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Showing 81,051 through 81,075 of 81,190 results

Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism

by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

"Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism" by Saisetz Teitaro (D.T.) Suzuki is a seminal work that provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the rich and complex world of Mahayana Buddhism. D.T. Suzuki, a renowned scholar and practitioner of Buddhism, masterfully distills the essential teachings, philosophies, and practices of this major Buddhist tradition, making it understandable for both scholars and general readers.In this book, Suzuki explores the historical development of Mahayana Buddhism, tracing its origins from early Buddhist teachings to its evolution into various schools and sects. He delves into key Mahayana concepts such as Sunyata (emptiness), Bodhisattva (enlightened beings dedicated to helping others achieve enlightenment), and the nature of Buddhahood. Suzuki's insightful analysis illuminates the profound spiritual and philosophical underpinnings of Mahayana thought, highlighting its distinct differences from Theravada Buddhism. His discussion includes the role of important Mahayana texts, such as the Lotus Sutra and the Heart Sutra, in shaping the tradition's doctrines and practices."Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism" is not only a scholarly work but also a deeply personal one, reflecting Suzuki's own experiences and deep reverence for the subject. His writing is both erudite and engaging, making complex ideas accessible without oversimplification. The book is enriched with illustrative examples, metaphors, and anecdotes that bring Mahayana principles to life.This classic text remains an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to understand the depth and breadth of Mahayana Buddhism. Whether you are a student of religious studies, a practitioner of Buddhism, or simply someone interested in exploring Eastern philosophies, D.T. Suzuki's "Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism" offers a profound and enlightening journey into one of the world's great spiritual traditions.

Life of Mahavira

by Manak Chand Jaini

“The Life of Mahavira is a comprehensive biography of the founder of Jainism, Mahavira. Written by Manak Chand Jaini, a prominent scholar of Jainism, the book provides a detailed account of Mahavira's life, teachings, and legacy. The book is divided into several chapters, each of which focuses on a different aspect of Mahavira's life. The first chapter provides an introduction to Jainism and its history, while the second chapter delves into the life of Mahavira before he became a spiritual leader. The third chapter describes Mahavira's spiritual journey and his attainment of enlightenment, while the fourth chapter explores his teachings and philosophy. The remaining chapters of the book focus on various aspects of Mahavira's life, including his interactions with other religious leaders, his relationships with his disciples, and his travels throughout India. The book also includes a detailed analysis of Mahavira's legacy and the impact of his teachings on Jainism and Indian society as a whole. Overall, The Life of Mahavira is an essential read for anyone interested in the history and philosophy of Jainism, as well as those interested in the life of one of India's most revered spiritual leaders.”-Print ed.

Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians: Gleaned From Their Biographies, Autobiographies And Writings

by James Gilchrist Lawson

"Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians" by James Gilchrist Lawson is an inspiring and enlightening collection of spiritual biographies that delves into the profound and transformative experiences of some of the most influential figures in Christian history. Lawson, a respected Christian author and historian, brings together the stories of men and women whose deep faith and extraordinary encounters with God have left an indelible mark on the Christian faith.Among the figures featured are saints like Augustine and Francis of Assisi, reformers such as Martin Luther and John Wesley, and revivalists like Jonathan Edwards and Charles Finney. Lawson meticulously recounts their struggles, revelations, and the divine interventions that led them to a deeper understanding of God's love and purpose for their lives. Through these stories, readers are given a window into the inner workings of God's grace and the ways in which He shapes and molds His servants."Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians" is not just a historical account; it is a source of spiritual inspiration and encouragement. Lawson's engaging and accessible writing style brings these historical figures to life, making their experiences relatable and applicable to contemporary readers. The book serves as a powerful reminder that the same God who worked in the lives of these great Christians is still active and present today, inviting all believers to seek a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him.This book is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and understand the rich heritage of Christian spirituality. It is ideal for personal devotions, small group studies, and anyone interested in the lives of those who have profoundly influenced the course of Christianity. "Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians" offers timeless wisdom and inspiration, encouraging readers to pursue their own deeper experiences with God.

The Spirit's Pilgrimage

by Madeleine Slade

“The Spirit's Pilgrimage by Madeleine Slade is a spiritual memoir that chronicles the author's journey from a privileged life in England to a life of service in India. Slade, who was known as Mirabehn, was a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi and played a significant role in India's struggle for independence. The book begins with Slade's childhood in England and her early years as a socialite. However, after reading Gandhi's autobiography, she felt a deep calling to serve the Indian people and left her comfortable life to join him in India. The Spirit's Pilgrimage details Slade's experiences living with Gandhi and his followers, as well as her involvement in the Indian independence movement. She writes about the challenges she faced as a foreigner in India and the sacrifices she made to serve the cause she believed in. Throughout the book, Slade reflects on her spiritual journey and the lessons she learned from Gandhi. She writes about her struggles with ego and attachment, and how she found peace and purpose through her service to others. Overall, The Spirit's Pilgrimage is a moving and inspiring memoir that offers a unique perspective on India's struggle for independence and the power of spiritual transformation.”-Print ed.

Light and Truth Collected From the Bible and Ancient and Modern History: Collected From The Bible And Ancient And Modern History: Containing The Universal History Of The Colored And The Indian Race, From The Creation Of The World To The Present Time

by Robert Benjamin Lewis

"Light and Truth Collected From the Bible and Ancient and Modern History" by Robert Benjamin Lewis is a profound exploration of the intersection between biblical teachings and historical narratives. Published in the 19th century, this work delves into the rich tapestry of human history, drawing connections between the spiritual wisdom of the Bible and the recorded events of ancient and modern civilizations.Lewis meticulously compiles insights from various historical sources, presenting a comprehensive view of humanity's journey through time. He examines the moral and ethical lessons embedded in biblical stories and correlates them with significant occurrences and figures from history. This book is a treasure trove of knowledge for those interested in understanding how religious texts and historical events interplay to shape our world.Through his detailed research and thoughtful analysis, Lewis aims to illuminate the timeless truths and enduring wisdom that transcend cultures and epochs. "Light and Truth" serves as both a historical reference and a spiritual guide, offering readers a deeper appreciation of the interconnectedness of faith and history.

Hudson Taylor's Story of his Early Life and The Forming of the China Inland Mission

by J. Hudson Taylor

"Hudson Taylor's Story of His Early Life and the Forming of the China Inland Mission" is an inspiring and deeply moving account of the early years of one of the most influential missionaries in history. This book chronicles the formative experiences and profound spiritual journey of James Hudson Taylor, a pioneering figure whose faith and determination led to the establishment of the China Inland Mission (CIM).The narrative begins with Taylor's humble beginnings in England, exploring the events and influences that shaped his character and ignited his passion for missionary work. From his early struggles and profound religious experiences to his unwavering commitment to evangelism, Taylor's story is one of resilience, faith, and visionary leadership.Taylor's journey to China is recounted with vivid detail, capturing the challenges he faced, including cultural barriers, language difficulties, and personal hardships. Despite these obstacles, his steadfast belief in his mission and his innovative approach to cross-cultural ministry set the stage for his enduring legacy.The book details the founding principles of CIM, emphasizing its commitment to reaching the inland provinces of China with the Christian message. Taylor's innovative methods, including the recruitment and training of missionaries, his focus on self-reliance, and his unwavering faith in divine provision, are explored in depth."Hudson Taylor's Story of His Early Life and the Forming of the China Inland Mission" is more than a biography; it is a powerful testament to the impact of faith-driven determination and cross-cultural engagement. It provides valuable insights into the challenges and triumphs of missionary work in 19th-century China and offers timeless lessons in perseverance, cultural sensitivity, and the transformative power of faith.

The Incarnation of the Son of God

by Charles Gore

"The Incarnation of the Son of God" by Charles Gore is a profound and scholarly exploration of one of the central doctrines of Christianity: the incarnation. Charles Gore, a renowned Anglican theologian and bishop, presents a comprehensive and deeply insightful study of the theological, historical, and spiritual significance of the belief that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man.In this seminal work, Gore meticulously examines the scriptural foundations of the incarnation, tracing its development through the Old and New Testaments. He offers a thorough analysis of key biblical texts and their interpretations, providing readers with a solid theological grounding. Gore also engages with the early church fathers and ecumenical councils, highlighting how the doctrine of the incarnation was articulated and defended against various heresies.Gore's writing is characterized by its clarity and depth, making complex theological concepts accessible to both scholars and lay readers. He delves into the mystery of the incarnation, exploring its implications for understanding the nature of God, the person of Christ, and the salvation of humanity. Gore addresses questions about the union of divine and human natures in Christ, the role of the Virgin Birth, and the significance of the incarnation for Christian faith and practice.Gore explores how the incarnation informs Christian ethics, worship, and spirituality, urging readers to live out the implications of this profound truth in their daily lives."The Incarnation of the Son of God" is a landmark work that remains relevant and influential in contemporary theological discussions. It is an essential resource for theologians, pastors, students of theology, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian faith. Charles Gore's erudition and pastoral sensitivity make this book a timeless classic, offering readers a rich and inspiring reflection on the mystery and majesty of the incarnation.

The Twofold Life or, Christ's Work For Us and Christ's Work in Us

by A. J. Gordon

"A. J. Gordon's The Twofold Life or, Christ's Work For Us and Christ's Work in Us" is an illuminating and deeply spiritual examination of the dual aspects of Christ's redemptive work in the life of a believer. A. J. Gordon, a highly respected 19th-century pastor and theologian, masterfully articulates the profound theological truths of Christ's external and internal work in this enduring classic.In "The Twofold Life," Gordon explores the complementary and inseparable aspects of Christ's work. He begins by delving into "Christ's Work For Us," emphasizing the foundational truths of the gospel: Christ's atoning sacrifice, justification, and the believer's position in Christ. Gordon provides a rich and detailed exposition of the significance of Christ's death and resurrection, underscoring the believer's assurance of salvation and the transformative power of Christ's finished work on the cross.Transitioning to "Christ's Work in Us," Gordon addresses the internal, sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. He explains how Christ's life, character, and power are manifested within the believer, leading to spiritual growth and maturity. Gordon discusses the process of sanctification, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, and the believer's ongoing transformation into Christlikeness.Throughout the book, Gordon employs a pastoral and accessible writing style, making profound theological concepts understandable and applicable to everyday Christian living.This book is an invaluable resource for theologians, pastors, and laypeople seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian faith. "The Twofold Life or, Christ's Work For Us and Christ's Work in Us" remains a timeless and inspirational work that continues to encourage and edify believers, guiding them towards a richer and more vibrant relationship with their Savior.

Recollections of Journey Through Tartary, Thibet, and China During the Years 1844, 1845, and 1846 Vol. II (Recollections of Journey Through Tartary, Thibet, and China During the Years 1844, 1845, and 1846 #2)

by Évariste Régis Huc

"Recollections of Journey Through Tartary, Thibet, and China During the Years 1844, 1845, and 1846" by Evariste Huc is an enthralling travel memoir that chronicles the author's remarkable expedition across some of the most remote and fascinating regions of Asia. Evariste Huc, a French missionary, provides an extraordinary firsthand account of his adventures and observations as he traversed the vast landscapes of Tartary (Central Asia), Tibet, and China during the mid-19th century.Huc's narrative is rich with vivid descriptions of the diverse cultures, peoples, and landscapes he encountered on his journey. From the vast steppes of Tartary to the majestic heights of the Tibetan plateau, and the intricate social fabric of imperial China, Huc's keen eye for detail and deep curiosity bring these distant lands to life. His encounters with nomadic tribes, Buddhist monks, and Chinese officials offer readers a rare glimpse into the lives and customs of these regions during a time of limited Western influence."Recollections of Journey Through Tartary, Thibet, and China" is more than just a travelogue; it is a valuable historical document that captures a pivotal moment in the cultural and political landscapes of Asia. Huc's reflections on the religious practices, political structures, and daily life of the people he met provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of these regions.Evariste Huc's eloquent and engaging writing style, combined with his perceptive insights and adventurous spirit, makes this book a timeless classic in the genre of travel literature. It is an essential read for historians, geographers, and anyone with an interest in the rich tapestry of Asian cultures and the history of exploration. Through Huc's eyes, readers are transported to a bygone era, experiencing the wonders and challenges of a journey through some of the most remote and mystical parts of the world.

An Affair of Spies: A Novel

by Ronald H. Balson

From the winner of the National Jewish Book Award—Ronald H. Balson's An Affair of Spies tells of a spy mission to rescue a defector from Germany and prevent the Nazis from creating an atomic bomb.Nathan Silverman grew up in Berlin in the 1920s, the son of a homemaker and a theoretical physicist. His idyllic childhood was soon marred by increasing levels of bigotry against his family and the rest of the Jewish community, and after his uncle is arrested on Kristallnacht, he leaves Germany for New York City with only his mother’s wedding ring to sell for survival.While attending an evening course at Columbia in 1942, Nathan notices a recruitment poster on a university wall and decides to enlist in the military and help fight the Nazi regime. To his surprise, he is quickly selected for a special assignment; he is trained as a spy, and ordered to report to the Manhattan Project. There he learns that the Allies are racing to develop a nuclear weapon before the Nazis, and a German theoretical physicist is hoping to defect. The physicist was a friend of his father's, and Nathan's mission is to return to Berlin via France and smuggle him out of Europe.Nathan will be accompanied by Dr. Allison Fisher, a brilliant young scientist who can speak French; he travels to her lab at the University of Chicago for a crash course in nuclear physics, then they embark on their adventure. Nathan and Allison soon develop feelings for one another, but as their relationship deepens they move ever closer to their dangerous goal. Will they be able to escape Europe with the defector and start a new life together, or will they fail their mission and become two more casualties of war?An Affair of Spies is an action-packed tale of heroism and love in the face of unspeakable evil. Author Ronald H. Balson has applied his unmatched talent for evocative and painstakingly authentic storytelling to the high-stakes world of espionage and created his most thrilling novel yet.

The Matchmaker's Gift: A Novel

by Lynda Cohen Loigman

Named a Best Book of Fall 2022 by Parade • BuzzFeed • New York Post • • People"Loigman's latest is a gem. A scrappy Jewish teenager newly arrived in 1920s New York struggles to follow her calling as a matchmaker––seventy years later, her cynical divorce-attorney granddaughter realizes she has very inconveniently inherited the family gift for matching soulmates. Both funny and moving, The Matchmaker's Gift made me smile from start to finish."––Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling author of The Rose CodeIs finding true love a calling or a curse?Even as a child in 1910, Sara Glikman knows her gift: she is a maker of matches and a seeker of soulmates. But among the pushcart-crowded streets of New York’s Lower East Side, Sara’s vocation is dominated by devout older men—men who see a talented female matchmaker as a dangerous threat to their traditions and livelihood. After making matches in secret for more than a decade, Sara must fight to take her rightful place among her peers, and to demand the recognition she deserves.Two generations later, Sara’s granddaughter, Abby, is a successful Manhattan divorce attorney, representing the city’s wealthiest clients. When her beloved Grandma Sara dies, Abby inherits her collection of handwritten journals recording the details of Sara’s matches. But among the faded volumes, Abby finds more questions than answers. Why did Abby’s grandmother leave this library to her and what did she hope Abby would discover within its pages? Why does the work Abby once found so compelling suddenly feel inconsequential and flawed? Is Abby willing to sacrifice the career she’s worked so hard for in order to keep her grandmother’s mysterious promise to a stranger? And is there really such a thing as love at first sight?

Eli's Promise: A Novel

by Ronald H. Balson

"National Jewish Book Award winner Ron Balson returns triumphantly with Eli’s Promise, a captivating saga of the Holocaust and its aftermath spanning decades and continents. Readers will not be able to put this book down, but will turn the pages compulsively with heart in throat, eager to learn the fate of the Rosen family. Balson’s meticulous historical detail, vivid prose and unforgettable characters further solidify his place among the most esteemed writers of historical fiction today."—Pam Jenoff, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Lost Girls of Paris A "fixer" in a Polish town during World War II, his betrayal of a Jewish family, and a search for justice 25 years later—by the winner of the National Jewish Book Award.Eli's Promise is a masterful work of historical fiction spanning three eras—Nazi-occupied Poland, the American Zone of post-war Germany, and Chicago at the height of the Vietnam War. Award-winning author Ronald H. Balson explores the human cost of war, the mixed blessings of survival, and the enduring strength of family bonds.1939: Eli Rosen lives with his wife Esther and their young son in the Polish town of Lublin, where his family owns a construction company. As a consequence of the Nazi occupation, Eli’s company is Aryanized, appropriated and transferred to Maximilian Poleski—an unprincipled profiteer who peddles favors to Lublin’s subjugated residents. An uneasy alliance is formed; Poleski will keep the Rosen family safe if Eli will manage the business. Will Poleski honor his promise or will their relationship end in betrayal and tragedy?1946: Eli resides with his son in a displaced persons camp in Allied-occupied Germany hoping for a visa to America. His wife has been missing since the war. One man is sneaking around the camps selling illegal visas; might he know what has happened to her?1965: Eli rents a room in Albany Park, Chicago. He is on a mission. With patience, cunning, and relentless focus, he navigates unfamiliar streets and dangerous political backrooms, searching for the truth. Powerful and emotional, Ronald H. Balson's Eli's Promise is a rich, rewarding novel of World War II and a husband’s quest for justice.

Ararat: In Search of the Mythical Mountain

by Frank Westerman

Mount Ararat in Turkey is where, as biblical tradition has it, Noah's Ark ran aground and God made his covenant with mankind. Now it stands astride the fault-line between religion and science, a geographical, political and cultural crossroads, bound up with the centuries-old history of warfare between different cultures in this region. Frank Westerman takes a pilgrimage from the mountain's foot to its highest slopes, meeting along the way geologists, priests and an expedition in search of the Ark's remains, as well as a Russian astronaut who observes that 'there is something between heaven and earth about which we humans know nothing'. Ararat is a dazzling, highly personal book about science, religion and all that lies between, by one of Europe's most celebrated young writers.

The Gospel According To John: Chapters I-xii (Anchor Bible Commentaries Ser.)

by Raymond E. Brown

In the first volume of Raymond E. Brown’s magisterial three-volume commentary on the Gospel According to John, all of the major Johannine questions—of authorship, composition, dating, the relationship of John to the Synoptics (Mark, Matthew, and Luke)—are discussed. The important theories of modern biblical scholarship concerning John are weighed against the evidence given in the text and against prevailing biblical research. In sum, what is attempted is a synthesis of the major scholarly insights that bear on the Fourth Gospel. The translation—as Father Brown states at the outset—strives not for any formal beauty but rather for an accurate and contemporary version: “the simple, everyday Greek of the Gospel has been rendered into the ordinary American English of today.” The result is a translation that will strike the reader with uncommon immediacy. Father Brown also analyzes, in the appendixes, the meaning, use, and frequency of certain key words and phrases that occur in John, and examines the differences between the Johannine and Synoptic treatments of the miracle stories. The chapters of the Gospel translated here in Volume 29 (1–12) comprise the Prologue, which opens with the famous “In the beginning was the Word,” and the Book of Signs, an account of the miracles of Jesus and of his ministry.

The Gospel According To John: Chapters Xiii-xxi (Anchor Bible Ser. #Vol. 29a)

by Raymond E. Brown

This volume concludes Raymond E. Brown's commentary on the Gospel of John. Continuing his study begun in Anchor Bible Volume 29, the author translates the original Greek text into today's English. which allows all readers to make sense of the Gospel.

Matthew (The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries) (The Anchor Bible)

by W. F. Albright C. S. Mann

This is volume twenty-six of "The Anchor Bible", a new translation done book-by-book with accompanying introduction, notes, and comments."Matthew" is the most familiar of the gospels, best known for its parables, miracle narratives, and the long Sermon on the Mount. Recognized by the early Church as the most fitting introduction to the "New Testament", its special concern is to announce Jesus as the fulfillment of the "Old Testament". Hence its emphasis on the Law, on ethics based on the traditional theology of the Covenant, and on the centrality of Messianic hope.This commentary sets the understanding of "Matthew" in the context of its author's own religious and secular background. Believing that the text should be approached directly, the writers of the commentary make constant use of the recently discovered historical and linguistic evidence now available to elucidate it. This approach results in placing Jesus firmly within the framework of ascertainable Jewish tradition in first-century Palestine.The writers hold that the claim of Jesus to fulfill the Law and not to abolish it must be taken seriously. They have therefore taken a fresh look at the legal discussions in Matthew. In the light of their examination, there emerges first a revaluation of the meaning attached to such key words as "parables" and "hypocrite" and then a new and vital significance for such words.The result is a new respect for "Matthew", a highly reliable early source for the ministry of Jesus, and an examination of that ministry uncluttered by the presuppositions of various forms of modern "Platonism."

Mark 1-8 (The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

by Joel Marcus

Although it appears second in the New Testament, Mark is generally recognized as the first Gospel to be written. Captivating nonstop narrative characterizes this earliest account of the life and teachings of Jesus. In the first installment of his two-volume commentary on Mark, New Testament scholar Joel Marcus recaptures the power of Mark’s enigmatic narrative and capitalizes on its lively pace to lead readers through familiar and not-so-familiar episodes from the ministry of Jesus. As Marcus points out, the Gospel of Mark can be understood only against the backdrop of the apocalyptic atmosphere of the Jewish rebellions of 66-73 c.e., during which the Roman army destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem (70 c.e.). While the Jewish revolutionaries believed that the war was “the beginning of the end” and that a messianic redeemer would soon appear to lead his people to victory over their human enemies (the Romans) and cosmic foes (the demons), for Mark the redeemer had already come in the person of Jesus. Paradoxically, however, Jesus had won the decisive holy-war victory when he was rejected by his own people and executed on a Roman cross. The student of two of this generation’s most respected Bible scholars and Anchor Bible authors, Raymond E. Brown and J. Louis Martyn, Marcus helps readers understand the history, social customs, economic realities, religious movements, and spiritual and personal circumstances that made Jesus who he was. The result is a Bible commentary of the quality and originality readers have come to expect of the renowned Anchor Bible series. Challenging to scholars and enlightening to laypeople, Mark 1-8 is an invaluable tool for anyone reading the Gospel story.

Keeping Women in Their Digital Place: The Maintenance of Jewish Gender Norms Online

by Ruth Tsuria

Since its inception, the internet has been theorized as a democratic force, a public sphere in which hierarchies are flattened. But the internet is not a neutral tool; it has the power to amplify and mirror certain opinions and, as a result, can concretize social norms. So what happens when matters of religious practice and gender identity collide in these—often unregulated—online spaces?In Keeping Women in Their Digital Place, Ruth Tsuria explores how Orthodox Jewish communities in the United States and Israel have used “digital enclaves”—online safe havens created specifically for their denominations—to renegotiate traditional values in the face of taboo discourse encountered online. Combining a personal narrative with years of qualitative analysis, Tsuria examines how discussions in blogs and forums and on social media navigate issues of modesty, dating, marriage, intimacy, motherhood, and feminism. Unpacking the complexity of religious uses of the internet, Tsuria shows how the participatory qualities of digital spaces have been used both to challenge accepted norms and—more pervasively—to reinforce traditional and even extreme attitudes toward gender and sexuality.Original and engaging, this book will appeal to media, feminist, and religious studies scholars and students, particularly those interested in religion in the digital age and Orthodox Jewish communities.

Sharing Too Much: Musings from an Unlikely Life

by Richard Paul Evans

The #1 New York Times bestselling author and &“king of Christmas fiction&” (The New York Times) delivers a charming and inspirational collection of personal essays.Before he was the #1 New York Times bestselling author of holiday classics such as The Christmas Box, Richard Paul Evans was a young boy being raised by a suicidal mother and dealing with relentless bullying. He could not fathom what the future held for him. Now, in this intimate and heartfelt collection of personal essays, Evans shares his moving journey from childhood to beloved author. With his signature &“seasoned finesse&” (Booklist), he offers the insightful lessons he&’s learned and engaging advice about everything from marriage to parenthood and even facing near-death experiences. This is a charming essay collection that is the perfect gift all year round.

We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife

by Matt Fraser

From America&’s top psychic medium and the author of When Heaven Calls comes a new book that unveils the secrets of the afterlife, the truth about heaven, and inspires &“us with his comforting certainty that we never die&” (Gloria Estefan).Psychic medium Matt Fraser, author of When Heaven Calls, is back to unpack the number one question folks ask him: &“What happens after death?&” Although we might expect a complicated answer, it&’s actually pretty simple: We never die! Drawing from thousands of conversations with Spirit, Matt pulls back the curtain on life&’s hidden revelations: -What happens when we cross over -The beautiful realities of heaven and eternal life -The guardian angels who keep us safe on Earth (including our pets who have passed) -The role of dreams and how souls appear to the living -Love, romance, and soul mates beyond life -Ghosts, hauntings, negative souls, energy vampires, and psychic protection -Destiny, free will, and second chances -Regrets, amends, and forgiveness from heaven -Figuring out your gifts and purpose -Karma, kindness, and living in the divine flow -How to recognize the signs and messages our loved ones send us from heaven As Matt explains, &“We all have our own &‘phone line&’ to communicate with heaven. All we have to do is figure out how to use it.&” Revealed through never-before-told stories, the wisdom in We Never Die &“is healing the world by making sure we have a strong emotional and spiritual connection, which is the foundation for a healthy life&” (Karamo Brown, star of Queer Eye and author and author of Karamo).

In the World, But Not of It: Transforming Everyday Experience into a Spiritual Path

by David R. Hawkins

Spiritual teacher Dr. David R. Hawkins offers practical advice for readers to reach advanced states of consciousness in their everyday lives, so that they can enjoy being in the world, but not of it.It seems the further the world advances the harder it becomes to lead a life that is centered in love, grace, and compassion. That is, until now . . .In this book, based on the popular audio program of the same name, Dr. Hawkins shares his timeless insights on why certain spiritual experiences only provide temporary enlightenment. In the process, he explains how to turn normal activities into your spiritual practice.Readers will learn:· How to help raise the consciousness of the world· Why being accountable for choices and actions is central to one's spiritual evolution· How to make sure that you&’re taking responsibility for your life and choices· What to embrace—and what to avoid—in our technologically advanced world· How to avoid getting overly stressed by change· And much moreThis extraordinary program captures Dr. Hawkins&’s startling brilliance, infectious humor, and deep understanding of walking the awakened path as a citizen of the world.

Conquest and Community: The Afterlife of Warrior Saint Ghazi Miyan

by Shahid Amin

Few topics in South Asian history are as contentious as that of the Turkic conquest of the Indian subcontinent that began in the twelfth century and led to a long period of Muslim rule. How is a historian supposed to write honestly about the bloody history of the conquest without falling into communitarian traps? Conquest and Community is Shahid Amin's answer. Covering more than eight hundred years of history, the book centers on the enduringly popular saint Ghazi Miyan, a youthful soldier of Islam whose shrines are found all over India. Amin details the warrior saint’s legendary exploits, then tracks the many ways he has been commemorated in the centuries since. The intriguing stories, ballads, and proverbs that grew up around Ghazi Miyan were, Amin shows, a way of domesticating the conquest—recognizing past conflicts and differences but nevertheless bringing diverse groups together into a community of devotees. What seems at first glance to be the story of one mythical figure becomes an allegory for the history of Hindu-Muslim relations over an astonishingly long period of time, and a timely contribution to current political and historical debates.

Forgetful of Their Sex: Female Sanctity and Society, ca. 500–1100

by Jane Tibbetts Schulenburg

In this remarkable study of over 2,200 female and male saints, Jane Schulenburg explores women's status and experience in early medieval society and in the Church by examining factors such as family wealth and power, patronage, monasticism, virginity, and motherhood. The result is a unique depiction of the lives of these strong, creative, independent-minded women who achieved a visibility in their society that led to recognition of sanctity. "A tremendous piece of scholarship. . . . This journey through more than 2,000 saints is anything but dull. Along the way, Schulenburg informs our ideas regarding the role of saints in the medieval psyche, gender-specific identification, and the heroics of virginity." —Library Journal "[This book] will be a kind of 'roots' experience for some readers. They will hear the voices, haunted and haunting, of their distant ancestors and understand more about themselves." —Christian Science Monitor "This fascinating book reaches far beyond the history of Christianity to recreate the 'herstory' of a whole gender." —Kate Saunders, The Independent

Ecce Homo: The Male-Body-in-Pain as Redemptive Figure

by Kent L. Brintnall

Images of suffering male bodies permeate Western culture, from Francis Bacon’s paintings and Robert Mapplethorpe’s photographs to the battered heroes of action movies. Drawing on perspectives from a range of disciplines—including religious studies, gender and queer studies, psychoanalysis, art history, and film theory—Ecce Homo explores the complex, ambiguous meanings of the enduring figure of the male-body-in-pain.Acknowledging that representations of men confronting violence and pain can reinforce ideas of manly tenacity, Kent L. Brintnall also argues that they reveal the vulnerability of men’s bodies and open them up to eroticization. Locating the roots of our cultural fascination with male pain in the crucifixion, he analyzes the way narratives of Christ’s death and resurrection both support and subvert cultural fantasies of masculine power and privilege. Through stimulating readings of works by Georges Bataille, Kaja Silverman, and more, Brintnall delineates the redemptive power of representations of male suffering and violence.

Conceived in Doubt: Religion and Politics in the New American Nation (American Beginnings, 1500-1900 Ser.)

by Amanda Porterfield

Americans have long acknowledged a deep connection between evangelical religion and democracy in the early days of the republic. This is a widely accepted narrative that is maintained as a matter of fact and tradition—and in spite of evangelicalism’s more authoritarian and reactionary aspects.In Conceived in Doubt, Amanda Porterfield challenges this standard interpretation of evangelicalism’s relation to democracy and describes the intertwined relationship between religion and partisan politics that emerged in the formative era of the early republic. In the 1790s, religious doubt became common in the young republic as the culture shifted from mere skepticism toward darker expressions of suspicion and fear. But by the end of that decade, Porterfield shows, economic instability, disruption of traditional forms of community, rampant ambition, and greed for land worked to undermine heady optimism about American political and religious independence. Evangelicals managed and manipulated doubt, reaching out to disenfranchised citizens as well as to those seeking political influence, blaming religious skeptics for immorality and social distress, and demanding affirmation of biblical authority as the foundation of the new American national identity.As the fledgling nation took shape, evangelicals organized aggressively, exploiting the fissures of partisan politics by offering a coherent hierarchy in which God was king and governance righteous. By laying out this narrative, Porterfield demolishes the idea that evangelical growth in the early republic was the cheerful product of enthusiasm for democracy, and she creates for us a very different narrative of influence and ideals in the young republic.

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