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How to Fall in Love: A Novel

by Dalma Heyn Richard Marek

&“Move over, Romeo and Juliet, Burton and Taylor, even Baby and Johnny—here come Evan and Eve! . . . a daringly simple, utterly fresh love story.&”—Linda Gottlieb, producer of Dirty Dancing When Cupid&’s job is deemed expendable (as the heavens are downsizing), he manages to buy a little bit of time by asking for one more chance to show that he can orchestrate a love for the ages . . . but the clock is ticking. Down on Earth, former ballerina Eve Golyakovsky is living a quiet life in Vermont, tending to her maple sugar business. She dearly loved her late husband, a famed choreographer, but more as a mentor than as a spouse. She&’s never been truly touched by romance, and she&’s okay with that. Evan Cameron is a well-known anthologist with a penchant for fine automobiles and commitment-free affairs. Love has threatened to visit him on occasion, but he&’s always managed to keep it from taking up residence. When Eve and Evan meet, there&’s something almost otherworldly about their connection. But when their budding romance is tested, old habits and new fears seem likely to choke this flower off at the roots. A love this intense might be more than either of them can handle—and more than even Cupid can nurture . . . At once heartwarming and wise, funny and touching, How to Fall in Love &“has its lovestruck eyes wide open. There is Divine Intervention in this beautifully written story, but the outcome is up to the mortals. A sexy and soulful novel&” (Joanna Gleason, Tony Award-winning actor). &“As fast-paced as a good thriller, and as riveting.&”—David Morrell, New York Times bestselling author

Un amor perfecto (En el último rincón del mundo #Volumen 1)

by Sandra Heys

Un matrimonio de conveniencia que dará lugar a un amor irresistible, un deseo irrefrenable y la felicidad para toda la vida. ¿Puede el dinero comprar la felicidad? Emilia Larraín Mackenna lo tiene todo: belleza, cerebro y dinero. Y también tiene un gran problema. Educada, y manipulada, por su abuelo para ser tan exigente y cruel como él, Emilia vive rodeada de lujos, viajes, ropa exclusiva, con empleados que atienden hasta su más mínima necesidad. Sin embargo, para tomar el control total de su herencia, debe cumplir un pequeño y casi insignificante requisito que Felipe Mackenna dispuso para ella: antes de que cumpla 30 años debe estar casada. A semanas de que ese día llegue, su problema ha pasado de grande a gigantesco. Por lo que más ama en el mundo, su hija Carolina, Matías está a punto de quedar en la calle. Tanto su casa como su negocio están muy cerca de ser liquidados por la falta de la hipoteca, pero ni aun así él deja de promocionar lo que podría ser una carrera deportiva brillante... si no fuera por la falta de recursos. Hasta el día que recibe una oferta irresistible.

Después de tantos años (En el último rincón del mundo #Volumen 2)

by Sandra Heys

Segunda entrega de la serie de romance contemporáneo «En el último rincón del mundo». La desaparición de Elizabeth hará que la vida de Cristóbal de un giro radical. ¿Se dará la oportunidad de volver a encontrar el amor? ¿Puede el tiempo borrar los errores y sanar las heridas? Como abogado, Cristóbal ha visto el mundo y lo comprende tal como es, con todo lo bueno y lo malo. Además, su vida no ha sido un cuento de hadas, ni siquiera con los privilegios que una sólida fortuna familiar pude darle. Lo malo: perdió a su madre a los quince años y su padre nunca volvió a ser el mismo, dando como resultado un espantoso matrimonio con una mujer que deja en pañales a cualquier madrastra malvada. Lo bueno: solo era un joven universitario el día que conoció al amor de su vida. Elizabeth era entonces una prometedora estudiante de medicina, tan feroz y guerrera, como bella e inteligente y Cristóbal no pudo hacer otra cosa que perseguirla sin tregua. Tras una larga, apasionada y tierna relación, lo peor llegó: un día, sin aviso previo, Elizabeth desapareció. A pesar de todo, Cristóbal no se ha convertido en un hombre amargado o cínico, muy por el contrario. Nunca ha perdido la esperanza de tener una segunda oportunidad. ¿Sería la vida tan generosa con él?

Eres para mí (Quinteto de la muerte #2)

by Sandra Heys

Nueva entrega de la serie Quinteto de la Muerte: Te metes con una y te metes con todas. Dicen que veinte años no es nada, pero para ellos, diez fueron más que suficientes... Lo único que Adriana y Juan tienen en común es su mejor amiga, Isabel. Y que trabajan en el mismo taller de mecánica automotriz, propiedad de la familia Soublette. Porque, por supuesto, considerar sus eternas discusiones como algo en común es exagerar. Ser constantemente apabullada por su perfecta hermana y sus no menos perfectos padres convierte a Adriana en una mujer en apariencia fuerte y guerrera, pero muy acomplejada por su, según ella, menos que agradable apariencia. Si a esa mezcla le sumamos a la hermosísima mejor amiga, el resultado es un camino al desastre. El siempre tímido y silencioso Juan se siente cada vez más lejano a conseguir lo único que ha deseado toda su vida: a Adriana. El gran problema es que ella no le habla si no es para pedirle cosas relacionadas con su trabajo. Y él no le habla. Punto. No es que no quiera, es que no puede. Su naturaleza introvertida le juega en contra cada vez que tiene la oportunidad de entablar una conversación con ella, y cuando abre su boca solo salen monosílabos. Hasta la noche en que, tras una explosiva discusión, descubren que tienen mucho más en común de lo que ellos mismos sospechan.

El hombre del fin del mundo (En el último rincón del mundo #Volumen 3)

by Sandra Heys

Llega la tercera entrega de la serie «En el último rincón del mundo». Una historia de un amor que nace lento, empezando por una sincera amistad.Una relación que se va afianzando y que nada ni nadie la puede parar. Enrique sabe quién es y está orgulloso de ello, de sus orígenes y de su etnia. Él es, auténticamente, un «hombre de la Tierra» y siempre se ha sentido en comunión con la naturaleza a su alrededor, la entiende y la ama, sin importar si es animal, vegetal o mineral. Por eso, el día que ve un enorme perro huir de su joven dueña, no duda en interponerse en su alocada carrera. Para Ema, Enrique se ha convertido en el mejor amigo que ha tenido nunca, una pieza fundamental que ocupa un lugar cada vez más preponderante en su vida. Sabe que no es el típico galán de telenovelas ni un príncipe de cuento de hadas, pero hay algo en él que la cautiva. Tal vez la sabiduría milenaria que trasciende de su profunda voz. Quizás el cálido tacto de sus manos. ¿O serán sus oscuros ojos, llenos de misterios, que la llaman a descubrirlos?

Nada serio (Quinteto de la muerte #Volumen 5)

by Sandra Heys

Una nueva entrega de la serie que hace las delicias de los lectores. Llega la historia de Pamela. Que nadie se olvide. En el Quinteto de la muerte: Te metes con una y te metes con todas. ¿Qué haces cuando todas tus amigas están casadas y en proceso de ser madres? Pues, te buscas un lindo juguetito. Durante toda su vida, lo único que Pamela ha querido es que nadie se le acerque lo suficiente como para llegar a conocerla, excepto sus más queridas amigas. Nunca ha tenido una relación seria o comprometida. Se ha dedicado en exclusiva a trabajar y cuidar a su madre. Tampoco es que sea virgen, ni nada que se le parezca, ha tenido su cuota de diversión, pero se ha quedado solo en eso. Aunque nadie, ni siquiera su mejor amiga Francisca la entiende, Pamela sigue la costumbre familiar de no decir nada de nada, en especial de las cosas más importantes y guardar un secreto es algo del todo imprescindible en su vida. Incluyendo el hecho de que, con sus cuatro amigas ya casadas, se siente cada día más sola. Después de la muerte de sus padres, Octavio anhela compañía. Durante años se conformó con su grupo de amigos y su trabajo, por muy desagradable que le resulte. Una cena ocasional, alguna que otra visita al bar para beber una cerveza y reír un poco. Esa es su vida... Hasta que un día aparece frente a él la mujer más bella que ha visto nunca, una visión sublime y ardiente: pelo rojo, labios llenos y muchas, muchas curvas. La mosca en la sopa es que Pamela no quiere nada con él. Es decir, nada serio, porque bien que se presta para algunos juegos muy... entretenidos.

La otra (Quinteto de la muerte #Volumen 3)

by Sandra Heys

Tercera y esperada entrega de la serie «Quinteto de la muerte» de Sandra Heys. La fuerza del primer amor se pone de manifiesto en esta historia, cuando el destino quiere que los protagonistas se vuelvan a encontrar años más tarde. Ella vivía la vida, la gozaba. Él se casaría porque era lo que debía hacer. ¿El resultado? Un desastre. La diseñadora de modas Lorena Irribarren sonríe feliz porque sabe que por fin su marca «I de Irresistible» está llegando adonde ella quiere, ya casi no da abasto con todos los encargos que recibe. Pero cuando llegó hasta su taller Gabriela Matus, una de las señoritas de clase alta más fotografiadas del medio nacional, dejó todo de lado por atenderla. La mayor sorpresa de Lorena fue el día que se encontró con Gabriela y su novio, ya que no era otro que Antonio, el primer hombre de su vida. El único realmente importante. Cuando Antonio descubre que la diseñadora tan apetecida es Lorena, sabe que tiene que enfrentar el pasado antes de pensar en el futuro, por lo que una tarde se ve a sí mismo visitando a Lorena en su taller. Pero la salvaje naturaleza de su pasión y lo profundo de su amor es más fuerte, y sin poder hacer nada por evitarlo, terminan recordando viejos tiempos en la bodega de las telas. Por cosas de la vida, las amigas de Lorena, su «Quinteto» siempre bromearon a costa de ella llamándola «La Otra». Lo que jamás, ninguna de ellas pensó, ni siquiera por la disipada vida que lleva Lorena, es que era eso justamente en lo que terminaría convirtiéndose. ¿Lo peor? Era la otra de Antonio...

Quédate conmigo (En el último rincón del mundo #Volumen 4)

by Sandra Heys

Llega la cuarta entrega de la serie «En el último rincón del mundo». ¿Puede el mayor problema ser la mejor solución? Alicia es la más joven y la más alocada de sus hermanos, al menos si se le pregunta a sus padres. Pero ella lo ve de otra manera. A pesar de que respeta sus raíces, tiene mucha esperanza puesta en su futuro, por lo que se considera a sí misma una mujer moderna, libre y espontánea. Si bien esta última característica a veces la mete en problemas, Alicia no es del tipo de persona que huye de ellos, sino todo lo contrario. Especialmente si el problema es tan atrayente como Agustín. Aunque Gumucio, Petronelli y Asociados no es la típica firma legal, Agustín, especialista en derecho familiar, está aburrido de recibir al típico cliente, con las típicas justificaciones para su típico actuar, y siente que está a un caso de divorcio de saltar desde la ventana de su oficina en el décimo piso. O, como mínimo, de convertirse en el hombre más cínico del mundo. Así que el día en que Alicia llegó a su vida, fue como una bocanada de aire fresco y muy vigorizante. Para bien o para mal, Alicia es familia de su socio, por tanto terreno vetado, y enredarse con ella es un problema latente. Pero ¡qué bien nos sienta a veces meternos en ese tipo de problemas!

Takes Two to Tango

by Vicky Heysham

Established TV personality Daniel Josephs only agrees to take part in a reality dancing show in London to lose weight. Single, successful, and (mostly) sorted, he's already happy, even if he secretly wishes his love life was as rewarding as his professional one. Young athlete Will Smith, who gave up the earldom he inherited to pursue Olympic dreams, is far from happy--not to mention not interested in someone as old as Daniel. But when Will's past catches up with him, it's Daniel who helps him piece his life back together.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."

Porgy: A Gullah Version

by DuBose Heyward

The novel tells the story of Porgy, a crippled street beggar living in the black tenements of Charleston, South Carolina, in the 1920s. We follow him as he woos Bess and for one shining moment becomes all that he has ever imagined himself capable of being before losing everything. Gripping and sympathetic a glimpse into Charleston&’s past. Adapted in George Gershwin's masterpiece Porgy and Bess. With his white eyes, wonderful, poetic qualities in the inhabitants of Catfish Row that makes them come alive. —Langston Hughes The first major southern novel to portray blacks without condescension —James M. Hutchisson

Daughters of Sparta: A tale of secrets, betrayal and revenge from mythology's most vilified women

by Claire Heywood

Two sisters parted. Two women blamed. Two stories reclaimed.'Required reading for fans of Circe . . . a remarkable, thrilling debut' - Fiona Davis, New York Times bestselling author of The Lions of Fifth Avenue'Fluent and persuasive. I admire the ambition with which Heywood tackles the subject, to which she brings freshness and verve. I enjoyed it very much' - Elizabeth Buchan, bestselling author of The Museum of Broken PromisesFor millennia, two women have been blamed for the fall of a mighty civilisation - but now it's time to hear their side of the story . . .As princesses of Sparta, Helen and Klytemnestra have known nothing but luxury and plenty. With their high birth and unrivalled beauty, they are the envy of all of Greece.Such privilege comes at a high price, though, and their destinies are not theirs to command. While still only girls they are separated and married off to legendary foreign kings Agamemnon and Menelaos, never to meet again. Their duty is now to give birth to the heirs society demands and be the meek, submissive queens their men expect.But when the weight of their husbands' neglect, cruelty and ambition becomes too heavy to bear, they must push against the constraints of their sex to carve new lives for themselves - and in doing so make waves that will ripple throughout the next three thousand years.Perfect for readers of Circe and Ariadne, Daughters of Sparta is a vivid and illuminating retelling of the Siege of Troy that tells the story of mythology's most vilified women from their own mouths at long last.Helen of Troy and her sister Klytemnestra are reimagined in this gorgeous retelling of the classic Greek myth - not as women defined by their husbands and lovers but as battle-weary survivors of a patriarchal society who take control of their own destiny. Absolutely riveting!' - Alka Joshi, New York Times bestselling author of The Henna Artist

Daughters of Sparta: A tale of secrets, betrayal and revenge from mythology's most vilified women

by Claire Heywood

The story of the Siege of Troy from the infamous Helen and her sister Klytemnestra's points of view - a tale of secrets, passion and revenge from the women behind mythology's most devastating war.Two sisters parted. Two women blamed. Two stories reclaimed.'Required reading for fans of Circe . . . a remarkable, thrilling debut' - Fiona Davis, New York Times bestselling author of The Lions of Fifth AvenueFor millennia, two women have been blamed for the fall of a mighty civilisation - but now it's time to hear their side of the story . . .As princesses of Sparta, Helen and Klytemnestra have known nothing but luxury and plenty. With their high birth and unrivalled beauty, they are the envy of all of Greece.Such privilege comes at a high price, though, and their destinies are not theirs to command. While still only girls they are separated and married off to legendary foreign kings Agamemnon and Menelaus, never to meet again. Their duty is now to give birth to the heirs society demands and be the meek, submissive queens their men expect.But when the weight of their husbands' neglect, cruelty and ambition becomes too heavy to bear, they must push against the constraints of their sex to carve new lives for themselves - and in doing so make waves that will ripple throughout the next three thousand years.Perfect for readers of Circe and Ariadne, Daughters of Sparta is a vivid and illuminating retelling of the Siege of Troy that tells the story of mythology's most vilified women from their own mouths at long last.Helen of Troy and her sister Klytemnestra are reimagined in this gorgeous retelling of the classic Greek myth - not as women defined by their husbands and lovers but as battle-weary survivors of a patriarchal society who take control of their own destiny. Absolutely riveting!' - Alka Joshi, New York Times bestselling author of The Henna Artist(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

The Shadow of Perseus

by Claire Heywood

History remembers him as a hero. But the women who knew him best remember a different man...Perseus grows up wanting to be a hero, but he cannot become one if his mother Danae still sees him as a boy. When his stepfather Polydektes casts him away on a voyage across the sea, Perseus is determined to fulfil the great destiny of the son of a god and the grandson of a king. But the line between heroism and monstrosity is thin, and when Perseus attempts to seduce first gentle Medusa and then beautiful Andromeda, before finally reuniting with Danae, they each learn of the dangers of resisting a boy prepared to risk it all for greatness . . .

The Shadow of Perseus: A compelling feminist retelling of the myth of Perseus told from the perspectives of the women who knew him best

by Claire Heywood

The myth of Perseus, told through the story of the three women who knew him best - his mother Danae, his wife Andromeda, and his victim, Medusa.History remembers him as a hero. But the women who knew him best remember a different man...Perseus grows up wanting to be a hero, but he cannot become one if his mother Danae still sees him as a boy. When his stepfather Polydektes casts him away on a voyage across the sea, Perseus is determined to fulfil the great destiny of the son of a god and the grandson of a king. But the line between heroism and monstrosity is thin, and when Perseus attempts to seduce first gentle Medusa and then beautiful Andromeda, before finally reuniting with Danae, they each learn of the dangers of resisting a boy prepared to risk it all for greatness . . .(p) 2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Simply Forever

by Sally Heywood

it was as if she'd never gone away When Flame had discovered Marlow Hudson's betrayal only a few weeks after their marriage, she'd fled to start a new life on her own. She'd left behind what she thought powerful, arrogant Marlow really wanted--her inheritance. Now her mother's ill health had forced Flame to return to Spain. For her mother's sake, Marlow insisted that their marriage continue--with everything that it entailed. Flame wanted to rebuild the marriage, but could Marlow really be trusted?

Daring Deception

by Brenda Hiatt

HE'D WON HER IN A GAME OF CARDS! Gavin Alexander, sixth Earl of Seabrooke, needed an heiress—fast! His newly acquired title came with a mountain of debts, and he was fast losing face with polite society. So when Thomas Chesterton offered his sister—and her fortune—to him in repayment of a gaming debt, Seabrooke thought his problems were over. Unfortunately, his betrothed, Miss Frederica Chesterton, was not one to go meekly to her fate. In desperation, Frederica infiltrated Lord Seabrooke's household, posing as an assistant housekeeper. While there, she unearthed two disturbing discoveries. Lord Seabrooke was guarding a secret. And Frederica was close to losing her heart in spite of it!

Innocent Passions

by Brenda Hiatt

Sheltered and studious, Rowena Riverstone can't wait to experience London for the first time. She especially looks forward to meeting many of the forward-thinking gentlemen whose opinions she has followed in the papers for years. But it is the mysterious and dashing Noel Paxton who stirs her senses, even as she mistrusts his motives in befriending her, a bluestocking spinster from the country. In his quest to expose a dangerous spy and traitor, Noel has taken on the persona of the legendary Saint of Seven Dials. When he meets Miss Riverstone, he is first distracted, then fascinated, for she is clearly more than she appears on the surface—but what? Merely a highly educated—and opinionated—innocent, or the very traitor he seeks? Finding out promises to be both dangerous and delicious. But will his heart be at even greater risk than his life?

A Rebellious Bride

by Brenda Hiatt

How, without a moment's forethought, could stunning. Miss Quinn Peverill be engaged to be married to a man she barely knows? Lord Marcus Northrop is handsome and daring, and doubtless a prize for any willing maid. But all it takes is a small series of mishaps and a whiff of scandal, and suddenly this stranger is her groom-to-be! Marcus cannot possibly marry! It would interfere with his life. Still, there is something to be said for this sensuous, headstrong lady -- and the desire she enflames within him simply cannot be ignored. What he doesn't know is that Quinn guards secrets of her own -- and shares with him a lust for perilous adventure. But will this passion be enough to join two dangerous double lives when neither Quinn nor Marcus dares to love?

Rogue's Honor

by Brenda Hiatt

Lady Pearl Moreston would first sacrifice her virtue and live life as a chambermaid before she'd acquiesce to her stepmother's demands and wed overbred Lord Bellowsworth! In fact, posing as a maid is precisely what Pearl does to escape her fate -- a deception that could prove disastrous for the impetuous bluestocking. Luckily, Luke St. Clair comes to her rescue. Now here is a man worth losing one's innocence to: strong, dashing, daring, worldly...and nary a drop of noble blood in him! Luke is intrigued by this minx who seems unusually knowing for her tender years...and whose intoxicating beauty makes him light-headed in her presence. But Luke is not the adventurer the winsome Pearl believes him to be. And though her soft, succulent lips are begging to be kissed, Luke is honor-bound to never reveal to her his true identity. Yet how long can passion's flames be restrained before two delightful deceivers are forced to drop their masks and surrender to the sweet, sensual fire?

The Runaway Heiress

by Brenda Hiatt

For the past three years, Dina Moore has lived as a virtual prisoner of her bullying brother, Silas. Though they share custody of their estate, their parents' will decreed that if Dina reaches the age of twenty–one unmarried then her half of the inheritance will revert to her brother. Since Silas has already gambled away his half of the fortune, he is determined that Dina shall never marry! Dina, by no means a passive victim, learns of her brother's plans and runs away with a vague plan of marrying a kind stranger. Instead, she prevents the marriage between a fortune hunter and a naïve heiress. When the heiress' grateful brother, Grant Turpin, discovers that his sister was saved by Dina, he offers her his gratitude. Dina, naturally, tells him that she would prefer his hand in marriage. Never one to turn his back on anyone or anything that needs help, Grant reluctantly agrees ã ¬ittle did they expect that this marriage of convenience would turn so quickly into a marriage of passion ...

Scandalous Virtue

by Brenda Hiatt

What You See Sheltered and more than a little naïve, Lady Nessa Haughton was raised to be a model of English virtue. But beneath the inexperienced young widow's prim yet exquisitely beautiful exterior beats a willful heart longing for a taste of wickedness that would shock her proper sister and the rest of London Society. Isn't Always The new Marquis of Foxhaven, dashing Jack Ashecroft, is England's most revered war heros and its most notorious hellion. Though he's inherited his beloved grandfather's title, Jack must reform his rakish ways to gain his fortune. Vowing to earn respectability, he sets out to find a proper wife--a woman above reproach who can redeem his reputation. What You Get Irresistibly drawn together, Nessa and Jack each seem to be exactly what the other wants--or so they think. Will their mutual attraction lead to true love, or irreparable ruin for them both?

Taming Tessa

by Brenda Hiatt

The Lady Will Not Be Broken ... With soft whispers and a gentle touch, Tessa Seaton can tame the wildest beasts. The daughter of an impoverished baronet, controlled by an unscrupulous uncle, her remarkable talent for calming and riding unbroken horses makes her a valuable asset, though she dreams of independence and stables of her own one day. Then Lord Anthony Northrup unexpectedly gallops into her life. ... The Gentleman Will Not Be Deterred At first, Anthony is shocked and angered by the fetching maid who fools unsuspecting souls into purchasing unsuitable steeds. But when he realizes Tessa acts out of love, the dashing nobleman is enchanted. He must release the remarkable lady somehow from her distasteful servitude and have her to cherish forever. But Tessa is no damsel in distress and she will not be tamed; rather, it is she who must set Anthony's heart free with her unique gift and passionate fire.

Wickedly Yours

by Brenda Hiatt

The ton is abuzz over the arrival of Sarah Killian, a stunning stranger who shrouds her past in mystery. And no one is more intrigued than Lord Peter Northrup. The handsome rake wants to know everything about this enigmatic beauty who has so enflamed his curiosity and desire. But the enchantress guards her secrets well, even as she pulls him into a world of danger any self-respecting gentleman would be well advised to avoid. Penniless and dependent on haughty London relatives, Sarah is nevertheless determined to find her missing brother, a search that is leading her into the realm of the legendary hero-thief, the Saint of Seven Dials. She could desperately use the help of Peter Northrup, the dashing "Prince Charming" whose seductive sensuality she finds irresistible. But can she trust this man with the truth, let alone with her heart ... especially when she is forced to assume the identity of London's most notorious criminal?


by Shelby Hiatt

I lie in bed and study the shadows on my ceiling, leafy and stretched oblong, not so different from the ones in Dayton. I try to work out what I feel about this new place, think I'll never fall asleep. Then the scent of Mother's Dayton soap in the sheets blurs me and I'm anesthetized into deep, dark Panama night. She is fifteen, ready for something-- anything--to happen. What happens is Panama. The U.S. government has asked her father to help build the Canal. The whole family will go, be a part of this historical event. But Panama isn't as she imagines. Americans live in the Zone, which has been designed to look and feel just like an American town. She wants more. She wants different. The fantasy is out there. She'll find it.

Act Your Age, Eve Brown: the perfect feel good romcom for 2021 (The\brown Sisters Ser. #3)

by Talia Hibbert

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! 'Talia Hibbert is a rockstar! Her writing is smart, funny, and sexy' Meg CabotOne of POPSUGAR's 42 Books Everyone Will Be Talking About in 2021, Marie Claire's 10 Best New Romances of 2021, and Oprah Mag's Most Anticipated Romances of 2021!In New York Times bestselling author Talia Hibbert's newest romcom, the flightiest Brown sister crashes into the life of an uptight B&B owner and has him falling hard - literally. Perfect for fans of Sally Thorne, Jasmine Guillory and Helen Hoang!Eve Brown is a certified hot mess. No matter how hard she strives to do right, her life always goes horribly wrong - so she's given up trying. But when her personal brand of chaos ruins a wedding, her parents draw the line. It's time for Eve to grow up and prove herself - even though she's not entirely sure how...Jacob Wayne is always in control. The uptight B&B owner expects nothing less than perfection from his employees, so when a purple-haired tornado of a woman applies for his open chef position, he tells her the brutal truth: not a chance in hell. Then she hits him with her car - supposedly by accident.Now his arm is broken, his B&B is understaffed, and the dangerously unpredictable Eve is fluttering around, trying to help. Before long, she's infiltrated his work, his kitchen - and his spare bedroom. Sunny, chaotic Eve is his natural-born nemesis, but the longer these two enemies spend in close quarters, the more their animosity turns into something else...Find out why readers love Talia Hibbert'A worthy, unforgettable conclusion to one of the best romantic comedy series out there, Act Your Age, Eve Brown packs an emotional punch and simultaneously soothes the soul - and proves that this truly is Talia Hibbert's world and we're all grateful that we get to live in it' The Nerd Daily'Funny, sexy and intensely romantic' Lucy Parker, author of The Austen Playbook'I loved every page' Helen Hoang'Clever, sweet, sexy and brilliant' Carrie Ann Ryan, New York Times bestselling author'So so so so good' Andie J. Christopher, USA Today bestselling author of Not the Girl You Marry'A pure exuberant delight. I loved this book... Exactly what a romance should be' KJ Charles, author of Proper English'[An] awesome book, so full of heart and warmth and feels!' Charlotte Stein, author of Never Sweeter'A thrilling, life-altering adventure that will keep readers riveted... Best of all, the romance is sizzling hot. This contemporary is a page-turning winner' Publishers Weekly

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