Apache holy man Ten Bears, and descendant of the prophet Nochaydelklinne.

Magdalene's Lost Legacy: Symbolic Numbers and the Sacred Union in Christianity

by Margaret Starbird

In Magdalene’s Lost Legacy, author Margaret Starbird decodes the symbolic numbers embedded in the original Greek phrases of the New Testament--revealing the powerful presence of the feminine divine.The New Testament contains wide use of gematria, a literary device that allows the sums of certain phrases to produce sacred numbers. Exploring the hidden meanings behind these numbers, Starbird reveals that the union between Jesus and his bride, Mary Magdalene, formed a sacred partnership that was the cornerstone of the earliest Christian community.Magdalene’s Lost Legacy demonstrates how the crucial teaching of the sacred marriage that unites masculine and feminine principles--the heiros gamos--is the partnership model for life on our planet and the ultimate blueprint for civilization. Starbird’s research challenges the concept that Christ was celibate and establishes Mary Magdalene as the human incarnation of the sacred bride. The author also explains the true meaning of the “666” prophesied in the Book of Revelation. Through this potent reclaiming of the lost legacy of Mary Magdalene, Margaret Starbird offers the opportunity to restore the divine feminine to her rightful role as bride, beloved, and sacred partner.

Coyote Healing: Miracles in Native Medicine

by Larry Dossey Lewis Mehl-Madrona

Distills the basic principles used by Native American healers to create miracles. • Explores the power of miracles in both traditional Native American healing and modern scientific medicine. • Cites numerous cases in which people whose conditions were deemed hopeless were miraculously healed. • Enables readers to start their own healing journey through the exploration of purpose, meaning, and acceptance. • By the author of Coyote Medicine. Native American healers expect miracles and prepare in all possible ways for them to occur. In modern medicine, miraculous recoveries are discarded from studies as anomalous cases that will taint the otherwise orderly results. Yet this small group of "miracle" patients has much to teach us about healing and survival. Coyote Healing distills the common elements in miracle cures to help people start their own healing journey. Looking at 100 cases of individuals who experienced miracle cures, Dr. Mehl-Madrona found the same preconditions that Native American healers know are necessary in order for miracles to occur. The author reveals what he learned from both his own practice and the interviews he conducted with survivors about the common features of their path back to wellness. Survivors found purpose and meaning in their life-threatening illness; peaceful acceptance was key to their healing. Coyote Healing also tells of another kind of miracle--finding faith, hope, and serenity even when a cure seems impossible.

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