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Race To The Altar

by Patricia Hagan

Liz Mallory may have been a whiz at public relations. But when it came to a NASCAR driver hotshot named Rick Castles, Liz had her hands full. For Rick proved to be the epitome of alpha maleness and smooth seduction-a dangerous combination for a woman trying to get her life back on track. And it wasn't at all the right time for Liz to be finding herself falling in love....She was one heck of a woman, all right, Rick thought. And under different circumstances he would let nothing stand in the way of making Liz Mallory his. But his career hurt relationships. Could he risk her being the one with whom he could finish the ultimate race-to the altar?

Lt. Kent: Lone Wolf

by Judith Lyons

BEAUTY AND THE LONE WOLFWounded in body, weary in soul, lone wolf Lt. Jason Kent had bid farewell to civilization-secluding himself in his dark Montana mansion. Few dared to interrupt his self-imposed exile. But one determined woman had boldly invaded his home.Like a moth to a flame, journalist Angie Rose would not be driven away from Jason's side. She arrived on his doorstep to unveil the rugged soldier...the hero...the mysterious millionaire. But how could she reveal the secrets that Jason revealed to her in the darkness-when neither could hide their emotions, when they were alone and defenseless and dependent upon each other....

The Stranger in Room 205

by Gina Wilkins

EXTRA! EXTRA! HOT OFF June THE PRESSThe Evening Star's Local Chatter...EDSTOWN, Ark.-Yesterday evening, Serena Schaffer, owner of our town newspaper, found an injured man in a ditch near her home in Edstown. He'd been beaten, robbed and left for dead. Schaffer rushed him to the Edstown hospital, where he's recovering in room 205. The word around town is that it won't be long before those two give in to their powerful attraction to each other....The man in question-Sam Wallace-is a drifter with a vague past. Something tells this reporter that he's not who he claims to be, but one look into his blue eyes and you'd believe anything he said. Although, when it comes to Schaffer and her irresistible smile, there may not be many words spoken!

Her Sister's Secret Son

by Lisette Belisle

AN ACCIDENTAL BRIDE?Though she'd spent a lifetime in her flamboyant twin's shadow, Rachel Hale adored selflessly, single-handedly raising her late sister's son. But with no time for dating, Rachel couldn't give her beloved nephew the daddy he deserved. Until a granite-eyed man from Maine discovered little Dylan was his....Strong, honorable and stubborn, Jared Carlisle would stop at nothing to claim his kin. Still, knowing how much a boy needed a mother, he proposed making Rachel his bride. In a twinkling, Rachel was sharing a home and a family with Jared. But would she-or only Dylan and her twin-ever share Jared's love?

Single with Twins

by Joan Elliott Pickart

MRS. MARSHALL...AGAIN?The stranger at her door swore he was family, brother to the man who'd broken her heart and left her pregnant with twins. Before long, Uncle Mack had won her daughters' affection...and made Heather feel like a woman. But experience had taught her that to love was to lose, and though Mack wanted to form family ties, he didn't seem the type to stay....He was world famous...wined and dined beautiful women. She wore secondhand clothes, pinched every penny and hadn't dated in years. They couldn't be more different. Yet irresistibly they were drawn to each other. But Heather had traveled this road once before with a Marshall. Was Mack certain heartbreak...or the husband of her dreams?


by Myrna Temte

"I DON'T THINK EITHER ONE OF US GOT THIS OUT OF OUR SYSTEM...."Jack Granger's reference to a few stolen kisses haunted Abby Walsh. For being with him and his daughter made her feel like a penniless kid with her nose pressed against the toy-store window. Everything she'd ever wanted was right in front of her, but still completely out of reach.Well, Abby could hardly complain; the man was only keeping his promise-keeping their relationship casual. Still, Abby felt a sexual thrill she couldn't ignore. And she'd caught enough heated glances and heard enough strangled sighs to suspect he was suffering as much frustration as she was. Phooey. She'd never been this attracted to anyone. Ever.But there was no future for them. End of story. Right?If only it were that simple....

When I See Your Face

by Laurie Paige

HE'D SAVED HER LIFE...He was the charming neighbor who made the darkness more bearable...the sexy stranger whose fiery kisses made Shannon Bannock remember how badly she'd once wanted a husband and family...once, before she'd been temporarily blinded and lost sight of her dreams.SHE'D STOLEN HIS HEART.And Rory Daniels knew if the stubborn beauty could just find the courage to trust him with her aching heart he could show her so much more than just how to get to the mailbox and back. He could show her forever....

The Child She Always Wanted

by Jennifer Mikels

"THIS CHILD IS YOURS...."Softhearted Rachel Quinn traveled 1200 miles to her old hometown to deliver an orphaned infant to its only kin, rugged, rough-hewn Kane Riley. Trouble was, years ago Kane had unwittingly stirred womanly dreams and desires in Rachel's teenage heart. Dreams she'd long since abandoned.Worse, the brusque, brooding loner the townsfolk shunned claimed he'd be nobody's hero, refused to take his tiny niece-unless Rachel became the temporary nanny. Still, Rachel saw baby Heather gain a toehold in Kane's hardened, haunted heart. And she found herself foolishly aching to live out her lost dreams: to make this man and child hers.

Bachelor Cop Finally Caught?

by Gina Wilkins

The Evening Star's Police Blotter:WANTED!Small-town reporter Lindsey Gray is being charged with stealing police chief Dan Meadows's heart. Ten years her senior, Chief Meadows always thought of her as a little sister. But now that he's discovered her beauty, it looks like there might be something brewing there. Hopefully the chief isn't too late. Lindsey was last seen leaving town for a quick getaway. She is considered gorgeous and gutsy. If you have any information on this green-eyed goddess, please contact the Edstown Police. Chief Meadows is offering a reward to anyone who can lead him to her whereabouts!

Tall, Dark And Difficult

by Patricia Coughlin

HE WAS AN OFFICER...BUT NO GENTLEMANOnce a dashing, decorated test pilot, embittered Major Hollis "Griff" Griffin no longer gave a damn about anything-except fulfilling his late aunt's eccentric last request, then leaving all lingering, loving memories behind. But he'd need help, dammit, from one Rose Davenport-surely a fluttery old antiques addict.Yet Rose proved leggy, delectable and mulishly optimistic about restoring castoffs-even unshaven, arrogant, former flyboys like him. Despite her fear of macho males, she bravely evoked Griff's random acts of tenderness, sentimentally spotting a hero beneath his bitterness. But Griff was no hero. So dare he wheedle this wary, wonderful woman into believing they'd share a bed of roses...forever?

Millionaire in Disguise

by Jean Brashear

WAS SHE A MIRAGE...OR A MIRACLE?The enchanting blend of tomboy and temptress who stopped to help him tune his T-bird knew him only as Nikos-not Dominic Santorini, formidable empire builder, intimidating tycoon, forever pursued by females dreaming of emeralds not engines. And the quirky innocent invited him home-where car talk led to caring, to an explosion of desire, to heat and hunger and utter abandon in each other's arms.But morning had to come, and with it...betrayal? Was "Lexie" a corporate spy, intent on destroying his domain? Was love a luxury Nikos couldn't afford? Or dare he trust the truth he felt in her every tender touch?

The Last Mercenary

by Diana Palmer

THE LAST MERCENARY WAS ABOUT TO RETIRE HIS GUN...But that was before the virginal beauty from Micah Steele's past was kidnapped by his sworn enemy. Traveling far and wide to rescue Callie Kirby from a dangerous desperado was far less daunting than trying to combat Micah's potent desire for the feisty young woman. Though her beguiling innocence and sassy spirit penetrated Micah's granite heart, bitter discord had shattered their trust and torn them apart. Still, the heavenly taste of Callie's sweetly tempting lips-and the heady rush of her satiny-soft body yielding to him so trustingly-was slowly driving Micah insane. Was the last mercenary finally ready to claim his bride?

When I Dream of You

by Laurie Paige

MY ENEMY...MY LOVE?For generations, a lake shimmering with sinister, scandalous secrets divided the rival ranching families of Megan Windom and Kyle Herriot. So how could one waltz sweep them into a treacherous whirlpool of primal, unthinkable desire? Why did Kyle's husky whispers begin unveiling Megan's lost memories? Why did quiet Megan haunt Kyle's dreams? What drew them inexorably toward betraying their own kin? Family loyalties and a flood of suspicions threatened to swamp the fierce yet fragile bond that throbbed between them like a thousand ravens' wings. Yet, come hell or high water, their forbidden passion could not be forever denied....


by Jennifer Greene

Nine months ago, Kasey Crandall would have defined "lucky" as "my life." Married to a wealthy, generous older man, pregnant with a once-in-a-lifetime baby, she was oozing with joy. Now, however, she was more apt to think, "just my luck."Yes, motherhood was as glorious as she expected and she totally adored her daughter. Yet an inner voice was telling her something was wrong with her baby. But nobody wanted to hear that her life was not as perfect as it seemed.Kasey knew she needed to be strong for her child and get her the right help...even if it meant going against her husband's wishes. Even if it meant turning to another man. Because sometimes a woman just has to make her own luck.

Old Boyfriends

by Rexanne Becnel

Road Trip for Three?They were three girlfriends whose love lives had seen better days, and they were driving to a reunion in New Orleans, the town they'd left behind.MJ, a gorgeous younger woman whose older husband died in the bed of...well, let's just say he died in a compromising position; Bitsey, an overweight housewife who can't believe that's all there is; and Cat, a twice-divorced designer whose pristine present is small compensation for her past.The trophy wife, prom queen and trashy girl had a vision: the men of their present didn't hold a candle to the boys in their past.

Taking Back Mary Ellen Black

by Lisa Childs

A starter marriage hadn't been the first act Mary Ellen Black had meant to script for herself, but bowing out provided hard-won perspective: The most important things in life were not things at all, but the people she held dear. In her case, the lovable eccentrics she called family, the ones who were more than ready to support her leading role-if only she'd step into the spotlight. So now Mary Ellen's drafted act two-her return home-and she's pretty sure she's ready for the performance of Her Life, starring a strong, single mother of two.She's all dressed up and ready to take on the world...and take back the woman she was meant to be.

What To Keep

by Mary Schramski

She'd never had a real home...So it had never been about "what to keep" in her life; she'd not experienced that luxury. Then Juliette Carlton got a call, one that said she'd inherited a fortune-and could she please claim it? Juliette didn't know what to do. She was a down-on-her-luck Las Vegas card dealer with $38 in her bank account.Had she hit the jackpot? Or was it just another loss?At first it seemed the latter. The "fortune" was a dilapidated 140-year-old antebellum house that belonged to an uncle she barely remembered. Beneath layers of dust, every inch of the ancestral home was shrouded in secrets-secrets that would put in doubt everything Juliette ever thought she knew.She would have to decide what to give away. But along the way, she found what to keep....

Life Happens

by Sandra Steffen

She's Hiding Something...Well, everyone is hiding something-but Mya Donohue's secret is knocking on the front door, in no uncertain terms. Mya is about to answer to the daughter she'd given birth to nineteen years ago, and Elle has news for her biological mother. Mya is not only a mom, but a grandmother, too. And Elle isn't sticking around for long. She can't.Offering Mya their assistance are her best friends-the only ones who will dare tell her the truth in unmitigated terms; her mother-a woman still sowing her own share of wild oats; and Elle's father-a man of few words, but usually memorable ones, at that. (Note: Mya's current fiancé has conveniently decided to take a long walk.)

Out with the Old, In with the New

by Nancy Robards Thompson

"Ask your husband what he's been doing all those nights he claimed to be at the hospital..."The aforementioned suggestion would never be welcomed by any woman who'd been married for the better (well, mostly) part of twenty years. But for Kate Hennessey, who was celebrating turning forty by taking a fabulous vacation with her two best friends, the timing was not the best.Does she go, or does she stay?She'll get the answer soon enough. And though her world may be rocked, maybe she can cope better than we think. Because design is her business, after all. You know, changing things around and putting the pieces together in a whole new way....

Hell's Belles

by Kristen Robinette

Shaking it up at the stop-n-bowlThe belles of hell-four best friends growing up in Haddes, Georgia-had a plan. Right before graduating high school, and setting off to capture their dreams, they decided to create a "time capsule"-a letter describing their fantasies for the future. In twenty years they'd meet and see if fantasy had met with reality.MATTIE: At forty, was the man of her dreams still miles away?DELLA: Her old prom dress no longer fit. Did her wedding ring?ERICA: Had seen the world, and found that Hell, home and love all meant Haddes.SHAY: Now could she stop running from her fears?Hell's Belles were back-and though they'd traded milkshakes for margaritas, one thing still remained the same: a whole lot of shaking was about to happen in Haddes!

Come October

by Patricia Kay

THEY SAY YOUR LIFE CAN CHANGE IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE...And the woman who used to be known as Claire Sherman had to agree. Because that second, that minute, that day exactly six years ago was the one in which everything had simply ceased to be.Her name-it was now Elena Lopez. Her future-no white lace, no promises, no babies in store for her. Even the man she loved-she had to let Tucker Sutherland go, for his own sake.But into this altered reality came a new identity. A new hope. Still, once again, it was October. And the winds of change were starting to blow....

Dating the Mrs. Smiths

by Tanya Michaels

"There's no way I would have ever imagined swapping datinghorror stories with my mother-in-law. But life is now officially very, very weird."In Eleven Short Months Charlotte Smith Has:A. Become a widow too soonB. Had her job transferred out of stateC. Driven over 1500 miles with two cranky kidsD. Moved in with her mother-in-law, Rose Fiorello Smith (a cross between Mary Poppins and Napoleon)For Charlotte aka Charlie, dealing with bumps in the road is a fact of life lately. Maybe it's time she made Rose realize that embracing change isn't about waving goodbye, but saying hello to a life where limits are for sissies...and a new beginning is only a new hairdo away.

The Lighthouse

by Mary Schramski

I've never been close with my father...Even though I'm his only child. We were both held together by my mother, the warm, dancing flame attracting the quiet moths. Dad was always on the other side of the sun; I could never reach him.Now Mom's gone. It's Christmas. And my unapproachable father is chasing a wild, crazy, impossible dream. He's putting everything he has into restoring an old, abandoned lighthouse that Mom loved.Yet, after a while, something about restoring the landmark started to make sense. Because in the glow of that beacon, a wife and mother was not gone, but instead was showing her two most treasured people the way toward peace.

A Long Walk Home

by Diane Amos

DO TEENAGE GIRLS COME WITH INSTRUCTION MANUALS?The call came out of the blue-Annie's sister Dana is in rehab...can her thirteen-year-old daughter come stay in Maine with Annie? But the wild child in black and piercings is not the sweet little girl Annie remembers.So much for the new pink towels.Surly, sullen and scared, Summer puts a gigantic wedge between Annie and her lover, her friends, even her wonderful ex-motherin-law. Yet Annie has always described herself as a dandelion: not the prettiest flower perhaps, but the most determined and resilient. She refuses to give up on Summer. As days become weeks, downs (slowly!) become ups and risks turn into rewards. And for Annie, the long walk home to what matters most has been worth every step.

Holidays Are Murder

by Charlotte Douglas

THE HOLIDAYS?-DON'T YOU JUST LOVE 'EM?Been overstressed at work? Ever wish the holidays would go on an extended vacation? Worried about finding the perfect gift? Or had unresolved conflicts with family that drive you up the wall?Detective Maggie Skerritt is every woman who's been there, done that.She also excels at her work, doesn't eat right or get enough sleep and loves to have someone else do her cooking. But her job is murder and she strives to make her city safe. In the process, she gathers her courage to risk loving again.But first she has to make it through Thanksgiving, Christmas...and another murder in Pelican Bay.

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