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Velvet Thunder (Heartfire)

by Teresa Howard

Stevie Johns had seen her Comanche mother die in childbirth. Now a vicious white enemy had driven Stevie and her father off their land. How could she trust the mysterious man in black who just appeared out of nowhere a devilish stranger whose sapphire eyes seemed to see right into her soul? Lean and rugged, he offered his help, risking life itself to protect her. Though Stevie could never give her heart, she could not resist his tender embrace.He called himself Lucky Diamond. More at home with a deck of cards than a six-shooter, Heath Turner had lived through the worst of the Civil War. Now the rugged U.S. marshal had left his native New York behind to bring justice to the New Mexico Territory. But from the moment he rode into Adobe Wells and set eyes on Stevie Johns, Heath knew he'd found the woman he'd want forever. Let her fight him with all the passion blazing in her soul, he was determined to win Stevie's heart and heal the pain of the past with the rapturous promise of love.

Wings of Love

by Teresa Howard

He's An Angel Of A Man. . . Dr. Gray Ingram isn't himself lately. Literally. His body has been taken over by John A--as in angel. A Civil War soldier, John has come back to earth on a rescue mission: to stop Dr. Charlotte Charlie Brooks from marrying a real devil. . . She's A Hell Of A Woman. . . Charlie cannot believe her dismal track record with men. But just when she decides to abandon romance, along comes Dr. Gray Ingram. He's so sinfully handsome, he's almost divine. And he's deliciously protective. Little does Charlie know Gray is protecting her from marrying an actual fallen angel--even if he must wed her himself. Can their marriage ever be more than a spiritual union? Anything is possible when two people fall in love. . . 145,000 Words

Wings of Love

by Teresa Howard

He's An Angel Of A Man. . .Dr. Gray Ingram isn't himself lately. Literally. His body has been taken over by John "A"--as in angel. A Civil War soldier, John has come back to earth on a rescue mission: to stop Dr. Charlotte "Charlie" Brooks from marrying a real devil. . .She's A Hell Of A Woman. . .Charlie cannot believe her dismal track record with men. But just when she decides to abandon romance, along comes Dr. Gray Ingram. He's so sinfully handsome, he's almost divine. And he's deliciously protective. Little does Charlie know Gray is protecting her from marrying an actual fallen angel--even if he must wed her himself. Can their marriage ever be more than a spiritual union? Anything is possible when two people fall in love. . .145,000 Words

Yesterday's Promise

by Teresa Howard

A Passionate VisionHistory professor Serena Brooks fears for her sanity. She has moved back into her ancestral Virginia home-only to be haunted by visions in which she is dressed like her great-grandmother. . . and being courted by a Confederate soldier. What's unsettling is how those long-ago images seem to feel more real each time she dreams them. . . A Dream Come TrueIn a time of age-old chivalry, Serena is engaged to a handsome Confederate officer Captain Logan Sheridan. As the fires of Civil War consume the South, a burning passion ignites between them. But Serena feels there is too much distance between them. Worse, she could lose Logan forever. . . unless she can find a way to keep their love as timeless as forever. . . 100,000 Words

Yesterday's Promise

by Teresa Howard

A Passionate VisionHistory professor Serena Brooks fears for her sanity. She has moved back into her ancestral Virginia home-only to be haunted by visions in which she is dressed like her great-grandmother... and being courted by a Confederate soldier. What's unsettling is how those long-ago images seem to feel more real each time she dreams them. . . A Dream Come TrueIn a time of age-old chivalry, Serena is engaged to a handsome Confederate officer Captain Logan Sheridan. As the fires of Civil War consume the South, a burning passion ignites between them. But Serena feels there is too much distance between them. Worse, she could lose Logan forever...unless she can find a way to keep their love as timeless as forever. . .100,000 Words

Friends & Fauxs

by Tracie Howard

Tracie Howard is back with all the Gucci, glitz, and glamour in this steamy follow-up to her smash hit GOLD DIGGERS!

Gold Diggers: A Novel

by Tracie Howard

Paulette, Gillian, and Reese are three gold diggers who have dollar signs in their eyes and gold digging in their DNA. Lauren is Paulette’s pampered cousin who never fails to remind Paulette of how different their lives have always been—Lauren the daughter of wealthy black urbanites and Paulette the daughter of the family black sheep who married “beneath her family pedigree.” Paulette will stop at nothing—not even sleeping with her cousin Lauren’s husband—to gain the social status she feels she rightfully deserves. Gillian is a second-generation gold digger and, having learned from the best, strategically sleeps her way to Hollywood—but does she have the talent to be a lasting star? Reese is a career basketball groupie turned NBA trophy wife, and she wears it well, taking advantage of everything her new position affords; but when she finds out that DL may be more than just her husband’s best friend’s initials, she may be forced to realize that all that glitters isn’t gold. The stunningly beautiful, well-bred, but naïve Lauren is the secret envy of her friends. She seems to have all the creature comforts money can buy, but when she’s confronted with a crisis of her own, just how will she respond?

60 Days of Pleasure (Days of Pleasure Series #6)

by Vanessa Howard

Determined to give Alicia Mitchell the love that she longs for, NBA-star Dallas Avery whisks her away on exciting adventures around the world.Dallas let his heart dictate their journey to Seattle and allows the Emerald City to work its magic on Alicia. Until civil unrest involving the indigenous people collides with a dirty politician’s plans to use city funds to cover personal debts. A chance meeting with Yuma, a tribal chief’s son, creates an opportunity for Dallas to make a difference for those whose voices have been silenced. When an altercation with the police develops after Dallas and Alicia assist a homeless woman, Yuma’s tribe is forced to shift gears and protect the couple.Can Dallas keep the love of his life safe, and will the civil unrest drive a permanent wedge between them?ABOUT THE DAYS OF PLEASURE SERIESEach Pleasures book is a standalone, NO cliffhangersUSA TODAY, and National Bestselling Authors take you on amazing journey with NBA Basketball Star, Dallas Avery, and Alicia Mitchell, a woman who is as mysterious as she is beautiful.Follow this unlikely couple as they travel to exotic places such as Paris, Durabia, Caribbean, Scotland and many others. Each story embroils them in a new set of challenges and adventure as they navigate their way to love.Book 1–10 Days of Pleasure by Stephanie M. FreemanBook 2–20 Days of Pleasure by J. L. CampbellBook 3–30 Days of Pleasure by Sierra KayBook 4–40 Days of Pleasure by Martha Kennerson and Stephanie M. FreemanBook 5–50 Days of Pleasure by Anita L. Roseboro and Michelle D. RayfordBook 6–60 Days of Pleasure by VanessaBook 7–70 Days of Pleasure by Christine PaulsBook 8–80 Days of Pleasure by Aiken PonderBook 9–90 Days of Pleasure by Marie L. McKenzie and Naleighna KaiBook 10—Open Door Marriage by Naleighna Kai

Alliance de mensonges

by Victoria Howard

Par une nuit pluvieuse comme l’Angleterre en connaît tant, Daniel Elliott trouve la mort, seul au volant de sa voiture. Grace, sa femme, est anéantie. Et même si leur mariage n’était pas parfait, Grace ne se résout pas à affronter l’avenir sans lui. Elle découvre bientôt qu'elle connaissait mal son mari. Des secrets sont révélés : un nom d’emprunt, une étrange liste de chiffres, une maison en Floride, et une maîtresse qui est la copie conforme de Grace. Terrifiée mais déterminée, elle s’envole pour la Floride. Elle est traquée par la pègre… et par cette autre femme. A son grand étonnement, le bel agent du FBI, Jack West, accepte de se charger de l’affaire. Grace et lui ont autrefois vécu une histoire. Et bien qu’elle s’y refuse, elle tombe à nouveau amoureuse de lui. Le danger les guette à chaque tournant tandis que Grace et Jack naviguent dans les eaux troubles du crime du sud de la Floride pour découvrir la vérité qui se cache derrière l'Alliance de mensonges.

Anillo de Mentiras: Desentraña los Secretos, la Mentira, y el Engaño

by Victoria Howard

Daniel Elliott fallece en un accidente automovilístico en una lluviosa noche inglesa. Su esposa, Grace, está afligida por el dolor. A pesar de que su matrimonio fue imperfecto, a la Grace protegida no le entusiasmaba estar sola en el futuro. Pronto aprende cuan poco sabía acerca de Daniel. Hay secretos: un alias, una lista extraña de números, una casa en Florida – una amante que es el retrato vivo de Grace. Aterrada pero decidida, toma un vuelo a Florida. Figuras del inframundo la persiguen…al igual que la otra mujer. Para su sorpresa, el guapo hombre del FBI, Jack West, toma el caso. Grace tiene un pasado con el agente que está aquejado de problemas. A pesar de sus esfuerzos, ella se encuentra enamorándose de él otra vez. Con el peligro alrededor de cada esquina, Grace y Jack navegan el mundo criminal de Florida Sur para encontrar la verdad detrás del Anillo de Mentiras.

La Casa sobre la Orilla

by Victoria Howard

Anna MacDonald, con el corazón roto, deja Edinburgh para encontrar la paz al final de un lago escocés. Instalada de forma segura en la cabaña de su difunta abuela, finalmente puede sanar su corazón y escribir la novela que ardió dentro de ella por muchos años. Su paz es de corta duración. Cuando el yate del elegante artista, Luke Tallantyre, se queda varado en el lago, él busca ayuda en la residencia más cercana – la cabaña de Anna. Ella, lo encuentra irritante. A él, le disgusta la maravillosa pero fastidiosa ermitaña. Pero hay una evidencia indiscutible de que un sicario está al acecho en el pueblo. ¿Está buscando a Anna? ¿Y qué es lo que Luke le está ocultando que podría agravar el peligro? Contra su voluntad, unen fuerzas y se embarcan en una aventura jamás imaginada… dando la oportunidad al verdadero amor.

Drei Wochen im letzten Frühjahr

by Victoria Howard

Friday Harbor, eine malerische Kleinstadt im pazifischen Nordwesten, ist ein Zufluchtsort für Fischer und Segler. Für Skye Dunbar ist es ein Ort, an dem sie den Schmerz eines gebrochenen Herzens überwinden und ihr Leben wieder in den Griff bekommen kann. Als sie eine Hütte an der Küste mietet, ist das Letzte, womit sie rechnet, dass sie des Computer-Hackings beschuldigt wird. Jedediah Walker untersucht die toten Meeresbewohner, die an den Stränden der Insel angespült wurden. Als er entdeckt, dass die Fische eine hohe Konzentration giftiger Chemikalien enthalten, vermutet er, dass jemand sie absichtlich in den Puget Sound entsorgt hat. Schnell zieht er voreilige Schlüsse und vermutet, dass die rothaarige Frau, die seine Hütte gemietet hat, etwas damit zu tun hat. Skye versucht, ihn zu ignorieren, aber die Not bringt sie zusammen, als sie versuchen, die Verantwortlichen für diese Umweltkatastrophe zu finden.

En Ring av Lögner: Uppdaga hemligheterna, lögnerna och sveken

by Victoria Howard

En regnig engelsk natt dör Daniel Elliott i en bilolycka. Hans fru, Grace, är förkrossad. Även om deras äktenskap inte var perfekt ser inte Grace, en kvinna skyddad från verkilgheten, inte fram emot att tillbringa framtiden ensam. Hon inser snabbt hur lite hon faktsikt kände Daniel. Det finns så många hemligheter: Ett alias, en märklig nummerlista, ett hem i Florida - och en älskarinna som som ser ut precis som Grace. Skräckslagen men beslutsam flyger hon till Florida. Den undre världen förföljer henne...liksom den andra kvinnan. Till hennes förvåning tar den stilige mannen Jack West vid FBI sig an fallet. Grace och den sinnestyngde mannen har historia tillsammans. Trots hennes bästa ansträngningar finner hon att hon på nytt faller för honom. Med fara runt varje krök navigerar Grace och Jack södra Floridas kriminella värld i sitt sökande efter sanningen bakom En ring av lögner.

La Casa sulla Spiaggia: Un angolo di pace o...un luogo da brivido

by Victoria Howard

Reduce da una delusione d’amore, Anna MacDonald decide di abbandonare Edimburgo e di trasferirsi sulle sponde di un fiordo scozzese. Lontana da tutto e da tutti, nel tranquillo cottage della sua defunta nonna, può finalmente guarire le sue ferite e gettarsi a capofitto nella stesura del romanzo che, per anni, aveva lasciato in un cassetto. La pace non durerà a lungo. Quando a bordo del suo yacht Luke Tallantyre, un artista di fama, rimane bloccato nel loch, va in cerca di aiuto e bussa alla porta della prima abitazione che incontra: quella di Anna. Lei è infastidita da quella presenza. Lui, sin da subito, trova quell’eremita uno schianto, ma eccessivamente irritabile. Nel frattempo, al villaggio, affiorano tracce inconfutabili sulla presenza di un assassino. Sarà Anna la prossima vittima? E cosa nasconde Luke per mettere ancora di più a repentaglio la sua vita? Controvoglia, uniranno le loro forze e si imbarcheranno in un’avventura incredibile che consentirà loro di trovare… il vero amore.

La maison sur la côte

by Victoria Howard

La terreur s'invite dans une vallée d'Ecosse isolée. Anna MacDonald, en pleine déception amoureuse, quitte Edimbourg pour trouver la paix au bord d'un lac écossais. Cloîtrée dans le cottage de feu sa grand-mère, elle peut enfin cicatriser ses plaies et écrire le roman qui brûle en elle depuis des années. Sa tranquillité n'est que de courte durée. Quand le yacht du bel artiste Luke Tallantyre reste bloqué sur le lac, il part demander de l'aide dans la maison la plus proche. La maison d'Anna. Elle le trouve agaçant. Il déteste immédiatement la belle mais néanmoins revêche ermite. Très vite, la preuve est faite qu'un tueur à gages rôde dans le village. Anna est-elle sa cible ? Et que peut bien lui cacher Luke qui pourrait augmenter le danger ? Contre leur gré, tous deux unissent leurs forces et s'engagent dans une aventure qu'ils n'auraient jamais imaginée - et qui pourrait bien les mener vers un amour absolu.

Ring Av Løgner

by Victoria Howard

Daniel Elliott blir drept når han krasjer bilen sin en regnfull, engelsk natt. Hans kone, Grace er tynget av sorg. Ekteskapet deres var ikke perfekt, men skjermede Grace gruer seg til en fremtid alene. Hun finner snart ut hvor lite hun egentlig visste om Daniel. Hemmeligheter, et dekknavn, en merkelig rekke med tall, et hus i Florida – og en elskerinne som kunne være Graces dobbeltgjenger. Livredd men allikevel målbevisst, flyr hun til Florida. Forbrytere i underverdenen følger etter henne og det gjør også den andre kvinnen. Til hennes forbauselse, tar den kjekke FBI mannen Jack West saken. Grace har en fortid med den problematiske agenten. Til tross for at hun kjemper imot, faller hun nok en gang for Jacks sjarm. Med fare rundt hvert hjørne, må Grace og Jack navigere den kriminelle verden i sør Florida for å finne sannheten bak Ring av Løgner.

Ring der Lügen

by Victoria Howard

In einer verregneten englischen Nacht kommt Daniel Elliot bei einem Unfall mit einem Auto ums Leben. Seine Frau Grace ist außer sich vor Trauer. Obwohl ihre Ehe unvollkommen war, sieht die behütete Grace die Zukunft nicht gerne allein. Bald erfährt sie, wie wenig sie über Daniel wusste. Es gibt Geheimnisse: einen Decknamen, eine seltsame Liste von Nummern, ein Haus in Florida - und eine Geliebte, die Grace zum Verwechseln ähnlich sieht. Verängstigt, aber entschlossen, fliegt sie nach Florida. Figuren aus der Unterwelt stellen ihr nach ... und auch die andere Frau. Zu ihrer Überraschung übernimmt der gut aussehende FBI-Mann Jack West den Fall. Grace hat eine Vergangenheit mit dem gestörten Agenten. Trotz ihrer Bemühungen verliebt sie sich immer wieder in ihn. Die Gefahr lauert hinter jeder Kurve und Grace und Jack navigieren durch die kriminelle Welt Südfloridas, um die Wahrheit hinter dem Ring der Lügen zu finden.

Tres Semanas La Ultima Primavera

by Victoria Howard

Friday Harbor es un pueblo pequeño y pintoresco en el Noroeste Pacífico, y un paraíso para los pescadores y regatistas. Para Skye Dunbar, es el lugar donde ella superará el dolor de un corazón roto, y donde recuperará su vida. Alquilando una cabaña al lado de la orilla, lo último que espera es ser acusada de hackear computadoras. Jedediah Walker está investigando los seres marinos muertos que son traídos a las playas por la marea. Cuando descubre que los peces contienen una concentración alta de químicos tóxicos, él sospecha que alguien está desechándolos deliberadamente en Puget Sound. Al ser rápido de llegar a conclusiones, sospecha que la mujer con cabello castaño rojizo que está alquilando su cabaña se encuentra involucrada de alguna manera. Skye intenta ignorarlo, pero la necesidad los junta al tener dificultades en encontrar los responsables de la atrocidad ambiental.

Trois Semaines Au Printemps Dernier

by Victoria Howard

Friday Harbor, un village pittoresque du Nord-ouest Pacifique, est le lieu de rendez-vous incontournable des pêcheurs et des plaisanciers. Pour Skye Dunbar, c’est l’endroit où elle peut surmonter la douleur de son cœur brisé et remettre sa vie sur les rails. Elle loue donc un bungalow sur la plage. Mais la dernière chose à laquelle elle s’attendait, c’était d’être accusée de piratage informatique. Jedediah Walker enquête sur la mort d’animaux marins retrouvés échoués sur les plages de l’île. Il découvre que les poissons contiennent une forte concentration de produits chimiques et envisage la possibilité que quelqu'un les déverse délibérément dans Puget Sound. Hâtif dans ses conclusions, il soupçonne la femme aux cheveux auburn qui lui loue son bungalow d’y être mêlée de près ou de loin. Skye tente de l’ignorer mais les circonstances les réunissent et, ensemble, ils feront tout pour découvrir les responsables de cette abomination écologique.

Un mes para seducir a una dama (Minstrel Valley #Volumen 6)

by Diane Howards

Continúa la rompedora serie de «Minstrel Valley», creada por catorce autoras de Selecta. Ambientada en la Inglaterra de la Regencia en un pequeño pueblo de Hertfordshire, descubrirás una historia llena de amor, aventuras y pasión. ¿A quién seguir cuando el corazón te grita que te enamores del joven apuesto que hace que la pasión despierte en cada poro de tu piel, pero la razón te dice que es otro el adecuado? Becca Grant ha decidido enamorarse del nuevo profesor de arte. Ese hombre debe ser el adecuado, pues es apuesto, culto y le hace sentir un ligera expectativa, así que se lanza a una serie de encuentros no tan casuales para llamar su atención. Pero en su camino se interpone el señor Miller, que se va a quedar en Minstrel Valley unas semanas y ha decidido hacer de ella su conquista, con él todo se convierten en deseo de aventura. Desde el momento en que Patrick ve a Becca el resto de mujeres dejan de existir. Tiene poco tiempo para hacerla suya así que se ve obligado a utilizar métodos# poco sofisticados para llamar su atención. Pero cuando la traición cae sobre su amada se da cuenta de que no todo vale en el amor y que si tiene que esperar toda una vida por ella, lo hará Porque cuando los sentimientos son verdaderos, el amor espera para siempre. Sobre la serie:Minstrel Valley es un proyecto novedoso, rompedor y sorprendente. Catorce mujeres que crean una serie de novelas gracias a una minuciosa organización que ha llevado tiempo y esfuerzo, pero que tiene su recompensa materializada en estas quince novelas que vamos a disfrutar a lo largo de esta temporada. Esta labor de comunicación entre ellas, el apoyo mutuo, la coordinación y coherencia no hubiese sido posible sin nuestras queridas autoras, que hacen visible que con cariño, tiempo robado a susmomentos de ocio, de descanso y de familia, confianza, paciencia, esmero y talento, todo sea posible. Desde Selecta os invitamos a adentraros en Minstrel Valley y que disfrutéis, tanto como nosotros, de esta maravillosa serie de regencia. Prólogo de Nieves Hidalgo en Si me lo pide el corazón (Minstrel Valley 1):«Serán novelas divertidas, románticas, dulces, plenas de sentimiento, con personajes que os enamorarán; hasta con leyenda incluida. Historias paridas por la imaginación de unas autoras merecedoras de elogio, no ya solo por su capacidad para ilusionarnos, su disposición a compartir sino, sobre todo, por la manera encomiable de aplicarse al trabajo para ofreceros lo mejor de sí mismas.»

Dust Off the Bones: A Novel

by Paul Howarth

"Dust Off the Bones is a terrific sequel to one of my favorite novels of the last few years and takes us in a new and wholly unexpected direction with many of our favorite characters from Only Killers and Thieves. Highly recommended." — Adrian McKinty, author of The Chain“A complex, sophisticated morality play….Fast-paced and brimming with colorful, realistic detail, DUST OFF THE BONES paints a vivid portrait of colonial Australia in the midst of its transition to independence as the 20th century begins while posing disturbing questions about the country’s historic cruelty to its native inhabitants.” — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)“Howarth’s sequel to Only Killers and Thieves is as searing and savage as the Australian frontier setting that both novels share…This masterly tale of trauma and retribution is more than worthy of the original.” — Publishers Weekly (starred review)“Rich and vivid….Recommended to readers of Kate Grenville, Peter Carey, and Colleen McCullough.” — Booklist“Engrossing….a riveting, action -packed tale of life in Australia between 1890 and 1910…[with] strong women characters.” — Library Journal (starred review)“An unsparing exploration of guilt and Australia’s violent origins and also a quest for redemption and peace. It is a measure of Howarth’s skill that the reader wants the McBride boys to reach their goals with such intensity that the book is almost too painful to read. Howarth has been compared to Cormac McCarthy; this pair of books shows the comparison is deserved.” — The Times (London)“The villainous Inspector Edward Noone is one of the most compelling antagonists in recent historical fiction…It is testament to Howarth’s skill as a writer that his narrative both engages and challenges in its accomplished depiction of a brutal and violent age.” — The Guardian“A gripping tale of adventure [and] a moving account of redemption”. — Sunday Times (London)

Adoniram Judson: Danger On The Streets Of Gold (Trail Blazers)

by Irene Howat

Even when Adoniram abandoned his belief in God and travelled far from him loving family, God had plans to bring him home and then send him to the other side of the world - to Burma. He was to become America's first overseas missionary - a story brimful of romance, intrigue and some dangerous pirates.

The Heartbreaker (St. Benet's Trilogy #3)

by Susan Howatch

Deftly combining the sacred and the profane--the unmistakable hallmark of her fiction over the past decade--Susan Howatch gives us a spellbinding, suspenseful and psychologically intense new novel.The financial heart of London--the City--is an adrenaline-charged square mile deep in recession in the 1990s, a place where sex is just another commodity to be bought and sold in the marketplace. And the City is where the life of Gavin Blake, who sells sex to high flyers, is finally about to unravel.In the center of the City is St. Benet's, a church that ministers to the casualties of this affluent but amoral society. Carta Graham, the St. Benet's fundraiser, is at once attracted to Gavin when they meet through a mutual friend, but slowly she realizes that she has entered a relationship far more complex than she could ever have imagined.Gavin is desperate to escape from his world of prostitution, pornography and violence, but as his involvement with Carta and St. Benet's deepens, the dangers that encircle him escalate until his life itself is on the line. Carta is determined to help him--but will their mysterious journey together be lifesaving or soul-destroying? All she can do is fight her hardest to help Gavin survive.Consistently surprising and powerfully moving, The Heartbreaker is Susan Howatch's most gripping novel yet.From the Hardcover edition.

The High Flyer: A Novel (St. Benet's Trilogy #2)

by Susan Howatch

Successful London lawyer Carter Graham has power, sex appeal, and a well-ordered life. Everything has gone according to plan, including her recent marriage to Kim Betz, an investment banker with the right combination of looks and position. On the surface it appears to be a match made in heaven. The only problem is Kim's ex-wife. Sophie begins to follow Carter like a shadow, making outrageous claims about Kim's involvement in the occult. Convincing herself that Sophie is mad, Carter moves ahead with her life. But something is amiss--and as Sophie's stories are corroborated by other unwelcome disclosures from Kim's past, Carter is thrown into a terrifying web of suspicion and betrayal, pushing her sanity to the edge. In desperation, Carter seeks help from Nicholas Darrow, the charismatic priest of St. Benet's Healing Center. Though a religious skeptic, Carter hopes to stem the tide of darkness that threatens to envelop her life--and begins a compelling journey into the very nature of good and evil, wisdom and redemption.

Otter And Odder: A Love Story

by James Howe Chris Raschka

The day Otter found love, he wasn’t looking for it. He was looking for dinner. But then he gazed into the round, sweet, glistening eyes of Myrtle the fish, and he knew. "Impossible," he said. "I am in love with my food source." As for Myrtle, her first desire was: Please don’t eat me. But soon her heart awakened to a future she could never have imagined. The inseparable duo played hide-and-seek and told each other stories, but everyone said that was not the way of the otter. Could their love (and Myrtle) possibly survive? Aided by Chris Raschka’s illustrations in a fresh faux-naïf style, James Howe tells a warm, witty tale about finding kindred spirits in the oddest of places-and having the good sense to keep them.

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