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Protecting Jennie

by Ann Collins

East Meets WestWaitressing in the Arizona desert was a far cry from Jennie Andrews's high society background, but it couldn't be far enough from the future her father had planned for her-even if it meant wasting her doctoring skills slicing bacon. As determined as she was beautiful, Jennie would let no one stop her from living her own life. Not even the handsome stranger who kept turning up whenever she seemed to need him.Detective-turned-rancher Cole Bryant couldn't deny his attraction to the woman he'd first spotted at the depot-or his curiosity about her. But these days Cole was steering clear of danger. And the more he saw of Jennie Andrews, the more the pretty Eastern miss looked like trouble!

My Montana Home

by Ellen James

Set against the magnificent background of Montana comes the saga of the Maxwells-one of the state's most powerful ranching families.Cassie Maxwell Warren has kept her seven-year-old son away from the influence of her dominating father-patriarch of the powerful Maxwell ranching dynasty. She saw how that influence almost destroyed her teenage brother and she wants to protect Zak. But now her son is becoming too attached to Andrew Morris, a man who thinks he knows what's best for the child-and for Cassie.

Substitute Father

by Bonnie K. Winn

Three orphaned children were definitely not on his shopping list!Luke Duncan never would have believed that going grocery shopping would lead to becoming foster father to three orphans. But no matter how he met them, it was clear that Brian, Hannah and Troy needed him. Now all he has to do is convince the social worker assigned to their case that a single man can be the perfect caregiver.Too bad the social worker is Kealey Fitzpatrick. After their disastrous blind date, he would have sworn she'd never darken his door again.

Zoey Phillips

by Judith Bowen

At their last reunion, they all accepted a challenge: look up your first love. Find out what happened to him, what kind of man he became. Since Zoey's spending the month before Christmas back in her old hometown-Stoney Creek, in British Columbia's interior-she decides she'll take the opportunity to search for Ryan Donnelly, the boy she'd loved with all the passion in her teenage heart.Zoey ends up visiting the Donnelly ranch, and she discovers that Ryan-who's still single-does seem interested in pursuing something with her. But what about his brother, Cameron? Cam Donnelly, successful rancher and single dad, is as remote and mysterious as Ryan is flirtatious and charming. Does he approve of her "romance" with Ryan or not? What does he think of her? Zoey's not sure why it even matters...and yet she knows it does.

Unexpected Marriage

by Anna Adams

For a parent, life gets easier once your kid's in college-right?Once she hears the three little words "Mom, I'm pregnant," Caroline Talbot Manning knows just how wrong that statement is. True, Shelly's boyfriend wants to do the honorable thing and marry her, but as Caroline knows, marrying the wrong man when you're pregnant with his child can be an even bigger problem. After all, that's exactly what she did.But what if Shelly's prospective father-in-law has a point? What if Caroline's daughter and Matt's son can make their marriage work? Certainly, that's going to be a lot easier if Caroline doesn't fall for Matt. Too bad he looks so good in his flight suit....

Shenandoah Christmas

by Lynnette Kent

Will Christmas come to Goodwill, Virginia, this year?Ten-year-old Maddie Tremaine is supposed to be the announcing angel in the town pageant this Christmas. But unless they can find someone to direct the show, Maddie's dream won't come true. Her dad's not much help. Ever since her mom went to heaven, he's been too sad to think about the holidays. He hasn't even met Miss Caitlyn, the new choir teacher, who'd be the perfect person to run the pageant.Then somehow-maybe because it's nearly Christmas-Maddie's wish comes true in the best possible way. Her dad and Miss Caitlyn are going to produce the pageant together. Suddenly her dad's smiling again. And her little brother-who stopped speaking after the accident-is beginning to talk.As for Maddie? She's going to be the best announcing angel Goodwill has ever seen!

True Heart

by Peggy Nicholson

They're on a collision course-againRancher Tripp McGraw knows that only the big ranches will survive in southwest Colorado, and he's determined to buy the Circle C, a ranch that adjoins his own. If he wanted to, he could foreclose on a loan and force Kaley Cotter to sell her spread to him.Newly divorced, pregnant by her ex-husband, Kaley has just returned to the Circle C, a ranch her family has held for four generations. Now her baby will be the fifth&3151;as long as Tripp doesn't succeed in buying her home out from under her.To make things even more difficult, nine years ago Tripp ended his engagement to Kaley without explanation, and both lovers felt abandoned and wronged.Two passionate, stubborn people heading for heartbreak once again.But maybe, just maybe, love is better the second time around....

Charlotte Moore

by Judith Bowen

Charlotte's taken the Girlfriends' challenge: Find your first love. What's he doing? How's he doing? On a business trip to Prince Edward Island-searching for antiques and folk art-Charlotte doesn't have to look very hard to find Liam Connery. But he's not what she expected. Not at all....Instead of the pilot he wanted to be, he trains and raises dogs. He's a man living a secluded existence in a rambling country house. A man with secrets.And yet-like Jane Eyre, with Liam playing the Mr. Rochester role-Charlotte's powerfully drawn to him. Falling in love, dreaming of marriage and babies and the promise of forever. A promise Liam may not be able to make...or to keep.

Daughter of Oklahoma

by Darlene Graham

Annie Fischer's come back to Medicine Creek, Oklahoma, to sell her childhood home. She doesn't plan to spend any more time than necessary in the place where her memories are all sad. Or are they? Suddenly-with the help of Mike Kirkpatrick, Realtor, pastor and father of five-she's uncovering secrets about her family and discovering one very good reason to stay in Medicine Creek.

A Cowboy for Clementine (Home on the Ranch #17)

by Susan Floyd

Clem Wells has made a career out of screwing upFirst she quit school to get married. Then she spent years being the perfect corporate wife-only to get dumped. Finally she went home to manage her family's ranch, figuring even she couldn't wreck a smoothly running operation. But she'd saved the worst for last.Who would've guessed that those sweet little cows she'd put out to pasture would turn into feral beasts that refused to be rounded up? Simple math said 0 cows = $0. And $0 meant her family's ranch was in jeopardy.What Clementine needed now was a miracle. Hard to believe that a miracle would take the form of Dexter Scott. But if a silent, ornery and stubborn cowboy was all that was available, then she'd take what she could get.

Child of His Heart

by Joan Kilby

He's raised one child who might not be his own. Does he have it in his heart to do it again?Fire chief Nick Dalton has a lot on his plate. He's had to move to a small town in Washington to get his twelve-going-on-twenty-year-old daughter away from the rough crowd she was hanging out with in Los Angeles. He's also struggling with the knowledge his late wife imparted on her deathbed-their child might not be his biologically.Erin Hanson has returned to the small town she grew up in to come to grips with a failed romance, and Nick is just the kind of man to make her quickly forget her woes. But suddenly she has a more wrenching situation on her hands-she's pregnant with her ex-fiancé's child.Erin knows Nick loves her. Now they both have to find out if he can love her baby, too.

Lydia Lane

by Judith Bowen

Lydia Lane didn't take the girlfriends' challenge-to find her first love-seriously at all. But then, Sam Pereira finds her...or rather, his ex-wife does.Lydia runs a business called Domestica, organizing people's lives and teaching them household skills. Sam's ex figures he needs someone like Lydia to create order out of chaos-and Sam agrees.Back when Lydia first knew Sam, back when she was secretly in love with him, he was Trouble with a capital T. A sexy motorcycle-riding "bad boy." Now he's a successful lawyer and a single father-but still sexy, still a rebel in his own way. Lydia knows she could fall for him all over again...and for his little girl!

Man with a Mission

by Muriel Jensen

He's a man with a missionShe's a woman with a secretHank Whitcomb is back in Maple Hill, Massachusetts, the tiny town he grew up in but fled almost twenty years earlier for fame and fortune. And he's determined to make a new life for himself. It doesn't take long before he discovers that he wants his old high school flame, Jackie Bourgeois, to be part of it-and in the deepest way possible: love, commitment, family.Until, that is, Hank happens to learn the real reason Jackie refused to come with him all those years ago...Still, nothing can keep Hank and Jackie from being together again-as they quickly find out!

14 Valentine Place

by Pamela Bauer

Things change. Coming home isn't easy for Dylan Donovan. He left thirteen years ago, carrying a terrible secret about his father, and he can't believe what's happened since. His widowed mother is now a savvy entrepreneur, his family home has been turned into student housing and his brothers seem to think his well-meant advice is just bossy interference. And then there's Maddie Lamont-Dylan doesn't know what to think about her.People change. Maddie's grown up a lot since the summer she spent with the Donovans. The braces, thick glasses and boyish figure have all been replaced, and Dylan's man enough to appreciate the transformation. What he doesn't appreciate is the influence Maddie seems to have on his family-particularly his mother. But like it or not, he has to get along with Maddie and remember that change is good. At least, that's what he keeps telling himself....

The Colonel and the Kid

by Elizabeth Ashtree

She hated her assignment...until she met himThere's something about a handsome man who speaks with an accent and wears a foreign military uniform. Add an air of mystery and a young child he's raising on his own, and that man becomes irresistible....But resisting him is exactly what Captain Natalie Wentworth's career demands. As an army protocol officer, her duties-showing Colonel Viktor Baturnov around, making sure he's properly introduced to his American counterparts and getting him settled into his training program at the Pentagon-call for professional detachment.Things go smoothly until Natalie learns the real reason for the colonel's visit to America. Suddenly she's embroiled in the struggle of a father to save his son. And her feelings for both could cost her dearly.

Sarah's Legacy (Home on the Ranch #18)

by Brenda Mott

Her idea of paradise is a country farmhouse with lots of kids and a dog. All he wants is his ranch, his horses-and to be left alone.When the Denver bank Bailey Chancellor works for transfers her to the small mountain town of Ferguson, Colorado, she eagerly accepts. Now she can have a country home, and maybe the children she's always wanted.The townspeople view Bailey as tough because of her banking policies, but neighbor Trent Murdock sees a softer side, and he can't help responding. Up to a point, that is. Trent lost his little girl, Sarah, a year before Bailey moved to town. Then his marriage fell apart. The last thing he wants is to feel vulnerable again.How does a city girl with a country heart get a stubborn cowboy to love her?

A Second-Chance Proposal

by C. J. Carmichael

He's back!Two years ago, almost everyone in Canmore, Alberta, thought Dylan McLean was responsible for the death of a teenage girl on his father's ranch. Only Cathleen Shannon believed he was innocent.Then he left her at the altar and fled town. Now Dylan has returned, and he wants a second chance-from the townspeople and Cathleen!Having been jilted on her wedding day, Cathleen is furious when Dylan shows up asking for assistance. But that doesn't mean she wants him paying for a crime he didn't commit. So maybe she will help him clear his name.A second chance at love, though? That's out of the question....Or is it?

The Maverick

by Carrie Alexander

Sophie Ryan was a girl from the wrong side of town, pregnant, uneducated and aloneNow she's a sheriff's deputy and has managed to put the past behind her. It's been a long time since the gossips of Treetop, Wyoming, have speculated on the identity of Joe Ryan's father, and Sophie would prefer that didn't change. But on a crisp fall day, Sophie's past comes back-in the form of Luke "Maverick" Salinger, the man who abandoned her when she needed him most.It's Sophie's job to arrest Luke on an old warrant, even though she knows the rumors will start to fly as soon as she gets the cuffs on him. The citizens of Treetop think they know who Joe's father is, but the truth is a mystery-even to Sophie.

Across a Thousand Miles

by Nadia Nichols

Heart-stopping action...and heartwarming romance!Rebecca Reed and Bill (Mac) MacKenzie have nothing in common...except their desire to run the Yukon Quest.She's an experienced musher who knows only too well how humbling the northern landscape can be. She understands that the Quest-from Whitehorse, in the Yukon, to Fairbanks, Alaska, across a thousand miles of frozen trails-will take every ounce of strength and skill.He's a cheechako, who doesn't know a dog harness from a doghouse. He's come north for a year to take care of his brother's dog team-and to escape his past. To Rebecca, his decision to run the Quest is not only arrogant, it's dangerous.Race day arrives, and Mac and Rebecca struggle against the harsh elements. One night, in a fierce snowstorm, Rebecca and her team are blown over the mountain, and only the courage of the cheechako-the man she's beginning to love-can save her.

A Convenient Proposal

by C. J. Carmichael

She was doing her duty. Now he'll do his.While investigating a local murder, Kelly Shannon, an officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, is forced to kill in the line of duty. Afterward she feels the terrible responsibility of having taken a human life. Especially in this case, where she's killed the father of two young children.Because the children's mother falls apart after her husband's death, his brother, Mick Mizzoni, steps in. But juggling the demands of his job with the needs of a three-year-old and a five-year-old is difficult.Kelly feels that the only way she can cope with her guilt is by helping these children. So she makes Mick an offer he can't refuse.The real problems begin when Kelly starts falling in love with Mick.

Marriage to a Stranger

by Kay David

"You're going to have to act like his wife, whether you want to or not."After seven years, the marriage of Conley and Lara Harrison is over. Lara still cares for Conley, but he's hurt her once too often. She wants nothing more than to get her divorce and move on. But that's not going to be easy. Not once she learns there's a stalker pursuing Conley.Lara's a bodyguard and, according to everyone from her father to Conley, the perfect agent for the job. After all, no one's in a better position to protect a husband than his wife.

Wide Open Spaces (Home on the Ranch #19)

by Roz Denny Fox

The Forked Lightning Ranch, near Callanton, OregonSummer Marsh wants to hang on to her family's cattle spread. It's the only life she knows...and it's her son's legacy.Summer's ex-husband, Frank, sees the ranch as a cash cow-literally. With the collusion of his new girlfriend, he's trying to sell it to a developer at an inflated price. Summer has to come up with almost four million dollars in order to buy Frank out. Impossible! She might be land rich but she's cash poor.Then there's Coltrane Quinn. He's a broken-down soldier and one-time horse breeder, and like Summer, he was betrayed by his ex. Now he's working for the conservation group Save Open Spaces. He's hoping to buy the Forked Lightning on behalf of SOS, which acquires failing ranches in order to preserve the land.Colt's operating in secrecy, so things get complicated when he falls for Summer. They get even more complicated when she falls for him!

Unexpected Outcome

by Dawn Stewardson

A little secret...Dana Morancy adores her father, so it isn't surprising that she followed in his career footsteps and joined the New York Police Department. But after four years on the job, she is involved in a "suicide by cop." Uncertain whether she'll ever be able to fire a gun again, she becomes a private investigator.Noah Haine works at a Manhattan import shop that's being sabotaged. He and Dana join forces and find the villain-find, too, that they've fallen in love.Dana and Noah are ready for happily ever after.But they may have to wait a while. In fact, they may have to wait forever.Because Dana's father has a little secret....

A Lasting Proposal

by C. J. Carmichael

He made her an offer she couldn't refuse-but did she ever try!Jake Hartman's heli-skiing operation in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies has been hugely successful. But because of the major outlays he now wants to make, he needs a capital infusion. A bank loan is a nonissue-Jake's not keen on debt. But a silent partner would do the trick.Widowed Maureen Shannon, eldest of the Shannon sisters, has just moved back to the sleepy town of Canmore, hoping that slow-paced living will help mend her deteriorating relationship with her twelve-year-old daughter. Jake's proposal sounds good.But then Jake makes Maureen a second offer-a lasting proposal she's much more reluctant to accept....

The Family Doctor

by Bobby Hutchinson

He's got lots of patients-but she's the one with patience to spare!Dr. Tony O'Connor, chief of staff at St. Joseph's Hospital in Vancouver, has a short fuse these days. His mother is driving him crazy. His father, whom he hasn't seen in thirty-two years, is coming to visit with the woman he loves, and the members of Tony's family are taking sides. Not only that, Tony has just injured his ankle and gotten himself laid up in St. Joe's.Kate Lewis, the hospital's patient representative, is an expert at coping. Maybe she can help Tony out.Except that soon Tony and Kate are facing even more problems. Like what to do about the volatile feelings between them...and how to stop putting their own needs last.

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