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Doms of Dark Haven

by Cherise Sinclair Sierra Cartwright Belinda McBride

"Three women, three Doms. One extraordinary night. Welcome to Dark Haven, and may all of your darkest wishes come true..."

Melodies of Blood II

by Maialen Alonso Annie J. Garza

Book 2 of 2 *Illustrated Novel Caleb’s past is terrifying, dark, and painful. Thinking about his past only disturbs him and not having Meryl by his side to calm him hurts his soul. In the hands of Epsilon, Meryl discovers his twisted plans for her and leaves her at a point of no return. If Meryl can’t escape with Johana she will have no other option than to end her life. It’s the only way to prevent a horrible event from occurring. Luckily they manage to escape with help from the rebels of Omega Zone but their escape unleashes chaos in the city. Meanwhile, Caleb journeys to rescue Meryl and he is accompanied by a bloodthirsty army. But their anticipated reunion is painful… After losing Meryl, Epsilon succumbs under his obsession and creates a new breed of vampiric spawn that doesn’t have the ability to talk and are highly infectious. Now, the ones who face the most danger are the vampires. Saying goodbye was never as difficult and finding a bloody future was not what they wanted. Now they must fight to change a destiny which only includes blood and death. War will engulf the world and from its ashes, it must be reborn with a new melody

Il Tocco dell'Alpha: Parte Terza

by K. Matthew Erika Arcoleo - Sendy Tarantino

L'ossessione di Carter nei confronti di Karen ha attirato l'attenzione del branco. Una notte con lei non era abbastanza per l'Alpha regionale, e allo Sky High Ranch girano voci su uno scandalo. Fortunatamente, il suo beta gli guarda le spalle. Tuttavia, non basterà a placare il consiglio, che gli concederà un'ultimatum. Carter deve prendere una decisione difficile e, in nessun modo, riuscirà a stare con la donna che ama.

El Anhelo de un Beso

by Dawn Brower Diana Zamora Cuesta

¿Alguna vez has soñado con celebrar una boda en Navidad? La vida de soltera nunca había tenido tan buena pinta, pero, por desgracia, aquello no iba a salvar a Lady Juliette Brooks. Su padre ha organizado su compromiso con un hombre cruel. A Juliette solo le queda una opción: obligar al duque de Kissinger a que cumpla la promesa de salvarla que le hizo hace tiempo. Grayson Abbot, el duque de Kissinger, no tiene intención de desposar a Lady Juliette. No pretende casarse con nadie. Sin embargo, le hizo una promesa y no puede faltar a su palabra... Por lo tanto, accede a regañadientes a escapar con ella. Juntos se lanzan a la aventura durante la temporada navideña. En su viaje hacia Escocia sufren retrasos y mal tiempo, pero vivirán una amistad que casi habían olvidado. ¿Descubrirá Juliette, al fin, lo que se siente al ser besada? ¿Conseguirá ganar el corazón del duque?

Os Pecados do Conde - Série “Caçando um Nobre” 2

by Amaya Evans Cris Azevedo

Angustias Walton é uma jovem bonita, mas se veste como um corvo, sempre com cores pouco favorecedoras ou de preto como se guardasse um luto eterno; seu penteado, puxado até o ponto de doer, a faz parecer uma velha solteirona, quando é apenas uma garota de 18 anos. Sua mãe encarregou-se de lhe dizer toda a vida que é fruto do pecado e lhe inculcou um amor excessivo pela religião, assim como o temor pelas baixas paixões que são resultado de sentimentos pouco úteis como o amor. Por isso ela teme esse sentimento, como também a tudo o que provenha dele. Não quer se casar, mas contra a sua vontade, seus tios a enviam para Londres para que consiga um marido e ela obedientemente vai contra seus próprios desejos, sem saber que lá encontraria a fonte de suas maiores tristezas e talvez… o amor. Isaac St. John, o libertino conde de Beaufort, é um homem de muitas mulheres, o que lhe trouxe uma terrível reputação de mulherengo e as mães das debutantes já nem se dão ao trabalho de convidá-lo para os eventos ou apresentá-lo a suas filhas. Certo dia, conhece na casa de seus amigos, os marqueses de Willmington, uma jovem feia, que se veste de forma horrível e que passa todo o tempo contestando o que ele diz. Antagoniza com ela desde a primeira vez que se falam, mas com o tempo começa a ver debaixo dessa aparência horrorosa e sem saber como, se encontra sentindo algo mais por ela. Aí é que começam os problemas para Isaac, já que graças ao seu recém-descoberto interesse pelo bem-estar da senhorita Walton, sua vida se modificará por completo.

Una sposa inopportuna

by Amaya Evans Jacopo Di Carlo

Adalind Hamond è una ragazza timida, chiusa in sé stessa, che è arrivata a casa di Ellie e Phillip per miracolo. L’hanno trovata quasi morta sotto un albero delle loro terre. Quando lui l’ha vista l’ha portata subito a casa, e insieme a sua moglie Ellie ha cercato di aiutarla, di curare le sue ferite. Lentamente, la ragazza si è ripresa, ma quasi non parlava, secondo il medico perché era molto traumatizzata dalla morte dei suoi genitori per mano di una banda di malviventi. Lei era riuscita a scappare, per questo si era salvata dal destino della maggior parte dei bambini, cioè violentata o venduta in un bordello nel migliore dei casi. Il tempo passa e lei cresce, diventando una splendida donna. Mentre vive con Ellie e Phillip conosce il suo amore platonico, Derek Sutton, che vede come un principe azzurro. Segretamente si innamora di lui, e sogna di essere un giorno sua moglie. Il problema è che Derek è un inguaribile donnaiolo, e quando scopre ciò le dice che la vede solo come una bambina, spezzando così il suo cuore. Adalind ci sa fare con i bambini, così Phillip le paga gli studi per farla diventare maestra e insegnare in paese. Dopo un po’, Adalind torna per fare quanto stabilito e incontra Derek, che fa rinascere quei sentimenti che lei aveva sotterrato in profondità. Derek Sutton è il proprietario dell’unica banca del paese. Un uomo educato, di buona famiglia, single e molto desiderato in paese. Ma lui vuole solo divertirsi, senza avere alcuna relazione seria. Un giorno tutto questo cambia e, a causa di un malinteso, si ritrova costretto a sposarsi con Adalind. A quel punto la sua vita cambia completamente. Perché quella ragazzina timida e senza relazioni sociali, come dice tutta la sua famiglia quando annuncia il matrimonio, gli insegnerà cos’è il vero amore e cosa deve fare un uomo se non vuole perderlo.

Romance Militar: No Fogo Cruzado

by Kathleen Hope Mary Mi

O ruído do helicóptero abafava todos os outros sons ao redor de Caleb, inclusive os seus pensamentos. O alívio era bem-vindo. Uma rede complexa de planejamento tático preenchera cada recanto da sua mente pelas últimas 24 horas, mas já não era sem tempo. Chega de fazer planos. Era outra operação de rotina; entrar, pegar os caras maus e sair. Ele sabia cada movimento que estava para fazer, e cada passo que os sete homens sentados ao seu lado dariam. Ele tinha certeza; era o seu trabalho. Ele era responsável pela segurança e bem estar de cada homem no pelotão e, ao mesmo tempo, pelo sucesso da missão atual. “Cinco minutos, Tenente,” o homem sentado no banco do piloto avisou gritando, interrompendo o chiado monótono. Todos os homens ao redor dele endireitaram a coluna e seus músculos ficaram tensos. Não era medo que os deixava alerta, era antecipação; a mesma antecipação que fluía pelas veias dele. Em quatro minutos e trinta e um segundos, estariam no chão. Em quinze minutos e nove segundos, estariam em posição, a dois quilômetros e meio da zona de pouso. Dentro de trinta minutos, a sua missão estaria completa: suspeitos capturados, inteligência reunida e prédio seguro. Os dois mil quilos de cocaína alojados no prédio não eram problema seu, só os homens que a vendiam e a sua lista de compradores. “Só pegue aqueles desgraçados, Caleb,” disse o Observador. “Nós limpamos a bagunça depois.” Em outras palavras, outro time seria destacado para dar um jeito nas drogas depois que a área estivesse segura...

The Complete Novels of the Bronte Sisters

by Anne Brontë Charlotte Brontë Emily Brontë

This special ebook edition includes all of the Bronte sisters' published works: Agnes Grey, and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte, Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, and The Professor by Charlotte Bronte, and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

Back to the Beginning

by Sam Singer

Logan St. James is a six foot two, dark-haired, bedroom-eyed Adonis on the prowl, but the pickin’s are slim at his usual haunt. Ready to leave for the night, move on to more fertile hunting grounds, when a lithe twink walks into the bar. The fresh prey immediately draws sharks, but Logan is the Alpha predator and moves in for the kill.Years of cruising bars and one night stands could not prepare Logan for Trevor Black’s soulful eyes, easy, trusting manner, and disarming smile that smash past his vain exterior, making him want to know more, be more, than just a one-time thing. Logan never thought one night, one guy, could change everything.


by Sam Singer

Grant knows he hasn’t been a stellar boyfriend to his partner, Ben. It’s tough starting a new business, and he has to work longer hours than he’d like to keep things going. He really tried to be home on time tonight, but there’s just no excuse for missing their six-year anniversary.Grant is sure he’ll have to do some serious damage control and a healthy dose of groveling to get back into his lover’s good graces. But Ben’s reaction isn’t at all what Grant expects.

Carve the Mark

by Veronica Roth

<P>Fans of Star Wars and Divergent will revel in internationally bestselling author Veronica Roth’s stunning new science-fiction fantasy series. <P>On a planet where violence and vengeance rule, in a galaxy where some are favored by fate, everyone develops a currentgift, a unique power meant to shape the future. While most benefit from their currentgifts, Akos and Cyra do not—their gifts make them vulnerable to others’ control. Can they reclaim their gifts, their fates, and their lives, and reset the balance of power in this world? <P>Cyra is the sister of the brutal tyrant who rules the Shotet people. Cyra’s currentgift gives her pain and power—something her brother exploits, using her to torture his enemies. But Cyra is much more than just a blade in her brother’s hand: she is resilient, quick on her feet, and smarter than he knows. <P>Akos is from the peace-loving nation of Thuvhe, and his loyalty to his family is limitless. Though protected by his unusual currentgift, once Akos and his brother are captured by enemy Shotet soldiers, Akos is desperate to get his brother out alive—no matter what the cost. When Akos is thrust into Cyra’s world, the enmity between their countries and families seems insurmountable. They must decide to help each other to survive—or to destroy one another. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>


by Sam Singer

Kenneth and David from the best-selling stories Broken and Envy are back for another sensual glimpse into their D/s relationship.Kenneth prides himself on being the best trained sub he can for his Dom. David returns home after a hard day of work and lavishes Kenneth with attention but does not allow Kenneth to serve him. Honored to receive his Dom’s attentions, he longs to speak the words of love overflowing within him, but without permission to speak, Kenneth must instead rely on a soundtrack of power ballads to say what he cannot as David brings him to the peak of sexual satisfaction.

Small Changes, Big Rewards

by Francis Gideon

Sunday afternoons are supposed to be George and Ashton's time together. The two PhD students already have enough on their plates with lab reports, grant applications, and marking, so setting aside time for one another should be easy enough -- or so Ashton thinks.When George wakes up and declares he can't eat their normal Sunday morning breakfast of pancakes, Ashton isn’t sure what to do. George's behavior continues to grow stranger as the day goes on, leaving Ashton in the lurch. Is George's sudden health kick just that, or has their age difference finally caught up to them?Ashton tries to take what's left of Sunday to pull George out of his funk and prove to him that the smallest changes in lifestyle can often yield the biggest rewards.

The Romeo and Julian Effect

by Hayden Thorne

Book 3 of the Cecilian Blue-Collar ChroniclesIntimidation from the underworld is escalating, this time involving a person from Sheridan’s past who really shouldn’t be hanging around Sheridan if he knew what’s best for him. Shapeshifting demons come out to harass Sheridan in the most hilariously bizarre ways imaginable, and with the help of defensive-wish-granting knight, Clonia, and some space-age technology, Sheridan proves himself a worthy opponent.In the meantime, Yuli Soulweaver’s beginning to display alarming symptoms of fatigue, possibly from the prince’s constant crossing over between two worlds in order to court Sheridan -- unless a more ominous reason lies behind Yuli’s spiraling weakness.Nobody messes with a Diggins, however, and the more Sheridan meets resistance from antagonistic entities from the underworld, the harder he fights back. Disgruntled immortals might very well be in for a huge surprise in their campaign of terror against a young colonist with nothing to lose and everything to gain.


by Tam Macneil

Jao is looking forward to a winter spent in Masahiro's comfortable house, warm and well-fed for once. Then he discovers Masahiro has gone to meet Takeshi, the old Kazematsuri, Jao's number one enemy.Takeshi has called in the one favour Masahiro owes him. It's odd though: the favour is that Masahiro has to go to Doshu, the capital city, and stay there for two weeks. And he has to take Hana along.It's all very suspicious, and Jao follows them. It's a three day journey on a fishing boat, in freezing weather, and he has to deal with a very angry, frightened, and above all, tight-lipped Hyan, Hana's brother, who seems to know something dire about his little sister.When Jao and Hyan arrive in Doshu, the situation worsens rapidly. Masahiro is drugged by Jao's old enemy Gosuke, Hana is abducted, and Jao has to team up with Takeshi to save her. Can he avert a political crisis in the process?

Hat Trick Overtime: Reunion

by Jeff Adams

Final installment in the best-selling Hat Trick seriesIt’s been twenty years since Simon Roberts and Alex Miller became boyfriends. Now they’re back where it began to pay tribute to a smashed losing streak, a retiring coach, and a lost friend.As old teammates reunite, it’s a time to honor their past while Simon and Alex prepare to embark on another part of their happily ever after.NOTE: If you haven';t read any of the Hat Trick books, be warned there are spoilers all over the place in this freebie! So do yourself a favor and pick up one of the other titles in this series first and see what all the buzz is about!


by Rebecca James

Nicco Santori and Rider Davies have been friends and partners on the LA police force for ten years. They’re closer than most married couples, and there’s nothing they don’t share.When Nicco sees Rider kissing a man, he realizes his partner has a secret Nicco doesn’t know about. Nicco’s more than shocked, he’s jealous, and he realizes he must confront Rider about what he saw. Perhaps more difficult than that, he must confront himself about the feelings for his partner he’s kept buried for so long.Can things work out between the partners? If so, Nicco may have something with Rider he’s never before dreamed possible. But if no, Nicco stands to lose it all.

The Cost of Doing Business

by Francis Gideon

Brad Churchill doesn't want to be alone for Christmas. So when his PR firm needs someone to fly out to New York to work over the break, he jumps at the chance. But when his meetings finish early, Brad's stuck in the same situation as before. To avoid going home to his empty apartment, he hangs around at the airport.There he meets Mickey, a stunt double whose flight to his small-town Canadian home has been delayed repeatedly. As the two bond over dinner and drinks, Brad realizes Mickey dislikes the holidays almost as much as him.Can both of their worst nightmares about the holidays suddenly transform into a Christmas miracle? Or will they both be alone when their flights finally come in?

The Prince and the Cowboy

by Sam Singer

Pampered Texan James Walsh has been keeping a secret from his overbearing but well-intentioned mother. When she throws a lavish birthday party in the hopes that he will meet the woman of his dreams, she has no clue James is gay.But a sudden storm blows rugged, rain-soaked ranch owner Jonathon Ross to James' doorstep, and suddenly he can't hide who he is any longer.

Snapped Wires

by Kay Elle Parker

Life’s pretty damn sweet for Caera right now. She has found herself part of a complex and unconventional family, with an alternative lifestyle she enjoys and, best of all, a gorgeous, compassionate man who worships the ground she walks on. She’s happy, settled into building a life with Saul and learning the ways of submission.But the path to happiness is never simple, and forces are at work to bring Caera’s life as she knows it to a screeching halt. Can she hold on to life as she knows it, or will it shatter in her grasp? Time’s running out…

Branded as Trouble: A Western Romance Novel Just Like a Cowboy Bonus

by Delores Fossen

Every town needs a bad boy, and Wrangler's Creek's has been gone far too long... Getting his high school girlfriend pregnant was just one square in Roman Granger's checkered past, but it changed him forever. When his son's mother skipped town after the birth, Roman decided to do the same, baby Tate in tow, hoping for a fresh start. Now Roman fears his teenage son is following in his wayward footsteps, so he returns home to Wrangler's Creek, aiming to set him straight. It's there he encounters Tate's cousin Mila Banchini, the good-girl opposite of Roman who's had a crush on him since childhood. The old spark between them undeniably never died, though Roman worries it'll only lead to heartache. But if falling for Mila is such a bad idea, why does everything about holding her feel so right?

The Unsung Hero

by Suzanne Brockmann

After a near-fatal head injury, navy SEAL lieutenant Tom Paoletti catches a terrifying glimpse of an international terrorist in his New England hometown. When he calls for help, the navy dismisses the danger as injury-induced imaginings. In a desperate, last-ditch effort to prevent disaster, Tom creates his own makeshift counterterrorist team, assembling his most loyal officers, two elderly war veterans, a couple of misfit teenagers, and Dr. Kelly Ashton-the sweet "girl next door" who has grown into a remarkable woman. The town's infamous bad boy, Tom has always longed for Kelly. Now he has one final chance for happiness, one last chance to win her heart, and one desperate chance to save the day . . .From the Paperback edition.

Out of Sight

by Cherry Adair

Sometimes chemistry is a matter of life and death. . . .Though her confidence is badly shaken by a training accident, A. J. Cooper vows to become an excellent T-FLAC operative. She is everything the antiterrorist agency looks for--she's smart, resourceful, and a crack shot. Eager to prove herself to her instructor, the highly regarded Kane Wright, A. J. takes on a difficult and potentially deadly assignment. A success in the field could be just the thing she needs to make her career with the agency--and working so closely with the extraordinary and irresistibly sexy Kane is a fantasy come to life.Kane Wright is a master of disguise, hiding his powerful attraction for A. J. in the name of professionalism. But when she doesn't bounce back quickly after her accident, Kane's desire becomes concern. In the field, even a moment's hesitation can turn a routine operation into a deadly one. With A. J. taking a lead position in this mission, Kane knows he won't be able to take his eyes off his gorgeous tomboy trainee. Under the hot desert sun, even as they struggle to unravel a madman's devious plot, their long denied passion will finally boil over. . . .From the Paperback edition.


by V. C. Andrews

ALL SHE WANTED WAS A FAMILY SHE COULD CALL HER OWN....As an orphan girl, Crystal was one of many -- and utterly alone. But she still dreamed of a shining life of love and happiness, and freedom from the dark legacy of her past...


by V. C. Andrews

ALL SHE WANTED WAS AN END TO BROKEN PROMISES....Her Mama made it painfully clear that she wished Raven had never been born. But even after she was sent to live with her kindly aunt and domineering uncle, humiliating secrets lurked -- and threatened to dash forever Raven's dream of a true home....

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